Lucifer is NOT Satan...
3 ай бұрын
@Brent-br1dm 2 минут бұрын
Satan doesn’t rule hell, common misconception that has no biblical basis. This dude clearly hates Christ, and takes truths and twists them. Don’t even take it with a grain of salt, even if it’s bland and needs it.
@yourssincerely442 2 минут бұрын
Not only descendants of Seth survived the flood. That is a big misunderstanding which makes people gullible in their believes.
@octaviodovalle6550 11 минут бұрын
This is some mind blowing stuff!
@DeeBee000 28 минут бұрын
😌😌♥️♥️♥️ we are god pretending that we're not ♥️♥️ !! Your videos I always think can’t get better but the messages are always just so good. I love that you mentioned about not inflating your ego over it either. 🫂 And the whole Worry not because you've done it before and you can do it again and you will again♥️♥️♥️ and that you are everything! So these small sadness these small struggles that seem huge are just...nothing compared to you.
@cherylfansler1133 45 минут бұрын
Please continue! Thank you!
@majaOLee 47 минут бұрын
Thank you, I would love to see more of these videos.
@Wildflower_Sage 48 минут бұрын
The biggest blow is knowing my mother can't be saved from the Archons. I tried to speak my truth to her. It's no use she's far gone.
@yourssincerely442 50 минут бұрын
144000 have already been chosen a long time ago in the time of the Roman empire, what these chapters of revelation are talking about. Revelation has a timetable. It is not ALL playing out right now, but it played out from then till now.
@kingskid1985 51 минут бұрын
I think this is the most terrifying yet liberating Truth we can ever realize…
@Drottteve 53 минут бұрын
Phenomenal lecture!
@rickyf3448 Сағат бұрын
Keep em coming.
@91GMC_5YKLON3 Сағат бұрын
Religion is just a control system and monetary gain on false pretences
@hopemokaya Сағат бұрын
How does the Mathematical view tie in: 1. Awareness: what function or equation equals the ability to experience self? Is mathematics personal or impersonal? 2. Dreams (and astral realms): How can we imagine/experience a reality beyond natural (mathematical) law? - Are there holes where the mathematics doesn't apply or chooses to behave differently? 3. Morality: How does judgment arise in an already harmonized system? 4. Free will 5. Errors/Mistakes/Chaos: How are they possible in an underlying system of unbendable order?
@bryanditmore4219 2 сағат бұрын
I like to read books. Knowledge,perspectives,research,study. Clicky bate. Thelema came from the dawn crowley. 4 angles 4 post, the taurus,torodial...visca pices . The church,philosophers,many institutions and dividuals have put much study in all of these thise....use the resources we have availble......thousands of years very intelligent, very spiritual, engergetic people have composed sooooo much legitimate knowledge read a book. This click bate is kool to hook your interest, go deeper...stay away from a milkion little clicks
@tacticaltradingpennystocks7206 2 сағат бұрын
You are a liar my feminine friend. This verse in ALL 3 synoptic Gospels occurs immediately prior to the Mount of transfiguration, where Moses & Elijah appear with Christ in his heavenly glory before the inner circle of Peter James & John. I would suggest becoming more informed prior to uttering lies and blaspheming The Lord.
