Grainger - Spoon River (score video)
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Favourite books of 2020
3 жыл бұрын
@romain8970 12 сағат бұрын
Hi, i don't speak english very well. I'm asking a question, what does "practice makes permanent" means exactly ?
@Mathieu_Poirier_Piano 4 сағат бұрын
Good question! It means that whatever information we feed to our brain, the brain repeats that information for us in order to make it permanent. So when we practice something, it's important to be aware that whatever we do at the piano, our brain is going to make that permanent (and that includes our mistakes).
@LeSheetMusicBoi Күн бұрын
great performance !!
@Mathieu_Poirier_Piano Күн бұрын
Thank you!! I love your channel by the way - I discovered Kenneth Leighton and many interesting pieces thanks to you!
@LeSheetMusicBoi Күн бұрын
@@Mathieu_Poirier_Piano Thanks for your kind words !! Do you plan to play more Godowsky??
@Mathieu_Poirier_Piano Күн бұрын
@@LeSheetMusicBoi Oh yes, absolutely!! If you're interested, I've posted a few other Godowsky recordings on this channel (without the score), like some movements from Renaissance, a couple of the Schubert/Godowsky song arrangements, and the "Wine, Women and Song" Strauss paraphrase. But there will definitely be more Godowsky score videos in the future - he's one of my all-time favourite piano composers/arrangers!
@LeSheetMusicBoi Күн бұрын
@@Mathieu_Poirier_Piano That's amazing, I did check your videos on the channel. Godowsky is also one of my favourite piano composers, hence the lot of Godowsky videos on my channel too!! If you do plan to record some obscure underappreciated music then we could perhaps do a collaboration video. Let me know.
@Mathieu_Poirier_Piano 23 сағат бұрын
@@LeSheetMusicBoi That sounds like a great idea! I'd love to collaborate on a video. I plan on recording tons of underappreciated/lesser known piano music (including Godowsky's Menuet no. 1 which I also discovered thanks to your channel a few months ago), so I'm sure we can find some good opportunities to work together :)
@cloverisfan818 2 күн бұрын
Three little what?
@charliekowittmusic 2 күн бұрын
Can’t wait to recommend these for my students!!
@charliekowittmusic 2 күн бұрын
Wait wtf?
@FredericChopin-if5rn 2 күн бұрын
Name caught me off guard, but it is good
@Mathieu_Poirier_Piano 2 күн бұрын
Thank you for listening! I'm glad you enjoyed the pieces :)
@rejoyce318 3 күн бұрын
Thank you - It's charming music.
@Mathieu_Poirier_Piano 3 күн бұрын
Indeed - short and sweet!
@sinae8509 3 күн бұрын
It's a really delighful song! Each movement has a distinctive sound that corresponds to its title. :) I might add, the quality of the sound and the score are great :D
@Mathieu_Poirier_Piano 3 күн бұрын
They're really cute and fun pieces, eh? :D
@Mathieu_Poirier_Piano 3 күн бұрын
I. Hoe Cake 00:04 II. Rabbit Foot 1:26 III. Ticklin' Toes 2:30
@Mathieu_Poirier_Piano 6 күн бұрын
00:40 What is slow practice? Problems with slow practicing incorrectly 1:30 Practice makes permanent (based on neuroscience) 4:14 Tip no. 1a: Work in detail 7:25 Tip no. 1b: Prepare alternative interpretations of passages 8:25 Tip no. 2: Use the same motions at slow/fast tempo 10:32 Tip no. 3: Work in short segments 12:10 Tip no. 4: Take micro-breaks 13:15 Tip no. 5: Check passages at tempo in short bursts 15:51 Concluding thoughts: When slow practice is useful, preparing repertoire to different levels, different musical goals, etc.
@BoyevoyKabanStyopa 6 күн бұрын
I dunno, seems like an awfully misguided, smart-ass transcription. Innocence of Schubert totally destroyed by chromatic harmonies. Rachmaninov also did such "chromatization", but knew when not to cross he line.
@Mathieu_Poirier_Piano 6 күн бұрын
To each his or her own, right? I think that in order to enjoy arrangements, especially when they differ quite significantly from the original piece, we sometimes need to forget about the original work for a moment and just try to take in the arrangement for what it is. Otherwise, we'll almost always be disappointed because it's not what we expected from the original, or our criticisms of the arrangement all end up referring back to the original as opposed to criticizing (or praising) the effectiveness of the arrangement as a piece on its own terms. This isn't really fair because a Beethoven-Liszt symphonic transcription, for instance, can never literally be a Beethoven symphony (you would need to listen to the original orchestral work to experience that). I've seen people say the same thing about Rachmaninoff's Kreisler arrangements - "over-the-top, destroyed the charm, grace and simplicity of Kreisler's original pieces, too many chromatic harmonies and embellishments added everywhere." Personally, I adore Rachmaninoff's Kreisler arrangements, but everyone has their own standards for what is too much and what is just enough. Anyway, I really appreciate you sharing your thoughts about the piece!
