Book of Hours and Knowledge
9 ай бұрын
"The Scary Zelda"
9 ай бұрын
Fire Emblem: Three Genders
10 ай бұрын
Paradox and when Maps Mess Up
Britain Privatized Immigration
Fable 3: A Landlording game
Жыл бұрын
The Alt Politics of Raw Meat Guys
Who put the RF in TERF?
2 жыл бұрын
On The Nature of Esoteric Cults
CIV and the End of History
2 жыл бұрын
@MrLlama999 49 минут бұрын
Look into the new “recall Charles Allen” campaign. A suspiciously well-funded group is trying to oust a dc councilman who ran unopposed and is soon up for reelection.
@chloefourte3413 2 сағат бұрын
An interesting read for you might be Trevor Reed's "Indigenous Dignity And The Right To Be Forgotten", a treatise about the right of indigenous American tribes' right to destroy pieces of their history that they would no longer like to be either held by academic institutions or in existence at all. It also brings to the fore that the perpetual preservation of "history" is not a universal value and falls more in line with Western European perspectives on time, life, and death (a perspective which seems to ignore the life/death cycles inherent to existence in favor of preserving only the "life" state). Reed is a lawyer and ethnomusicologist who also highlights the ways US corporations retain more rights over proprietary data than do individual citizens. The irony perhaps (that seems to be highlighted by the Badiou piece and the concept of walled world and neo-colonialism) is the history of and continued looting and willful destruction of ancient sites by Euro archaeologists, traders, and governments in order to maintain a version of history that supports a view of Western Euro superiority. In such Hobby Lobby's actions fall right in line with a pre-existing tradition, and as you point out market. This video is amazing. Really appreciate your placing things in context and providing citations for all presented quotations and info! So thorough with a lot of resources for folks to follow up on and continue to research:) 💯
@chloefourte3413 2 сағат бұрын
Freakin amazing, well-researched video👌🏾 great job
@eldrago19 4 сағат бұрын
Regarding Christianity, in Glubb's context viewing the Christianisation of Rome as a cause of its downfall was (and still is) somewhat received wisdom (see Decline and Fall), so it is quite possibly what he meant.
@loldoctor 11 сағат бұрын
Shakespeare comparison is funny when you find out we have no proof that our record of Shakespeare’s works were what he actually wrote… (not his authorship, but the extent records weren’t themselves directly written by him)
@CoolKidMethew 12 сағат бұрын
I've always thought Majora's Mask more somber and melancholic than scary, per se.
@samuellubell4557 13 сағат бұрын
Sphere of influence did fix a few of these issues
@TheCrazymic 15 сағат бұрын
The Celtic issue really isin't an issue. Being myself of Pictish descent we can't tell you our point of origin, but while similar to the celtic people's the Picts are not celts.
@ConservativeSatanist666 17 сағат бұрын
As someone who grew up playing the original Fable when it was brand new I agree with 90% of everything you're saying. But as much as we can complain and compare between the fables; disable quote on disable quote the phone version of fable it's just a joke like a meme of a meme.
@ConservativeSatanist666 17 сағат бұрын
You mentioned making any second video about Fable 3 but I'm not seeing it in your list
@anthonylucero6650 18 сағат бұрын
The moon ain’t “cozy” ya mook😒
@NotBamOrBing 19 сағат бұрын
"Isn't it false that you don't want to not hear what I didn't say again?"
@aragon58 20 сағат бұрын
How would you formulate authors like David Grann into this inverted pyramid? He is usually forthcoming about not really being a historian but i think for most readers he essentially acts as one by introducing events that have fallen by the wayside; the obvious example is Killers of the Flower Moon where my understanding is he made documentary discoveries or at the very least connected dots that had not been connected before
@sus_ape_society8833 20 сағат бұрын
Wdym calling the war of 1812 a “surprise attack”? The real suprise was the kidnapping and impressment of US sailors to fight Napoleon. Im genuinely confused where you came up with that
@gloomsouls 23 сағат бұрын
I want a game set at the peak of the Calradian Empire.
