@kimzinho8061 Күн бұрын
Try to catch a peacock bass....with the spear or whatever, doesn't have to be alive...then leave it in your camp on the ground near the campfire or something where you can see it constantly... 🤣 It has to be a peacock though, you have them near your camp, I believe that's where I caught it last time I played..
@generalg1946 Күн бұрын
And…:what happens? lol😂
@kimzinho8061 Күн бұрын
@@generalg1946 you'll see!😁 It doesn't happen immediately though, just leave it on the ground and go on with your life..
@kimzinho8061 Күн бұрын
You never remember to press ALT to take the sticks and others piles of stuff all at once from the backpack😁 You might have built your house on a spot where something usefull always grows, if you don't need it just cut it, I have 4 or 5 spots like that in my campsite..just cut it and see if the next plant that grows there is more usefull.
@generalg1946 Күн бұрын
It’s true, but maybe next time, I will 🤣🤣🤣
@kimzinho8061 Күн бұрын
When you are close to water or not even that close..try to look down at your feet and fill something with water..you can do it in land as long as you're near water!😂 Straight from the dirt😂 Try it when giving water to the plants without taking one step! Saves time! And test the distance! I'm pretty sure you can do it from inside your caban!
@generalg1946 Күн бұрын
Yes I can! I actually did that once and was like wtf? Haha
@kimzinho8061 Күн бұрын
@@generalg1946 🤣
@kimzinho8061 Күн бұрын
You went all this time without harvesting coconut?? 😂 I had never noticed that!..
@generalg1946 Күн бұрын
Yeah I have harvested a few, but they’re kind of small! I need to make clay pots or get another tortoise like you said!
@kimzinho8061 Күн бұрын
@@generalg1946 the bits of coconut flesh I mean..
@kimzinho8061 Күн бұрын
I made like 30 big clay bowls to end the coconut bowls thing, when i travel I'll leave one in every place I have a hut or bed with campfire that I have spread all over.. I ended with that and just left them on the floor and saved the game, hopefully they won't disappear! (They didn't, I made 2 storage boxes anyway, you can put 15 big bowls in one..)
@generalg1946 Күн бұрын
Nice! I’m excited to get back into the game and start building with mud! Are the bowls large and heavy? I imagine them being like the tortoise shell.
@kimzinho8061 Күн бұрын
@@generalg1946 they weigh the same as turtle shell but occupy just a little bit less space in the backpack..and it's 30 liquids instead of the 25 from the turtle shell! Win-win...
@kimzinho8061 Күн бұрын
Damn that indian was fast to get you!😆 proper Barry Allen! Whenever you find some big armadillos make better armor with their shell!
@generalg1946 Күн бұрын
Any tips on how to slaughter the big one? I can’t say I have ever tried 🤷🏻‍♂️😂
@kimzinho8061 Күн бұрын
@@generalg1946 the big armadillo? Spear him and he'll run but slowly..you can catch it, if you don't damage it, it runs faster than you or at least as fast!
@kimzinho8061 Күн бұрын
Those "mounds" sometimes have good stuff, I found a rusty machete too in one of those, inside that cave system where I found the "killer Trap" that I talked about in the last comments I made on the last video.
@kimzinho8061 Күн бұрын
At 58:15 when you're coming out of the house, that bush right in front of you that look like those "orange" trees without fruit also give you a bulb with lots of carbs, cook it or harvest it for seeds.. Walking around I gather lots of those bulbs and harvest all, I have lots of seeds in storage boxes..
@generalg1946 Күн бұрын
I’m just Guna chop the forest down till I find one of everything haha🤣 probably what’s meant to be done! I even tried eating the flower off camera. It give some carbs and like 3 food poising just fyi 🤣
@kimzinho8061 Күн бұрын
@@generalg1946 those red long flowers are good cooked, I believe it's -15 fever..but I just sleep it off when I have fever from snake bites or scorpion.. When I'm about to try something I save the game and do it, if it goes wrong I just load it back..
