@inbetweenworldswitchery7106 16 сағат бұрын
I relate to this video so much….just went through this last week. 4w 3 days when I miscarried
@marinatebbenham4011 Күн бұрын
Here's a question, what if you are a woman who doesn't have a partner? Or a woman who has a partner who isn't supportive? Why assume all women have a support network around them and loving partners? Not all men are supportive partners, #notallmen. A lot of women have to give birth without a supportive partner, and many without friends or family. Childbirth is something women have to go through single-handedly whether they have partners or not. It's the only thing women can do that men can't and yet we treat them like they are utterly incapable of giving birth, doing the one thing our bodies are built for, without a man being there. It's like telling a man he can't do anything without a woman just being there. I wish there was a video helping *Women* be able to cope with birth. One that doesn't just lazily resort to "you need your partner there" instead of offering empowering advice. Women have been giving birth, many times alone, without a partner there, since the beginning of time. For women who do have supportive and kind partners, great, you're lucky, but not all women have partners or supportive partners. These women are left at odds when seeking birth advice and all that is offered up is "you need your partner there". It's so easy to make a video directed at the people who actually go through the birth (women) telling them tips and tricks on how to cope, and then maybe say "if you have a partner..." that way women can know what to do in their own but also have the option of including partners if they want to. It shouldn't just be assumed all women have loving supportive partners. We also need to stop insinuating that women can't do anything - even the one thing they were designed and are socialised from birth to do - without a man there.
@LoboLady2007 Күн бұрын
I can't wear the mesh panties as they contain latex and will cause me to have anaphylaxis reaction. Also the hospital pads are rubbish. The Always pads I brought were far superior as was my 100% latex free and were cotton much more comfortable.
@LoboLady2007 2 күн бұрын
I could not have an Epidural or even a spinal block because of latex and silicon allergies!!! I will have a Anaphylaxis reaction to both latex and silicon. I had Demerol and Stadol in IV and a Pudendal for the delivery. If a C section had been needed I would have had General Anesthetic and a bedside toilet in both recovery and my room after recovery!!! I was told they would work with me on using the bedside toilet in recovery room so they could check urine output and to make sure I could go pee before being sent back to regular room!!!
@LoboLady2007 2 күн бұрын
I cannot have any kind of spinal block as I am allergic to both Latex and Silicon and will have an Anaphylactic reaction to both substances. I had a vaginal birth and asked for epidural but was a not go because of said allergies could not even have a spinal block because of "apparatus" that they use not available without latex or silicon. I had pain med in iv and a pudendual in my bottom to numb me for delivery. I asked what would happen If I ended up needing a C Section and they said it would be general anesthesia for me and I would be using a bed side toilet in both recovery and in my regular room. So I am curious what would your take be on a c section for someone like me that is allergic to both latex and silicon and will have an anaphylactic reaction to either substance. would you say there is a way for me to have a spinal anesthesia or not. Would they have to get up as soon as their awake to use a bedside toilet????
@tubularmouse03 2 күн бұрын
31w5d. I'm over it already 😅
@ashleybradford639 2 күн бұрын
Ok but what if my hips keeps locking up where I cnt move not having strong contractions at least not rn cervix isn't dilated but I keep feeling the baby moving down further and further I can barely walk not bleeding didn't loose my plug my water doesn't break on its own but I go into labor without my water breaking
@AmberlyPerez 4 күн бұрын
I never get early labor :( just active labor 😭😭😭
@AM-pc7gw Күн бұрын
LOLLL same. Contractions are instantly 2-2:30 apart right from the beginning. Exhausting!
@newcreation1221 5 күн бұрын
I'm going through this right now. I just started spotting this morning after knowing something wasn't right because my tests didn't get any darker. I went through the same thing 4 months ago as well. 2 chemicals in a row. I'm also 41, so I think that's my issue. I'm praying for the strength to carry on and continue to try to give our daughter a sibling. No matter how early, losing a pregnancy is hard, especially when you are trying so hard for a baby.
@bekah7992 7 күн бұрын
I got my epidural at a 5/6. Labored for another 6 hours when my daughter finally came into the world😊
@mines5033 7 күн бұрын
Her lisp is so cute. She looks like Drew Barrymore
@keeks8817 7 күн бұрын
37+4 girl, I can so relate with the being done.
@tianawade6094 7 күн бұрын
Although I detest the explanation behind our connection I find great comfort in having formed it. The alternative would've felt endless and lonely. We've got this, I'm looking forward to being like those in the comments and come back in due time with great news.
