@lawrencetian745 Сағат бұрын
@delsin340 3 сағат бұрын
@cloverhoong 5 сағат бұрын
@ws4412 5 сағат бұрын
Mortgage 500k, if you pump in 500k, some bank will auto settlement= no more cash flow. Hahahaha.
@davidmok108 4 сағат бұрын
I dont get that part when Peter said free money.. Lets say u got 100k cash, go loan 100k from bank with 4% interest for 10yrs. So u park all 100k inside the flexi loan, questions: 1. then the bank cant charge u interest anymore? 2. so u pay bck the 100k in 10yrs with 0 interest, then why on earth u wanto do that?? In the end u and bank get bck the 100k respectively. Both sides gained nothing, WHAT FOR? No free money as he said. Please help, i cant brain this haha.
@bradenlearn250 3 сағат бұрын
​@@davidmok108 Hi, hope that I could help a little. First thing first, we'll have to understand that there are 2 accounts in Flexi loan: 1) Housing Loan Acc and 2) Prepayment acc that linked to Housing Loan. If you have cash on hand that you normally wouldn't use (like savings and FD), it is advisable to transfer all of these to Prepayment account. It is because the housing loan interest is about 4% while FD is about 3.6% only. No point earning 3.6% of FD while you can save 4% of your housing loan interest. Moreover, you able to cash out anytime just like a normal savings account. For FD, you have tenure so if you withdraw before your tenure ends, you lose interest, but for prepayment account, you save interest every single day because it is calculated in daily term. Plus, the more you put into this account, the more you have flexibility on your asking rental. For example if your installment is 2k, your neighbours too. Even if you rent much lower than your neighbours, most likely you still earn more than your neighbours who rent at normal market rental rate (as long as you put the right amount of money). So property game is kinda a 99% winning game for you in terms of rental if you play this right. Moreover, to answer your 2nd question. Why people who have cash still want to get loan from bank even if they already plan to put the exact amount of money in the prepayment account. With this, they are able to get free 10 years interest installments instead of striaghtaway putting 100k to buy out the property. 10 years is a long time leh.. with this method, they can cash out anytime and continue with normal interest if they got any financial issues in future, but if they don't, free 10 years interest installments leh. Some even sell in the 5th year, nett 100% earning even if the selling price is just RM1 higher than the original selling price. To summarise, there is no better way but to transfer these to the prepayment account as it is just another version of saving account (since even if you don't do this, you also put in your own savings account only) but able to save you tons of money and cut short your housing loan tenure, while able to withdraw anytime you want. This is why rich is getting richer, because with assets, you have more options, games and flexibility to gain more than others. Hope this helps, cheers.
@simixcarlos 5 сағат бұрын
8万 3% 7年 总利息不就16800 ?
@chris10471 5 сағат бұрын
毕业八年, 不过还是驾着父亲买给我去intern的MyVi.由于车会贬值,加上工作不需要应酬,从来没想要换车。
@MrArthur898 5 сағат бұрын
@krissyseptember5241 5 сағат бұрын
@jync1765 7 сағат бұрын
Peter 讲的我有个朋友是不是 Sean,这样的话 Xin Yi 也认识啦
@djdoodooyeah7538 8 сағат бұрын
Bank Negara just announce refinance cash out capped at 10 years tenure......no more 35 years....
@20XXProject 8 сағат бұрын
做自己,人本來什麼都沒有. We leave this world with nothing..
@JhCe 8 сағат бұрын
真的。我的honda 2011年买的。。。供五年。。。中间是不是手痒会想换一台mercedes, BMW, volvo。。。甚至有申请到了loan我决定不买的情形。。。 到现在我还在用着我的honda。13年多的车了。。。然后自从开头五年供车之后,就没有再供车了。。。没有车贷的感觉是很爽的。。。 重点是我的honda 13年了。除了冷气有出问题有花了一笔钱换parts之外。。。完全没有别的大问题。。。所以也真的不需要换。。。车子讲道理也是主要用来代步而已。。只要没问题就很好了。。。有时候你会希望你的车子不要给你问题,就谢天谢地得了。。。
@chinny8030 2 күн бұрын
@imjanelleong 3 күн бұрын
从这里才认识Tata,开始关注她了,好喜欢看你们倆聊天,从头笑到尾,还笑到拍桌子🤣🤣🤣❤be yourself 🫰🏻Part 2 please 🙏🏻
@yuccahummingbird4179 4 күн бұрын
@zynyip6467 4 күн бұрын
@shinyiruma107 4 күн бұрын
优质100% !
