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@thetophatguyandroid5959 11 сағат бұрын
Nah bro is just bad stuff with a star wars mask on so it gets views and money For example as cool as the madalorian was every episode was the same thing over and over again you could literally skip two episodes and still know what's up in the story. Another example is kylo I like kylo especially after the last movie where he got a chance to become a jedi but Disney said kill him "because he's evil". But the protagonist on the other hand that I can't remember her name but wants to be called Skywalker, literally didn't change at all in three movies. She was born insanely powerful and that's her only personality for three movies. Sometimes kylo would be a better person than her. Even the actor behind luke Skywalker has said multiple times that his role in the new movies was wrong by the lore or that he didn't enjoy it or that there was no reason to bring back stuff that's dead like yoda... I wish it was just nostalgia that kept people from enjoying new star wars but no one is enjoying new star wars as much because is bad design bad art.
@glitterbeast8375 13 сағат бұрын
Dude, I watched the First 7 minutes and spent the whole time cringing and practically writhing in my chair with Ick. It literally triggered my Uncanny valley response. They literally talked about wanting white people and men to be angry. But it wasn't even the politics that was bad, it was just a horrible show. Bad Writing, bad directing, bad acting, Bad Fight Choreography, bad Cinematography, Bad plot. And none of that has anything to do with politics, nor it's star wars ness. Both of which are also problems.
@jamiefox7663 Күн бұрын
Is this the series were they go back in time to save whales
@helioslegigantosaure6939 Күн бұрын
Irremable is great.
@idioticsugar4006 Күн бұрын
my biggest gripe with injustice is that they set up superman to be the bad guy instead of making it about how one side has a point and the other has a point too. It's kinda sad
@JasperReviews Күн бұрын
I fully agree this is a great comment. Superman is just fundamentally bad in injustice. It's not like it's a differing point of view like iron man vs cap
@GenDrake3 Күн бұрын
I like how the boys can have a very diverse cast and still be amazing while acolyte appears to grab all of the shittiest actors to pander to select people.
@jessiearkwryte5765 Күн бұрын
The jedi literally made a massive point of pushing down feelings and ignoring personal relationships so it makes sense that even when one of their own dies they seem apathetic, especially when theyre busy trying to stop the killer, and especially at this point in the timeline, the jedi held to their beliefs pertaining to personal relationships strongly during the high republic, and on the other hand mae hates the jedi, the way she sees it they took her sister from her, so of course she wouldnt care about their deaths.
@jodo2785 Күн бұрын
Black Mary Sue Sith Ninja.
@jessiearkwryte5765 Күн бұрын
she's not a Mary Sue because she clearly has a teacher and it's been explained that she's been training for years, a Mary Sue is a character, usually a woman, that is inexplicably good at most skills for no reason, the only big skills we've seen Mae use is fighting and the force, which is explained through the fact that again, she's been training for years, and even then she doesn't seem super experienced with the force. And the only 2 jedi we've seen her kill, one pf them she used the jedis need to protect others against her and the other she basically manipulated into killing himself, which seems pretty on par for someone trying to become a sith.
@johnhancock782 2 күн бұрын
😂😂 Wait…”made for a new generation?”” Made for kids?” You obviously don’t know anything about Star Wars😂 Whether you want to turn a blind eye to an agenda or messaging that’s up to you. HOWEVER when you hire based on DEI for the purpose of virtue signaling instead of a competent writing team then yes, DEI impacts the quality. There’s a reason why WOKE shows fail.
@JasperReviews 2 күн бұрын
I know loads about star wars, a very angry comment by a very angry man. Such a shame. I said the show is bad. Why are you so angry? Very sad
@johnhancock782 Күн бұрын
@@JasperReviews 🤣🤣 you’re the one that seems like you’re coping seething when someone pushes back little brah. 🤣🤣 I agree the show is bad. I just disagreed with you on your premise of why it was bad and why SW was created. First, Star Wars was not made for children. George Lucas made it for everyone. Second, When you hire for the purposes of diversity instead of talent, then you get a shitty show like Acolyte. You saying that you’re not political is disingenuous when you know for a fact, the show is pushing identity politics.
@bigyoshi5170 2 күн бұрын
But don’t you love democracy? Surely you love the Republic?
