@amethist6774 9 сағат бұрын
kinda dissapointed, i didn't learn anything...
@2CrowStudios 15 сағат бұрын
The second half of the MSQ would have been more interesting if it focused more on Krile and Erenville's search for family and of course queen Sphene's predicament. I see how they tied Wuk Lamat's ideals into the story to make her relate to Sphene, but yeah she was very exhausting. They could have had her for a few scenes defending the city and a celebration at the end and that would have been enough. The western area was nice, but the MSQ story was about some small town outlaws and sheriffs, it felt like filler and pointless. I ended up rushing through it so we could continue with Erenville to his home town.
@WolfManJammer 22 сағат бұрын
Wow, I may have to come back and check out the changes. I played from launch until after little after the DK launch (lvl 62 DK - then stopped). Looks like some great changes!
@cheyennebielawski723 Күн бұрын
Can i play without xbox game pass?
@chrism.2126 Күн бұрын
The amount of filler was insane, like a good 70% of the MSQ feels like a Beast Tribe questline. The endless cutscene chains with Wuk Lamat being exhausting with her " i want to be friends with everyone and understand their cultures " repeated endlessly. And yeah apart from the last 2 quests in the Texas looking zone the entire zone was just... nothing. This was the first time i found myself watching videos on my phone or just straight up skipping sections cause it just felt like a massive slog. 😴 They really gave Krille like 10 minutes in the final zone and it was back to Wuk Lamat 🤡
@DovahGirL Күн бұрын
Thank you so much. 🙃
@MayHugger Күн бұрын
Just start a party finder for the Algaia Alliance Raid and equip the Dawntrail Preorder earrings.
@jesusismful 20 сағат бұрын
Algaia is quick now. It's a decent method but get's hella boring after a few.
@MayHugger 18 сағат бұрын
@@jesusismful So does every other method lol.
@soulofachristian8704 Күн бұрын
Can i use xbox controller?
@thekidrhys9343 Күн бұрын
dumb ass video
@jnai4616 Күн бұрын
I always find out about games like this to late smh
@MedievalMarty Күн бұрын
catch up mechanics in this game are huge. and you got hears of content! never too late man!
@monsterhunterrivi6303 Күн бұрын
MARTY <3 always with the helpful stuff man <3
@monza8844 Күн бұрын
The lack of voices, and being forced to read text instead, kills the game for me.
@fyrearm Күн бұрын
If only you could start with a character creation guide. I didn't get past that before I knew I was not playing this game. I wanted to, but there are no guides out there but LOTS of warnings on how you have to rebuild your character for bad decisions while character building.
@HuNtOziO Күн бұрын
Agreed the 4th zone was absolute dogshit. Dont like the map design, the music and definately not the filler msq on it. Its just texas and thanalan combined. The other 5 maps are far better
@gypsumfantastic7253 2 күн бұрын
Not loving Honey B is an L take 🤣
@ashakya7205 2 күн бұрын
wuk lamat's part felt like doing tribal quests, the voice actor (EN) under performs, it was okay if it was a background character but completely unacceptable to have a 3/10 character with a story that doesn't make sense be leading an expansion that atm does not feel like it's going anywhere. Dawntrail story is join bottom with ARR for its story.
@MedievalMarty 2 күн бұрын
@@ashakya7205 yeah totally agree, wuk Lamat was average, but giving them 90% of the screen time made this dreadful. Easily down there as one of the worst for me too
@lafamilia1693 2 күн бұрын
This was a great video for players coming back to try new characters. This is a perfect idea for a series maybe every season you can breakdown major class changes in a more beginner friendly way for new people.
@Plinth555 2 күн бұрын
Wuk Lamat just kind made the expansion painful to play though. After 93 she basically said the same thing everytime she opened her mouth. I liked the character early on but the longer I played the more she grated on me. Just made me miss the good characters. Who happen to be standing next to me silently in the background.
@shawnwilt7196 2 күн бұрын
This game should have a been a brainer, but sadly the devs swerved to the left and made a game that is only playable and fun to sweaty try hards and griefers. If this had a PvE only play version, I would be all-in, but as it is in the current PvPvE playstyle sucks. If I wanted to play against sweaty try hards and griefers, I would go play CSGO or something like that. As it is, this game is good except for the toxic play community.
@Lynchie106 2 күн бұрын
Nah Wuk Lamat was way too clingy.
@ryuu__official 2 күн бұрын
Thank you, Marty.
