Channel Update 2/2/24
5 ай бұрын
What's The Future of 2D Zelda?
@Gigi4u 2 күн бұрын
I think terriko got his time travel abilitys from Zelda's mother similar to how link got recall. Its a simpler explanation for how this random robot has that power. Maby before zeldas mother died she gave terriko the ability to time travel as a failsafe if Zelda cant activate her powers in time. This would also explan the piller of light appearing from terriko when zelda first awakens her powers. Terrikos probably reacted to the the sudden surge of power that matched his type of power.
@firenze6478 3 күн бұрын
I just hope there is actually item progression and the story isn’t an afterthought
@TheHaddonfieldRegistry 3 күн бұрын
It has strong connections to OoT, ALttP, and LBW, that's for sure.
@v-nus7718 4 күн бұрын
to those saying every game divided the fanbase... Sure. But not to this extent. This is something way way way deeper
@aricruz_ 4 күн бұрын
11:35 wow looks like BOTW TOTK where you defeat those enemies to unlock the treasure chest
@aricruz_ 4 күн бұрын
Am I the only one that thinks Tri fairy is the triforce
@M_Dutch97 4 күн бұрын
I've had this theory since TotK came out. BotW and TotK take place in a split from SS running parallel to the current timeline.
@koolaidflavas8701 6 күн бұрын
Hey you mentioned that there were no games inbetween BoTW and ToTK past and present. Then in BoTW how did Zelda referenced past games like The Twilight era (Twilight Princess) and Ocarina of time? those were considered ancient Hyrulean hystory compared to BoTW and ToTK ..... or is it different with Zelda since she is the reincarnation of Goddess Hylia?
@koolaidflavas8701 6 күн бұрын
Hey SkyLinkShock, Im a new Subscriber....... Very Kool Theory, i love reading and listening Zelda Theories. I think the Zonai Hero that helped Zelda defeat the First Calamity Ganon is Zonai Raru but when he was Younger.
@ViperousVT 9 күн бұрын
This has to be the best theory it felt off for Luigi to be evil in Super Paper Mario
@Notorious_Notepad 13 күн бұрын
My interpretation is that this game takes place after AOL (Zelda 2) and Zelda 1. This is because Ganon would not be able to escape his imprisonment so early, as ALTTP is the first time Ganon escapes his seal by the sages and seizes the complete Triforce after OoT's downfall timeline beginning. Over time, ALBW And ALTTP's Hebra mountains (called this in japanese but in the american release as Death Mountain) froze over and is now extinct or dormant. Zelda's design is more similar to ALBW but has variety so is probably after ALBW. Link's shield isn't the same either as the royal crest differs from LA's remake. In AlttP, Ganon has yellow eyes, speaks and is intelligent. EoW's Ganon has red eyes and seems to be under control of another entity, like OoA and OoS as well as LOZ1 and AoL's Ganon. Both versions of Zora are seen but not in ALTTP or ALBW. These Ocean Zora ( seawater designed Zora) may have come from Labrynna after evacuating from Hyrule AGES ago. So, this game takes place after AoL and before ancient BotW.
@JaidynReiman 13 күн бұрын
"Why are the Gerudo missing from the downfall timeline?" Because they never decided to add them into any downfall timeline game yet after they created the idea of the Gerudo. Keep in mind, the Gerudo BARELY had any appearances in the series before they came back with a huge role in BOTW. Prior to BOTW, the Gerudo (barring Ganondorf himself) only appeared in 3 games: Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask (which is supposedly set in an alternate universe), and Four Swords Adventures which has a very shaky canon as is anyway (let's be real, it has no business in the "official" timeline being in the Child Timeline). The reason the Gerudo never appeared in the Downfall Timeline before is because the Gerudo weren't a recurring race yet. They were in OOT, MM because it reused assets from OOT, then FSA which was clearly trying (and failing) to be the backstory to LTTP, so they included the Gerudo to again reference Ganon's origins, but again, FSA's lore and story is VERY shaky. As such, any idea that the Gerudo "cannot" appear in the Downfall Timeline because they "went somewhere" or whatever is utterly irrelevant and fanon at its finest. We don't know why they are missing... and the devs don't either. Because they didn't even think about it at the time most of those games were made. The newer games added were simply expanding on pre-existing game lore, which didn't feature Gerudo, so they didn't bother including them. ...but if the devs suddenly decide they want the Gerudo to appear in a Downfall Timeline game, they will, and we just have to accept it. We cannot keep making ridiculous over the top theories about why certain things that "never happened before" are suddenly happening in a context which didn't exist prior, because most of the games were created prior to when many major lore events were conceptualized. Its the same idea as to why throughout 99% of the games in the series we see no reference to Goddess Hylia, but in BOTW, TOTK, and now likely in Echoes of Wisdom, suddenly all kinds of people are aware of Hylia. Its because she LITERALLY DID NOT EXIST IN THE LORE WHEN MOST OF THESE GAMES WERE MADE! You can come up with cool fanon reasons as to why Hylia is not mentioned in most Zelda games. But the real reason is she literally wasn't even conceptualized at the time these games were made, which is why she didn't appear. That's it. That's the only actual reason.
