@JuniorArredondo-dm5kw 3 ай бұрын
La pregunta mía harry Belafonte no murió en 2003 ??????????
@summerstyles8457 5 ай бұрын
@oneworldpi 6 ай бұрын
Harry Belafonte worked very hard ALL of his adult life to make America a better place for every one. He and Sidney Poitier were shining examples of what is possible even on our racist system. Although they each worked tirelessly for over 70 years (professionally), and they are now gone; we see NO one in their footsteps in the national arena. No one in fierce leadership. No one with his courage and steadfast commitment! HARRY BELAFONTE WAS A FORCE! America was very fortunate to have had him on its stage for decades!
@DippyHippie 7 ай бұрын
@briankitalia8271 9 ай бұрын
@adrianarocha6136 Жыл бұрын
Dois dos negros mais bonitos que já vi na minha vida, tanto como um inesquecível cantor( com sua música que servio para alertar e de protesto nos anos 50) como deste ator que não somente em lindas interpretações( não consigo esquecer de ; ao mestre com carinho), onde aboradavam vários temas importantes..
@lawrencetaylor4101 Жыл бұрын
Merci beaucoup. I'm not going to praise Harry Belafonte nor Sidney Poitier, nor Jamie Foxx. I'm just going to say I'll help the fight however I can, since it isn't over.
@user-ii3fu1dq8f Жыл бұрын
Daylight Come Harry Belefonte 1:29
@eugeniosalexander4486 Жыл бұрын
Sydney Poitier...............
@roxannecielto1492 Жыл бұрын
I sit hear and listening and the tears flow
@huto9606 Жыл бұрын
Wieder ist einer der großartigen Menschen und Künstler von uns gegangen. So ein Talent kommt nie wieder. Über so viele Jahre hat er uns durch seine Musik und Gesang erfreut, DANKE HARRY
@filmtressmu8552 Жыл бұрын
We are indigenous. Others like to challenge us on this but we are.
@baneleceke4193 Жыл бұрын
Mister Belafonte I love you and your music so much, thank you for singing some of your songs in my language isiXhosa with Mama Miriam Makeba, Phumla ngoxolo tata umsebenzi wakho omkhulu kwaye omhle kakhulu uwugqibile, Amandla ngawethu, A Luta continua...!!!!
@Ghe608 Жыл бұрын
What a pretty pretty man!! 💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽❤️❤️❤️❤️
@robertcornelius3514 Жыл бұрын
Leaders of BLM have ruined everything.
@normanbonk8064 Жыл бұрын
@irisetpoppy9956 Жыл бұрын
Great. I write you from France and I had - I have such an admiration for these generous men. Thank you.
@leannhillmer2519 Жыл бұрын
Start by hearing a short speech by Poitier. A longer and terribly affecting speech by Belafonte. I was both happy to hear his words and so saddened by what he was saying. You do not have to subscribe to hear this. Simply click to listen to a man who is now a legend A great speech from both ❤❤
@Imgrateful777 Жыл бұрын
There is no color in Heaven and Hell. I truly hope both Sìdney and Harry took the right steps before death in order to enter Heaven. Internal life in Heaven is perfect. In Hell, it is pain and anguish forever. Thank God He sent Jesus so we can enter Heaven. Being good has absolutely nothing to do with getting to HEAVEN! It's sad so many buy into that lie.
@hiramyawikramasinghe8330 Жыл бұрын
Never knew he was an activist! So proud of him.
@sterlingrock7769 Жыл бұрын
They did their mission and completed the assignments. Both have now transitioned. Jami Fox who followed admits the younger generation has essentially abandoned the socio/Political challenges and has forgotten who got them there. Mr. Fox it has been reported had a massive stroke recently and is in intensive care at a hospital in Atlanta. Such is the fragileness of life.
@sallyknight4806 Жыл бұрын
Who' s doing something about the prison reform for black people in U.S....just Kim kardashian, think about that
@matthewedwards5303 Жыл бұрын
Amen 🙏🏾 a legend?
