Media and Existence Today
4 ай бұрын
Kant, Marx, and Media Theory
Barbie: A Subversive Review
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Open Media Theories
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What is German: A Simple Answer.
Marshall McLuhan: Essentials
Philosopher DESTROYS Apple
2 жыл бұрын
@andreinahidalgo8556 3 сағат бұрын
I love your channel
@changeyourmood8710 5 сағат бұрын
Good one to point out, the effect to Focus* at the presenter and not the content ( space teem screenshot ). Probably this all happening cause of the Right to information, Freedom, Technology for all, etc etc. Its a never ending series of Defence & Critisizm. I feel happy & satisfied that professors like you are serving too. Thank you ❤.
@davidredshaw448 2 күн бұрын
Living in London at the time I knew a few working class youngsters who had become hippies, grew their hair long, formed a band and subscribed to the lifestyle. Back then rents were cheaper (they were controlled by law, unlike today) so actually it was a lot easier to leave your parents' home and find digs, even if you only had a basic sort of job. More people were in trade unions then too, so that helped advance the cause of the people who actually did the work that kept the country ticking over. As far as the anti-war movement went, many of us were aware of the antics of the CIA and the dirty tricks brigade in Latin America and elsewhere (read Naomi Klein's book 'The Shock Doctrine' here) and we would have found it easier to have criticised the Communist bloc if the West hadn't been busy getting up to all sorts of nasty stuff in the developing world.
@lapse9continuum765 2 күн бұрын
Great video. I'm glad someone is finally doing some damage control with some of these sloppy, misleading videos about Kant. I think there is honestly just a lot of misunderstanding out there, even among professional philosophers. I thought you did a great job in this video. I would have maybe stated the first point a little differently -- the way you put it here almost made Kant seem like a Cartesian sort of mind/matter dualist. I've never read him that way. I'd say the relevant "duality" in this case is simply the distinction between matters, empirical, on the one hand, & "pure" or "a priori" on the other. Though you made the point well later in the video with the discussion of Kant's use of the term "transcendental." Great video overall!
@user-gg3bu9zy1r 2 күн бұрын
For capitalist corporations wokes are just useful idiots and disposable, helps advance globalism, irresponsible individualism, a stark deviation from Ayn Rand's "individual" ..and for Marxists too they are useful idiots in the sense of strategic essentialism as Gayatri Spivak proposed.
@user-gg3bu9zy1r 2 күн бұрын
Wokeism=(Randian Individualism - Objectivism) + Alt Leftism
@encolpio8 3 күн бұрын
Another video that fails to give a cohesive definition of "wokeism". IMO most of the arguments against wokeism are really criticizing fundamentalism, wich is really an attitude that can be seen in marxism, liberalism, religion or any other ideology or ism. Thus the term ends up easily becoming a buzz word that reinforces reactionary discourse, that's why the alt-right loves it and there's a whole "anti woke movement" trying to push or reinforce conservatism.
@florentin3141 4 күн бұрын
With all due respect, I think you have not understood the moral landscape. The entire idea of defining the landscape is seeing all possible human behaviour (or all possible ideologies, including very incoherent ones, not sure if any coherent exist -> goedel) as an infinite space on which you define a norm. Now, we will never know if there is any maximum in the space of possible behaviours, but what we can do is compare the implemented (on earth) ideologies in terms of their impact on well-being and tell if one is morally better. This moral ranking,then ,is a morally true claim. Harris never says that there is one set of moral values that is the moral truth in a godly sense. So either you have not read the book or maybe not really gotten the gist (no offense). The one thing one could ciritizise in Harris' reasoning is that he sets well-being as something better than suffering (he adresses this by pointing out that humans cant do otherwise, this is in my opinion the only shaky thing which one can accept or dismiss). Quoting Wittgenstein in some entirely unhelpful way somehow makes this video worse for me -> Sam Harris is really close to Wittgenstein as the idea of moral not being expressable but showing itself is exactly aligned. You can look at specific ideologies or behaviours and rank them morally -> Harris' idea. Sorry about the rant, nothing personal.