@KingLegendaryHero 2 күн бұрын
DC plz bring back the OG Superman who has lost love ones before and still fight for whats right 😰
@KingLegendaryHero 2 күн бұрын
I want a Superman who is not overpowered, loss some fights, and doesn't gives up, but when he's not holding back he's powerful enough to destroy a planet and scale up to atleast Black Adam or Darkseid base form.
@itskarl7575 2 күн бұрын
Fans growing out of a franchise aimed at 8-12 year olds is a good point - but remember Force Awakens was a huge success with fans of all ages. I didn't actually like it myself, but lots of non-kids did. Knowing who the killed is in a whodunnit isn't a problem, either. That was the main schtick of Columbo, for example, and that's one of the most cherished murder mystery series in TV history. So that's a tried and tested premise. Question is, does the Acolyte apply it well?
@JasperReviews 2 күн бұрын
Adults can enjoy kids shows
@itskarl7575 2 күн бұрын
@@JasperReviews Indeed - but your initial point in this video was that perhaps fans had simply grown out of the franchise.
@JasperReviews 2 күн бұрын
@itskarl7575 yes fans have grown out of the franchise the point still stands
@itskarl7575 2 күн бұрын
@@JasperReviews Have they grown out of the franchise because they are older than the target group? Just one comment earlier you said "adults can enjoy kids shows". The way I see it, it is more that the new Star Wars incarnations are trying to cater to an older audience, and the SW universe wasn't built for that.
@iandickinson9490 3 күн бұрын
Jasper calling people dumb in the comments while not knowing that the word debuted has a silent T is enough to completely disregard this tantrum.
@JasperReviews 3 күн бұрын
What are you on about
@iandickinson9490 2 күн бұрын
Your opening line in the video. "A lot has been said about The Acolyte since it's first two episodes DEBUTED last Wednesday. " The T is silent, so maybe refrain from calling others dumb in the comment section.
@JasperReviews 2 күн бұрын
Wow you are cool
@Mars9982 3 күн бұрын
Dude is arguing and attacking with his audience in the comments. smh
@JasperReviews 3 күн бұрын
This ain't my audience my guy. Yall are dumb
@Mars9982 3 күн бұрын
@@JasperReviews Why am I dumb>? Because I said you were arguing with your audience? You just proved my point.
@JasperReviews 3 күн бұрын
Have you subscribed?
@RaptorJesus. 3 күн бұрын
its made by a lesbian man-hater, for lesbian man-haters, and guess what, most starwars fans are men. if you want a star wars show, you'll hate it, if you want to watch lesbian space witches and girl bosses, you'll love it. i have no idea how you are white knightning for such a disgustingly woke mess.
@JasperReviews 2 күн бұрын
I said the show was bad?
@RaptorJesus. 2 күн бұрын
@@JasperReviews not really, you said the fans are aging out of liking star wars, you implied that the fans are always angry for no reason, you gave disney a massive free pass on pushing the woke s%%t, even going as far as saying you didn't noticed the hilariously glaring DEI. your only criticism really was the plot, which yes, the plot sucks ass, but you gave waaaay too many free passes for the blatant excessive woke nonsense. you basically parroted what the companies always parrot when they take our childhood and fill it full of woke s%%t "oh, its not for you!" and you have to realise that saying that to people who have been a fan of something for DECADES is a massive insult, suddenly the thing you've loved for decades isn't for you, because we've taken it.
@JasperReviews 2 күн бұрын
What was 'woke' about the show. I literally said the show was bad. Your comment is very strange and dumb
@RaptorJesus. 2 күн бұрын
@@JasperReviews think what you want, but obviously looking at that ratio there are far more people who agree with me than you. anyways, have a good day.
@JasperReviews 2 күн бұрын
@@RaptorJesus. dude i said the show was bad, what more do you want
@m.a6416 3 күн бұрын
The first four minutes is an example of ignoring the elephant in the rom and framing the weakest arguments against the show as the main gripe people have. In a vacuum, noone cares if the protags are black queens but once you add context, which is the endless pattern of shows following that trend seemingly written and directed by the usual suspects for specific, intentional reasons, then yes, a new show with black female protags instantly becomes a red flag that the show will be garbage, which this one proved to be.