@generalg1946 Күн бұрын
@@kimzinho8061 Ok I think I tossed mine in the compost bin, But not I know ! lol
@loedtree01 2 күн бұрын
Dont compost the ash or charcoal u need them ash u need make mud bricks and carcoal is used a lot to cure food posion u can use charcoal in fire instead woob and u will need charcoal to make the mudwater filter so try not to waste the ash or charcoal. And should be maken the mud stuff soon u can better stuff and u need mud to make the chest
@loedtree01 2 күн бұрын
I personal favor building area always been coco field and the fish camp. Loads of room and bamboo
@generalg1946 Күн бұрын
Oh nice ok! I just had excess stuff and didn’t want to carry it around😃
@generalg1946 Күн бұрын
I need to go find those. It’s the other map that I don’t have I think. Soon😉
@kimzinho8061 Күн бұрын
@@generalg1946 never made the mudwater filter but you'll need the charcoal eventually if you want to make weapons with iron..oh, don't leave any tin can behind, same as iron ore...
@OG_Whoopa Күн бұрын
@@generalg1946 you can also make ash dressings which are good for preventing wound infection.
@mi_dymenciasbloodybodyunde5130 2 күн бұрын
Good work
@mi_dymenciasbloodybodyunde5130 2 күн бұрын
@58:12 you literally walkt next to a fishtrap I don't know if your notebook registered it
@generalg1946 2 күн бұрын
Yes I had already registered it. I’d like to place several near my new home. Soon.
@kimzinho8061 3 күн бұрын
I went to your part of the map for a while just to take a walk and found an extensive cave system at 36W 32S, there's a big enemy camp there and you'll find a "Killer Trap" in the caves to learn how to make..it's near your camp and the friendly village, check your coordinates, it's right where you found the coconuts, one on the ground and the two in the tree and where those 2 indians always walk by...you were there on those caves but missed a few spots including a large enemy camp, at least on this video, i don't know about the next one that you've made already... And found some iron ore too, 4 pieces in two spots, the hammer you have works fine, just takes quite a few swings!
@generalg1946 Күн бұрын
Ok cool I’ll start to check it out! Do I have a hammer? Does the axe chip iron? Idk I’ll have to look into that when I get a chance! Soon 😉
@kimzinho8061 Күн бұрын
@@generalg1946 the normal hammer is fine for that..
@kimzinho8061 3 күн бұрын
Found another big camp, with prisoners, the other camp also had one in a cage nearby, I'm checking around these caves only, not going far, staying close to the walls..there's a lot of stuff to do near your camp it seems..
@generalg1946 Күн бұрын
Is this rhetorical one by the boats? I had found one around there, but I haven’t really looked to much since then. And really I need to go destroy the one I found. At the time I wasn’t aware that was a thing lol
@kimzinho8061 Күн бұрын
@@generalg1946 that one is near the big boat, before you go in to the mangrove maze..
@kimzinho8061 3 күн бұрын
It's hard to stop exploring once you start😂 I actually just found the big boat with the map and the small boat nearby to finally burn the captains body that I never got to do because I had gotten lost in the beginning of the game...and there you go, went back to the start!😅 Now it's time to go back and explore the rest of the other map since I only explored almost half so far, been distracted doing things in camp and learning new stuff, then I'll get back here...
@generalg1946 Күн бұрын
The map you are on, is can I find it at one of the camps? Like the drug field or fishing camp?
@kimzinho8061 Күн бұрын
@@generalg1946 Well..since I learned where your map was from your video, it's fair to tell you, it's in the drug lab, near my camp..
