@farazfarooqi4675 Сағат бұрын
@sidikikone6864 2 сағат бұрын
My favorite vid now. May Allah bless you.
@miesahsufien9928 3 сағат бұрын
Why dont the organisers give Ustadh Abdulrahman water its good manners
@Mr.Preston3991 3 сағат бұрын
Being unmarried makes any girl I lay my eyes on mad attractive, lol. I try hard not to look, but it still happens. May Allah forgive us our sins.
@IhsanKaboash 4 сағат бұрын
U 28:29
@IhsanKaboash 4 сағат бұрын
U 28:29
@alhamdullilahdaily 5 сағат бұрын
@opinionatedteen9839 10 сағат бұрын
@UdbaUdba-nd9oo 11 сағат бұрын
But i have heard sheikh fewzan said its mekruh and not haram
@irmeen 13 сағат бұрын
Jazakumullaahu khairan
@bintbadawiyyah 16 сағат бұрын
barakallahufīk shaykhuna, for this beneficial video. your final point is a critical reminder for all parents! many push their children to prioritize their studies and dismiss their requests to get married. subhanallah, not only are they neglecting the huqūq of their children, they are fueling the spread of fitnah and fasād. every parent must understand: your children’s desires and struggles are paramount in this day and age. supporting early marriages are your responsibility. and insha’allah by doing so, you will be rewarded for helping your children preserve their chastity and thereby remaining steadfast in their religion.
@f2.1up 18 сағат бұрын
Barak'Allahu Feekum
@A.M.19958 23 сағат бұрын
It's a great topic ❤
@mehdibez3347 23 сағат бұрын
Subhan Allah
@hayatmohammed9401 Күн бұрын
اسلام عليكم , please do a part 2 on this, it really helps. ان شاء الله
@GenerationSalaahudDeen Күн бұрын
The last part of my answer 18- Usually when a scholar later on wrote a book in Fiqh he might have used a very weak hadeeth, along came scholars later and checked those hadeeth and declared the opinion as weak becuase the hadeeth is very weak, BUT that hadeeth alot of times was never used for the original proof, somethings else was used, either a another Hadeeth or verse or Sahaaba and so on. Look how we messed up! 19- You can't understand a Saheeh Hadeeth sometimes alone, it has other narrations mentioning the background to the hadeeth and then you got the Sahaaba and the angles from the Arabic Language which needs Usoolul Fiqh to undefrstand why and how its a proof and why the other saheeh Hadeeth is not used for this issue and so on. 20- You can not use the Usoolul Fiqh of one Madhab for the Fiqh of another madhab Text as each Madhab had its slightly different angles to approach issues and their approaches go back to the Tabi'aan and Sahaabah, not made up. Many salafis still don't understand this and caused hell breaking up families and masjids and villages all over where they went thinking theyre the saved sect like the Jehavoahs Witnesses. Plus theres 5 main different groups of Salafis, 3 of them fight and warn from each other very harshly and one of them keep splitting up every few years more and more past 30 years. The Day of Judgment its every man for themselves and only the Shafaa'a of the Prophet SAW will give you a chance After the Mercy of Allah. 21- Imam Ahmed and Shaafi'ee both built upon the Fiqh of those who came before them and Imam Shaafi'ee mastered the 4 madhabs of his time by learning with them or their students then critiqued their usool and furoo, Abu Hanifahs, Imam Maaliks, Imam al-Awzaa'iee and Imam Laith ibn Sad. Imam Maaliks madhab today is built upon the Mudawaanah which was built upon Imam Asad bin Furaat who studied with Imam Malik then Imam Muhammed Hasan ash-Shaibaani, student of Imam Abu Hanifah and this is where Imam Asd bin Furaat asked thousdand of questions in extra classes with Imam Muhammed, these thousands of questions got asked to Imam Maaliks students by him later as when he retuned to Imam Maalik he had passed away RH, and thus we can say Imam Abu Hanifah Formed the Foundation of the Fiqh of all 4 Madhabs. This is ONE REASON WHY THEY ATTACK HIM, if they put doubts into the Madhab of Abu Hanifah then all Fiqh collapses!!! And another reason is becasue he destroyed many deviants sects in debates and lastly because he was very pious and would sleep only the