@JasperReviews 3 күн бұрын
Man you dumb
@thebrunoserge 3 күн бұрын
As a marxist, I WISH the Acolyte was actually woke - instead of just bad writing
@daveberry7136 3 күн бұрын
Heya, got this video recommended and I gotta say - thanks for some common sense! The Acolyte is a bad show because it's badly written Disney-by-numbers schlock. The internet hate mob was after it before anyone watched more than the trailer because they're 'anti-woke' Gamergate 2.0 types, not because of any plot continuity errors. There has never been a star wars product of any type released that did not anger at least some proportion of the lore nerds.
@JasperReviews 2 күн бұрын
I love your comment! You understand what this video is! Shifting through the bullshit and just judging the show on actual quality. It's not good but who cares there are good shows and there are bad shows. Your comment means a lot to me so thank you for it! Be sure to subscribe if you want to see my future videos!
@thevon206 3 күн бұрын
Here’s the truth.. Everyone is right. There are indeed clickbait toxic haters that exaggerate and foam at the mouth for their next opportunity to slam Disney, the agenda, etc. Also, this show sucks. And with a few exceptions, most of what Disney has done with Star Wars has been bad.
@kjfett3 3 күн бұрын
3:30 Luke bent lasers? Proton Torpedoes aren't lasers. The x-Wing has two Krupx MG7 proton torpedo launchers. Proton torpedoes are small, highly maneuverable, physical missiles. Getting that wrong basically negates any other opinion about Star Wars. Like seriously....if you can't even get a simple detail about the original, first movie, of the franchise correct, you failed.
@JasperReviews 3 күн бұрын
Man this comment is lame
@kjfett3 2 күн бұрын
@@JasperReviews Ah yes, when the comment hits home and you have nothing to respond with but calling it "lame". Taking pointers directly from the Disney PR Dept, are you?
@JasperReviews 2 күн бұрын
Hits home? Dude you are arguing about proton torpedoes you know it's all make believe right? Not sure what you are on about for disney pr department
@kjfett3 2 күн бұрын
@@JasperReviews edit: changed my mind, this channel clearly isn't worth it. 👎 Good luck and hope you get better.
@JasperReviews 2 күн бұрын
@kjfett3 I feel a bit sorry for you that you gone this I'm depth about made up space lasers
@durpy8184 3 күн бұрын
It used to be for everyone the perfect heros journey, and calling ppl who disagree with your opinion man children is more telling about you than other people
@JasperReviews 3 күн бұрын
Are you also a man child?
@JJroly1 3 күн бұрын
Maybe its the fact that the sequels are genuinely bad? 😂
@JasperReviews 3 күн бұрын
Yes I agree. The sequels are bad
@TheRealSladeValentine 3 күн бұрын
that is a terrible shit take to have if Piss-Knee didnt have a vendetta against the fans then why ALWAYS, EVERY SINGLE DAMN TIME people critisize them on something they go... buh fans radish, bigots, phobic, bad bad fans oh, movie flopped, fans fault. fans speak up, oh, fans are radish and bigot sure dude sure... and on top of it all they go out of their way to piss off fans by saying shit like "i wanted to make white people uncomfortable" in stupid interviews yes, the actress said that in an interview... but nah, nothing going on there huh, its all fine and good and no vendetta whatsoever... sure my man, ofcourse edit: also, star wars not just for kids. you can make star wars as dark and horrible as you allow it to be... go read Death Troopers and then say "buh tis kids shuw, nuh". its just that Piss-Knee refuses to explore that type of content and doesnt allow it to flourish because there are some really dark aspects to the Lore. like the Wookiee and Czerka stuff, wookiee rebellions, the fact that Jedi... yes, JEDI experimented with brainwashing and memory erasure. the fact how people live in the lower trenches of Coruscant. How certain societies and civilisations like the Yuuzhan Von experiment, torture and disfigure other races, look at Darth Krayt for an example... just because Piss-Knee doesnt go there doesnt mean it doesnt exsist.
@JasperReviews 3 күн бұрын
What the hell are you nattering on about
@TheRealSladeValentine 3 күн бұрын
@@JasperReviews you're the one who said disney had no vendetta against fans, appearently they do you're the one that said, star wars is just for kids... appearently it isnt, but sure, im nattering. dont drag up bs arguments if you cant sustain them with facts. thank you :)
@daveberry7136 3 күн бұрын
My friend, I think you have swapped your brain for a radish.
