@markturner2971 7 күн бұрын
Propaganda. Yawn.
@jeffreygao3956 8 күн бұрын
Oi am the Witchfinder General o' the Colenai o' Massachusetts Bay.
@shabirmagami146 3 ай бұрын
@user-zu2sj6wj7r 4 ай бұрын
Shes obviously bought into the marxist tribalist narrative, so even though she can research, write and talk and is intelligent, shes got the tribal blinkers on. Much like most of the woke academia.
@PankajSingh-kc5ik 4 ай бұрын
What evidence does he have to be so sure of how Shakespeare actually spoke?
@sal6695 Ай бұрын
1) rhymes that only work with this pronounciation 2) reverse engineering sound changes from modern english dialects back to their common ancestor, early modern english 3) authors from close to his time and the same space describing in detail how they pronounce things
@kingfillins4117 4 ай бұрын
What part of giving absolutely forever the government over their lands does she not understand? How does the crown have absolute government over Maori land without chiefs, seeding sovereignty? In the Maori version article two it says Maori will get the protection and rights of British subjects. Do British subjects get to be Chiefs? Do they get to have sovereignty separate from the government separate from the crown? No, they get property rights and the right to develop and utilize the resources on their land. A property owner is a chief of the land of one’s family on that land, but not the government of the country article one clearly seeds, government forever to the crown over Maori land. You can’t have chiefs having total sovereignty and have a government with authority to govern over their lands. It doesn’t make any sense whatsoever and chiefs at the time that didn’t sign clearly saw this and didn’t sign because of it. She promotes revisionism. She promotes presentusm. She promotes neo-Marxist activism masquerading as academia it’s not about narratives it’s about article 1 of the treaty. It’s very very clear what that says article one is the first an overriding article that sets the context for the rest of the treaty. That is the first time of the crown, absolute government over Maori lands meaning over the Chiefs over the Maori people it’s very very simple trying to whine back the clock and pretend that’s not the fact is disingenuous .
@kingfillins4117 4 ай бұрын
Imivanke yes. It’s the government if the country. But oh but I know we can imagine overthrowing the government. We can imagine having a Maori government. We can imagine Maori supremacy I am it’s just neo Marxist nonsense. Maori we’re a tribal society that was stratified with the elite commoners and slaves.
@StGammon77 Ай бұрын
Agrees, she's succumbed to the erroneous maori teachings, a traitor
@kingfillins4117 4 ай бұрын
In the Maori version article two it says Maori will get the protection and rights of British subjects. Do British subjects get to be Chiefs? Do they get to have sovereignty separate from the government separate from the crown? No, they get property rights and the right to develop and utilize the resources on their land. A property owner is a chief of the land of one’s family on that land, but not the government of the country article one clearly seeds, government forever to the crown over Maori land. You can’t have chiefs having total sovereignty and have a government with authority to govern over their lands. It doesn’t make any sense whatsoever and chiefs at the time that didn’t sign clearly saw this and didn’t sign because of it.
@dgm2593 4 ай бұрын
Jeff Bezos owns Amazon. But he employs a CEO to run and govern his Amazon company. Maori Chiefs own land and resources but employ british government to run and govern there land and resources. But instead the government confiscated and stole everything and had the owners working for the government. Thats why they frauded the treaty to switch everything around.
@StGammon77 Ай бұрын
@kingfillins4117 4 ай бұрын
There’s nothing in the treaty about grievances. It’s astonishing that the focus is on grievances and not the benefits of colonization. The first thing that she starts talking about is grievances article 1 of the Maori version of the treaty of Waitangi clearly states that the Chiefs give total government to the crown over their lands forever. It’s very clear there’s no ambiguity. It doesn’t mention that the Chiefs give the right to Gavin over European settlers. It clearly states governance forever over their lands. The Chiefs lands, Maori land. When Maori breached this clause in the treaty, the crown acted to stop that rebellion, acting to enforce the governments that had been seeded via the treaty. Any grievances that did come about clearly need to be addressed. Those such should be addressed in respect to the transgression of Maori not just the actions of the crown. It’s curious that there’s no talk about the land theft and genocide during the musket wars. There’s no recognition of how that impacted Maori in the past and now.
