UO Fahri May10
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UO Gaza Camp May10,  students
UO March May25
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EricJackson 4 20 2024
3 ай бұрын
Forest Defense is Climate Defense
Abe Osheroff 2006 at VFP92 Seattle
Phil Cousineau 2011, Venus De Milo
Aug 2023 growers mkt KEPW table
@johnschwalenberg278 6 күн бұрын
I lived in Eugene back in the early 80s rent was 400$ a month for a 3 bedroom house . It's insane now , feel sorry for people today .
@davidotness6199 7 күн бұрын
H/Ts as always, Todd.
@ToddBoyle 9 күн бұрын
could somebody put me in touch with this great being? who was this
@stevekimes 15 күн бұрын
I miss Jackson.
@stevekimes 15 күн бұрын
I saw Becky!
@feedcount 19 күн бұрын
Seeing this in 2024. Heartwreching
@jacquelinezavodny2181 16 күн бұрын
I’m wondering what those who heard this message 11 years ago did with this information, and how those hearing it for the first time in 2024 will take action.
@feedcount 15 күн бұрын
@@jacquelinezavodny2181 we must not stop throughout our lifetimes
@rezakarampour6286 23 күн бұрын
' Gaza . The World's Most Documented Genocide In History . '
@deborahbarnes3184 Ай бұрын
Thank you, like earlier greenwashing and sustainable hacking to support an economic-market -narrative of growth and progress, a meme for a cancer like takeover of the planet, the colonizing ideology, the pattern of our species inherited fear is being called out! This is lovely to see and hear and know of your being and doing. Love to you all, a grandmother of multiple activist movements, staying alive for a Newer Story of Life on a Living Planet. Thank you again!
@sophiaiskeepinittogether Ай бұрын
This is great! Thanks for capturing it Todd!!!
@KennethHolland-um4of Ай бұрын
@ericmodopoulos7757 Ай бұрын
If you can assimilate with the country, you’re in get the fuck out
@MrDragonkilla Ай бұрын
She was talking about Medicare for all in 2012, that's amazing I didn't know that was even a thing until 2015-2016
@ToddBoyle Ай бұрын
Shoulda videod the scene in front of Hayward Field... dammit... we were too busy chanting and pounding drums to make a video
@davidotness6199 Ай бұрын
Thanks Todd. Always good to see your films and interviews. I hope you are well, I miss the "good old days" on FB when we had an honest forum and were not disappeared (as so frequently happens to my comments here!) Ah well, carry on, bro.
@silenichathasaigh9127 Ай бұрын
Gorgeous song!
@jasonj3818 2 ай бұрын
free palestine
@cooloutac 2 ай бұрын
You can't run you can't hide. from the river to the sea Palestine will be free. They are literally calling for destruction of Israel, encouraging more Palestinian aggression and more children to die while calling it a peace protest. More like antisemtic anti western. Same story for 80 years while Israel uses that as an excuse to encroach on more land Justifying terrorism in 2024, as if saying its ok for Israel to be one big suicide bomb for the world facing their destruction.. More like antisemtic anti western. Same story for 80 years while Israel uses that as an excuse to encroach on more land. 30 years of brainwashing by commie professors and online anti western propaganda the west has never taken seriously. Islamists controlling the left and Russians controlling the right. I can't believe we are justifying terrorism in 2024 even at the UN. Freedom and equality for all regardless of Race, Religion, Gender or Orientation. Targeting civilians is never acceptable. Don't be Pawns against that. When we get teh World War you kids are wishing for, I hope you wake up and support the side that stands for these values.