@Infinitejules 13 күн бұрын
I want a 2D game in the adult and child timelines and a 3D game in the downfall timeline
@bxnny5861 14 күн бұрын
while watching this video i noticed the bow link uses to shoot open zeldas gem cage looks really similar to a construct bow fsr i dont know if that type of looking bow exists elsewhere i dont really play zelda games but it looks like a construct bow
@1inolol420 14 күн бұрын
Someone else sayed fingers up to the official timeline if there gonna move around stuff and made everting make sence
@MarioGamer291 14 күн бұрын
I feel like the stream was longer then 3 hours
@PJCVita92 14 күн бұрын
I like the idea that Echoes of Wisdom is presenting with a newer better version of the Downfall Timeline. However, the here are issues I have with this theory: 1) Every Same or Similar Event to bound to a Single Year - To believe such a theory like this, based on the idea that events or similar events can only happen in one particular time and can not ever be repeated, is to assume that games like Four Swords Adventures and A Link Between Worlds are both actually parallel versions of A Link to the Past, making A Link Between Worlds essentially just that of retelling of A Link to the Past after all, just like all the haters have been stating for years. Four Swords Adventures would also serve as a parallel to ALttP by the laws of logic argued to be a thing by this theory because Ganon already exists and has been fought before in a backstory similar to FSA. And this would also put BotW and TotK on a completely separate timeline of their own too. Thus making the Zelda timeline into a whole massive multiverse. Which is a problem because the timeline is already confusing and head hurting as it is. Plus, by that would make the BotW/TotK timeline illogical as we'd have events that parallel OoT's events set way before events that parallel that of Skyward Sword (sort of), which makes no sense. Not to mention that Minish Cap also talk about war similarly to the wars mentioned in OoT and ALttP. So is MC a parallel either of those two in it's own timeline? This idea that it has be the year for this one sort of event presents problem and major continuity issues, not to mention, even worse plot holes than there already are because sequels with repeating history like ALBW exists. And ALBW even confirms that ALttP happened in it's backstory, so treating as a parallel because of it's similar story telling of events would be like what happened with the Oracle games and Link's Awakening all over again, of defying what's literally confirmed in-game, just to benefit failure to understand why games were placed where they were in the timeline to begin with. 2) More Downfall Timelines - While I do like the idea of another timeline, I don't quite like the idea of another Downfall Timeline or rather the recreation of the Downfall Timeline. I'm all for an explanation for how the Downfall Timeline happened. I just don't think that this is it. Yeah, we see Impa helping Zelda make her escape. But that doesn't mean that it's parallel to OoT. Young Impa could've easily helped BotW/TotK Zelda escape from the enemy in the 100 years before BotW, does that make those event parallel to OoT? No. History repeats itself all the time. Especially in Zelda. Hyrule falls and get rebuilt all the time. There's even a fellow Zelda fan out there who made a whole trilogy of Zelda fan fiction series poking at that whole concept and idea. And even Aonuma himself stated history gets corrupt over time. And when that happens, history tends to repeat itself. Even history of our own world is no stranger to that. Our knowledge of history becomes corrupt overtime, therefore, making us bound to repeat the same mistakes over and over. One of the reasons why historical preservation is so important. Anyways, I don't want this to be another Link is defeated timeline because then what's the point? That'd just further the arguments of "why not just have timelines for when Link failed to stop the Imprisoned on time from SS?" or "why not just have a timeline after Link failed to make to Vaati on time in MC?", which also presents the problem placing both Skyward Sword and Minish Cap as parallels to OoT, TotK's Imprisoning War, FSA's backstory, ALttP's backstory, ALBW's backstory, and this game. That's so many parallels! And in two of them, Ganon doesn't even exist yet. But Minish Cap would also be parallel of FSA, ALttP, ALBW, and TotK at the same time. And same for SS. Plus, with majority of timelines being the result of the hero losing. What kind of message does that bring to people? Not a good one. I personally want to believe that this is a new timeline of an origin yet to be explored by a future release. 