@kingfillins4117 4 ай бұрын
There’s nothing in the treaty about non-Maori land. So when it comes to resource management and the environment on land owned by non-Maori, it has nothing to do with the treaty.
@fxt363 4 ай бұрын
You're delusional. But then again, I understand your desperation. I'd feel that way too if my ancestors' dodgy dealings were exposed, and worse, knowing that I have probably benefited from it. The fact is, Maori ceeded governship, not tino rangatiratanga (self-determination, autonomy, absolute authority), see article 2, Ti Tiriti. It's clear that you don't know the difference.
@KerryTonga 2 ай бұрын
It's very clear Maori never ever had jails or locked up prisoners they like anyone still had arguments and grievances the difference is in the character or attitude of the individual plus we lived God's LORE the maori way is to talk it through or negotiate pakeha need remuneration or to cause you pain by jailing you no effort made to understand or be reasonable
@KerryTonga 2 ай бұрын
​wake up mateTe Tiriti covers all an everything in Aotearoa just read your Tiriti o waitangi
@superstar-vk9rk 5 ай бұрын
🗻✨🪷Namo Buddha Namo Nama🪷✨🗻
@Digmen1 5 ай бұрын
A consittution should be worded to define how a country is governed. And should be based on democracy One man one vote, equal rights for all
@Matikemai2040 4 ай бұрын
Weak af bolo a constitution should set the limits of power ❤❤
@Digmen1 5 ай бұрын
The Maori version of Ti Tiriti is the only correct one. The English versions are rogue versions based on what James Freeman sent to England The Littlewood Treaty found in the 90's is Busby's final draft of the treaty which was translated into maori by the Williams
@StGammon77 Ай бұрын
By saying the final English writ is different means the translation is inaccurate so you shoot yourself by saying that, kinda nullifies the maori version which of course we don't NEED
@foucault8964 6 ай бұрын
I love Sir Evans.
@richardnimmo7040 6 ай бұрын
Wow what a fantastic video. I am so pleased some one has spoken out about the mine and what went wrong. On the day of the first explosion I said to my boy what had happened and what needed to happen next. I grew up in Canterbury. My father and grandfather owned the coalgate mine. I knew the old mines inspector Harry Bell.
@theemmjay5130 6 ай бұрын
I knew that there were sex jokes in Shakespeare, but I didn't know that some of them don't come off to most modern audiences because the performers aren't using the right accent.
@elmamounkhider8113 7 ай бұрын
@govang5191 7 ай бұрын
@davethewave7248 8 ай бұрын
Utu... balance and reciprocity. Disastrous for tribes.
@dallasstrom1308 5 күн бұрын
Not in the slightest. Goes to show what you truly understand about the culture. Colonialist much.
@davethewave7248 4 күн бұрын
@@dallasstrom1308 The problem with the system of utu is that it could escalate realtively minor incidents into major warfar... not only between iwi but also between hapu within iwi. Nga Puhi history is a good example of this - the 'girl's war' and the later civil war that broke out... both in the 1830s just previous to the signing of the treaty. You can see why they signed for British law and order right. The conversion to Christianity also had much to do with it.
@dallasstrom1308 3 күн бұрын
@@davethewave7248 Every society in every civilisation all over the world and throughout history has engaged in some form of conflict or retribution against their own people. The concept of utu, embodying reciprocity and balance, was not unique to the Māori; it was a universal principle observed in various forms across cultures. I find your comment quite surprising. It seems as though you are positioning the British as the saviours of mankind, almost as if they were the Son of God himself. The notion that the Māori were uniquely devastated by utu ignores the broader historical context in which all societies practiced their own forms of justice and retribution. Using the word utu to push a negative narrative demonstrates a misunderstanding of the true cultural significance. "Utu" is the concept of reciprocity or balance. It can denote both positive and negative aspects of returning a favour or seeking retribution. Utu is about maintaining balance and harmony within relationships and the community. If someone does something good for you, you are expected to reciprocate with a good deed. Conversely, if someone wrongs you, utu can involve seeking redress or retribution to restore balance.
