Throne And Liberty Will Be A Historical Flop
New VTube Model Reveal Trailer
@turtle792 10 минут бұрын
dont shit on my eboy kpop idol Jayber T.T
@animeislife6158 Сағат бұрын
I guess i'm getting the bundle
@Heatbeaver 2 сағат бұрын
@renyoudie 2 сағат бұрын
Yeah, as if I needed more reason to get her bundle. SHEEESH
@EllyYoutube Сағат бұрын
@samst-louis9389 2 сағат бұрын
Eskimo?!? 🤣😂🤣
@EllyYoutube Сағат бұрын
@chaosRonin 2 сағат бұрын
oh sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesh. Maybe i should start playing again o.o
@EllyYoutube Сағат бұрын
yis yis
@ProNwb511 2 сағат бұрын
Wrong opinion. Metal gear and bioshock have amazing stories
@EllyYoutube Сағат бұрын
Yea no, but its okay to be wrong... I still think you're cute
@anthonysantiago220 4 сағат бұрын
Naw he sounds dumb asf after he mentioned genshin
@EllyYoutube Сағат бұрын
@MrOppy678 4 сағат бұрын
I played (FD) in the beta test (founding player) I played (WF) in the beta ( founding player) I played DSTNY as well (cant remember when I started playing) They are all good. But they need to have an OFFLINE MODE FIRST. (this will help survivability of these games) 1.Destiny = if those idiots would make it a THIRD PERSON GAME = the ratings would skyrocket! 2.Warframe = I know they brought them out of those ridiculous suits...but it is TOO LATE. (also, they going to have to show more skin) 3.First D =Bunny is the stupidest toon I have ever played....You know, maybe I DONT want to f*cking run around all day at light speed and get stopped by a oblique invisible object.
@hakaishin7859 4 сағат бұрын
Its not the grind thats a probelm. Its when you have RNG stacked on top of more RNG thats a problem and will kill this playerbase. What am i talking about? To get certain patterns = RNG drop from completion/boss kill Now you finally have one after hours of grinding... Time for more RNG when you go to open it. You get your 57th calvary part. Thats too much RNG stacked on more RNG for only one item. Thats crazy and will kill this playebase once more people catch on to it
@hakaishin7859 5 сағат бұрын
F2P players are capped at 10 descendants and can not earn more descendant slots by playing. This is a paywall. Want/need more descendant slots? 50 calibur/slot
@omdevs 5 сағат бұрын
@Drunkish-ih2yf 5 сағат бұрын
@HachisLove 5 сағат бұрын
Is that the skin for ultimate valby ? The one you buy. As a bundle?
@olegtz 5 сағат бұрын
The drop rates are probably generous but at the same time there are lot of layers of rng
@abraham2721 5 сағат бұрын
@akiramatoi4158 6 сағат бұрын
WTF WTF WTF!! 2 days i been tryna get that damn Blue Beetle blueprint and you get 2 back to back first 2 runs!!!! LMFAO this some ol buuuuulllll sh!t EDIT: Love the edits and just your commentary in general.. i dont think i laughed genuinely like this at a YT video in a hot minute.. love it (also your streams are dope too im in there all the damn time.. i just be lurkin hard af cause im usually playing TFD myself)
@akiramatoi4158 7 сағат бұрын
all i could think with like 90% of his points was "its a looter shooter bro have you never played one before?" why do they keep giving people the job to review games they have a hate bias too.. i think thats IGN as a whole. .someone in charge HATES TFD and said "this guy hates looter shooters.. let make this MFer review it" (p.s you pretty much said this right as i finished typing it lol)
@nalx22 8 сағат бұрын
"Resistance" is futile.
@caddycheon 8 сағат бұрын
@KnightKingofAdClear 9 сағат бұрын
Elly you got a great view of this game and I am a console player and think this game is awesome! (I can’t play PC I’m a aircraft mechanic so my fingers are not the best for PC)
@bigj5872 10 сағат бұрын
did you just say what butt plugs to yujin? 😂
@Phantom3616G 10 сағат бұрын
ultimate bunny and ultimate valby are going to be tough choice on who to buy from the store
@PepperoniRonin. 11 сағат бұрын
2:34 UI does not just refer to the UI elements you see when actively playing the game, it also refers to all the menus and their designs which is awful in this game. I was shocked when you said the UI is one of the best when it is the most basic UI layout in the entire looter shooter genre, hell in all of gaming. Like I kid you not, when a dev is making an ability based game that layout is the one they use in their prototype b4 they start actually designing the game's unique UI. Now, time to earn the dislikes. I say this as someone that has 700+ hours in Destiny 2, 800+ hours in Warframe, 300+ hours in The Division 2, 200+ Hours in Wayfinder when it was a live service looter slasher (which are games in the looter shooter genre that are melee focused, there are not many of them), completed the full campaign in Borderlands 3, Tiny tina's Wonderlands, Outriders and Anthem and maybe 15 hours in GodFall, The First Descendant is the worst looter shooter I have played. This doesnt mean it is a bad game, it is just a 5(maybe 6)/10 game in a genre with 7/10 or above games. TFD is down there with Godfall but if TFD is a 5/10 Godfall is a 5.5/10 because at least Godfall has a bare-able story, good graphics(tho they went too crazy with the shiny) and well done animations. I know people will argue about the graphics but let me tell you the honest truth, TFD looks like an Unreal Engine 5 tech demo esp when it comes to the environment. UE5 tech demos look good, but there is a reason why they are just tech demos. I gave the game a fair chance to impress me, I think 35 hours is a fair chance, and I ended up deleting the game because I asked myself this; Why would I play this game when I can just play Waframe, Destiny 2 or The Division 2. TFD just looks and feels like a souless game. It is a live service game so I do hope this improves with future updates. PS: A game being Free to play should never be used as an excuse for anything. The game is not F2P because the publisher/devs are feeling generous, its F2P because that monetization model allows them to earn way more money that P2P games could ever dream of. If the P2P monetization model earned more money, TFD would be a P2P game. This doesn't apply to games like Warframe which were F2P b4 the monetization model was the clear go to for maximum money gains, some F2P games like LoL, DOTA2, Counter Strike 2, Fortnite, etc are F2P coz the devs want their game to be as accessible as possible... TFD is not one of this games and the monetization shows it, just compare the monetization in the games I have mentioned to monetization in TFD.
