Darkstar One (Ep124 - Q) Exploring Communa
Darkstar One (Ep121 - Q) Letpan Liberation
Mechabellum (Ep308 - M169b) The Return
Mechabellum (Ep307 - M169a) The Return
Darkstar One (Ep118 - S) Finishing Business
@MMarcuzzo 2 күн бұрын
You didnt upgrade the fortress when you added exp there D:
@-NR-SirLimbo Күн бұрын
Oh, I probably did[n't] a lot of stuff there, af ter all that was like my 5th game or so that I played.
@Nowyn 4 күн бұрын
Ah I remember this game, I enjoyed it when I played - I remember building the components evenly, but always running out of power until I upgraded the engines each time.
@-NR-SirLimbo 2 күн бұрын
Yeah, I'm not 100% sure but I think the best way to play is probably to upgrade somewhat evenly engines and wings because turrets aren't that insane, but keeping a few turrets around in case you need to kite is actually pretty good. In the base game, if memory serves, you'd cap out at level 20 instead of 30 so you couldn't get all components to max level and had to pick really carefully.
@leozaboudi8005 6 күн бұрын
This video was insightful on how closing games fast : He started bleeding life and was forced into reactive plays, while you could keep surprising him with wierd plays before coming into a late game.
@-NR-SirLimbo 6 күн бұрын
I'm not 100% sure this is the best example, tbh a lot of things I did were quite a risk (for instance: The amp core shield phoenix flank would've done nothing if he had put a pack of fangs instead of a marksman there), but yes, the idea of being annoying in the flanks is to force your opponent to use deployments and supplies where it will hurt them more than it hurts you to invest into that flank.
@sebbarker3085 13 күн бұрын
Have been playing a lot with a friend. What advise would you give to new players who want to learn to be more efficient?
@-NR-SirLimbo 13 күн бұрын
Effective in what way? Supply efficiency probably is achieved simply by some very simple stock-standard tips: - Try to pick eco options when it makes sense, estimating the game's length by how the previous rounds went (if the game ends being close sniper-on-sniper wars there will likely be little damage and thus a longer game than if it's a giant war) - Try to sell off units that don't do anything and don't have a realistic perspective of doing anything in the future - Try to not invest into techs too early, or with too few of that unit type on the board (excluding situations where it is vital to do so and provides a potentially game-winning or loss-preventing advantage)
@randallporter1404 20 күн бұрын
3:21 Those are Roombas. 😉😉
@randallporter1404 22 күн бұрын
2:22 Got Neptunium?
@randallporter1404 22 күн бұрын
0:28 The Smithsonian is also a center for conspiracy theories.
@carlosvz8397 23 күн бұрын
Didn't know this game, looks cool!
@VeilingSun 29 күн бұрын
Yeah, mustangs would have been better, especially on the round when the wasps were offered. Lots of weak chaff on the field, 1 or 2 levels in and the mustangs would be able to help against the steel balls too. The cost of the storm callers could have went into something better. You unlocked and bought 2 and then nothing substantial happened with them.
@enjaded7222 Ай бұрын
That fortress had a quarter million hp with regen. Really cool above anything else
@-NR-SirLimbo Ай бұрын
Yes. I think nothing short of melters, steel balls and/or acid/ignite can deal with that kind of stuff... Even ignite would have its issues with only 1.5% HP/s damage, effectively. I wonder, does acid increase ignite's damage?
@lucigg Ай бұрын
you were offered storms , but did not take them, maybe that could have changed the outcome
@VeilingSun Ай бұрын
You've always lost to hackers. Maybe you should try playing them instead of fighting against them all the time. You are not gaining any insight being on this end of the table. Your chaff is the key, but you've put them in a largely vertical square block. The chaff needs to arrive at roughly the same time to overwhelm them. Against loads of hackers, you also need a way to quickly dispatch turned units so that high attack units in the back won't target them. AKA the commissar strategy. Marksman and phoenixes are completely useless if you don't take care of converted chaff quickly enough. To do this have crawlers at the front. If early a unit of marksman behind as the execution squad. If you have more resources, get mustangs as those will pop turned crawlers and fangs really quickly. Alternatively a vulcan with range can also double as this although the price is high if it gets converted. Another way to deal with hackers in the configuration you're facing is to try and waste their conversion meter. Get a rhino, up its speed, and give it a movement beacon. Have it walk up into the hackers, but retreat in time to not get hacked. This will buy the chaff some time to get closer. Hackers unlike regular units don't do permanent damage either. This might not be useful against a mixed build, but against a build like your opponents could have done very well. However once your opponent started to spawn melting points, things will get very tricky. But going mass chaff with carry arclights and marksman should help. Against you need to wipe out the turned units fast enough that your marksman and carry arclight are able to take shots at the hackers.
