@jacquelinedimattia774 Күн бұрын
I hate Malec fights , not only because they're heartbreaking to watch but also because both of them have a point that I understand.
@quistwing Күн бұрын
coming late to say this; there's a lot of lines that make you think "oh that's a bar" with the doctor, but them responding "yeah, and don't you sometimes wish i did" to "you're giving up? you don't ever do that" is beyond a bar. it's a warning.
@marathewizard Күн бұрын
Hi! I’m a new viewer and I just wanted to say that I absolutely love yours reactions. All of your commentary is funny and genuine and it’s really refreshing to watch. I looked through your channel and saw that you watched the vampire diaries a few years back. I’m not sure if this is the proper way to recommend shows but it would be so cool watching you react to true blood if you haven’t seen it already. It’s another vampire show that was released in 2008 (A year before TVD I believe) and it’s absolutely one of my favs. The characters are more grown up and it’s set in Louisiana (which means vampires with cool southern accents). The comedy and the action is great as well as the drama and I really think it’s a show you’d enjoy watching! Have a great day!
@zapperfox5607 Күн бұрын
Thank you my good man ❤
@jacquelinedimattia774 Күн бұрын
I like the idea that Jordan deliberately rode his bike into trash to get a chance to talk to Simon... I'm really stressed for Jace.
@anastasiiasolodovnikova54 2 күн бұрын
Two months ??!! It’s unreal
@Heroesfullyalive 2 күн бұрын
Taking a piece of Clary's soul was super easy, barely an inconvenience.
@kylieleclerc5899 2 күн бұрын
In the books, the rune placement varried due to the nature of the runes. In the books, the rune would fade and once faded they would have to do another one. Maybe the show was trying to mimic that and thats why some runes on characters are switched around. I think the main ones didn't fade or it took longer or something so the main characters always had one or two runes that never moved. But the show took completly different directions than the book so it may just be a coincidence.
@naet1983 2 күн бұрын
Alec and Magnus' situation is tricky. I get both of them. Magnus is immortal, it wouldnt be fair to expect him to be lonely. But for Alec, for *most* shadowhunters, they generally tend to love once, fiercely. Magnus is likely to be his one, and only, i can imagine it must be difficult to think that the one person you love has also loved before you, and will one day love again after you are gone. 😥
@georgina01melia 2 күн бұрын
I choose to ignore the timings of this show because it's just so wack like TWO MONTHS no 😭
@kararose7 2 күн бұрын
Lilith killed the angel just like stefan killed enzo 😂
@BostonDon 2 күн бұрын
Regarding dead body / pyre, when a body goes into rigor mortis, it does get hard as wood.
@bellyQBE 3 күн бұрын
Poltergeist had the scary tree scratching at the window
@Heroesfullyalive 3 күн бұрын
Kyle apparently is in a lot of things... The one most memorable for me is when he plays a merman.
@Kara-nt3ki 3 күн бұрын
Heidi is a horrible character, Raphael should have staked her then and there. Tessa (the actress) is great tho and she's actually married to Alberto! (the actor of Simon).