@TheRealSladeValentine 3 күн бұрын
@@daveberry7136 and you seem to have swapped your eyes for buttons, missus caronline. if you cant even see that much
@DarylBranson 3 күн бұрын
"Star Wars was made for kids." Source: Trust me, bro.
@JasperReviews 3 күн бұрын
Source: George Lucas literally said it. Man you look dumb now
@JasperReviews 3 күн бұрын
kzfaq.infoXaav2mnau4w?si=sqlgEhs0paZIXlVV there is a literal of George Lucas calling Star Wars a kid film. hahahaha you look so dumb
@Validifyed 3 күн бұрын
Complaining about an overly diverse cast in a story *that litterally spans an entire galexy* is wild.
@JasperReviews 3 күн бұрын
Just a dumb way to judge the show isn't it. I don't like the show but that's because I just think it's not particularly well made. Thanks for commenting be sure to subscribe
@HuwPewPew 3 күн бұрын
It's video's like these that I consider to be actually toxic. The smug insinuation of intellectual superiority is quite prevalent here. Also gatekeeping Star Wars content and arbitrarily deciding who can and cannot be a fan. "If it had more white men would it be a better show?" Well this is the question isn't it? If the director, writers and cast were chosen based on merit instead of a respresentation spreadsheet then what would have been the result?
@JasperReviews 3 күн бұрын
I'm not gatekeeping star wars. I don't like the show you numb nuts. If you like the show then fantastic. I never once say who can and can't be a fan. If you truly think If the show had more white men it would be better or different then you are dumb
@HuwPewPew 3 күн бұрын
@@JasperReviews Wow what a toxic reply. Ironic.
@HuwPewPew 3 күн бұрын
@@JasperReviews 2:51 "I use the term 'fan' broadly, as these people are not true Star Wars fans."
@JasperReviews 3 күн бұрын
Toxic toxic toxic
@zimmo0112 3 күн бұрын
Ah yes, others are gate keeping meanwhile in your world you feel like you know 100% for a fact that everyone involved in this show didn't get there on merit and doesn't deserve to be in Star Wars? Sounds like Gate keeping to me.
@alanfearnley6509 3 күн бұрын
F Disney
@JasperReviews 3 күн бұрын
Dumb stuff
@M_RM. 3 күн бұрын
F Disney but you love Clone Wars, Andor, Mando etc
@graithen8955 3 күн бұрын
Bro, Andor was fucking great. Star Wars can be insanely good. The original movies are still insanely good. You can't say it's for kids.
@JasperReviews 3 күн бұрын
I did say in this video andor is good. Yes star wars can be very good. It's still for kids. Even george lucas has said it is for kids. Most of Star Wars is predominantly aimed at children. The original movies are kids films
@zimmo0112 3 күн бұрын
Eh Ewoks, R2d2.
@JasperReviews 3 күн бұрын
Loving your comments. Be sure to subscribe support the channel!
@WheelMaster89 3 күн бұрын
Some of the actors just happen to be on the LGBTQ+ spectrum, but the CHARACTERS are still just characters. Episode 3 was crap, compared to the first 2, but I'm going to give it a fair go before I write it off completely.
@JasperReviews 3 күн бұрын
Fair enough. First two episodes just didn't hook me. I didn't find the characters that interesting compared to say din djarin
@WheelMaster89 3 күн бұрын
@@JasperReviews Oh I know where you're coming from there...... i do like getting a better look at the jedi temple...... i have so many questions about the choice of lightsaber designs too.....They make them so chonky so they can say that the crappy ones that they sell at the parks are "screen accurate" :D
@olgierdludwiczak3777 3 күн бұрын
So, first of all, I'd like to say that I think good videos like this are valuable. Objectively assesing the actual quality of a piece of media, especially corporate media, can be difficult to come by these days. However :), I also think the reasons you gave for doing it in the intro are not all valid, so I'd like to adress them, in the same manner of balanced discussion. You say that the discussion around the show is political, and that the Acolyte is labaled as pushing some agenda, if I understand correctly. The discussion is not about political stuff, in my view - the issue fans (real fans) are taking, is that pushing a message is basically the point of shows like these. Disney doesn't seem to respect Star Wars, or even the craft of storytelling really. It just creates controversy, makes money, says things about evil racist fans. For people who grew up alongside Star Wars, this feels unfair. I think few fans have a problem with the ideology itself, live and let live. But they take issue with bringing their old beloved franchise's purpose closer and closer to becoming an activist machine, not telling good stories. They'd like less politics, not more or different, not more white Liam Neesons. Just good actors and competent filmmakers, of any race, gender, etc. Star Wars is for kids - well, fair enough, a lot of it is. But even kid's shows can be produced with care and thought, tell a good story and evoke real emotion. They can work with themes and create good characters (Bad Batch as an example). And having said that, not all of Star Wars is, or ever was, for kids. Either way, we should be expecting good stories told well, no matter the target audience. Saying "you grew out of it" isn't a constructive argument against the critisims fans are having. Ultimately, I don't think Star Wars is all bad these days. There are some really excellent shows, like Andor, some thoughtful animation that respects what came before (Tales of the Jedi), etc. The problem I have with shows like the Acolyte, is not political, not that stuff's changing, not that I'm not a kid anymore. It's that modern Disney doesn't care enough to make it good. It stops respecting the source material, and stops respecting its fans. And I don't think it has a vendetta against me, I'd just like to have stuff made competently and with some heart.
