@michelveilleux2075 Күн бұрын
"My DMs always say im INFURIATING!" 😂
@desenhoerpg 3 күн бұрын
Pronouns. Dear lord. Pass.
@forgelune9846 3 күн бұрын
Sorry but you realy need a second cam to show books... Having to wait more than 7 min to see inside one of the book less than 5 sec. But book sheets is to shiny because of your lights to have good views... you're video is mostly just showing yourself, talking, talking, stutter, talking. showing a little few sheets... Sorry but it's not fine...
@MrTarrasque 3 күн бұрын
Before complaining on a video, check the date of it.
@thehatmaus 4 күн бұрын
I'm getting Dr. Who vibes from this class
@JasonMcreynoldsGooglePlus 6 күн бұрын
At the end, the set DC is like ICRPG target numbers. Speeds things up a lot.
@saraphys5555 7 күн бұрын
I would really like to run a One-shot or something where its a psuedo-Mythic Age adventure, and everything is just mythological creatures... Especially those Mesopotamian creatures... Hydra, Cyclops, Sphynix, Wights, Wraiths, etc etc etc... Go full Ray Harryhausen on an adventure! ...I might do that, should my copy of ToV ever arrive...
@theblindjedi41 7 күн бұрын
Always enjoy a classic hydra encounter. Especially when you can increase the scary nature of it.
@garethhamilton1252 7 күн бұрын
I think the D&D 5e vanilla hydra is disappointing for its CR. The TotV one is probably closer to its allocated CR.
@bryanalexander7571 7 күн бұрын
There's a pretty good campaign setting / adventure from Dungeon Crawl Classics called the Chained Coffin. It's set in the Shudder Mountains which is basically Appalachia for D&D. If your players are hesitant about switching to a new game, you might consider running this for them and then, if they enjoy it, introducing the idea of running an Old Gods campaign. You could also incorporate elements from OGoA into Chained Coffin to warm them to it.
@jettolo 7 күн бұрын
using this system ten years ago in an open campaign in my FGLS, after ten years i can say you can easily remove the initiative roll: divide playersin pairs, then the first pair go, the monster group go, then second pair go. Sometimes monster are divided in two or more groups, sometime a specific monster group go first, sometime you have more then 4 players, but you get the point
@5Dworld 7 күн бұрын
Im gonna try this with my players 😄
@MrTarrasque 7 күн бұрын
You wont go back 😉
@FellVoice 7 күн бұрын
@FellVoice 7 күн бұрын
This was a badly needed and concise video! Thank you.
@MrTarrasque 7 күн бұрын
My pleasure
@ts8744 7 күн бұрын
Players seem to be extremely resistant to teamwork. Everyone has their own thing. It is almost like the players think it diminishes their importance. I had been giving players the option. Maybe I will just do an entire session like this to force something to happen. Then i will know for sure if they hate it
@MrTarrasque 7 күн бұрын
Sad to hear the players are like that. The whole point of a ttrpg is to come together and have fun
@meatKog 7 күн бұрын
I use this system and my group likes it.
@MrTarrasque 7 күн бұрын
@emessar 8 күн бұрын
I once proposed a number of different initiative systems to my players to help speed up combat. One of them was essentially this system. They universally looked at the options and quickly said "All of these look worse." The only thing I do on the DM side is to group monsters into 1-5 groups (depending on how many there are), and that speeds up my turn.
@MrTarrasque 8 күн бұрын
Yeah that’s just a group that doesn’t wanna try stuff.
@basilvarian1732 8 күн бұрын
The real Appalachia is as scary (or more scary) than the podcast/rpg presents. For example when you go hiking in the woods if you hear someone call your name ... Don't answer! There are tales of skinwalkers, ghosts, werewolves, another things in those woods.
@LuizCesarFariaLC 9 күн бұрын
I think the simpler the initiative system, the better. I group all monster and have the players go clockwise or counterclockwise. It's concise on the monster side but it's still granular on the player side. I've been thinking of some ways to further homebrew this and your video have good insight on what's missing
@PRGidaro 9 күн бұрын
It’s closer to the movie Cool World. Check it out.
@TimBaker 9 күн бұрын
I came up with the same solution to making initiative more engaging at my 13th Age table after playing the Cypher System and Shadow of the Demon Lord. The only difference is that I have the players roll against the monster initiative DC (10 + monster initiative bonus) at the beginning of each round. I hand out a large token for "fast" characters, and a small token for "slow" characters. When they take their turn, the hand their token back. It became second-nature after a sessions, and runs really fast at the table. I love how much more cinematic our encounters have become since making this switch.
@trevor7861 9 күн бұрын
Lore please
@monsaemon 10 күн бұрын
I'm starting a new sea based campaign using the ToV rules. Can't wait once they get to that level to run this adventure!
@Fatal_Error_san5 10 күн бұрын
Can you make a video explaining every void spell?