@TheblondeKrista 3 күн бұрын
Another appearance from The 100 - Chai Hansen (Kyle) also played Ilian, the guy Octavia hooked up with in a cave and then later died in the conclave with an arrow to the throat 😬
@rebeccalambert3240 3 күн бұрын
That reveal is still such a crazy thing o.o. And it's actually good because you can see how it makes sense. The *insert shock* was great though xD. It is shocking enough that it's kinda confusing or 👁️👄👁️ for a moment lol. But hey, Clary was kind of right - it is sort of related to his sleep deprivation lol xD. At least we know Jonathan isn't alive (for certain that is), though theh don't. We'll see what comes of it in the future 😬. I do love them going to the club! Nice to see them out on a slightly more normal mission lol. And Izzy with that guy (Charlie I believe) is interesting. I am glad she went so quickly to Raphael though - no matter what happened, their relationship will always be special <3. Speaking of, poor Raphael man 😭😭😭💔. This episode is genuinely so sad because of him, especially the scene with Rosa :'(. It just sucks so much. Seeing him desperately want her to just know who he is but he can't, or even just that he didn't get turned, and then that he could go to her funeral. Also just the "my big brother" hits so hard seeing him so young and her so old :'(( 😭. They seemed like they had a great relationship, as siblings and friends once she was older. Makes me wonder if Raphael wasn't able to visit her until she was old and losing pieces of her memories :'(. Anyway xd </3. His anger at Simon is absolutely understandable, but oof man o.o. Sometimes in those earlier episodes I just wish they'd tell him 😭. I know he doesn't necessarily deserve it more than other vampires, but still xd. And he wouldn't tell anyone! Anyway xd. To add to his troubles, Heidi escaped 😬. And I can't imagine she's very happy with Raphael for drugging her again. You're right, she is the girl that what's his face killed. And I so agree, she is cuckoo and Simon should've never gone near her xd. Hopefully she doesn't cause too much trouble 😬. But gosh, just another thing to add to Raphael's plate xd. Simon is also going through it though 😬. Honestly the scene where he tries to go to the Seelie Queen and isn't let in is kinds funny lol. But you can imagine the frustration xd. And thst scene with Clary, talking about wanting to go back to the simpler days - so real 😭😭. And poor Luke having to kick him out (and Simon of course, getting kicked out). Luke loves that kid :(. It just sucks, but you can see why he has to. The guy may have attacked him, but the wolves will never be okay with Simon being there with this. I agree though - Simon will figure it out. I'm glad he seems not to be holding a grude/seems to know it's not personal <3. The dinner!! It's so funny and cute. Magnus offering his place up in the first place, featuring Izzy being the number 1 Malec shipper of course. And then Alec stressing and doing his best with that soup, but Magnus realizing it's disgusting and fixing it xD. LOL, icon. And Alec downing that drink xD. I think a big part of the shock is that, though it's slowly changed, Alec kind of thought alcohol was gross at the beginning of the series lol. Like in 1x06 or- well coincidentally 2x06, on their first date xD. Anyway, it's just funny lol. Maryse coming in and hugging them both, treating Magnus basically as her own, is so cute :'). Also "this is your mother on edge?" meanwhile Alec just flabbergasted xD amazing lol. Alec's face at Magnus and Maryse getting along and laughing is SO hilarious lol. Plus I'm just glad the dinner went well :'). I mean, until, of course, you know ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ. Poor Maryse honestly man :(. I get what she's saying, that she brought a lot of people into the circle, but she's clearly changed and it just sucks. Also this is a tiny little thing but for some reason I just love Alec listing some names. Helps the world building of them growing up in this world, and I believe they're also kind of easter eggs for book readers (of which I am not one of but know a fair amount of stuff about). Just cool details that they are exisitng characters :). Anyway, I agree, Magnus was right to get out of there when he did, he knew what to do lol. But yeah, I really enjoy Alec having forgiven Maryse of her past mistakes enough that he's this outraged. Good for them :). "Thank you for loving my boy" will always take me out 😭😭😭😭😭❤️❤️. That whole conversation, it's the perfect thing to say. I'm glad Maryse is making amends with Magnus, and accepts them ❤️❤️. It's just so sweet to see, and a relief for Alec :'). Plus it can kind of be a reminder to queer people that they don't have to give up that stuff, and for some that acceptance may come. Anyway, Maryse has really grown a lot and it's very evident in this episode <3. So, good for her :). Too bad Izzy couldn't make it though :( xd. I honestly forgot what really went on in this episode lol, but it's a good one!! A sad one on many coutns as well, but good xd. Love your reactions!! Excited for the next episode :).
@parsaalishiri8138 4 күн бұрын
The goat himself the alpha of alphas not S WTF man
@jacquelinedimattia774 4 күн бұрын
Yess Magnus IS really charming... loved the dinner. Raphael made me cry, poor guy 😢 And the plot twist at the end was WOW!
