The perfect hostage | Nopixel 4.0
19 сағат бұрын
Archie permas | Nopixel 4.0
14 күн бұрын
ADMC permas Chastity | Nopixel 4.0
@kts_mighty4387 Күн бұрын
These events are mid asf like just go back to how shit was in 3.0 keep some of the new or restructured shit they added in 4.0 and mesh the 2 together
@thewillofd4417 Күн бұрын
Definitely has legit proof of a connection between Hades and that House but idk if it’s enough for a raid
@AbhishekGupta-ul8nm 2 күн бұрын
He will join hades coz they will just make him leader 😂😂
@DESHAWNTE9090 2 күн бұрын
Just have fun, you don't need to be in a gang/group ❤️
@itarry4 2 күн бұрын
Man I really wish people would think about what happened and RP the consequences. If you get shot in the head then the least you can do is stay quiet after not scream and scream. I know they'll survive that's fine but how about taking a bit of time about it if it's more than a few body shots or RP a little bit of emotional response whatever. I'm not singling out Ray this is so common on gta servers. Maybe certain "deaths" should have certain automatic consequences or at least a 50/50% chance of it or something with the consequence changing depending on the severity of the "death". Obviously no chance of perma that should always be the players choice but say mag dumped in the head equals at least a game day in icu or several hours or a temp affliction, reduced speed, a limp for 3 game days whatever there's loads of options and it happens to everyone, crim, PD, judge, civil whoever but it'd be so much better in my opinion if players couldn't take 12 shots to body and head, hospital, back out to the same shoot out as has happened loads of times.
@kr0b1486 2 күн бұрын
I think most doctors and lawyers are in gangs to be honest.
@mitchellequire6854 2 күн бұрын
I don think that is enough proof to raid anyone 😂 you can easily steal cars in this server croc tried but will fail
@oNEBULAo 2 күн бұрын
Raid never gonna get approved .. lol no evidence or pings outside the house of drugs being sold etc .. its not even Hades turf lol .. seems like Croc is on a emotional damage mission lol
@ikahn17 2 күн бұрын
Looks like Whippy and lysium finally get to RP together again
@peterlaforge6777 2 күн бұрын
It's like having a bulldog running after you, you will get caught eventualy and it will hurt
@JPak-wu9dv 2 күн бұрын
Crazy level of luck with how awful the scuff has been for everyone
@itsMistmistygang 3 күн бұрын
Hades got lucky they have got it all 3 events so far
@Gambit33 3 күн бұрын
Nino and K both tried to convince Osvaldo to not run this time or run for Blaine county election, but he refused to listen to them. Nino said from the beginning that this mayorship is going to take a lot of actual hard work to stabilize the city after half a year of incompetence and dictatorship under Max, so that characters like Osvaldo can be a successful meme/absentee mayor in the future. If hoshund is saying he ignored his infant child to campaign so much, he shouldn't have even ran and wouldn't have had time to dedicate to being a good mayor anyway. That's just a big yikes.
@pankaj_gurav 4 күн бұрын
An error started this all , its too funny 😂😂😂
@MrBharless1203 5 күн бұрын
Worst event ever. Shit so scuffed. No wonder fent took so long to come to city
@Ztaal3 5 күн бұрын
Yeah hope Osvaldo goes and spend time with his kid and enjoy it, those years go by so fast! He should do what he said he wanted to do, run events and push for entertainment and fun...
@erlinghakaku9967 6 күн бұрын
hes unlucky coz he shudda beat lang buddha previous time and this time the server/city was in such a shit spot i bet lots of ppl voted nino coz they trust him in rp and ooc to do whats best for the server.
@Fearless-fe6qw 6 күн бұрын
@Frost14000 6 күн бұрын
He should've run for Blaine
@sh3riff 6 күн бұрын
Loses and then gets his car stolen 😂😂😂
@madcarver4492 6 күн бұрын
He could have beat andi jones. Never stood a chance against nino.
