@miladeskandari7 2 күн бұрын
Hope you're well. I live about less than 100 Kms north of the film's location. It's surreal that in the span of 30-40 years, someone from a place without electricity, running water, gas and even a telephone line is now watching someone else so far away talk about my homeland and my people on the internet. I'm 27 and I've seen the progress with my own eyes. It might sound dumb, but I do miss the simplicity of the old times. Waking up with the rooster's call and sleeping with the sun setting. Drinking the tea brewed from leaves picked by our own hand in the garden and eating the rice grown in our farm. Everyone had a purpose, had something to do on the farm and no one was alone. But hey at least we've got wifi now😂
@jimwu4579 3 күн бұрын
Such a classic. Stephen Chow is either a comedic genius or clinically insane. Or both!
@reggiebhorrorbaker1650 5 күн бұрын
Need this awesome set
@chrisw451 6 күн бұрын
Thanks for this review. I ran across Rent A Cat and have started exploring this director's films. Glasses has been about harder to track down in the US. Also dig y'all's chill review vibe.
@TheCinemathequefilms 8 күн бұрын
Strange I didn't have these videos appear in my subscriptions 🤔 Excited to watch these and work my way through the films as well 👍
@RazorwireReviews 7 күн бұрын
That might explain the abysmal lack of views haha. How did you come across it?
@wright96d 8 күн бұрын
Are you still having those black crush issues with your TV? Are you still watching your 4K discs in SDR?
@RazorwireReviews 7 күн бұрын
Nah we got a new TV shortly after the first 4K TV we had.
@daoyang223 8 күн бұрын
Im so glad you liked this film. I thought it was a great film. Theres so many jokes in this film for both canto and non canto speakers
@SeamusFlynn 11 күн бұрын
0:57 the animated mouth on the Lynch painting all of a sudden 😂
@randylara125 11 күн бұрын
The last jedi is mid. I hate it because the story is confusing and breaking apart, I hate it, and nobody likes it
@RazorwireReviews 10 күн бұрын
This is factually incorrect.
@Calv1999 11 күн бұрын
Sent here from When the pictures got bigger’s latest video. I’m happy you got a shout out this is one of the greatest things on youtube
@jasonbargy-vr4br 14 күн бұрын
Just curious is the WWE hell in a cell anthology set region B DVD set are all 3 DVDs full screen
@glorych1168 14 күн бұрын
the poem Only envious of mandarin ducks, not immortals." Combining the meaning of painting and affection, Ning Caichen concluded by writing the inscription and stamping on painting, which also perfectly combined the traditional Chinese art of poetry, calligraphy, painting and sealing. This combination also completed the entire affirmation of love. The process of love between Ning n Nie
@debranchelowtone 17 күн бұрын
There is a new restoration made by la Cinémathèque Française, screenings startes in summer 2024.
@steve4films 18 күн бұрын
I watched this today for the first time. I loved it. Like you say, it is a lot like life. I’m glad I saw it before I die and hopefully I’ll have time to watch it a few more times. 😀
@lucazacforever 18 күн бұрын
I'm a little late responding to this video cause, speaking of unpleasant life circumstances and events, I lost a friend in the last few days. He was not a long-time friend, he entered in my life less than a year ago, but we created a meaningful friendship, mostly a long distance one, due to his health problems and the fact the we didn't live exactly in the same area. I write this because he was a fellow cinema lover, he loved cinema with all his passion (and he was a very passionate human being, indeed) and cinema, amongst other things, helped him a lot during difficult and painful times. The joy and pleasure that he was able to achieve, in his condition, from cinema and art in general always moved me but at the same time filled my spirit. So I thought that this is an example of the comfort and joy that our passion can bring us, even in the most difficult times. So Luke, live your passion with joy and without hurry, at your own rhythm. Sorry for the long comment, but this was also a way to remember my friend in a cinema related "place". And I understand perfectly your feelings about your nans in this moment, I've always had a beautiful relationship with my grandparents during my life. I lost my grandpa last year after a period of sickness and it sucks, yes. I still have my two nans with me, and I should and would like to pass much more time with them. Life sometimes distract us from the most important things. It's not good, but it happens. Sorry from the long comment and all the best for you and your loved ones!