@Infamous1892 3 күн бұрын
This video is disingenuous. You're disrespecting fan instead of critiquing the writing. If this is a show for children 12-14 then why does the Acolyte have a Covenant of witches as a stand in metaphor for the LGBTQ community? What 12-14 year old are thinking about LGBTQ rights? They can barely wipe they own noses properly so maybe they aren't at the level to receive such a message. Why can't we just have simple messages of do the right thing, be a decent human being, don't uses your power for Evil. That's what Star Wars is about. Anyone of any age can just sit down and enjoy Star Wars. If you want nuanced writing where you're characters are grey maybe you should watch Game of Thrones because Star Wars like you said is for children. Why have adult topics in a children show?
@JasperReviews 3 күн бұрын
I critique the show numbnuts I say I don't like the show and it's not very good. Loads of 12-14 year olds will also be thinking about lgbtq they are going through puberty so of course they are. You are clearly a bit of a moron though
@MrQmicic 3 күн бұрын
Ima go and call complete bullshit. If I'm getting to old for Star Wars then why Empire Strikes Back, Andor, Rogue One and so on still feel great and this crap (The Acolyte) is a fuc**ng travesty?
@JasperReviews 3 күн бұрын
Your point makes no sense. Try again
@MrQmicic 3 күн бұрын
@@JasperReviews There's no point. your opinion is clearly paid for.
@JasperReviews 3 күн бұрын
Paid for by who 🤣
@MrQmicic 3 күн бұрын
​@@JasperReviews I hope someone paid you for this video because the alternative reflects even worse on you.
@JasperReviews 3 күн бұрын
I have no idea what you on about. What's wrong with my video? I said I don't like the Acolyte? Isn't that your opinion?
@existingismypurpose7102 3 күн бұрын
Why would disney make star wars content for the kids too busy watching skibidi toilet and not for the star wars fans
@JasperReviews 3 күн бұрын
Star wars is a kids franchise
@gontmawr5010 3 күн бұрын
'...some sort of woke agenda....' If you can't see the world around you then why should i think you know the world at all? Either that or you are purposely lying....Just like the 'Woke Agenda' you alude too.
@JasperReviews 3 күн бұрын
You are crying over a kids show pal
@gontmawr5010 3 күн бұрын
@@JasperReviews I didn't realise your channel was meant for kids. Thanks for letting me know, i will simply block it.
@JasperReviews 3 күн бұрын
Ok then haha. Am I supposed to care?
@Antigegner 3 күн бұрын
the show is just very bad. it has nothing to do with it being a star wars show....it's just.....unbelievably bad.
@JasperReviews 3 күн бұрын
I agree it's not great. I doubt I'll watch anymore episodes
@julius-stark 4 күн бұрын
I'm not white. I agree, if the character were (white) guys that wouldn't change the quality, but it is the blatant contempt and disrespect for men and the male audience/characters that this franchise revels in that is really what has set it down the toilet. It was a predominantly male franchise and they've turned it into a female franchise that will ruin/disregard everything that came before to prop up these new badly written characters. I'm made peace with this. I'm getting old and part of getting old is learning to let go of things you once loved. I've said goodbye to Star Wars almost 5 years ago, and now I just watch it burn. Only after it's been completely driven into the ground and left to rest for 10 years or so might there be a chance to revive it, but it has to die first. This is it being put through a wood chipper.
