@susienovis9289 2 ай бұрын
I don't feel uncomfortable, but I do feel angry when people make false claims, as you do. You don't tell the full story, or the facts. You even claim, incorrectly, and falsely, that Arbonne is a "Pyramid selling scheme" . It is NOT, it is, however, a certified B Corp! Check that fact out! I'm not surprised you've lost friends, I wouldn't want to be around you and your victimhood claims & incorrect, incomplete, "facts". Yes, Arbonne does have a Healthy living plan, which I follow & it works if you follow it and take the time to understand what it's about. I used to be an Arbonne consultant. I left, not because I was cheated or "lost hundreds' as you claim, but for other good reasons. I still use all the products that are my favourites. I was never PRESSURED into anything, by anyone. I loved my time with Arbonne. But I have healthy boundaries and am intelligent enough to check things out beforehand. For goodness sake, if you've had a bad experience with something, LEARN from it in an honest way. I have no idea about being a part of "Valentus" but it seems to be a diet of some kind. It would seem that you're all too ready to undertake what looks like a diet programme, Yes, you possibl do have a food disorder, as have many others who are in professions that prize a thin body. Deal with that, Charlotte & get yourself better. Join OA anonymous - it will ACTUALLY HELP you more than playing the victim here on You Tube. Stop all this, for all you're doing is winding people up unnecessarily. I'm sure you did "try hard enough" but I would NEVER buy from you. You don't give off healthy, self aware vibes. PLEASE LISTEN, Charlotte. You have a very real problem. Deal with THAT, rather than set up a "passionate' as you call it, vendetta. You are missing out on the real point here.
@susienovis9289 2 ай бұрын
What!!!?????????!!! "Who needs that much protein powder?" What are you talking about here? I am a dedicated Arbonne user, and for goodness' sake, I use their glorious protein powder as it does NOT contain whey powder, unlike other protein powders. And as for you saying, "You can go to Starbucks & buy any amount of drinks for less money", yes, we could, BUT who the heck WANTS to go to Starbucks if they are buying protein powder????!!!! Are you blind, or short sighted, or what? We aren't buying "drinks", we are buying HEALTHY ways of nourishing our bodies!!! You cannot compare the two! It's like saying why waste your money on good grass fed beef when you can buy more burgers far more cheaply, from McDonald's!!!!! ????????Charlotte, you are completely missing the whole point, aren't you. This is about HEALTH, NOT filling your body with any old rubbish. And no, an advert did NOT come up before this video for any MLMs!!!! Why would it? I'm not interested in your vendetta against MLMs, I'm actually intterested in great health, and follow the Zoe KZfaqs as they are full of scientific facts not fake facts like yours.
@susienovis9289 2 ай бұрын
OMG Charlotte! You can ONLY have 'lost" all the money you did by purchasing so many products that you never got to sell to clients. And that's entirely believable, but it does not mean you were scammed. I was recruited to Arbonne by someone that eventually I learned was unethical and only interested in the money she could make. So...I left! Because staying meant I was making money that would go to her & anyone whom I brought into Arbonne might easily be failed by her as she cared not one jot about those below her. It would seem that YOU, Charlotte were failed by whoever brought you into Arbonne, and NOT by the company itself, which is entirely legal, (ie NOT as you claim, irresponsibly, and incorrectly, as a 'Pyramid scheme). Please take responsibllity for what you so loudly proclaim in order to make yourself look like a victim, rather than a "loser." - be fair in what you say publicly. I LOVE Arbonne products and still buy them. Yes, they're expensive, but if you are paying for quality products it does cost more. Be fair, & truthful, Charlotte. you are an actress, aren't you. But we see more of you complaining on You Tube than we do on the TV, on the Stage, or in films.... I'm losing patience with your complaints that aren't honest or honourable & would NEVER purchase anything from you as you're untrustworthy....
@MelissaKitto525 3 ай бұрын
I was in Arbonne for about 4 months as well. I have already had my own service based business for years so I had always thought it might be nice to have products that would complement my services. I made district manager pretty easily because I was able to apply my existing business and marketing skills to inviting people and doing parties was pretty fun. But when I saw that many many hours of work per month was only paying me $300 it was not at all worth it and it was taking my time away from the business that I was earning about $5-$6000 a month from. Pretty easy to do the math on that one!