@user-kc5mb4vr3i 6 күн бұрын
Another underwhelming event like all the rest holy shit 😂
@jonikalemasi3062 6 күн бұрын
Isn't this Buddhas and speedys idea where u get Random pings for this shit for multiple gangs and every1 at it. No planing just U got some time and every1 goes at it ?
@froshty6324 6 күн бұрын
Well K told you to run in Blaine lol. And now you're part of the paleto circle working with Andi, just like K thought and why he didn't trust Os
@strawi3erry311 5 күн бұрын
Oswaldo has keys to the guild house. He been having keys. Yes he’s part of the community up north he’s guild adjacent along with Adam. Things will always kinda get lost people assume guild like max and Siobhan, reality is a lot of the guild didn’t like them or the problems they made. Yeager told both of them that the guild wouldn’t help them and for some reason they believed the guild should when the guild are very much not my problem you made your bed go deal with it. Andi helped oswaldo by encouraging to keep doing what he wanted and give it his all no matter what he wanted to do. When Oswaldo didn’t win andi would always have a place for him so he could get the experience needed and show that he’s a serious person. The way cg see it they talk to Siobhan they must be friends they must all think the same cause they part of the same area and they are not hurting her so they support her. It’s cg logic which is just idiot logic it’s funny to watch until you can’t wake up cause with in the first 5 minutes you are on the ground for an hour
@cbfwrecords 6 күн бұрын
does anyone know what they got?
@cursed_ascension 6 күн бұрын
It's very likely they poach him since Cypress is pretty much done with the recruiting
@GoldOv3rdose 6 күн бұрын
Things always dropping in Au storm, hopefully it aint buggy
@rosa_stars349 7 күн бұрын
@rosa_stars349 7 күн бұрын
AWESOME STREAMER <3 wishing him the best!!! A great rper
@Kirby_420 7 күн бұрын
i spent like 2 hours watching this guy the other day and hes awesome a great RPer enables situations for others RP and doesn't talk bad about others even in this clip he says mehdi will do a good job. But his chat is one of the most brain dead vile chats I've ever seen they spent the full 2 hours i was watching coming to their own conclusions about CG and mr.k's RP and why he was doing the PP arc and saying he was rule breaking by doing serial killer RP.. LOL the streamer even had to tell his chat to stfu and whats when i left because the chat was brain dead... glad hes going to spend time with his daughter I'm sure by tmrw he will bounce back after spending much needed time with his family and realizes it don't matter compared to spending time with loved ones.
@vastsleep7152 6 күн бұрын
Yeah it just sucks because obviously he'd most likely get a viewership boost if he became mayor, so that's pretty big. Sucks to miss out on that for someone like him. But I'm sure as long as he doesn't give up and tries again then he can definitely win another time
@alexmbiocjr9962 7 күн бұрын
That was a close count.
@ryanne.5172 7 күн бұрын
I think this particular election was just too high stakes for his character to win. The lack of stability in the server had a huge impact on the kind of candidates people wanted. I hope he takes his time and tries again in the future!
@itzchief9799 7 күн бұрын
Losing was always going to happen for mayor of the city. Blaine County would've been better to win and dip your toes in and test out if you want that kind of responsibility. And the biggest gangs already had it out for you as soon as you put your name in for mayor. And I didn't watch who won for Blaine but I assume it is Bobby and I doubt he will be a good mayor. Unless a good mayor is just a puppet for the gangs. Lol
@lemons7715 7 күн бұрын
He came close
@vastsleep7152 7 күн бұрын
Osvaldo did very well. Nino was just a very tough opponent since he was popular and campaigned constantly. Buddha was popular but didn't campaign very much Sucks because he seems like a great RP'er and it would've been some very interesting RP for him. I hope he runs again at some point. Mr K felt bad about going against Osvaldo because he knows he's a good guy, but Nino is just what the city needs after someone like Max
@redboom2936 7 күн бұрын
Tbh the timing for Nino couldn't have been better. You have someone who very openly opposed Max and his cabinet which a lot of mf's hated so that alone gave him a bunch of support. Plus the guy's campaign was just good he had answers to everything and he actually has a plan which genuinely when it comes to rp Mayors feels so unheard of. I remember Osvaldo's run against Buddha and funny thing is he had similar plans on how to run things and tbh I think it would've been much better timing at that time for the reason that the city was already pretty crazy. I do see him running again ngl but def not anytime soon.