@JasperReviews 3 күн бұрын
I'm glad you have managed to break up with a kids show
@themasterofpuppet1 3 күн бұрын
Contempt and disregard for men? This is the effect that American culture war politics is having on people's ability to understand and relate to media. Anytime a woman, or a gay person or a black person is introduced in media people jump on a wagon of assumption that it was done to fulfill a diversity quota or serve an "agenda" when it's likely just a corporate entity serving to create media which reflects the market it wishes to gain. Which is a market of women, gay people and black people as well as white straight men. You watch media with laser swords and light speed travel but a woman protagonist or a man as antagonist is a bridge too far?
@julius-stark 3 күн бұрын
@@JasperReviews I think Star Wars stopped being a kids show when kids were being slaughtered in it and sexuality became a regular theme, but I see your point. Thankfully I was never as bad as those grown adults who love Disney animated movies or Harry Potter, those guys are real losers who need to grow up.
@JasperReviews 3 күн бұрын
People can like what they like. No need to call them a loser for it
@julius-stark 3 күн бұрын
@@JasperReviews Just so long as it's not a children's show, huh? You can't play both sides. I make fun of things people like all the time, with pride.
@01talima 4 күн бұрын
we liked Andor some of Mando but question of agenda's aside the vast majority of disney star wars is just plain badly written. i was 9 when my sister took me to see Empire at the cinema .. oh wait i got further through the video... you are an idiot . gluck ;)
@Thoumint 4 күн бұрын
Lmao, ill be honest. I thought Luke making the lasers bend was just a limitation or artistic choice they made at the time. I had no idea he used the force to control the lasers into the death star lol...
@lustrazor44 4 күн бұрын
Torpedos. He pushed the torpedos. What did you think he was doing? Praying?
@Thoumint 3 күн бұрын
@@lustrazor44 I thought he was just really hoping it would work. You see it in movies all the time. The "I've only got one shot" moment. Then there is silence and anticipation. I mean, can you really blame me? The rules in star wars seem to change quite a bit. Even in the originals lightsabers went from causing blood to not lol.
@brofister9682 4 күн бұрын
Damn an i was thinking the prequel dialogue writing was stiff, there is something special about this one
@JasperReviews 3 күн бұрын
It's very wooden. I thought perhaps they were trying to go for the prequels aesthetic with it
@taladon6420 4 күн бұрын
The show sucks ass
@swax7124 4 күн бұрын
shut up jasper. i dont think we dont like the acolyte because we are older....... your review is trash. your judgement is trash.
@Captaraknospider 4 күн бұрын
A trained jedi being killed by someone with a knife
@JasperReviews 3 күн бұрын
Does it matter?
@faaa.6911 3 күн бұрын
@@JasperReviews fuck yeah it does this show is crap and you can't see that lol
@themasterofpuppet1 3 күн бұрын
A sith acolyte with a knife. A witch with a knife. A knife to the heart.
@JasperReviews 3 күн бұрын
I said in the video the show isn't very good? Are you dumb?
@konstantinoskinnas789 3 күн бұрын
​@@JasperReviews Respectfully, I understand if you do not care about concistency and you do not find it necessary. Everyone has their own view on that. In general if you are into the lore you care A LOT about concistency, power level and all of that. I think you should understand as much and that some people focus on things you find insignificant. As it stands acolyte episode 3 is anathema to the established lore of Star Wars and a lot of people are just mad because of that. Sure people are motivated because of politics too and I think you are wrong on that too, but that aside you should understand that people who care about the lore care about concistency(I am not a Star Wars fan, I am a WoW fan and thet have butchered the lore there, so I can understand how they feel).
@devinflint5554 4 күн бұрын
As a 40-something straight white male Star Wars fan, this calling Star Wars now "woke" is bullshit. People who say that need to watch some original Star Trek, or hell a few Next Generation episodes to see how eye-rollingly awkward social issues can be addressed. That said, I don't hate the show. I'm not all that interested in pre-Skywalker content, but it's not the worst (Battle for Endor, anyone? Watched that on it's original airing). My biggest complaint was the pointless plot cul-de-sac of having her on the prison ship, only for her to escape and immediately get found by the Jedi. Like, why not take her directly to Coruscant themselves? But even that isn't like Harry Potter level of pointless story arcs. Also, some of the CGI looked substandard for what we've seen on these shows.
