@user-ql5jk2bt9c 18 сағат бұрын
Times are tough in the tech world, for sure. What I'm seeing in my area is a vast majority of senior programmer roles, and a few "junior" roles that are actually senior roles (requirements) with a lesser pay. The overwhelming majority (well over 90%) of employers posting programming job openings want relevant education (BS or MS in Computer Science) and/or years of experience. I see very few openings for entry level roles open to candidates who have neither a CS degree nor years of programming experience, and these are usually insanely competitive (hundreds of not thousands of applicants per job). These entry level roles are usually in web dev. With that being said, even entry level IT (help desk/support) is hard to get in nowadays. Not as many requirements for a relevant degree, but experience is also a must. Nothing is easy!
@mindurownbussines Күн бұрын
And those 3000 node.js jobs are not all backends. Many frontend jobs include the term node.js in their job description. And again even if the job is specifically a backend role not all of them are express.js jobs , at least 1/3 is nest.js and other frameworks. again from those 3000 jobs at least half require you to know typescript as well. it's a mess . you can't count on that 3000 number cause the node.js stack that you know as a beginner only applies to maybe 1500 of those jobs.
@HarshMishra-ok3yp 3 күн бұрын
According to youtubers - learn assembly language that is less saturated 😂😂😂
@izaanspeaks555 11 күн бұрын
great content man funny shit lol. me literally watching this after becoming a full stack web dev lol :')
@nathaniepeter5707 15 күн бұрын
Now that I have watched please delete it
@bharatjeevan 16 күн бұрын
Lads, hear me out. Find what interests you in tech. See if the technology is in demand in your area or preferred by the type of companies that you want to work for. Do your research. You'll eventually arrive at something. Learn that shit and become extremely skilled at it. For example, There are legacy tech stacks for specific companies, startups prefer the bleeding edge stuff that gets them up and running quickly etc. Decide what you want to do, get a good understanding of what's required to get there and work on getting there! Also, its okay if you didn't have everything planned out and already began learning MERN. Start somewhere! You'll eventually learn and pivot to technologies that gets you closer to what you want to build. Irrespective of whether you are money minded, or genuinely interested in a new career opportunity, this is a far better approach than asking people for "what stack do I learn to get a job in 4 months" Aspire to become a great problem solver who can pick up new things easily instead of trying to short cut your way to success. Peace ✌️
@Kevin-hg9qv 18 күн бұрын
Hey guys from AUS, I reckon mech engineering is saturated. The salries for design is low similar to electrician and nursing. Don't see much growth in design and earning more as a PM doesn't sound pretty.
@programmationfootballmaths Ай бұрын
and django is a good choice for a beginner ?
@oktayaltunkaya9019 Ай бұрын
how did you use nextjs and express at the same time
@CalculusCoder. 29 күн бұрын
Next js front end. Node js express backend
@nanda4172 Ай бұрын
what about porn
@TheJacrespo Ай бұрын
IT-related jobs are massively oversaturated. It is like playing the lottery to get a job.
@Ligma_Shlong Ай бұрын
bootcamps are a scam. you are not going to learn anything special in 4 months of silly bootcamper crap. the domain of knowledge and skill in software development is far too vast for such a short timespan.
@utrodus Ай бұрын
What about Python Django for Full Stack?
@drjoriv 2 ай бұрын
Or use an array for customizability
@Brynjar1 2 ай бұрын
Why are people recommending a NoSQL database to people who doesn't even know what is a DB anyways? mongo as a first DB is weird
@Oncopoda 2 ай бұрын
Bro just yapping. "Node is lightweight". Lord help us all.
@tikobbl 2 ай бұрын
PHYSICS is NOT S tier!!. What the hell? It's not even C tier. That's pure science, you're going straight to F
@taherahmed9666 2 ай бұрын
You forgot to run npm input output watch it will not work without running that line
@mr_rohit1786 3 ай бұрын
In my vs code i run this command but is not installing , this is stuck there What can i do ?
@YeetYeetYe 3 ай бұрын
Decent video but you are incorrect about this whole software engineering and web development dichotomy. Web development is a sub-field of software engineering, but 99% of software engineering jobs fall under web development (youtube is a web application, so is instagram, facebook, google, amazon, I could go on.).
@tolulope.j 3 ай бұрын
Thank you so much man!