@MrTarrasque 10 күн бұрын
No, that would be an insane amount of work
@larrywhite8826 10 күн бұрын
🤔 Kendo, your voice is soft and Marc is very loud as I am watching on KZfaq.
@jakodar 10 күн бұрын
Well, I muted at 7:18 because you said GTFO and just in case our group gets there … Mystery maintained! I have always been pleased with KP adventures so I know this will be no different!
@garethhamilton1252 11 күн бұрын
Markessa was a ship captain in the DL dragonlance series of modules back in the ‘80s if I remember correctly. I wonder if that is where they got the name for their sea captain?
@garethhamilton1252 11 күн бұрын
Nobody can agree on how to pronounce sahuagin so don’t worry about it. I like the ugly yellow top BTW This adventure seems perfect for my nautical pirate campaign.
@OpenBiolabsGuy 11 күн бұрын
I didn't think that ToV did Tiers. I thought that was a CS thing. Sounds like a Lovecraftian adventure. The fish-people even look like they have a family in Insmouth, if you know what I mean.
@MrTarrasque 11 күн бұрын
Levels 1-5 is considered tier one. Levels 6-10 is considered tier two
@OpenBiolabsGuy 11 күн бұрын
@@MrTarrasque That makes things a bit easier to translate between 5e/ToV and CS. Yes I'm interested in that because I plan to run games in the future that aren't published in CS. So, those are huge leaps. What levels are considered tiers 3-6?
@MrTarrasque 11 күн бұрын
@OpenBiolabsGuy the tiers aren’t meant to be compared to Cypher? They are just a way to describe a level range in DnD. Four tiers in total, per five levels.
@saraphys5555 11 күн бұрын
12:29 Ah, dude... Thats just a normal shark here in Australia! LOL! Had to pop the pdf open and read through when I saw you had a video out on it... this actually seems like a good adventure; alittle too wordy for my liking...I miss the days when the *key* points of a chapter could be summerised by a few bulletpoints. But, yeah... I feel like I should organise these into their level sets, so I can run them once all the ToV stuff arrives... might make for a fun game! BTW... How awesome is the Epic Boon for the Fighter? Add your STR or DEX SCORE to the damage each turn! If the Fighter has a Belt of Giants (Storm), thats 29 unnegatable damage!!! On top of, what? Average 24 damage by then, times four from Multi-attack by level 18... 96 damage + 29 *true* damage! Average! Man... I cant wait to run some stuff for my players with this... gonna get crazy with it... gonna use the Tome of Beasts and Creature Codex books too! LOL!
@dougpridgen9682 10 күн бұрын
Do they get hunted by orcas down there?
@lutherpendragon8649 11 күн бұрын
Game I designed has an initiative system where the monsters have a stat called "initiative" that is between 2 and 5 depending on how quick and ferocious the monster(s) is. The PCs roll a d6 , those who roll better than the monsters initiative go before it, those lower go after. Same numbers go simultaneous (thus even if monster is killed that round it does have its attack completed and vise versa). Circumstances can change the monsters initiative #, such as environmental conditions. I have a character class called Captain that can give a number of PCs (equal to charisma modifier) a +1 to initiative due to his battle commands, which is very potent.
@alexorhuxley 11 күн бұрын
I picked up Ptolus at GenCon 2023 (well, my wife did as a birthday present), and it is the most fun I've ever had DMing. Literally everything you need is in that book. Players want to find a bathhouse? No need to risk looking like you're completely winging it - there's one in Rivergate and one in Midtown. Messenger services? Transit fare? Details on gambling games with mechanics? Details on periodic festivals and sporting events in the fields north of the city? Holidays? A chart of random daily/weekly events to spice up your session *just because*? Banks? Barbers? Tattoo parlors? Printers and binders? The book literally has it all. Not just the name and location of the shop, but the name, demeanor, and character of the NPC who runs it; almost all of whom have some kind of interesting quirk, trait, or hook. My players are continuously delighted and astonished when they ask for something, and I say, "Yes, give me a second" and open the book. Because they know it's real, and they love discovering how many obscure, weird little things they can think of that Monte Cook thought of first. I really don't enjoy running campaigns from a book, but I love, love, love running a campaign with a setting book like Ptolus.
@stoneworkmegapup215 11 күн бұрын
Given the current weather conditions in NW Europe, an underwater adventure is rather fitting. Btw, the art is far superior to the stuff that WotC has planned for the 2024 update of 5e.
@NewPhreak 11 күн бұрын
I can't wait for their first physical collection of tov adventures
@Masterom2000x 11 күн бұрын
With there party comp I'm not surprised they were bleeding out first combat. Very little synergy so it's not surprising.
@wi11suffice 11 күн бұрын
It can be faster yet by not rolling for Initiative ever, simply running combats in Dexterity score groups order. For example, Le Rouge Rogue has an 18 Dex, and our Goblin Fighter has a 16 Dex, so they both act together before the Hydra, 15 Dex. Those with less than 15 Dex act together after the Hydra. Y'all have to decide what to do with party members who have the same Dex as the foe(s). Act together with the first group of party members? Roll off? Act with the enemy?
