I dare you
7 сағат бұрын
Let us hold space for you and pray for you
@tlw6932 58 минут бұрын
Go and sin no more.
@ChickenDelight-m3p 7 сағат бұрын
@cathcolwell2197 14 сағат бұрын
@CybernerdShua 15 сағат бұрын
As an anthropology major, this is so refreshing to hear from someone inside the religion. You clearly have a good grasp on culture and its relevance in the development of rules and acceptance.
@rollout1984 15 сағат бұрын
The road to hell is paved with good intentions.
@Firstofanyone 18 сағат бұрын
Religion will never be inclusive because of its foundation. It’s built upon the idea that women are inferior to men. At least, the Abraham religions are. You would have to ignore passages upon passages of text from your own holy book to be inclusive, meaning that you aren’t *really* that religion and don’t follow it. It’s not inclusive and doesn’t want to be, nor was it meant to be. It was created solely to help men feel superior to women and cope with the fear of death. That’s it.
@savvivixen8490 19 сағат бұрын
@mrdeanvincent 19 сағат бұрын
If only there were more religious people who actually embodied the underlying values of their religion like this, instead of wielding their specific religious dogma as a weapon with which to fight the culture wars and hate people. I double dare you.
@AurorXZ 22 сағат бұрын
What the hell. I'm so sorry you went through that.
@shallowgal462 Күн бұрын
Do you have an autobiography that I can obtain?
@nl-oc9ew Күн бұрын
Found a true christian, what a stange day.
@D8-32 Күн бұрын
god dont exist
@JustJen1386 Күн бұрын
Excellent advice
@AndromedaCripps Күн бұрын
I would love to see a “return” to our romanticized version of medieval fantasy and religion, where holy clerics and paladins are on the front lines feeding the sick, defending the weak, and delivering justice for the downtrodden. Many churches are 1-2 thirds of the way there. But let’s change the way we think about religion in this country. Let’s reinvent religion as a welcoming place for all that uses it’s fervor to defend and advocate, to be champions of social Justice!!!
@martirookala8062 Күн бұрын
I love this! Thank you for clearly laying out a plan and differentiating culture from message. I find it so sad that so many people cling to their fears and justify bad behavior by cherry picking the Bible. Fear is not faith and nothing done with the intent of marginalizing, shaming, or demeaning others is love. We can have a better world by lifting one another up.
@ifer1280 Күн бұрын
How dare you preach the message of Jesus and not the popular interpretation of the bible! Bad Christian!
@WGrind0687 Күн бұрын
As someone who is not religious, this has ALWAYS been my take and point on this! Love this beautiful message 🫶🏼 Thank you for loving thy neighbor.
@rach24321 Күн бұрын
Am an athiest..I like this!
@jamesyoung1022 Күн бұрын
Religion's most dangerous idea: "There is no such thing as an unknowable truth. Anyone can possess knowledge of truths that appear impossible to possess by simply imagining a narrative and pretending it is true." What imagined narrative should I pretend to know is reality? 1. Should I pretend to know that an undetectable supernatural realm exists, inhabited by undetectable, all-powerful, immortal, thinking agents, monitoring every human thought and act, justly entitled to micromanage every aspect of human existence? 2. Should I pretend to know that I have a special intimate personal relationship with the supernatural realm that telepathically endows me with knowledge of unknowable truths, to tap into the mind of God, to know what it thinks and wants? 3. Should I pretend to know that when our ancient ancestors created their religions and wrote their holy books, they did not include in them any imaginary narratives, things that they were pretending to know but in reality, they could not possibly know? 4. Should I pretend to know that abandoning reason and my freedom of conscience to pursue a life of intellectual servitude to religious dogma is the epitome, essence, and manifestation of divine wisdom? And when questioned about my alleged divine knowledge, should I offer a plethora of fallacious apologetic rationalizations, all designed to obscure and deny the fact that I am intellectually enslaved, pretending to know an alternative reality that no one can possibly know?
@dwainpannell8366 2 күн бұрын
This is a great message i hope it reaches more people
@Stevo_Drums 3 күн бұрын
The spreading of unsubstantiated woo was my exit sign.
@WWZenaDo 4 күн бұрын
Chick tracts? Those things were hilarious, in a cringey way.