@Heroesfullyalive 4 күн бұрын
Insert shock... 😂😂😂😂😂😂
@naet1983 4 күн бұрын
Domestic Malec is the cutest! 🥰 Maryse character arc is going full circle. She has already changed a lot since S1, and it's for the better. I'm glad she can finally see how great Magnus is and how happy he makes Alec (and vice versa) ❤
@andrabrandon7375 5 күн бұрын
Jensen is actually 4 years older than Jared, just like Dean & Sam
@lucentaunisage 5 күн бұрын
"I beat my meat into a cup" - I get that most people say Soldier Boy is only redeemable thanks to Jensen's portrayal but we needed more of him! If you love Jensen Ackles, you should watch clips from the SPN conventions (best of, cast humor, etc.) because that cast is so talented musically as well as some amazing comedic timing and chemistry that outshine gag reels and the characters.
@museofcoffee 5 күн бұрын
They actually planned to do more seasons but unfortunately they got canceled.
@rebeccalambert3240 5 күн бұрын
Okay, I'm back! I do understand what you're saying with not much of plot importance happening this episode, but there are some things here that will come up later. But honestly, I just love it for some reason. Maybe it's the funny parts, and being a Malec episode definitely helps lol, but I can't pinpoint it entirely. Anyway! That dinner scene is the worst and best scene ever. The worst to watch because of all the second hand embarrassment (it's through the roof xD), but the best because it's SO hilarious lol. It's just so awkward xD. Also, Jace calling Simon is such a funny scene to lol. Anyway, glad Simon and Maia are doing well 🥰. Maia going off on what's his face for criticizing her is iconic, good for her. And Simon going "dang o.o :D" is great lol. I love what Maia says after dinner too - what matters is that right now they're either each other :)). Meanwhile for Jace and Clary, AWW Jace trying to take Clary on a date is so cute :'D. The asking her out, talking to Izzy (also "please don't tell me you broke your stele again" "nope :)" LOL), calling Simon, not knowing about the reservation - it's so cute xD. I'm glad it all worked out though :)). And I can totally see why he would be hesitant with Clary, since he actually cares about her. He doesn't want to screw it up :). Kinda similar to Malec back in season 2! Although I do think some of it's related to his dreams, not just that xd. Simon's mark o.o. I'm glad he didn't get hurt at the end but that scene is just WILD O.O. And I know he was gonna attack Simon but I kinda feel bad for that guy xd that was a YEET by Simon's forehead there 💀. Izzy once again taking a bit of a backseat, but it seems purposeful. She's aware of it, and it looks like it'll feed into her storyline this season :D. Her and Luke working together is cool!! I also love that Luke said "welp, guess we're getting takeout then" instead of leaving Izzy to do it on her own :). Also, it's so funny to me that Izzy's like "I took on some extra work so everyone could go out tonight". Girl who lol. Alec and Magnus are on a mission xD, and the only other people who are out are Jace and Clary lol. Did half of the other Shadowhunters also decide it was date night xD. It's just funny to me lol. Anyway, at least they have video of the attacker now! Okay now I'm gonna talk about Malec for a while because I love them, especially in this episode xD. The hand hold at the party is so sweet :')). Also that Magnus wanted Alec there (for comfort and so he wouldn't be alone basically) so even though it was an all Warlock party Alec went :'). Also I love them hating on Lorenzo lol. Couples that hate together stay together <3. And Magnus trying to leave when Lorenzo notices him but Alec stopping him 💀 it's so funny xD. And "friend" Lorenzo please 🙄. He's probably just trying to annoy Magnus too because later to Alec he says boyfriend lol. Anyway, Alec making faces when Lorenzo's not looking at him kills me xD. Alec with the "language" because of Madzie :D. And Alec and Madzie are so cute!!! Meanwhile Magnus and Cat just chilling and talking crap lol. And "I brought him because he's my boyfriend" suuuure. I know that the making Lorenzo mad was at least part of the reason lol. Couple activity idea: be petty together. Anyway, Magnus saving the party is iconic <3. The