Studentnesia Summit 2022
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Inspirasi Najwa Shihab
2 жыл бұрын
@satyabudi 2 күн бұрын
Al Fatihah untuk Pak Handry Satriago
@ManusiaBiasa-pl4ch 3 күн бұрын
Angin bukannya tercipta karna ada perbedaan tekanan udara ya?😂
@qumarageni2299 3 күн бұрын
Ijin bertanya Kaka apakah dalam penulisan esay masing masing pertanyaan baik komitmen kmbli ke Indonesia maupun rencana pasca studi apakah dalam penulisan harus masing-masing tu harus 1500-2000 kata atau umum jumlah kata yg 1500 -2000 untuk semua pertanyaan
@triani_sandry 4 күн бұрын
Kak, minimal berapa Kata kak? Esai?
@obhien4ries279 7 күн бұрын
terima kasih kak.... masih ada 5 hari tersisa, semoga masih cukup untuk saya menyelesaikan form isian dan essay LPDP... terima kasih ilmunya kak... salam dari Maluku
@riskonaliguruharahap432 7 күн бұрын
Bismillah tahun nih lulus
@fatimatuzzahra7686 8 күн бұрын
Halo Kak Wai dan Studentnesia, terima kasih ya, materinya sudah turut membantu aku untuk lolos LPDP
@rahmiatirahim4159 10 күн бұрын
terima kasih banyak atas sharing dan motivasi kk dewa.. very insightfull. Terima kasih jg buat tim mentorship
@amelyahattu3971 11 күн бұрын
mencerahkan sekali informasinya kak..terima kasih
@jihanputrisurya 14 күн бұрын
Terima kasih banyak ya kak, sangat tercerahkan
@tunasmudamanggarai5900 14 күн бұрын
terima kasih banyak kak
@mulyaulfa3864 15 күн бұрын
Bismillah ya allah semoga lulus LPDP gelombang 2 tahun ini aminn😊
@amirbonax4629 17 күн бұрын
Terimakasih kak ayu puteri 🙏
@ErwinDulmin-tw5th 18 күн бұрын
@ErwinDulmin-tw5th 18 күн бұрын
@wardatuljannah1911 20 күн бұрын
kak izin bertanya, pada tahap wawancara, selain mereview essay terbaru, apakah reviewer juga mengungkit essay yang kakak submit saat mendaftar s2?. terima kasih
@danielromario5141 18 күн бұрын
pertanyaan bagus. Jawabannya saya tidak tau.
@dewaayuputerihandayani 10 күн бұрын
Hai.. saat wawancara mereka tidak mengungkit esai S2 saya. Mereka fokus pada esai s3 saja. Tapi saat menulis esai s3, saya memang berusaha membuatnya agar berkesinambungan dgn esai s2. Terutama di bagian kontribusi. Jadi terlihat bahwa kita konsisten dan komit dgn apa yg menjadi rencana2 kita.
@wardatuljannah1911 3 күн бұрын
@@dewaayuputerihandayani wah terima kasih banyak ya kak, informasi yang sangat bermanfaat.
@wardatuljannah1911 20 күн бұрын
what an amazing presentation!!! thank u so much kak, its very helpfull...
@drjolandaAngelin 21 күн бұрын
Slmt malam, apakah ada Les Privat untuk Wawancata dgn dokter diatas? Terimakasih
@putrinurlaila5848 23 күн бұрын
Bismillah lolos lpdp batch 2 2024, aamiin
@putrisintyadewi3771 24 күн бұрын
Ka terimakasih sudah buat video ini, terimakasih insigntnya doakan semoga saya bisa lolos lpdp tahap 2 ini
@nurulkhasanah3391 25 күн бұрын
Bismillah tahun ini lolos lpdp batch 2. Aamiin YaAllah 😢
@umisa.official 22 күн бұрын
Semangat kak saya juga lagi berjuang
@ifratiwi1746 21 күн бұрын
Aamiinn YaAllah
@ifratiwi1746 21 күн бұрын
Semangat kita semuaaaa😊
@denydita674 19 күн бұрын
Semangat kak Saya juga sementara prepare untuk ikut LpDP
@NurAzhara-yg6tc 17 күн бұрын
Harapan yg sama aamiin
@rahmatrizal5599 27 күн бұрын
Terima kasih insightnya kk. Saat batch 1 kemarin juga saya berpikir sama dengan kk. Kayaknya pengalaman riset saya sudah cukup, prestasi juga ada, pengalaman sebagai pembicara banyak, dan LoA juga sudah ditangan. Mungkin di hati kecil saya muncul over confidence, sehingga gagal di tahap wawancara. Smeoga ini menjadi pelajaran berharga untuk kesempatan beasiswa berikutnya.
