The Great Dechurching
2 ай бұрын
Esther, Power, and Providence
How do I read the Gospels?
3 ай бұрын
Bavinck and Modern Philosophy
@user-sx2gj9tp3b 4 сағат бұрын
My goodness, how he contradicts himself. If the true Christians are to persevere no matter what, why does God warn of a non-existent danger? (Minute 2:15 onward). No. When God makes a warning, He isn't lying, He isn't kidding. The dangers are real. Sorry, Calvinism simply makes no sense, and worst of all, in the final analysis, with its absolute deterministic worldview, it makes God the author of sin and corruption.
@HearGodsWord Күн бұрын
In the UK there is the UCCF who are present in pretty much every university, so getting them plugged into them is helpful.
@HearGodsWord 2 күн бұрын
Fortunately, the video got it right.
@qiweifrancishe6707 3 күн бұрын
Why did you avoid answering the question? The admonitions and the ministry of the Word that happened throughout the redemptive history as you described wasn't the so-called "biblical counselling" which originated in the 20th century. They are different things.
@HearGodsWord Күн бұрын
He didn't avoid it. He said why.
@qiweifrancishe6707 Күн бұрын
@@HearGodsWord why about what? He dodged the question and responded with talking about a completely different topic… the question is on “biblical counselling”, he avoided that and went straight to the discussion of “ministry of the Word”.
@HearGodsWord Күн бұрын
@qiweifrancishe6707 try listening to it becuase he said why.
@qiweifrancishe6707 Күн бұрын
@@HearGodsWord no he didn’t, honestly
@HearGodsWord Күн бұрын
@@qiweifrancishe6707 sorry, but he did provide an answer and explanation. If you have a better answer then feel free to give it.
@peoplefirst1855 5 күн бұрын
It takes a great deal of theological gymnastics to set aside the unconditional promises of God to Abraham and David, to ignore the clarity of Paul's theology in Romans 9-11, and to miss the clear flow of the Book of Revelation. The God of the Bible is a promise keeping God because His promises are rooted in His never changing character, not in the performance of men.
@caughtinthevoidfloyd5821 2 күн бұрын
If you read the Bible you would know that it says if we are believers in Christ we are heirs to promise and counted as abrahams seed and that not all of abrahams seed by flesh are not counted as seed because of unbelief
@peoplefirst1855 6 күн бұрын
This is not an accurate presentation of dispensationalism.
@HearGodsWord 2 күн бұрын
Why was it not accurate?
@OhItsJustDrew 9 күн бұрын
Wonderful explanation Kevin!
@dominic.cini13 9 күн бұрын
⁠how do explain Isreal becoming a nation again in 1948??? How do you view Daniel’s Seventieth week(aka the great tribulation)? Covenant Theology suffers because it does not literally interpret prophecy in the Bible. I follow Dr David Coopers Golden rule of interpretation as follows “WHEN THE PLAIN SENSE OF SCRIPTURE MAKES COMMON SENSE, SEEK NO OTHER SENSE; THEREFORE, TAKE EVERY WORD AT ITS PRIMARY, ORDINARY, USUAL, LITERAL MEANING UNLESS THE FACTS OF THE IMMEDIATE CONTEXT, STUDIED IN THE LIGHT OF RELATED PASSAGES AND AXIOMATIC AND FUNDAMENTAL TRUTHS INDICATE CLEARLY OTHERWISE.” This rule lays foundation to 3 other rules 1.) The law of double reference 2.) The law of Recurrence 3.) The law of Context. Isreal and the church are not the same! Never have been. The church wasn’t revealed until after Pentecost! The church is the bride of Christ. Isreal is the wife of YWHW. Which currently they are divorced but will be remarried after the great tribulation. This leads the literal messianic kingdom that will last 1000 years! Christ will sit on the Davidic throne. If your A-millennialist that you see most of scriptures allegory and symbolic rather than literal. Covenant theology also claims that salvation in Old Testament was by the law. Dispensationalist at least in its traditional/revised form has always said that we are saved by grace through faith throughout all dispensations!