@BoyevoyKabanStyopa 6 күн бұрын
@@Mathieu_Poirier_Piano "I've seen people say the same thing about Rachmaninoff's Kreisler arrangements - "over-the-top, destroyed the charm, grace and simplicity of Kreisler's original pieces, too many chromatic harmonies and embellishments added everywhere.": Right, that's is why I mentioned him. I think it all comes down to the question of taste. It is an elusive, personal thing, and there is no formula that give the right/wrong answer. As a student of composition, to SVR I give A+, to Godowsky maybe a B+, for his cleverness and harmonic inventiveness. Incidentally, SVR was not immune to going overboard. I do recall that he had one of his early pf. pieces chromaticized at the end of his life--way too much, almost as if he was doing a task he set for himself -- "can I do it to the utmost?" Well, "utmost" he did, but it was not a success musically, again, for my taste. And my taste ain't that bad 🙂 --
@Radiatoron88 8 күн бұрын
This is vitally important information--thank you for sharing it! Especially fascinating--and sobering!--to know that the brain automatically "cycles through" 10 or 15 times or more whatever you have just done at the piano (or any other instrument). So if your practice isn't mindful, you wind up with "Garbage in, garbage out." How often have I just played through a passage a bunch of times too quickly and with mistakes, with the "idea" (if I could be said to have been thinking at the time--I wasn't) being that I'd somehow "get it eventually." So I might have 5 mistaken takes of a given passage but then get it right the 6th time. And then quit, thinking, "Okay, now I've got it!" Nope. Since I'd basically just been practicing the mistaken rendering over and over. And that means, given what you are saying in your video, that my brain has then repeated the mistake-riddled rendering countless times. This sobering and somewhat shocking news about what the brain does will hopefully help amateur and professional musicians to gain extra motivation to make sure to slow down and pay careful attention! And also to work with smaller chunks of music. Very interesting and informative, Mathieu--thank you!
@Mathieu_Poirier_Piano 8 күн бұрын
I wish this stuff were taught to all students in schools, including everyone studying an instrument! It's so important to know and can make such a big difference in how we learn. Our brain is only trying to help and be efficient - it doesn't "know any better." It's up to us to decide what information we feed it when practicing!
@Radiatoron88 7 күн бұрын
@@Mathieu_Poirier_Piano It certainly is vitally important information, and it's something I never heard before. It is "funny" to walk through the halls of a music conservatory and listen in as students go about their practicing. So often just playing some difficult passage over and over again at too fast a tempo, thereby making the same mistake(s) over and over and thus solidifying the mistakes in memory. I did that myself countless times over the years, no doubt. It's not always easy to slow down when you are an impatient person and/or are eager to just play the piece and skip practicing. But what you related provides the motivation to be more deliberate!
@alschnittke 8 күн бұрын
Really fantastic performance! I love the cleanly performed ornamentations and inner voices.
@Mathieu_Poirier_Piano 8 күн бұрын
Thank you so much for your comment! I'm delighted to read that you enjoyed the performance and appreciated those details!
@sinae8509 9 күн бұрын
There are a lot of good points. My takeaway from this video is 'Practice makes permanent'. This is a very insightful message, yet relistic. Don't be too greedy or be fixated on the whole thing when it comes to practicing. I think detail is very important as I could polish more in deapth. More videos please! Thanks :)
@Mathieu_Poirier_Piano 9 күн бұрын
That's so true! It's really hard to do in practice, but whenever we can discipline ourselves to just focus on a little chunk at a time, it always pays off in the long run :)
@TimSchneider-rd4ir 9 күн бұрын
Very helpful Tips! Particularly No.2 is something I never even considered but it makes so much sense. Though I play a different instrument, I think I can apply all these things to my own practice. Keep up the good videos! ☺
@Mathieu_Poirier_Piano 9 күн бұрын
Thank you, Tim! I'm so glad you got something useful from this video! It all certainly applies to the guitar as well :)
@TimSchneider-rd4ir 10 күн бұрын
Such a great piece! And what a fantastic transition from those heavy, pronounced accents to the smoother, quieter part around 1:20. The way you played it made those 2 contrasting parts flow together really nicely. Good stuff!