@kimzinho8061 Күн бұрын
@@generalg1946 I went to both caves that I know come across to this side of the map and one is at 48-31,5 but in the map is 49-32..on that one you come out on the other side, turn right and keep going, in a few seconds you'll be in my campsite, the drug lab is right there too.. The other one is at 43-33,5, that one is much closer to you, just go inside and walk all the way to the bottom of the cave, once you come out on the other side you'll find out where you are!😂 You'll be close to the drug lab anyway, just go up that log you saw in my video that wasn't there in story mode! To go to that cave just walk towards NorthWest from your camp or the Village.. it's a bit past a little pond, you actually were there at one point, a little pond where you killed 2 indians and one fell in the water..check the map, 2min walk from your camp, I just went there to your campsite to check..
@kimzinho8061 3 күн бұрын
If you want to go across to the part of the map where I am, when you're ready, just head out to 50-30 in your map, along those walls you'll find the little cave path to the other side of the map, the spot where I've built my camp is at 49-27, very close from there...
@Yuwtagamingchill 3 күн бұрын
How to get water from those water collectors? I build 3 of them and have no water
@generalg1946 3 күн бұрын
It has to rain first. I don’t think there is an option to add anything if I’m not mistaken
@OG_Whoopa 4 күн бұрын
I always build with mud, once you start you won't go back to anything else. A couple of my walls i do with the mud fireplace, it gives you 4 spots for cooking. Also as Kim already stated get the pottery going as well, big game changer. And put out the fires the longer you leave them on the more attention it brings from the war tribe and they will come and destroy your place. After a while they will send in a huge dude with armor and 2 handed axe to come wreck you! Also one last thing dont know if its still a thing but you could store the soups in the clay bottles and I think coconut bidons as well. It's not intuitive but put the bottle on the ground and pick up the bowl and pour it in. you would think it would be like you putting water in the bowl, but it's not, it's the other way around.
@lazloperry5242 4 күн бұрын
I cant even pick up sticks, the new update is htutsl and horribly coded.
@generalg1946 4 күн бұрын
I haven’t played since the last update. If you want to, you can hop on their discord and let the devs know what issues you are having.
@billboa9465 4 күн бұрын
32:11 you can repair the broken clothes at the armor bench. They were way better than what you have.
@generalg1946 4 күн бұрын
Oh man, I wish I would have known that. I’ll try again when I find some more because I dropped them I believe 🤷🏻‍♂️
@lienah.q8883 4 күн бұрын
Waw, that was insane! Little bro must be traumatized by now.. glad we could see the end tho.
@generalg1946 4 күн бұрын
And sister haha she cut her way out of the giant! lol crazy game I’m glad it’s done though. I can focus on other things 😀
@kimzinho8061 4 күн бұрын
All right, so...I made a sled, it's just awesome!😁 You can carry 18 logs(saves you 6 trips, 3 logs at a time on foot) or lots of long sticks, or coconuts..i tried sticks and small sticks but it just drops it on the ground when you take off with the sled..trust me, build one!! Easy and fast to maneuver too!! If you can go through, it can too...
@generalg1946 4 күн бұрын
Cool I’ll do that for sure! Thanks man your advice on this game has kept me wanting to play it!
@kimzinho8061 4 күн бұрын
You need a pottery table to make clay bottles for water, takes more water than the coconut bidon, and large clay bowls to cook, they're great, takes 30 water to cook soup, the turtle shell takes 25..you'll forget about the coconut bowls after that, now i only use them to fill with rain water outside! Then just make a large campfire and grill on top and you have 7 spots total to cook on..
@kimzinho8061 4 күн бұрын
Oh..the table is only one of 3 things you have to build to do all of the above.. Keep some ash, you'll need a piece of it once in a while if you're planing to do any of it..or you'll have to make more, not a big problem anyway.
@kimzinho8061 4 күн бұрын
You can put the campfire out by putting water in the middle circle of the campfire, put a bit of water in a coconut bowl and use it to put the fire out..or straight with the coconut bidon but if it's filled with clean water, there goes all the water... It's better to light it up when needed than building a new campfire all the time or spending all your sticks keeping it on!