@Harthikreddyy 3 ай бұрын
Currently 21 years old and trying to get myself into this sounds pretty terrifying
@hellokevin_133 4 ай бұрын
should I learn SQL itself before learning postgresql ? I'm learning node, express, mongodb as well as React ( separately ) and hear a lot that mongo must be swapped with mysql or postgres, just don't know if they mean learning SQL first then postgresql or not
@CalculusCoder. 4 ай бұрын
Learn either Postgres or mysql. You’ll be learning the Sql language regardless if you pick one over the other. If you learn one you’ll pick up the other one fast as well. Pick the one that’s more in demand. I’m not sure which is more in demand though. I mostly use Postgres to build my own products since its licensing basically states you can use it for anything you want. Definitely drop Mongo though. I’ve never seen anyone use that lmao. If it’s for your own products then it might be beneficial to still learn. But I prefer relational dbs for most of my work
@reddytintaya6749 4 ай бұрын
Thanks for sharing your story :)
@zachkills4 4 ай бұрын
Learn COBOL you'll hate it probably, but you'll definitely have a job.
@paulholsters7932 4 ай бұрын
Same thing in Belgium
@nickbryantfyi 4 ай бұрын
Most wannabe coders are spoiled as fuck, their expectations are too high and theyre asshats who are only in it for the money. They don't deserve a job. My first internship was $10/hour and my first job was $50k. I majored in CS 15 years ago because i ENJOYED it not for money. Glad all these wannabes are not getting jobs.
@Rapid-eraser 4 ай бұрын
I love that you are talking about TS and showing in the video jQuery :P hehe love it :)
@hermankravchenko6470 4 ай бұрын
conspiracy theories bro. there is no bubble. IT is not cryptocurrency. there is strategic need for IT. lol dude, bubble
@chaossedated 4 ай бұрын
I work for a Silicon Valley org and maybe not a “bubble” but there’s A LOT more supply of highly experienced developers than demand. We recently were hiring for a junior level data science developer and we received over 600 verified applications with 7+ years of FAANG-level experience, often with Masters+ degrees. That’s AFTER we filtered out applications without degrees or relevant experience, which could easily have been another several hundred applications. No organization I know of is hiring “self taught” or bootcampers right out of the gate after these recent restructuring events.
@the77th 4 ай бұрын
Finally someone telling the truth! I LUCKILY did the following WHILE learning code! 1. Got a Commercial Truck Driving License 2. Got a Construction Contractor’s License 3. Got into NETWORK ENGINEERING and got certification ! Any career that needs a “portfolio” is not a safe career!
@ozhoneybadger 4 ай бұрын
Hopefully, you get far mate? You are resilient. There might be something way better out there.
@CalculusCoder. 4 ай бұрын
Thanks bro. Appreciate you
@CDeCollibus 4 ай бұрын
havent even finished yet but subbed already just because of how real you are. will be following along. do you have any groups to join?
@CalculusCoder. 4 ай бұрын
Appreciate you man. I have a discord channel. discord.com/invite/Ewq8e4cw8Z
@ORO323 4 ай бұрын
I was thinking about spending ~$15k on a coding boot-camp but I'm starting to decide against it. Competing with 1000's of laid off people with CS degrees has made the post-boot-camp experience seem nightmarish. At this point I'd probably rather pay ~$20k for a CS degree at my local community college and seek internships whilst I'm there to gain experience. Thanks for sharing your story.
@AntonArmsberg 4 ай бұрын
What I did was offering a company to work for free for a period of time. That way I was very cheap for them while I got hands-on experience.
@seansath9084 4 ай бұрын
Do you know or anyone reading this know if you can get a return offer after an internship to work FT SE/SDE before you get your degree? Say you do really well on your internship and could perform the work as a sophomore but limited by waiting on your degree.
@glitch0320 4 ай бұрын
Same here bro, not fun
@ko.c.2699 4 ай бұрын
Your mental health app is so similar to what I wanted to do. I was worried about ethical concerns, as it's basically asking an LLM trained on mental health conversational dataset to give medical advice. This is better than nothing for many people though. Will be closely following your future content on that startup. Very inspiring channel for future developers. Blessings.