@powerman2610 4 күн бұрын
The show sucks and I can't relate. Must be my lifestyle or how I was born. I give it a 2/10
@zimmo0112 3 күн бұрын
Can't relate? Why does it have to relate to you? I don't see myself in any character? does that matter? No.
@JasperReviews 3 күн бұрын
I see myself as a darth maul. A character I can relate to
@powerman2610 Күн бұрын
@@zimmo0112 Cause it's human nature, people see themselves in characters or at least a liking to them.
@powerman2610 Күн бұрын
@@JasperReviews That's called Character bonding. Yes, I was darth Maul for halloween. I will not be a turbo space lesbian for halloween. Therefore, I can't relate.
@zimmo0112 Күн бұрын
@@powerman2610 You don't have to see yourself in every Star Wars character or even any. You must have main character syndrome and feel entitled that people should act like you. No, that's not human nature since humans have friends and family they like that they don't see themselves in.
@michaelfortenberry5735 4 күн бұрын
People want to blame the woke bullshit, with good reason, but the storytelling is just garbage. A Jedi gives a little girl who isn't even a padawan a lightsaber? Seriously? A raging fire from a steel door in a castle almost completely made of stone? Seriously? I could go on... ...but in the end, it's just pure shit.
@JasperReviews 3 күн бұрын
Your reasoning for the show being bad is dumb
@andrewbarbarash3116 4 күн бұрын
So Anakin isn't the first or only immaculate conception, it's not so rare to be a Space Jesus... Anakin wasn't the true chosen one, he didn't stop Palestine, only delayed him before Rey Palpetine finished him for good and took all the dead Skywalker's name... So basically now, officially the original trilogy and prequels are just a footnote in the bigger picture.. not relevant to the long term outcome of the Galaxy. Got it.
@mauroalves317 4 күн бұрын
at this point there is no point even saying that , i believe this people do not get or even care, so as you can hear by this idiot on the video , anyone who talks against is a toxic hater that hates diversitiy !!! star wars is no more simple as that ....
@zimmo0112 3 күн бұрын
Man, this comment is gold. When the prequels were released everyone hated that Anakin was "space Jesus". We have gone full circle now. Imagine being a full-grown man and crying about this. Lmao you're a joke.
@faaa.6911 3 күн бұрын
palestine lol
@ChristophVerhelle 4 күн бұрын
The major problem in my opinion is that Disney doesn't allow the SW universe to grow and mature. Disney forces the series and movies to remain PG 12, with simpel plots and generally bad writing. We, the audience, have evolved and we want mature SW. And it is possible, just watch the old republic cinematics.
@devinflint5554 4 күн бұрын
You completely missed Rogue One?
@ChristophVerhelle 4 күн бұрын
​​​@@devinflint5554 No, I watched Rogue One multiple times... And I love that movie. Rogue One is the exception. I didn't forget to mention the movie but since it's the exception it doesn't invalidate my point. Edit: I mentioned the old republic cinematic so I should have mentioned rogue one too. My bad
@JasperReviews 4 күн бұрын
I think I should make a video on disney and star wars, what do you think? Thanks for watching be sure to subscribe
@ChristophVerhelle 4 күн бұрын
​@@JasperReviews I would definitely watch it
@JasperReviews 3 күн бұрын
Ok be sure to subscribe to the channel. I am working on a zack snyder video but will then get to work on a disney star wars video
@brendanstocks6388 4 күн бұрын
The claim that star wars is for kids is wild, yeah sure the prequels were more childish with Jar Jar, but bro star wars the clone wars got taken off cartoon network for being to mature for kids... Lol
@zimmo0112 3 күн бұрын
Man first of all it's "too mature". Second, listen to yourself, a grown man crying about a kid's show. And your only example that it's not a kid show is that its cartoon was taken off TV for a little bit until kids complained to get it back.
