@grumpyunicorn3069 19 сағат бұрын
Colin, in previous seasons, once he’s made up his mind on something he bee lines straight toward it. The only time he’s ever waffled was when he wanted to tell Pen his feelings and hesitated just long enough for Debling to come ask for his dance. Polin has had a build up of not just this season but the previous 2 seasons…. It’s friends to lovers. They’ve got a strong foundation of friendship and that is a fantastic base for a romantic relationship. In my opinion if you have the friendship, especially for several years, and then you realize there is chemistry, then why not just go for it! You know each other well enough and you have a foundation that will help you navigate most struggles as long as you both want to be together. In the book Colin knows that she is Lady Whistledown before the carriage scene and proposal. The show wanted him to find out afterward which will not be a smooth reveal… Colin will be very hurt and will feel betrayed… but unlike Eloise, he will find it in him to forgive her because… he knows her even better than Eloise…
@vickster5001 20 сағат бұрын
Why would you say Penelope should turn him down? This isn’t 2024. It’s set in a time when women didn’t have the power or indeed choice we have today. What would she gain from turning down a man who wanted to marry her, but more crucially here, he’s the love of her life! Literally all she’s ever wanted. And he’s on his knees in front of her after chasing after her, saying he dreams about her. Grovelling? He owned his mistake in ep 1, he offered her help as a friend, then as soon as he realised the deep feelings he’d always had for her were more than friends, he didn’t hesitate and went after it and why would he not? Unlike his brother he went after what he wanted. And it’s not fast. They’ve been friends years and we’ve seen their bond over two seasons. And as for how he proposed? That’s exactly how people as close as them as friends would be.
@TK-oq9yf 21 сағат бұрын
I’m obsessed with you two! 🥰
@mamaseesa3122 Күн бұрын
This has been building for two seasons. It was absolutely NOT quick. Colin has been struggling with his feelings for years, trying to figure them out, not realizing that the feelings he has for Pen aren't sisterly. The kiss just made him connect the dots. And some people are like this, once they know they're all in, no holding back. The proposal was word for word from the boo (with the minor exception that he didn't say her last name, he only said Penelope), and the book readers call him Colin 'my wife' Bridgerton for a reason. He doesn't hold anything back once he knows what he wants, and now that he knows he wants Pen, the only thing that would stop him is if she told him no. Which she would never do because she's wanted him for years.
@AnimeAngel115 Күн бұрын
They completely skipped all character development and just decided to make them lovers "cause they were already friends" even though the writes have done nothing to show the audience the depth of their friendship. Super rushed and doesnt feel earned but ppl who accept the bare minimum are confused as to why a lot of ppl arent feeling this mess of a season.
@thaispereira7311 Күн бұрын
I think you should watch all the seasons again😂😂
@anyabukhovetskaya 21 сағат бұрын
@@thaispereira7311 yeees people should stop skiping "notthemaincharacters" moments also because colin didn't use a lot of words to explain the complexity of his character it does not mean that there were no character development when everyone forgot that acting is not just reading lines? living in luke newton supremacy world (eyes, hands, facial expressions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) him and nicola did amazing job 🔥🔥🔥
@Pfruit0916 Күн бұрын
I am incredibly glad they didn’t drag out them getting together. Unlike the other couples they have been building up to Colin and Penelope for 2 seasons already. I didn’t want to wait until episode 6 for them to be official; then shove the engagement, lady whistledown conflict, the wedding, and the featherington pregnancy plot all into the last two episodes. To me that’s poor pacing. They are a couple and now they will have this new romance tested. They have to navigate conflict/challenges together. Far too many shows slap the pairing together in the last episode and fans never get to enjoy seeing them together. It’s literally what fans complain about last season. They dragged out getting Kate & Anthony together for far too long. I’m glad they are taking a different tacked with Colin and pen. Their rlsp is built on history and friendship. Pen has loved him forever and once Colin figured out it wasn’t just affection but also attraction he felt for Pen he made his move. That is very much on brand for him. It’s like some fans want to punish him for not looking at her that way sooner. Colin doesn’t need to grovel. He hurt her feelings and he apologized and tried to help her find a husband to make up for it. Him not having romantic feelings for her until their kiss isn’t a crime. And Pen has no reason to deny him. She was told by her mother she would never have a suitor. She was told by lord Debling he’d never have space in his life or heart to love her. Colin…the man she had loved her whole life is on his knees begging to be with her and showing her passion she never thought she’d have. She has no reason to say no. They are both writers and romantics. Colin and pen aren’t built for angst and tormenting each other when the option to be happy together is right there.