@stephensanders9243 2 күн бұрын
@vordoch 2 күн бұрын
I agree with pretty much everything you've said, one thing I'd like to mention is the fact the final zone had absolutely no sense of urgency - Sphene goes off to potentially cause huge amounts of damage and death and you're all gallivanting around learning about people you're just going to turn off anyway, nice and cushty, no rush guys take your time, no danger to the group at all and lots and lots of Wuk Lamat saying the same things over and over. It just felt a bit.. flat. That said though when the story actually got to the point it was really good and i genuinely enjoyed it.
@Christopher-tz3mr 2 күн бұрын
Currently, as a druid, my wearbear due to lack of aspects acquired and unique armor, trample+thorn+pulverize. Due to the guaranteed overpower with pulverize, my weapon uses Boiling blood aspects (when a skill delivers an Overpower strike, blood orbs to appear, touching them, causing them to explode).
@lincolnjohnson4428 3 күн бұрын
YOu call the second fight for weebs. While you play a pictomancer.... the biggest weeb job!
@MedievalMarty 2 күн бұрын
we all got a little in us 😂 but I got my limits
@kendric99 3 күн бұрын
I didn't mind the second fight as much as you, but the music did grate on me after a bit. I can't imagine progging savage for weeks with that song playing the whole time. :D I think our only disagreement here is about the raid gear. I really liked it. It's very wrestler aesthetic, and fun. I encourage you to take a closer look next time. I didn't get to catch the stream (I didn't want to be spoiled), but the gear is fantastic if you look close at the details. It looks fantastic from behind, especially. If it's not for you, unfortunate but it happens. Either way, it was a blast with some great music and cool new mechanics. I'm excited to see where it goes!
@NinjaWeazel 3 күн бұрын
i cant bee-lieve you didnt like the 2nd fight. B is for Best theme out of all four fights.
@MedievalMarty 3 күн бұрын
This meme is gonna be a thing isn't it hahaha
@Cicirifu 3 күн бұрын
You have to Bee joking about that second raid.
@MedievalMarty 3 күн бұрын
omg 😂 thanks haha
@chaoschris8194 3 күн бұрын
Bee tier fight tbh
@zanphlosboof3123 2 күн бұрын
just the usual IM A MAN NOT GAY OMG PLS IM NOT GAY IM SO STRAIGHT AHHHRG ITS NOTS GENERIC GRITTY SETTING ARRGHGHHGDSKDHSKH brain kicking in, even the best of men fall to its foul influence alas
@kynikostashasch2218 3 күн бұрын
if you thought that story was good, i don't care about your opinion beyond that lol
@stonedruid 3 күн бұрын
I fail to understand how finding the city of gold had anything at all to do with the succession arc, or how the second half contributed to the world at all. It felt like we had two separate story arcs crammed together without enough substance to fully develop on either one.
@LINK1V4N 3 күн бұрын
Can i build a catedral and recreate The Pillars of the Earth? xD
@KingSavage97 3 күн бұрын
I'm doing so good with this build . I just need tal rashas
@gabe-angel 3 күн бұрын
See you didn't mention the real reason this game is dead and thats forced pvp .after people hit a certain level welcome to forced pvp getting ganked when farming it questing pvp been forced is what killed this game from start . all other mmorpgs have a dedicated pvp zone or arena but this game does not it forces pvp on everyone
@kokayinewsome9308 3 күн бұрын
I went ro the calamity salvager with spectacles and still could not convert them to face wear
@remomiyamoto6104 3 күн бұрын
No one does this anymore.. its old news.
@BunnychanFarabee 2 күн бұрын
Yeah if you didn't do this the first week, you basically missed out.
@Disconnected66 2 күн бұрын
@@BunnychanFarabee lmao this is so obviously coming from someone who has objectively no clue and has never even unlocked max rank on all thezones 95% of people in the game won't have maxed zones for quite some time (literally required to even access OR SPEND the vouchers....), it absolutely was not even done by half of a percent in the first week this is literally just a lie based in nothing xD
@Mello675 3 күн бұрын
I better not see bojza in this video...
@kokayinewsome9308 3 күн бұрын
Is there any way to let Square know about ideas for new classes? For the next class they make, I would love if they added a class that runs on stacks for all their atks. And the stacks are like ammo was when MCH first came out. No combos, just you have ammo you use and a helper pet or robot or familiar that makes more ammo as you fight. As you level up the class you get more stacks. You get all the skills you'll ever have when you hit 50. But from 50 to 100 all those existing skills level up to do extra effects. Like canceling enemy casting, speeding up allies casting, raised critical, extra chance of back to back direct hits. Etc. as you use magic ammo, when bullets break they spread their effects. But those effects only last a short time. And a gauge you have for the class allows you to spend that gauge to extend all buffs or debuffs. This class would be like a mix of healer and a tank. Low on damage and speed but high on utility and require practice and planning. Not just spamming. I call it, the Ammo Ace.