@Mathieu_Poirier_Piano 10 күн бұрын
Thanks, Tim!! I always appreciate you noticing details like that! The extreme contrasts make it a really fun piece to play :D
@sinae8509 14 күн бұрын
Starting my morning with this song is truly great! my favorite part is 2:39! What a dremy voice 😊😊 You did great! Keep going pleasee 😊
@Mathieu_Poirier_Piano 14 күн бұрын
That's one of my favourite parts to play too! It's like a fairy tale :D
@sinae8509 14 күн бұрын
Amazing! It sounds really lively and real! I love the way you delivered the piece. Very rhythmical and fun!
@Mathieu_Poirier_Piano 14 күн бұрын
I'm glad you enjoyed it! It's such a fun and peppy piece :D
@user-hosug 14 күн бұрын
멀리 있어도 멋진 연주를 들을수 있어 좋아요~~^^♡♡♡
@Mathieu_Poirier_Piano 14 күн бұрын
들어주셔서 고마워요!! ^^
@Radiatoron88 14 күн бұрын
Wonderful performance, Mathieu! Really sympathetic and keen performance, full of Grainger's "stamp"! I'm glad to read that you had such fun learning this one since it's such a toe-tapper. You don't hear this piece so often these days--maybe because it's not so easy to bring off this well--but I'm a fellow fan of Grainger's music, so more power to you!
@Mathieu_Poirier_Piano 14 күн бұрын
Thanks, Mark! I wish pianists would perform Grainger's music more often - it's so effectively and beautifully written for the instrument!
@Radiatoron88 13 күн бұрын
@@Mathieu_Poirier_Piano It is certainly effective and a treat to hear, but it's often physically taxing--that might account for why the music isn't played so often. We know Grainger had large hands, and his music often includes lots of filled-in tenths. Grainger was an athletic pianist who reveled in those challenges. As are you, wonderfully so! It must be a blast to be able to play Grainger's music so well!
@TimSchneider-rd4ir 17 күн бұрын
A delightful piece, interpreted marvellously! There's a lot going on in this piece, which merits a couple of repeat-listens :) Also, fantastic sound quality! That new Yamaha sounds great
@Mathieu_Poirier_Piano 17 күн бұрын
Thanks so much, Tim! For such a short piece, it's surprisingly tricky because of all the detail Godowsky packs into his arrangement (as usual haha), but I'm really glad to hear that you enjoyed it and that you like the sound quality!
@Radiatoron88 22 күн бұрын
Very beautifully done, Mathiieu! I'm sure that many people will come to love this gorgeous Schubert-Godowsky piece thanks to your video! You bring out inner lines in this piece wonderfully as well. What a sweet and charming piece this is! It's also great to have the score here as well. I hope you'll post more score videos like this over time. Your freshly tuned Yamaha sounds inviting as well! Congratulations on another winning performance of a marvelous chunk of relatively unfamiliar music! This piece definitely deserves to be better known.
@Mathieu_Poirier_Piano 22 күн бұрын
Thanks, Mark! I sure hope this video helps spread the word about this delightful little piece - it would make an attractive addition to just about any concert, even as an encore!
@Radiatoron88 22 күн бұрын
@@Mathieu_Poirier_Piano I agree! You're playing here just sparkles, and it is Godowsky at his most charming! I can't see how this piece wouldn't attract a lot of pianists. This falls into the love-it-immediately category for me!
@Mathieu_Poirier_Piano Ай бұрын
Note: This video is not intended to “teach” you technique - that’s far beyond the scope of the video. Rather, I hope it helps to point you in the right direction with regard to how you approach problem-solving for technical difficulties by suggesting a more fundamental, science-based approach as well as some specific resources which were particularly helpful to me on my own journey. This list may be updated from time to time as necessary: ***What Every Pianist Needs To Know About The Body (Thomas Mark) - an absolutely indispensable book for anyone studying the piano. On Piano Playing (György Sándor) - I appreciate his systematic, analytical approach to problem-solving and have found this way of thinking invaluable in resolving technical challenges.