@jonelervorths4110 7 күн бұрын
I mean, the competition was very hard. Nino put a lot of work into it, talked to a lot of people, came up with many types of different plans for different situations. Not saying Osvaldo didn't, I just mean to come in 2nd in that situation is still quite respectable. Isn't there any other governmental role (or something similar) he can take on, if he wants to change the city? There are others besides mayor. After all, becoming FIRST at anything will always be incredibly hard. If there was only chances given to those who are nr.1, there would be no room left for the vast majority of people to find purpose/do their jobs. But that's not the case, no organization work like that it would not be viable.
@swim444 7 күн бұрын
I hope he considers throwing his name in the ring in the future I get the not wanting to do the extra effort but I could see him getting a shot eventually Nino and Lang are tough appoints so he could definitely win in the right conditions.
@TOMMYTLEAKSL 7 күн бұрын
He's not popular enough within the city to win, people don't know him so will just say yeh I'll vote but then go and vote someone else
@miguelgomez941 7 күн бұрын
PD was around, there was 15 of them up north 😂
@p4rtysm4shr 7 күн бұрын
K just doesn’t want Osvaldo to be mayor rn. He think nino will do a better job setting the foundation for the new government. Which I mean from a ooc pov makes sense since he’s been around for a long time and he’s played both crim, cop, and civ. Mehdi just know how it should be he has all the angles of the city
@kgth3b3ast40 7 күн бұрын
The city definitely needs a population increase, it feels like a ghost town outside of the hospital/ Snr Buns and MRPD
@callmevil 7 күн бұрын
Could it be to allow more votes?
@lilslick72591 7 күн бұрын
Mr K loves Osvaldo.... But him and nino have history..... I would love if Osvaldo won tomorrow....
@DESHAWNTE9090 7 күн бұрын
1000 players would be crazy ❤️
@DESHAWNTE9090 7 күн бұрын
I hope they increase the player count would be amazing ❤️
@arijami8031 8 күн бұрын
Ain’t gonna lie when it was 400+ City was more alive business was booming everything feel fresh, sure there will be problems but it’s good problems
@DESHAWNTE9090 8 күн бұрын
True ❤️
@acrasiakz-mod3877 7 күн бұрын
The craziest part was seeing all the "smaller gangs" with absolutely stunning role players actually associate with other timezones, like how mr k learned today that lost mc was still around, or actually seeing vagos with more than 3 members on in the US hours. Ngl 4.0 has been super stale to me but has its perks, seeing all the OG rpers on at the same time.
@peterlaforge6777 8 күн бұрын
Server count was scuffed, so admin have no choice to increase it otherwise half ppl only was accepted. Also you can easy add 50 to actual slot and make it good
@acrasiakz-mod3877 7 күн бұрын
Honestly they could make it doubled to 300 and still be very stable. Biggest issue I saw was the gas tank disappearing and reload scuff, but if they just copy the coding related to those mechanics from the pd to every other car it would be fixed, idk if it's because pd cars are fully custom but pd currently has neither of those issues ever
@kylekimberlin2 8 күн бұрын
Soon we all can be 100% sure we are living in a simulation cause we will all be playing gta
@demoth 8 күн бұрын
buddha wanted to stress test the server so he can see if they can increase the player count. so high chance they might if there not much scuff
@DESHAWNTE9090 7 күн бұрын
@jayfwe 7 күн бұрын
No he didn’t. This wasn’t planned CFX broke and didn’t put the limits in place
@alexgutierrez9374 8 күн бұрын
W Hidden