@HimHerandtheDogs 25 күн бұрын
Fantastic. I am loving your videos and your talent to create something this good.
@_schwarzbunt Ай бұрын
Great video and work ! Crazy bit is the router bit ! What is it ? five mill ? or even less ? My wooden camper parts were milled with a 16 mill bit for the most part. : ) And the vacuum bed is a dream, concerning the nesting of the parts AND the finishing of the milled parts. Even very expensive CNC mills often do not come with it.
@FlowMobil Ай бұрын
Hi, thank you! It’s a 1/8“ (3,175mm) bit. Yes the vacuum makes quite a difference in the workflow! 🙈 I’ve been used to working without it but never want to go back… We’ve built the machine our selfs so we could define its capabilities exactly to our wishes, like the vacuum table 🙈
@_schwarzbunt Ай бұрын
@@FlowMobil Wow that is an impressively small drill bit - guess it wouldn't be perfectly suited going into higher output ratios of serial production runs, surpassing the prototype stage. But anyway still very interesting to see it working at all - at least I wouldn't have expected it to do that many running meters and seemingly reasonably fast, too ? Compared to using vacuum pods the vacuum bed does not work equally well with all materials in all situations - I guess ?: Since milling chips are building up more pressure in the milling groove and therefore lead to more tear-outs on the surface ? ...because of the chips being kind of trapped against the bottom. The same thing happens anyway of course for any groove that doesn't cut the complete material thickness. But especially materials like raw pine ply (unlike e.g. birch ply with a coating or let alone a covering, I imagine) could be affected by this? Do you have experience in comparison or were the CNCs you used before not working with vacuum at all ? p.s.: Impressive side note - you have built the machine yourself.
@_schwarzbunt Ай бұрын
Just binged through your entire video series,...even missed out on listening to the first minutes of "Bundesliga Konferenz" Wish i would have found a viable way to convert "my point cloud" into a mesh like yours seven years ago. Therefore might link your scan video underneath my point cloud video, if you are OK with it? Wish the CNC, my wooden parts were milled on, had had a vacuum bed ....oh lord ! What a difference in nesting this results in. Those two things could have halved my CAD work. Wish you all the best for your master thesis, remembering very vividly indeed my own architectural thesis, at a German university, too. (Back then becoming only just a Diplom Ingenieur not a Master) Regards from Switzerland, schwarzbunt
@FlowMobil Ай бұрын
Thank you again! I’m happy you like it! Sure it’s fine if you share my video! I can’t imagine working with a point cloud without converting it into a mesh 😅
@_schwarzbunt Ай бұрын
​@@FlowMobil ....not for your project. A project like mine for example ended up needing only two visible vertical parts with shapes that follow a curved contour of the inner car body. If you do not extract all the shapes of the in between design iterations on the level of accuracy the final parts need, it shouldn't be that much of a difference, more a question of comfort over discipline with the knowledge of workflows traps like this. For someone who only needs to scan one single interior - at least the accuracy of a scan done by a service provider can be very high, if it is accomplished using a tripod based stationary scanner, according to my own experience, even though it was a composite, too, but one that consisted of only three none moving standpoints. It didn't have any detectable shift or warpage over the complete interior, neither any visible in the scan, nor any mounting up in any other way, as proved by putting in the finished assembly. ...ideally you might find a provider who's software can supply a mesh or a way to convert the cloud, now in 2024 it should be doable. ...saving oneself the days learning how to master the scanner and its software. ... and at a price, which was at about one fifth of the purchase price of a shinning 3D Einstar handheld, even here in the Zurich neighbourhood sorry for the detour - hope it might be helpful to some viewers.
@DifferentRides Ай бұрын
This is great! one of my vanlifer friends does small pieces of furniture for is van with the same technique but seeing it in a larger scale it's amazing and giving me the will to do the same in my van. keep up the nice work, subscribed!
@FlowMobil Ай бұрын
Thank you! 😊
@brianboczko7169 Ай бұрын
Just outstanding kits good job young man
@FlowMobil Ай бұрын
Thank you!
@AndrewVince-hm8nu Ай бұрын
Hi , Great looking innovative project. Have shared your channel with a few friends that use the VW platform. Makes perfect sense to have an adaptive system that is easily removable. Hope it sells well and affords you the chance to travel as desired.