3) The Idea of a Zelda Expanded Multiverse - While this may be good from a creative perspective, it's really not for the fan base. Especially for those who like to follow lore and timelines a lot. While this sort of thing works for content such as comic book franchises. Having just a few timelines for Zelda already only barely works as a lot of people in the Zelda fan base don't like the idea of there being so many different timelines when they can barely keep up with a few. It'd be better to just have one new timeline that becomes Nintendo's main focus for Zelda going forward, rather than reinventing the timeline that's already making people's heads hurt into a more broken down whole expansive multiverse that makes even less sense, resulting in more head hurting. I like that the video points out interesting nods, references, and parallels. I just don't think this is parallel to OoT. It could actually be a more so this new timeline's parallel to the era of like ALttP and ALBW of Downfall Timeline and FSA of the Child Timeline. I definitely do believe that we may get more games to explain this new timeline. I think that would be a much smarter move than to make the already existing timelines even more confusing than necessary. But hey, that's just me, I guess.
@Luna-pm7ry 14 күн бұрын
Something I want to add, your comparisons to ocarina of time also in a way correlate to Totk. There are countless references to ocarina of time whether it be in flashbacks of the distant past, songs that take pieces from ocarina of times songs, and even the smallest details you wouldn’t even be able to read normally inscribed on weapons dropped by phantom ganon. While you believe this game is a part of a NEW timeline, retelling the story of ocarina of time, I believe totk already did that. And while it was stated that they are done “telling the story of THIS hyrule” they never said anything about wanting to tell a story in a relatively farther future hyrule. While some could argue it can’t be, due to the art style for example, none of the games (except most of the adult timeline, and majoras mask) share an art style specific to that timeline UNLESS it is a direct sequel. I feel like botw/totk hyrule is one of an inevitable, incomprehensibly distant future within ALL the timelines as there are references to every timeline. This is not to say the timelines have converged into one again, but rather those games are an inevitability. And since they know how their fanbase is about the timeline (hence why they even put it in hyrule historia in the first place), then they would know to be wary of that. This game has many references to ocarina of time, but there look to be other references too like heavy inspirations from the links awakening remake. Where totk had heavy lore and themes with ocarina of time, I feel like this game will build upon that. To me, it feels like these three games are the beginning to a new chapter in hyrule history.
@thefalselemon579 14 күн бұрын
The truth is that people have completely misunderstood what brought about the Downfall Timeline. The Hero of Time was NOT defeated at the end of Ocarina of Time. Not only is it disappointing to think that Link could have lost, but there are far too many logistical issues there. Why isn't a new timeline created for every time Link could possibly die?? He could die to a mere deku scrub and it would form a whole new Downfall Timeline. No. The timeline split occurs when Link arrives in the future, after opening the Door of Time and lifting the Master Sword from its pedestal, allowing Ganondorf to enter the Sacred Realm. Link travels into the future and creates the Adult Timeline the moment he awakens in the future. Meanwhile, two Ganondorfs are created: one that goes on to conquer Hyrule unopposed, thus leading to the events of the Imprisoning War. The other conquers Hyrule in the Adult Timeline, and the story of Ocarina of Time plays out in the way that we experience it. Link travels between the Adult and Downfall timelines and manages to traverse the Bottom of the Well and the left side of the Spirit Temple before Ganondorf's second war against Hyrule has gone into full swing. His impact on those areas remains because the timelines remain merged until Link's arrival to the Adult Timeline, because that is where the inception of the only change between the two occurs: that change being Link's presence 7 years in the future.
@JaidynReiman 13 күн бұрын
"People have completely misunderstood what brought about the Downfall Timeline" The book literally says Link lost to Ganondorf during the final battle. This theory is 100% FALSE. A separate timeline is _not_ created at this point, because at this point the past and future are linked. That's why when Link goes to the future, some events have _already_ happened that Link _already_ did in the past, namely opening the well. The event when Zelda sends Link to the past at the end of the game is a different sort of time travel where he's literally sent back to before the point he even met Zelda to begin with (or at least before Zelda fled Hyrule Castle, meaning Link didn't acquire the third spiritual stone), negating the entire events of the game for him except him initially leaving Kokiri Forest to begin with. So unlike in the other scenarios, the same events do not play out in this new timeline, resulting in the events of Majora's Mask and later Twilight Princess. I am all for an alternate explanation to the Downfall Timeline being made canon (or erasing it all together because the Downfall Timeline is STUPID). But this idea you have concocted is not true in the slightest.