@-NR-SirLimbo Ай бұрын
Well, I am definitely thankful for this insight. I think I'm starting to get it a bit. There's 2 distinct types of hacker play to watch out for: Mass hacker and support hacker. I usually have my chaff trickle in so that there's always something small to shoot and the enemy is unable to just AoE all of it away at once, and while - I think - against normal boards and probably support hackers that works well, against mass hackers and especially once fire is out it might just be useless... So maybe next time I am facing mass hackers I need to simply put all sorts of chaff in the face of my opponent - but that costs a lot of lategame deployments. I have recently started to play with hackers at least a bit more, but have yet to be half-decently successful with it. I just can't pinpoint what I am doing wrong, in contrast to me facing hackers... I think all in all the reason is because hackers can't reliably be countered by one single unit, but rather one needs to have a board that hackers suck into (which leaves it open to other strategies). Mostly these seem to be fast and/or fragile high-DPS units, which all die to fire too quickly. But then again, maybe I should simply get into the policy of always having some hackers out if the board looks even halfway decent so at least they can't drop at lv6...
@VeilingSun Ай бұрын
Chaff is king.
@-NR-SirLimbo Ай бұрын
Yes, but... I struggle with chaff being burned by fire. What do you do to make it last more?
@NickHunter9213 Ай бұрын
How you read the name was wonderful xD
@-NR-SirLimbo Ай бұрын
Gotta push the advantage of knowing German wherever I can, and when there's a name like that in all caps I can't resist :)
@lockroll3574 Ай бұрын
I'm curious.. Why not get a lot more wasps? Techs are a force multiplier, which is why people tend to gather a mass of units before teching- normally. Just wondering about the overarching thought process 😅
@-NR-SirLimbo Ай бұрын
In the beginning I like to only go for a single pack of wasps, simply to put pressure on the opponent, and especially some lower-level opponents start instantly overreacting and buy 2 packs of mustangs. But once the Wasps start actually hitting hard, I'm not 100% sure. I think I recall the Wasps even if you buy them with elite not doing all that much because it's just 2 levels, and they are way worse than the super duper Carry Wasps you have. So all in all, making your board better so the Carry Wasps can carry more seems more worth it to me, but I might just be wrong.
@ipvicus4231 Ай бұрын
what possesses you to cut the conclusion to the match? Even more infuriating as a viewer to go to your other videos, scroll through looking for it, and see the episode sequence skip from Ep245 to Ep247. Truly an unpleasant waste of time.
@-NR-SirLimbo Ай бұрын
The reason is that I have not verified this account yet which limits me to 15 minute uploads at most, I'm just not intending on giving Google my phone number. Since multiple people have complained I'm trying to see if I can find a way around this. In any case, from what I can see the playlist goes from 245 to 246 to 247 as it's supposed to, so I assume YT is recommending a different episode to you than what it should.
@ipvicus4231 Ай бұрын
@@-NR-SirLimbo ​ @-NR-SirLimbo I looked directly at your "videos" page, sorted by latest, and didn't see 246. Clicked on the playlist link at the end of the video, and it appeared to end at 200. I switched back and forth several times and didn't find it. Actually, the first thing I had to do was figure out your naming convention to determine that Ep246 was what I was even looking for. On a fresh look today, it looks like Ep246 is on the videos page but sorts out of order onto the row prior to 244 & 245, with videos from your Darkstar series in between. Going to a different view of the playlist shows all the videos, including 246. I'm less grumpy after sleep, and I get where you're coming from not wanting to provide a phone number. Not really knowing how the uploading process works myself I'm not sure how to mitigate youtube client weirdness. Maybe try keeping the playlists at 200 or fewer vids, and see if you can avoid having vids from different series splitting up episodes from a single match.