@hassanajalloh6366 Жыл бұрын
Rest in peace 🕊️🕊️ both of you, your absence will always be felt and irreplaceable
@uraannews4793 Жыл бұрын
@bernadettegauthier5238 Жыл бұрын
J’adore les 2❤
@RonCarterBassist Жыл бұрын
@CymoneHicks-lz6fz Жыл бұрын
🙏💜🙏 ....R.I.P .... 🙏💜🙏
@yeshiworkgashu3192 Жыл бұрын
Those two legends gone but history will honor them for ever❤
@yeshiworkgashu3192 Жыл бұрын
Melt my heart❤
@geoffreyrievaulx7178 Жыл бұрын
Yea a talented man, gifts from god, why didn't he say were are the father's of the children??
@Anna.Lippert Жыл бұрын
Instants to preserve in the collective memory than the embrace uniting Belafonte and Poitier.
@kathrynb8167 Жыл бұрын
@icyfood4539 Жыл бұрын
@tonyambye9296 Жыл бұрын
@PaulAncheta Жыл бұрын
Poitier and Belafonte. Towering figures, both literally and figuratively.
@othmanjibrea9987 Жыл бұрын
RIP Mr. Belafonte, you made the World Beautiful with your songs and you were such a greatest person. RIP
@paulwary Жыл бұрын
Here I am, looking to KZfaq videos and comments to give me some perspective on the life of Mr Belafonte. I think this is the one to remember. Both men sublimely articulate and impressive.
@edchester1773 Жыл бұрын
RIP, Rest in your 'Island in the Sun'!
@meboneme1 Жыл бұрын
@andregodfrey3022 Жыл бұрын
@warlaker Жыл бұрын
RIP Harry Belafonte
@terrywestbrook-lienert2296 Жыл бұрын
Rest in Peace, Sidney Poitier and today, Harry Belafonte 😢🕊🕊
@marina140452 Жыл бұрын
Per me, sig. Robeson era il passero. Era un artista che ha fatto comprendere a noi artisti la profondità di quella chiamata, quando ha detto: “Gli artisti sono i guardiani della verità. Siamo la voce radicale della civiltà”. Mai nella storia dell'America nera c'è stato un tale raccolto di artisti veramente dotati e fortemente celebrati. Tuttavia, la nostra nazione ha fame della loro canzone radicale. Nel campo dello sport domina la nostra presenza. Nel panorama del potere aziendale, abbiamo più presenza afroamericana come capitani e leader dell'industria di quanto abbiamo mai conosciuto. Eppure soffriamo ancora di estrema povertà e malnutrizione morale. La nostra unica speranza risiede nel ricordo di un momento che è stato menzionato prima qui, ed è stato il mio ultimo incontro con il Dr. Re. Era appena prima che partisse per Memphis per unirsi allo sciopero con i lavoratori della nettezza urbana. Abbiamo tenuto una riunione strategica e il dott. King, la riunione era a casa mia e il Dr. King, durante quell'incontro, sembrava distratto e di umore cupo. Quando gli abbiamo chiesto quale fosse il problema, ha detto: “Abbiamo fatto molta strada nella lotta per l'integrazione e, anche se stiamo vincendo alcune battaglie, non abbiamo vinto la guerra. E sono giunto alla conclusione che nella nostra lotta per l'integrazione, potremmo integrarci in una casa in fiamme”. Quel pensiero, abbiamo trovato profondamente inquietante. E quando gli abbiamo chiesto se tale era la sua convinzione, cosa avrebbe voluto che facessimo? E la sua risposta è stata: "Dovremo diventare vigili del fuoco". Numerose strategie nella ricerca della nostra libertà sono state messe in atto a tutti i livelli dello spettro sociale: gruppi di giovani, gruppi di donne, gruppi di lavoratori, gruppi religiosi. La lista potrebbe continuare all'infinito. Eppure, l'opposizione persiste nella sua resistenza alla nostra ricerca. Ciò che manca, credo, nell'equazione nella nostra lotta di oggi è che dobbiamo scatenare un pensiero radicale. L'America mantiene muta quella parte del discorso. Vorrei lanciare un appello alla NAACP, in quanto istituzione più antica nella nostra ricerca della dignità umana e dei diritti umani, affinché stimoliamo più pienamente il concetto e la necessità di un pensiero radicale. L'America non è mai stata spinta a perfezionare il nostro desiderio di una maggiore democrazia senza che il pensiero radicale e le voci radicali siano al timone di una tale ricerca. La ricerca della giustizia è tutto ciò che ho conosciuto. E ho detto spesso che ciò che definisce un vero patriota - e leggendo un libro, La vita di Theodore Roosevelt, mi sono imbattuto