@crystalpritchard5065 Күн бұрын
Not to comment again, but you mentioned that you thought Debling would fight harder, he has no reason to fight for Penelope, he doesn’t love her. Debling was looking for a practical match, he’s not looking for love, in fact he told Penelope that he didn’t think he’d ever love her, so why would he fight for someone when all he wants is a loyal wife who will tend to his estate while he travels and give him heirs. He’s not meant to be a romantic option for Penelope. Could she find some sort of happiness in a platonic marriage? Maybe, but it’s not meant to be her happily ever after. She even told Colin that she’s made peace with what Debling has to offer, she’s choosing it because at the time she thought it was the best she could hope for and she’s on a schedule. If one of her sisters has a boy, they become Lady Featherington and she’d be under their thumb. Penelope is looking for as good of a husband as she can get before her sisters can control her.
@ginnyvann580 Күн бұрын
Back during that era men and of the Ton slept in separate bedrooms from their spouses. The husband would go to the wife’s room to have sex, but they typically slept in separate rooms. However I am sure the couples that were in love most likely slept in the same bed.
@crystalpritchard5065 Күн бұрын
I feel like people don’t understand the characters. Penelope has been in love with Colin for years, he’s finally realized that his affection for her is romantic and confessed as much to her and you honestly believed that she’d turn him down!?!?! This is everything she has ever dreamed about. This is all she’s wanted, why would she turn him down??? Earlier in the library when she was speaking of love to Debling, she looked at Colin. It’s not just that she’s dreamed of finding love her whole life, it’s specifically that she’s dreamed of love with Colin since the first time she met him. Do I wish Colin had figured it out sooner? Yes, that would’ve been nice. But he’s figured it out and the idea that somehow that diminishes his current feelings for her is weird to me. It’s like people want Penelope to cut off her nose to spite her face, instead of being happy and in love with the man of her dreams, when she’s literally the woman of his dreams.
@NovakLily Күн бұрын
Lol, i love Colin. I don't know what show are some people watching? S1 people had to marry for a kiss. What these two did was wayyyy more than just kissing. lol Of course it means marriage, unless he didn't love her and was a scoundrel, which is not the case.
@somethingbookishthiswaycomes Күн бұрын
We got Chaos Colin in full form this episode and I was living for it AND we got our Colin Chaotic Proposals Only Bridgerton lol. I get feeling like it is super rushed, but it is kinda that way in the book too and in the book I feel like they're nowhere near as close friends as they are in the show, so for me, it's a little easier to track why they get together so quickly in the show because they've known each other for so long, once they both know how the other feels, that's really all they needed. I still would've liked to have seen Colin work for it a little more and if we still lived in the days of 20 episode seasons, I feel like we could've gotten that (forever missing the days of longer TV shows). However, we've talked before about Colin putting Pen on a pedestal, part 2 is when she needs to be knocked off that pedestal and they'll finally be able to rebuild their relationship on equal footing.
@angelinashankle75 Күн бұрын
I take it you guys are not book fans? I don't think it was too fast, we have been waiting for 3 seasons!
@GMBee Күн бұрын
Why does he need to grovel? The only thing he did wrong was the locker room talk. Him not realizing his attraction to her isn't something he needs to suffer for.