@SpearOfJudah 6 күн бұрын
This "pastor" is not a wolf in sheep's clothing but a wolf in wolf's clothing.
@downenout8705 7 күн бұрын
Question, are you content with the extraordinary amount of collateral damage the your god has let happen to get to the "understanding" of the Bible that we have today? Question, do you believe that the character of the god that you believe in, is consistent with the message that you just delivered?
@robertgray323 9 күн бұрын
So stop being a republican? Is that what your telling me? Stop being a republican?
@SheltonDCruz 9 күн бұрын
Good on you Jeremy in seeing through all the falsified statements about the catholic church - I like this one which I read : ‘Scripture alone’ had manifestly led not to clarity and consensus but to contestation and confusion - source: The Oxford Illustrated History of the Reformation
@IsleOfSkyeBagpiping-ep5lr 9 күн бұрын
Catholics can miss a lot of biblical teachings, but this is not to say that they are ALL neccesaraly going to hell (Let me explain): If you trust in Jesus alone for salvation, not trusting in works or other vain things, God promises to save them, and that they are His children. As their relationships with God progress, God will begin to convict them of any unbiblical doctrins and will change them from the inside out. I don't say this in any hate, but in great love for any cathloics that see this. Catholics teach many unbiblical doctrins contrary to God's plan of salvation, Godly worship, and eternity (The edition of Purgatory, for example. Purgatory is not mentioned in the Bible). All of this to say, I do love Catholics, they just have some doctrinal errors that need to be lovingly corrected. ✝❤
@filiusvivam4315 9 күн бұрын
Surprise - Jesus founded the Catholic Church. This is an historical fact. Shocker! Protestantism is actually a heresy started in the 16th Century. This is also an historical fact.
@kingt911 10 күн бұрын
"technically" we are both christians but in reality joel olsteen is a well documented false teacher. I think the label of christian works fine especially given the history of the word, we just need to stop including these bible perverts in that description.
@thesciencegod2776 10 күн бұрын
At last. Ive been saying this for years.
@userJohnSmith 10 күн бұрын
Thank you. I run into this still now. It is unnerving to be told I believe things I dodn't believe, have the Bible misquoted out of context to justify theology that's half biblical, and just generally manipulate Christian history to be something it wasn't. The mission trips to Catholic countries are also wild, it's great to go help the poor but converting people from the original faith to an offshoot isn't getting more people into heaven.
@Alsacienne_d_Alsace 10 күн бұрын
According to the dictionary, polythéisme comes from the grec root : “polutheos” literally translated into :”worshiper of many gods” You quoted the ten commencements, but polytheism is in opposition with it.
@jimurban5367 10 күн бұрын
Also according to the dictionary, polytheism as we currently use it can refer to worship of OR belief in more than one god.
@rouxmain934 10 күн бұрын
2:30 you're on point : the devil is the one who divides. Most protestants keep slandering my Eastern Catholic faith and claim their silly misunderstandings about Catholicism are the true Catholic teachings. Add to that that low-church protestants do not have a theological authority, it is mostly mere opinions : there is no great protestant council that would define required doctrine in order to be protestant. This work is done within denominations, and Protestants never claim their denomination is the only true Christianity (except an anecdotal minority). Protestants do indeed have authority in a pastoral sense, but their binding authority on theology is limited to some 20% or 30% of Protestantism within their respective country at best. All of that to say that they must admit they have no binding authority to claim who's wrong and who isn't. And not only that, but they claim, as you said, Catholics are going to hell due to their allegedly terrible teachings. I'm no better than someone else, but I have all the reasons to feel like I am better than many because I had the humility to say "wait, what if I'm just wrong?" ; I clearly did the right thing by asking questions in good faith (not boasting here, I just wanna encourage people to judge charitably and in full knowledge). Follow my example, a stupid man who was saved by God, and who by the grace of God tried to understand all believers in charity.
@kingt911 10 күн бұрын
Jeremiah 1:5 and Psalm 139:13-16 makes it clear that God cares about unborn children. Don't tap dance around it saying "its a genealogy or poetry." "Its not talking about biology." If you are a pastor then you should believe the Bible is the Word of God (which implies this imagery is included for a reason). If you don't then why be a pastor? There is no biblical defense or approval for abortion. 10 of Jesus' disciples were crucified for their faith, and its sad to see "pastors" be too afraid of catching shade from the culture because they don't want to catch shade for defending the lives of unborn babies. If any scripture is being misinterpreted here, its your interpretation of Numbers 5. If you read the passage, this is not a chemical procedure to abort a child, it is a test of purity which leaves the wife barren if she has been unfaithful, but unharmed if she has remained faithful to her husband. Definitely not an argument for life not beginning at conception or God directing an abortion. While Christians should love all people regardless of beliefs and decisions it does not mean we have to accept said beliefs.