@generalg1946 4 күн бұрын
Ok this makes sense especially when it attracts enemies! I’m really looking forward to building a home now! I want to do all mud with balconies around the outside and then a wall to keep enemies out! Hey, do the enemies destroy your planters? Because I had two that broke when there was a battle around that spot so I wasn’t sure!
@kimzinho8061 3 күн бұрын
@@generalg1946 they destroy everything of you let them! 🤣 But if you're not in camp they don't do anything, in story mode I had like 4 or 5 indians destroying my camp while I was trying to fight them all..some attacking me, others destroying what I've built! And in this mode, one was trying to destroy my animal pen while I was having fun dodging his arrows to then catch them for myself, he stopped throwing and started hitting the animal pen but I stopped him...
@generalg1946 3 күн бұрын
@@kimzinho8061 to be fair, I guess that’s what I am doing to their camps 🤣
@kimzinho8061 3 күн бұрын
@@generalg1946 😂 true..
@kimzinho8061 4 күн бұрын
The plant that you passed by at around min 29:58 with the red round flowers is the one that gives you the bulb with lots of carbs which you can eat/cook or harvest to plant in 2 planting boxes, the one you destroyed right before that, inside the house with the straight long flowers very rarely gives you anything besides the flower you got, which you can cook too, takes 3 fever from your body I believe.. So, you want the bush with the ROUND flowers! Both bushes are similar.. You can plant those green fruits with spikes and the little orange fruits too..
@generalg1946 4 күн бұрын
Oh I found another one as well! You might be describing it already, but it’s in the thick jungle with that flower that poisons you. It almost looks like a corn on the cob, or a cat tail! That one is really good as well! I have found the bulbs. So many awesome things to learn and find in this game!
@kimzinho8061 4 күн бұрын
You didn't seem to want to get rid of the honey dressing to save the guys life😁 Build a behive, i have so much honey i don't even collect it anymore! 🤣
@generalg1946 4 күн бұрын
I will! I just need to start mud brick production...Soon! I figured with my luck if I gave it away, I would need it soon lol
@kimzinho8061 4 күн бұрын
You can take the iron ore with normal axe! I was forgetting to tell you that, never leave the iron ore behind, it will disappear..and trust me, you'll need it... Put it on a shelf inside the house or storage box outside or something so you don't lose it..things left on the ground many times disappear.
@generalg1946 4 күн бұрын
Ok I will start to harvest these things as I explore
@kimzinho8061 4 күн бұрын
The best things to fill the composter fast are the bones and meat..if you don't need it. You have many animals around you so it's not an issue! And the indians always come back to give you more meat and bones!😆
@kimzinho8061 4 күн бұрын
🤣🤣🤣 When you have almost no stamina and need to sleep you have to wait to take another swing at the tree, that's why you were missing it, not the distance, watch the stamina bar below..
@generalg1946 4 күн бұрын
@kimzinho8061 4 күн бұрын
Put a grill over the campfire for 3 more cooking spots..total of 7! And don't forget..put the fire out if not needed! I normally cook all i need to eat and to leave cooked for next time and put the fire out immediately..
@generalg1946 4 күн бұрын
I usually leave it on because I like to think that if I was stranded, I’d like a fire…haha
@kimzinho8061 4 күн бұрын
Don't worry about taking all the stones near you, they spawn in the same spots later..in my camp they do, lots of them! Near water there's usually plenty rocks in certain spots!
@kimzinho8061 4 күн бұрын
With compost you don't need to go looking for maggots anymore! Honestly I can't hear the air conditioner at all even when boosting the sound and I have headphones on.