@-NR-SirLimbo Ай бұрын
@@ipvicus4231 If all works out as I hope I may be able to use the Google Authenticator to verify off a ChromeOS virtual machine :)
@robiiify Ай бұрын
I think many people slept on the fisting Meta
@-NR-SirLimbo Ай бұрын
Didn't know that fists were meta at some point. But I do like them as an option to just wreck enemy giants, and AoE the towers
@tgsoon2002 Ай бұрын
The crawler with free subsidies can be a small income. Each upgrade is 50 supply tha you can resell.
@-NR-SirLimbo Ай бұрын
Oh really, you can sell them for profit? I'm surprised, but I guess it's the same effect as the Enhancement Module. As for the Steel Balls, my experience fighting with steel balls is almost nil so they were absolutely not on my mind - though it does actually make a lot of sen sense into this board. Thanks for the info on both of these!
@tgsoon2002 Ай бұрын
You clearly can get beam attack to deal with the vulcan. Steel ball with range and armor can do so well. Or melting point with range also work too. Vulcan is good chaf to buy time for sniper to kill your overlord.
@tgsoon2002 Ай бұрын
To me, the air specialise is not much of the damage boost, but also the range increase. so if two unit same distance. the air will likely being target first, as it reach the distance ealier.
@stoneymechabellum Ай бұрын
why splitting your videos? it's extremely annoying
@-NR-SirLimbo Ай бұрын
I don't care for giving Google my mobile phone number, and that's why I can only upload 15 minutes at max.
@necrolok Ай бұрын
Loved this one when it came out If I remember correctly you can configure your ship into one of three different builds I went with the all fighter one. It has been a few minutes ago since a last played :P
@iSparty29 Ай бұрын
Instead of spending money on shields each round, why not tech shields on the forts if the plan was to go mass forts?
@-NR-SirLimbo Ай бұрын
I don't really "plan to go shields" as much as I expect my enemy to hit me with combat powers, which is why I'm forced to put them up. Or use leftover money since it's possibly going to be the final round.
@Todasul47 Ай бұрын
The Rhino might be good tonclear the chaff, but they had none to protect against all the others attacking them
@-NR-SirLimbo Ай бұрын
They are meant to blow up, the issue is that my opponent hit Arclight EMP and nullified the blast.
@0815Totaku Ай бұрын
geez just buy vulcans with range
@mikeloski Ай бұрын
Despite the visual bug that makes it so that the explosion is still shown, EMP shots from the arclights disabled most of your final blitzes in the last round.
@-NR-SirLimbo Ай бұрын
You are correct, I didn't notice. Should've hit photon I guess.
@iSparty29 Ай бұрын
Incredible your opponent didn't go Anti Air on the war factories and ignite on the vulcans. Also, he should've gone range on the hackers or sold them off because they weren't doing anything. could've pivoted into siege mode + acid scorps
@-NR-SirLimbo Ай бұрын
I tend to get this as well, that when you're doing one strategy you really get tunnel vision on just that one strategy. Also, when you say "Anti Air" on the War Factories, do you mean Anti Missile?
@iSparty29 Ай бұрын
@@-NR-SirLimbo yes, that’s what I meant. And I agree, I can get tunnel. But I’ve played a ton of 2s with apooche lately and I’ve learned to sell off units that aren’t performing. Up to 1700
@-NR-SirLimbo Ай бұрын
@@iSparty29 MMR I can only dream of. Been close to 1.7k at one point where I had a series of really great games. Recently dropped from 1.6 to 1.5k, there were some great games but the recent update dropped and I didn't record the games yet...
@iSparty29 Ай бұрын
@@-NR-SirLimbo I enjoy the content man, keep it up!
@-NR-SirLimbo Ай бұрын
​@@iSparty29 Glad to hear, although I assume you're probably slapping your forehead half of the games about what I or my opponent should've done. I was at a bit above 1.6k MMR recently, and went all the way down to 1413, because I got lazy and didn't really think about what I could do and what my opponent could do. Some of the games will be coming up soon-ish. Did actually stream a bit (talking helps me think) today and managed to get back up over 1.5k.
@zackwelll Ай бұрын
where is the rest? hahaha
@-NR-SirLimbo Ай бұрын
See episode M(atch)126b, if it's not recommended check the playlist.
@Boold198891 Ай бұрын
Its so annoying -_-
@tauIrrydah Ай бұрын
Oooooh, I remember this.... I think the game was broken
@VeilingSun Ай бұрын
Without the shield and range tech, hackers mostly spend their time doing nothing and walking forward. Their shields are weak, but if you put several of them in a small area that stack is pretty great, especially if the hackers are upgraded. I consider them 300 resources shields at the very least.