first third of the night in winter then pray till Fajr and between Zuhr and Asr in the Summer as the nights were short so he prayed again from Isha till Fajr, as his wife mentioned. The rest of his time from Fajr till Ishaa was teaching in his Masjid which is still there today! RH. He knew how to debate way before was a Rich Entrepreneaur so would clothe his studnets in the best clothes and look after them and he would send money to the schlolars and their students in Badhdad and Basrah whilst he was in Kufah, and studied Fiqh for 20 years from 20 years old till 40 with Imam Hammad ibn Abi Sulayman who learn from learnt from Ibraheem an-Nakha'i. Recently a MA reserch in Jordan showed how in 600 of Abdullah ibn Mas'oods fatwaas, 590 were in line with Abu Hanifahs Fatwas as he inherited his Fiqh. He made Hajj 40 times and met many scholars in Makkah and Madinah everytime and discussed and debated with them and thats why he got well known. 22- Imam ibn Abi Shaibah mentioned in the end of his big book al-Musannaf some 140 issues where he claimed Imam Abu Hanifah went against Hadeeth, this has been rebutted in 3 books, summary being Imam ibn Abi Shaibah was not a specialist in Fiqh like Abu Hanifah by a long way, hois speciality was Hadeeth mainly and these Hadeeth were understood by Imam Abu Hanifah in a different way or he prefered other hadeeth above them or he saw hidden defects/ILAL in those hadeeth which is a high level science as a Muhadith. I hope this helps you my brother and others. It was a revision for me. Past 18 montyhs I have had re-learn a lot and discover tons of misinfortantion in many areas, so we've made a big massive mess and we need to clarify! I wrote this from my head quick as possible and hope it saves a lot of hassle and benefits all of us.
@GenerationSalaahudDeen Күн бұрын
10- Imam al-A'mash was an Imam in Hadeeth and was asked a question in Fiqh and couldn't answer so Abu Hanifah aswered then imam al-A'mash asked how did you get the answer for that? Imam Abu Hanifah replied You narrated to us from so and so from so and so and from the Prophet SAW and then Imam Abu Hanifah conituned bringing chains at which Imam al-A'mash said Enough, enough, you have just summaried a hundred days worth of Hadeeth in an hour! Oh Imams of Fiqh, you are the Doctors and we are the Pharmcists! Hence the books of Fiqh summarise hundreds of verses of the Qur'an, thousands of hadeeth, thousands of narations of the sahabaa and Tabi'een and so forth. 11- One of the students of Imam Abu Hanifah, Abdullah ibn Mubaarak weant to Lebanon and met Imam al-Awzaa'i. Imam al-Awzaa'i said oh you jsut came from that Man of Bidah/Innovator Abu Hanifah? So imam ibn Mubaarak wrote out some of the Fiqh issues of Imam Abu Hanifah with his name only, Nu'man bin Thaabit and next day returned to hand over the book to Imam al-Awzaa'i, he read and read and was very impressed till he said this is truely amazing, imam Ibn Mubaarak said this is the Abu Hanifah actually who called an Innovator! He retracted his statement immediately. 12- There was alot more Ilmul Kalaam in the time of Imam Ahmed ibn Hanbal by a long way up until they influenced the leaders to force deviant belifes upon the scholars and thats where Imam Ahmed stood firm! 13- There is 2 types of Ilmul Kalaam, the deviant type of the Mu'tazliah and the correct type of Ahlus-Sunnah, by the end of the time of Imam Abul Hasan al-Ash'ari and Abul Mansoor al-Maatureedi, the Mu'talizah were destroyed and Ilmul Kalaam was cleaned up to its purest form. Thats why by the time Imam al-Ghazaali came he didn't need to deal with them but he insread dealt with the extremists Shiah who took control of Egypt and he destroyed the Philosophers and started rectifying the scholars through his book Ih'yaa Uloom ud-Deen which laid the foundations for the Generation of Salaah ud-Deen al-Ayoobi to Liberate Jerusalem. 