@Staceygoodgirl 6 күн бұрын
出社會後真的never ending problem, 只能做的就是去充實自己的心靈、 學會知道人就是不完美的好好的放過自己
@imjanelleong 7 күн бұрын
喜欢你们的deep talk,看了这集又领悟了一些事情,谢谢你们🫰🏻🙃你们倆很可爱,真心笑了🤭最佳拍档,很有默契😜
@LA.04 8 күн бұрын
是不是做同样的领域太久了 兴趣也被磨掉了 再加上还是跟回前老板给的Job 那其实感觉也许除了工作时间 就跟原本没有太大分别 那最后再加上工作会有的压力 那每天接Job解决的问题都不再觉得是挑战 都只看成了是压力 生活也没有新鲜感 也不太知道自己的意义呢
@daeren5515 8 күн бұрын
@emilialim5772 9 күн бұрын
@77maggie94 9 күн бұрын
@bryanc6135 9 күн бұрын
我很棒 从极端需要别人喜欢到极端不利任何人
@Cherylleexinyi 9 күн бұрын
hi 會員們!純粹和大家say hi!
@brewcoffee95 11 күн бұрын
@77maggie94 11 күн бұрын
没有关闭自己的社交圈子,但其实一定要认识新朋友吗? 没有朋友 也可以过得好好的啊
@edmundlo2481 11 күн бұрын
后面那位小姐姐 很像样 @catherinekaixin
@Myang-rl1gu 11 күн бұрын
@stevengoh3137 11 күн бұрын
kk 很红。
@JennyChingChing93 11 күн бұрын
@rndom_2110 11 күн бұрын
@vincegoh4124 11 күн бұрын
@ziyingsim5547 12 күн бұрын
谢谢你们的sharing :)) 很棒 很喜欢这样的分享
@hongyintee2116 12 күн бұрын
@chiao_shi4552 12 күн бұрын
說得好,感謝好影片! 感謝自己幸運遇到貴人影片 喜歡30歲離職裸辭低潮迷惘相關話題 我得到的心得:邊做邊探索 欣怡老師說得好棒: #我整理金句我好喜歡的 🌶️別推給工作不好而離職! 而是狀態不好- 對於剛出社會可能覺得:「妳不懂我的痛苦」 但更高一點的維度! 欣怡像是家人在陪伴 🔮溫飽邊領錢邊探索生活需求消費先有! 🌶️ 有問題一定不開心 這世界沒有不溝通的工作, 有問題就學 妳害怕問題 可是人生就是不確定性。 可以的話換個角度去看待~ 🌶️妳不能期望沒壓力的工作, 就有收獲 欣怡很棒點出迷惘的人的盲點!
@peanutbutter_15 12 күн бұрын
身为一位10多年前自我内耗问题严重到去住宿楼下打包食物都要焦虑半天的人,度过低潮期之后我只可以说愿意听你说话的人和身边能够让你发觉自己也是人类的人、事、物真的真的很重要。(前提是自己也要愿意去接受和改变) 男嘉宾加油,相信自己一定能够变得更好的。
@paulpaul7777 12 күн бұрын
@ryu88leo 12 күн бұрын
有时ID会面对很多coordinating的问题要解决,这位来宾可以看看是不是自己用太多时间在coordinating,可以想想自己是不是可以分划出来这些工作,找一下PT/FT coordinator (不干涉到设计的范围)的followup,虽然薪水可能给不到他们很多,但是希望还有人帮忙跟进,因为单单followup这地方就会吃掉你很多时间,让你分神到无法去接跟多有质量的新project 不过如果收入还很低无法请人的话,就要分析一下要怎样做更好的协调方式调整好手上的工程每天什么时间去跟进。。还是那句,不赚钱的东西可以做到客服,但要对自己说不能给他太多时间 🤣 接新活的话要巧妙去认识更多新的介绍活给你,那么你才有几家不同的公司介绍你的客户,你才有比较的空间比如哪一家公司其实只是在利用你,因为你人太好,可以接一些难搞的客户,因为是女生会比较细心帮这些太挑剔的顾客跟进。。
@PureUncle 12 күн бұрын
无可否认这是大部分“设计师”会遇到的通病!欣怡这集给她的人生建议很好,可是对她来说有点plug & play,不太适用于在她身上。也也许路程太短,没有足够时间了解她的背景故事和内心真正的需求。嘉宾可能真的不知道自己还能有什么样的突破,个性应该属于很慢热,可惜在短促的时间里未能全盘表达自己的想法。
@gohpin2307 12 күн бұрын
学会一种态度 以其懒惰去上班 不如上班时懒惰 送给那些很想认真对待事情的人 尤其是太认真对待工作的人 没什么是放不下的 调整自己看待事情的心态才是需要我们去学习
@vincegoh4124 12 күн бұрын
@god-son-love 13 күн бұрын
@chloetiong9572 13 күн бұрын
@imjanelleong 13 күн бұрын
@QWE09892 13 күн бұрын
正常人都求“有”,悟性高的人会求“无” 无病,无痛,无债,无烦恼,无牵挂....... 可是我们都是正常人!!!
@user-nw3wq2ic4o 13 күн бұрын
@user-nw3wq2ic4o 13 күн бұрын
@user-nw3wq2ic4o 13 күн бұрын