The Shocking State of Pax Dei
21 күн бұрын
V Rising in 2024
Ай бұрын
The Shocking State of DAOC in 2024
The State of the Top 10 MMOs
The Shocking State of Guild Wars 2
The Shocking State of Grounded
The Shocking State of New World
The Shocking State of Valheim
The Problem with Starfield...
@mervinalcala3042 43 минут бұрын
mortal online 2 is dope
@zaarakx455 3 сағат бұрын
I remember playing it when I was younger. I pre orderd it at game stop and didnt really understand how the game worked but I loved every second of it
@strakermidwich9679 4 сағат бұрын
The thing that killed WILDSTAR??? The Stun mechanic for dungeons, where all or at least 3 players had to stun the boss/and or Trash mob to take off the shield. If you didn't do it 1 of of the players was pretty much 1 shot. So unless you were all on comms it was nigh on impossible!
@seraphuziel 7 сағат бұрын
i played galaxies up to nge and i still use it to compare other mmos, for far not a one beats it, eso & vanguard were close.
@NobushigeAzai 9 сағат бұрын
Another banger? Dude you make some of the BEST content that I've ever seen on mmorpgs! Thank you for delivering on another fantastically edited video!
@Mikalent 10 сағат бұрын
I looked up this game after a group I play with said they where going to run this game. I feel this train wreck coming, it feels like New World all over, just without the multi billion dollar budget and a company willing to shovel money into it to keep it kinda alive. It doesn't feel like a scam, it feels like well what many indie devs who suddenly become flush with money do, they get overexcited, attempt to expand the scope of the game well beyond the original, more limited scale, realize they only get 1/8th of it working, run a quick buy in alpha (Effectively what this seems to be) to get a revenue boost before the bills come due. While I did pledge to Star Citizen (And trust me, I am fully aware of the complaints surrounding *that* particular game) the reason Star Citizen can, in theory, float off their current budget (But they will never do that) and sit in alpha for so long is due to the fact that, if there was one thing CIG got right, it was to keep the game and company away from public investors. Those investors will eventually demand a product to sell, and are FAR less patient (good or bad) than players, leading to things like this, where the game has to be rushed out the door with a heavy coating of makeup to hide the fact that the game is still in, what would generiously be called, early alpha. This game, and it's Early access launch feel like just that, they prettied up the game, kicked it out the door, and hope they can get the game into a decent state before too much of the playerbase dies off.
@BigSarge72 12 сағат бұрын
This game closing still makes me sad...
@sensoeirensen 15 сағат бұрын
100hrs in a MMO is like didn't even touch 0.1% of the game omfg
@sawmanUK 14 сағат бұрын
Omfg , he should play 1000k hours before he makes an opinion 🥱
@sensoeirensen 14 сағат бұрын
@@sawmanUK at least 500hrs....he has seen NOTHING
@sawmanUK 12 сағат бұрын
@@sensoeirensen totally man, 100 hours is lazy, what an idiot, imagine wasting 100 hours of your life on a review
@ReaperTheRogue 15 сағат бұрын
LoL just two months and new world is dead
@guyleclerc7324 15 сағат бұрын
man it took me years to get my EBISU fishing rod and to master my smithing cooking craft and others!!! the game was build so not only you fight but chill doing other stuff :)
@guyleclerc7324 15 сағат бұрын
game was hard and every MMO should have been build like XI . you die you lose EXP!!! learn how to do skill chain learn how to fight with 1 JOB like NIN or WAR or RDM but LEARN it GOOD that was why it took you months in the early days to lvl 1 job to 75 .
@guyleclerc7324 15 сағат бұрын
No one forgot about FFXI :) best game ever from 2002-2008 :) Put it back on PS5 erase every stupid thing after 2008 like level cap up to 100 ...... Make people go party of 6 together from 1 to 75 again!!! Farm level cap items 55- 60 -65 -70 and Maat at 75!!! Make ppl camp Fafnir again with 1000ppl waiting for 3 hours with a window of 1min every 30min . Make ppl farm in SKY with party of 18- 36 ppl . Make ppl enjoy 1 hour Kirin fight again . Make ppl farm days months in SEA and try to beat Absolute Virtue!!!!! and i will sign up again on my server ODIN :) . I look at many video since 2016 and honest the game is SHITTY .... JUST make ppl farm together for hours days months and you will see LINKSHELL BONDING like in 2003 2004 2005 2006 and more!!!
