Mona does NOT Love Wario!
21 күн бұрын
@saintzeroinfinity Күн бұрын
Who is Wario’s father?
@WonderousSmiles 2 күн бұрын
me starting the video : "he's right, Mona/Wario makes no sense!" me ending it : "there were a lot of reaches, and brushing over canon interactions..maybe the shippers were right."
@seanalailima5929 2 күн бұрын
Is that the John Hancock Tower in Boston?
@seanalailima5929 2 күн бұрын
I throw up source?
@Jader47 3 күн бұрын
I guess Luigi and Daisy arent Mona's parents
@user-yy5zc6ts3l 3 күн бұрын
you can ship whatever you want man. It doesn't have to make sense.
@jetin335 4 күн бұрын
There one thing I need to point out your complaint about the ages, as you clearly don't know this, but Gorillas age about 2 to 3 times fast then humans. Gorillas can start having kids at 7 and yes, most males may wait until 15. so Mario and Cranky (baby Dk/DK1) can be born at the same time, then in the game Donkey Kong. Mario can be about lets say 18ish. so at this point Cranky how a full grown adult gorilla that could have a young child Gorilla (DK jr). Heck it's actually possible (not likely though) for him to have a grandkid by this point. "What is the Current Donkey Kong like 5 or 6?" Probably closer to 10, but Yeah very likely. "would this make the life expectancy of a Kong about 30 years?" Yes, Gorillas live for 35-40 years. "I don't know who he shacked up with, but she maybe do for a case." About 7 years is normal, Because GORILLA, there not HUMANS. The Names, All three are just named Donkey Kong and Cranky is like a nickname, similar to calling a grandpa, pop pop. Kids and Grandkids can have the same name as the parents. why is this so wild of a concept that Cranky's name change from Donkey Kong? "The Mario time line can't sup....." At 35, Cranky could have had a Great Great Grandchild by that point, so yes the time line can easily support this, because that what can happen in real life. Did you even look up any thing about the animal the Kongs are based on? or did you just assumed they age like humans?
@patrickquinones2533 4 күн бұрын
luigi is the type of guy to wait till marigage (the guy i admire) but daisy cant wait and if we thick canonicly luigi would somehow conven her to wait but she would know she would do this and buy a ring in advace leading to luigi to quetion what to one
@BampotTheScot__ 4 күн бұрын
Let's also acknowledge the fact that the clock in mona's room,the hands point at 3:00, which looks like an L. But still, the theory is a bit of a stretch
@kaycee7738 4 күн бұрын
ConeyZzz is crying in the corner right now
@supermagma 4 күн бұрын
@legoboy7107 4 күн бұрын
Why did you go so aggressively against Bowser being a few years older than Mario? That idea makes perfect sense, I don't see the issue. You said "anyone who thinks that must have never played a Yoshi game" but...did you actually pay attention to Yoshi's Island? That game makes it clear Bowser is at least a couple years older than Mario and Luigi. Remember, throughout all of Yoshi's Island, Mario and Luigi aren't even BORN yet until the VERY end moment of the game after the credits. The whole premise there is that in the Mario world, babies are "born" by being delivered to their parents by a flying stork instead of...well, how it works in real life, which is a classic fairy/nursery tail, and in Yoshi's Island the stork just gets interrupted in the delivery, meaning that Mario and Luigi aren't born yet until the stork reaches their parents at the end. Meanwhile, Bowser is not only already clearly born, but he's been born for at least a few years now, as he can talk coherently albeit with some mispronunciations, clearly has a history verbally bickering with Kamek, is able to get up and fight and stuff, and overall is clearly not a newborn baby but a spoiled little kid. The only thing that makes less sense is saying he's actually 34 and thus exactly 10 years older than Mario, because that would mean he's 10 in Yoshi's Island and he definitely doesn't seem THAT old judging by his immature behavior unless he's ABSURDLY spoiled and poorly raised. Then again he does look almost identical age-wise to Bowser Jr. particularly in the modern Yoshi games, and Bowser Jr. acts more appropriately for a 10yo, so maybe Bowser could be 10 in the Yoshi games and just did not grow up well at all, so idk.
@lonedivider 4 күн бұрын
Sorry if it came off that way. I was referring to the belief that Bowser was 34 after that Nintendo account video came out and how it doesn't make sense since it uses a real world year to get the number. My anger was overexaggerated for comedic sake, but I do see how that rant can come off as weird to someone who doesn't know about Mario's stated age.