14- I know a Japanese brother who graduated from the Islamic University of Madinah and he complained how he can't deal with the Japanese as they are mostly Atheists who use Logic and Philosophy, some brothers advised him to learn Ilmul Kalaam as it teaches how to deal with those types of people but instead the Salafi brothers warned him from doing so and advised him to just stick with showing them the miracles of the Qur'an! Point is, Ilmul Kalam uses tons of Rational arguments to 1-Prove the existence of God, then 2-Prove who God actually is, the correct of God, which is the first thing that separates Islaam from the other Religions then 3-prove the need for revalation and messengers 4-prove the Truthfulness of the Prophet SAW, THEN once the person has accepted and convinced with all that, ONLY then will they be willing to accept the Quran and thats when more rational proofs are mentioned for the vaildity of the Qur'an and it carries on from there all the way whilst also mentioning Verses and Hadeeth for each issue hand in hand. So, today Islam is not growing as fast as it actually could by a long way as this is vastly missing, and one of the major reason why it's common for many Saudis who go study in the west to leave Islam completely and become either Athiests or Christians and other Muslims doing that commonly and call themsleves Ex-Muslims is they have NO FOUNDATION and no Muslims around them with basic Ilmul kalaam!!! And the Salafis need to either get on board or MOVE out the way and CLOSE their mouths from warning against ILMUL KALAAM as thats whats needed now more than ever to save their own kids, brothers, sisters, cousins and friends from becoming EX Muslims as this society in the West is designed to do that. Hence no wonder the Ashari Shaafi'ee Soofis from Hadhramaut in the South West of Yemen went to Indonesia and Malaysia, they were equipped with Rational Arguments to convince the Locals after building Trust and Friendships and become true examples of Justice through Good Morals and Standards in their Business Dealings there, and they had the Fiqh to know the Halal and Haram and know how to Worship, the rulings for dealings and business and they had strong Eemaan by knowing how to purify their hearts always and replace vices with virtues in their hearts and tougues and so forth, which is Pure Tasawwuf and look what happened through that??? The Biggest Population of Muslims are there after all that hardwork! Some Salafis are upset with me for mentioning how Imam ibn Taymiyyah explained the Soofi Book of Imam Abdul-Qaadir al-Jilaani in his Maj'moo al-Fataawa in one of the 2 volumes on Sulook which is another name for Tasawwuf or Ih'saan or Tazkiyyah. Pure Sunni Soofism is different to deviant Soofism which many of the Soofi Imams warned against in every generation as is shown in their works but sadly a lot has been hidden even though its available but tactics have been used to keep us away by cutting us off from its people and to gain followers and status and some bits of power, and outside agendas too to keep us very divided at the worst of times so we can not do anything about Genocides or mass corruption or make advancements and leave our youth to be left vulnerable to become drug dealers, ex muslims, junkies, bimbos, .... 15- Imam Abu Hanifah never fell into Bidah ever, there were lots of narrations accusing him which are very weak or made up or broken in chains and every single one has been refuted from angles in numerous books but they're in Arabic, at least 3 books I have. 16- One of the accusions is so crazy that when it was claimed Abu Hanifah was asked to repent from major KUFR the thickos don't undertstand if you retrun to the actual reports fully it was when he was debating the Khawaarij who make tak'feer as we all know by turning sins into Kufr and Abu hanifah said things in that debate as a way to get them stuck and show how they have major contradictions! So how foolish we are and I used to repeat this stuff before and I feel so bad and I ask Allah to forgive me. 16- Imam Abu Hanifah destroyed the main deviant sects in debates in his time, its well known and that was passed onto his students then to their students then to Abul Mansoor al-Maatureedi. So thats a connection to the Aqeedah of the Salaf, a summary of it and its development. To be continued ....