@GMBee Күн бұрын
Also, it wasn't quick. They've been building up to this for years.
@Pfruit0916 Күн бұрын
Exactly! And once he realized how much he hurt her he immediately apologized and tried to make it right. It’s like ppl want to blame him or hold him accountable for not having romantic feelings for her before. That’s not his fault or some crime he needs to atone for. They had known each other as children he isn’t wrong for not seeing his sisters best friend as a romantic option.
@anyabukhovetskaya 21 сағат бұрын
@@Pfruit0916 it's a projection everyone remembers their unrequited love and wanting to see the other person suffer but in reality it would be exactly like in the show and i love polin for being the most real couple
@practicaldreamyr 18 сағат бұрын
It's scary how many women I see watching this who want Colin to unnecessarily suffer because they're projecting their own negative relationship experiences or self-love issues onto him. Let's celebrate the fact that, for once, we have an emotionally mature hero who wears his heart on his sleeve and goes after what he wants! More people should be like Colin, or want a Colin their life. Suffering just for the sake of suffering isn't cute or inspiring.
@MearnieToon Күн бұрын
Not sure why you were upset about what Colin was saying in the carriage? 🤔 He felt he had to to tell pen his true feelings or lose her to lord d or some other guy
@kendravaldez8862 Күн бұрын
I understand why some people would think it’s too quick but I think it’s just cause every other male lead up to this point has taken forever to admit their feelings and get over their own mental block aids, Colin figures out his feelings and automatically follows his heart so it’s something we haven’t seen before. Not to mention they’ve been building up this relationship since season 1 so tbf they’ve had the most buildup out of any relationship on the show so far
@hanayah2315 Күн бұрын
Exactly! Plus they didn’t need to go through the getting to know each part and gradually falling in love since they have known each other for year!
@crystalpritchard5065 Күн бұрын
Also Daphne and Simon get engaged at the end of episode 4 in season 1 and they didn’t know each other for years previously. I know it was rushed in the context of the show because they’d been seen together and she could be ruined, but I don’t remember anyone complaining that it happened too fast.
@practicaldreamyr 18 сағат бұрын
@@crystalpritchard5065 Kanthony basically had 2-3 brief conversations and breathed into each other's mouths for 6 episodes and no one complained they got together too quickly either. 🤷‍♀
@angelinashankle75 Күн бұрын
You will love him by the end of this episode for sure!!!!! Mr. Bridgerton is very giving in deed!
@jelaminahjackson3208 Күн бұрын
I love Francesca and John Sterling. I find them so cute 💞
@barbarafrings9231 Күн бұрын
Don't know why people hate so much on Colin. I like him in the book and in the show, even though yes, there are cringe moments. In the book he finds out she is Lady Whistledown short before the carriage scene, he proposes anyway. After the carriage scene in the show, he wants to take Pen inside to tell his family the good news. Understand Francesca (my favorite book), she is the introvert of the family.
@amayarice2229 Күн бұрын
This definitely my favorite season lol😭
@tanwirahmed3401 Күн бұрын
Collin nickname is chaos Collin His mum says...courage to ask. He decide right there and now I'm going to talk to her, standing scandalous close. So many times he literally blanks and walks away from people just to talk to Penelope. And unlike Anthony who took flipping 8 episode. Collin like nope I want her and I'm going to marry her. In the next episodes you will see how fast he's going to move. He did the whole whoring around and it's enjoyable but feels hollow. But when you have physical chemistry it's so much better. That's why in the study he's flash back is when he cuts his hand, he remembers the physical touch. I think there are so many moments if you observe Collin face you can see the jealousy and longing even before the kiss. Unfortunately, I think the camera should have stayed on those expressions for a few more beats so you could see them better.