morning scene is just so domestic in the first half/third I guess lol <3. Also I'm sure it's a good shampoo but you cannot convince me that a big reason Alec likes it isn't because it smells like Magnus. It's boyfriend 101 lol. Anyway, Lorenzo is a jerk xd. He's a little silly sometimes but mostly in this episode he's just a jerk lol. Like bro showed up unannounced when Magnus wasn't even dressed, so probably very early in the morning, just to call him petty (which he is but not in that way) and threaten him. Like xd. Anyway, the "and you knew him personally" moment is so O.O but then plot twist with Asmodeus being his father xD. It is still a shock though, considering most Warlocks' demon parents are much less powerful and important. Magnus is basically saying "hey my dad is the prince of hell". Icon lol but bad news since Asmodeus is evil xd. Anyway, glad Alec doesn't care (of course he wouldn't) <3. Poor Cat with the magic :(. She clearly feels so guilty <3. At least Magnus is there to comfort her a bit. Also though Luke being like "yep, power surge :/" and then walking over to (glamored but looking like they're just standing right there) two Shadowhunters and the High Warlock xD. We all hate Raj here <3. Also Alec yelling "enough" okay go off Mr. Head of The Institute. I mean, it is a risky plan, but the decision was made and Raj needed to suck it up xd. That music sequence is honestly one of my favorite scenes in the show. Just the tension of it, with Magnus and Alec trying to get the core energy out in time but having no idea that there's about to be another corruption surge (which would level the institute). AGH it's so good. Also love Jace having no hesitation with Raj lol. Anyway, Alec and Magnus are icons and thank goodness they got that done <3. Plus, that was against Lilith, who is clearly extremely powerful. They nearly destroyed her plans without even knowing. Iconic. But hmm, she needs the altar for sure. That's the most important part - good to know. Also Alec with the little "I did it :D" and Magnus SIDE EYEING "you did it?" xD. Hilarious lol, they're idiots <3. Yesss, bye Raj 👋. Now he and his friends are quarantined outside the city basically lol, like he wanted to do to warlocks. Anyway, I'm really glad that Alec makes it clear he doesn't care about as Asmodeus being Magnus's father <33. He's so sweet and genuine :')). Hopefully Magnus doesn't feel ashamed of it with Alec anymore <3. You can tell from earlier when he stutters saying "father" that he's been avoiding it, thinking of him like that, hasn't been identifying himself with his father, for a long time. He's his own person, but hopefully he can accept that he's Asmodeus's son a little more now, so he doesn't have to feel as much of that shame. Anyway, the kiss is sweet, and they're so adorable <3. This episode is one of my favorites to rewatch, maybe even favorite. I don't know if I'd say my favorite episode, because it's not the absolute best one of the show or anything, but it's just a fun one to watch one off that I really love a lot. Plus it's so so funny xD. I'm so glad you appreciated the hilarity of that dinner scene because it's just amazing lol. And appreciated how awesome and sweet Malec are <3. They really are showing off their power couple status this episode lol. Anyway, everybody's great in this episode and I love this one <33. Love your reactions!! Excited for the next episode :).
@jacquelinedimattia774 6 күн бұрын
Really enjoyed this light hearted episode since I already know what's coming next
@rebeccalambert3240 6 күн бұрын
This is one of my favorite episodes, if not favorite, to rewatch. I don't have time for the full comment I would leave on this episode right now, but I loved your reaction! I realized yesterday with episode 1 that today would be episode 2 - my birthday and my favorite episode! Had a great time watching this - it's such a funny episode, and I love the saving the institute sequence. I'll say some more stuff later, but loved your reaction!!
@rjwayward 6 күн бұрын
10% reaction 90% yapping
@dougfurr5217 6 күн бұрын
Damn dude. I love Lucifer reactions, but Damn u cant be quiet for 10 seconds? Sorry. Good luck
@EB4714 6 күн бұрын
I liked Lola Flanery as the Seelie Queen. She's also Madi from the 100.