@Studentnesia 26 күн бұрын
Aamiin. Semoga bermanfaat ya kak. Semangat 💙
@aseprizal8912 4 күн бұрын
Permisi ka, kalo boleh tau gagalnya karena apa ya? Apa ada bagian wawancara yg melemahkan?
@fatimahnoor3373 Ай бұрын
MasyaAllah Tabarakallah
@Macam-Macam17 Ай бұрын
Bang jizun....selalu menyertakan senyum manisnya dan ketawa kecil nys waktu berbicara membuat saya betah mendengarkan bg jizun ngomong..sehat selalu bang
@MacanLiar-kc6tl Ай бұрын
Kesimpulan saya bahwa tekad dan kemauan kuat disertai dengan ikhtiar yg sungguh2 dan yang paling utama ridho dan doa kedua orangtua, mimpi2 kita Insha Allah bisa terwujud dan itu memang terbaik buat kita. Btw, saya penasaran dalam hal agama, amalan2 apa yg dilakukan Sdr. Ahmad Munjizun untuk mencapai mimpi2 itu semua. Semoga dijawab
@MacanLiar-kc6tl Ай бұрын
Kesimpulan saya bahwa tekad dan kemauan kuat disertai dengan ikhtiar yg sungguh2 dan yang paling utama ridho dan doa kedua orangtua, mimpi2 kita Insha Allah bisa terwujud dan itu memang terbaik buat kita. Btw, saya penasaran dalam hal agama, amalan2 apa yg dilakukan Sdr. Ahmad Munjizun untuk mencapai mimpi2 itu semua. Semoga dijawab
@benben4635 Ай бұрын
Ahmad Munjizun adalah anaq abah Tuan Guru Ijazi Batunyale Lombok Tengah👍
@fransiskatan2460 Ай бұрын
Kak, mau tanya. Di tempat saya gak ada wifi jadi semua pake data selular. Kalo hp saya di matikan gimana saya bisa hotspots kak?
@blocengbloceng Ай бұрын
bah... jelek kali backgroundnya... konten bagus tapi malah bikin jelek nih video
@RobertKeokopa 2 ай бұрын
@arlyn0992 2 ай бұрын
Makasih banyak ka Maya, keren banget
@user-oj9my5nc2n 2 ай бұрын
Mau nanya kak.. apa boleh ikut daftar lpdp sebum daftar kuliah untuk s2/s3 Terimakasih kak
@bellispperennis 3 ай бұрын
terima kasih ilmunya kak
@jhonpitersirait2629 3 ай бұрын
Jdi sebenarnya program research ini hnya untuk penelitian aja ya? Dan belum bisa lanjut S2 gtu? Dan yg di created utk S2 itu program U to U saja kah?
@user-gt8tt3wp9i 3 ай бұрын
Apakah bisa membawa serta catatan kecil atau print out esaay dan CV ka???
@maria9805rana 3 ай бұрын
Closing Statement beliau Indah banget. Semakin semangat untuk tidak akan pernah berhenti memperjuangkan diri membangun bangsa ini. Terima kasih kak ❤
@ryandami3309 3 ай бұрын
Mohon pencerahanx kk,,klo studi magister,ketika wawancara apakah lbh baik anak2 ikut ketika studi ato tdk ikut?
@Edinmelbofficial 3 ай бұрын
Ijin admin, saya bantu jawab. bisa banget. intinya yakinkan pewawancara bahwa ikutnya anak tidak akan jadi penghambat studi. :) di Channel kami jg ada beberapa video tips2 wawancara LPDP dari para awardee
@zenisme02 3 ай бұрын
bismillah lulus 2024 ini
@tabulampot701 3 ай бұрын
Kalo hp nya buat tethering gimana kak?
@azharidonn3094 3 ай бұрын
kak kalo tethring ,, gimana dong klo diminta matikan hp?
@mecanerdika5536 3 ай бұрын
kak, apakah tidak direkomendasikan untuk menggunakan sedikit humor?