@user81548 4 күн бұрын
please make a video on credibility in the era of profilicity
@skzombierain7536 5 күн бұрын
The example of 'Perfect Pitch' is rather interesting as it has been found that many musicians who are also speakers of East Asian languages (which often have a strong tonal element), demonstrate a higher frequency of pitch discernment. Should we assume that speakers of East Asian 'tonal' languages are better at hearing pitch because of their language experience - or should we assume that East Asian tonal languages are such due to the speakers being biologically more adept to hearing pitch? The casual simplicity that Mr. Sapolosky uses the example of 'perfect pitch' with is a far too simplistic - to the point of being misleading that things are so cut and dry. Also, while there is no inherent issue with accepting that our upper limits of skill are biologically 'capped' - how many of people have really put in the time and effort to truly reach those limits (Olympic level athletes perhaps?)? To dismiss the notion of 'working hard' as 'fairy dust' (how else would one know unless they try to find those limits?) and also consider the admiration of people who do so as misplaced admiration - is quite odd and out of touch with reality to the effort and time commitment required of any human to even become adept at something as trivial as tying their shoes, walking, or learning to speak - even more with the self- discipline and self-sacrifice required to achieve advanced knowledge/skill in any field. No, the effort and time required to coordinate multiple biological potentials into a single expression of skill is highly significant. 'Free Will' or "Not' (To be or not to be :P) , is not really something worth worrying about too much in-and-of itself. What ever the truth of the matter is stands regardless of our thoughts about it. However, it is of considerable concern the leaps of 'logical conclusions' some may make should they be fully convinced of either position without the highest standards of evidence. Seems, that at this point in the conversation - both sides are making assumptions about what lies behind the 'Chaotic & Unpredictable' that lies outside of intellectual certainty. 'I don't know' is the purist expression of integrity.
@MyLittlePonyFan24 6 күн бұрын
I think the best non-political thing to come out of the hippie counterculture was an emphasis on authenticity. As long as you’re not hurting anyone else, have the courage to be yourself. Don’t be a poser (unless you want to) and don’t gate keep who’s “in” or “out”. Everyone is unique. Let society worry about categorizing you. Don’t box yourself in (unless you want to).
@monkmonk40 6 күн бұрын
You're misunderstanding of Mr Peterson really gives credibility to his anger
@tonyfrench2574 6 күн бұрын
Funny. There is no religion more than Marxism.
@JenLight 7 күн бұрын
Baudrillard is such a huge fan of false dichotomies. What if social media gives people a platform and people keep it going by using it at the same time? What I do not understand is how any of this is a "bad" thing. Also I really cannot abide philosophers who go out of their way to be obscure like scribes of the secret mysteries.
@clintonwalrath1333 7 күн бұрын
Haha I'm gonna use that tho... Somebody: "Hey buddy, you're not a good person." Me: "I don't really care about being a good person. I'm just playing the game of Life, pal." What could they say to that? Lol
@Kimani_White 8 күн бұрын
Peterson is operating under the misguided assumption that religion is necessary as a moral foundation, and therefore must be salvaged in some way. The fact is that religion isn't genuinely suitable for such a task, since it's fundamentally predicated on appeals to authority. It is possible to rationally discern and explicate objective principles of morality, without the baggage and moral hazards that come with ideological dogmatism -- whether that dogma be theistic or secular in nature.
@markstevenmorton 9 күн бұрын
Yeah, but who would be more enjoyable to hang out with: Moeller or Olly/Abigail? (Hint: the latter.)
@glassman304 9 күн бұрын
Bonanzaland ~ MAGAland. Rearview mirror with a distortion.
@victorschwanberg 9 күн бұрын
The speaker is too young to remember that the Hippies were rebelling against society as it was at that time, we had a generation gap and we had just come out from the Second World War, not to mention brainwashing awareness.Being a Hippie seemed like the right thing to do for anyone with a brain.
@yazanasad7811 9 күн бұрын
Media enable social validation feedback loops with the general peer. Allow hs to be swen as being seen Seeing is being
@islaymmm 10 күн бұрын
I know this isn't the main concern of this video and is bordering on bad faith nitpicking, but I just wanna say the idea the English word _building_ "comes" from the German word _Bildung_ is at best misleading. We can trace both back to the same proto Germanic root, so they are cognates, yes, but Proto Germanic isn't German. It doesn't really come from a German word, they evolved from the same word into different words in different languages.
@yazanasad7811 11 күн бұрын
Media and identity tools are looped Media as non-authentic We copy those novels/films/philosophy texts we read, meaning not original/unique The economy and roles changes to second order observation (brands and profiles, we never see celebrities face-to-face) We create brands and profiles but also offline not just social media. General peer as if on Facebook. Protagonists behave as though camera is front in them. We learn from media to become profilic. A generalised agent who we perform for This video inspires me to create/recognise the general peer/camera within myself - proficility!
