The Legends Timeline Chart is Out!
12 сағат бұрын
Star Wars' Biggest Forgotten Plotline
16 сағат бұрын
What Happened to Failed Jedi?
Every Time Jedi Were Cloned!
Empire at War's WEIRDEST Lore
Battlefront 2's WEIRDEST Lore
They're Heading for Disaster
Star Wars Needs Crosshair
4 ай бұрын
@rueceless7580 3 сағат бұрын
Wasteful Vanity Project kinda sums up 90% of what the Empire puts out.
@seanmccaskill5042 15 сағат бұрын
This show is the final nail for the coffin that Disney has made for SW. RIP
@brightlights2489 17 сағат бұрын
um you thought about the lore and history of knights of the old republic and Knights of the old republic 2 and Star wars the Old Repblic the onlie gae wih has a lot of lore and history for exampl Dark reven does come back 2 times you see him on the forge and you fight him and kill him /or e end up dying the he come back as a ghost for oe t later stors
@RealSteveLarry 20 сағат бұрын
Awful Woke DEI infused show. Watched your video on the super star destroyers and thought I found a channel to watch REAL starwars lore from. Apparently not.
@RealSteveLarry 20 сағат бұрын
Excellent video on REAL StarWars Lore!
@user-fp4jv7oo3i 23 сағат бұрын
I used to love star wars now I hate it with a passion it's sad really I need to ignore everything star wars from now on so the algorithm stops posting me this crap
@NateIsCorrupt Күн бұрын
EU sounds so much more interesting than the Disney content
@sebastiantirado3675 Күн бұрын
Have you ever thought about doing a video about author wars within the legends canon?
@CoreysDatapad 23 сағат бұрын
I do want to, but the actual interpersonal strife angle is a bit oversold and I'd rather not do tabloid-feeling stuff
@DarthVages Күн бұрын
@TheHeston83 2 күн бұрын
I wonder if Riot the Batons used by Galactic Empire and Later The First Order were made of Phrik both were resistant to when Cal & Finn used them.
@michaelandreipalon359 2 күн бұрын
Blocking lightsabers is one thing, but what about blocking Force attacks and still being able to weather lasers, explosions, and other hazards? Really, now, the perfect armor would be light enough to comfortably wear yet uber strong (read: mithril from Middle-earth), has easily rechargeable energy shields (the Katarn clone commando armor), and perhaps some still unrevealed magitek based on the ysalamiri. Gotta love I, Jedi for fix fic'ing the Jedi Academy books, and the Hand of Thrawn duology for being a masterfully done Bantam Spectra books continuity cavalcade that neatly mocked nonsense like Dark Empire's flaws.
@sergioruiz733 2 күн бұрын
What I did like in Legacy of the Force was how Jedi would literally slam Mandos around in their armor till they broke bones or make the armor so hot that they would be cooked inside. It was a nice way to counter the wearers night invincibility.
@uriustosh 2 күн бұрын
Cortosis easter egg omg im fawning!!!
@trudelnudel5192 2 күн бұрын
Its probably gonna be a lightsaber with a gendar identity
@josiahshangrila7322 2 күн бұрын
What about my stylish extragalactic crab armor?
@cimcity1863 2 күн бұрын
5:00 In the opening gameplay of KotOR1 Trask mentions that the vibrosword is made of a cortosis weave
@iancleary3649 2 күн бұрын
The gord downie joke got me bad, im like the biggest American gord downie fan
@Twilight5007 2 күн бұрын
Jensaarai are my favorite force tradition.
@parkerdixon-word6295 2 күн бұрын
That's funny- I always thought, from the way it was described, that Phrik was some crazy super-alloy way more durable than anything else in the setting, though now that I'm thinking about it, the only actual *stories* I've read with phrik in them might just be the cold open of the 2nd Republic Commando book, where Omega squad raid a Phrik factory on an ice planet called Fest, and there's a bit I remember about them being like "Are the droid guarding this place made of Phrik?" Then they shoot some with a rocket launcher, and go "Apparently not" which implied to me that Phrik was even more insanely durable than those books depict Beskar.
@TheMichaellathrop 2 күн бұрын
In all fairness from what we've seen of beskar in new cannon prolonged contact brings it up to being red hot in a couple of seconds, so I can easily see a lightsaber being able to melt through it given a minuet or more of continuous contact which would be consistent with Excar Kune's interaction.