@kingt911 10 күн бұрын
tbh cant tell if this is rage bait or not. but im falling for it regardless. Isaiah 45:5 clearly states that there is One God. All others are fake or demons. You can read an example of this in 1 Kings chapter 18 when Isaiah is dealing with the prophets of Baal. I also disagree with this progressive theology stuff. You lose the true message of the Bible. Just because certain groups of ancient semetic people worshiped Ashra it doesn't mean there is a masculine and feminine God. I disagree your "logical implication" that all religions are worshipping the same God. When Muslim's pray to allah they are not praying to the God of the Bible. They are praying to a false/fake God. John 14:6 says "Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." Even the verse you quoted (Deuteronomy 10:17) THE SAME BOOK SAYS THERE IS ONLY ONE GOD! (Deuteronomy 32:39) I will be praying for you and hope God reveals to you the error in your ways.
@jordanupdegrove7879 10 күн бұрын
You can choose to believe a square is a circle but that doesn't make it so because the objective truth that a square cannot be a circle contradicts that. How do we determine the views that will make the world a better place? How do we choose? Is it simply what feels right or is there an authority that we can trust to tell us what is truly right? Don't just choose your beliefs. Challenge them and ensure they are correct. I pursue beliefs that don't just uphold God's love and mercy, but also his holiness, righteousness, and judgment. These are not hateful ideals but they do live against our sinful nature making them much less cuddly than love mercy and peace.
@jordanupdegrove7879 10 күн бұрын
I agree that we all “suck” we have a sinful nature and we are prone to hurt others and ourselves. I disagree with the idea that that won't change. We aren't called to simply give space to heal when we or others do bad things. We are called to repentance. We must recognize our sin and change our ways.
@jordanupdegrove7879 10 күн бұрын
1. There are no first-person claims in the gospels. - Yes you're right. They are not letters like Paul wrote. They are historical accounts of Jesus and his ministry. It was common for historians of that time to write entirely in the third person. Josephus did this and others at the time. This does not mean they are not first-hand accounts. 2. The Gospels were not called “Matthew Mark Luke and John until 200AD -more accurately, titles were not assigned to the gospels when scribes copied the documents until this time. There is good reason to believe that church fathers ascribed authorship to these four before that. There is a lengthier debate on the issue of authorship but these 4 names were not simply picked out of a hat in 200AD and ascribed to the gospels. There remain plenty of good reasons to ascribe authorship to the traditional authors despite “scholarly consensus”
@SandyCheeks63564 10 күн бұрын
it's like the Bible came from other sources. and the numerous books are some of those disparate pieces hence the inconsistencies. And there are parallels to Egyptian religion and Sumerian religion. and I think I read also Zoroastrianism. It didn't only come out of the blue to Judaism
@SandyCheeks63564 10 күн бұрын
well you know what the evangelicals will say about those other people and their are other gods. They'll just say they are wrong, they are mistaken, they are being misled by demons possibly.
@jordanupdegrove7879 10 күн бұрын
Being written thousands of years ago means nothing. Plenty of knowledge we have now comes from thousands of years ago and it's no less true today than it was when it was written. Much of the Bible and all of the New Testament certainly claim to be literal and true. The Apostles did not live lives of persecution and die for a figurative and spiritual gospel. They died knowing the Lord Jesus who died and rose again defeating death and granting eternal life to all that believe in him.
@SandyCheeks63564 10 күн бұрын
Or maybe God referring to himself in the plural is a way of communicating how tremendous and all encompassing God is
@Alsacienne_d_Alsace 10 күн бұрын
I believe it refers to God the Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit of God.
@MAL1GNANT 10 күн бұрын
​@@Alsacienne_d_Alsaceokay no
@MAL1GNANT 10 күн бұрын
So... fun fact. In Islam, Allah (Subhabahu Wa Ta'ala) refers to himself as We, but it's actually a royal / exalted form of I and is severely mistranslated.