@OffbeatComa10 9 күн бұрын
Chapter 3: 1-8 7:28
@OffbeatComa10 9 күн бұрын
Chapter 1: 24-32 5:09
@OffbeatComa10 9 күн бұрын
Chapter 1: 18-23 5:56
@OffbeatComa10 9 күн бұрын
Chapter 1: 16,17 4:49
@OffbeatComa10 9 күн бұрын
Chapter 1: 7-15 5:59
@OffbeatComa10 9 күн бұрын
Chapter 1: 1-6 3:38
@itlupe 10 күн бұрын
The doctrine of the Christian Life comes from Romans through Philemon. Anything else is lemming activity. It is spouting what someone has spouted before without HONEST research. Calvies, however, will follow Jean Calvin to the grave and will be shocked when Jesus pushes them aside and tells them He didn't know them. SMH
@alonzomccloud4530 12 күн бұрын
They had the Holy Spirit with them we have the Spirit within us...John 14:7
@HearGodsWord 14 күн бұрын
For some reason, part 14 appears to be hidden.
@OffbeatComa10 15 күн бұрын
Chapter 2: 12-29 3:55
@OffbeatComa10 15 күн бұрын
Chapter 2:1-11 7:04
@HearGodsWord 15 күн бұрын
I wonder why not all of the videos are available any more?
@therealdonaldtrump9567 19 күн бұрын
When did God make a covenant with adam of works?
@marukchozt6744 6 күн бұрын
Before the fall, he was to be fruitful and multiply and manage the world
@DanRoz 20 күн бұрын
So like….no actual biblical reasoning, right?
@gerdasnyman181 15 күн бұрын
See Joshua 21:43-45
@HearGodsWord Күн бұрын
The video is correct.
@DanRoz 21 күн бұрын
2nd point is a complete logical fallacy
@granthodges3012 22 күн бұрын
Dispensationaists believe salvation is by grace through faith. There are some confused people that think salvation was by works in the Old Testament era. I suspect you can find the same in the Reformed movement. I don't think the Garden was salvation by works. It was grace.
@mwcac 23 күн бұрын
Unfortunately, Brian , the traditional dispensational view is still the majority view in American evangelism by far. There are even more sinister views rising centered on an unbiblical view of God's wrath. Progressive dispensationalism, despite Dallas Theological Seminary's best efforts to rescue a failed system, is still unbiblical and, fortunately unheard of by most Christians. Do a tour of churches throughout the country and attennd their adult Sunday school and listen to their eschatological sermons, and you'll hear the echoes of the nonsense of Darby and Scofield.
@MartyMcFly1085 23 күн бұрын
When I say that, it means I just orgasmed
@clinpsydoc 27 күн бұрын
Thank you. I had never known about these sacramental truths and connection between OT and NT.
@KeithBSII Ай бұрын
I'm trying to figure out how he got, "Jesus was made like us but was without sin" from the scripture he quoted at the beginning Heb. 2:4
@user-hz6fg5vi2d 3 күн бұрын
He said Hebrews 2 and 4, possibly referring to Heb 2:18 For because he himself has suffered when tempted, he is able to help those who are being tempted. And obviously referring to Heb_4:15 For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who in every respect has been tempted as we are, yet without sin.
@the_jeremiah_16_19_project Ай бұрын
Covenant Theology and Dispensationalism are 2 branches on the same flawed tree. That tree is the Eurocentric Theological Model. The ETM is a byproduct of the Roman hijacking of the faith once delivered to the saints. For that reason, both are mere variations of Roman Catholicism. Sunday replacing the Sabbath, Easter replacing Passover and Christmas replacing Sukkot are all decrees from the Roman Catholic Church. Observance of those 3 things is obedience to the Roman model, not the Biblical one. The Roman Church is the one being served, regardless of what label is worn. Romans 6:15-16
@GrueTurtle Ай бұрын
Also covenant theology as you just described it does not make any sense. Promises were explicitly made to Israel and Abraham and at no point where they ever told to try to save or convert those around them. They were told to stay separate from them and in some cases to destroy them because they were wicked. Then there's the 144,000. At most you could argue that Israel is a subset of the Church but that would still make them two different things.
@GrueTurtle Ай бұрын
We fell because of Eve, not because of Adam, and original sin or rather our fallen nature is inherited through the maternal line. That's why it matters that Jesus was born of a mortal woman and therefore his Earthly body was of our fallen nature. If it were through Adam, his living a sinless life would mean nothing because he would not have inherited that corruption and he would not have been able to pay the wages of sin for others. The whole thing does not work If you put it on Adam.
@jourman1 Ай бұрын
All of those “Fathers of the Church” happened to believe in the Eucharist.
@benhartzell2800 Ай бұрын
I’m sorry, but this is a poor attempt at fairly defining and describing what NPP proponents actually believe. I can’t imagine many people watching this and learning something they can apply to their understanding of salvation. Rather I see them watching this and saying, “Good, Dr. Cara thinks this is ridiculous, so I am safe!”