@paulbrien9902 21 күн бұрын
I love Preston Sturges and this movie. Sullivan’s Travels, The Lady Eve, The Miracle of Morgan Creek & Hail the Conquering Hero - just brilliant!
@unityoc 22 күн бұрын
Mate don't stress, we've all been there. Including the allergies, I don't think non allergy sufferers realise how annoying they are! Take care and looking forward to your next video, whenever that may be.
@RazorwireReviews 22 күн бұрын
It's been absolutely GRIM this year, I can't recall ever having allergy attacks that have lasted this long before. Thanks!
@dangreen3186 22 күн бұрын
How do you feel about original mono soundtracks compared to new remixes? I recently bought the Bond 50 collection for £10 but people on a Blu-ray forum said I made a huge mistake and I should have imported a USA Bond 50 set instead because all the films on the USA set apparently have superior mono tracks whereas only about half the films have the mono soundtracks on the UK boxset.
@Badvision 22 күн бұрын
all the strength and best for you and your loved ones. Just take care of yourself. And if you watch a nice movie, want to talk about it… we are here waiting!
@RazorwireReviews 22 күн бұрын
Cheers :)
@roybarratt5609 22 күн бұрын
God bless you Luke. I watch on a smart tv so don't comment often. Take things at your own pace mate and whatever happens in the future don't part with your MOC it would destroy your mental health (I know it would mine) I have had my hernia done and it's a simple operation. A few weeks rest and you'll soon be fighting fit again. If you can smash through Shoah you can do anything. Mines still unwatched on the shelf.
@RazorwireReviews 22 күн бұрын
Thanks, I appreciate that. Hopefully my eventual review of Shoah will convince you to give it a go!
@Cm42TV 22 күн бұрын
Sorry to hear about you and your family’s health concerns! I lost all of my grandparents when I was young and would love to talk to them now, so it’s completely understandable and sensible to prioritise your time. All the best to you and yours and looking forward to seeing more in 2024!
@RazorwireReviews 22 күн бұрын
That's a shame, as I say, it's something I haven't taken for granted, I'm very lucky!
@CalebRichardsChannel 22 күн бұрын
Wishing you and your grandparents good health and all the best. We're all excited to see what you're working on for your new 2024 plans
@RazorwireReviews 22 күн бұрын
Thanks 👍
@markkavanagh7377 22 күн бұрын
Coincidence: as I watch this my copy of the MoC The Love of Jeanne Ney (Pabst, 1927). I'm watching 1 MoC a week focusing on the 1920s. I do love this film series.
@markkavanagh7377 22 күн бұрын
....the movie arrived in the post, is what I meant. 😀
@RazorwireReviews 22 күн бұрын
I haven't seen that one yet!
@Rychu89 23 күн бұрын
Might have to pick up Prison Walls and Valiant Ones. I absolutely loved Dragon Inn and can totally see its influence on Tarantino and the Hateful Eight, it's almost a remake 😅
@RazorwireReviews 23 күн бұрын
That doesn't sound like Tarantino... Yeah I'd definitely recommend those two! So good.
@chultraz680 24 күн бұрын
Hope you get better soon! Colds can be a mean thing! Greetings from Germany: Chris PS: This weekend I picked up the Arrow Video Steelbook Version of Society. I found and old Unboxing from you of the limited Edition where you also mentioned you would possibly review the film. Did you? Would be interesting to hear your take on it!