@susienovis9289 3 ай бұрын
I have no idea what "Valentus" is, nor am I even remotely interested. Besides, after all the misinformation you have put out about Arbonne, I wouldn't trust what you say. Ah, I've googled it, in order to understand what your beef is here, and it appears to be about weight management. For goodness sake, Charlotte. YOU are misleading people, and seem to have grudges. I'm not the slightest bit interested in weight management, or any 'diet'. I am invested in eating healthily. Perhaps you need to be too? Often if you shift your focus from seeing what you think is 'wrong', to what is right for you, it works better for you. Valentus may or may not be a good company but that's of no interest to me. Why did YOU join "Valentus"? Are YOU obsessed with losing wight? Do you have an eating disorder perhaps? I ask because a theme is appearing here & maybe you need to ask yourself these questions, in order to help yourself better. sweetheart. Please stop this relentless "anti" drive, and let us know what you actually stand FOR. It could change your life.
@susienovis9289 3 ай бұрын
Calorie counting has now been discredited by the latest science. Yes, diets aren't healthy. But the 30 days to healthy living is not a diet, nor is it limited to 30 days. it's a healthy start to help discover if you are intolerant to wheat, dirt, etc! For goodness sake, Charlotte, tell the truth, not th superficial stuff you are currently posting here on KZfaq. Why are you going into great detail about the dangers of dieting and becoming underweight? Here in the UK, we have a BMI checker on the NHS that can inform us if we are over or underweight. I have no idea who you were enrolled into Arbonne with, but they haven't explained anything correctly to you, or else you didn't listen & are using what you think is correct (and untrue) to 'get back' at Arbonne. Please tell the hole truth, Charlotte! It's ver easy to incense people who don't know much by giving them false information. Very easy. Don't fall into that trap.
@susienovis9289 3 ай бұрын
A clean eating programme is NOT a diet. For instance Zoe proves healthy eating in order to restore a healthy gut microbiome, which is what I beleive Arbonne does, also! Now often, following healthy eating programme, one might lose weight. You are not a nutritionist, and even nutritionists do not fully understand the gut microbiome, which is vital for good health. I don't think you fully understand what the 30 days to healthy living programme is about, do you? You have given a very superficial explanation of it.... Do you have a grudge with Arbonne by any chance, Charlotte?
@razzamattaz179 5 ай бұрын
Any organisation that promotes you to super ultra diamond ceo extra gogo number one usa winner… is a scam.
@silviyapancheva 6 ай бұрын
Thank you for the video! This is very helpful!
@LilithSpeaks.88 7 ай бұрын
That lady knows for a fact that her husband is carrying the financial load. She is bringing in extra $$, not the bulk of the living expenses
@telstar32 8 ай бұрын
Not everyone involved in direct marketing is evil! I myself am an Avon representative, and have been for the past 11 years now. I sell Avon products direct and earn between 20 and 32% on my sales. I do this to earn a little extra to top up my full time salary. Normally I earn around £150 a month, which makes a big difference to me each month. Any you know what… I also do it as I enjoy it. There is no need for me to stock pile products - I just order from Avon directly as and when orders come in. Also I do not recruit. All of my earnings are just from selling product. And actually, Avon do not push or request me or anyone else to recruit. Basically I’m just a normal guy selling products to earn a little extra on the side, to top up my salary, and certainly not out to con or scam anyone.
@telstar32 8 ай бұрын
I’m not being mean here at all, but if things felt icky and didn’t match your values from early on, why did you continue? Why not just cut you losses there and leave Arbonne?
@telstar32 8 ай бұрын
It’s called business… any business will always use trading conditions to their advantage where they can. It’s the way the world works.
@rebeccasweet3114 9 ай бұрын
Oh my god, I've had the exact same experience. "It's your mindset" would always be the thing they would say to me when I was wobbling and I got one person in to the business too. So much gaslighting, I'm so annoyed I didn't listen to my gut for MONTHS. I signed up in March to be an affiliate of my uplines 'programme' which i enjoyed, but I didnt even consent to signing up as an IC. It's horrible and icky and I am ouuuuuut.
@TheSmashingDoc1 Жыл бұрын
are there even customers that buy the products or are there only recruiters, lol.
@TheMattster42 Жыл бұрын
Wow ☀️
@markallanson7921 Жыл бұрын
Why do Arbonne people always sound so obnoxious and angry
@miaowmail Жыл бұрын
I watched this video of yours when you first released it and I didn’t know anything about cruelty free or veganism. Now a few years on I’m rewatching this video of yours with fresh eyes, two years vegan now! I totally see how Arbonne is a pull for us - v grateful you made these videos and shared your experiences.