@thefalselemon579 13 күн бұрын
@@JaidynReiman you are 100% wrong because your very first assertion that the Hyrule Historia claims that Link *dies* at the hands of Ganondorf is false. The specific wording is that he is *defeated*. He is defeated when Ganondorf outsmarts him and gets into the Sacred Realm to steal the Triforce. Do your research before you attempt to debunk rationality.
@Ahouro 12 күн бұрын
​@@thefalselemon579 No, Link is defeated in the battle in Ganon's tower and after that defeat, that is when Ganondorf gets the full Tri-force.
@thefalselemon579 12 күн бұрын
@@Ahouro That's when he gathers Link and Zelda in the Adult Timeline. He gets the full Triforce in the Downfall Timeline like so: Link doesn't wake up 7 years later. He is nowhere to be found. Ganondorf has sealed away the sages. Zelda's realization that Link should have awoken slowly dawns on her over the coming years. Her efforts to remain hidden are constantly challenged by Ganondorf's many minions all over the now fallen Kingdom of Hyrule. Ganondorf makes plans to return to the Sacred Realm, but the power of the Triforce of Courage repels him and prevents him from doing so. Ganondorf knows that this means that the Triforce of Courage must have returned to the Sacred Realm, and that this means that Link has somehow disappeared or died. He uses the power of the combined Sages to force his way into the Sacred Realm, and as he does so, Zelda goes and rallies the remaining scattered forces of Hyrule's army to stop Ganondorf. Ganondorf makes it into the Sacred Realm and secures the Triforce of Courage. Zelda and her army follow shortly behind, and a major battle ensues. However, Hyrule's last hope was hardly more than a few resilient soldiers who fight valiantly to protect Hyrule, but eventually they succumb to the hoardes of monsters. Zelda is the last one standing, and she uses the last of her power to call upon the spirits of the Sages, such that they might close the portal and seal the Demon King inside. They are successful, but this traps Zelda in there with him, and she falls to his violent rage and takes the Triforce of Wisdom, completing the fully-realized and all-powerful artefact. He wishes for the Sacred Realm to transform into his own image, creating the Dark World. You see, your lack of imagination and your inability to properly connect the events of Ocarina of Time and A Link to the Past tells me that you have no respect for the Zelda Timeline or the story as a whole, and therefore you have no place commenting on it whatsoever.
@Ahouro 12 күн бұрын
@@thefalselemon579 Ganondorf never gets the full Tri-force in the Adult split and your fan-fic will never be true, it just shows that you have zero respect for the lore of the Zelda series.
@highdefinition450 14 күн бұрын
why not, great reasoning lol
@stuffz1757 15 күн бұрын
Just saying its a alternate timeline without explaing how has the same problems as the what-if problems of the Downfall timeline.
@Flynnisthename 15 күн бұрын
Video deserves more views
@Shinntoku 15 күн бұрын
I have *never* understood the hatred for the downfall timeline, it's so fitting! Zelda weakened the timestream by sending Link back permanently, and the triforce of power uses that weakness to create a timeline that grants Ganondorf's wish to defeat Link. The result of 3 timelines fits perfectly with there being 3 pieces of the triforce: the child timeline, saved by Zelda's wisdom, the adult timeline saved by Link's courage, and the downfall timeline brought low by Ganondorf's power.
@thefalselemon579 15 күн бұрын
Essentially, yes. The Downfall Timeline is the one that the Hero of Time was born into. When he opens the Door of Time and lifts the Master Sword from its pedestal and travels into the future, Ganondorf is able to enter the Sacred Realm and seize the Triforce for himself. Link's time travel creates the Adult Timeline, and he leaves the Downfall Timeline behind for Ganondorf to conquer unopposed.
@Luna-pm7ry 14 күн бұрын
@Shinntoku @thefalselemon579 I never thought about it like that; I was one of those people who didn’t like it that much because it felt like Nintendo just kinda… put them there? Like the games. But this has made me appreciate that timeline a lot more! Cool shit dudes!