@RazorwireReviews 24 күн бұрын
I remember liking the dreamy 80s quality of Society, but the whole "shunting" sequence and everything else that went along with it... not for me haha. I sold that on at the price it was first selling for to a very grateful collector who really wanted it :)
@chultraz680 24 күн бұрын
@chultraz680 vor 0 Sekunden Yeah, I‘m also still a bit undecided. I saw it this weekend for the first time, but heard about it’s reputation for years. It’s definitely unique and so out there, you only could make movies like this in the 80s.! It’s also strangely very conventionally plotted, while on the other side and at the same time very surreal. Gave me Cronenberg and Lynch Vibes and knowing your appreciation for Lynch, I thought you might maybe quite liked the film. It definitely has some very vivid sequences and 80s feel to it, but I also don’t see me gravitate to it on a regular base.
@senorfunball 25 күн бұрын
Nice review. One of my all time favorites 👍
@thebestofu-tubebytheresaes5189 26 күн бұрын
Thriller don’t threaten me with a good time coming from a mom
@thebestofu-tubebytheresaes5189 26 күн бұрын
I don’t want to wreck a man but I can leave him drooling lol
@thebestofu-tubebytheresaes5189 26 күн бұрын
Eye colors change
@thebestofu-tubebytheresaes5189 26 күн бұрын
I know right time ask me sandman
@thebestofu-tubebytheresaes5189 26 күн бұрын
Audrey rose
@alternatingbitmusic 26 күн бұрын
Sorry for the off-topic but what's the Kiki BOX SET??
@RazorwireReviews 22 күн бұрын
30th Anniversary box set, comes with the hardback Art Of book, the blu-ray and I think a Jiji tea towel or something haha. I love the look of the big anniversary sets they did but they were always way too expensive. Grabbed the Kiki one when it dropped to a decent price considering how pricey the Art Of books tend to usually be.
@alternatingbitmusic 21 күн бұрын
@@RazorwireReviews Ah, very helpful! I already have both the artbook and storyboard books and of course blu-ray so I'm good. Thanks again!
@RazorwireReviews 21 күн бұрын
@alternatingbitmusic yeah not worth picking up unless you don't have the art book I'd say!
@TheHilavitkutin Ай бұрын
Just noticed in your letterboxd, that you have returned to the Kaurismäki films. That's great! 😁
@RazorwireReviews Ай бұрын
Big plans... you heard it here first haha
@richTVproduction Ай бұрын
As a kid I've always found Russell's logic just right. Loved it then and stood the test of time for me. Just a superb movie.
@jollestudio1 Ай бұрын
6:25 Thought this bit was very moving :)
@michaelsmith1262 Ай бұрын
Eureka appears to have dropped all interest in any titles that aren't Asian films. It's a shame, as I really loved that label.
@RazorwireReviews Ай бұрын
Great films being release by many labels, just pick and choose what you're after, things always come in waves. They're releasing a Laurel and Hardy set soon, I can't wait for that.
@Solid_Gravy Ай бұрын
That intro is incredible.
@emmagbates Ай бұрын
You posted this 10 YEARS AGO (!!) But I will comment anyway! Loved your analisys of The Last Time. I completaly agree with you that the ending was perfect for all the right reasons. One thing that really stood out to me about Ted is how profound he truly is, with his english literature teaching background, and deep ability to love. And Belisa seemed really trivial to me, I couldn't put my finger on it. Even when he was a jerk, there was something deeper to him than that and yet, there wasn't anything to her. I just got this feeling she wasn't giving to him what he was giving to her. And, by the end, I was right! She was just involved in the mafia scheme for the money! Of course she started to fall for him, naturally, but obviously after what she had been doing it was too late. So yes, the ending was perfect. Instead of coming together, or even feeding the wound of being betrayed and left by a woman, which he could have done, he chose to start fresh and go towards his teaching, and in so doing, closer to himself. Super brave. And I like to think he would eventually meet a woman worthy of him there ❤ So yeah, loved this movie and Michael Keaton smashed it 💯
@emmagbates Ай бұрын
It also occurs to me too that Ted's got too much of a heart for the cold world of sales and the corrupt businessmen therein. It's great that he moved away and moved on from that industry and into a world that would surely be super healthy and happy for him. Just shows he was meant for more. And the fact he was so good at sales to me is representative of his work ethic 💯
@gregoriobattaglia4434 Ай бұрын
YES YESS YESSSS Porco rosso!! I've been saying this for years! Porco Rosso is SUCH a gooood movie to fall asleep to! WOW it's amazing that you mentioned it ahahaha....