@viviennemorgan7217 4 күн бұрын
luigi has a black moustache and blue eyes, while daisy has a orange crown and has daisy earrings.
@viviennemorgan7217 4 күн бұрын
but them being mona's parents doesn't make any sense at all.
@MagillanicaLouM 4 күн бұрын
I know the movie inspired this debate again, but i feel they only made them father and son to parallel Mario's father-son character drama. But as for the actual canon is Grandparent-grandson. I think Wrinkly Kong especially reinforces this one. Plus DK Junior doesn't deserve getting shafted even harder
@MagillanicaLouM 4 күн бұрын
I don't ship them at all and am glad Nintendo doesn't, but i do think it's pretty obvious she's attracted to dude, even if it stemmed from wanting to be LIKE him not so much wanting to be WITH him. Its a "he's her type.... For some reason" scenario played as a joke. Plus as others have said, younger ppl have one sided crushes on older ppl they idolize all the time. I mean I've been wanting to hold hands with Vanessa Hudgens since I was like 7 for example lol. I mean get being weirded out by folks who actively ship it, but its just internet strangers playing around with fictional characters at the end of the day, it's not like they can make it official. That being said, this was still a good video, i like learning about those Japan only sites with character diaries/interviews. While i wouldn't say it debunks Mona's attraction, it does highlight why she has it. And its her own goals of having her own treasure hunting adventures someday, but she's also not so infatuated that she goes simp mode whenever he's around and gets heart eyes. And like you said, Wario's love is money and Syrup is a better match anyway if Nintendo ever were to give him a main squeeze lol.
@HyperTomoose 5 күн бұрын
I subscribed to you, enjoyed this video and your debunking video over Mona's parents are Luigi and Daisy video. My only critique is why curse? You cursing doesn't add anything to your debate, if anything it takes away from the flow and your well thought out points. Just my two cents. I hope you do more Mario theories.
@lonedivider 4 күн бұрын
Thanks and I understand that. My cussing was meant to be comedic to play up the absurdity of certain fan beliefs. Looking back, I do see how off-putting and out of place it seems. This was one of my first scripts I wrote almost a year ago and it shows compared to my current writings. I hope you stick around and enjoy future content!
@pieofchart 5 күн бұрын
Of course, that's ridiculous, we all know the truth is that 5-Volt loves ME
@koltvienzzaichard7307 5 күн бұрын
I'm Wario's Father, and I love eating Mushroom and Jumping on Goombas and Koopas, Wahooo!!
@catborg780 5 күн бұрын
Plus, Wario only loves money.
@icemage4893 5 күн бұрын
Wario x Jimmy T
@montyturner6511 5 күн бұрын
I guess it makes sense with the text from Mona. Wario doesn't really care about being formal or fit. He kinda just does his own thing.
@lonedivider 5 күн бұрын
That's actually true. Even in Japanese, he doesn't use honorifics for anyone.
@BlueMageWithSoulEdge 5 күн бұрын
I think the people "shipping" them are taking it too seriously and are possibly posers, and you are putting too much stock into the possibilities and defense. The thing with Wario and Mona is a joke to be played for laughs. To be serious Mona is similar to Mario. Both are out going extroverts looking to be top in their field. The dream sequence can be seen as either one or two ways, or even both-- Wario is appreciative toward her work by acknowledging her traits, Mona is so similar to Mario that he can't help but notice on a subcounsis level. But it doesn't matter because the gag is with Mona not with him. She's the butt of the joke. Nintendo gives us some seemly useless facts about Mona (like her preferred guy type and her likes in men), but this is actually to set up a gag with her. To be frank Mona likes "Macho" men. Macho men in the Japanese pop society are usually clearly defined and don't fit into "social norms" (a.k.a "wild"). Within the Nintendo mythos of Mario, the definite nose and mustache are seen as a form of manliness. In short, the joke is similar to the one in American pop media of the super peppy valley girl liking the T-Bird motorcyclist or the top wrestling gym-bro. It's just a damn joke. Regarding Wario's possibilities, chances are Nintendo is going to make up an offscreen romance if they feel he needs one, just like the two random hotties at the end of his one game. He has a defined nose and mustache, so any lady that like macho men is going to like him. Syrup is more of a joking antagonist, and the other two are royalty. The royalty thing is important because Nintendo mythos consistently displays feminine royals as an idea personified than as people, so the age of the other two is more "old enough" than as actual question. In short, the possibilities don't matter because they can make it up when they feel like it for the sake of a joke and toss it aside for the sake of a joke. It's just a gag.