@thebethbrookes 6 күн бұрын
this episode is so funny omg 😭😭
@Heroesfullyalive 6 күн бұрын
Jace was DETERMINED to cram his foot in his mouth that date....
@naet1983 6 күн бұрын
Magnus casually diving behind the couch WILL never NOT be hilarious. 😂😂😂 (Along with Alec's "I dabble" line). They are so funny this episode, I love it!
@jacobfolmer8980 6 күн бұрын
End of season 5 i thought chuck might be god so i rewatched all the episodes with him in them and noticed small things that eluded to him being god
@rebeccalambert3240 6 күн бұрын
My face when you mentioned Lilith in your 2x20 reaction, and in this episode o.o. Too bad imdb spoiled it xD. Still, impressive job :o! And hmm, we'll see what she's doing 👀. Obviously we can tell some of it, but not everything. And poor Tim xd. Clary's kill on the thing that was now him was epic though :O. I like Luke saying that her runes are her weapon (and her mind of course) :). And I'm glad he was the one to tell her that her daggers were her parents'. I think it's just showing thst she is unique, but she does have parts of both of her parents in her, whether she likes it or not. Also, Luke is such a dad <33 I love him :'). I knew you were gonna love the beginning of this episode because SHE'S FINALLY A SHADOWHUNTER LOL!! They finally acknowledge that she has been in training this whole time xD. Glad you registered that lol, you've been wanting this since season 1 - for good reason lol. Izzy's been promoted!! Good for her :D. Also, finding out more about how she deals with her addiction is cool :o! Jace and Alec trying to be supportive but not really knowing what to do is so funny xD. They're such siblings lol <3. Also, Izzy talking to Clary about the wish o.o xD. Funny in its irony lol. Anyway, she met a mundane 👀! Charlie, and he helped her out :D. It'll be interesting to see where that goes. Also Jace's reaction is great lol. So Alec is suspicious of Clary and Jace 👀! Makes sense, out of everyone to be suspicious it would be him lol. I'm glad we're not just brushing past that - he felt Jace die, he knows it was serious. Even if he says he's forgetting about it xd. Anyway, he was offered a council position!! That's really cool, and great for him :D, but I'm glad he's staying :'). Good thing Magnus was honest lol. That ending scene is seriously so adorable <33 your reaction was on point, they're the cutest. Soo, Magnus is no longer High Warlock 😬. Like I said before, bringing all those warlocks together was a big ask, and he did it of his own accord - plus the Seelie Queen betrayed them. I love the scene where he tells Alec, because not only is it just domestic how Alec walks in and messes around with the items, but he tries to keep an eye on Magnus. He lowers his head to see Magnus behind the shelf so he can try and gauge his emotions (at least that's how I see it). It's so cute <333. Also that he's the first person to tell Magnus about his job offer :'D. Anyway, I love them so much <33. And now Magnus can start seeing clients! Interesting :o. Also, Alec finding out from Catarina 😬. But also calling her "through the grapevine" lol. You talked to one person, who is a close friend of Magnus xD. And Magnus's "alllright who snitched :)" face xD. And of course, I love seeing Magnus and Raphael together <3. Plus the cut to Magnus being beside himself after Catarina said it is great lol. Also, the hand movements and stuff that Magnus makes in that scene are so him. The tossing the notebook, the takeout with the tranquilizer, all of that :). Really good. Anyway, poor Raphael :(. Hopefully he's okay D: 😭. I love that hug though <3. What's Raphael doing though ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ. I'm glad Luke finally told Ollie what's going on! I think waiting another episode or two would be cool, but she's persistent enough that it'd cause problems I think xd. Plus, as Luke was saying/saw, it's dangerous 😬. I'm glad she's okay <3. And I agree, her having been scratched but not turned is a really good connection for her, much better than just being some rando. Especially for how that's what she immediately believes (basically) from the video. Also I wonder what the excuse gave for what that party was was lol. That's a weird sentence but eh