@janekoltmann-fournel4724 Күн бұрын
*L'État, c'est moi
@dusankazandzic401 Күн бұрын
Our history teacher only mentions the HRE but when talking about Barbarosa he called him the King Of Germany, as for Byzantium he used Byzantium and Romejsko Carstvo (Play on the word Rome which we actually use to signify the difference that Byzantium is used for i the west)
@dusankazandzic401 Күн бұрын
Hre a few times*
@memberberries3615 Күн бұрын
I used to buy up everything and set the prices to max once I had enough money for for the apocalypse I would make everything free and the people went from hating me to loving me.
@scribeslendy595 Күн бұрын
My Byzantine studies professor worked on some early Christian archeological sites around the time that ISIS came onto the scene. He recalled to us that their location was kept SUPER secret, even the photos of the site would have their backgrounds edited out so that it couldnt be deduced from the environment. OpSec was so tight because ISIS elements had a record of locating active archeological sites through publications so they could be looted/destroyed
@scribeslendy595 Күн бұрын
OH MY GOD, THEY'RE CALLED DIALOG TAGS! I've wondered for years what those were called, but despite being an avid reader since childhood, never really knew. As someone coming from an academic writing background, I really struggle with balancing these in my dialog. I find it super distracting when a book I'm reading does it. As a consequence, I tend to overcorrect subconsciously; a consequence being that upon reviewing a scene, it's like the incoherent ravings of a madman. Don't even get me started on battling my ingrained AP Styleguide habits that make stories read similar to a local news column.
@Crembaw Күн бұрын
Actually you’ll find the quote is “I’m die. Thank you forevah.”
@iyousef46 Күн бұрын
The obvious thing people tend to miss about the phrase is that it teaches one about dislocation in French grammar, and its beauty. He could have said "je suis l'état" or "l'état est moi", but neither sounds good. The comma and the c' make all the difference.
@NorthSon Күн бұрын
Thank you for touching on Scotland, I was watching the start of the video and thinking so much of it is applicable to the lens Scotlands history is viewed today. Lo and behold you had a whole section on it. As you said so much of it is viewed through the Highlands, when the reality is much deeper and more complex. I personally think due to underlying political biases many people find it inconvenient to touch on Lowland history or Lowland involvement within Empire.
@tommygamba170 Күн бұрын
It's funny how black and white people always talk about all we want equality and fairness and no racism when they continue to leave out the oldest people in this country the oldest communities like indigenous and Hispanic populations and yes Hispanics are indigenous to the United States. Because being Hispanic means you are a product of native Americans and Europeans
@EphemeralTao Күн бұрын
This is a pretty shallow take on Theosophy and Blavatsky, and misses or under-emphasizes some key aspects of her writing and philosophy. One thing I'd have to dispute, is that Theosophy is actually egalitarian and not responsible for the later use of its principles by the far right. If you read Blavatsky's own writings, they are *rife* with colonialism, white supremacism, and especially antisemitism; all of which are _extremely_ explicit in her writings, and refer to many ethnic groups as "semi-human creatures" or "degenerate". German "aryanism" drew heavily on her theory of Root Races, which is the foundation for most modern white supremacist thought. You can draw a very straight line from Theosophy to both NSDAP-ism and modern New Age Neoliberalism. Also, a great deal of her writing was provably or likely plagiarised. This is not a later "hindsight" criticism, either; but was levied against her at the time, with a resulting lawsuit. She was also repeatedly exposed as a charlatan who faked mystical phenomena, such as seances. A whole lot of her writing on Hinduism and other non-Christian religions is highly stereotyped and very much demonstrates a white colonialist viewpoint; and much of her claims to having studied with "masters" in India and Tibet are provably false. If you don't want to read her work yourself (and I certainly wouldn't blame you for that, I've tried, and most of it's a tough slog to get through), Weird Reads with Emily Louise did a very good breakdown of her life and work.