@yazanasad7811 12 күн бұрын
Mass media as background reality - but is debatable, real. What real in media is different to what's real in, say, science. Media - known to be known (topics). News spreads ignorance, too close to be accurate. More than going on than has time to report. Facts but perpetual ignorance. News - report as if it happened, it is happening now and will happen (journalism like climate change). Truth in the news is not the whole news. Can never be achieved. Instead have selectors: 1) surprise/novelties 2) conflicts 3) quantity 4) local relevance 5) norm violationv(like cancel culture) 6) moral judgement (outrage) 7) ascription to agents (bad guys) 8) strong opinions 9) cases (new) 10) routijes(pre existing categories) Schematise information with above. News tells stories, not the truth. No real truth behind this. Advertising: next to news. Self-organising folly. Sacrifices itself to cleanse others. Makes news more credible. Advertising gives people lack taste with taste. Stabilises redundancy and variety in day to day life. Entertainment: constructs second reality like movies, novels games. Individuals no longer derived who they are from their descent. Instead start to identify with protagonists. Second hand observation as well, can learn from them, identity work. Try out these profiles and see if they work. These areas cross over. News more entertaining. Movies more commercial. No overriding system. Media needs politics and politics needs media. Cybernetic. 1) media creates self-generated uncertainty, society always on the edge. Stays on edge, renewing morality. Can make this a catalyst for conflict. Morality needs media? Second order observation is important (what we see as being seen by someone).
@virtue_signal_ 12 күн бұрын
Old man yelling at the clouds .
@yazanasad7811 13 күн бұрын
Media as background reality (like films, whether, second hand observation like events in the world). Not to edcuate/norms. Not about truth. To irritate. To make society restless. Modern (not good or bad). The world can never be fully observed because one space of onservation means another is not observed. You choose facts you want but dont reveal other informaiton because wish for certain information Information loses value with repetition. Making itself obsolete (although exceptions like adverts). Desires for updates. New info to replace old info for money. The stimulant of modern society, keeps society awake to be aware or disturbed. Technology mediates media Kant - different with modern society in that second observation is there, i look at this video looking at the theory, not the thing in itself, but whie i do this i cant see my own framing. Not transcendental, not an object but a horizon that is unreachable Media system as autopoetic, one of many operationally closed systems, like other systems like academia. Analysing how media looks (i guess other systems look too)
@yazanasad7811 13 күн бұрын
Operational closure but cognitively open (irritated) Structurally coupled - football teams, sports and business. Players bought and sold but cannot buy points More differentiation, less control. Different from enlightenment idea of having more control. But also less being controlled An autopoetic system - things get better in the systems only - economy more value, law more legal but not best option for all. Relative to the system - whats better for economy might not be good for legal system No universal consensus, cannot look from outside
@yazanasad7811 13 күн бұрын
Also second order observation
@antonmeemana1261 13 күн бұрын
@FallingPoets 14 күн бұрын
Love to see Luhmann get some love. Far too overlooked Social Theorist.
@streetlevel4996 14 күн бұрын
Also if ya dig and enjoyed this video on hippies and still one at 64 though for a different cause 😀 you may also enjoy the song " Most of All " By Glenn Kaiser and Where Roses Grow Live by Rez Band Awesome songs check them out. Also I remember hearing the song by Led Zepp " In My Time of Dyin " during my drug years and made me think about death and Jesus. Then a hippy friend that dug Jesus told me more of Jesus love and forgiveness and how I could also know Jesus love. So in 1981 I cried out to Jesus and wow man He came into my life and I had and have so much joy and peace and now know that through Jesus when I die I will be with Him in Heaven. Hey Jesus loves each of you also and yall can know Him if you are at all open. Just cry out to Him and a good question to ask yourself if you were to die today would you go to heaven ? And if yes why ? To find out more please read the Gospel of John in the Bible or check out the movie on KZfaq. 😀
@i.g.m3025 14 күн бұрын
What book would you recommend as an introduction to Daoism?
@yazanasad7811 14 күн бұрын
Manipulation/brainwashing used on 20pcent of people who are educated. (And assumes it works thereby) News doesnt report, it gives an opinon to help you tow the line
@AshleyGraetz 15 күн бұрын
Boolean media obfuscation system
@AshleyGraetz 15 күн бұрын
The theory seems like a admission that systems of obfuscation are to maintain hierarchical value of select few that hold certain titles. Proven that all people rule by insinuating they have a hidden power scince the dawn of man.
@AshleyGraetz 15 күн бұрын
Chris Hedges Empire of Illusion capitalises on this concept from a semi-theologically defined perspective. “A culture that does not grasp the vital interplay between morality and power, which mistakes management techniques for wisdom, which fails to understand that the measure of a civilization is its compassion, not its speed or ability to consume, condemns itself to death.” C. Hedges (Empire of Illusion: The End of Literacy and the Triumph of Spectacle, 2009)
@AshleyGraetz 15 күн бұрын
"The only permanence in life is longing." amg
@misanek007 15 күн бұрын
I would agree that Marx avoided morally judging the capitalists, do you think this still holds true for Lenin?