@CopperDragonGames 11 күн бұрын
Looking forward to giving this a (one)shot! 😂
@theblindjedi41 11 күн бұрын
Title alone sounds ominous and amazing. Cant wait to see what cool modules they come up with.
@Endrushmi 11 күн бұрын
I've been doing this the last few games and we love it! Slight difference: We roll initiative, I tell the number to beat, those players who beat it act together first, then ALL monsters go based on average initiative, then ALL players go, etc. It can be 'swingy' but I think that adds excitement and danger.
@MrTarrasque 11 күн бұрын
That’s a good take aswell
@mohnkern 11 күн бұрын
Cypher System starter box went on pre order today
@GabKaulem 12 күн бұрын
4:30 there's no medium armor. Just No armor, Light armor and heavy armor! Good stuff tho
@GabKaulem 12 күн бұрын
@jakodar 12 күн бұрын
I LOVE this!! I am running some games this weekend and I am going to share this with the tables. If they are willing to try it, we’ll do it! 🥳🥳🥳
@MrTarrasque 11 күн бұрын
Let me know how it went
@jakodar 7 күн бұрын
We ran a one-shot this weekend with 6 players at the table using this for combat. Everyone loved it! It took a little bit of trial to get everyone smoothed out, but as soon as they fully understood it, the combats immediately became faster and more fun for everyone. We didn’t have anyone trying to push other players out. Whoever had a great idea just said it and everyone in that group responded. It is now our official table’s preferred method.
@MrTarrasque 7 күн бұрын
@jakodar kaboom! Love this
@tmzFRM 12 күн бұрын
The thing that always makes me wonder is: why should we speed combat though? D&D having a slower pace is an ok thing. It is a social experience, people should be able to zone out, crack jokes, eat a snack etc. but also: take their time before making their tactical decisions, trade ideas etc. I get that there are lots of people who enjoy a more fast paced game. But I feel that it kills something that is unique to the experience, it being majorly successful as a decompressed experience in a time where people are developing shorter and shorter attention spans.
@MrTarrasque 11 күн бұрын
It’s not so much about it being faster but more about everybody being involved more, this actually really promotes the social aspect of the game since people now have to talk and make decisions together in combat
@tmzFRM 11 күн бұрын
@@MrTarrasque but that already is a thing. Unless people are totally against engaging with each other during their turns. But at the tables I've played, people discuss curses of actions and rules meanings during each other's turns lively. The difference is that when I'm engaging with other's turns I'm focused not mainly in how I could get to the spotlight, but on how my party is acting, how the monsters are acting, and how the battlefield is changing. All of that is relevant to take good tactical decisions, and having some time between turns helps. I'm not criticizing you or people that prefer the style of play you're advocating for. The comments show that there are a lot of people that are excited about it, and even if no one else was, it worked for your table and that's fantastic. I'm just disputing the assumption that speeding combat is necessarily a good thing. PS: of course there are things that create problems to the rhythm of the game. E.g.: Spells like 2014's version of conjure animals, that create an unnecessary amount of extra turns for summons.
@MrTarrasque 11 күн бұрын
I totally get your point, and at my tables people are also socially engaged all the time. But there is the difference of everytime it's their turn, with this system they ALL have a stake in that one turn. The conversation changes in a good way. Can't really explain it
@rantymcrant-pants9536 12 күн бұрын
The way I go about it is; slowest player describes their intention up until the fastest, then rolls happen. Players listen to each other because they can work off what others are doing. So, in effect, it's all happening in the same 3 seconds or so, with the fastest player able to 'know' more about what is happening around them. It's maybe a little harder for a GM since you need to keep in your head the scene as a whole as it moves and changes with each completed action. I have found players to more decisive with their intentions instead of waiting to see what happens with the last action and then deciding what they will do. The big thing I have done to cut out a lot of time wasting is not bother with hard-rules abilities. You'll be surprised how much you can get done when there isn't pssing about with books, and reading of skills and all the rest that comes with it. Stops a lot of power-gamer jank too. (its all description and character based.)
@AceneDean 12 күн бұрын
More cypher content please. ❤
@kevinst.pierre4413 12 күн бұрын
Spit it out man!!!!
@MrTarrasque 12 күн бұрын
@ashwinnmyburgh9364 12 күн бұрын
Rashemen is personally one of my favorite parts of the Realms, so this was awesome.
@telarr9164 12 күн бұрын
Do you make the initiative rill every round? Or just once at the start of combat? Seems like every round makes it more unpredictable and fun
@MrTarrasque 12 күн бұрын
No once, like normal. Everything is like normal but people are just grouped together
@frederiekvandepitte 12 күн бұрын
Can't wait to play