Generation Z Changed The Workplace
How To Spot A SCAM
2 ай бұрын
How To Network The Right Way
@morethanmello 3 күн бұрын
"50k on doordash" means I can make 3-5 rent payments on doordash
@loanianderson1978 3 күн бұрын
If there are no hard working people making good money to order from door dash where are they going to work? Anyway Boomers and GenX will be dead by the time GenZ need to work, if they don't create their own empires how is money going to flow and keep the US strong..
@impactdrivenleader 4 күн бұрын
@chilipequin6351 4 күн бұрын
That is absolutely correct !!!
@impactdrivenleader 4 күн бұрын
@I_stepped_in_SF_shit 5 күн бұрын
Most people who try to strike out on their own typically end up folding once they realize how much work it is and how little money it is at first. If you dont have the stamina and drive to do it for years until you get your footing you should just work a job lol
@geoffreychauvin1474 6 күн бұрын
How do they think they have any monetary value with zero experience and zero drive to earn it? I have worked plenty of crappy jobs over the years just to make sure my family was provided for when times got tough. Also, your an employee not a friend, they don't have to "value you as a person" they can not treat you like trash but you are there to to a job not get head pats
@hrishikeshkulkarni1013 6 күн бұрын
@impactdrivenleader 6 күн бұрын
@impactdrivenleader 6 күн бұрын
@barbarakoenig925 6 күн бұрын
🤣 Team member-- like they are vested in the business... You mean an employee. It's so condescending the way you described the person who built a business building that is able to contribute to society. As all the production businesses fail... no more money for door dash and money from advertisements that pay online, producers will evaporate. It's not that they want to be valued, but they want to be overvalued where they want a starting pay like they invested in the business, grew the business, and are so skilled that they will bring value the second they step foot in the door. We've reared a generation that has no concept of delayed gratification. You choose an occupation that has room for future growth. There is value in learning a trade; remember that most of us are unqualified and unskilled for each new job, so we are being paid to be trained in the beginning. Ugh, it's a sad cycle. I understand what you're saying, but who pays the insurance, the physical business, the benefits, the daily operations , and even the salary. 😢 There should be mutual respect and understanding.
@lorasoto561 6 күн бұрын
No one gives a shit about workers in a salaried position - you are NOT special, deserving of anything 'extra' because you walked in a door a perform a function they PAY you to do. You have to EARN your perks. The days of google & twitter are over, they glamorized work and every day grunts who are now unemployed. None of us deserve more than we work for in the daily. That ALSO includes creating a company or working for one's self. It is PAINFUL to be an entrepreneur but if you have that spark DO IT. The only chance at happiness in the workplace is working for yourself, not Door Dash or cams. I've been in multiple situations in jobs, from self-sustaining writer to waffle house waitress. You can succeed.
@bfd194 6 күн бұрын
That has been my attitude for years which is why I am a middle aged senior analyst while several colleagues of mine are already retiring as senior directors and VPs. No one is getting rich without putting in the work. Yes, corporations squeeze everything for profit - but good luck taking stock holders out of the equation - that is how all the really wealthy - who pay the senior directors and VPs - make their money.
@clearmind7582 6 күн бұрын
And they are not having kids or getting married - they are not stuck therefore they dobt have to play by the system game. Thats their power!
@chrisdefries671 6 күн бұрын
Go do it then, good luck.
@leeartlee915 6 күн бұрын
Yeah…. I’ve seen Gen Zers try to make it on “gig economies”. A lot of them live at home with their parents.
@12monkies123 6 күн бұрын
Honestly if gen z is so short sighted they can’t see the forest through the trees then let them work at DoorDash , employers want people that do more to get more , that do their work without constant demands and complaints, if you can’t be professional and understand no one is gonna pay you more the 35K if you don’t know shit, then run back to DoorDash and retire there, you’re not who employers are looking for .
@dirus3142 6 күн бұрын
So business should accommodate the generation of perpetual children? That lack work ethic, motivation, and self responsibility. You want a day care that pays adult children to attend.
@carlosfranco1069 6 күн бұрын
To make $50K in gig work will only happen if she does two and three gig work. Then you need to be in Obamacare, another expense. But she is right, she has better options to start her own business. These jobs are not paying right. And not worth busting your butt off for them.