@Radiatoron88 Ай бұрын
Hi Mathieu! I see that you put this up with the volume level "normalized"--good! In any case, I look forward to seeing your at-the-piano demonstration of the relevant concepts that you mention here in relation to the "Black Key" Etude. Chopin's music sometimes seems to require a very flexible hand, and I can't help but wonder to what degree that is something that you need to naturally gifted with as opposed to something that you can acquire with mindful study. In any case, I would love to see you demonstrate some of the technical challenges that you have solved thanks to your new ways of approaching piano playing! In any case, I enjoyed this video--and I envy you for the beautiful setting in which you made it!
@Mathieu_Poirier_Piano Ай бұрын
@@Radiatoron88 Thanks for your comment, Mark! I'm looking forward to putting up a video on the Black Key Etude at some point as well - I've been working on it again recently and made a few new discoveries to share. I think flexibility can be improved, but it requires some careful practice and patience (*groan* haha).
@Radiatoron88 Ай бұрын
@@Mathieu_Poirier_Piano Patience??? Did you say PATIENCE??!!!!! (^0^) Not exactly my forte. But I still look forward to hearing and seeing whatever you have to share on the "Black Key" Etude. Chopin's music is so frustrating to me. How much I love it, but how awkward/impossible it is for my poor hands--right hand in particular!
@backtoschool1611 Ай бұрын
Highly recommended book!
@Mathieu_Poirier_Piano Ай бұрын
Indeed! One of the best overall books on piano technique that I've come across.
@michaelcoolen8716 Ай бұрын
Currently studying with a pianist who spent years studying under Sandor, and she has helped me
@Mathieu_Poirier_Piano Ай бұрын
How lucky you are! Sandor's methodical approach to solving technical challenges is invaluable.
@nadiam312 Ай бұрын
Great video i have the book, but your summary made it easier to go back and look for the points you mentioned. Thank you
@Mathieu_Poirier_Piano Ай бұрын
Thank you for watching - I'm glad you enjoyed the video and found it useful!
@philosophyprof4999 2 ай бұрын
A "student" recital? Wow. Doesn't sound like a mere "student" to me! Way to go.
@DerektheGuitarist 2 ай бұрын
@Mathieu_Poirier_Piano 2 ай бұрын
Thanks, Derek!
@sinae8509 3 ай бұрын
Amazing! I LOVE this song! Thank you for sharing Alkan music! 😊😊
@Mathieu_Poirier_Piano 3 ай бұрын
Thank you!! It's a wild piece, eh? xD
@kaiopiano279 3 ай бұрын
Brilliant! Let’s spread Alkan to the world together!
@Mathieu_Poirier_Piano 3 ай бұрын
Let's go, team Alkan!
@kaiopiano279 3 ай бұрын
@@Mathieu_Poirier_Piano I also play Alkan! Please watch it if you don’t mind.
@kaiopiano279 3 ай бұрын
@kaiopiano279 3 ай бұрын
@@Mathieu_Poirier_Piano I also play Alkan. Please listen to it if you don’t mind.
@Radiatoron88 3 ай бұрын
Bravo, Mathieu!! What a stunning display of pianistic virtuosity!! Really incredible--this is my favorite of your Alkan performances so far.! I can't begin to imagine what it must take to be able to play this. Needless to say, I never heard the Alkan Concerto for Solo Piano performed in any piano recital in several decades of going to piano recitals. But thanks to you I have come to really love this work. Truly incredible piece and performance!! Truly, Bravo!!!
@Mathieu_Poirier_Piano 3 ай бұрын
Thanks, Mark!! I really appreciate your supportive comment and I'm thrilled to read that you've developed such a liking for the piece!! It sure takes a lot of careful practice and dedication, but it's all worth it in the end to be able to bring this amazing work to life!
@Radiatoron88 3 ай бұрын
I must admit that when you first told me about the piece, I doubted that I would be able to get to know and love such a long work, but thanks to you I'm getting to know it better each time I hear it and enjoy it all the more! It is truly a work for virtuosos. I truly can't imagine how anyone could remember all those notes, much less be able to perform them. But you have done it! I'm honored to know you--that's all I can say!@@Mathieu_Poirier_Piano
@Mathieu_Poirier_Piano 3 ай бұрын
I. March-Jig “Maguire’s Kick” 00:00 II. A Slow Dance 3:15 III. The Leprechaun’s Dance 7:54 IV. A Reel 10:40
@Mathieu_Poirier_Piano 3 ай бұрын
I. Sarabande 00:00 II. Rigaudon 2:40 III. Gigue 6:53
@Radiatoron88 3 ай бұрын
P.S. Interesting that the Korean hall you performed this recital in is named "Musikbaum," which is German for "music tree." I guess they felt a Korean name wouldn't suffice?! It's a beautifully "woody" space though, so maybe that was the inspiration for the name. Though I guess they could have used the Korean "음악나무" instead, which (according to Google Translate, anyway) means "music tree." And, yes, still too much time on my hands. (^0^)
@Radiatoron88 3 ай бұрын
I love this! Once again, beautifully done, Mathieu! And this is a particularly attractive selection from the Godowsky "Renaissance" pieces. And they are so engaging that I'm surprised that in decades of attending piano recitals I never heard any of this music performed. Hard to understand, but maybe the "purist" mentality "frowned upon" the kinds of lush harmonizations that Godowsky added in his arrangements of Baroque pieces. But I love 'em! I hope that you will offer up some of the other Godowsky "Renaissance" pieces over time as well. As always, thank you so much for sharing these "unsung" gems for the piano!