@generalg1946 4 күн бұрын
Hey thanks man I appreciate that feedback back, honestly😁
@kimzinho8061 4 күн бұрын
Something important in terms of nutrients, if you drank water until you're full or almost full, you can only drink 20 water/brew/soup at a time..that means that with the turtle shell that takes 25 liquids, you can get double the nutrients, like that plant with red round flower, gives you a bulb with 50 carbs but with the turtle shell you can drink twice (20+5) as long as you already drank until you're full beforehand...if you're thirsty, you end up drinking the whole thing at once and only getting those nutrients once! The large clay bowls are even better than the turtle shell.
@generalg1946 4 күн бұрын
Ah I see, I was wondering what the dynamic was that sometimes let me drink some, and sometimes it was all! Makes sense
@kimzinho8061 4 күн бұрын
My suggestion for next episode you asked!??😁 Well..I'll tell you anyway! Make a sled, trust me! And if you want, make the pottery table to make at least the big clay bowls and clay bottles! It won't take much time..just mud! So, build close to the water so you don't have to walk back and forth with the mud!
@generalg1946 4 күн бұрын
Excellent, like I said though, it will be the next next one. I already have one more ready to go😅
@kimzinho8061 4 күн бұрын
The campfire was too close to the wall for the grill rack to fit it seems..that's the campfire i've built too, the grill fits perfectly so that's got to be it..
@generalg1946 4 күн бұрын
Ok cool, well I am going to take this one down and rebuild it at my base home😉
@kimzinho8061 4 күн бұрын
Not too many comments right!??🤣 Come read them before you play the next episode to revive your memory.. 😅
@generalg1946 4 күн бұрын
Next episode is already done...but on the next next one I will lol
@JPaulSmithArt 4 күн бұрын
Super stoked that you came back to this one bro.
@generalg1946 4 күн бұрын
Yeah man I was happy to finally finish it! It took a little bit, but I got it in the end;)
@JPaulSmithArt 4 күн бұрын
@@generalg1946 You did great. The effect and the storyline were amazing.
@kvasirofold4784 5 күн бұрын
I wouldn't think the different rafts would connect. Much like a semi trailer won't fit on the back of a fiat spydet
@generalg1946 4 күн бұрын
Maybe you haven’t played Stranded Deep.
@kvasirofold4784 4 күн бұрын
@@generalg1946 nope. Never have. I am a Rust and Valheim player who dabbled in medieval dynasty and kingdom come deliverance. Looking for something new, and I think this game may be it. Love the challenges I've seen with your playthrough. Especially for late beta. Will be checking out more of your vids.
@generalg1946 4 күн бұрын
Oh man I thought Valheim was awesome! And I actually just picked Rust up on steam on sale😎 haven’t played it yet. Kingdom come deliverance, i haven’t tried
@generalg1946 4 күн бұрын
@@kvasirofold4784 Oh snap, I also have Kingdom Come deliverance as well lol smh I have to many games, I don't even know what I've got
@kvasirofold4784 5 күн бұрын
"There's no banana tree" as he literally walks in a circle around a banana tree. 😂
@generalg1946 4 күн бұрын
You come onto my channel, just to dog on my gameplay? lol
@warrenhenley9211 5 күн бұрын
you need the hammer to start with the floor and inner stairs
@lienah.q8883 5 күн бұрын
I'm really starting to enjoy this, I like the caves and nature 😊 looking forward toe the next episode, Oh and also, I probably would have use that open space just next to you and make that like a storage place
@generalg1946 5 күн бұрын
Yeah! Like put a bunch of storage in that building, make it a “barn”😀 I like that idea. Then I’ll build more next to it in the open!
@kimzinho8061 5 күн бұрын
What's up!.. I haven't watched this one yet, just here to tell you that I've started forging weapons and armor with metal, it was not easy to find out how to melt the ore but I got there.. I'll be watching this video later!
@generalg1946 4 күн бұрын
@@kimzinho8061 Nice! I really want to try and get there especially because there are a lot of caves around my location! I want to build my house next episode and then try for metal items;) well, it will be the next one, I batched two episode this weekend.