@chandrababubabu8817 2 сағат бұрын
[*FAQ (10): Differentiate between the terms "Word of God," "Word," "Sword," and "Double-edged Sword" as mentioned in the Bible. According to the Bible, the "Word of God," also referred to as the "Word" or the "two-edged sword," is understood as the divine Spirit originating from God, which can be interpreted as either God's Spirit or Jesus' Spirit. Believers are to carefully consider the context in which these terms are used in the Bible verses. For instance, Top of Form. a) 'WORD OF GOD' AND “WORD”: 1. The Scriptures are commonly known as the 'Word of God,' described in Scripture itself as God's Spirit or 'God-breathed,' and acknowledged as words of divine inspiration (2 Timothy 3:16-17, Hebrews 4:12). In these passages, "Word of God" denotes God's Spirit. 2. The word of God as “living and effective, sharper than any two-edged sword, penetrating even between soul and spirit, joints and marrow, and able to discern reflections and thoughts of the heart (Hebrews 4:12) where the term “Word of God” signifies Scripture or God’s Spirit. 3. God’s word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path (Psalm 119:105) 4. The Word (Jesus) was with God, and the Word (Jesus) was God (John 1:1) in heaven, where the term "Word" signifies Jesus’ Spirit. 5. Jesus Christ is referred to as the 'Word of God' (Revelation 19:13, John 1:1), existing as a Spirit (2 Corinthians 3:17-18) in heaven, where the term "Word" of God signifies Jesus’ Spirit. 6. The “Words” I have spoken to you are spirit and they are life” (John 6:63), where the term “Words” signifies God’s Spirit. 7. The Word (Jesus) is described as a life-giving spirit (1 Corinthians 15:45) that is living and active (Hebrews 4:12), with the term "Word” signifying Jesus’ Spirit. 8. “The Spirit gives eternal life, the flesh counts for nothing” (John 6:63), where the term "Spirit" signifies Jesus’ Spirit. 9. Jesus drove out an evil spirit with a “Word” and healed all who were sick( Mathew 8:16) , where the term “Word ” signifies God’s Spirit. 10. The “Word” Spirit of Jesus Christ is also God in heaven (John 1:1). 11. However , Spirits of demons will come out of False Prophet (Revelation 16:13-14). Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world. This is how you can recognize the Spirit of God: Every spirit that acknowledges that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God, but every spirit that does not acknowledge Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you have heard is coming and even now is already in the world (1John4:1-3). He will oppose and will exalt himself over everything that is called God or is worshiped, so that he sets himself up in God’s temple, proclaiming himself to be God (2 Thessalonians 2:4) b) SWORD OR DOUBLE EDGED SWORD: 1. The two-edged sword refers to the Word of God (Hebrews 4:12), where the term “Word of God” signifies God’s Spirit. 2. A Sharp two edged sword came out of Jesus’ mouth (Revelation 1:16), where the term “two edged sword” signifies God’s spirit. 3. The two-edged sword refers to the Word of God (Hebrews 4:12) where the term “two edged sword” signifies God’s spirit. 4. Repent therefore! Otherwise, I will soon come to you and will fight against them with the sword of my mouth (Revelation 2:16) where the term “sword” signifies God’s spirit. 5. And to the angel of the church in Pergamum write: ‘The words of him who has the sharp two-edged sword (Revelation 2:12), where the term “two edged sword” signifies God’s spirit. 6. And take the helmet of salvation, and the Sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God (Ephesians 6:17). In this verse, "Word of God" or Sword denotes God's Spirit. [“SWORD” is not physical sword but is a metaphor explaining the “Word of God” or
@scottk1525 2 сағат бұрын
I would definitely appreciate more videos on techniques and methods. All the abstract talk about higher consciousness and what not is very interesting, but until we can learn how to actually achieve it, it's basically just wishful thinking.
@chandrababubabu8817 2 сағат бұрын
Christians before debating please read the following and answers to FAQ THE CHRISTIAN FAITH, WORSHIP AND BIBILICAL CONCEPT OF TRINITY [Including clarifications on criticisms raised by unbelievers about Christianity] A. PART (1) Christian faith and Worship, based on 1st Century Christians true Spiritual worship : Christians worship a God who possesses a spiritual nature, residing in heaven, uncreated, and entirely distinct from any deity characterized by a physical nature. God is a SPIRIT, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth (John 4:24). God is Spirit (John 4:24), and Jesus (the Word) is Spirit (2 Corinthians 3:17-18). They co-exist in heaven as one God (SPIRIT), the immortal, eternal, invisible, omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient, infinite, and unlimited by any dimensions of time or space. [Reasons: Jesus said “God is in me and I am in God” (John10:38, John 14:10-11) and “God and I are one” (John10:30) which are same as “Word (Jesus) was with God and Word (Jesus) was God” (John1:1), (ii)“Word” of God is the Spirit of Jesus Christ (Revelation 19:13, John1:1)]. So in heaven God and Word (Jesus) are one and the same God.