@kendallwhite4699 4 ай бұрын
You are relentless. dude. The fact you are able to self reflect on your short comings and figure out another game plan to be successful in the future. That separates the boys from the men. I am wrapping up my BS major in SWE and its tough. I to have went the self taught route. I decided to go back to college since I had th recourses to do so. Dealing with classes that I know I won't need. Classes that I am not interested in.The amount of information, sacrifices with friends and family...But I know it will be worth it. I graduate next year in March 2025. Thank you for posting this video. I am doing my best to hold on and it is nice to hear stories from others about their EX. It reminds me that I am not alone and my situation is not so bad. Good luck on your journey my dude. You deserve a better future.
@CalculusCoder. 4 ай бұрын
I appreciate you brother! I agree with everything you said. Stay resilient and tough bro, you’re going to go very far. Your putting in the work and making the sacrifices, I have no doubts your future is set for you. I also struggled with the useless classes dilemma. It’s so many mixed emotions when enrolling back into school. Keep up the good work and thank you for the comment. It’s a tough time for many of us, but we gotta keep moving.
@donabiswas6266 4 ай бұрын
Cs grad still struggling
@javiqn 4 ай бұрын
you think i should go into data science or cs or Software eng? i find all interesting and always have found coding and tech interesting since a kid but now im trippin out with everyone saying it’s not worth it but ill legit put all the work i can to become good but im still worried on what to pick
@EclipseMints08 4 ай бұрын
Well, "ancient" languages also means that there's more competition in that field due to the amount of people who know the language. C# and Java developers experience from linkedin usually starts 5-15 years of experience. If you're entry level, you better have years of experience for those languages.
@dave-on-the-budget 4 ай бұрын
Almost half of engineers at my company (around 90 in total) are self-taught backend engineers. I spoke with all of them as I want to break in also but as a frontend engineer. What they said is: learn and apply with you have learned. Create 3-5 projects and 1 or 2 of them needs to be big. Try to push at least one live. The doors to break-in will be opened waaaaay wider than you can think. Most of the time the projects matters that’s why I’m in the process of creating one and after that I’ll do a second one, then third and so on.
@thepunisherxxx6804 4 ай бұрын
I'd like to see your resume and hear what you actually know which you really don't touch on here at all. 800 interviews sounds like you're just stubbornly brute forcing it instead of stopping and evaluating yourself and what needs to change. I've hired a lot of developers both self-taught and from school, and it always came down to confirming what they know in the interview, if they're passionate (computer "stuff" off-hours from work or school), and if they seem like they have potential (can learn fast, healthy fear of production). Stop going off reddit and all these people complaining about "DUH HOW DO YOU GET IN WITHOUT EXPERIENCE". Experience is only relevant in an interview if someone is applying for a SENIOR position. Most companies don't even let those with the power to hire actually write the job opening requirements alone. Lot of fluff in there not necessarily a hard requirement, especially for entry level positions. If we interviewed and I asked you how data flows and is transformed from our type of tech stack and you answered that pretty well, I'd see that as a very good sign. I'd want to know you know data structures, APIs, how to transform that data, how that work is scaled across servers/containers, etc. Even if the code isn't optimal that's a great sign to me, at least for a JR position! Personal projects are eh, certificates/bootcamps are eh, I really just care about your comprehension and potential, a willingness to learn our systems and culture quick. Resume should be one page max (2 pages is ok if you have 10+ years of experience in the industry), and be as simple and quick to read as possible while also conveying the most detail about what you know as possible. Be honest about what you don't know, where you want to go, and how you want to continue to learn. Seriously 800+ jobs the problem is you not them. Hard for anyone to give you real feedback when you're not sharing openly the things that matter here.
@EmmanuelAgyapong-jn6ue 4 ай бұрын
Every bootcamp grad should see this video.
@bakerstreet101 4 ай бұрын
You aren't in a bad position. Companies often prefer people with zero experience and potential over employees with experience.
@turing4991 4 ай бұрын
Every interview i give, i don't go prepared, so i can't even answer basic questions, i just keep building projects, but they barely think or ask about my projects.
@nhanon67as 4 ай бұрын
I just did a different degree (finance) while self teaching python and pandas. It was actually a great synergy because it gave me way more data abilities than any of my finance classmates. I got software engineer internships and jobs super easy with that combo
@tribecalledshabbazz8758 4 ай бұрын
Having a moat is important.