@annamariefella8315 Жыл бұрын
We miss you!
@ameliapikiotaite5773 Жыл бұрын
Thats what my cat does infront of the window😂
@Madness_to_mindfulness Жыл бұрын
That's false about the studies I've looked at the website and the studies are all on their prehaps you didn't open them and read them all but I couldn't read all that information as there is so much listed on the website. Also all products we take that have had a university study has the same process.
@annaprice6527 Жыл бұрын
Well done you for sharing this. You remind me of my daughter. You're obviously a lovely person and I applaud you for posting this. These schemes are dreadful. I know someone who pushes Arbonne....say no more!
@wellnesscanceradvocate8564 Жыл бұрын
I didn’t know the products had maltodextrin in them . Disappointing
@suzannehorton3146 Жыл бұрын
I bought a product from arbonne to help a friend who is selling the product.. but I found it overpriced and really not worth it. I tried a cream and I had a reaction to the face cream...During my 3 years, I only purchased two products by Arbonne.. but I don't plan to purchase any further products..You could find better bargains..elsewhere ...OVERPRICED!!
@SChiasson3 Жыл бұрын
Bravo for sharing your experience!
@natasharamia4390 Жыл бұрын
Miss your content charlotte, I can say I will be dropping arbonne now after feeling the same and hearing your story
@steveee2511 Жыл бұрын
people are so manipulated,naiv and stupid they woud probally obey Kim Kardashian if she says jump of a bridge.
@steveee2511 Жыл бұрын
i know a arbonne girl and a herbalife girl bouth tryed me to allure me into that now i deleted them on fb the arbonne girl iknowed from teens the herbalife more afresive girl i know from ex work she tryed hard to convince me come to her nutricion club where reclutes herbalife i leaved her a ugly message on fb defriended and blocked her she woud post 10 post a day about herbalife
@Supernatural__ Жыл бұрын
Thank you for your video - i just had a call with my upline and someone higher. They expected me to find 4 potential consultants and 4 people who want to buy products, guess what? I had none to report back and i felt pressured. I now want out 😢
@lynnecook6079 Жыл бұрын
I buy Tropic products they are extremely good. Better than product I've bought on the high street. My embassador is a friend all I do is click on her name at the end of an order. I've just asked her if she is under any pressure to sell or recruit and she said no. Much of the profits go to help projects in third world countries
@TheStrongmansteve Жыл бұрын
The fact the arbonne reps are always having to defend the business model should be a red flag in itself
@Locutus Жыл бұрын
Shere can I see the actual video of the shill?
@Locutus Жыл бұрын
6:13 is that your hand in the mirror? 😂
@margarethubbard1173 Жыл бұрын
OMG....Peyton has her paws all over across the pond. My neighbour is in her downline and regurgitates all the same 💩
@wiskeeamazingdancer4964 2 жыл бұрын
Oh my, scammed by an MLM? Who woulda thunk it? Thank you for telling your story though.
@Brookeelle18 2 жыл бұрын
off topic! what camera do you use? your quality is stunning
@michellelappin8867 2 жыл бұрын
I love the sexual predator analogy!
@Rebecca_Bailey Жыл бұрын
It’s absolutely correct though, I still get people mainly girls in my messages asking me if I want to join their business, I’ve tried too many MLMs embarrassingly and I’ve not got anywhere. No means no, regardless of the circumstance
@pbx7 2 жыл бұрын
Women and men skincare = clever marketing. Please use anti aging skincare, not high class, but they have great ingredients and it is just marketing to scare you off them young. Its all marketing to guide you through the price range the older you get and maybe earn more money
@georgettegriffiths2585 2 жыл бұрын
just discovered your Channel and I love it, your a natural - nearly got stuck in the Arbonne trap was suppose to go on a zoom tonight! thank god I trusted my gut xxx
@sarahosborne7477 2 жыл бұрын
When will you be posting more?