@FlowMobil Ай бұрын
Hi Andrew, thanks for sharing! I’m happy you like it! 😊
@willivitten5463 Ай бұрын
Hallo Flo. Wieder ein tolles Video über das nächste Ausbauteil. Einfach aber gut und praktisch. Vor allem die beiden Wasserkanister . Warum Pumpen einbauen wenn die Schwerkraft die Arbeit macht. Und für Nudel oder Kaffeewasser in einen Topf zu füllen hat man ja wohl Zeit genug . Praktisch ist natürlich auch das nachfüllen Kein Pumpenausbau und aus irgend einem Schrank den Kanister kramen. Kein Wasser Tage oder Wochen in einer Leitung stehen. Freue mich schon auf das Bettvideo. Viele Grüße Willi
@FlowMobil Ай бұрын
Hallo Willi, Danke für dein Feedback und dein treues Zuschauen und Kommentieren! Das freut mich 😊 Viele Grüße Flo
@CraftingMom64 Ай бұрын
This is so exciting. I love this technology! I had my mouth scanned for an appliance and very little adjustment was needed at my dentist office. This is an incredible building tool!!! So many uses!
@willivitten5463 Ай бұрын
Hallo Flo Auch ein super durchdachtes Stauraumteil sehr flexibel mit Euroboxen Trenntoilette oder mit deinen Holzkisten zu bestücken. Wann dürfen wir denn mit deinem Video über den Bettenbau rechnen? Viele Grüsse Willi
@FlowMobil Ай бұрын
Hallo Willi, freue mich über dein reges Interesse! Das Bett kommt vermutlich zusammen mit einigen schönen Kleinigkeiten zum Schluss, schätze in 3 Wochen ca. Eine Vorschaue bzw. den Prototypen kannst du dir aber schon in meinem aller ersten Video anschauen ;) wird prinzipiell genauso nur mit zusätzlichen Features. Viele Grüße Flo
@willivitten5463 Ай бұрын
Hallo Flo. Es wäre doch für uns Multivanfahrer mit dem Schienensystem Hilfreich wenn im Boden links eine Nut zum Befestigen mit den T Befestigungen eingefräst wäre dann wäre die Verankerung an der Schiene für uns Multivan und Beach Fahrer sehr einfach. Viele Grüsse Willi
@FlowMobil Ай бұрын
Hallo Willi, genau das ist eigentlich die Idee. Bei dem Modul für den Heckauszug sind die entsprechenden Löcher schon gebohrt. Ich tue mich noch ein bisschen schwer, weil die T Befestigungen nach oben recht viel Platz brauchen, für die Griffmutter und auch das Gewinde das dann noch nach oben raus steht. Das wäre vielem im Weg. Oder kennst du da eine Platzsparendere Alternative, die gut unter den Kühlschrank passt und im Fach daneben auf dem Boden nicht stören würde? Da bin ich noch auf der Suche nach der optimalen Lösung. Viele Grüße und danke für die Beiträge! Flo
@bettyourcampervan Ай бұрын
Brilliant 👍
@willivitten5463 Ай бұрын
Super Modul zur Unterbringung der Plug in Festival Kühlbox. Ebenfalls super die wählbaren Fronten für die Schublade bei Nutzung der 30l Kühlbox von Plug in festivals. Aus welchem Holz fertigst du die Module? Viele Grüße Willi
@FlowMobil Ай бұрын
Hallo Willi, danke für das Kompliment! Es passen ggf. auch Kühlboxen anderer Hersteller ganz gut 😉 Ich verwende überwiegend Kiefernsperrholz für die Konstruktion. Gruß Flo
@willivitten5463 Ай бұрын
@@FlowMobil Erstmal danke für die schnelle Antwort. Habe Mittlerweile alle 6 Videos der einzelnen Bauelemente angeschaut und bin begeistert. Habe noch ein paar abschliessende Fragen. Wird das Modul für die Kühlbox nur auf Gummimatten gestellt oder noch auf den Schienen verankert? Werden die Module im Bausatz verschickt und man fügt sie selbst zusammen? Werden die Module verschickt oder können diese auch bei dir abgeholt werden ? Viele Grüße Willi
@FlowMobil Ай бұрын
Das freut mich! Das Modul mit Kühlschrank kann und sollte in der Schiene vom Multivan verankert werden. Ja die Module als Bausatz "flach" zu verschicken ist die eigentliche Idee. Das Zusammenbauen ist in meinen Augen recht einfach und erfordert nur einen Akkuschrauber, eine Schleifmaschine macht es einfacher aber es geht auch ohne. Ich möchte ein maximales Preis/Leistungsverhältnis bieten und mich von daher auf die Arbeiten konzentrieren die nicht genauso gut oder fast genauso gut die Kunden selbst übernehmen können. Trotzdem biete ich den Service die Module fertig zusammen zu bauen auch gerne an. Macht auch echt spaß, das Puzzle. ;) Zusammengebaut müssen die Module bisher bei mir abgeholt werden. Der Bausatz kann natürlich auch abgeholt werden. Auch ein gemeinsames Aufbauen in meiner Werkstatt kann ich mir vorstellen, wenn das jemand möchte. Ich stehe erst in den Startlöchern, deshalb sind die Prozesse noch nicht festgefahren. Bin da in allem noch sehr flexibel. Viele Grüße Flo
@ericmyers120 2 ай бұрын
Would it be possible to make the mortise and tenons blind? Just make the mortise a pocket rather than a through hole, that would make the face of the cabinet look MUCH cleaner. Cool work!