@warrenhenley9211 6 күн бұрын
what about crossbow
@generalg1946 6 күн бұрын
Well I had made it at one point on one of the episodes but there are like four things to kill total and I had already killed them🤷🏻‍♂️
@steve11211 8 күн бұрын
This is just a complete copy of Anno game, is it made by the same people?
@generalg1946 8 күн бұрын
No, Anno is made by Ubisoft I believe, and this game is made by Crazy Goat Games. Similar, but slightly different. I don't know if you saw, but there was a game call celestial empire that was also similar. This one is more just focused on Pirates, as you can see. Are they similar, yes, I think so as well🙂
@steve11211 7 күн бұрын
@@generalg1946 I honestly first thought it was a DLC for Anno.. I know there are lots of games with similar building layout etc but the UI and everything seems almost identical..
@nicramtg176 8 күн бұрын
make a pile of empty coconuts. you will have endless water
@generalg1946 8 күн бұрын
So quick silly question, do they fill up with water or refill with coconut water? I seem to remember doing this once and then got the you know whats, so just curious! Thanks😀
@rodneynormanhersom3583 9 күн бұрын
find out where the sound files are and replace them OR edit your videos and dub in better sounds . dont let the world control you control it first
@douglascummings3061 9 күн бұрын
Thanks for discussing what can be done to improve the game, thanks you.
@jaym1244 9 күн бұрын
Thx for showcasing my island, GG. It's Dawn Oasis. I built it specifically with flat areas for base building. The large area inside the rocky cliffs is where I meant for the castaway to build. All the palm trees and Ficus trees can be cut down to open that entire area. I can't believe I never placed a refined hammer, lol. I guess I was hoping the random crates would spawn one. Anyway, my second island is done, just haven't named it or uploaded it to Steam yet. I'll get to that sometime this week. Not sure you'd want to showcase that one as it is basically an "all-in-one". It is loaded with brick, clay, planks, metal scrap, wood, tools, and boat and gyrocopter building material so you wouldn't need to go anywhere else for resources. Most of it is hidden fairly well, meaning it's not just laying around outside. It's really just for the base builder enthusiast, but I guess you could use it as a resource island too. I hope you showcase your island at some point in the series. I'm looking forward to that. Oh, and I forgot to mention in your last video regarding mods. There is one that can drastically change the maneuverability of your raft, regardless of its size. It's called the "Stranded Deep Tweaks" mod. Among many things it can do, one option improves raft steering dramatically! Thanks again for checking out my island. Love the series!
@generalg1946 8 күн бұрын
Yeah man, of course! It is fun to check out what other creators have dreamed up! When you upload your new island, I will check that one out as well. May as well I say since I wouldnt mind replacing all the islands on this map! Nice one to the "Dawn oasis"! I did see that after I ended the video and went to pick up all the bricks that indeed that spot was made for building! I will have to look up how to do the mods one of these day! Thanks again man!
@jaym1244 5 күн бұрын
@@generalg1946 I finally uploaded my new island. It's called "Home Base" by Semperfi.
@generalg1946 Күн бұрын
@@jaym1244 I downloaded it and will add it in game. Not sure when I will get to that particular one but we will eventually 😉
@lienah.q8883 9 күн бұрын
I think I'll get frustrated lol, but is there any sort of spike barriers you can place maybe?
@generalg1946 9 күн бұрын
Maybe! I’ll have to look into it😉 all I know is they’re dead eyes with those bows and it kinda sux!
@lienah.q8883 9 күн бұрын
@@generalg1946 to be fair, I don't mind games where you gotta fight a little, but I don't understand why the county of enemies jump like that, they should fix that so they don't respond after you kill them ..
@generalg1946 9 күн бұрын
@@lienah.q8883 Right! Let me thin out the enemies a little! And they have guns....yeah I wasn't going to survive that one haha
@alp2ccc138 9 күн бұрын
38:50 :))
@leegc1835 10 күн бұрын
Bubbles will often show safe location