@davidfrager8234 2 ай бұрын
Am Yisrael Chai!!! You all need to read the hamas charter writen in the 80s. It is online! Were not going anywhere
@cooloutac 2 ай бұрын
Supposedly they revised it a few years ago lol. But all they did was write a letter "explaining" it. They didn't revise anything and when you talk to the Palestinians they won't accept a two state. And why should they? They whole world is constantly encouraging them to fight for their homeland, These protesters are literally walking the streets and chanting for more Palestinians to die for their homeland and they are calling it a peace march. Literally justifying terrorism which is never acceptable in a civil world. Society is collapsing before our eyes and these kids are sick from the brainwashing going on for 30 years online and apparently in the colleges like many on the right were saying all along. I say this as a leftist. The Cold War never ended and now Russia controls the far right and Islamists are controlling the far left. The thing they hate the most is freedom and equality for all regardless of race, regligion, creed, gender or orientation. And this poor Pallestinian kid with his earings in his ears, is so manipulated like the little kids I see in Palestine spitting on Israeli soldiers and its breaking my heart. The Amercian Indians were WRONG! The Irish TERRORISTS WERE WRONG. And the Palestinians and these Protesters who call for more violence are WRONG! This cannot be accepted. The Japanese did not become terrorists against us, Even the Germans had no Nazi's against us even after 50,000 troops stayed there for 70 years. The Iraquis love Americans. Israel is a Secular mixed race society from top to bottom at the highest levels of government. Muslim Arab Judges, Doctors, Lawyers. One only side is filled with racist and religious hatred. Look at the Travel Vloggers tavelling through these countries. Listen to what the people in the streets are saying on both sides.
@rahimmilkmu-b3782 2 ай бұрын
@MrMarinaKS 2 ай бұрын
Those students need to get laid , life and work. This gig will not last for long. Soros will move to some other destructive opportunity and will not be paying those losers .
@syung8754 2 ай бұрын
From the river to the sea, dopey students, university a waste of brain cells and common sense😅😅😅
@ericburns1000 2 ай бұрын
Oh and on a second thought them being students there yyyyeeeeeaaaahhhhh there funding the school and there fore they themselves are funding Israel by there own claim
@ericburns1000 2 ай бұрын
Ssssoooooo there SCHOOL is somehow FUNDING Israel...... How does that work exactly how come in none of these videos do we hear all of there demands what are the school members supposed to divest in
@jessinamercy1 2 ай бұрын
@michaelrs8010 2 ай бұрын
This is not about the middle east. This is just another venue for the Marxist/Communist insurgent to disrupt the Western society that they want to bring down.
@jdwfenton 2 ай бұрын
Are the student protesters divesting from Hamas ????
@jessinamercy1 2 ай бұрын
You can't divest in something that has no investments.
@cooloutac 2 ай бұрын
@@jessinamercy1 they were getting 600 million a year in aid right before Hamas took over Gaza from the PA killing I think 700 of their fellow Palestinians because the PA Made a Peace Deal with Israel, who the USA forced to remove 10s of thousands of settlers. Not sure how much aid Gaza gets now.
@RichACBlues 2 ай бұрын
@@jessinamercy1 they were getting 600 million a year in aid before Hamas killed 700 people and took over Gaza from the PA, because they opposed the Peace Deal PA had with Israel which USA forced to remove 10,000s of thousands of settlers. Not sure how much they get now though. We can't even build a pier to get them aid without mortars. We have to fly planes and drop them in the ocean then the make tik tok videos and say we are doing that to exterminate them. smh....
@cooloutac 2 ай бұрын
they use to get $600 million a year in aid. After Israels Peace Deal with the PA in 2004 I think where USA forced Israel to remove 4 major settlements. Hamas then I think a year later or not even, killed 700 palestinians and took over Gaza and they have majority of the Pallestine peoples support. When you watch travel vloggers going through both countries and talking to people on the street. Almost all Israelis want peace and to live together, because thats basically what they already do in Israel. Many Arab Muslm citizens In Israel. Even one on their Supreme court. Female Colonels in the army etc.. almost 1 out of 4 people there. Hating arabs is a foreign concept to most of them and 50% are secular. But in Gaza the people almost always say they want to expel the jews. There is simply no compromise with them. I think even if Israel pulled 100,000s people to the 67 borders. It would never be enough and historically never was. Thats why they have to say Israel created Hamas in some wild conspiracy theory, even though Iran claims them and they have majority support in the country.