@beatyz2 Күн бұрын
These girls look so confused at the end. You could really see there are some mixed emotions there 😂
@paolapidocchietto Күн бұрын
I like your reactions! ❣
@StanleyMabonga 3 күн бұрын
I like that Anthony is a bit of an asshole. Not all leads in romance stories have to be perfect.
@marketsv9531 3 күн бұрын
Pen was presented with her sisters on the same day in season 1 all of them at once- they haven´t been out longer than her. So Pen and Cressida are on the marriage market the longest- spinsters, so that is why Cressida´s parents push her so much to get married asap.
@SimonaLongo 4 күн бұрын
That's good
@SimonaLongo 4 күн бұрын
That's cook
@joebloggs396 4 күн бұрын
2x3 just like 1x3 ends up needing a sacrifice for survival. I don't know if the first of them had that as a necessity but I don't feel the second did as the game swung to and fro. Even so it ended up turning into something like a hearts game, with sacrifices on both sides. The prison game is actually a hearts game. But that doesn't have to mean everyone has to die, they just have the potential for that happening. The earlier witch game showed that there can be a solution if it's thought out.
@deon5021 4 күн бұрын
even kento, who played arisu said it himself, that when he put his hand on tata’s cap while yelling for him not to go, his heart broke for tata 🥺😭
@NovakLily 4 күн бұрын
Calling is so annoyed when people keep saying she's his friend and is going to find a husband soo. He's down bad! haha We love to see it.
@StellaTZH 5 күн бұрын
Did you notice Violet in the background as Colin walked up to Penelope? She was watching the whole scene unfold with wrapped attention! Such a great mom!
@notevenfunny_ 5 күн бұрын
I’m so in delulu for Polin that I’ve already imagined what they’d be like in season 4. Imagine Polin off to the side, the wallflowers they are, gossiping with a glass of lemonade in their hand and their arms linked together. Colin is excitedly telling Penelope that he just found out Benedict is in love with whoever he’ll be with in season 4. Penelope tells him that she knows, she’s known since she first saw them together. Them both giggling as they stare at a lovesick Benedict dancing with his love interest. If we don’t get a (lovingly) bickering Kanthony and Polin gossiping in season 4, I don’t want it.
@aggu5477 3 күн бұрын
imma riot if we dont get polin and kanthony on the side being all cute and hot
@notevenfunny_ 3 күн бұрын
@@aggu5477 So in the delulu that I’ve already gotten the script written out Anthony: You cannot possibly believe that Benedict is in love. It is an infatuation at best. He’s only just met the girl Kate: And why wouldn’t it be possible? You fell in love with me from the moment we first Anthony: That is different… Kate: How is it any different? Anthony (smiling adoringly at his wife): You are aggravating, has anyone ever told you that? Kate: It sounds to me, my Lord, that you are conceding? Anthony: Never Kate (cocks an eyebrow with a self-assured smile on her face): Fine, then let us place a wager. If you’re right and Benedict doesn’t marry Sophie by the end of this season, then I’ll (whispers some naughty things into his ear I can’t think of right now) Anthony: Tempting. And what do you get if you win? Kate: The satisfaction of once again winning over you will be more than enough (puts out her hand for him to shake) Do we have a deal? Anthony: (puts out his hand and grasps her in his) Deal (uses the grasped hand to pull her into a kiss) Meanwhile Colin and Penelope: Penelope: Colin, look (nods her head in the direction of where Benedict stood talking to a women with jet black hair and skin the colour of rich black coffee) Colin: Benedict talking to another woman? I should not think that a remarkable sight… Penelope: Yes, but this is different…just look at the way he leans into her…his eyes are completely focused on hers as if no one else in the world exists Colin’s eyes were nowhere near Benedict. Instead his eyes were focused on his beautiful wife, the way her blue eyes shimmered as she took in the sight of his brother and the woman stood next to him and a smile that spoke of a true hopeless romantic. Penelope tore her gaze away from Benedict to look up at Colin, only to notice that his eyes