@jimurban5367 10 күн бұрын
Or that God is non-binary 🤓
@SandyCheeks63564 10 күн бұрын
I always wondered why the quotes from God were plural. Like we shall make the humans in our image or something like that
@jordanupdegrove7879 10 күн бұрын
I am not good. I've tried many times in my own power to be enough and I know I am not. We were not made to be enough. We were made beautifully weak so that we must rely on God and godly community in this life. You are worthy of love as an image bearer of the one true God. Nothing you can do will make you unworthy of love, but you are not enough alone. Rely on community to find purpose not on yourself.
@jordanupdegrove7879 10 күн бұрын
God loves us but because of his perfect love, he also judges as a natural consequence. If someone were to punch someone you love, your natural response would be to seek justice for the one that you love. This is also true of God and it is why he indeed does hate the wicked and judge those that deny him and sin against him.
@jordanupdegrove7879 10 күн бұрын
Loving how full this comment section is of Christians who actually respect the Bible and Christianity and can defend it
@jordanupdegrove7879 10 күн бұрын
The Bible is clear that YHWH is the one true God and all others are false Gods created by humanity. Humans have created and worshipped mythological deities and false Gods for centuries. The titles Lord of Lords, King of King, or God of Gods do not assume the real existence of other deities. Instead, it shows YHWH’s authority over all the kings, lords, and false deities of all the nations. This, as some might say, is weak sauce.
@jordanupdegrove7879 10 күн бұрын
How can a strict monotheistic viewpoint force you to think other religions are following the same God? Again, we create false Gods. Money, fame, or power can all act as God over your life. Caesar was revered as God on earth while he led Rome. This does not make him or our sinful desires YHWH or a true deity.
@Boconnor401. 10 күн бұрын
Dude, just become an atheist at this point give up the gig or start preaching actual Christianity
@My10thAccount 11 күн бұрын
Don’t even bother listening to Evangelicals, Baptists or Pentecostals when it comes to Theology. I disagree heavily with mid and high church Protestants and believe that they’re fundamentally wrong in their positions, but I can at least acknowledge that their positions are well thought out and you can find at least some support for these ideas in both the Bible and the Early Church, even if I believe their interpretations of these sources are erroneous. As wrong as they are on things, the more modern Protestants are so far removed from Christianity that I only call them Christians because they profess Christ as Lord with their tongue and hold vaguely to some of the Ecumenical Councils. Also forget the premise that most Christians today are hellbound under their interpretation, their interpretation of scripture and tradition effectively makes Christ a liar. The Church was supposed to be the Pillar of Truth and if that isn’t the case, then Christ lied to us which means he’s not a prophet or God. Which essentially means that literally every religion that bases its authority on Abrahamic promises is false because the very promises Abraham received are fulfilled in Christ. If Christ is ever false, then these promises are false. Addendum I made everything above before realizing the author’s precarious position on inclusivity at the cost of truthfulness. Look enough with this attitude of indifference. There is an objective truth and if there isn’t we’re all wasting our time. This “you do you and I’ll do me” mentality is 100% a product of the world and specifically “the enlightenment”. Christ himself separates people by his very nature into those who believe in him and those who do not. He’s made it abundantly clear that all men will be judged by their deeds and what they had faith in after this life. If you fail that test, there is nowhere else for a soul to go save the fires of Gehenna. That is real, it is a grave and terrible danger that cannot be ignored.