@davethewave7248 8 ай бұрын
Hardly surprising that the Tribunal came to the conclusion that chiefs did not cede their sovereignty when the 'two treaty' principle is the basis of the Tribunal view of the Treaty. Arguably, a projection onto the past rather than asking what the treaty really meant to them at that time [as oppsoed to what we think it means now]. In rejecting the authority of the Crown to make laws over the whole of the territory of NZ, the Tribunal's judgement is bordering on the ridiculous, for this was the only basis on which Britain was going to govern NZ. Maybe that's what makes it easier to believe... for surely it can't be ridiculous... but then again, tell a fib big enough... lol
@user-zu2sj6wj7r 4 ай бұрын
Archive records in the maori land court show every land transaction. 92% sold by 1900. Only 1.6 % of NZ land confiscated during the rebellions of the 1860s as a consequence of murdering and massacring settlers throughout those rebellions. Settlements through tribunal have compensated for most of that to the tune of over 6 bil. Why are there no advocates for the Govt in the tribunal. One sided graveytrain. Abolish the waitangi tribunal and let all claimants pay to hear their case in the High or Supreme courts like every other nzer
@KerryTonga 2 ай бұрын
To my understanding te Tiriti was written by pakeha scholars Hobson an mate's blame those Know it all blokes not Maori,,???
@davethewave7248 2 ай бұрын
@@KerryTonga It was written by the British resident Busby, who had previously written the Whakaputanga document [Declaration of Independence]. This was based on the instructions as received by Hobson from the Colonial office. It was then translated into Maori [Te Tiriti] by the missionaries, who preceded to explain to the chiefs the principles involved.
@sidneylewis9964 19 күн бұрын
@@davethewave7248 Do your research more in depth rather than the shallowness of your views.
@davethewave7248 19 күн бұрын
@@sidneylewis9964 I've a whole bookshelf of NZ history to say I've done my research. How much history have you read?
@davethewave7248 8 ай бұрын
If the Treaty is about one thing it is about the cession of sovereignty to the British. The missionaries and Busby responsible for translating the final draft would've had this uppermost in mind. Therefore there has to be something drastically wrong with this notion of 'two' treaties... that has only been foistered on this country since the '80s.
@user-zu2sj6wj7r 4 ай бұрын
That's because the one defaced at TePapa recently is a fraud which successive history ignorant Govts have ignorantly continued with embedding that false translation into the 1975 TOW Act. The Palmer ignorantly continued with his principles fabrication backed up by a fuddy duddy justice Cook who decided all by himself that the TOW was akin to a partnership . Pandora couldn't be happier.
@dgm2593 4 ай бұрын
Wheres our signed copy?
@davethewave7248 4 ай бұрын
@@dgm2593 Irelevant now. The country moved on, and was not treaty-centric. The treaty-centricity [or ecentricity] you see today is retrogressive.
@dgm2593 4 ай бұрын
@@davethewave7248 That means instant deportation for you. Its time for Maori Chiefs and the Crown to have a divorce. The Crown now has to give everything back to the groom as the original owner once we sign the divorce papers. Do you now understand pakeha?
@davethewave7248 4 ай бұрын
@@dgm2593 lol. In your dreams.
@user-mc6js8or3r 10 ай бұрын
Justice will bring peace and prosperity to the common man , , ,🤙
@karinkereama 10 ай бұрын
Old school ❤
@stormythelowcountrykitty7147 11 ай бұрын
For the algorithm
@hellomello258 11 ай бұрын
Thank you so much. I'm a linguistics student with an eye towards pronunciation and accent training. The focus on accent and identity, empowerment, home, land, roots... It's incredibly valuable to me. The point on the "10%" filled in with the actor's voice is excellent. I've been interested in David and Ben Crystal and OP for years now, before I ever considered going back to school for linguistics, because of the video of the two of them discussing OP at a theater, so it's interesting to come back from a different perspective.
@imeewong2780 11 ай бұрын
Hi there. Can you please share ngā kupu waiata?