xd. Jace is dreaming of Jonathan o.o. And Jonathan having him kill Clary, oddly enough. Or killing her himself I suppose. Nonetheless, he seems to be going through it xdd. And I can see why he stopped it with Clary at the end, as he should good for him, but it's sweet that he said "I just want to hold you" 🥺. They're cute <333. Hopefully they stay alright though 😬. Malec had a little fake out for you lol (like dang they're having problems again but it ended up alright, just a little communication struggle). But they're good, so hopefully Clace is too <3. Simon's out :D! He's also branded though o.o. I agree, I think it would be cool if it stayed for a minute, took a bit to fade :o. But, still, pretty cool (and angsty for Simon lol, sorry dude). Luckily the pain seems to have faded quickly but that scene is wild 😬. And then the queen just, lets him go? After keeping him for several days (I think)? Suspicious 😑. We'll see what happens with it though. Him and Maia are so cute!! Also Maia being a little bit angry but then forgiving him is great lol. Fair reaction, honestly xD. And "you brave, stupid idiot" lol xD I'm glad he told her to the truth though <3. And it was a noble sacrifice :'). But yeah, I'm glad Maia gets it <3. They're so sweet :')) 🥰🥰🥰. Everybody looks great in the new season!! And though it's not as big a jump from season 1 to 2, the effects and as you say, quality of life in general, have improved. Season 3 is even better than season 2 and honestly just absolutely amazing. The next episode is one of my favorites to rewatch, possibly my absolute favorite to rewatch lol. I love it so much :D. This one's still really good though!! Also a fun one to rewatch, and a great premiere :). Good setup for the season but has its own stakes and events, and everybody gets a little bit of focus :). Love your reactions!! I'm SO excited for the next episode :DD 🥰!!!
@tarinpaskalis3832 6 күн бұрын
'you're no longer SHIT' had me dying🤣🤣🤣🤣
@anastasiiasolodovnikova54 7 күн бұрын
6:55 I like how you are mocking Clary😂
@jacquelinedimattia774 7 күн бұрын
Lilith is one creepy villain creating her own army of monsters. So glad Clary got her mother's dagger and the way she killed that flying monster was freaking cool.
@SomedudeonYouTubeB 7 күн бұрын
Папир, камен, маказе a.k.a paper, rock, scissors is how we always said over here, lol
@rebeccalambert3240 7 күн бұрын
I don't think I have too many awards myself lol, but I loved your choices! I especially agree with 2x10 for best episode and Magnus being tortured for saddest moment. 2x10's not the one in rewatch the most like 8, 13, and 15, but it's just so good. And the only thing that comes close to saddest besides that is maybe the Malec breakup for me, lol. And honestly, I respect the Saia (pretty sure that's their ship name) love!! Malec's always my favorite ship but Simon and Maia had a ton of great moments this season, and when they finally happened they deserved it ❤. Also loved your season and finale titles! They're fun and they do encompass the seasons' vibes, plus I feel like seasons 1 and 2 still kinda match with each other lol. Anyway!! Love these recaps, they're so fun :). Love your reactions!! I'm SO excited for season 3 :D 🥰!!!
@yoitscait. 7 күн бұрын
i’ve always loved the scene with valentine and clary. the fact they don’t treat her like a ‘typical girl’ and have her just outsmart him or be the damsel in distress until someone else came in at the last second. loved that it was just straight up violence lmao, her stabbing him over and over again is how people want most villains do die, a satisfying end. kat mcnamaras acting definitely sold it for me too, felt her rage
@luckyrobinshomestead 7 күн бұрын
At last I've found someone who has done the whole show and I can binge watch. This will be fun.
@bellreyes7636 7 күн бұрын
I hope that when you finish the show you watch all the official bloppers and funny videos of the cast (like they playing werewolf or the instagram and twitter videos that were uploaded while the show was on air) and all fan made tribute and funny videos as well... please!
@anastasiiasolodovnikova54 7 күн бұрын
I have the same wish 😍
@tarinpaskalis3832 6 күн бұрын
@@anastasiiasolodovnikova54 yep! Those bloopers are the best!