@escarretada 17 сағат бұрын
For me the best mmorpg ever released was wildstar and Archeage
@thewatchdog3803 19 сағат бұрын
Man I miss WIldStar. It was actually unironically my favorite MMO alongside TERA, which also closed. RIP good MMOs.
@SigmaTheWhiteFlame 20 сағат бұрын
I played Monk in FFXI… yeah I’m not going back 😑
@loftus4453 21 сағат бұрын
It was a great game. I loved the humor built into the game. The gameplay was smooth and I really prefer the action style to tab targeting. I played from launch but stopped when I hit the really long and weirdly strict attunement process you had to do to start raiding. I was surprised they shut it down completely. I’d play it today if there was a relaunch.
@CenturionsLegion Күн бұрын
Your wrong about the currencies, crafting parts got removed with the micro transactions and in place of it was skill points you unlocked while playing the game
@ReyRey277 Күн бұрын
Do you do youtube fulltime?
@sawmanUK 23 сағат бұрын
no as i would be poor
@BasedChadman Күн бұрын
I miss it I miss fun MMOs with snappy controls and high skill combat
@vladaheimrock3923 Күн бұрын
Eden Server is the place to be. Worth looking into even as a new player
@munkymittens Күн бұрын
It all boils back to one thing. No matter the game. Once the sweaty, animation hiding, meta gaming finds its way in the games already ruined. The issue isnt the games. The issue is the players
@nighttimestalker Күн бұрын
Once you get past ARR in ff14, it becomes the epitome of final fantasy lol.
@talkingbutt3150 Күн бұрын
WildSHIT _[cough cough]_ I mean WildStar biggest mistake was believing that by being a PTP and catering to the %1, it would be successful. TL;DR Me: WildStar should be FTP. WildStar: Why would we ever do that. _[ A few month later ]_ WildStar: Please come and play our game, its FTP.
@RideTheGamer Күн бұрын
@shen-adalet-raion2724 Күн бұрын
NCSOFT has not granted Homecoming a License of any kind.
@xingore30 Күн бұрын
I love that you referenced the community in this! Hands down my favorite show that I can't stop watching!
@adamaddis8625 Күн бұрын
Where is the music at 3:01 from?
@Jenn-lq9yu Күн бұрын
I'ma be real, a lot of your critiques come from a place of assuming a lot and knowing very little. That doesn't invalidate them, it's fair to have problems even if you don't know something fully in depth, but the specific points where I kind of started to turn off on this video were when you made assumptions about it being easy to make player characters for species companions are. Each companion has a specifically unique model that had to be made specifically for them, whereas creating a character creator version of that species would be a ton more work. The character models have to be rigged up in a specific way to allow heads, body types and such to be swapped in and out, which obviously with something like a wookiee is going to be a lot more complicated than it is with a Twi'lek or a Togruta. Second was the point of assuming players wouldn't see your messages if you typed in chat. I've been playing SWTOR since it launched, I find it to be one of the games where players will most commonly engage with your in conversation if you choose to strike one up. I've literally spent hours just sitting and chatting with people, whether it be a one on one conversation, or chatting in a public chat channel like General Chat. The only MMO I've played that was more immediately social is FFXIV. The third point was when you stated that it didn't feel like the Star Wars universe. That one really got me, because SWTOR is absolutely filled to the brim with Star Wars references, but they're references to a lot more deep cut lore things like the GenoHaradan that come from KOTOR, or the Gree and Rakata. It shouldn't be necessary for Boba Fett to appear in something for it to be Star Wars, or Luke Skywalker or what have you. If that's where you draw the line on what's Star Wars and what isn't, you need to open your perspective up a lot more.
@biueprint Күн бұрын
what are you talking about 2.1 million dollars.. star citizen has raised over 700 million dollars
@sawmanUK Күн бұрын
Get past the intro 👍
@AZodiacCancer Күн бұрын
I remember when people said this game was gonna be the next big thing, and people swapping over to it. A few months later it died.
@sawmanUK Күн бұрын
New world before it was new world 😹
@Tom-gp2uo Күн бұрын
I heard about this so much later on from a friend I met around 2009 to now, how he would play with a few people and how much he loved it. So many stories from it. Funny ones, exciting sounding ones. I loved old school mmos, but I always stuck to PC and was an FF single player puritan so I ignored it. I really wish I played it back then, I can’t imagine how much it would’ve stuck with me growing up.
@Charperatl Күн бұрын
Loved this game, played from Beta till server closure. My brother used to make custom homes for people in game. Man I miss this one.