@Styx8314 11 ай бұрын
If Hitler told his generals that he gave the order to the SS for mass murder of men, women and children. Why do people keep saying that no one has ever found a direct order for the holocaust? If he said this about the Poles, then certainty this applies to Jews as well. Because the NAZIS consider the jews to be even worse then the Poles in racial terms. So why do they say he never gave the order himself?
@Styx8314 11 ай бұрын
Civilians they were losing because the ' victorys' kept coming closer to home
@Styx8314 11 ай бұрын
I don't think the,"culture of death" worked very well. The evidence is seen by the fact that when war was declared, nobody paraded out in the streets like Ww1
@Styx8314 11 ай бұрын
The Reichmaster of injections, Theodore Morrel
@Styx8314 11 ай бұрын
Hitler literally thought his job was only to prepare the Germans for, and launch the apocalyptic race crusade that was it's destiny. the NAZIS and government generally was only needed to point the way. This is why they have no real 'theory of government', Hitler was almost totally uninterested in the day to day function of his own dictatorship, he couldn't care less about the details as long as it succeeded to launch the struggle.
@hankthepatriot3733 Жыл бұрын
In my opinion, I found Shakespeare to be stuffy and cold... this OP version i find warm, engaging and ENERGETIC!
@immanuelnavan-tasi9326 Жыл бұрын
Romantic ideas of what could've been, that ironically translate into veiled confessions of faith is amazing! Hence, Nazi sympathizers. Sympathize for them in what areas, considering the gargantuan enormity of their crimes against humanity? Speer escaped death to become a celebrity, Goring committed suicide like his leader and the rest were pursued by Nazi hunters. And if there's any alleged argument towards the legitimacy of national socialism; how so, when they were racists who practiced a religiopolitical form of Ariosophy? They turned on the people of the book, and enacted genocide on their own citizens. They are guilty of possibly the greatest art theft in modern history. Hitler as an antichrist tried to replace Jesus as Lord over Germany. I don't understand how the passage of time can assuage the rage, that stems from their cold and calculated effort for global domination? I thought that the Axis were the bad guys, and that the Allies were the good guys?
@DW_Kiwi Жыл бұрын
The "official" Treaty is "not" the Treaty that was originally written in Maori in 1840. People (mainly politicians) over the years, destroyed the message of the Treaty. For a start they are Articles not Principles. These Principles have never been defined. The Treaty was "never" a partnership!! The Maori words you use are a "construct" produced by the then missionaries to form a view for Maori as to what loss of Sovereignty meant. The settlers, immigrants and Maori are now not unique. They were made all British citizens with "equal rights" and subsequent property rights. Prior to 1840 Maori owned no property (land). It was taken and held by conquest...Tribal war. In fact the Treaty has outlived itself.The days of the then people, Native and settlers along with the "crown" have gone!! Its now a political football. Parliament rules the day. Not Maori. If this is what young minds are being taught. Then God help us!
@StGammon77 Ай бұрын
Totally agree, Treaty was only active until Parliament formed 1852 which was expected to be Pakeha NOT Maori. Since we let them into Politics it's been a sordid downhill slide into an inside attempted coup that Citizens are suffering over but very little Politicians have the fortitude to reset! We have a Maori Governor General ffs who's meant to be mediator between Monarchy and Parliament, Jacinda chose her and that's a problem right there.
@nellisssima Жыл бұрын
Looked in for five minutes and stayed for the whole thing. Wonderful speaker. Fascinating.
@karmatsomo6127 Жыл бұрын
Great Leader Dr. Lobsang Sangay la 🙏🌹🙏❤️🌹🙏
@Joe__Smith Жыл бұрын
47:19-47:35: "He's from Halicarnassus". He might as well have said 'He's from Barcelona' (Fawlty Towers reference)...
@wairoa55 Жыл бұрын
So HOW do we divide the country by race!!!!
@DW_Kiwi 10 ай бұрын
By giving more than is due to Maori. The natives found in this land.