@tianawade6094 7 күн бұрын
Thank you for the rundown and sharing your feelings. <3
@breannedwards6579 12 күн бұрын
Watched these videos in my first two pregnancies and now back for my third three years later.
@caitlynnmae2475 12 күн бұрын
PICO wound vac & abdominal binder 👌
@elizabethismyname1207 13 күн бұрын
I’m 38w5d with my second baby, and I think I’ve been in prodromal labor for a full day now. The contraction strength has intensified since yesterday, when I thought they were just Braxton hicks, and now they’re mildly painful, but they’re still all over the place. Sometimes 10 minutes apart, sometimes 30 minutes. Going to do a Miles Circuit and hope this turns into real labor within the next day or so.
@alejandrav6524 17 күн бұрын
Can you post a link on. Great refrigerated probiotic you think we should drink after coming home
@heatherlaurenRN 17 күн бұрын
this is birth goals! to me at least lol im a postpartum nurse giving birth in a few months but not in the hospital I work at. so, my biggest fear is that I wont be listened to or that I will be pressured to do something I dont want to. logically i dont forsee it going this way but you never know. So we hired a doula. I hope I get an experience as amazing as yours
@mariaruiz968 21 күн бұрын
I had a C-section 7 years ago and I’m currently 39 weeks pregnant 🤰 my dr tells me that I’m in risk of a uterus rupture but I mean it’s been 7 years I feel like his not supportive at all my C-section was horizontal and small my daughter was only 32 weeks when she was born.. they told me that I can’t get induced but if my body doesn’t do it on its own I will get a C-section at 41 weeks
@charlottelogan4075 22 күн бұрын
Love your videos - they helped me so much with my first, and I'm back preparing for my second! So glad you're back too 🎉
@heyitschesney878 22 күн бұрын
I recently experienced this same thing and it was so hard, and still is. We were devastated but, my fiancé and I decided to try again.
@loryjololian4470 23 күн бұрын
Hi nurse Zabe - what is the name of the carrier you are using? Baby looks SO cozy! <3
@karolinaorlinska6995 23 күн бұрын
Garlik in vagina??? Sweet God we live in XXIw….
@ByAvrilRayne 23 күн бұрын
Can you do a postpartum C-section video. I don’t feel like there is enough videos out there giving it enough information.
@ByAvrilRayne 24 күн бұрын
We delivered at a baby friendly hospital and it was terrible. I didn’t feel I was getting her enough milk trying to breastfeed. They refused to allow me to give her formula and tried to guilt me for even talking about it. Turns out she can’t get a good latch because of my cursed tiny nipples and was not getting enough. Definitely will be doing it different with baby number 2
@monaami555 26 күн бұрын
I had a spontaneous few hours session of dancing / amateur belly dancing to Brazilian samba, in week 36, after that the baby was so readily positioned I actually had to lie down till week 38 😅 unfortunately after that it didn't speed up the onset of the labor, still waiting at 41 :/ but I still wonder if that could have been a good way to position the baby 😅
@Olivia-nd6mu 26 күн бұрын
The worst contractions felt like a huge painful bowling ball stuck in my pelvis.. but, I was induced and baby was sunny side up. Also, my epidural did not work. I’m wondering if it will work this time?! Watching your videos to help my anxiety.
@Olivia-nd6mu 26 күн бұрын
My epidural didn’t work with the birth of my son 15 years ago. It was rough. I’m now 17 weeks pregnant and educating myself all over again. I hope the epidural works this time.
@superior.beauty 27 күн бұрын
I am now 39+3 and hadn’t really had any painful contractions until yesterday evening when a few (say 20) painful ones happened- not sure if they were painful braxton hicks which usually aren’t painful for me. Or were they some kind of early contractions. Anyway they stopped and I slept nicely through the night. Now today I only had one painful contraction. I really hope it’s starting soon 🫢 will try the miles circuit later 🫡
@laurenleith2574 27 күн бұрын
What a beautiful story. Thank you for sharing that. I was moved to tears when you shared that your whole birth team immediately respected your “don’t touch me” the communal respect and care was incredibly moving. Thankful you had that as your experience. And thank you for also pointing out how uncomfortable some of the afterbirth experiences are. As a mom of three, I still forget about that sometimes but truly it is horrible and I think it’s helpful for more women to be prepared for those moments, even though they are shorten and eventually forgotten. Your video had so much helpful content, I appreciated you acting things out, it’s so much more helpful for me as a viewer. Thank you thank tou!
@dirtydishes2474 27 күн бұрын
I know this is off topic but you talk like Drew Barrymore… your mouth moves the same way.