@Thot_Patrol_USA 5 күн бұрын
you pronounce wario so wrong (his name rhymes with mario) besides that i gotta say it’s disgusting to ship them together since wario’s the same age as mario but expecting the internet to NOT be creepy is like expecting a baby to understand advanced physics
@BlueMageWithSoulEdge 5 күн бұрын
No, no I wouldn't call you crazy. I would call you a fan. Nintendo has a LOT of posers and tourist. This is dangerous because, as seen with early SEGA with Sonic, movies and most recently video games and the comic industry, posers snake in with the tourist and make demands. They trick the tourist into believing their lies to change things to what they want and then, like locus, they leave. This is absolutely needed by the fandom to keep it innocent. The theory sounds like it came from Reddit. This is my first time hearing it because I don't really play the Wario Ware series, but I am aware of how stupid Reddit usually is most of the time. Defending against the theory makes it seems as tho' the theorist didn't play any of the games, but saw a screen shot and fished for "credit points". Looking forward to your cover on Wario Ware. Good job.
@AlonzoTompkins 5 күн бұрын
I know Wario is immortal but there is literally no hints that WarioWare takes place in the far future. So yeah, I never believed this.
@zigaudrey 6 күн бұрын
The last mask challenge is difficult but worth it! Jaguar Javier was a difficult on first try. He has everything in his arsenal plus aggressive! 44:29 Final Boss Part 1 - Carloc Calaca 47:50 Part 2 - ¿¿¿??? Calaca There was an achievement which you put a challenging skin on hard mode. Easier than I though.
@zigaudrey 6 күн бұрын
And not only that, Mona call him name about the money he is about to run away with. 10:58 The same money they earn during game development. 7:15 3:40 LAL! Wario's Idle animation in WL4 show him doing exercise. 5:18 That's explain her Adventurer outfit in DIY 8:56 9:10 Now that crack me up! 11:39 OOH! Love this cover! 15:33 Princess Shokora! 16:29 TROW HER AWAY!
@aylenpons6682 6 күн бұрын
I wouldn't mind Luigi and Daisy becoming a couple definitelly some day... But why it HAS to be like that for some of the fandom?? Like, they are obviously friends and like each other but they are not condemned to be like Mario and Peach. I dont see how that enrichs anything unless they suddenly came with a lil plot for it.
@zigaudrey 6 күн бұрын
I know right? People will find anything to ship their favorite character for their own satisfaction and refuse canon source. Just like the end of 2018. History fuckin' repeat! Enough of that bullshit! 18:20 - 18:37 2:26 It is a background detail that doesn't contribute to the story. Leave it alone! 3:23 Yes! The height and not only! 3:55 Peach should be the tallest but no! 7:11 And this too! Even if I didn't remember it. 9:53 They make peace! But that just for laugh! 11:21 Seeing both different Wario from different Universe will be a joke headcanon. It is says that Wario is both an adventurer and game programmer. It's the same! 11:53 Don't mention that Loli Peach. Wish they didn't leak it. 17:41 The Irony is that WarioWare take more coverage than WarioLand. Like WTF?! 19:31 Aaw! Glad she talks to her mom, even if it is brief. (Japanese material are always specials)
@pepelagarto8110 6 күн бұрын
You forgot to consider that gorillas live like 35 years
@bewearstar9462 6 күн бұрын
I think a lot of people forgot Wario already had a love interest in Wario land 4 in Princess Shokora.
@gabcard2767 6 күн бұрын
Maybe Mario isn't intended to have a concistent canon.
@mirai4738 6 күн бұрын
Still a better theory than Luigi and Peach are Rosalina's parents
@SergioLopez-eb6fz 4 күн бұрын
What's ironic about that is the early concept of Mario galaxy included Luigi and peach as rosalina's parents. Of course Miyamoto shot that idea down. Koizumi still included the secret rosalina book at least.
@ColasAlgo 6 күн бұрын
Mona is not a minor, wth. She has multiple jobs, makes TV ads and has her own mansion... she can drive too! She cannot be a minor!!!
@redstreak9430 6 күн бұрын
11:23 well, that’s not ENTIRELY true as we do see him in his classic outfit in the opening of the original game Mega Microgames
@glegboel8302 7 күн бұрын
Wait Luigi is the father of BOTH Rosalina AND Mona?!?! And he has TWO wives???
