Why you can't punish a psychopath
@charlesr7458 17 сағат бұрын
I have Epilepsy and Schizo-affective. To keep a job is hell
@margeritahorvath8306 Күн бұрын
Thankyou you explained it simply !!!
@sophiejo-47 Күн бұрын
I wish there was a better way to describe akathisia, it is 100000x worse than what was described. I was screaming and crying because no matter how much I moved or stretched or walked I was in pain. my muscles were so contracted I could only pee in a warm bath. it was pure hell for 6 months. my brain was constantly thinking of death. i couldn't leave my house because of the way I acted.
@alexwelts2553 2 күн бұрын
Its quantum interdimentional trauma that transcends time and space.
@ay-tj7pj 2 күн бұрын
All these are bs. The people you need to be worried about are the "NORMAL" people. Constantly pointing out other people's flaws.
@cantthinkofsomething1523 3 күн бұрын
Thank you this video really helped me understand my mental condition and illness this video was perfect
@IAMSOCIOPATH5150 3 күн бұрын
Women tend to have BPD more than men, and men APD thank women because of biological issues rather than cultural issues. Stop blaming the “culture”, it just Nature. Men and women are different in hundreds of ways.
@blackstarz556 3 күн бұрын
I'm in need of your prayers and support. Please keep me in your thoughts as I navigate my health journey.
@user-cw2gu8ss7g 3 күн бұрын
that is a good illustration
@user-be4le7yq2t 3 күн бұрын
Those thoughts are the worst
@priyankaa9380 4 күн бұрын
So you're blaming the patients for not getting better and not the medicine for not working. My psychiatrist says I'm depressed but in your images I only noticed happy faces, positive words and happy people in the painting, medication never helped me, I never got better after being 4 years on drugs, so what will you say? I am not depressed? Or I have negative bias? Either my doctor is wrong or you are. So which is it? I am so sick of psychologists making these lies up. Truth is antidepressants don't help and they have very little understanding of the illness and their treatments are all deeply flawed. But admitting that will plummet pills sales and profits.
@SharonDrummond-by6of 4 күн бұрын
Can you get PTSD after being embarrassed humiliated mortified traumatized named and shamed personal videos photos posted on the internet of a sexual nature naked for everyone to see as I'm still can't forget it six years on with the first three years causing me phychosios
@SharonDrummond-by6of 4 күн бұрын
Can you have PTSD after being publicly embarrassed humiliated mortified traumatized named and shamed. I had extreme anxiety and didn't want to leave the house withdrew didn't want to anyone after videos were put on the internet
@heedmydemands 5 күн бұрын
@CameronCorneilus 5 күн бұрын
Mines was caused by a craineotomy for status epilepticus. Resulting in ptsd schizophrenia.
@faryalfaryal 6 күн бұрын
It is so hard to be kind towards cluster B patients. Sometimes they do unforgivable things and then blame it on their disorders.
@Cripsy85 6 күн бұрын
I am not studying medicine or psychology, nor am i working in the health care. Nevertheless I’m really interested in psychology. As a ‘bad’ learner from books, these videos are great. Thanks
@dnndnn-ub7gv 6 күн бұрын
intelligent people are sooooo wonderful a sheer miracle and, soooooo helpful.
@dnndnn-ub7gv 6 күн бұрын
people abuse telepathy some symptoms sound like someone trying to cleverly spare themselves these degenerate parasitic Hell-bounds. Believe the abuse of telepathy is a sign of those who have been ex-communicated for being and invasive species foreign to our one original Creator who is the Devil since they began. Demons are our friends and guides and some are immortals meaning they have manifested. Hell spares us once back in the Spirit. Self flattering lingerers are they. Seeking a host to them like a parasite. And, a scapegoat etc. They don't seem to sleep. I know someone harassed according to them 24/7 literally, telepathically. By better or worse. This causes me entrapped by abusers in the "legal" system to have more symptoms than I personally ever needed or, would want. I am terrible with speech I know because of this chronic abuse. They are all descending from original human offenders and omg they repeat in traits to a grody degree. Anti social people and psychos are terrible personality features. They have critical conduct disorders and, like getting into these easily attainable and abused positions to allow them to do what they want openly and freely to whoever they decide. They seem to multiply like some claim deer's and mountain lions I am not disorganized I am overwhelmed forced to be subjected to others insanities and inadequacies they horribly distort to a delusional degree. They speak and respond to themselves and are the only ones who are like them and get them. They carry on as if you are part of any interaction or relating to any of them in any way. They have people like them assure them whatever they do is acceptable, superior, normal, meaningful, productive and, so on. They are bullies and troll snobs. Pushy and always push themselves in between you the world yourself and, them. They are unrelenting offenders. Lame, arrogant, ignorant, uneducated, have poor standards, assuming to a delusional degree. You spend all your time like a psychiatrist to them. My speech is the most affected thing, cortisol. It is relieving to hear when this profession provides objective observations that don't serve being crazy and an offender. Wish criminals, chemical and natural if irresponsible drug and alcohol users, child offenders of ALL kinds young to old, morons (critical disregard for academics arts any sophistication of the mind and refinement facts order righteousness), ugly and disgusting people would ALL be sterilized. As well as those testing to be the overabundance of related biology already. Pick the best to keep and move on the right ways. Eugenics had incredible ideas sometimes. Just needed an unskewed upright genuine person to help us achieve this. light to the worst their own AND others, They like to inflict bad and negative things in peoples lives families children childhood bodies environment in all its senses and exploit and act as if this is power. Incompetent are these ones. Id Witch hunt them all out of existence in one morning, globally. Im related to them all and a victim to their finest down here in america. Try to smear you and use u like a phone. No connection to anyone else but them or how they talk think and, act. Freaks. Worst ever excuse for a human. All end in Hell. Never were here. No matter how long they persist. lol.