@Mathieu_Poirier_Piano 3 ай бұрын
Thank you for the kind comments on both videos, Mark! I'm so glad you enjoyed the performances! I hope to get a few more videos up in the next few days, so stay tuned for those. The thumbs up on the other video might not have worked because there's a "copyright claim" on the video that I haven't been able to remove since the button isn't working (very frustrating!). But I really appreciate the thought! And what you said about the name Musikbaum makes a lot of sense considering all the wood used in the design of the hall!
@Radiatoron88 3 ай бұрын
It's always a treat to see videos of your piano playing. It always fascinates me how everything you play seems to be so manageable for you, regardless of how hard the pieces are! It must be great fun to be able to play the piano so well and and so seemingly easily! I look forward to your next videos and will keep an eye out for them. Strange about the copyright claim and its affecting the thumbs up function! "No! You must not like this video! That is forbidden!" What??? Strange! Anyway, I hope that gets resolved! And I hope there will then be many thumbs up for this delightful video. In the meantime, thanks again for another most enjoyable chunk of Baroque as formulated by Godowsky!@@Mathieu_Poirier_Piano
@Mathieu_Poirier_Piano 3 ай бұрын
@@Radiatoron88Very strange, indeed! I finally managed to submit a "protest" against the copyright claims, so fingers crossed that everything will be cleared up soon.
@Radiatoron88 3 ай бұрын
I hope your "protest" resolves the copyright issue. Seems like it shouldn't be an issue since Godowsky passed away a long time ago and since you are not showing the score in the video. But I guess somebody somewhere is feeling they won't be getting money as a result of your video?? Doesn't make any sense to me. Anyway, here's hoping your video be "thumbs up-able" before long! @@Mathieu_Poirier_Piano
@Radiatoron88 3 ай бұрын
Beautifully done, Mathieu! Thanks to you, I'm coming to take more and more pleasure from this set of pieces. It seems strange that in all my years of attending piano recitals, I never heard a pianist play this music. Can't understand why--it's fresh, invigorating and pianistic "to the max." I'm so glad you are bringing forth music like this that has been overlooked in traditional piano recitals over the years. Great job, and thank you for sharing this! By the way, I have no idea why, but the "thumbs up" is not working for this video. I tried to give you a thumbs up here, but it "doesn't compute," it seems. In any case, definitely a big thumbs up for your work here!
@jiolo3404 4 ай бұрын
I am planning to learn this, around what grade would you say this piece is? 😊
@Mathieu_Poirier_Piano 4 ай бұрын
That's a good question! On the RCM scale, I would say it's probably grade 10 to ARCT level, but part of that would also depend on how quickly you play it. Grainger himself takes it extremely quickly (even faster than his own metronome marking, if I remember correctly). Let me know if you end up learning it! It's a ton of fun to play and audiences always seem to enjoy it :)
@MarkMinasyanpiano 5 ай бұрын
Wow ! , I played Verdi-Liszt Rigoletto its a very-very hardest pieces Good you Cool pianist 😅
@Ytacc123 5 ай бұрын
Pretty good overview. Really helpful, thank you!
@Mathieu_Poirier_Piano 5 ай бұрын
Thanks for watching - I'm glad it was helpful!
@chowkammoonckm82 6 ай бұрын
To perform Alkan's Concerto for solo piano in complete from memory once is a huge achievement!! Thank you for sharing your recital with us!
@Mathieu_Poirier_Piano 6 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for watching and for your kind comment!
@alkankondo89 6 ай бұрын
Very passionate, skilled performance of the difficult, monumental Alkan work! The Stanford-Granger dances were a treat as well! By the way, happy 110th birthday to Alkan! (Sorry, I'm actually a day late, haha... )
@Mathieu_Poirier_Piano 6 ай бұрын
I'm so happy you enjoyed the recital! The Irish dances are tons of fun to play - I really wish they were performed a little more often!