@commanderblackheart5856 7 күн бұрын
My head-canon is this: The events of Donkey Kong 1 & JR take place in the recently established Metro Kingdom where Cranky & son commit a genuine act of terrorism by abducting mayor Pauline, Mario stops Cranky and after he is locked up, Mario act's as a guard to ensure he cannot escape but jr evades capture to free his father from incarceration and ultimately make a getaway. Eventually Cranky and Jr go into hiding, Cranky eventually retires to Donkey Kong Island (which he likely founded to evade the law) while Jr remains in hiding. To this day no one, not even Donkey Kong lll knows where the one now formerly referred to as Jr is and he is presumed dead until proven otherwise.
@polocatfan 7 күн бұрын
I really don't wanna be rude, but I'm pretty sure you made this theory up.
@lonedivider 7 күн бұрын
The theory's been around as long as Get It Together. That's where the main basis for it was formed.
@lonedivider 7 күн бұрын
At 6:48 I made a massive mistake. The "mansion" Luigi has in Dark Moon better resembles the Rank D Mansion from the original Luigi's Mansion, not the Rank F. I don't know how I let that slide. At this rate, I'm going to have to make a compilation of my blunders in the future.
@nessdbest8708 7 күн бұрын
Can't wait!
@manstick64 7 күн бұрын
havent even watched the video and im wondering where the hell this came from update: i still disagree with this theory
@instantlymeatified 7 күн бұрын
Luigi was a painter in mario paint and mario artist
@seandwalsh3 7 күн бұрын
To answer “why is this scene here” of Wario dreaming of Mona and calling her cute, I refer you to the Japanese Nintendo site for Mario Golf for the Game Boy Color (translation via DeepL): “Age: ??? Driving distance: ??? Ballistic: ??? Wa-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! Who am I? Can you guess? Hint 1: I'm as handsome as a Hollywood star. I'm serious. Hint 2: I have the style and fashion of a supermodel! The yellow shirt and purple trousers were ordered by a top brand! Clue 3: I wear a pair of dark green shoes made of high-end cowhide leather! Clue 4: I’m in trouble because I’m so irresistible to high school girls all over the country! I'm telling the truth! How about that? Did you guess it? I'm Wario! You don't know who that is? Even if you don't know the prime minister's name, remember mine!” It seems that this implies Wario, at least at one point, had a thing for highschoolers, or at least prided himself on receiving attention from them. Minor nitpick, but we technically don’t know if Mona is a teenager technically, just that she’s in high school. I only bring this up because maybe they envision(ed) her as a young adult who’s just still in high school? Probably not, but just putting it out there. I would say this is still canon but given they haven’t brought it up in a long time it doesn’t really matter. Captain Syrup might also be on the Phone in WarioWare: Gold, which is interesting.
@springtrapstarwar5557 7 күн бұрын
now that makes sense now, thanks for the information.
@seandwalsh3 7 күн бұрын
Great video! This theory has been incredibly annoying for the last few years but you’ve done an excellent job debunking it here. Do you speak Japanese? I’ve seen translations of some of the blogs but some still haven’t been translated and it’s a bit difficult to navigate them when the translations are all on obscure tumblr pages. Looking forward to seeing you cover more of them, because there’s some excellent lore in there - some of which the new WarioWare site brings back. I do have a couple of small corrections or thoughts. On Luigi’s NEW Mansion, it’s actually Rank D Mansion that Luigi has in Luigi’s Mansion 2. A model resembling the Rank A mansion also appears on Luigi Circuit in Mario Kart: Double Dash!! though it isn’t an exact match and is probably just a prop rather than Luigi’s actual home. I personally don’t think Wario hates Mario, hence them hanging out all the time, but he does find Mario’s attitude annoying and complains about him to his friends given they are rivals. I’d suggest his opinion on Mario swings depending on the scenario. Wario is actually shown in his overalls at the beginning of WarioWare, Inc.: Mega Microgame$! when he’s relaxing at home. He only puts on his biker outfit when he actually goes for a ride. The Geno doll in Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga is just a doll, not the Star, which is being puppeteered by the Star ‘Stache Smash arcade machine (you can see the stick it’s attached to). The Blocks in Woohoo Hooniversity are actually blocks being researched by the Beanish, which they are likely trying to replicate the technology of. They’re stated to be prototypes. I