@mistihodge2365 13 күн бұрын
@thehonestesthetician5856 28 күн бұрын
Pitocin is BARBARIC, it is not the Love hormone, natural oxytocin is and only our bodies make it.
@jbb8261 29 күн бұрын
I’m 39 weeks and these symptoms have been happening for me for a month. I’m going to be pregnant literally forever.
@stellagriffith3696 Ай бұрын
I lost a huge amount of mucus with blood and having contractions today and I’m only 28 weeks I’m also 3cm dialed and I can’t remember how effaced I am
@firefightingdrumstick Ай бұрын
Sounds like you should see your doctor!!
@tarabithia4509 Ай бұрын
Antibiotics also kill all the good bacteria your baby would have gotten. And now they have none and are susceptible to bad bacteria
@tarabithia4509 Ай бұрын
You can be positive at the test and then negative at birth... Vise versa. You can prevent gbs with probiotics.. also get rid of it with probiotics
@secretariat1973 Ай бұрын
Fenugreek is great for increasing breast milk and good for your health too. What dangerous is when we consume Fenugreek Concentrate or supplements. It is not natural anymore. The 'dose' is very high. Just eat natural fenugreek which is 1 teaspoon in every 3 cups of rice.
@sarahdunn9498 Ай бұрын
My hospital doesnt even provide diaper wipes! They do paper towels with water. All the things that online people said they would have they did not. They were bare bones no frillz.
@lilliexo_9368 Ай бұрын
omg finally!! i had 2 c-sections! my second wasn’t necessary , my OBGYN always recommended VBAC, when i was in the hospital with my second baby the Labor and delivery doctor on call talked me into having another C-section, for my 3rd baby i was NOT saying NO to a vbac! the doctor on call that night spent 25 mins explaining to me why i shouldn’t do a VBAC, mind you my first c-section was because of the babies heart rate dropping, i’ve had 2 successful VBACs since having my 3rd baby, 2 c-sections & 2 VBACS and having my 3rd VBAC in december 🤞 stand up for yourself!! and stick to your gut!
@acceleration1146 23 күн бұрын
All the best I had 2x c-sections too now I am not sure please let us know how you go. My best wishes to you ❤
@Alisha_79 Ай бұрын
I was an oddball, water broke first. 37w 2d when water broke. It was gushing not a small leak.😂😂 My daughter wanted to be a day after Christmas baby.❤
@rjkieda Ай бұрын
You lost me at “birthing people”.
@keeks8817 Ай бұрын
At the end of the day you have the right to decline or approve the antibiotics. It is 💯 the laboring woman’s choice.
@keeks8817 Ай бұрын
Can we say protect? There are babies whose mothers are treated for GBS who still get early onset GBS. Just like there are moms who test negative whose babies get GBS.
@FreedomIsMyChoice Ай бұрын
I'm in the "obese" category 🙋 I struggled with weight for years and IVF. Right before transfer they discovered that I had hypothyroidism which was why I couldn't lose weight! Starting losing weight then got pregnant, but still was in the obese category. My OBG started focusing ONLY on my weight suddenly and made me take the glucose test 3 times. Passing each time. Finally I gathered the courage today to tell her no more GD tests unless she could prove I needed it. Was so proud of myself and she promised to never bring it up again
@Sweetideasxoxo Ай бұрын
17 wks and told have slightly raised enzyme in liver blood results scan tomorrow on liver so scared 😱
@birthinghumans Ай бұрын
Very informative. Thanks
@jmm639 Ай бұрын
Help im almost 40 weeks she is due in two days and im already so done!!! Its been an amazing and at times difficult journey but im done now. Time to start my new journey with baby actually out.
@donnae2013 Ай бұрын
Nooo clapping 😳
@gabriellel4496 Ай бұрын
Girl i followed you for my first pregnancy 5 years ago and you had a glow up!! Id love to know your hair and makeup routines
@maddisonb4258 Ай бұрын
28 weeks, my baby suddenly dropped yesterday and I had horrendous pressure against my cervix and vagina. I started having mucus come out and she kept pushing hard on my cervix. I was so uncomfortable. Still have to use the bathroom a lot today but she’s stopped pressing on my cervix thank god. Still having mucus that looks like cervical mucus. Really felt like she was trying to get out and my body was fighting to hold her in. My underwear has been wet since last night but no gush, I’m not sure if it’s leaking waters or if it’s just some sort of discharge. I’m guessing since the pressure has stopped I’m not going into labor but the discharge is odd. I still feel like she’s very low today. I keep wondering if the discharge is normal. It’s clear and doesn’t smell, the mucus is cloudy but also doesn’t smell.