@hayleyjames7197 7 күн бұрын
The actor who plays Lilith is in the TV show Arrow
@rebeccalambert3240 7 күн бұрын
This episode is SUCH a good finale, I love it!! I honestly don't remember if we saw Raphael lol, but I feel you. You just want everyone to be there :). We also didn't have much from Izzy, interestingly. I mean, she was around, but she had most of her closure (for the season) and was mostly just trying to get everything taken care of. Still, she was great :). Simon and Luke going after Maia!! Icons. The way Luke just takes down Meliorn is so funny lol. Simon does seem to have made a deal he may be shouldn't have though 😬. I love Maia but the Seelie Queen is so manipulative, and Simon also didn't tell anyone where he was goinggg xd. Agh, gosh. He and Maia are cute though :). Also Maia looks amazing in that party scene (she always does but you know) 🥰!! MAGNUS AND ALEC ARE BACK TOGETHER 🥳🥳!!! Honestly the best/most important part of the episode for me lol /hj. The nearly shutting the door and "Shadowhunter" from Magnus is crazy and hurts 😭 xd. I'm glad he agreed to help anyway though. Also Alec asking if he's gonna be okay :)), but him saying he's the high warlock of Brooklyn 😌. Icon. Also, I think I remember you watching a best of Magnus video, so that shot might've been in that? Idk though, I feel like that was mostly season 1. I have no clue, but I feel you xD that kind of thing has happened to me before. Honestly I started watching Shadowhunters sometimes after seeing Malec in a best couples video thing, so I have that deja vu type feeling every time Alec hugs Magnus in 2x10 lol. Anyway! Magnus saving Alec and still closing the portal, Alec immediately going to Magnus when he drops, and "You can't get rid of me that easily" 🥰🥰. Also seeing Alec use his bow is great!! He's amazing in the scene in the city with the "I've got this". Also, speaking of lol, Jace: when am I ever not careful? Jace literally 20 minutes/like 8 hours later: 💀 XD he was not careful lol. Anyway, not gonna talk about the parabatai bit till I'm talking about Jace and Clary so we'll get there in a minute. The heart eyes Alec gives Magnus in the bar are insane xD. Anyway, their making up scene is literally the sweetest <3. You're so correct lol "If they don't fix it I'm dropping this show" xD. But I mean "I don't think I can live without you" and "I can't stop thinking about you" 😭😭❤️. Also "I can't think straight". . lol Alec, you're gay- Anyway xD. I love that Magnus specifically said he doesn't have to choose between Alec and his people, and that Alec apologized again for the sword, because those were at the heart of the fight. They understand each other and what happened and that's why they can just get back together and be okay :')). Also the callback to "relationships take effort" 😭😭😭❤️ AAHHHHH THEY'RE FIRST DATE!! And the kiss :')). And fair on them for getting out of there lol, they deserve it <3. Anyway, it's an amazing scene and I love them and I'm so glad they're okay <33. Overall I do care about Alec and Magnus more than Clary and Jace, but they're still cute. How much they love each other is so sweet 🥺. Jace's runes activating because she's in danger when they're captured, Clary's reaction to his death, augh <333. Anyway, Malachi, the Consul (basically the president) is a circle member 😬😬. That is nooot good. Definitely gonna chase some fallout, especially since he's dead now o.o. Don't care though, glad Clary and Jace got out of there lol. Jace's death scene is so heartbreaking. Matt (Alec) and Kat (Clary) blow it out of the water with their acting in that scene, it's amazing. Dom (Jace) too! Apparently the "I love you" was improvised by him. But seeing Clary desperately plead with him to stay alive, to save his energy, and Alec scream in agony - augh, it's so good. Regarding the parabatai thing, I think there was the physical pain (which surely Alec was still somewhat experiencing after Jace died, but was pushing through it because he's Like That), but there's also the emotional pain. I love what you were saying and I wish we got some of that, especially a quicker hug at the end (though I suppose he was in shock), but I do think it