@darth_yoda Ай бұрын
Good gods! I don't remember the voice over and dialog being that bad in this game.... Sheeeeesh
@-NR-SirLimbo Ай бұрын
There are some sections in the game where - presumably incorrectly - german VO is used. I also find the german VO better, at least that's what it seems from a very small sample size.
@darth_yoda Ай бұрын
@@-NR-SirLimbo Yeah it suffered from very poor english localization as it was a German game if I remember correct.
@-NR-SirLimbo Ай бұрын
​@@darth_yoda It is. For example, if you open the ingame LUA files you find the descriptions in German.
@darth_yoda Ай бұрын
@@-NR-SirLimbo Oh I don't have the game on my pc XD it had it on disk back in the days before having played it in years heeh
@thedeadwookie25 2 ай бұрын
what in the god damn?
@-NR-SirLimbo 2 ай бұрын
Uh, what do you mean exactly?
@Unplayed 2 ай бұрын
yes it is fibonacci 🙂
@militarygradepotato 2 ай бұрын
I understand why you hate the chromstic horror and i agree i dont like them either
@-NR-SirLimbo 2 ай бұрын
Nowadays there is an option to prevent it from moving your structures, I think. I doubt that existed back then, but if it did...
@militarygradepotato 2 ай бұрын
Loved hearing you reaf the lore about the differemt factions this episode especially the coalition
@VeilingSun 2 ай бұрын
The fire badger vs 1 unit of crawlers brought the fire badger down to half hp in one of my tests.
@-NR-SirLimbo 2 ай бұрын
I had roughly similar results when doing tests with Lv1 Fire Badgers vs a Lv2 Crawler pack, no techs on either side.
@hersaint1993 2 ай бұрын
Thanks for the talk through. Any advice on the new patch and medium sized new units? Not sure how to use them. Fire tanks take the place of the Vulcan giant?
@-NR-SirLimbo 2 ай бұрын
I haven't played a whole on the new patch so honestly, I can't tell yet. I don't particularly like the fire tanks, but maybe when there's already melters on the board they might be better? I will need to test all of this more for sure. Them being outranged by fangs and probably more importantly mustangs will most certainly hurt them, I think.
@cosminrotaru3219 2 ай бұрын
It’s super annoying yes
@expandeux 2 ай бұрын
why do you split the videos? it is so annoying
@-NR-SirLimbo 2 ай бұрын
Because I don't intend to give KZfaq my mobile phone number, and without it I can only upload 15 minute videos. That's literally all.
@Hsejcrt 2 ай бұрын
This game looks hella fun! :)
@-NR-SirLimbo 2 ай бұрын
It is, assuming you're into the genre. It's not a game for everyone but extremely fun for a specific type of gamer.
@FREAK160 2 ай бұрын
Sis kout be weri annoink! I should be lävel mei tek!
@militarygradepotato 2 ай бұрын
The energy situation is dire! I would have upgraded logistical command and turned a basic fleet carries to high energy so its interesting to see other playstyles
@-NR-SirLimbo 2 ай бұрын
Nowadays I use AJEA from the AMU mod. It automatically builds and destroys energy converters in order to free up X amount of energy, and is smart enough to factor in claiming centerpieces and building ships. But here I am still manually building stuff, which is soooo inefficient.
@militarygradepotato 2 ай бұрын
@@-NR-SirLimbo that option us really nice I will have to try it
@-NR-SirLimbo 2 ай бұрын
@@militarygradepotato I definitely can say that it is almost cheating your way out of every brownout too. Like, for real, if you brownout with that you are having a very, very, very bad state of the game. So yeah, if you don't mind not having that part of the game (which in truth you can do yourself if you pause in time and just build converters) it should serve you very well.
@militarygradepotato 2 ай бұрын
Wow you have a lot of fleet strength for 160 aip. have to get ready for dark zenith lol
@-NR-SirLimbo 2 ай бұрын
I think I do have a good strategy to keep amassing fleets even under very, very low AIP
@militarygradepotato 2 ай бұрын
@@-NR-SirLimbo yes i see that. I have to implement some of the things I've learned in this series
@militarygradepotato 2 ай бұрын
Architrave such a fun faction just because of the cool ships to hack, my favorite is the beam ships
@militarygradepotato 2 ай бұрын
Happy to see the series return!