@BazookaBeanIsEpic 4 күн бұрын
if you use specter for hard fights, get extra cube
@plague6079 4 күн бұрын
Looks like this might be the one for Season 5 as well!
@kokayinewsome9308 4 күн бұрын
How dare you play BLM?! Who do you think you are?!
@MedievalMarty 4 күн бұрын
I've learned the error of my ways and switched to Picto 😂
@kokayinewsome9308 4 күн бұрын
@@MedievalMarty I'm joking, I wish I was skilled enough to play BLM. Tried it and never got good. I always wanted a mage pet class. But the closest thing I got to that was MCH after the dumbed down SMN.
@MilitaryDog. 4 күн бұрын
Yea, “pay to win” for billionaires. Pay to win is somewhat accurate but also misleading. The math has been done and before the enhancement pity system was implemented, the cost to “guarantee” (as much as RNG can be guaranteed) end game, hard capped gear was about $580,000. Idk who’s spending that but they deserve whatever product they’re willing to spend that much money on. Nowadays, with the enhancement pity system implemented, that number has dramatically dropped. Now that RNG has been taken out of the equation, you can get your hands on a guaranteed set of end game gear for about $98,000. Again I say, if you want to pay that much to win at BDO, then you deserve whatever product that you’re willing to spend that much money on. “Pay to win” for billionaires.
@boehan605 4 күн бұрын
Fates are great for exp but god i rather study for an exam than actually do it
@crazycooper7306 4 күн бұрын
If you sell one of the books is there a way to get it back ?
@Lathairion 4 күн бұрын
Maybe it's a cultural thing. But one disappointment for me, was all the family/ companion moments that happen and final goodbyes, and no one hugs each other, or move in for an embrace at the end.
@RealRaslu 4 күн бұрын
Wuk Lamat: "Open wide kids! Say aaaah! Kids: Why? Wuk Lamat: I have a BIG ol' spoon full of lessons that I'm going to force down your fucking throats. Want to hear the best part? I am going to talk through the WHOLE thing. Non stop. Talking. Me."
@MithosSkylol 4 күн бұрын
it works faster for healer or tank than dungeons?
@ADestinyApart 4 күн бұрын
Probably not. I typically will level healer / tank by dungeon spam, but you can also do dungeon spam on odd levels, and fate farm even levels
@asatowolfe 4 күн бұрын
Looking back on it, I appreciated the new expansion's MSQ much more by the end of it. The drastic switch during the second half was definitely not what I expected, but it was enjoyable as a whole. The second half was where everything sorta paid off, but it also had some of the more... dull moments? Living Memory was a cool concept but it felt a bit boring for the crescendo of the story- until the very end of it. The final dungeon was one of the better ones storywise. There were just points where I actually just wanted things to speed along because it felt slow and unengaging. The events leading up to it had me interested enough to want to see it through until the end though. Otherwise, my biggest critique is that I think having Zoraal Ja decide to stand down during the second half and have a temporary ceasefire with Wuk Lamat was a bad decision. It really took a lot of the tension from the second half when he halted his forces and said "I'll be waiting for you. Come and fight me. If you refuse or run, _then_ I'll crush Tuliyollal." Having that looming threat be unpredictable would have made the narrative better. They just really wanted you to get involved with Sphene's story without any attachments. But all in all, it's fine and good.
@lordseano2343 4 күн бұрын
New Graphic Novelist class looks leet 👍
@gamania122 4 күн бұрын
They should've just cut half of the Succession, given more time for the wild wild west setting and focus on the actual story at the end. I dunno wtf they were thinking.
@rxw5520 4 күн бұрын
I’m looking for a full loot game like late ‘90s UO where you can’t gain pvp advantage with rare items that are bound. I heard this was full loot, but I also heard they had trinkets that are bound to player. Which is it? The game looks really similar to the UO we played back in the day, but I just can’t be dropping time into it if there are carebear items that boost stats and aren’t dropped on death.
@MedievalMarty 4 күн бұрын
Yeah this really is the perfect game if you're an untima online fine. But in the last year they are moving more "carebear" trying to appeal a wider audience. With housing everywhere and stuff not dropping it does feel much less risky