@GenerationSalaahudDeen Күн бұрын
This is a reply to the points raised about Imam Abu Hanifah 1- I am a Salafi since 27 years and I travellied in the early days to learn Arabic and study with the Salafi Scholars. 2- Was Imam Ahmed from the 3rd or 4th Generation? 4th if you check by agreement, and to prove that you see in his Musnad the shortest chains of Hadeeth have 3 men between him and the Prophet SAW 3- Was Imam Abu Hanifah from the 2nd or 3rd or 4th generation? Minimum for the 3rd Generation and possibly the 2nd as it's said he met some Sahaaba RA 4- Thousands of Sahaaba settled in Kufah where Imam Abu Hanifah learnt. Thousands also stayed in Madinah where Imam Maalik learnt. 5- Imam Abu Hanifah was a Muhadith and learnt from the hadeeth scholars in Kufah who had collected Hadeeth already. 6- Imam Abu Hanifah had in his circle 30 scholars to discuss back and forth issues before deciding on an issue and from those were scholars of Hadeeth. 7- If a chain of Hadeeth had 2 or maybe 3 men in the chain and and another had 4 or 5 usually, which is more likely to have slip ups and mistakes? Which is more difficult to make sure about? So Abu Hanifah and Imam Maalik had less chance of error in Hadeeth than Imam Ahmed. 8- If a hadeeth in the time of Abu Hanifah was Saheeh then its possible the same hadeeth become Weak later as one of the extra 2 or 3 men in the chain could make mistakes. 9- Imam Abu Hanifah made Jarh wa Ta'deel.critiquing and praising the men in chains and its well recorded To be continued ....
@kingkai3862 Күн бұрын
@illhavenoneofthat Күн бұрын
Those words ring so true. When you finally recognise that Islam is the truth and Allah is our lord there is no greater feeling.
@Kabbb-zj9ok 13 сағат бұрын
Alhamdulilah!❤❤❤ Allahumma Barik, MaaShaAllah! Allahu Akbar ❤
@sidounanky4419 Күн бұрын
AllahuAkbar ❤
@strivingslave5962 Күн бұрын
8:26 Thawban reported: The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “The best wealth is a tongue that remembers Allah, a grateful heart, and a believing wife to help one in his faith.” Source: Sunan al-Tirmidhī 3094 Grade: Hasan (fair) according to Al-Tirmidhi 10:18 Sa’d ibn Abi Waqqas reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Four things are part of happiness: a righteous spouse, a spacious dwelling, a righteous neighbor, and a comfortable mount. Four things are part of misery: a bad neighbor, a bad spouse, a restrictive dwelling, and a bad mount.” Source: Ṣaḥīḥ Ibn Ḥibbān 4032 Grade: Sahih (authentic) according to Al-Arna’ut --- Abdullah ibn Amr reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “The world is enjoyment and the best enjoyment in the world is a righteous wife.” Source: Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 1467 Grade: Sahih (authentic) according to Muslim --- 14:14 Marriage has an objective: 1. Progeny -------- Anas ibn Malik reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, ordered us to get married and he strongly prohibited celibacy for us. The Prophet said, “Marry the loving and fertile. Verily, I will have most followers among the prophets on the Day of Resurrection.” Source: Musnad Aḥmad 12202 Grade: Sahih li ghayrihi (authentic due to external evidence) according to Al-Arna’ut
@thebanj0271 Күн бұрын
Isn't there another veiw that states you can see the hair, face, calves, and forearms? Which is what they would wear at home just a normal shirt.
@fazlinadams-waggie142 Күн бұрын
اسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته يا حبيبتي May Allah grant you and your family Complete Ease and Aafiyah. Ameen
@Casa43635 Күн бұрын
Akhi, I like what you said about the people of Palestine. After hardship and difficulties comes an ease and a reward. May Allah grant them success!
@aaishahbong3824 Күн бұрын
جزاك الله خيرا May Allah make me and all of you among those who enter jannah without any problems ❤ Allahuma Ameen
@whatisislam11 Күн бұрын
جزاك الله
@alkiyamalik Күн бұрын
This channel has all the amazing videos I want to listen to, but it's takes a lot of time and moments of retiredness where I could grasp all these concepts.
@berinatoci5405 Күн бұрын
Make the video x2
@binttahmet Күн бұрын
You don't have to watch the video all at once, you can break it down Alhamdulillah. Also remember, in order to attain this knowledge, we must dedicate time for it. Knowledge like this doesn't come in a 10 min video allahumma barik
@taimurahmad 22 сағат бұрын
Focus on going through books and picking up an occasional series alingside if that you enjoy that is free from your usual schedule of studu. I would suggesy do their older playlist on kitaab at tawheed and uthool ath thalatha abd other books first.