@-NR-SirLimbo 2 ай бұрын
My pleasure. I am actually very happy to finish the only unfinished project on this channel so far. And finished stuff is very, very important to me. I hate when some KZfaqrs don't finish their projects, when for example they rely on views and a long, drawn-out series dropping in popularity cuts into their income. So I decided I want to pre-record/cut/schedule everything before the first episode goes live. No matter what: It *will* be finished even if something happens to me in the meantime (not that there's any reason to worry about me out of the ordinary). Provided KZfaq doesn't mess up or go bankrupt or something, of cause. To sum it up: I think it was important to me too.
@VeilingSun 2 ай бұрын
Long ranged units tend to work very well against hackers. Just got to make sure they get some shots in first before units get hacked and their fire is drawn to traitor units. Scorpion with range and acid is very good against hackers, especially when your composition is so far back, forcing the opponent hackers to walk forward. Napalm SCs can also work, although they are always vulnerable to AA.
@-NR-SirLimbo 2 ай бұрын
Won't your units being hacked in the front of these artillery units which leave acid and fire just weaken your own units severely? Even if it's not the first salvo, hackers have decent range and all, they will just bait some shots with chaff.
@VeilingSun 2 ай бұрын
@@-NR-SirLimbo It would if positioning was poor. A basic group of crawlers tends to kill the turned unit fast enough that scorps and SCs can get some volleys out and deposit the acid and napalm. Scorps and SCs do outrange hackers by a lot. They need to hit the front most units and leave that puddle for the hackers to wade through. You could also get replication on the crawlers to make them last a little longer against hackers. That being said, two or more hackers attacking a group of crawlers is bad news for the long range units in the back that need that time gap to aim at one of the units in the back.
@dyamonde9555 2 ай бұрын
when he said "air arty fangs" he wasnt talking about wasps, he was giving you the list of counters. "air, arty or fangs" that list could use some specifics though :/
@-NR-SirLimbo 2 ай бұрын
Oooohhhhh.... Well, that makes sense. I was thinking "air arty fangs - the closest thing I know would be AA Spec Wasps" or something. I do also know by now that fang-fortress should be doing nicely - though the board needs to be suited for it and it takes significant investment until it's worth it from what I know.
@Impleione 3 ай бұрын
"I think the Wasps are gonna be key here", he says. And the you go and build some vulcans, half a minute later :p ...I've been enjoying this series, cheers for uploading <3
@-NR-SirLimbo 3 ай бұрын
Ah, yes... Parasitic ammo, 3 months back when it was still in the game and every time you saw it you'd just hit the Vulcan button... :D If you're still back at episode 9 you won't run out of episodes any time soon - assuming you intend on working your way up from behind that is. Thanks for watching!
@andrewdelaerranz9648 3 ай бұрын
I will try to help you improve, no offense but you did basically everything wrong. First of all your chaff is non existant, in round 6 having 4 crawler units is really bad, also if you don't want your crawlers getting pulled by a flank maneuver you deploy them horizontal behind the tower, not in column. In regards to damage dealers scorpions is not good against agressive rhinos, not even with 2x shot, would have been better to have fortress with aa, this way you counter both rhino and wasps at the same time, or melting points with range or phoenix with range or charged shot instead or overlords with ground cannon. Never, and i repeat never put vulcans on the table against agressive rhinos, because they will get stuck on them and will not clear chaff at all. Sledgehammers are so much better overall in column formation if you wanna defend a position than horizontal formation, because the whirlwind attack wont kill them all in one swipe. And that mustang unit with aa was a complete waste, it'd have been so much better to buy oil, this way all his stuff gets delayed,also to buy more chaff. A good rule of thumb to follow is if you don't know what to spend your money on you buy chaff or try to delay the enemy forces with tricks so you can pick them apart one at a time.