in una citazione, in cui diceva che quando lo stato si trova ad allontanarsi dal suo impegno per i diritti del cittadino , quando quei diritti vengono calpestati e fuorviati, quando c'è chi vorrebbe strappare alla Costituzione l'uguaglianza che essa ha tentato di dare a tutti noi, allora i cittadini della nazione hanno non solo l'obbligo, ma il diritto, di sfidare il Stato e chi lo gestisce. E ha detto, se non riusciamo a farlo, se non rispettiamo quei criteri morali, allora noi cittadini dovremmo essere accusati di tradimento patriottico. E questo mi ha colpito perché quello che stiamo realmente facendo è un viaggio per porre fine al comportamento traditore della scena politica contemporanea e a ciò che sta cercando di fare per rubare i nostri voti, per rubare i nostri voti, a quello che sta facendo alle nostre donne, a quello che sta facendo ai nostri figli, a quello che sta facendo ovunque i neri abbiano momenti di bisogno e desiderio. Lo chiederei a meno che l'America nera - o direi che a meno che l'America nera non alzi la voce forte e chiara, l'America - ed è specificamente nostra responsabilità - di tutta la diversità culturale che costituisce questa nazione e la sua promessa di essere grande, il la forza più potente è la voce degli afroamericani, e l'America non diventerà mai completa, e l'America non diventerà mai ciò che sogna di essere, finché non saremo veramente liberi e veramente una parte più grande di questo.
@ambercherise2391 Жыл бұрын
Rest well, Kings. Thank you, Mr. Poitier and Mr. Belafonte.
@marina140452 Жыл бұрын
The group that is most devastated by America’s obsession with the gun is African Americans. Although making comparisons can be dangerous, there are times when they must be noted. America has the largest prison population in the world, and the over two million men, women and children who make up the incarcerated, the overwhelming majority of them is black. African Americans are the most unemployed, the most caught in the unjust systems of justice. And in the gun game, they are the most hunted. The rivers of blood that wash the streets of our nation flow mostly from the bodies of our black children. Yet, as the great debate emerges on the question of the gun, white America discusses the constitutional issues of ownership, while no one speaks to the consequences of our racial carnage. Where is the outraged voice of black America? Where? And why are we mute? Where are our leaders? Where are our legislators? Where is the church? Not all, but many who have been the recipients of this distinguished award, were men and women who spoke up to remedy the ills of the nation. They were all committed to radical thought. They were my mentors, my inspiration, my moral compass. Through them, I understood America’s greatness. I understood America’s potential. Dr. W.E.B. Du Bois, Martin Luther King Jr., Eleanor Roosevelt, and others like Fannie Lou Hamer and Ella Baker, Bobby Kennedy and Miss Constance Rice, and perhaps, for me, most of all, Paul Robeson. For me, Mr. Robeson was the sparrow. He was an artist who made those of us in the arts understand the depth of that calling, when he said, “Artists are the gatekeepers of truth. We are civilization’s radical voice.” Never in the history of black America has there been such a harvest of truly gifted and powerfully celebrated artists. Yet, our nation hungers for their radical song. In the field of sports, our presence dominates. In the landscape of corporate power, we have more African-American presence as captains and leaders of industry than we’ve ever known. Yet we suffer still from abject poverty and moral malnutrition. Our only hope lies in the recall of a moment which has been to referred to earlier here, and was my last meeting with Dr. King. It was just before he left to go off to Memphis to join the strike with sanitation workers. We held a strategy meeting, and Dr. King-the meeting was in my home, and Dr. King, during that meeting, appeared to be distracted and in a dark mood. When we asked him what was the matter, he said, “We have come far in