@alkiyamalik 18 сағат бұрын
I have joined a local Arabic teacher. الحمداللہ I'm studying from there. All day long I study from the curriculum. And I also do try to read some part of books of my interest. Rn I am reading a book for the guidance of women in Islam.
@alkiyamalik 18 сағат бұрын
@@berinatoci5405 it's becomes hard to understand for me. Because English k isn't my native language
@maazmustafa2322 Күн бұрын
JazakAllah khayran. Saved to watch later. I was going to start the search for a wife soon so I ordered Sheikh Al-Albani's book "The Marriage And Wedding Guide : According to The Sunnah Of The Prophet ﷺ" . And this video to supplement it is exactly what I need to get started 😅
@khaledabdelnaser05 Күн бұрын
I also recommend akhi the Marriage series that shiekh sulyman alrl ruhaily did in the UAE
@maazmustafa2322 Күн бұрын
@@khaledabdelnaser05 will check it out jazakAllah khayran
@disusimbiat2143 Күн бұрын
How can I find the direct link to this please?
@aboudiop6358 Күн бұрын
Assalamou Aleykoum. Any link? ​@@khaledabdelnaser05
@maazmustafa2322 Күн бұрын
@@disusimbiat2143 lookup the book on Google. One retailer or another will come up in your location which perhaps sells it, like darrusallam or ebay or Amazon
@whatisislam11 Күн бұрын
جزاك الله
@AMAUofficial Күн бұрын
Study more about the Beautiful Seerah of Prophet ﷺ in detail www.amauacademy.com/programs/seerah-and-history
@ananabraham5180 Күн бұрын
25 years
@SrastiShrivastava Күн бұрын
Aslam alykum. How should women keep sabr with absent husbands? Men give time to his immediate family members and friends. I personally feel worthless in his life. And when I behave same with him, he questions what are you doing as a wife. It's a every day thing, and it becomes difficult to keep sabr evrytime.
@falsesectslikeshiaarejudeo6543 Күн бұрын
What hadith number.
@okinoboo4743 Күн бұрын
SubhanAllah very nice reminser
@aqsa8645 Күн бұрын
@As_salafiyyahh Күн бұрын
Tablighi Jamat 50:20
@nahidparveen2832 Күн бұрын
جزاك اللهُ خيراً amau team
@lettersfrommuslims Күн бұрын
May Allah protect us all. Honestly I don't even take my own pictures anymore, even with hijab, let alone putting them on social media. I think it's the better option.
@ahmadkharrubi7943 2 күн бұрын
ustadh please talk about the fitnah as it is something majority of the youth need to be explained with the shias and others creating alot of misinformation
@anigah 2 күн бұрын
The Quran is enough
@abduugas 2 күн бұрын
I'm only now listening to ARH Seerah. This is amazing.
@71IbrahimKhan 2 күн бұрын
This video is what made me buy the course JazakAllah Khair. After the will and guidance of Allah ofc
@saifbari6190 2 күн бұрын
1:17:20 Assalamualaikum just point out that the ustadh made a mistake which is natural human error, at this time he incorrectly said ماعملو(ma ‘amiloo) , when it is فَوَقَىٰهُ ٱللَّهُ سَيِّـَٔاتِ مَا مَكَرُوا۟ ۖ وَحَاقَ بِـَٔالِ فِرْعَوْنَ سُوٓءُ ٱلْعَذَابِ ٤٥. correction is ما مكرو (ma makaroo). (Quran, Surah ghafir 40:45) May Allah forgive us and the ustadh for our sins and mistakes ameen.
@Fb.GuledMohamedSalahAbdi 2 күн бұрын
@ummamrahamrah6611 2 күн бұрын
جزاك الله خيرا
@hibajowher9081 2 күн бұрын
@shahrabkhan 2 күн бұрын
Perhaps the volume difference between the ustaz and the reader is a bit much
@yahyabadjie7891 2 күн бұрын
Assalamu alaykum sheikh Please help us get the pdf of this matn in arabic
@Tarannum-Sayed 2 күн бұрын
The stories are the soldiers of Allah that make ones heart firm