@JasperReviews 3 күн бұрын
Hahaha fantastic reply. Yes star wars is mostly for kids. Not to say adults can't enjoy it. Just when you are getting upset over it you are crying over a kids show
@brendanstocks6388 3 күн бұрын
@@JasperReviews Lol, refuting your point is being upset.... This is what is pathetic, in your minds its either 'im right' or 'you're crying'... From the violence to the sexual imagery, nothing about star wars is for kids, its for younger adults clearly. You people need help, like your brains are missing chunk or somethin
@brendanstocks6388 3 күн бұрын
@@JasperReviews This is why you are pathetic, its either 'im right' or 'you're crying' lol. It was made for families, with kids in mind, marketed towards kids. Star wars is not made for kids it has zero semblance to kids films or shows. You are wrong, that is a fact not a feeling, but you two can argue feelings all you like.
@brendanstocks6388 3 күн бұрын
@@JasperReviews So whenever someone makes a false claim and gets corrected that's crying, noted! Star wars is made for families, marketed towards kids, its not made for kids. You can't seem to grasp the difference between marketing a movie towards a demographic and the actual content of the media. The actual content is clearly designed for older audiences than kids, thus star wars is not for kids. It is however heavily marketed towards kids. You are wrong, sorry that it makes you cry and that you make terrible content XD
@BigFruity 4 күн бұрын
Open fires in space are normal for Star Wars. I think I can recall seeing that at least in Episode 1 and 3. And the Fact that there are No White men in the cast isn't supposed to hurt anyone's Feelings. That's Just how it is. It doesn't change the fact that this Show, despite its massive Budget, is nothing short of a Punch in the face, Not only for Fans, but even the Actors themselves. The Script is incredible Bad. I could probably write a better one. What is true however is that Leslie Headland does think it is okay to put her own political World views into this show. And that is not okay. I mean, you can do even that. But then make it fun, have the audience explore that. Have them See different scenarios with Characters having different political views, clash with each other. Show the audience consequences of the Characters actions. Make it fun! But to be able to do that, the Show must first know what it actually wants to be. And it doesn't, and that is the worst thing about it.
@zimmo0112 3 күн бұрын
What political worldviews have been put in this show?
@JasperReviews 3 күн бұрын
I doubt he knows. He probably just thinks having a black character is a political statement. Thank you for your sensible comment though
@BigFruity 3 күн бұрын
@@zimmo0112 Obviously this show is, very Inclusive again. Apart from the Fact that it isn't, since “The Massage” doesn't really allow White People. But whatever, I don't care that much, it's just Hiporacy that I can't stand. Bad Writing, bad acting, not a clue what this show is supposed to be. Like, what kind of genre is that? The Genre political activism? Because it feels like that. They care about good Content, as long as they can put a bunch of, preferably, somewhat Black Gay Woman, in front of the Camera, and minimize the Men to Bubbling Idiots. It's boring. I mean Third Episode, They break established Star Wars, they Shit on everything that Fans love about Star Wars. Only so they can implement a “perfect Female Society”, which btw. already existed, Mother of Dathomir, could have used that. Didn't, no, they rather break things. “What political worldviews have been put in this Show?”, What do you think, “The Massage”, LGBTQIA+, Feminism. All that Stuff. Now, please don't get me wrong, this is not a rant about these political movements or views. I just don't want it in my Star Wars. I'm watching that stuff to escape reality, not to be bothered by it even more. Real World Political Movements don't belong in Fiction. Or, actually, you can do that. And you can even make it fun to watch. But that of course requires the need for Creativity and the Ingenuity to do so. Also, just side note, $180 Million Budget, that is almost as much as Dune: Part Two (a Brilliant movie) had. And they did that with it? Honestly, I could keep ranting about that train wreck of a TV-Show for Days.
@BigFruity 3 күн бұрын
@@JasperReviews Now that hurts, you don't have to call people racist, over the opinion of a TV-Show. Anyway, I think you should think about that for a while. The Fact that you replied to my comment with thinking of Racists intentions, says more about you, then it does about me. I did not mention any sorts of thoughts and did not mean any sorts of thoughts, and I will not get on that level. Just Disappointing. Be better!
@zimmo0112 3 күн бұрын
@@BigFruity Omg, learn to write english. bot.
@lazylefthand 4 күн бұрын
The difference between the first 6 movies and what disney is doing is in the subtext. The original 6 had so many layers and were so much fun to peel at. Disney star wars has almost nothing beneath the surface and the more you dwell on them the worse they get.
@zimmo0112 3 күн бұрын