@kmkcowboy1 6 күн бұрын
😂😂😂they won't put up with it huh? Net that changes when they are finally forced to move out or actually grow up and handle they own shit,I bet green z goes broke b4 any company truly suffers and then they'll get in line....a yall act like green z deserves all this money, they want the equivalent of someone that's been working there for 10 years only at a entry level position and working hard to earn that raise or promotion... they've never heard of that they think their entitled to these things after doing the bare minimums. And that's the fault of the education system and getting rid of standards... oh your on the line between F and D no worries your moving up to the next grade any ways sure you can still graduate there's no such thing as consequences any more...
@limonsoda 6 күн бұрын
Thats someone counting earnings without discounting the cost of making the bussines irself.
@Lee-jn8zu 6 күн бұрын
Delusional woman
@mrnobody8540 6 күн бұрын
It's known as a delusional understanding of what the real world is about !
@conundrum2u 6 күн бұрын
yeah good luck being happy on only 50k in this economy. go ahead, do whatever floats your boat but when the time comes that you want to earn real money without having to do the hard work to create a lucrative business, you'll go work for an existing business with actual rules. or you become a business owner and need to create rules for your employees LOL
@tattabox 6 күн бұрын
Nah, I prefer to sit down and see them make billions in Instagram or in Door dash. I wait.
@Pam7780 6 күн бұрын
Trust me when I say that if Door Dash paid 50 grand everyone would be working for Door Dash. Does Door Dash or the Instagram, giga economy offer retirees a medical or dental benifits and a pension?.
@hezmydaddyo2722 6 күн бұрын
Generation Z is full of lousy work ethic functional illiterates demanding owners of companies bow down to their level. Take a hike kids.
@ApesAmongUs 6 күн бұрын
As someone who did independent contract work for years, the difference between working at a salaried job vs a gig job is shocking. Take a pay cut if you need to, but get that dependable paycheck. You're not wise, lady, you're inexperienced and ignorant. If there was one thing I could go back and change in my past it would be "giving up" and taking that 9-5 sooner.
@stealthimaster8583 6 күн бұрын
Everyone seems to think there are magic jobs out there where they don't have to work and put in the time. If that were true everyone would have that magic job. Go ahead and do that 50k DD or Instagram job and don't even bother to enter the workforce, if its so easy why not be doing it now instead of complaining?
@Power5 6 күн бұрын
$50k door dash salary is hilarious. Also love the implication that any genZ can just go make tens of thousands on IG.
@ApesAmongUs 6 күн бұрын
She said IG, but she meant OF. It is easy for a pretty girl to develop a flawed perception of how easy it is to get money.
@Littlelillypewee 6 күн бұрын
Ask yourself how Gen z got to think this way. We as Gen X parents tried to make things better for you kids, but you went from having better to thinking your better. Stop this crap, stay off Instagram and make a stable life for your kids. Don't be flakes. Social media DOESN'T solve anything!
@brianburnside5949 6 күн бұрын
What a pile of crap advise.
@_Coffee4Closers 6 күн бұрын
LOL, if any of what she said was even remotely true she would doing that instead of bitching.
@ifind_Ubuy 6 күн бұрын
Generation z is lazy AF , I see them coming into the warehouse and they wanna be straight managers but can't even do simple math. so they make 50k on Doordash, but they wear out their car and they have to file taxes, but with no math skills or accountability good luck.
@judiumstead5484 6 күн бұрын
You get what you get honey not what you deserve...your parents did you a disservice telling you other wise... you are paid based on the worth of your skill and if you have none you don't deserve more pay than those with more skills..... the living wage is a fantasy
@joe41040 6 күн бұрын
GX got a lot more there GZ or Mill yes your getting more f over then I did....😢 I got duck over
@bbab9489 6 күн бұрын
Who is working 60hrs for so little anyways???? I work 1/2 those hours, no weekends and get paid 3 times that. The problem here sounds more like people bot getting paid a proper wage🤔
@Throa98 6 күн бұрын
I'm a gen Z, but didn't Milennials do that too?
@redecks336 6 күн бұрын
What happens to fields of work like construction when said younger workers have that attitude towards an “easier job that pays the same or more” when that particular market isn’t keeping up? Do we just wait for these skilled professions to go away as the current work force gets too old to work while not being able to train replacements? Just something I think about being a small business owner of a remodeling company.