would be more of an empty ache long term. Having half of yourself ripped away, basically. In the episode, I think Alec's just pushing through and ignoring it so they can stop Valentine, but if Jace had stayed dead it definitely would have been worse. Still, it's an amazing scene 😭. The parabatai flashbacks, Magnus and Izzy clearly feeling helpless, and then Clary's silent scream when Jace dies. Plus the MUSIC!! And then Clary's absolute murderous look, amazing. Such a good scene. Valentine was too dramatic, Clary got to him in time 😌. Their fight is so good (and you're right Valentine is absolutely CLOCKING her lol), and the emotional weight behind it is great. VALENTINE'S DEAD!!! WHOOOO 🥳🥳🥳 YESSS!!!! I'm so glad it was Clary to be the one to do it, and I love that she not only slits his throat but stabs him in the stomach multiple times. She deserved it, and so did he 😌. I'm glad we get a minute to be sad about Jace, but you're right lol, they bring him back pretty quick and if you think about it for a minute you'll most likely figure it out xD. And everyone agrees with you lol - why did she just wish to bring Jace back xD. Why not wish for like, the power to bring people back to life lol? Who knows xD. Still, it's sweet :'). And YAYYY JACE IS ALIVE AGAIN!!! "I don't want the world, I want you" is of course very sweet :'). Then the others showing up and going "h u h 👁️👄👁️" xD. While we're talking about them, Alec trying to get Magnus to go to safety and Magnus refusing because they need to stop Valentine and help Clary <33. Anyway, Jace and Alec's reunion is great :')). And everybody ended up okay!! The party scene is so great :')). I love me a good old victory party 😌🥰. Also Luke being way drunk, and also trying to hug Jace lol xD amazing. But uh ohhh Ollie confronted Luke 😬. Poor bro is plastered and standing there trying to process that lol xD. Although I do agree it would be funny/good if all the werewolves went "o.o w h a t" lol. Anyway, it'll be interesting to see where that goes 😬. And uh ohhhh Jaaaace what's wrong with you o.o. They always come back wrong xd. Clary should've specified "the same as before and completely healthy" lol. Who knows, maybe the angels are just messing with them ┐⁠(⁠ ⁠∵⁠ ⁠)⁠┌. Aaand of course the last scene. Jonathan's apparent mother has arrived o.o. I won't say if it's Jocelyn or not, but I will say it'll be crazy xD. This season is so good. Like you said, leaps and bounds better than season 1. And somehow, season 3 gets even better!! I agree though, it doesn't feel like there's only one season left xd. Shadowhunters really did deserve at least one more (especially since they were basically doing 1 book per half season and it's a 6 book series), but at least it concludes well and wasn't left hanging. Anyway!! It's been so fun watching your reactions to this season, and once again thank you for always diving in and looking at the characters and storylines in depth. I love your theories and thoughts and it's been such a fun ride :). Love your reactions!! I'm so excited for the next season, and the next episode itself (and the recap!) :D!!!
@georgina01melia 7 күн бұрын
Great premiere ep and great reaction too 😁
@naet1983 7 күн бұрын
I love that Alec and Magnus are learning from their past and becoming stronger because of it ❤ If only Clary and Jace could communicate so well. Alec is not stupid. He has pretty much figured most of it out, and they are still lying to his face. The fools.
@Heroesfullyalive 7 күн бұрын
Poor Simon gettin branded....
@tigerlilly2108 7 күн бұрын
One thing I love about this show is all the subtle clues about which character belongs to what side Ever since the Princess's wedding, Alicient is always in green and so are her children, clearly she doesn't align herself with the Targaryen Meanwhile, Rhaenyra and her family are always in black and red And then, after Alicient attacks her, you see the two sides really clearly Also, Ser Criston is a douche - he thought Rhaenyra was into him when she was rebounding from Daemon & then she chose the crown over him ; he is a salty boy
@Hannah_4521 7 күн бұрын
My Mr. goat is way different than yours Bellamy, Finn, Lexa, and Clarke.