wouldn’t say the mentions of game titles are in-universe, instead being mini fourth wall breaks for the sake of the player, though if they were in-universe this is explainable by Nintendo making popular games based on those events. In Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door a Toad kid in Petalburg literally mentions bearing Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door before the player does, so how that works I have no idea. “Mario Sunshine” is also mentioned on FLUDD’s scan at the beginning of Super Mario Sunshine, as the latest game in a timeline of other game titles. It’s also probably less of a floating timeline and more that Nintendo just pumps out games and consoles super quickly in this universe. Minor point but Bowser Jr. hasn’t developed any technology, he just pilots it. The technology is likely produced in Bowser’s factories or random other factions depending on the instance. Of course, this technology still exists and Fawful and E. Gadd do have their inventions, thus your point still holds true. I also don’t really see the issue with Professor E. Gadd in Diamond City. He’s just got a single shop there and Crygor lives out on his island, it would be hard for a course in the city to show it. Most of the course has you driving through the WarioWare, Inc. building and there’s also Diamond Taxi and the Gelateria. In fact, if you look at it from above you can see that it lines up almost exactly with Diamond City from WarioWare, Inc.: Mega Microgame$! What’s more is that it just has fun implications. Are E. Gadd and Crygor old buddies? Bitter rivals? How does Dr. Crygor feel about the Professor opening an Item Shop on his turf? Maybe E. Gadd grew up in Diamond City given he’s human. It also just makes WarioWare feel a bit more connected to the greater Mario World. We also see a shop called Monte Mart (Monte being the Japanese name for Pianta) with Palm Trees on the roof. It’s neat to imagine some Piantas live in Diamond City too, just off-screen. Anyway, that’s all I have to say - once again well done! Very good argument and very well researched!
@galaxygerm1037 6 күн бұрын
E Gadd having a shop in Diamond City is silly when u consider he also has a coffee shop in Beanbean too. Is he using these shops to fund his ghost research (and also the time machine that one time)? Also glad to someone else amused by the implications of E gadd having a shop in diamond city. I wanna know how he’d react to Ashley,,, like. Witches r ateast somewhat supernatural. Hed def be fascinated by that kinda magic.
@seandwalsh3 6 күн бұрын
@@galaxygerm1037​​⁠there’s a Starbeans in the Diamond City track too, right across the road from his Item Shop, and in Minion Quest: The Search for Bowser he confirms that he set those up to fund his research, so that’s probably why, yeah!
@apocalypseofplush 7 күн бұрын
Now I agree that Wario x Mona is literal p3d0ph1l1@ and should NOT be shipped, but saying that Mona doesn't have a thing for Wario when she clearly does is just...incorrect. Heck, one of her favorite Prezzies is a LITERAL NOSE HAIR that is described as GROSS, and she probably only likes it because it reminds her OF WARIO. That doesn't mean she supports him all the time, but she's clearly into him. I don't ship it myself, not AT ALL, because it's still disgusting for Wario to be into Mona, but Mona being into Wario, at the end of the day, is completely harmless. Why? Because I, too, am a minor who has had crushes on adults. As long as the adult isn't into the minor, it's perfectly fine, and the minor will most likely grow out of it.
@snookerdooker471 7 күн бұрын
Yeah well the only canon kid Luigi has is yoshi and that is the hill that I will die on.
@Eris1987 7 күн бұрын
That's the SuperShowverse, the Gameverse Yoshi is just a few years younger than Luigi.
@bewearstar9462 6 күн бұрын
That's a mama Luigi to you Mario.
@viviennemorgan7217 4 күн бұрын
yoshi's a dinosaur.
@cad4871 7 күн бұрын
Regarding Orbulon, he ages eighteen years between games, so he's probably not using Earth years for his measurements. After all, it seems he's still a child by his species' standards, given the size of his father and of the Voice from Above-- his home planet's years are just really fast.
@Ashley3AndKnuckles 8 күн бұрын
@orsonzedd 8 күн бұрын
Wario is Lulu's father
@lordenma4449 8 күн бұрын
Bruh did you saw where lulu lives at the beginning of wario ware gold That debunks the theory already
@orsonzedd 7 күн бұрын
@@lordenma4449 You think Wario didn't put his kid up for adoption? He's not a good person.
@orsonzedd 8 күн бұрын
Geno is connected to Rosalina because it would be cool and I want it
@Eris1987 7 күн бұрын
Geno is connected to the Star Spirits.