@ftk-forthekingdomministrie7439 Ай бұрын
Κλάψε, φαρισαίος
@Minion-kh1tq Ай бұрын
Well, that was a disgraceful misrepresentation of the facts. Reformed Theological Seminary, you say?
@HearGodsWord 2 күн бұрын
Such as?
@nemochuggles Ай бұрын
Ephesians 2:15-16 Jews and Ge tiles together form Israel Galatians 2:28-29 Romans 11:17-18
@festephens4422 Ай бұрын
Thank you very much for having this conversation why you wrote the book. Would like to hear more-
@Daiqatana Ай бұрын
Acts 15 doesn't say that. I'm done here.
@HearGodsWord 2 күн бұрын
What doesn't it say, and what does it say instead?
@radavisjr41 Ай бұрын
It doesn’t matter. It’s all a delusion.
@ProveAllThings1Th-5-21 Ай бұрын
Clear and concise. Extremely helpful! Thank you very much.
@AntoniaOkafor Ай бұрын
Love seeing this! Hope to see more of my female classmates and their life after graduation as well.
@wingchun00 Ай бұрын
itd be nice if he answered the question, they address everything but the topic.
@genekrobel4707 Ай бұрын
I understand everyone wants a simplified version of God's design and purpose. But you can't ignore His purposes and promises. Jesus didn't neatly come back 40 yrs after He ascended. The Thessalonians didn't neatly get to see the coming of the Lord. The Church was born and 2000 yrs later we still await. Gentiles and Jews have always been used in a distinct way for each others purposes according to God's design. Through the Jews came the promises. They are rebellious. So the Gentiles because of this are grafted into the promises. Which is translated to a new true Israel. But the Gentiles also will cause Israel (natural Israel) to become jealous. God reserves this remnant to come into the True Israel. But Israel as a Natural entity and people group had and have a first blessing and promises given to them It was and is to the Jew first and then Gentile. We consider a privilege to be apart of this holy true Israel but nonetheless, we don't abolish or forget the distinctiveness of God's promises to the Nation. If we can't get over this... we are jealous for Gid singling them out. And are jux apposed to the ways God's working. If we don't like Jewishness... then we have a problem as the church. When the Jews had and have a problem with Gentile behaviors... God reprimanded them. How are we so jealous of Israel? And though the simple and understandable laws of Grace and work and 1 people in Christ is true- God's purposes and ways are clearly defined whether that makes things complicated or not. As much as we start having such a simple clear relational fellowship with Gid as new Christians.... our lives bring out much more intricate and complex doctrines of all sorts and experience that challenge us. To dismiss the plan of God and His picture to the natural world through natural Israel is Gracious. Don't get hung up on it.
@MorrowTravis Ай бұрын
Clear and charitable--Bravo Zulu! But please stop using the term "race" in your comms. Discerning Christians are seeing that anti-Christ forces have done a masterful job of hijacking language (e.g., child mutilation-->gender affirming care; tribal discrimination-->affirmative action, CRT, etc.). Modern use of "race" is <100 years old and was pushed into the modern lexicon by evil men (see, e.g., "Closer to the Proletarians of the ’Colored’ Races!" (The Militant, 1932)). Recommend using terms our Creator provides--tribe, tongue, or nation--as you did here before adding the superfluous "race." Thanks for all you do.
@kcmerced9512 Ай бұрын
Amen! The emphasis is upon Jesus Christ... not a small strip of land in the Mid-East populated with an olive-skin people with large profiles. Dispensationalists focus on failures... covenant people focus on the triumphs and victories of Jesus Christ, the Redeemer and Saviour of His people!
@thenzlander7605 Ай бұрын
@ProfessorLuisSena Ай бұрын
1. Together to praise God 2. Exhort one another
@jessemcgrady Ай бұрын
Psst.... I'll tell you the real reason. God wanted the descendants of the giants to be wiped out completely. The Amorites the Rephaim the Nephilim etc. are woven throughout the narrative with their conclusion and eradication finally coming with Goliath. The entire subplot of the Old Testament has to do with God taking care of the evil done not only by men but by spiritual forces that began all the way back in the opening chapters of Genesis.
@nazmacopia7478 Ай бұрын
Both views have strengths, so I am more in the middle ground NCT/PC.
@The300ZXGuru Ай бұрын
ummm you being reformed should know exactly who those ppl are called!! Ill tell you who God calls those people and that is the ELECT!!! Jesus came to save all that the Father has given to him in the ETERNAL COVENANT!!!!!! These elect people are all written down in the Lambs book of Life!!!! man if we can even get the milk right image when you get to the meat you are going to choke!!