@FlowMobil 2 ай бұрын
Thank you 😊 I wanted to do it like you suggested first, and I’ve done it like this at the lower cabinets in the front. But to mill the attachments for the strings, so these are not only throughholes, I need to mill the parts from the outside. To do the pockets I needed to mill these from the backside.. I really try to not do two sides machining. But if you have any idea to solve this, let me know! 😉
@mysterioanonymous3206 2 ай бұрын
Very cool. But wood is quite heavy and not as cheap as it used to be. Aluminium has its pro and cons too... Still thinking 😂
@FlowMobil 2 ай бұрын
In my opinion wood is the clear winner. The whole kit I’m making is far less than 200kg heavy. So that’s not too much in my opinion. When you try to do it with aluminum profiles, it will get much less space efficient.
@cnc75adventures49 Ай бұрын
Aluminum is at a all time high $$$
@whenyouknowbetter3451 2 ай бұрын
Good ideas. Keep it up. We would like to continue seeing your ideas as they develop.
@stef2282 2 ай бұрын
such a smart idea without having to make modifications to the van
@FlowMobil 2 ай бұрын
Exactly 👍 Thank you 😊 And you can take the whole thing out in 20min. To have your normal daily van.
@grahamclarke2319 2 ай бұрын
@FlowMobil 2 ай бұрын
Thank you! 😊
@Laponiaman.Porjus 2 ай бұрын
Very nicely done.Approximately how much would be the price for a volkswagen transporter?
@FlowMobil 2 ай бұрын
Thank you 😊 I’ll try to do it for 3000€ but need to properly calculate once this one is finished.
@funkProduction 2 ай бұрын
I hope You'll make a version for the ID. Buzz 🙂
@FlowMobil 2 ай бұрын
If you have one for me to scan from the inside and want me to make a kit for it, we can make this happen ;)
@HimHerandtheDogs 2 ай бұрын
Fantstic. I love your design and although probably really technical to initially design the simplicity of the finished product is great. Well done, looking forward to the next one. 👍
@FlowMobil 2 ай бұрын
Thank you 😊 Yes you’re right, the simpler it is in the end the more difficult it is to get there.
@aninomiai3923 2 ай бұрын
It's cool to have the kitchen flexibel, but using wood is dangerous. Who knows when the gas tank is leaking and there's a potential for fire? Maybe add some metal or something to prevent fire danger?
@FlowMobil 2 ай бұрын
Hi, this is indeed something to think about. If it’s leaking it doesn’t make a difference if there’s metal or wood around it, as the fire won’t be ignited in the box but somewhere else. This is why it is so important to not only turn off the stove but also the bottle it self. This is checked and certified. Therefore I made this little block as a reminder.. without it I unfortunately know from own experience, how often you miss turning it off.
@aninomiai3923 2 ай бұрын
@@FlowMobil Ah, I see you have calculated everything. Thank you for the explanation :) I would like to see if you could fit a shower or a toilet in your van cause I've seen it on some other tiny house channels. Is it possible to do with your van size?
@FlowMobil 2 ай бұрын
There is a place for a toilet in shape of a „Eurobox“ like the boxio. You can see this in my second last video. A shower unfortunately I didn’t manage to put in this conversation. The best method I’ve seen is putting it in to the hatchback put that requires permanent changes to the van. Also you’d need a pump and there for power. In my opinion it would make things to complicated for a non permanent conversion. But if you have a good idea for it, I’m all ears. 😊
@aninomiai3923 2 ай бұрын
@@FlowMobil I see, I'll try to watch your video later after work. Thank you for replying :)
@HimHerandtheDogs 2 ай бұрын
Watching in the UK. Fantastic design looking forward to the next one. Subscribed. Thank you, Great Videos
@FlowMobil 2 ай бұрын
Thank you! 😊
@mohammadajmalahmadi1764 2 ай бұрын
🫡excellent !!!!