@ProjSHiNKiROU 2 күн бұрын
Droid rights is the top of my post-Episode 9 worldbuilding wishlist
@Tuskin38 2 күн бұрын
The Shadow Troopers in Jedi Outcast also used Cortosis in their armor.
@michaelandreipalon359 2 күн бұрын
Didn't help them much with guns and bombs.
@ianmckee4726 2 күн бұрын
Wasnt there a canon book where wuogona nd obiwan went to check ouy a possible kyber vein and ran into some armor that mucked with tbeir sabers until obiwan changed out the crystals? Another of Dookus former apprentanfes was like the regent on that olanet i think.😊
@TheMichaellathrop 2 күн бұрын
Yes, your thinking of Kolon or the Kyber that is not Kyber or fool's Kyber which could be used in blasters or shields but also in Lightsabers. They were an orange crystal that was chemically identical to Kyber but not structurally, so likely a styrioisomer. The shields were very strong but were shorted out by the weapons that utilized the same tech, I'm unsure if Kolon crystal weapons shorting out shields was a general thing or specific to Kolon crystal based shields, I belive it was also mentioned that the Kolon crystal based weapons shorted out droids much like an ion weapon, and when Obiwan's saber had it's crystal replaced he rendered someone unconscious rather than having killed them(though he did not know that until afterwards).
@lamnaa 2 күн бұрын
I had no idea why the lightsabres were shorting out, I assumed it was some force power. Either I'm extremly unobservent or the show is dark as shit.
@garryame4008 2 күн бұрын
The visual of Cortosis shorting out lightsabers in episode 5 looked really cool
@Mr00Ted 2 күн бұрын
I wish they’d stop fighting at night, it’s hard to see what’s going on watching in a bright room
@DoestheDogDiet-hq9mt 2 күн бұрын
Break it down!
@Jedi_Spartan_38 2 күн бұрын
I'm surprised you didn't mention that there was an object made of Phrik that SURVIVED THE DESTRUCTION OF ALDERAAN...
@Theology.101 2 күн бұрын
I love how lightsaber resistant/immune stuff is treated in different areas. Sith Wars? Everyone and there mom has a cortosis Vibroblade - cut forward to the Republic Comics and the Yinchorri having Captain America’s shield is supposed to be a huge deal
@totalwar1793 2 күн бұрын
Have you done an overview on the different SW writers and their strengths? For example, Zahn is good for worldbuilding, Traviss is good for battle scenes, etc.
@tTaseric 2 күн бұрын
I imagine that would just open the door for a lot of arguing for a topic that's ultimately subjective.
@parkerdixon-word6295 2 күн бұрын
I mean, that feels like a video that's just pure subjectivity. You could do something more along the lines of "What different Authors have contributed, what they're known for, and what their style is like" that could cover the same ground without feeling like an entire video of *just* opinions.
@totalwar1793 2 күн бұрын
@@parkerdixon-word6295 Ooh that is also a great idea
@totalwar1793 2 күн бұрын
@@tTaseric I kinda want to see some subjective Corey opinions lol
@michaelandreipalon359 2 күн бұрын
Duursema and Ostrander being good at giving the Clone Wars justice with grim and gritty?
@Urielization 2 күн бұрын
You would figure if Cortosis is this useful against jedi and light sabers, crime lords, bounty hunters, and other force users would wear it. So either the mineral is way rarer than Beskar or the correct form of forging cortosis weapons, and the armor from the metal has been lost for years. Since the jedi didn’t seem to know it, i guess they won't be using the EU lore about the republix and jedi having heavy control of cortosis mines.
@ad2902 2 күн бұрын
I think this show is garbage!
@vevaren8155 2 күн бұрын
The series is shit. They've retconned how the force works. Lied about it. Broken continuity countless times. Changed established lore to suit their style and story. It's not star wars anymore.
@user-lg5xt6ou1g 2 күн бұрын
Just rewatching the Ashoka series and Morgan says to Balon that the ‘threads of fate do not lie’ could this be connected to the thread the witches in the acolyte call the force as we know? Much discussion on that I suppose but hopefully
@NonsenseFabricator 2 күн бұрын
I just can't take the Vong seriously no matter how many planets they burned down. The snarly orc faces, the spiky codpieces, the slithering little dragon-snake staffs. It's just so goofy looking. They're like something out of a D&D book printed late in an edition's lifecycle, when the writers are really struggling for ideas.
@PenguinofD00mxxx 3 күн бұрын
I liked the choreography for the fighting this episode, and the incorporation of cortosis was a nice touch. The bugs were silly.