the struggle for integration, and although we may be winning some battles, we have not won the war. And I have come to the conclusion that in our struggle to integrate, we may be integrating into a burning house.” That thought, we found deeply disturbing. And when we asked him if such was his belief, what would he have us do? And his reply was, “We will have to become firemen.” Numerous strategies in the quest of our freedom has been played out at all levels of the social spectrum-youth groups, women’s groups, labor groups, religious groups. The list goes on and on. And yet, the opposition persists in its resistance to our quest. What is missing, I think, from the equation in our struggle today is that we must unleash radical thought. America keeps that part of the discourse mute. I would make an appeal for the NAACP, as the oldest institution in our quest for human dignity and human rights, that we stimulate more fully the concept and the need for radical thinking. America has never been moved to perfect our desire for greater democracy without radical thinking and radical voices being at the helm of any such quest. The pursuit of justice is all I have ever known. And I have often said that what defines a true patriot-and in reading a book, The Life of Theodore Roosevelt, I came upon a quote, where he said that when the state finds itself moving away from its commitment to the rights of the citizen, when those rights are being trampled and misguided, when there are those who would wrest from the Constitution the equality that it attempted to give all of us, then the citizens of the nation have not only the obligation, but the right, to challenge the state and those who run it. And he said, if we fail to do that, if we fail to meet that moral criteria, then we, the citizens, should be charged with patriotic treason. And that struck me because what we are really on is a journey to end the treasonous behavior of the contemporary political scene and what it is trying to do to steal our votes-to steal our votes, to what it’s doing to our women, to what it’s doing to our children, to what it’s doing to wherever black people have moments of need and want. I would ask that unless black America-or I would say that unless black America raises its voice loud and clear, America-and it is specifically our responsibility-of all the cultural diversity that makes up this nation and its promise to be great, the most powerful force is the voice of African Americans, and America will never become whole, and America will never become what it dreams to be, until we are truly free and truly a bigger part of this.
@marina140452 Жыл бұрын
“We Must Unleash Radical Thought”
@kalmia01 Жыл бұрын
Harry & Sidney are together again singing , playing and even from "another dimension" ,still struggling and being close to human suffering and those striving for freedom and equality....as here we will try to follow your bright example of love and caring for all❤ forever missed and loved all over the world by so many of us🤍💙
@lindamackenzie-nicholas5133 Жыл бұрын
@FranciscoDaCosta Жыл бұрын
This speech by Harry Belafonte - made in February 2013 - highlights what is happening today - a leader, a visionary, a man of wisdom - he is now with our ancestors - 96 years on this Earth. You will be forever remembered. Thank you for fighting for the indigenous people - standing for them - when no one had the balls to stand tall and represent them.
@Ghe608 Жыл бұрын
Unfortunately its the STORY of AMERICA on CONTINUOUS REPLAY, RACISM is never ending. I stopped saying stop racism because Racist, started lightless, but America and the countries that harbor these racists must make laws and penalties to discouraged their actions because like he said the most blood spilt on the soil of America, is that a Black people also the indigenous, but that ended at a certain time well, for centuries, it still went on for the black bodies that they dragged to another continent to exploit brutalize lie on dehumanize and murder.
@don64 Жыл бұрын
Rest in Peace Harry Belafonte,a true icon