[Reasons: Jesus said “God and I are one” (John10:30) and Word (Jesus) was God” (John1:1)]. That is why Christians worship Jesus Christ as God. The Holy Spirit (Helper) (John 14:16, John 15:26) who is also "the Spirit" (John 14:17, John 15:26) is with God. There are many angels who are spirits in heaven to serve God (Hebrews 1:14). Bible says the God in heaven pours down on earth (Acts 2:17-18, Isaiah 44:3, John7:38-39, Acts2:1-13) “His own spirit” (Romans 8:9&11, 1Corinthians 3:16, Isaiah 11:2, Joel 2:28-29, Haggai 2:5), “Lord’s or Jesus’ Spirit” (2Corinthians 3:17-18, Romans 8:9) and “Holy Spirit” (2Timothy 1:14)] (Trinitarian Spirits) , who are dwelling with Christians. B. Part (2) Brief description on Jesus’s descension from heaven, crucifixion, death, resurrection and ascension to heaven. Spirit -Word (Jesus) is a word of God who was sinless, carried Sins of all mankind (2corinthians 5:21) and was separated from God (Isaiah59:2) and came to the world through the Holy Spirit in flesh and blood in human form. Subsequent to crucifixion, death and resurrection, He lived for 40days in this world (Acts1:3). Then He was transformed in SPIRIT form [Jesus is “SPIRIT” (2Corinthians 3:17-18)], ascended to heaven and merged with God and currently they co-exist as one God (SPIRIT) in heaven. [Note : The prophesied coming of the Spirit of Jesus Christ, referred to as the 'Word' in John 1:14 -“The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us”- was clearly foretold by the Prophet Zechariah in 12:10 : “I will pour out on the house of David and the inhabitants of Jerusalem a spirit of grace and supplication. They will look on me, the one they have pierced”] [Merging or joining of Spirits: God is Spirit and Jesus is Spirit (2 Corinthians 3:17-18). Jesus Christ said “God is in me and I am in God” (John10:38) and “God and I are one” (John10:30). Also merging of Spirits is evident when God’s Spirit joins with our spirit and make us God’s Children (Romans 8:16). Similarly, he who joins with Jesus Christ becomes spiritually one with him, ie, Lord’s Spirit Joints with our Spirit (1Corinthians 6:17)].
@djsmith7378 2 сағат бұрын
So whats the book 🤔
@taoufikvlogs 2 сағат бұрын
This guy takes money from christian advertisers then he proves them wrong 😂😂😂
@mmmfun77 2 сағат бұрын
I knew it. Job said it all. So did the blood lust. THIS is where I have a hard time. Satan is God of this world. All this distortion. Because of this I always embraced truth. TRUTH stays exactly the same. Truth is the blank page behind the writing subject to distortion. I've threaded the truth <connected the dots> for longer then I care to admit.
@blindworld7930 3 сағат бұрын
After I became completely blind for a little while, I struggled whether I was existing or not because I could see nothing could tell I was still in the physical world was really weird 58:54
@garrinking 3 сағат бұрын
Easily understandable. Ive always told people I think this is my first soul life on this realm and I don't plan to reincarnate.
@TheCosmicRealm3 3 сағат бұрын
Also, there is NOTHING that is "non physical" because even the substance that makes up the soul is still material, so this means even God would have to be physical in some way shape or form.
@TheCosmicRealm3 3 сағат бұрын
IF there is a god, then even god is limited in what he can and cant do.
@ecologiasocial2972 3 сағат бұрын
man wre on the same page salut! from argentum the land of tomorrow, you are welcome!
@joebloggs5436 3 сағат бұрын
Yes the soul is real.
@dwayneJordan-r5s 3 сағат бұрын
The lies u spell is like satan himself
@edwingonzalez6848 3 сағат бұрын
I resonate with your ideas by 80%+....your my favorite content creator and single handedly shifted my consciousness.
@dominiqueubersfeld2282 3 сағат бұрын
Does mathematics prove Terrence Howard ?
@PasqualeRaso1975 3 сағат бұрын
It's the action of the Universe Cometary Lightbolt that was drawn into its depths where the Green Plasma Accretion Disc of the Earth first appeared via capacitance when building up a charge traversing the path of least resistance which the nature thereof is initially uniformly plumb because nothing else existed to obstruct its path before warping into our present Globular Filamentary Galactic Cluster under the heavy cell death of entropy being at work towards is destiny being heavily sabotaged hence the center of gravity initially exists because of an upright primordial being a Naga that already was present on Earth inside the accretion disc evolution on the quantum cosmic scale so the Monster that is the Universe is an organism a cocoon in development yet to complete the first phase of its cycle the Skotophotomorphogenesis. The Universe has a perfect biorhythm that is necessary for motion being exotically dynamic by its very nature thus is perpetual. Machines cannot ever match the resolution that the Universe functions at so ultimately will crash in a Heat Death!