@robertabrahams7593 6 күн бұрын
That's when they start pissing through their eyes when Door Dash isn't paying ALL the bills and the immigrants have taken ALL the construction jobs and you're hurting.
@Sas_Kat 6 күн бұрын
off you go then haha
@de4ek 6 күн бұрын
50k doing DoorDash is a pipe dream. You may bring in 50k, but then gas,car repair… just… nah. 😂
@phillipm9285 6 күн бұрын
Yeah my brother does dash and barley makes ends meet
@robertcoulter8510 6 күн бұрын
Gen Z are spoiled brats.
@hugoedelarosa 6 күн бұрын
No. They watched millennials work their butts off for peanuts. That's what happened.
@Robbo511 6 күн бұрын
Yeah.. Millenials haven't been putting up with it either. The difference is that we had fewer options if we didn't like it. The main difference is we still had a chance to make limited use of our education to start a career, while all Gen Z sees is srudent loan debt and unpaid internships at the end of it.
@justthinkingaboutallofit 6 күн бұрын
That is because of thebuseless degress people now have which they overpaid for even if you think it makes sense...but then again...boat loads of people did pay them of during their study sonit IS very possible..but less parties and ordering food and course...
@Robbo511 6 күн бұрын
@@justthinkingaboutallofit Do love having a Gen X / boomer condescend to me calling me "son" while saying the reason we can't afford homes or to even pay out bills is because we spend all our money on parties or avocado toast. Nothing to do with the fact prices have gone up year on year while wages have remained static.
@user-dt2ux6vo3n 6 күн бұрын
If it's so grand elsewhere? Go there. Stop bleating to us old folk how badly you're doing. It's your life. Take charge of it.
@youtubesucks1499 6 күн бұрын
Start a business.
@Mx.RumpusParable 7 күн бұрын
Wow, a ton of folks not in touch with the average job-hunter or employees actual treatment, rights, benefits, etc. here.
@ApesAmongUs 6 күн бұрын
I'm gen X and straight out of college (real STEM degree, not one of those fluff ones) my only job offers were for unpaid internships. I ended up taking a "programming" job that paid hourly and was run out of some guys garage. No benefits. Shit, I was self employed and had to pay my own employment taxes. That was 30 years ago and I still don't know if I paid everything correctly, but tax time hurts when you don't have an employer handling withholdings. The economy is worse now, yes. But she isn't complaining about that. She's complaining about going through the same shit we had to go through. The "gig economy" is a scam. Pretending it offers you an out from participating in normal work is self delusion.
@BrookieWookieBee 7 күн бұрын
GenX here. I felt the same way in my 20s. Then I became a parent and realized I need financial security and health insurance. With the ACA though young people can get insurance through the marketplace and don't have to get a job from the man to get it.
@richrichricherd 6 күн бұрын
The older Gen Z folks are in our late 20s. We aren't kids, we are just a different generation learning from the suffering of our parents and grandparents
@SeniorSunday 6 күн бұрын
Companies have used health insurance to control employees for a long time.
@clearmind7582 6 күн бұрын
And they are not having kids - thats their power!
@aking3624 7 күн бұрын
That is not in their mindset ..They truly believe they have the right to be in business & not provide what their workers /customers want!! This is why Republicans spend so much on lobbyists.
@RandallHallKaizenReiki 7 күн бұрын
Then big companies go out of business and all the gigs dry up because nobody has money to pay Doordash. Unskilled labor is not something to depend on because, like commodities, it's a race to the bottom. Someone will always do it for less.
@langolier9 7 күн бұрын
I am sorry you will make how much doing DoorDash? Whatever else you may be you are delusional about DoorDash and probably many other things.
@user-po1oq9um8w 7 күн бұрын
There are only so many of those jobs/ business 50 g's will be dam near poverity in the next 5 yrs. No honey you have it wrong. You guys will finally grow the hell up. Trust me. We all thought we knew everything at your age you think average. Which is what you are, think each one of you is a superstar. And as long as people have mouths to feed. Youll be shocked by what the people will take to feed , cloth and house a child. Smh but lmao.fools