@Joe-ik1ph 13 күн бұрын
The problem is that the downfall timeline is never officially explained how you did. All we were told is that Link lost in Ocarina of Time. The game doesn’t even give us a special ending if Link dies in the final battle. It’s just a “what if” scenario. There’s nothing stopping anyone from making timelines based on “what ifs.” What if Link died in the Great Deku tree in OoT? What if Midna stayed in TP? What if Link caught Zelda in the beginning of TotK? It devalues the entire timeline.
@Shinntoku 13 күн бұрын
@@Joe-ik1ph i completely disagree, I don't understand why people need an explanation spoon-fed to them when it's not that hard to come up with a reason more complex than "it's a what if"
@DillonMaynard 11 күн бұрын
No one hates the downfall timeline. They hate the explanation for why it exists. Link's death causing a split makes no sense.
@yushihotanto7502 15 күн бұрын
Demonking ganondorf and thief ganondorf is not the same person right?
@ETHomerin 15 күн бұрын
This was fun to watch! I had a theory about the start of the downfall timeline too, but mines kind of horrible lol. Mine was that the Hero’s Shade in child timeline is actually a reflection of the true Link that left Hyrule again after he grew up. I imagined him playing a song on the ocarina he felt from within, like song of the goddess, and a portal opening up that takes him directly through time to the downfall timeline in the temple of time as if came there like he did in OoT and pulled out the master sword. It would end with him and Shiek. ‘I’ve been waiting for you Hero of Time.’ So it would have all been on Link, but very cruel. The Hero of Time doesn’t get it easy. He saves one world, but is forced to live in second one. He gets used to that second one, he gets taken again again to the third he can’t save. Tragic, crazy, or both? Lol
@samflood5631 15 күн бұрын
Is it the timeline where Child Link’s warning about Garondorf plotting to invade Hyrule and take the Triforce falling on deaf ears, leading Hyrule to ruin and the many races left Hyrule after the whole thing since they started to hate the King’s leadership?
@elliotgandersen 15 күн бұрын
@adamreinhardt9135 15 күн бұрын
Nintendo has an easy way to solve the lore knot they made with botw/totk. They just have to acknowledge a timeline break from the events of skyward sword. That way, the past events of totk can literally just be an alternate timeline’s version of oot. Let’s say the original timeline of games proceeds from the link and Zelda’s timeline at the end of skyward sword and the new continuity comes from when demise is defeated 1000 years prior when link goes back in time. If humans returned to the surface 1000 years earlier, that could explain why the Zonai are still around. It could also explain the divergent evolutionary path the zora took in the new continuity and explain why zora and Rito are both present in the new continuity’s version of oot.
@mikethehunter5212 9 күн бұрын
Until otherwise told, this is how it is for me. It makes everyone happy. The original timelines stay as they are, and the team can continue telling stories in this new timeline without fear of any further contradictions. Echoes of Wisdom may give more insight to their thinking.
@misterincognito5145 15 күн бұрын
Technically Deku Scrubs do appear in the downfall timeline in the Oracle games as Business Scrubs and as enemies in Tri Force Heroes. But if anything that only strengthens evidence for this theory
@roycewise2530 15 күн бұрын
I enjoyed watching this video and yes i agree with some of things you pointed out . Now the best mystery is the master sword? In lttp one of the village elders said it came from a distant land along with a few other items . But if it turns out that echoes takes place before lttp then Nintendo will have to update the downfall timeline, the series is evolutioning none the less overall im looking forward to this new entry but link to the past will always be my favorite game in the franchise.
@tuckerunruh714 16 күн бұрын
Its the fortune teller from skyward sword, he went mad after years of no one wanting his services forcing him to seek solice in an ancient god that promised wealth and prestige
@PFGFrankly 16 күн бұрын
i heard a telegram notfication
@firionkaiser8291 16 күн бұрын
5:18 which is sad because Link losing makes sense considering the triforce pieces were talked about right before the fight so him losing would have an obvious but reasonable outcome. They at least tried to keep the link between the OoT sages and the Zelda II towns (which Aonuma said was an intentional sotry plot point) as well as keeping OoT as ALttP Ganon's origins. I personally think that this is a post Zelda II game. Mainly due to the zonai symbols being seen in the game.