@frankie2086 3 сағат бұрын
thanks Morgue, now I know for sure the soul trap theory is an absolute lie from the pits of hell. I have to admit that one had me thinking the first time I heard of it.
@andreferreira9506 4 сағат бұрын
What's the name of this book?
@latrina38 4 сағат бұрын
Ppl want to fault God for man’s wickedness. Should He also control our heart. Man destroyed the Earth with all this cloud seeding which is carbon monoxide that’s why it turns black. Man alone poisoning our food & water. Trafficking innocent children. But I am so looking forward to 2024
@latrina38 4 сағат бұрын
Since God is a spirit & can move however wherever He wish. I am Him. All u anti Christ. Here I, God, am. Speak freely. Don’t think twice. Come boldly
@latrina38 4 сағат бұрын
God see everything. Evil is a reprobate mind no more no less, that leads to an evil heart. Doesn’t mean God does not have an angry side. He flooded the entire earth. He also loathed his own creation (man). He made the world b4 man which is also His creation man polluted. Ppl want to think God is all love, which He is. To those that love Him
@halloweenmom 5 сағат бұрын
I love your hands. 🥰
@dianabar10279 5 сағат бұрын
Im loving this, please continue on, enjoying it so much, Thankyou❣️
@flailmanx3 5 сағат бұрын
Ashura/ishtar the hebrew interpretation of innana whom is the queen of heaven. Shes not ereased from the bible theres several references to her. Shes no wife of god shes the consort goddess of enki!
@aspacsa1 5 сағат бұрын
The self is the most dangerous illusion, born out of duality, the false idea of separation. Nothing is eternal and permanent; something can give the illusion of never changing, but it is not because it lacks independent existence.
@janellcrews6108 6 сағат бұрын
Jesus is perfect and doesn't make mistakes I found out long ago. We face judgment one day becareful what message you give.
@mmmfun77 6 сағат бұрын
Yes Demons are real. I was under REAL attack. My best friend walked in feeling like she was suffocating. Since truth is the love of my life I spent A LOT of time meditating, dissolving my religious conditioning. I had no fear as I have no enemies. All I felt was love as I can't judge as they have been brutalized much like Humanity has been over the centuries. This world is simple. Control/ be controlled. Fear, guilt and shame are used to control the masses. Same damn broken record.
@mmmfun77 6 сағат бұрын
I know 3 people who have Schizophrenia . My friend has 2 or 3 family members who have it . We both agree they have windows and doors open to different dimensions as we have compared notes and had many talks about it. Just an educated guess. Medicine seems to close them or at least help. Of course they all are good about taking the meds for awhile then go off it and suffer repurcussions before they start up the meds again
@ready1fire1aim1 6 сағат бұрын
8. Philosophical and Metaphysical Implications 8.1 Nature of Reality 8.1.1 Information as Fundamental: Proposition: Information, rather than matter or energy, is the fundamental substrate of reality. Implication: This suggests a shift from a materialist to an informational ontology. Reality ≡ f(Information_states) 8.1.2 Digital Physics: Concept: The universe is fundamentally discrete and information-based, analogous to a digital computer. Implication: Continuous phenomena are emergent approximations of underlying discrete processes. Δx_min = l_P, Δt_min = t_P (Planck length and time as fundamental units) 8.1.3 Participatory Universe: Idea: The act of observation or measurement actively shapes reality. Implication: Consciousness may play a more fundamental role in physics than previously thought. Ψ_reality = f(Ψ_physical, Ψ_observer) 8.2 Consciousness and Free Will 8.2.1 Consciousness as Information Processing: Hypothesis: Consciousness emerges from complex information processing in physical systems. Implication: This could bridge the explanatory gap between physical processes and subjective experience. C = f(I_integrated), where C is consciousness and I_integrated is integrated information 8.2.2 Free Will in an Informational Universe: Concept: Free will as the capacity to process and act upon information in complex ways. Implication: This reframes the debate about determinism and free will. Free_Will ∝ log(N_possible_futures) 8.2.3 Panpsychism and Information: Idea: All physical entities possess some degree of consciousness or proto-consciousness. Implication: Consciousness is a fundamental aspect of information processing in the universe. Φ_system > 0 for all physical systems, where Φ is integrated information 8.3 Epistemology and the Limits of Knowledge 8.3.1 