@GordonSturrock 2 ай бұрын
those kids are so dang smart! <3
@ToddBoyle 2 ай бұрын
Here's the lame position of University of Oregon officials... they support academic exchanges... with any university if it still exists, LOL freespeech.uoregon.edu/uo-response-encampment-demands
@designerguy6257 2 ай бұрын
@PrisonLifeLarry 2 ай бұрын
How can these Faculty and Staff claim that Israelis are occupying their own homeland which has been the Jewish homeland for approximately 2500 years?
@PrisonLifeLarry 2 ай бұрын
These college campus kids are so misinformed it is so tragic. Israel is the only free Democracy in the Middle East.
@PrisonLifeLarry 2 ай бұрын
God bless Israel.
@ToddBoyle 2 ай бұрын
Yknow, there's people in every movement who pressure journalists and videographers not to record or report on what's actually happening in the movement. Somebody at the UO camp is calling KEPW to take down the report I did on the general meeting yesterday. People wanting to suppress reporting is totally not new. Some of them may be well-intentioned, some of them will be targets of persecution by law enforcement, and the prosecutors and judges elected and maintained by a reactionary and ignorant population. They fear, our Federal Reps, County Commissioners, and City council won't defend their rights. But, some of these people, opposing the flow of information, will be agents provocateur whose goal is to - suppress the message, suppress our points - suppress public awareness of the size of the movement, and - prevent the emergence of the greater leaders within our ranks. How the fuck are we supposed to get our message across when we suppress the best voices in the movement?? Being a reporter or videographer is a thankless task. Nobody's paying you, and all you get is hassles. Hundreds of reporters are killed every year, all over the world and it isn't only combat zones. of course, it's gangs involved in illegal activities. But it's also local political structures. Exactly the same thing-- who's in power, defines what's "illegal". Putin is a great example. The Chinese ruling party, of course. But we have one here, too, in the United States. So here is my statement to other journalists, and to the movements. If you don't want to be seen or reported? If you don't want your words to be distributed outside the group? Then please consider what the movements of the past have gone through. The Labor movement. Black people. What they're still going through. And the victims in Gaza and Ukraine. If you don't want to be in the movement, then that's fine, 99.9% of Americans won't stand up either, for the truth, for what's right. So don't try to stop me from videoing or recording the real leaders in our movements. They have a right to be heard, and seen. And the rest of us-- We have a right to know who's our real leaders and speakers, who we can depend on once they get into political power. For example I recorded Rep. Tlaib' phone call to the UO camp, Wednesday. It went out on the radio and youtube. OK, that is real leadership. She didn't get to Congress by being anonymous. Where was our actual Rep. Val Hoyle in this district? No phone calls of support from Val Hoyle-- she is probably Zionist like almost all the incumbents in the Republican and Democratic Parties in Congress. Look at the roll call vote on HR 6090 which passed by 4 to 1. I went in their office and complained Monday. I'm getting carpal tunnel, there's so much to say. Prob. more in the commets. Like, this is the reason I asked the question at the meeting, what are the doctrines of this movement? how is consensus developed and, who gets to announce what's our doctrines? Such as whether to video stuff.
@ToddBoyle 2 ай бұрын
The video is from the earliest hours of the camp, they don't want videoing anymore.
@ToddBoyle 2 ай бұрын
The video is from the first hours of the camp, a couple days ago. Video is not allowed at the camp anymore
@ToddBoyle 2 ай бұрын
Thanks man.
@ToddBoyle 2 ай бұрын
There is no way to delete a KZfaq short. This will be the last "KZfaq Short" that I ever accidentally upload. I hate the lack of choice, or features lately to control my experience on social media -its just getting ridiculous.
@intbydes 2 ай бұрын
This actually is making me sick to my stomach. And because of propaganda and government policy, also known as lying, people in the us know nothing whatsoever about this.
@bevbass7083 2 ай бұрын
Thank you Todd.
@SeavaBliss 2 ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing this excellent presentation and film. So important.