@Fellow-computer-nerd Күн бұрын
I'm fine for paying more in a meal if it means I don't have to feel bad for only tipping $10
@altertopias Күн бұрын
I have gotten both French and British visas and the process was so different. The French process was slower in many ways, and less "updated" (their websites quite useless and such, not much digital integration), but cheaper, and in many ways "democratic" in that sense. The British one felt fancier and more organised, but it was so ridiculously expensive, and it felt dystopian to have to pay for things in what should be a public service.
@daaara 2 күн бұрын
I-82 is real though, you can tell from the service fees restaurants like Rose's Luxury are adding to their bills instead of raising menu prices like a reasonable business.
@sow34 2 күн бұрын
nice triangle!
@theaprilcat 2 күн бұрын
Nice triangle.
@mikewilliams6025 2 күн бұрын
I'm fine with giving DC more power locally and less power federally. They need to remove their shadow representatives from Congress and the Senate and their local council needs to be given more sovereignty on day-to-day laws, recognizing always that if such laws interfere with the Federal government, they can be voided. 'Interference' will need to be duly legislated.
@bananegang356 2 күн бұрын
You my friend just opened my eyes bruh
@crediblesalamander8056 2 күн бұрын
i'm not far in the video so i'm not sure if it's mentioned later but i feel compelled to say that the brilliant comedy tv show What We Do In The Shadows does feature the weird soil from the grave thing, i thought it was odd (and quite funny), but didn't realize it's from the original Dracula novel. once again the tradition of comedy shows being the most accurate depictions of any setting continues.
@AngelusOrpheus 2 күн бұрын
I remember hearing about this and being both infuriated and flabbergasted, but i didn't live in an area with HL so i didn't really hear much more about it. Thank you for making a video
@redashes4753 2 күн бұрын
Nah, you're overreacting
@bobanrajowic 2 күн бұрын
Very interesting! Thank you.
@dead70 3 күн бұрын
@catriona_drummond 3 күн бұрын
It all makes sense. They called it The Great Foch-up because it reminded them a bit of Verdun. :P
@big_nkrumah 3 күн бұрын
I worked on this campaign (on the One Fair Wage side). It’s fascinating to see it memorialized in a KZfaq video like this.
@TheMoonwalker101 3 күн бұрын
I had to use VFS to get my student visa to France. What a nightmare!!!
@ILikedGooglePlus 3 күн бұрын
"Not everyone can be a poet." BARS, Getty. Absolute _BARS_
@pluieuwu 3 күн бұрын
16:11 in other words, Sovietology is like the study of North Korea today - it's built on the foundation that the subject is mysterious, exclusive, "otherly" and unreachable. as such, you can see a lot of parallels with Sovietological studies and information on the DPRK today! 😅
@jefferyd6288 3 күн бұрын
the glitch that results in 2 Benny's still exists in base game, allowing you to kill Benny twice
@TroubledTrooper 3 күн бұрын
Stalin is such a target of pop history, has to be one of the top 5 in the modern era. It's genuinely difficult to parse where the truth and lies begin with him. So many fake quotes.
@KasumiRINA 3 күн бұрын
2:15 The majoroty russians, a colonizer nation, absolutely supports authoritarian rule, it's not natural, of course, but years of brainwashing. AND, they DO claim yhey have white man's burden of bringing "covilization" to "lesser peoples", the latter is literally a term in their "law". You know Alabuga? The drone factory in russia where endlaved Africans work. They only let young women work there brcause the russians claim that men from Africa are too aggressive - so they send them to kill us instead.
@Jilktube 3 күн бұрын
1:18 perfect definition. It's the one i use
@winterwalsh5601 3 күн бұрын
I only discovered your video today, i am really interested in talking to you about many things, something has to give, and be damned if i will let it be those of us who work for a wage.
@all_time_Jelly_Fish 3 күн бұрын
robert the bruce was what? i guess there really is no true Scotsman
@Veltrosstho 3 күн бұрын
Good ol "kick the can" mentality.
@ccityplanner1217 3 күн бұрын
To say that there's somewhere doing it better is not to express a desire to move there. Some people love their country and have not been convinced by the leftist argument that patriotism is stupid.