were fixed on her. She let out a small giggle that made his heart skip a beat and the smile on his face stretch wider. God, he was the luckiest man in the world to have such a glorious woman by his side. Penelope: Colin! (she gave him a pointed glare, albeit with the smile still on her face) Colin turned his gaze towards Benedict and Sophie leaning in closer to each other Penelope: (gasps, reaches out her hand to grab his) Look, he’s signing her dance card…he never signs anyone’s dance card . And his smile too…he looks so happy Colin: Indeed. I haven’t seen him this happy since the time he beat me in a round of Pall Mall Penelope (giggles): I recall it being 3 rounds of Pall Mall Colin: Well, don’t sound so happy about it Penelope burst into a full blown laugh that made Colin’s smile stretch from ear to ear. He lived and breathed to make his wife happy and in that moment he felt like he had saved the world. Eloise sidles up next to Penelope Eloise: What are you two giggling about? Colin (rolls his eyes, his tone exasperated): Do you not have any other friends? Eloise: She was *my* friend before she was your wife Colin: Yes but now she is *my* wife and I should like to spend some time with her without your interruptions. Penelope agrees with me, don’t you, my love? Penelope: Uh…uhm…I think I hear your mother calling for me. I should attend to her immediately unless I want to keep her waiting (nervous giggling, she runs away from them both to avoid answering the question). I have a Bridgerton problem, someone help me please😭😭😭
@marketsv9531 3 күн бұрын
@@notevenfunny_ you´re good! You should write a fanfic and then send me a link! I would be very happy to be the first one to read it. Or put the link in here 🙏🏻
@notevenfunny_ 3 күн бұрын
@@marketsv9531 Thank you so much! Unfortunately, if I write fanfic, it would only be one-shots and not a full novel, so unless you also read one shots, the. I can send a link when I’ve posted them
@marketsv9531 3 күн бұрын
@@notevenfunny_ I don´t mind one shots, I read them too 😊 and I would definitely read yours as well
@MearnieToon 5 күн бұрын
Thanks for the reaction ❤
@beatyz2 5 күн бұрын
I love seeing the twin double thought of - who's this chocolate surprise for Violet?😂
@barbarafrings9231 5 күн бұрын
Short info: On July 3, 1844, the last pair of great auks were killed. Since then they are extinct. So unfortunately Lord Debling was not able to save them. 😢
@beatyz2 5 күн бұрын
This is the first time watching this episode I'm really noticing that the queen has panniers on 😂😂 that's standing on a style. She decided that day she was going to get dressed and look great, she did not give a second thought to what the fashion of the day was. Because while other people have to always be in-fashion, she's the Queen. Whatever SHE decides that day IS fashion 👗👏🏾
@joebloggs396 7 күн бұрын
This second series likes cliffhangers a bit more. The shooting game didnt seem to have obvious rules but this second one certainly makes up for that. There still aren't clues as to why they are here but the King here does seem like he wants to give advice to Arisu at times.
@user-hh7ek2ud5w 7 күн бұрын
Omg yessss, you will be shocked with the end of the series
@somethingbookishthiswaycomes 7 күн бұрын
Colin is ruined forevermore now lol, I cannot wait to see y'all's reaction to ep 3. Also, I agree, this two-part release is torture, I hate it. I would almost prefer the old 1 episode per week release schedule we used to have for tv, than waiting a month for the second half.
@KetsiaKeren 3 күн бұрын
I think I would've preferred it too!! 😭😭
@jelaminahjackson3208 7 күн бұрын
She had to write about it because it would’ve looked suspicious if she didn’t. Everyone already knew and was talking about it so she didn’t have any other choice 😩
@hanayah2315 7 күн бұрын
They slept in different rooms because traditionally the lord and the lady would have their own room even in season 1 Simon and Daphne were actually sleeping in Simon’s room but she moved to her own room when they stopped talking to each other. It wasn’t because they aren’t the lord and lady but because they just have their own rooms as do most of the other couples in the ton
@KetsiaKeren 3 күн бұрын
Why must the Lord and lady have separate rooms??