Information-Based Limits to Knowledge: Principle: There are fundamental limits to what can be known, based on information-theoretic principles. Implication: Some questions may be provably unanswerable. I_knowable ≤ I_universe 8.3.2 Observer-Dependent Reality: Concept: The state of reality is inherently dependent on the observer's information processing capacity. Implication: Objective reality might be an emergent phenomenon from subjective observations. Ψ_observed = P_observer(Ψ_universe) 8.3.3 Computational Theory of Mind: Idea: The mind is a computational process operating on information. Implication: This could lead to new approaches in cognitive science and artificial intelligence. Mind ≡ Algorithm(Information_input → Information_output) 8.4 Ethics and Value in an Information-Based Universe 8.4.1 Information Ethics: Principle: Ethical considerations based on information creation, preservation, and complexity. Implication: This could provide a new foundation for moral philosophy. Ethical_value ∝ ΔI_positive - ΔI_negative 8.4.2 The Value of Complexity: Idea: Increased complexity and information integration as a cosmic value. Implication: This suggests a potential purpose or directionality to cosmic evolution. Value ∝ I_complex / I_simple 8.4.3 Information-Based Rights: Concept: Rights and moral status based on information processing capabilities. Implication: This could inform debates on AI rights, animal welfare, and environmental ethics. Rights ∝ f(Φ_system), where Φ is integrated information 8.5 Existential Questions 8.5.1 The Purpose of the Universe: Hypothesis: The universe's purpose, if any, is to process and generate information. Implication: This provides a new perspective on the meaning of existence. Purpose ≡ maximize(I_processed) over cosmic time 8.5.2 Multiverse as Information Landscape: Concept: Multiple universes as different information configurations or computations. Implication: Our universe might be one of many possible information processing systems. Ψ_multiverse = ∑_i α_i |Universe_i⟩ 8.5.3 The Nature of Time: Idea: Time as an emergent phenomenon from the flow and processing of information. Implication: This could resolve paradoxes related to time's arrow and the perception of time. dt ∝ dI_processed 8.6 Theological and Spiritual Implications 8.6.1 Information-Based Concept of God: Idea: God as the totality of information or the supreme information processor. Implication: This offers a potential bridge between scientific and religious worldviews. God ≡ ∫ I_universe dt (over all time) 8.6.2 Digital Afterlife: Concept: Possibility of preserving consciousness as information patterns. Implication: This suggests new ways of thinking about death and immortality. Afterlife ≡ Preservation and continued processing of I_consciousness 8.6.3 Cosmic Consciousness: Idea: The universe as a whole possesses a form of consciousness. Implication: This aligns with some spiritual and philosophical traditions. Φ_universe > Φ_critical for cosmic consciousness These philosophical and metaphysical implications of our information-based Theory of Everything challenge many traditional concepts and open up new avenues for thinking about reality, consciousness, ethics, and existence. While speculative, they provide a framework for integrating scientific understanding with philosophical and existential questions.
@mmmfun77 6 сағат бұрын
Yes they are real. I've been under REAL Demonic attack. I didn't judge & had no fear . I don't have enemies. My friend walked in shocked feeling like she was suffocating. Truth is the love of my life. It stays exactly the same like the page behind the lettering that are fragments that can be misinterpreted. Letting go of the dogma of religion allowed me the clarity which allowed me to love them anyway. They have been brutalized. The Human race has been too.
@renaissancefairyowldemon7686 6 сағат бұрын
I enjoyed this stream; it even sparked a question I put on Discord. I wouldn't mind going to the next section of the book. Will Forming is essential. I love the candles; adding more and the dark background is excellent. You did a fantastic job explaining everything, and thank you. 🖤🌹✨️🧚‍♀️
@BrunoBaumgartner-yf7bp 6 сағат бұрын
For this, I like math
@Dropsofjupiter1213 6 сағат бұрын
I am the walrus by the Beatles kinda nailed it. Thought it was just pretty lyrics.
@billvierstra1259 6 сағат бұрын
That’s not true Devil is not God or two different beings Satan was a Angel but he was jealous of God so trying descending on high but Michael archangel throwing from higher heaven to earth
@kennethharryson1592 7 сағат бұрын
When the video will come of Jahwe and his father el Elyon