@highdefinition450 14 күн бұрын
i didn't see zonai things lol i really hoped that would stay in totk tbh lmao rip
@firionkaiser8291 14 күн бұрын
@@highdefinition450 Zonai symbols can be seen on Link's hood and his bow is sort of zonai like. If it really is them then yeah, I'm banking on it being long after the events of Zelda II
@rockowlgamer631 16 күн бұрын
5:18 That's why people don't like the Fallen Timeline? I thought it was the fact that Link could die altogether. Surely a hero can fail? However, if it's THAT reason why they don't like it then I guess it has merits. The one thing that irks me is that the adult timeline shouldn't exist because of the fact that since Link went back to his childhood and stopped Ganondorf from entering in the sacred realm by warning the king that all the actions in the future would become null and void. However, I guess the Zelda timeline has more of a butterfly effect than a "do a thing differently to change the future" kind of series.
@firionkaiser8291 16 күн бұрын
Actually no Zelda kinda explains that by closing the Door of Time, the link between the adult timeline and the past she sends him to will no longer be linked. So anything he did in the past wouldn't affect the timeline he saved. Which is why we also see the adult timeline people celebrating.
@JaidynReiman 13 күн бұрын
@@firionkaiser8291 Yeah I don't think this is accurate. She doesn't indicate that sort of thing at all as far as I can tell. This is ultimately what happens, as when Link is sent back this time clearly a totally different event plays out, especially when it comes to Majora's Mask confirming this. But I don't think Zelda's comments about the closing of the Door of Time has anything to do with "separating the timelines". I'm pretty sure what Zelda simply meant is that once the Door of Time is closed, Link can't travel through time again. That's it. I don't think its implying that the timelines are separated because of that. The fact that Zelda sent Link back in time to _before_ he met her to begin (or at the very least, before she was forced to flee Hyrule Castle, meaning before he acquired the Spiritual Stone of Water) already puts it at a point where the timelines have been separated, and the splitting of the timeline can't have anything to do with shutting the Door of Time. Rather, its the different form of magic that Zelda used to send Link back this time. In Ocarina of Time, whenever Link travels back in time he goes back to the exact time he left. As such, time is still always ticking forward when he goes back so the things he accomplishes in the past have already been completed in the future. This is completely subverted in the end when Link is able to meet Zelda again. If he was sent back in the same way, Zelda should already have fled the castle. Admittedly, the game doesn't strictly state he was sent back to before he met Zelda. At the very least, he was sent back to before he acquired all three spiritual stones.
@firionkaiser8291 13 күн бұрын
@@JaidynReiman nah its definitely implied that he was sent back to before he met her. When he gets taken to the Past he's even missing the goron's bracelet so he never even met or saved the gorons either at the time which we always see on him. Plus Zelda reacts to his appearance as if it's the first time they've ever met. I always figured that the time travel at the end was just like DragonBalls. The laws of changing time in this case when Zelda has him do it forces the multiverse theory of time travel rather than the back of the future kind we see when we travel back and forth via the MS. Which makes Zelda's sage of time powers kinda crazy time wise. Which also would imply OoT Zelda's form of time travel is even stronger than Nayru's the Oracle of Ages. That or the Door of Time or even the Ocarina of Time has insane time travel shenanigans that we just can't comprehend. After Zelda's method of sending him back was different from the Master Sword time travel mechanic we see earlier in the game.
@ItsYoBoi-TOTKBoi 16 күн бұрын
I make Zelda animations on my channel if you’re interested in watching them
@leamhan4525 16 күн бұрын
While i personally dont agree with the theory, its really well done and definitely had me thinking more about the timeline for EoW great video ❤
@Brandon-jf9cv 26 күн бұрын
I know I’m late, but this does not work. Ganondorf would never wake up in the age of calamity timeline. The reason he was able to break the bind on his heart is because the calamity destroyed the castle. The castle was helping the seal and making sure no one disturbed the it. as we can see in the final moments of the imprisoning war Raruu was below Ganondorf and his back was only slightly arched. But in the opening of tears Ganondorf is bent almost 90° with Raruus hand above him, if it wasn’t for the calamity, destroying the castle 100 years before he could have kept him there forever and maybe even won
@ViewtifulBeau 28 күн бұрын
Zelda Minecraft isn't all bad but detail in other areas are suffering because of it.
@feenickstv4209 Ай бұрын
It saddens me that Nintendo is done with "traditional" zeldas but im looking forward to whats to come in the future. echoes of wisdom looks great!