@StGammon77 Ай бұрын
Back in the 70s 80s there was a DNA scale that if you had more than 50% Polynesian you were Maori in NZ. At this stage 200 years of intermarriage has blended us noone is truly Maori or living as native forest dwellers, we arent racist in NZ really its just division over politics, we have a 2 tiered racial Parliament fighting in cabinet its bad, anti white campaigns, decolonise projects, educating white kids to feel guilty and making Maori kids victims its the old oppressed and oppressor cliche but who and what is really being suppressed here?
@Doodloper Жыл бұрын
Excellent lecture by the legendary Professor Sir Richard J. Evans
@ronjeremy6128 Жыл бұрын
Lange was and always will be a disgrace. He sold NZ out. 1986 changed us into a corporation. Sold us out to corrupt lawyers and bankers. That's his only legacy
@paulzellman9632 Жыл бұрын
Soviet leader Vladimir Lenin was so sure that Germany will adopt Communism in 1918 and onward. Likewise the U.S. in 1945 and onward was afraid the hungry West Germany (and Europe) will adopt Communism and Socialism - thus the U.S. generous Marshall Plan for Europe after WW2
@user-eh2yy4fc4i Жыл бұрын
Как же это прекрасно звучит. Нас на уроках литературы учат именно такому произношению. Оказывается, что Вильям Шекспир человек с большим чувством юмора. И часто шутил на сексуальные темы. А может простым людям,работягам, крестьянам в 17 веке очень нравились именно такие пьесы...? Это позволяет по другому (по новому) воспринимать его творчество.😊 Большую роль в восприятии материала играют тембр голоса, интонация, паузы и произношение. Все это создает особую атмосферу.
@davedalton1273 Жыл бұрын
Deborah Lipstadt is a professor of modern Jewish history, but I guess it makes some sort of grotesque sense to then conclude that she is a professor of religion. That is, if you are an anti-Semite and a Holocaust denier. And what's all this nonsense about her looks and how handsome David Irving is. I suppose Irving might be considered handsome relative to other Nazis, living or dead. Hitler, Goebbels, Goring, Himmler and other leading Nazis were such handsome devils!
@mrmackey8776 Жыл бұрын
The same lies since 1945
@kenarrigo Жыл бұрын
You have a gassy mine and you use non explosion proof electrical gear what do you think can happen
@vmoz9492 Жыл бұрын
We need more unbaised, academic, historical study of Buddhism with historical and imperical evidences without being religious and faithful Every where in KZfaq they mostly study faith but not history.
@questionsq9031 Жыл бұрын
That is my teacher ! Ben . Glad to took him lesson today !
@ElvisTranscriber2 Жыл бұрын
@pagantalks5993 Жыл бұрын
American here, when I studied Shakespeare, a dr who’s focus was Shakespeare’s Romances agreed with the premise that the American English accent has its own dna to this era, due to this, encouraged the owning of “your own” Voice in the language. But the OP!difference in physicality and register wow! Wondering what text he is using to deal with deleted punctuation and capitalization changes? Oxford? Great talk.
@electrictroy2010 Жыл бұрын
“dr who”. Ehhh, what’s that? I think you meant “a doctor whose focus”. Correct spelling helps with communication .
@shadetreader Жыл бұрын
Nobody *has* to conquer.
@sendakan666 Жыл бұрын
Buddhism is quite different from the Abrahamic faiths. Historicity is relatively unimportant as texts are not presented as being God's words. They are teachings developed by masters for students. And every master starting with the Buddha was enlightened. The speaker, though well studied, seems to be working with a paradigm unsuitable for Buddhism.
@vmoz9492 Жыл бұрын
Your belief of every master was enlightened is religious and I have nothing against it but that is from faithful belief but academic studies are historical and imperical there is no evidence for them being enlightened .
@vmoz9492 Жыл бұрын
If historically its unimportant then say to me why the followers of Dustin created their on belief of Christianity and why protestants made their own beliefs of Christianity, you can clearly see that those studies were also passed down by their teachers to their students just like monks in Sangha and change the scriptures accordingly.
@cyber_delic7112 Жыл бұрын
Just watch , Europa the last battle .