@CasillasCR09-dj2nq 4 ай бұрын
@CimolOk-nz5yj 5 ай бұрын
🎯 Key Takeaways for quick navigation: 00:02 🎤 *Introduction and Workshop Overview* - Introduction to the session on essay writing for scholarship applications, highlighting its importance for those preparing to apply. - Welcome and introduction of speakers. - Invitation for participants to introduce themselves in the chat. 01:40 📝 *Essay Writing Workshop Details* - Explanation of the session's focus on essay writing for scholarship applications. - Overview of the upcoming segments, including a presentation on essay writing experiences and a Q&A session. 03:44 🌍 *Participant Introductions and Diversity* - Acknowledgment of the wide geographical distribution of participants, emphasizing the power of social media in bringing people together for educational opportunities. 04:29 🏆 *Speaker Introduction and Background* - Introduction of the speaker's background, educational journey, and professional experience. - Discussion on the importance of education and personal growth through diverse experiences. 06:35 📘 *Overview of Scholarship Application Process* - Detailed walkthrough of the scholarship application process, emphasizing the critical role of the essay in the selection process. - Insights into the speaker's personal experience with the scholarship application, highlighting the importance of aligning one's goals with the essay's content. 09:07 💡 *Finding Your Contribution Idea* - Strategies for identifying a meaningful contribution theme for the scholarship essay. - Encouragement to reflect on personal passions, goals, and the desire to effect positive change as the foundation for the essay's content. 12:07 🎯 *Setting Goals and Identifying Passions* - Guidance on how to define clear goals and passions that can drivethe content of the scholarship essay. - Tips for connecting personal objectives with broader social or environmental issues, emphasizing the importance of authenticity in the essay. 17:09 🤔 *Identifying Personal Goals and Observations* - Insights on how personal observations and concerns can shape educational goals and contributions. - Examples of deriving goals from education, work experience, volunteering, and personal background. - Emphasis on the importance of goals being closely related to personal experiences and the desire to address specific issues in Indonesia. 18:33 🌱 *Impact and Contribution* - Discussion on the dual nature of impact: internal (personal growth) and external (contributions to society). - Encouragement to consider both personal and societal benefits when planning educational and career goals. - Highlighting that contributions do not need to be nationwide but should be significant to Indonesian communities. 22:09 ✍️ *Essay Structure and Writing Tips* - Detailed breakdown of a successful essay structure for scholarship applications, including introduction (hook), background, study motivation, and choice of institution. - Strategies for making the essay engaging and reflective of personal aspirations and potential contributions. - Emphasis on authenticity and relevance in discussing personal background and achievements in relation to study goals. 29:08 🎯 *Personal Background and Motivation for Study* - Explanation of how to integrate personal background and professional experiences into the essay to support study motivations and goals. - Suggestions for highlighting relevant experiences, family background, and personal challenges to underscore the applicant's commitment and relevance of their goals. 32:50 🎯 *Goal Setting Strategy* - Discussion on setting achievable short, medium, and long-term goals post-study. - Short-term goals should be immediately actionable and not overly ambitious to appear realistic. 35:25 🌟 *Importance of Connectivity in Goals* - Emphasis on the connection between short, medium, and long-term goals. - Goals should be related but not necessarily linear, allowing for flexibility in their achievement and relevance to Indonesia. 38:04 🔄 *Goal Flexibility and Uniqueness* - Clarification that goals do not need to be grandiose or unique to be valuable. - The importance of goals being related to Indonesia and the allowance for goals to evolve based on new experiences and insights. 40:07 🎓 *Selecting Study Programs and Institutions* - How to align program selection with personal goals and demonstrate serious commitment through research on specific courses and faculty. - Importance of showing detailed interest in the chosen program to prove dedication and the significance of education beyond obtaining a degree. 44:26 🔄 *Feedback and Revision Process* - Encouragement to seek, accept, and thoughtfully consider feedback from others. - Importance of being open to criticism without being defensive, and the ability to discern which feedback to incorporate into revisions for improvement. 48:48 🔄 *Self-awareness in Feedback Selection* - Emphasizing the importance of being selective with feedback to ensure it aligns with personal conviction and goals. - Acknowledgment that while feedback is crucial, the final decision on essay content rests with the individual. 