@XX-bd1dn 7 күн бұрын
I am kind of lost about when does the motor signals goes through the basal ganglia and when does it goes through the internal capsule
@wahabmajekodunmi2414 7 күн бұрын
Ambig uh-uh!😂
@POCKBA 7 күн бұрын
I have aspergers and c ptsd. But after my latest trauma loosing my sibling i feel very much different. Liel depression, nothing or that i feel to much and bad self eastem. I am worried i have gotten a cluster B personality dissorder. It have been 3 years and still when i think of my sibling i feel so sad that i just want to die. My sibling died becouse of sucide . And as no way to say good bye as hs spouse blamed my family. Got my siblings cremated and throw the ashes somewhere. We could not even get personaly items back. My sibling was much younger than the spouse who meet my sibloig when my sibling was juat a teen. And that person was an adult and i suspect abuse. I cant afford therapy but trying to get better.
@bernard.torgbor 8 күн бұрын
@Wildoutness 8 күн бұрын
7:30 what if I experience both of those instances? I both understand that my thoughts are psychotic. But I have those thoughts on a very regular basis. The ideas of mystical significance I call it. Something mystical happened, and it's significant, what does it mean? The entire trope in a nutshell.
@Floina 8 күн бұрын
She also tormented herself waiting 3 to 5 hours to be taken to yoga or ice cream or wherever she needs to go she will wake up at 3, 4 or5 in the morning tray to call her daughter or friend and she started waiting and asking me almost every 3 minutes for the time who is coming to pick her and that the person is late and she may not come, etc.
@Floina 9 күн бұрын
I have a client that she wake up different time during the night to smooth her bed so she can rid of of cWrinkles she lives with dementia dementia.
@Floina 8 күн бұрын
She is in denial she does not take med and she thinks that she is very young she is 81years-old. I hope somebody read this an may can give me N advice. Thanks Sorry for the Typos.
@user-ph5vi5zy8k 9 күн бұрын
Im a schizophrenic, been on antipsychotics for the past 20 years , it was difficult for me to understand the mechanism that is involved in my thought process, this video has been enlightening , back in the day there was less to no information, now it helps to know how I need to set my filters in processing my thoughts . Thanks . Much appreciated
@MixMavenMoxie 9 күн бұрын
Not a word is wasted here!
@apparentlyworshipped7747 9 күн бұрын
Lot of drama fruits in the comment section.
@savitasavita1330 10 күн бұрын
I have schizophrenia😢
@dillb.5512 10 күн бұрын
I have now been dissociated from reality for around 5 years. I used to be able to ground myself and feel "normal" when I first started feeling like my waking life was a dream. I used to be severely depressed and suicidal throughout the start of the dissociation when I was about 13. Over time, as it has not gone away, I've learned to get used to the feeling. The best way that I can describe the way I feel every single second of every day, is that I am actively decision making and thinking things through. But I feel like I am looking at the world, literally, through some sort of invisible haze. I did have my fair share of traumatic experiences throughout my childhood and up until around a year ago I stopped feeling like I was in constant fear/ danger. I was always told by mental hospital psychologists and doctors who would prescribe me meds, that this feeling of being in a lucid dream basically, would go away in time as long as I was mentally stable and not in stressful situations. But I am mentally, now, better than I have ever been and still I feel the same way I have for the past 5 years. I don't remember how to describe feeling 'normal' anymore. I've accepted the fact that at 18 years of age, I will deal with this feeling until the day I die. Hopefully it will only continue to become easier to deal with.
@dillb.5512 10 күн бұрын
I also ended up in my first mental hospital because I had it dead set in my mind for whatever reason, that I had lived long enough and there is nothing left for me. Like it was time for me to die. I couldnt shake the feeling and I was all alone so I called the suicide prevention hotline and they sent two friendly and caring officers to my home pretty soon after I called. Along with them came some what I assume were doctors whos evaluation was that I was not safe alone or with access to harmful things. The funny thing is that in that mental hospital it snapped me back to reality only because I realized how much I value my friends and clothes and my bed.