@crystalpritchard5065 2 күн бұрын
⁠​⁠@@KetsiaKerenI don’t think there’s one answer to that question. Most marriages among the wealthy were arranged and not love matches, so that’s part of the reason. The husband and wife would come together to make an heir, but wouldn’t sleep together at night. It was also seen as a sign of wealth that your house was big enough to have more than one bedroom, and that you could afford that many beds. And finally, they had servants dress them in the mornings and evenings and needed space for that, so they had their own rooms.
@namjoonswife3300 7 күн бұрын
21:15-21:16 Only Phillipa doesn't understand (on the left), Prudence on the right had did it once and then began a second time but doesn't enjoy it.
@akitaspann3358 8 күн бұрын
Penelope and Cressida came out season 1.
@preciouswebb6652 8 күн бұрын
Something that some fans aren’t picking up on is the total switch of Colin’s personality being due to insecurity . Colin is a lover boy at heart. But because he was publicly embarrassed by whistledown bc of Marina people see him as naive and sensitive so he clearly wanted to come back and behave how society expects him to be like a rake like his brothers. Which is why he’s overly flirting and stuff seems unnatural.But pen saw through that and wrote about it in whistledown the first ep. Just thought I should share bc some fans were upset they switched his personality… like guys it’s a mask.🥺both Colin and pen have insecurities and are themselves with each other
@Miiissshhh 7 күн бұрын
Yess I know it's a mask, I just didn't need to see that mask as explicit as it was 😂😭
@AnimeAngel115 7 күн бұрын
i promise we get it lol doesnt make it any less cringe/unpleasant to see. I also dont think his insecurity was explored well in this first part of the season.
@preciouswebb6652 7 күн бұрын
@@AnimeAngel115 agreed
@KetsiaKeren 3 күн бұрын
That makes a lot more sense!! We weren't top upset because it was funny but we love the Colin under the mask!!
@Miiissshhh 8 күн бұрын
That kiss scene was just perfect omg 😭 I hope you're both prepared to watch it more than once everytime it pops on your instagram feed (or search for it just like me) 😂.
@KetsiaKeren 3 күн бұрын
Yes we areee
@Miiissshhh 2 күн бұрын
@@KetsiaKeren Good!😂
@amoghcoorg4920 8 күн бұрын
17:20 He's the only one who actually cares for Ye-sol.
@JessicaLynYoung 9 күн бұрын
I love Fran so much. The show runner said that she’s neurodivergent.
@ViperCannabis 10 күн бұрын
"Game dealers", are the ones in charge of setting up the games for the players. Like in a casino, the dealer are the one's in charge of giving/dividing the cards to the players. In this case, Momoka and Asahi were both the "game dealers" as they set up the Ten of Hearts game. --- Really enjoyed your reaction. This show's next season is gonna take you in for a ride!
@KetsiaKeren 3 күн бұрын
Thanks for clearing that up!!!💕
@joebloggs396 10 күн бұрын
Many of your questions are answered by the end of this series. The country the citizens refer to here is normally considered by viewers to be this world they are in (and not simply Japan). The next two games are definitely two of the best for me. This series starts exactly the same way as the first does with Arisu playing games which often makes people wonder if they've clicked the right episode.
@KetsiaKeren 3 күн бұрын
We were very confused🤣
@morgangriggs 11 күн бұрын
I'm loving this season so far. It's going to get crazy!
@NovakLily 11 күн бұрын
Colin is pretending to be something he is not. He's pretending to be a rake, a womanizer because that's what society and even Anthony ( who told him he should have taken him to more brothels and now is praising him for having many women....) thinks he should be. After being mocked for being too sensitive/soft and romantic and not the type of man he should be. It's a mask, that's why it's off. Whoever, Pen sees that and with her, he's still soft and sweet.