@goku5323 11 күн бұрын
*Brother, I invite you read the Quran and study about ISLAM. May ALLAH guide you.* 🙏
@My10thAccount 11 күн бұрын
I’m not going to spend a million years arguing this, I’m only going to give you fair warning. Warning that not enough have the stomach to do anymore. Islam is a false religion and its creation was forewarned by Paul in his letter to the Galatians. In it he warns that should either man or angel come to you teaching you a Gospel counter to that which we have taught you let him be anathema. Muhammad supposedly got his teachings from an angel who spoke against the gospel given to us by Christ through his Apostles. Angels aligned to God do not speak contrary to the Father, only Angels who are not aligned to the Father do this. The same can be said in regard to the Mormons for that matter. Islam is a bastardized hybridization of a mishmash of Old Testament teachings and Christian Heresies. It has no continuity with any teaching from before Christ or after him. It’s a complete invention of man at the devil’s inspiration, created to provide a faith that better reflects the twisted fallen nature of men. The Bible and the Tradition of the Catholic Church form the deposit of Faith gifted to mankind by God. This treasure has remained and stood unbroken and unassailed by the world for 2000 years. It shall stand until the end of days. Christ is the word of God and the word is God. Christ himself made many claims of divinity. He claimed that he and the father are one. He claimed that before Abraham was I Am, a clear allusion to what God said to Moses when he asked for his name. These claims and the signs that accompanied them are what ultimately got him sentenced to death by crucifixion. He, God, suffered death there for our sins and rose again on the third day. It was not a ghostly illusion as the Gnostics claimed, nor was it a double as you lot claim. Do with this whatsoever you will, with the knowledge that all will be held to account for their decisions in this life.
@ByzantiumArchon 10 күн бұрын
No thank you. I’m not going to trust some guy 600+ years after Christ who claims “God told me Jesus actually didn’t die on the Cross”. Also, your Quran affirms the Bible, which proves the Quran false. And believe in that I have sent down, confirming that which IS with you, and be not the first to disbelieve in it. And sell not My signs for a little price; and fear you Me. S. 2:41 And when there came to them a Book from Allah verifying that which they have, and aforetime they used to pray for victory against those who disbelieve, but when there came to them (Prophet) that which they did not recognize, they disbelieved in him; so Allah's curse is on the unbelievers. S. 2:89 Shakir And when they were told, 'Believe in that God has sent down,' they said, 'We believe in what was sent down on us'; and they disbelieve in what is beyond that, yet it is the truth confirming what IS with them. Say: 'Why then were you slaying the Prophets of God in former time, if you were believers?' S. 2:91
@goku5323 10 күн бұрын
@@ByzantiumArchon *thank you for your valuable comment. Actually I invited him to read the Quran and study about Islam. Anyways, I invite you as well to read the Quran and study about Islam. You don't have to be a Muslim to know about Islam. You can be from any religion and read the Quran. Thank you.*
@rouxmain934 10 күн бұрын
​@@goku5323we did. It's terrible.
@userJohnSmith 10 күн бұрын
​@@goku5323I have. There's a great deal of beauty and wisdom there, it's mixed with a lot of misguided ideas and a great deal of misunderstanding and impossible theological assertions based on previous texts and traditions. Muhammad tried, but he got too much wrong.
@goku5323 11 күн бұрын
*Brother, I invite you read the Quran and study about ISLAM. May ALLAH guide you.* 🙏
@pjeterkoliqi5668 11 күн бұрын
Why should he study a religion that worships a demon disguised as god?
@christopherkucia1071 11 күн бұрын
I have a lot of respect for Islam but as an actual non-religious person that grew up Catholic (Protestant I guess) and now I’m being pulled back into religion individually and specifically towards the true and only Christian faith (eastern orthodoxy) I can’t admit that Islam is on par with the true Christian faith. I have the Quran and have read small parts of it to make sure I really know about it but I’ll admit I need to know a lot more. I personally belive that orthodox Christianity is THE religion to subscribe to. Has the best outcomes for society at large and is far more truthful and far more morally sound than Islam, but Islam is a brother to Christianity. And I currently support the Palestinian freedom cause 100%. The Bible classifies murder as a sin, but not violence. Not self defense. I wish the whole Muslim world victory against the Talmudic cabalistic European concerted Jewish COLONISTS. Islam is beautiful, I just find Christianity to be more pure and beautiful. It is VERY IMPORTANT to understand this video is total horse shit. This guy isn’t a Christian and his claims are easily proven false without even opening the Bible. This guy we just watched does not represent or even understand Christianity… Peace and love brother, (sister?) Islam and Christianity absolutely can exist together and closely. Many American Christian’s forget the Jews were exiled due to their babalonyian and satanic rejection of Christ and god. We have the same god, even the Torah worshipping Jews have the same god as us. Just not the European Ashkenazi khazar Talmudic worshipping Jews of Satan. Zionists are a scourahe upon earth. Christianity NEVER supported polygamy. This is one point where I find Christianity to be superior to Islam morally and societally. This guy in the video doesn’t need allah or god… he is lost and purposefully so. No helping him.