@bunglejoy3645 10 күн бұрын
I think if youve had drpresdion like me sll uour life your looking at brain damagr in amagadla ,hippocampus, cerrebulm, cerebum. Thats main culprit damage and as we get older neurons die off and damage continues. Thats when uou start eith memory isdues executive brsin function issues. Its now known that life long drpresdion dhows up on a frmi scan , aldo as a co morbidy you nsy have BPD which ive got GAD, autism, dysprexia, psychosis the list goes on and on do best treatment is antipsychotics as well my quietipine kerps me on a level that all i can hope for 30 sucude attempts later and im still gere ive got brillant sheltered houding im in good friends from my past ive luved her in a tiwn since 2018.
@Helen-helpmestoptorture 10 күн бұрын
Has anyone ever wondered whether half of the sufferers were gang stalked and tortured to a ruined life?
@seena889 10 күн бұрын
Well to be honest as a person suffering social anxiety and taking antidepressants, its actually good that they works this way. It takes its time gradually and therefor it’s not strong and there’s no addiction! . benzodiazepines however on the other hand, are like alcohol. They hit you right away and therefor too much can be addictive! Doctors should only prescribe them as an occasional last resort once taken once in a while!
@bridgetflowers5600 11 күн бұрын
I found your channel and videos very helpful and thanks for your dedication and teaching. 🎉
@meredithd95 11 күн бұрын
I have the self-destructive subtype of BPD. I had never heard the term social pain before but the way its described here is exactly the way I feel almost every day of my life. I'm constantly convinced my friends dont like me and they (and my husband) are on the verge of dumping me. How could anyone like me after all? Often times its imagined, as my therapist reminds me. And they reassure me all the time that they want me around but I never believe them. The reassurance doesn't stop the sinking feeling and lump in my throat I get when I feel left out or like no one cares about me. I am hypersensitive to friends hanging out without inviting me, people not listening to me or interrupting me when I talk, coworkers not wanting to get to know me, or people at social functions not including me in conversations. Most people might feel disappointed by this but it makes me go home and cry, thinking its comfirmed my theory that I am a nuisance and unlovable and often ends with self harm as a form of punishment for being such an annoying freak. During the moments of clarity I feel guilty for how narcissistic I must sound thinking the world is out to beat me down and that leads to more shame spirals.
@beritgrey 11 күн бұрын
ok if im no longer suicidal bcs of medications and mindset etc. but i fit every other symptom what does this mean diagnostically?
@EjJeos 11 күн бұрын
Schizoid = kuudere. Bipolar = yandere. Narcissistic = tsundere.
@itsjustmyopinionformyourown 11 күн бұрын
My son tries his best to understand what I'm going through. He's patient and kind, even though he can't identify with my train of thought or where my aberant behaviors suddenly spring from or what place the new ideas come from. He doesn't lecture me. He asks if there's anything I need, if I need a hug, or if there is something that he can do for me at the moment. He knows things change...sometimes quickly. It makes a huge difference for me not having someone criticizing me and knowing that the person I am around doesn't judge me for not being quite right in the head. He accepts me and I do my very best to keep centered, or at least functional, and express how much he means to me and that I love him and that I appreciate who he is as a person. I know 'm there for him when he needs me, too. So, it's one thing less that I feel a lot of guilt about...some still...but not as badly. I shelter away from most people now so th I'm not a burden.
@dilshadicad44 11 күн бұрын
Such a well written and well articulated video! Thanks :)
@auroralucrezia8187 12 күн бұрын
Me 😐 and the sertralline has helped.
@daviddasilva8383 12 күн бұрын
I find these patients very emotionally draining to deal with. Whilst i empathise with their condition, I simply cannot summon the emotional bandwidth to deal with it
@stevenevangelist5221 13 күн бұрын
Theres no cure, treatment, or pill, changing a psychopath. Remember that. There amygdala never developed properly. Total different diabiological brain make up. A brain spinning fast light speed.
@shashi3072 14 күн бұрын
I would like differ when you say aspd is more severe than npd . Narcs are slow poison. They don't destroy people right away it happens over a period of time. It's just that you don't see it coming. Whereas aspd gives you a single fatal blow.
@ponponpatapon9670 11 күн бұрын
your entire comment couldn't be more incorrect. BOTH are capable of insidious and immediate destruction, and in fact antisocials can be even better at it because they aren't nearly as delusional and unstable as malignant narcs are
@monaiannucci9434 14 күн бұрын
Artificial in simulation
@teresacastillo1783 15 күн бұрын
Cover picture thats probably the CIA doctors conscious regrets of murdering someone CIA training soldiars pimps
@DoctorJammer 15 күн бұрын
DBT is basically Buddhism.
@susannamiller6412 16 күн бұрын
Being in a relationship makes this disorder so fucking difficult. I didn't know I had it until recently, but everything makes so much sense now.
@mariosamedy2822 18 күн бұрын
It’s tough!
@kata2078 19 күн бұрын
I really enjoy watching your videos, although mnemonics don't always work for me but I really appreciate your excellent way of explaining things. I wish our professors would teach us in the same engaging manner. Also, I must say I love your voice!