@YISP7 Күн бұрын
Would have been a whole different experience if you started on Eden. Live is pretty much dead unfortunately👀
@sawmanUK Күн бұрын
Yea that’s what everyone has said, I’ll have to go back and revisit
@RaptureRecon316 Күн бұрын
Notices a certain believer you’re subscribed too. You love Jesus? I’m new to star citizen.
@sawmanUK Күн бұрын
Leave a like to go again 👍
@anwaarsamai Күн бұрын
The areas are really big because they share stories among the classes, have many side quests and stuff related to guild etc, and long ago the bosses were extremely hard, not now though
@nimbostratus1162 Күн бұрын
If City of Heroes Homecoming can happen, then anything can happen.
@Emailminecraft Күн бұрын
How much are these to buy, and where from
@sawmanUK Күн бұрын
About £4.50 for a booster pack, in the uk I just buy them online
@SonySteals Күн бұрын
I played it day 1 and it was everything but a AAA game so you may now stop producing this fantasies about what it could be like because what matters is that what we got was mid. Did it introduce some interesting and innovative ideas? Yes but at the same time it was a pile of junk in comparison to competitors.
@FrithRa Күн бұрын
WildStar to me seems to be an example of "Good game, but made under the wrong publisher." The over-monetization is something I know turned a lot of people off to it. For me, it was the fact that they were under NCsoft. I was a City of Heroes player who was still incredibly bitter than the game was shut down even though it was still technically profitable at the time. WildStar may have (somewhat unfairly) gotten the image in my mind of being the game they killed my favorite MMO to replace it with. So because I had vowed to never touch a single game under the NCsoft umbrella again I completely avoided it for its entire online lifespan. But I have a feeling if I hadn't avoided it, yeah I might've liked this one. Maybe if we get a fully feature complete private server down the line I'll try it then. If City of Heroes can be revived and even manage to strike a deal with NCsoft to ensure it won't get shut down then I hope the WildStar fans can achieve the same thing.
@milkytea9899 10 сағат бұрын
Monetization???????? The game only had a cash shop once they dropped the subscription fee and opened it up to get more players on board. Even then the cash shop was just filled with cosmetics.
@Dokdiamant 2 күн бұрын
Have to correct you with the "Legacy System" a little. Yes, there are Perks, that you can unlock for ALL your characters, but the shown in this Video, are only for your character only. Exception is: some of them can be bought for Premium curency and there you can choose to buy them for all characters... problem is, Idk if this also counts for future characters, or only for all the characters, actually in your rooster. But yes, there IS a List Entry that is actually for all characters: all that stays under Global Unlocks. For each class you finishes the Story (Chapter Three) with, you unlock 3 special Abillitys and the last is a Hero Moment which gives one special attack from each play throught class when activated. For example: If you play through a Sith Warrior, you get force choke. If you do a Imperial Agent, you get a AoE attack, and the Inquisitor gives you force lightning. (The others give each one too, but I havn't finished their stories yet myself. ^^ ) Found Datacrons also count for all Characters, and the abilitys that can be buyed for all characters, can be found under Perks. There you find stuff like a Modbay, sell droid or Postbox for your Ship, you also can buy an Upgrade, that you can choose Dark side Classes for your Jedi, so you can play as a Dark Side Jedi with Sith skills, or you can play as a sith, with jedi skills. (Each costs 250k Credits or an ammount of Cartel Coins) Also any achivement under that part counts for the complete legacy. Sorry for my bad english, am not an native english speaker, and I think you know all this allready, but for the people watching that video and are new to the game, this might be important. ;-) (BtW: Pets and Vehicles are Character bound, not Legacy bound.)
@Gl0wStickss 2 күн бұрын
still looking for better pvp than new world. Yeah it doesn't exist. (balance aside, just the actions itself)
@feragon430 2 күн бұрын
Best mmo I ever played
@hg1651 2 күн бұрын
Aoc isn’t fun.
@Khanfuzed1 2 күн бұрын
i wish you could’ve played back when most of the game was centered around partying. that was the huge draw and drawback
@drganknstein 2 күн бұрын
Only AAA in a time of AAAA games.... it needs more A's
@QuannetSingLeaf 2 күн бұрын
As a casual player, I just wanna grind for cosmetic and play PVE seige battle in For Honor
@Afrecta 2 күн бұрын
1. Wild Star died because it was bad, not because NCSoft. Like an artist, it got more popular after it's death. 2. A girl with animal ears stapled to her head isn't a furry. That's weeb shit. Know the difference everyone.