@gregoriobattaglia4434 Ай бұрын
I would actively put it on knowing I would fall asleep. I will most definitely download it in mp3 on my phone, as per advised by you. It sounds like an excellent idea.
@harrisonsmovietributes1689 Ай бұрын
Aliens in theatres originally had a purple colour to the image in a lot of scenes which has not been seen on blu ray or even DVD and now it's a blue teal and smooth af
@user-ek2ez2mf2b Ай бұрын
Holy shit! I saw this movie on TV when I was a kid. Didn't knew what it was called, but tried to find it ever since. Thank you! Thank you very much!
@RazorwireReviews Ай бұрын
Nice! I love that feeling.
@martinamorgan1119 Ай бұрын
.my dad use to drink ,,since very young,,that’s why I want to see this movie,,,,,
@scottrap Ай бұрын
As a diehard fan of Yellow Submarine, I’m looking forward to seeing this. The animation is very reminiscent. I love that trippy 60s psychedelic look.
@brettcoster4781 Ай бұрын
I also have Leni's version of The Cat and the Canary. I'd pre-ordered it and it came a day or so after the release date (they obviously send international orders early cos it was the same for Dr Caligari and Pandora's Box). And it's a great video, full of extras as you say. As for which silent films I'd like to see, firstly 4K versions of Metropolis, Sunrise, Chaplin's films (I think there's a 4K version of The Kid), The General and Steamboat Bill Jr, and many other Keaton films. Otherwise, I'd like to see anything that starred Lottie Lyell (I've got The Sentimental Bloke on DVD), but so few of her films survive. And keeping the Australian theme, For the Term of His Natural Life, even though they used film stock in the ship burnt at the end, which is probably why so few Australian silents exist.
@Syuzannochka11 Ай бұрын
Thanks..interesting and very deep explanation 🧁💖
@erwanticheler Ай бұрын
I am really curious about this one, classic Universal horror films are all amazing and favourites of mine but I have not yet seen this. And outside of the obvious classics it would be really nice if Eureka could release The Last Laugh in the Masters of Cinema series. A truly incredible film by silent master F.W. Murnau and one you do not hear about super often.
@RazorwireReviews Ай бұрын
It is in the collection! Early Murnau set. Canary doesn't feel exactly like the Universal horror cycle, but it's quite close and you can see the sparks that would soon ignite it, I think.
@DamnFoolIdealisticCrusader Ай бұрын
Great to see support for this release. I’m working on my own review and have been waiting for ages for this film to get a restoration and then it took quite a while for a BD release. IT WAS WORTH THE WAIT! This is such a slam dunk for Eureka and I’m happy they’ve entered into the US market with such an important and well done release. One of the best and most important releases of the year no question.
@RazorwireReviews Ай бұрын
I'm sure your review will be as epic as usual, looking forward to it!
@richardgroves1961 Ай бұрын
Prince of fartness😂😂😂
@DeanH92 Ай бұрын
Literally got mine signed by Cynthia last week as she was on tour here in the UK. I also accidentally ended up with two copies so I gave her my spare. Things work out sometimes!
@RazorwireReviews Ай бұрын
Awesome! How was it meeting her?
@DeanH92 Ай бұрын
@@RazorwireReviews She’s always been great to me. She remembered me from Comic Con last year so we had a nice catch up!
@mg-ThisHandleIsSoStupid Ай бұрын
I just got the Blu-ray edition a couple days ago. No interest in 4K or to be specific, UHD.
@RazorwireReviews Ай бұрын
Well the blu-rays still look great! I'm glad they don't do 4K only releases when they put out a new title, then everyone can enjoy.