@Ze_chef69 Ай бұрын
I love how we can't just play a traditional zelda game where zelda is the protagonist. No, it has to be Minecraft creative mode where zelda can't even fight enemies 🤨
@OrionNite-gr9cb Ай бұрын
I bet you half of these people just are twilight princess/majoras mask fans
@athorem Ай бұрын
We'll have to see how Echoes of Wisdom goes but I'm coming to the gradual conclusion that new Zelda games might just not be for me anymore. There's literally no hope of the voices of old fans being heard because the new fans greatly outnumber them. And new fans don't want to hear what the old fans have to say so the natural thing for a traditional Zelda fan like me to do is to stop caring and pay more attention to a series like Metroid that stays closer to the franchise's roots. BotW/TotK fans can praise the new direction of Zelda for its complete openness all they want but I'm so over it. They can say the new games have amazing design for allowing you to skip over large chunks of content with a hoverbike but personally I think that's extremely lame.
@MagillanicaLouM Ай бұрын
I think it's fine with Echoes, as long as story and dungeons are up to snuff. It helps it's like... A spin off(?), or at least doing something new with Zelda as the protag and they didn't just hand her a sword and called it a day. I still don't wanna touch breath or tears with a 20 ft pole though
@noctistali3629 Ай бұрын
Let's go back to the old way. I didn't become a zelda fan for open wolrd sandbox problemsolving. I want puzzles with neatly designed specific solutions. And it is exactly as they say: "Necessity is the mother of invention" More freedom isn't gonna make us be creative when solving puzzles. It is when we are limited, that we have to come up with a creative solution (Even if the solution is set by the developers)
@skc4188 Ай бұрын
It's funny how Aonuma was hated for the linearity in Spirit Tracks and Skyward Sword, and now gets hate for the openness of the newer games. It's like these rabid people just don't want him period. It's really pathetic
@54eopifkg3ehfkj43 Ай бұрын
Whats the music at the end of the video?
@user-bm5dy3fj3l Ай бұрын
I disagree Zelda didn’t do much- she had to chance to save sonia- change the past but no- she didn’t- things played out the same way- so even if link was there or not- only thing she did was restore the sword- her only good sacrifice. Her presence in the past did not make any good impact. So yes it’d had been better if link was there- also as new experience for us the gamers to enjoy hyrule of the past.
@Ophmar4 Ай бұрын
Let's be clear, it's not an evolution, it's a reinvention. While the new games are fine, they are completely different from their predecessors, and I'm sad to say they do not appeal to me.
@shirrenthewanderer414 Ай бұрын
Zelda II wasn't like Zelda I, does that make it bad? Super Mario Bros. II wasn't like Super Mario Bros.I does that make it bad? We would not have Bob-Ombs, Shy Guys, Volvagia, Iron Knuckles, and so many others without these games. And DEAR GOD i missed those Axe wielding gators.
@Ophmar4 Ай бұрын
@@shirrenthewanderer414 Bad or good, it's a matter of taste. Zelda 2 is rather odd... but my point is that both classic and modern are vastly different, and not everyone that liked one formula will like the other. Both have their merits, but I just wanted to make the point that while BotW may have been inspired by Zelda 1, it was still an almost complete reinvention. The mario argument is also a bit less relevant, because Mario has multiple formulas and just keeps expanding its genre. There's only one sort of genre Zelda is making. EoW seems to follow in the BotW/TotK spirit. I might check out EoW eventually, but that'll be based on reviews and whether or not the puzzles are good or just easily surmounted obstacles. Even making chests relevant would go a long way. But as it stands, I'm just a little sad that I'm losing interest in a series I loved so much because what I love has been removed.
@shirrenthewanderer414 Ай бұрын
@@Ophmar4 Well there IS the Final Fantasy series, so yeah. But I DO want dungeons and ways to solve them... maybe you need certain echoes from that dungeon to do certain things...
@Ophmar4 Ай бұрын
@@shirrenthewanderer414 I hope the dungeons are good, and I do hope that the game appeals to me, but I'm rather skeptical. I think it's a good idea to wait a month or so after all the 10/10s to see if it seems like my type of game. I like the idea of playing as Zelda and using a different approach, but then there's the idea of everything being too accessible and maybe killing the potential challenge. I'd lost track of the Final Fantasy series since a while now, so I'm not too sure where the series is at. I've heard a lot of conflicting info about the newest incarnation, but I just don't quite know what's up.