@Oni1975 12 сағат бұрын
I would never intentionally do this to a Sharen, but ngl, it probably happened more than once while learning this game. Just don't call for the manager on me! lol
@michaelreeves4529 15 сағат бұрын
I agree 100% HP and defence always first espically aginst bosses I even tested against the final boss in campaign mode
@caddycheon 16 сағат бұрын
Another grindfest Uuuuuuuuuuuooohhhh 😭💢😭
@x_M0NTY_x 17 сағат бұрын
251hrs. And I dnt have Ulti Bunny.😂😂😂
@ExiledTraitor 19 сағат бұрын
Literally just go hp def and res if you're doing group fights just to help resurrect when you're team goes down. Only pyro still does more damage to me when i try to match the same def stats compared to other bosses. It's the mfing burnn
@tasume3583 20 сағат бұрын
I have 722hrs on warframe, and over 1k on destiny, and 260hr of TFD. Honest unbiased opinion its a solid 6.9/10 monetization is same as warframe. only hope they add trading and make dyes permanent and able to dye base skin like warframe, and hope they add big raids like destiny, then itll be a solid 7/10, story meh i skipped. so in total destinyframe = 6.9/10
@tasume3583 20 сағат бұрын
warframe has the same time gated crafting, same module system, same forma system(increase mod capacity) basicly the same monetization only difference is dye is perm/there is trading in warframe. now comparing TFD to destiny, you pay 100$+ for destiny dlc. Theres a pay wall for content, while TFD dont have a paywall for content, just time gated crafting exactly like warframe. and in all games you still pray to RNG-esus for godrolls/drop rate in the end to get what you want.
@Spacolot 20 сағат бұрын
You remind me of Jeremy (with love🎀)
@Drawnartist 20 сағат бұрын
You payed $70 for that skin? Damn girl
@EllyYoutube 20 сағат бұрын
You can see it as buying the game, since the game is free. I think its a great purchase sinc eI have over 300 hrs
@Back_to_80s 21 сағат бұрын
x1.5 speed on every TFD guide .... that's totally me
@weslawrence888 Күн бұрын
Lmfao, someone her chat said "No way you can get 40k def and 10k hp w/ Bunny" My bunny on my bossing build has 50k Def and 18k HP. On my farming build I'm still running 30k def and 13k HP.
@DecoyCaliber Күн бұрын
I didn’t know vtubers could do that. I don’t really watch them so I guess I wouldn’t have known. I might have to sub to do some research
@0kamiLupus Күн бұрын
i feel your pain Elly, is the same when i do archon espionage mission in warframe with random......
@brotherelf Күн бұрын
Travis is a destiny PvP zealot I wouldn't take anything he says seriously
@leburger5160 Күн бұрын
after about 25 to 30k defence, it get massive dimensioning returns. once you hit roughly 26k, you're far better off dumping the rest of your stats into either HP or shield, depending on who you're playing. Enzo is shield, and Valby is HP, for example...
@warfossil Күн бұрын
Oh Yeah! July 31st.
@Heatbeaver Күн бұрын
looking good
@Qballiz2kool Күн бұрын
And if you’re Ajax, go on and get 20k HP because tanky boi gotta tank. On another note: whoever green lit that the elemental resistances & elemental dmg modules are all different socket types needs to step on a Lego, WHY wouldn’t you make those all the same socket type!?, it’s a pain slotting those into builds because their all different sockets.
@anonymousgamer8807 Күн бұрын
That second guy is The First Descendants 'Big and shiney' lol
@MiniMax1776 Күн бұрын
She is too innocent to be wearing that,but I ain't complaining
@Beard_Hood Күн бұрын
TFD is fun but falls short of being great. I do like it, but it doesn't quite scratch the itch that Destiny used too. I do mean used to, Destiny has become a joke. I like all the characters in TFD more than most other games. It just falls a tad short. Maybe in a year it'll have all I personally need to call it great.
@xDagel Күн бұрын
She even got a built in credit card reader 😂🤭
@shyguy946 Күн бұрын
Omg I love women
@silvertaken Күн бұрын
@Raven_Sol Күн бұрын
defense xdd
@runecollectorsl Күн бұрын
The 18 above her crotch is definitely going to be a main point in “art”