@WD_GX 3 ай бұрын
lol, it's 210 not 110
@alkankondo89 3 ай бұрын
@@WD_GXLol, oops! You are correct. Apparently I was just paying attention to the last 2 digits of the anniversary, haha 😅!
@Paganini-Liszt 6 ай бұрын
I give thanks to KZfaq for finally recommending me a meaningful video.
@Mathieu_Poirier_Piano 6 ай бұрын
I'm glad that KZfaq brought you here! The algorithm does something useful once in a while haha
@Paganini-Liszt 6 ай бұрын
Thank you for the great performance.
@user-mk2sm5dx1t 7 ай бұрын
@cantpaintcats 7 ай бұрын
Great quality!
@sinae8509 7 ай бұрын
😮😮😮 you did a great job! Love this piece!
@Radiatoron88 7 ай бұрын
I love it!! Puh-leeeze record the whole 12th Rhapsody if you have a chance! This has always been one of my favorite of the Hungarian Rhapsodies ever since I heard a pianist play it countless years ago at the Cultural Center in downtown Chicago (as part of the Dame Myra Hess Memorial Concerts). Sounding great! I'm always amazed at how easily your hands move on the keyboard. As always, I think what a blast it must be to be able to navigate pyrotechnical passages in pieces like the Hungarian Rhapsodies!
@Mathieu_Poirier_Piano 7 ай бұрын
This piece has always been a favourite of mine as well! It's served me well over the years and I'm happy to be bringing it back again after having left it aside for a long time. The biggest challenge is fixing (bad) old habits, but it'll get there eventually!
@Radiatoron88 7 ай бұрын
I have to laugh when you wrote "it'll get there eventually." If after a couple years (or decades, more likely) I could play this as well as you play it in this video, I'd be a very happy "camper." Anyway, I'm so glad that you are turning your attention back to your old H.R. friend. I really hope you will get the whole 12th H.R. recorded at some point. I would love to hear (and see) what you come up with! @@Mathieu_Poirier_Piano
@vanek2000 7 ай бұрын
@Radiatoron88 7 ай бұрын
I love this!! It must be such fun to be able to play this delightful romp by Grainger!! Sounding great--as always! Keep 'em coming!
@Mathieu_Poirier_Piano 7 ай бұрын
Thanks, Mark!! It really is a blast to play - I'm having fun bringing the piece back again!
@Radiatoron88 7 ай бұрын
It's a treat for the ears and the eyes, this piece, and I love the "fireworks" ending! Really enjoying your work on it! @@Mathieu_Poirier_Piano
@sinae8509 7 ай бұрын
It's a very present sound! Love this song😊😊 Your version of Rigaudon is going to be revealed to the public! :)
@Mathieu_Poirier_Piano 7 ай бұрын
Coming soon! :D
@Radiatoron88 7 ай бұрын
I love it! A delightful piece that hopefully will be played more often as the years go by. I don't believe I ever heard anyone play any of Godowsky's "Renaissance" piieces when I attended piano recitals in the 1970s at what was then called Orchestra Hall in Chicago (now called Symphony Center). I don't why given how invitingly attractive "Rigaudon" is. I look forward to your next practice video offerings. Sounding great as always!
@Mathieu_Poirier_Piano 7 ай бұрын
It would be wonderful if these pieces caught on and started getting played more often! Once I get a decent recording of the whole thing, I'll upload it with the score to hopefully draw more attention to the set.
@Radiatoron88 7 ай бұрын
I look forward to the whole shebang and any practice videos you share here along the way! @@Mathieu_Poirier_Piano
@Radiatoron88 7 ай бұрын
I love this piece, and I owe you for introducing it to me. I look forward to hearing your new takes on this! I thoroughly enjoyed hearing this piece in your McGill recital and listened to it many times with increasing pleasure. I hope you will keep these videos coming!
@Mathieu_Poirier_Piano 7 ай бұрын
Thank you, Mark! I'm glad you enjoyed it! It's a lot of fun working on it again and trying out some different ideas with the rhythm and phrasing.
@Radiatoron88 7 ай бұрын
You are bringing a lot of life to it! This piece is a keeper--I hope a lot of other people will feel the same way!@@Mathieu_Poirier_Piano
@moller-jx4em Ай бұрын
The whole of renaissance is a keeper, you will love the capriccio no 11​@@Radiatoron88