@yazanasad7811 15 күн бұрын
Media do not connect people, there is something in between Simulated speech - elections and polls. Not authentically want people want, set responses Media uses revolution to de-politicise, to make signs - wokism Apps do not enable people to speak but people allow apps to function Hyperreal and tourism
@utamaputranto 15 күн бұрын
i love you added the awe to awesome.. make it much more easy to understand..
@yazanasad7811 16 күн бұрын
Making everyone a manipulator
@jedje 17 күн бұрын
There is so much smoke and mirrors that you believe this is real.
@MrPuff1026 17 күн бұрын
Why did you twinkify McLuhan in the thumbnail?
@yazanasad7811 17 күн бұрын
Kant Vs Hegel in spectacle Vs profilicity Commoditifixation: movement becomes tourism, Sex becomes porn, clothing becomes fashion, information becomes infotainment. Debord himself as intellectual spectacle
@jedje 17 күн бұрын
The difference between the human and the artificial, as I understand it in these times, is primarily a question of agency, which is overlooked in this discussion. Because if you really delve deeper into the matter, the differences between the way machine learning produces certain output and the way we as humans imagine something, come up with something, becomes quite blurred. About the new generation and how they connect the most distant things to express (profile) themselves. I would like to say that there is a difference in intensity and speed - memefication (original signifiers disappear within hours) - through the use of social media. Next to the second order observation, nowadays there is a third (observing the observed, person observing another person doing something specific (e.g. playing a game), the fourth (observing the observed-observed, reading the comment of something observed, someone else doing something) - fifth order (reading back the reaction to one's own comment, of the observed-observed-observed). Before social media this was not possible. I would not categorize what is happening in these times as a postmodern approach, which was much more flat, intentional and specific in its nature, and much less loose and playful as what is happening now in art, media, communication, film, etc.. I'm really starting to hate the word authenticity by the way, its meaning has become so broad and vague, almost like the description of the word "art" itself. The only way to know that something "is" is to experience it, descriptions are of no use. Last, Elena Esposito talks about visiting an art exhibition in the real world... I once met a teacher who really liked a particular painting that he showed me on his phone. I asked him if he had ever seen this painting in the real world. The teacher was planning to go to Paris the next week, where the painting was on display in a museum. He said he wouldn't go to the museum because it would never be as good in reality as he was experiencing it now in his imagination.
@jedje 17 күн бұрын
Very interesting talk, thanks
@jedje 18 күн бұрын
Germans also produce a lot of Müll, cause you love paperwork "Ordnung muss sein". Even now in an age of digitalization.
@willdenham 18 күн бұрын
There was a spiritual upwelling in the early 20th century. There were many outgrowths of this such as the Oxford Groups.
@willdenham 18 күн бұрын
I guess I never considered 'wokeism' as some kind of serious intellectual movement as much as just the new term for public manners. At it's height it's just 'pick me' stuff. This country has always had a puritaical streak, this would be the atheistic strain of it.
@willdenham 18 күн бұрын
I'll give him 'thinker' but that isn't really a title. Fellow Canadian Red Green could be a thinker in this broad definition.
@yazanasad7811 19 күн бұрын
Identity shaped by technology used - post-humanism. Identity contingent, not essential. Identity technologies People find comfort in old technologies while using new technologies perhaps but also find comfort in the old identity technologies Book inner world, 'authentic', individual. Now everyone connected, making a tribe, more about thinking about the group, shaping identitiy in communication loops. 1) no privacy (rear view image) 2) mutial surveillance, constant feeback
@AD-zu8uc 19 күн бұрын
I agree with most of what you say in this video. The point I am about to make might be beside the point, but I don't believe one must be an academic or scholar to do philosophy. I have a BA and MA in philosophy myself, and I learned more about philosophy by reading and working with the primary texts myself, not from what I learned at university. Let's not forget that academic philosophy is the study of philosophical texts, and not actually philosophy. Of course, it depends on how you define philosophy. A Stoic should not be compared to Kant, for example. Besides, you speak about these videos as a commercial product, which I fully agree with, but does that not also hold true for academic philosophy? Schools and universities need to teach, and to be able to teach, they must have students. Is that not the same thing? The only difference is that universities have a sort of accepted cultural reality-they must be good because they teach to make students better humans who serve society. But why does that privilege belong only to university professors and not to some very skilled philosophy KZfaqrs? Are you not here to sell us a product (your book for example) as well? Do you not earn anything on these videos? Not meant as an ad hominem argument by the way.