49:59 ⏳ *Focus on Controllable Elements* - Advice on focusing efforts on aspects within one's control, such as time management and preparation. - The significance of dedicating time and effort to the application process, including revision and practice for tests and interviews. 55:31 📝 *Essay Writing Specifics* - Discussion on the approach to including data in essays, recommending restraint to avoid excessive word count usage. - Highlighting the importance of using data to strengthen arguments without overwhelming the narrative or detracting from the essay's personal elements. 01:03:26 🌟 *Importance of Personal Branding and English Proficiency* - Debate on prioritizing English proficiency over personal branding in the scholarship application process. - Acknowledgment that while building a personal brand is beneficial, meeting the essential requirements, such as language proficiency, should be the initial focus. 01:05:39 🎓 *Prioritizing Essential Requirements* - Emphasis on focusing on essential requirements such as language proficiency before building personal branding. - Advice on utilizing time between application submission and selection process for personal development and branding. 01:06:24 🤔 *Choosing Multiple Study Programs* - Guidance on selecting and justifying three different study programs in an application. - Importance of ensuring all chosen programs are aligned with personal goals and adequately explained, avoiding the appearance of backup options. 01:09:06 🚀 *Transitioning Between Different Fields* - Discussion on the feasibility and strategy of transitioning from one field of study or work to another for higher education. - Highlighting the importance of framing the transition in the application essay to show relevance and commitment to the new field. 01:16:49 🌱 *Developing Skills and Experiences* - Suggestions for undergraduate students to prepare for postgraduate studies, focusing on participation in organizations, publication, and building relationships with faculty for strong recommendations. - Encouragement for engagement in activities that showcase leadership and teamwork skills, and the pursuit of relevant certifications or courses. 01:23:10 ✍️ *Writing a Strong Essay Without Direct Experience* - Tips for writing a compelling essay focused on future goals rather than past experiences. - Advice on how to demonstrate knowledge and commitment to a field through a well-articulated vision and goal setting, compensating for lack of direct experience. 01:24:52 🎯 *Maximizing Focus on Goals in Essays* - Advice on focusing the essay on goals rather than limited experiences to bolster the application. - Emphasis on the importance of clearly defined goals to compensate for any perceived lack of relevant experience. 01:25:44 🤝 *Selecting Feedback Providers* - Guidance on choosing individuals for essay feedback, suggesting either close trusted individuals or professional mentors. - Highlighting the balance between personal confidence and openness to feedback. 01:28:45 📚 *Application Process Insights* - Clarification on the LPDP scholarship application requirements and suggestions for frequent website consultation for updates. - Advice on how to demonstrate commitment and knowledge through direct engagementwith prospective faculty. 01:32:23 🚀 *Incorporating Career Aspirations into Essays* - Discussion on how aspirations like becoming a civil servant in a field related to the essay topic can be integrated as medium or long-term goals. - Stresses the validity of including such career goals as part of the contribution to the country. 01:34:13 🌟 *Closing Statements and Encouragement* - Final thoughts emphasize the importance of staying focused on one's goals and not fearing rejection or failure. - Encouragement to view the scholarship and educational journey as a means to an end, not the end itself. 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@mommyarsyilakanaya8390 5 ай бұрын
Kebiasaan untuk mengenal dan dapat menyebut nama peserta lain apalagi sesama narsum adalah nilai yg sangat sesuatu. 😊
@mutiahsyawal9318 5 ай бұрын
terima kasih, semoga sukses untuk semuana
@ninissuwarni8868 5 ай бұрын
kak, apakah bisa menggunakan cadar?
@Jejak_healing 5 ай бұрын
Kak misalkan ASN PPPK mau ikut program beasiswa S2 tsb bisakah?
@fahmiakbari3215 5 ай бұрын
Hi Kak mau tanya dong, untuk surat pernyataan komitmen yang ditandatangani di atas meterai serta diketahui Rektor atau Dekan Perguruan Tinggi yang akan/sudah memiliki program kewirausahaan untuk mengabdi atau menjadi bagian dalam memperkuat tenaga pendidik di Perguruan Tinggi sesuai ketentuan masa pengabdian di LPDP dengan format terlampir. apakah ini boleh di tanda tangani oleh wakil rektor?
@dinanazla4289 5 ай бұрын
dalam essay boleh tidak mencantumkan foto/dokumentasi pendukung?
@arivasyivaa 6 ай бұрын
terima kasih kak, sehat selaluu, mohon doanya agar saya jg bisa sekolah spesialis atau yg terbaik, nuhuun 😊