@FlowMobil 2 ай бұрын
Thank you 🙏
@itsthenortherners 2 ай бұрын
looks like a great system. Well designed and put together.
@FlowMobil 2 ай бұрын
Thank You! :)
@mohammadajmalahmadi1764 2 ай бұрын
It would a good idea to have a kit to work on your computer comfortably from the back seats!!!
@HolzFlo 2 ай бұрын
@@mohammadajmalahmadi1764 Yes that's absolutely right! I have a nice and simple Idea for that already. Stay tuned for it ;)
@MrZampa1969 2 ай бұрын
Ciao, mi chiamo Jean-François e sono un architetto della Svizzera (Ticino) ed ho un T6 Multivan corto. Mi sono guardato tutti i tuoi video e il tuo sito. Complimenti per il concetto. Il kit fai da te tipo "Ikea "è un ottima idea. Ho diversi suggerimenti e osservazioni da fare. Ma magari lo farò più in la per mail. Secondo me sarebbe utile suddividere il kit in varie parti (sotto kit) in modo che il cliente possa scegliere e sopratutto spendere in base alle proprie possibilité finanziarie. Hai già in mente indicativamente quali sono i prezzi? grazie. Un saluto cordiale
@FlowMobil 2 ай бұрын
Hi Jean-François, tank you for your interest and compliment! Of course anyone can also ask me for just a few of the modules. In my sense it just doesn't make very much sense, as they work together as a set. I want to offer maybe different kits, one for surfers or skiers where you can still store longer stuff as well. The kit I'm building right now I want to offer for 3000€ but I have to do the calculations once I'm done. But If anyone wants to set for it now, I am willing to guarantee this price for the kit for the first few customers. On long term it will depend how many I can sell of each kit if I have to make it more expensive or not. But I fear I'll never be able to offer it any cheaper than this. I'm happy to hear from you, you can send me a message via my website. Best regards Flo
@brianboczko7169 2 ай бұрын
Just want I need how do I get it however mine is a right hand drive caravel
@FlowMobil 2 ай бұрын
I’d make it fit for your caravel just as well if you want me to. But I needed your van for one day to do the 3D scan if you don’t mind the trip to the Palatinate Forest.
@cnc75adventures49 2 ай бұрын
It’s a china doll love it👍👍
@JohnnyDub16 2 ай бұрын
Russian doll?
@simonjames8305 2 ай бұрын
I need this for my van amazing 😊
@FlowMobil 2 ай бұрын
Hi Simon, thanks for your interest! I’m planning to sell this for lots of different van models. Which van model do you have and where are you from? Maybe I can build it for you.
@rmatthews5172 2 ай бұрын
Awesome wood work! 👍 I like your video, thanks for sharing.
@owinzenburg 2 ай бұрын
Hi Flow mobil, just found your video as i am looking at similar concepts. It sounds like you are looking for Investors maybe even partners. Would be interested in linking up to find out more if possible. I assume you are from Germany, as am I. So happy to go through things in German. I have a network that might be interesting for you. How can we link up, do you have a private contact method?
@FlowMobil 2 ай бұрын
Hi, am besten kannst du mich über das Kontaktformular auf meiner Website www.holzflo.com/flowmobil kontaktieren. Ich bin gespannt von dir zu hören. Grüße Flo
@owinzenburg 2 ай бұрын
@@FlowMobil ich werde mich noch heute Abend melden auf der Homepage melden. Musste noch was mit meinem Netzwerk klären.
@owinzenburg 2 ай бұрын
Hi flowmobil. I sent you a mail to the address that you provided, just making sure you received it. Would be good to get in contact.
@petercroft9895 2 ай бұрын
Love ur cnc router! I hope you get some buy-in for this project - I fitted out a Mitsi Rosa bus, and I don’t think most people have any idea how much work it takes to get everything to fit properly like you're doing here. I used flatpack kitchen cabinets, and there wasn't a single one that didn't need modifying to fit around something, or into a smaller space than it was designed for.
@FlowMobil 2 ай бұрын
Thank you! ✌️ Yes I can imagine the amount of work you put in your Van. It is crazy fitting it all by hand. I’m now wondering why I didn’t do it digitally in the beginning…
@hankcuccina5260 3 ай бұрын
Nice work and very clever.
@FlowMobil 3 ай бұрын
Thank you 😊
@hotsonaj 3 ай бұрын
Sorry but the music is very annoying
@FlowMobil 3 ай бұрын
Thanks for the feedback. I'll try to improve that.