@janiapaige6459 2 жыл бұрын
Arbonne is not a pyramid scheme. They don’t push recruiting people and you don’t benefit or get a paycheque when people sign up. It’s all legal, and all money comes from product sales, NOT recruiting. A person doesn’t need to sign others up at all if they don’t want to, they can just grow clientele like every other business out there! Point being, Arbonne is a fully legitimate and incredible company. If some of the people that have signed up as consultants aren’t the greatest people, are manipulative or sketchy or whatever that’s just those people; not Arbonne as a whole. Saying Arbonne is a scam or a pyramid scheme is the same as judging an entire community based on the bad decisions of a select few. There will be greedy and sneaky people in any work industry. As well, there’s no competition! Again, if some independent consultants are overly competitive or petty or whatever it is, they aren’t Arbonne. They’re them. You just need to find a different Arbonne team to work with. There are plenty out there that cheer eachother on and believe everyone can win cuz it’s true: there’s room for everyone in network marketing, we can all be successful. And on what you said about the 30 days: the results are different for everyone and how each person does the 30 days. It’s not restrictive it’s a program to find the specifics in your diet that could be negatively affecting your gut health. Once the 30 days are over, the things you cut out (like dairy and gluten) you can add back in to your diet if you noticed it didn’t make much of a difference. In that case, then you most likely don’t need to be dairy free or gluten free in your life and any gut issues probably come from something else. Again, NOT a diet, a heath plan. Please don’t restrict yourself or continue to spread the false info that the 30 days is a diet. Also, most uplines will encourage people to try the 30 days because it does work so well for so many people and is one of the best tools for hitting promotions if promotions are what you’d like to do. You’re not forced into anything, if you don’t want to do the 30 days then don’t. It’s just encouraged because it worked for them. Long story long, Arbonne IS NOT a pyramid scheme. Nothing is too expensive for what it is, the products are great, and there are many amazing people involved. There’s a silver lining to everything, maybe if you stop putting yourself in an icky mindset and do your research then you’ll see youve got a hateful judgey mindset and youll see that maybe you did push your best friend away because of your negative mindset
@annak1042 2 жыл бұрын
"If I can't pronounce the ingredients in something, I sometimes question whether I should be putting it in my body" sounds a little bit anti-science to me. Just because something has a scientific name that's not familiar to laypeople, doesn't mean it's unsafe for ingestion: the most obvious examples of this are many lifesaving medications, but it's true for food too. A weird name is just a weird name, not an indicator of safety.
@annak1042 2 жыл бұрын
The whole "people contacting you to recruit you for MLMs is a compliment; how can you be mad about getting a compliment?!" thing honestly reminds me of creepy guys arguing that they should be allowed to continue hitting on women even after those women make it clear that they're not interested. Not a good look.
@emmabradbury9189 2 жыл бұрын
So much misinformation in this video. I 100% understand why some MLM give the rest a bad name with harsh recruitment tactics and rubbish products. I 100% believe Tropic are different. I’ve been an ambassador for 6 months now, I was never recruited I signed up because I’ve used the products myself for 3 years and they are incredible. All businesses have management structures so why is that an issue for you? There is no mention of the charity work the brand do in this video either. Social selling means instead of companies like boots taking up to 60% of the profits it goes to Ambassadors, everyday people like me. You really get back the effort you put in, it’s really changed some people’s lives. They have done a huge relaunch this last week which published the clinical data to prove the effectiveness of their products. It’s not about sell sell sell, it’s about selling products that work!
@ct1584 2 жыл бұрын
I became a preferred client by paying $400 at Arbonne one month ago and I was almost tricked by this stupid "business"!!!!!!!!!!! Their system is NOT affiliate marketing even though my independent client told me it was. This video is posted a year ago but they are still doing the same ridiculous stuff!!!!!!!!!! I'm upset by this experience and disappointed in myself because I thought I would never be fooled by this kind of silly stuff😠😠 I'm very sad that a lot of people all around the world have gone through the same experience... Thank you for sharing your experience🙏
@appleyemma1 2 жыл бұрын
What? Ingredients not declared.what have I been drinking. Please can you do a follow up with the new uk specific coffees being tested. The solside coffee and the europa joe. At present solside coffee doesn't even have an ingridients listed on the velentus website. What are the names of the testing labs in the uk to check for dodgy ingriedients.
@FortBaker2011 2 жыл бұрын
If this was easy and legit, people would be begging to join. As it is, the Arbots are begging to recruit.
@FortBaker2011 2 жыл бұрын
“Don’t take my numbers as fact.” Exactly.
@jeanettehobson524 2 жыл бұрын
It seems that most people commenting here haven't tried this program. It's so sad to hear people making negative comments about a program they haven't even tried. Arbonne's 30 Days to Healthy Living changed my life and the lives of others I know. Through this program I was able to systematically identify and eliminate foods that were causing a real problem for me. I promise you this wasn't a "nocebo effect" however, if it is that's okay with me. At least I'm not walking around nauseous all day, every day anymore.