@ToddBoyle 2 ай бұрын
I just showed up with a couple of cheap camcorders, and the zoom mic's you see, taped to the mic stands, it was quite a job to edit. with 6 audio's but oh, grateful.
@ToddBoyle 2 ай бұрын
Some guy told me, this is the thing. so I rode buses 2 hours to get there. Where the fuck is this place?? found the place. setup my cheap 2007 camcorder, and my tripod. That's pretty much what you need to do. Also the $10 microphone you see? clipped on the mic stand.
@sallysheltonnnn 2 ай бұрын
bruh 2024 why is no one talking about this woman fck the 2 party system we need to elect her
@KEYDUPInc-xt7rs 2 ай бұрын
Thank You
@ToddBoyle 3 ай бұрын
Leaders of the October 2023 rally in Eugene, "Free Palestine", recited some highly useful and relevant facts in the history and reality of Gaza. 250 people at the rally, mostly in their 20s or 30s, listened rapt, and at times, noisily. As an older American it has been hard for me to produce this list for you, after a lifetime lived within the US media mileiu supporting Israel. Together, these points form the alternative analysis widely held among younger Americans. 1. Palestinians have lived under a brutal oppression by the State of Israel since their conquest in 1948, an apartheid state that denied basic human rights. The fact is, after 75 years encompassing 3 or 4 generations, many Palestinians live in a world view incomprehensible to "the West". The October 7th attacks on Israel reflect those fundamentals. 2. All peoples attacked and invade by foreign militaries have a right to self defense. Of course they're going to fight. This is a rather obvious point and is totally congruent with security doctrines in the west, and international law. 3. Acts of rebellion by occupied Palestinians for the past 75 years have been "asymmetrical", another term for guerilla war, within the reality imposed by Israel itself-- an asymettric and unilateral use of force to oppress Palestinians. Again, an obvious and predictable fact. 4. It has been the United States who has blocked all UN resolutions and peace efforts in Israel-- both the One-state and Two-state solutions. 5. This is where it gets hard: Many Palestinians, particularly in Gaza, realize that the State of Israel is never going to concede or share power, short of military defeat in war. Thus, Gazans have to choose between permanent and subhuman conditions of permanent enclosure within their open-air prison, and figuring out some way to make war against the State of Israel. That is a fact. 6. Thus the call for cease fire in Gaza is a return to the status quo, with no hope of change in Gaza. --- All of Saturday's speakers conveyed their grief and emotional pain as they came to realize the truth about US foreign policy that has killed countless innocent people. I share these wounds, after being raised with respect for everyone and belief that my country was moral and just. In the late 60s my world fell apart as my country killed millions of innocent people in Vietnam who had never threatened or harmed us in any way. The truths we have come to understand, are that this country is run by men apart, men who will kill millions for the sake of global power. Claiming that they are "defending America", their actions prove it's all about the money. The oil in Indonesia. The direction of all production and distribution within the "West", outside any integration with Asian powers. These young people realize that Israel was created by England not out of love for the Jewish people but as part of their larger project to control the Suez Canal vital for trade with India. And Israel has been supported by the elites in the U.S. as a foundation of military power to control the oil of the Middle East against the countries and peoples of the region itself. They realize the truth about all U.S. wars, and the fact of global imperialism and colonialism that is maintained, ultimately, by the U.S. military. I agree with their analysis and feel a great sense of gratitude to hear it spoken clearly. I felt a duty to record their talks at kzfaq.info/get/bejne/bq-mdq5hnb6RqYk.html
@maramclaine830 4 ай бұрын
Thank You Audrey and Todd Boyle for ensuring Eric's Voice continues to be heard.
@pietypietduhpiouspoet6408 4 ай бұрын
COAL ASH DUST "dangerous just by the fineness of the particulate matter" No NO no NooohhhohohhhhHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this is classic baby bathwater paranoia it's like saying men above a certain age are by definition suspect if they happen to be deadly jealousy 'provoking' kidmagnets ... the fineness is an asset and feature ... a treasure in fact ... BUT it's exceedingly important to keep it down and let the micro workers sort it out ... they will and thrive doin so ....