@akumaking1 3 күн бұрын
The Acolyte is still a massive flaming radioactive turd on the legacy that is Star Wars.
@docscards 3 күн бұрын
Buttplug saber
@ultratankie 3 күн бұрын
This man used a headbutt to disable a lightsaber. 10/10 best star wars show after Andor, people who hate this are insane and need to go outside
@Alexzander1989 3 күн бұрын
I don’t mind Cortosis, I’ve read Darth Bane and Plagueis so I know what it is, but part of the pitch for this show is that you wouldn’t need to do your homework to watch this show. So I think that’s what’s throwing a lot of the more casual audience. Because they were told they didn’t need to know anything previous to watch the show, now they’re dropping something from the lore that most outside of lore junkies like us probably wouldn’t know
@OrionInSpace 2 күн бұрын
But you see that’s the point though, that’s one of the things that make Star Wars great. I’ve seen new or casual fans watch Star Wars for the first time and always ask questions about what something is. I think the point of bringing it over was to give both audiences a bit of excitement and also intrigue. They most definitely put that in for the hard-core fans but at the same time it doesn’t even really need to hurt a casual one because it’s not even necessarily something that is homework.
@Alexzander1989 2 күн бұрын
@@OrionInSpace Normally I would agree wholeheartedly, but most of the Hard-core fans aren’t even watching this show. They’ve either left, or just don’t give a crap enough to actually watch this thing. Especially given the attitude of the people running Lucasfilm and that disastrous press tour they did 😅 Most of the people actually watching either aren’t fans at all, or are on the more casual side of things. And again, part of the sales pitch for this to the audience is that they wouldn’t need to know anything previous going in. So I can understand people being confused or not knowing about Cortosis (if that really is what they used). This isn’t the sort of thing your average audience member is gonna know about and the people who would either aren’t watching, aren’t present, or just don’t care.
@OrionInSpace 2 күн бұрын
@@Alexzander1989 you see I guess that’s where we’re going to agree to disagree because I don’t see it as homework at all. I don’t really think the show runners intend to think that anyone viewer, casual or hard-core needs to know Cortosis before coming in, especially when you consider that they surprise revealed it. No one knew it was going to be in the show.
@uncleqrow5941 3 күн бұрын
i find a lot of peoples complaints about continuity really funny as a warhammer fan and as someone who reads the warhammer books and listens to their audio books warhammer has have been changing its lord from day one many of the factions in that universe have had their entire backgrounds changed randomly so with things like Mundie now being older then before its such a small thing to be upset about
@OrionInSpace 3 күн бұрын
Especially when you consider the fact that most people fail in their arguments when they make his age about it breaking canon. It’s not breaking canon, it’s breaking the lore, which is less of an offense given the fact that the creator of Star Wars has done a number of times. Same with Filoni.
@PenguinofD00mxxx 3 күн бұрын
Corey, how could you? My precious Tolkein doesn't deserve that 😢
@ArcBing 3 күн бұрын
Loved the achievement pop for defeating an unarmed force user haha also definitely agree about who the acolyte could end up being. Great review, great episode.
@mrp1326 3 күн бұрын
Qimir is like: I have no name. Me: yeah, heard it before. You're Palpatine.
@mildlydisinterested 3 күн бұрын
I was one of them and I was shocked when I found out. You know, when the movie came out. But it was a really cool/interesting reveal/concept.
@jeffkidd2959 3 күн бұрын
How do we cancel the show same way people cancel other shit they dont like
@skywalkersbutido6375 3 күн бұрын
I think it makes sense that he won’t talk about his master,for all the Jedi know;the rule of two is not a thing.
@kyleshurmur-dg3kq 3 күн бұрын
Im glad u didnt do the Disney shit them film dont exist in my head canon only the prequels originals and the comics exist in star wars lore
@dbks_ 3 күн бұрын
Yord and Jecki fought like true Jedi.
@dreadelectric7745 4 күн бұрын
The show has a lot of issues, but this episode was pretty entertaining. I am still bewildered as to why a Sith would expose himself so recklessly. Let’s see where this goes…
@shakky1512 3 күн бұрын
He said why. It was a lose-lose situation. If he did nothing Mae would reveal her Master is a Sith and he doesn't know for sure whether or not she knows he is Qimir. If he goes to kill Mae he has to fight the Jedi which means he potentially reveals himself anyway.