@-NR-SirLimbo 3 ай бұрын
No offense taken, if I had done things right I wouldn't have lost the match. Or at least could've prolonged it. I do by now know about the chaff positioning, I think I learned about putting chaff horizontally behind towers from someone on twitch. In more recent matches I have begun using it quite frequently. And yeah, the Fortresses I want to use more. It's a unit I'm not paying much attention to, but I definitely should do that more. I've beaten someone, I think it was yesterday evening, who was playing Vulcan-Phoenix with that strategy: HP and anti-air missiles, seemed quite strong. Though I will say, I am personally very fond of Scorps. They are just so cool, and I like to play them against enemy ground giants instead of melting points these days. The Vulcans, you're probably right. So what to use instead to clear chaff? Mustangs seem a bit too vulnerable. Arclights are bad for your deployments, and I'm already struggling with chaff. Wasps can be shut down rather easily too, but I suppose they aren't bad. Or simply more Scorpions, I kind of recond that if they are positioned in different rows so they attack in a staggered fashion there is a critical mass where they just destroy everything on the ground - but I doubt it's realistically reachable... As for Sledges, I love 'em, they also are chaff clear especially when in vertical position - but I wasn't epxecting it to be necessary here. Unless there's steel balls or I'm very much so expecting aggro I put them horizontally, simply because some units (Scorps and Stormcallers, from what I know) are better against that. That said, it's usually not that big of a deal I guess, but in situations like this I totally agree. And yeah, the mustangs were a waste. But that goes back to the fortress debate and me not thinking about that.
@andrewdelaerranz9648 3 ай бұрын
@@-NR-SirLimbo i tested quite a bit and a mix of mustangs and sledgies can help alot to clear chaff when vulcans are not viable, also fangs with a few techs,all of this is vulnerable to fire of course but you always can put a few am devices on the ground if you expect it.
@-NR-SirLimbo 2 ай бұрын
@@andrewdelaerranz9648 Hm, I'll have to check that. What do you use then to kill giants (because, well, Sledges and Mustangs aren't particularly great against giants)? Do you drop some Melters, or Scorpions, or do you prefer Overlords?
@andrewdelaerranz9648 2 ай бұрын
@@-NR-SirLimbo the giant killer of choice most of the time is melting point, but you need an excellent chaff clear before, otherwise the melters lock on on bad targets, overlords with ground cannon are absolute beasts if you use them agressively with mobile beacon, because they will move forward even if they are in range and both the ground cannon and the basic attack will trigger, but overall the boats in this patch are s tier against any other giant, because they have a tech for every situation, i've seen fortress spam work on aggro plays and in defensive plays, but in standard is most of the time a bad choice because their only viabke shield against melters are fang production and this is extremely weak against fire.
@-NR-SirLimbo 2 ай бұрын
@@andrewdelaerranz9648 So, basically, your choice against aggro plays like this is OV+Sledge+Mustang+Chaff, all things considered?
@Unplayed 3 ай бұрын
it is basically a psychological cue of right handed people. thats why for example (discount) super markets are usually build in a way that you enter the rectangle on the '"bottom right" side and then can walk around the shop with the wall to your right until you hit the registers on the bottom left side. Most of the promotional or "must have" items are located in the middle so you have to actively look for them. a shop that has basically perfected this principle is "IKEA" 🙂
@-NR-SirLimbo 3 ай бұрын
I thought that might be it too (not sure if I mentioned it in this video), but I asked someone who was aggroing on his left, but he was right-handed too... Though, to be fair, it might all just be that some players are more prone to switch sides every now and then, and some aren't. And some just copy what they're seeing from other players in videos and streams. To be honest, I've defaulted to put more stuff on my left than on my right, which usually turns out to be the right call - so I think aggro players if they'd get into the habit of alternating could get quite an advantage in the first few rounds.
@robiiify 3 ай бұрын
10:40 Going with the wraiths and wasps would have turned the whole fight around as he was to invested in ground without any AA capabilities. A good way I have found to overhelm the opponent is to spam one unit at the start and let them win until I am at half health and then churn out another composition that isnt easily countered in two turns by unlocking the units before hand
@robiiify 3 ай бұрын
focusing on leveöing up your units before buying their specials is a waste of money in my opinion as you usually get more out of the upgrades if you dont have 5 different types in the beginning
@-NR-SirLimbo 3 ай бұрын
​@@robiiify Probably, but I found that wraiths are too easily countered in standard VS standard unless they spawn fully fed. A bit of range-ignite on the fangs, and that counters both the wasps and the wraiths. In general, I'm not a big fan of wraiths. They are a bit like fangs and arclights: With tons of techs they can be good. But you probably just die if you commit that much money into them. For Arclights it works, but for fangs and wraiths... Doubt it.