The Spore Iceberg EXPLAINED
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@TheMoonlight1711 7 сағат бұрын
14:30 holy shit OFF reference this is now an S tier video
@TheMoonlight1711 8 сағат бұрын
RoyalBlueXIII when PaltryRedIIIX walks in
@Dumb_Thing 8 сағат бұрын
9:25 It’s a theory from Tayfun_TV,the Russian spore iceberg maker you mentioned in the last video,You know the Maasari?or Masaari,whatever,so these guy have 3 statues in the game,one of those states “Statue of Steve” “Statue of Steve last we saw him” “statue of Steve before he went trading in the galactic center” Steve is a masaari,probably,now the grox,It’s said that the grox where made by something to protect something in the galactic center,What’s in the galactic center?Steve,now,what if , so the masaari are the most ancient race in space,and they made the grox. Now this is my theory,What if the Masaari,are evolved humans?because life in spore evolves very slowly , looking at the time counter,sometimes in the span of 8-10 billion years which is almost the universes age,but life in earth evolved in 4 billion years,what if humans are the first ever sapient life from that reached space,evolved into the Masaari,then maybe some disease or something wiped most of humanity,Steve was the last Masaari left,he left to the center of the galaxy,created the grox,and now hides in the galactic center.
@Dumb_Thing 8 сағат бұрын
What I mena,what if the grox are a subspecies of the evolved humans (Masaari) , keep in mind the Masaari are extremely humanoid.And it’s said that the grox killed their creators,so what if the humans (Masaari) created the grox,then the grox attacked them,but since it’s said Steve traded in the galactic center,maybe Steve formed some peace treaty so the grox protect him?the last of Homo Sapiens , well not longer Homo sapiens but still. Kinda resembles all tomorrows or Humanity lost ngl
@internetdingus 11 сағат бұрын
Not one mention of the Spore Mahna Mahna test animation in either video...
@Insanegrox 21 сағат бұрын
19:45 The reason the rocks cannot be deleted is due to them being part of the base planet terrain script, rather than being part of the adventure itself. Infact, if you import one of the homeworld terrain scripts into the adventure editor through mods, the rocks on those planets cannot be deleted either.
@anderslarsen2578 Күн бұрын
i've played spore for year's and i never knew some of these really cool!
@CombineWatermelon 10 күн бұрын
immediately stopped watching when the whore foid came up.
@CombineWatermelon 10 күн бұрын
music at 4:14?
@tomclanys 13 күн бұрын
6:20 yes, I used that key back in the days and it worked flawlessly with my legal copy of Spore, giving me the parts. I think I also found a similar way with the cute and ugly DLC, but I'm not sure. I never bought it and I think it was just free to get somewhere on the internet.
@Youtubeviewerwhoiscool 15 күн бұрын
Nato: so australia.... r u gonna work woth us to ivade coretex and his few islands or are we just gonna sit here
@markmark-wt8sd 16 күн бұрын
@orangeaedan 18 күн бұрын
A few things that are cool or missed: 1: When you use Fanatical frenzy on a Grox planet. They still like it. 2: The mentioned cube planets can also be a lava cube. 3: In the cell editor its possible to unmirror parts. When you open the secret cell editor (or the normal one after opening any other editor). You can unmirror parts by pressing A. 4: When you unmirror an none stalk eye in the cell editor (see 3). And place 1 of the unmirrored eye's in the verticle center, the eye will be flipped and look completely white. I can send an image of a cell with this if you want. 5: I'm not sure if you mentioned this one already but there are actually 6 planet trail colors. Red, orange, green, turquoise, blue and white. 6: As mentioned in 5 there is a white planet trail. The white trail planets are really hard to terraform and will also drop back to the lowest tier when stopping with terraforming.
@R-vl6vz 19 күн бұрын
29:55 As mentioned by others, Grob is the real name of the "Grox Empire" Grob spelled backwards reads as Borg, which is in reference to the Borg in startrek, they are cyborgs, It is unkown why they called themselves the Grox in their empire name.
@ElusivePlatypus96 19 күн бұрын
To be fair a lot of spore creatures look mammalian
@cheepmovprod 18 күн бұрын
It’s hard to not make them look mammalian.
@gingerrose3566 19 күн бұрын
I found a glitch back when there was still a spore disk, only once i found a glitch where a neutral epic would spawn and you could befriend it, I've never heard anyone else talk about this glitch and like I said I've only ever gotten the glitch once and I'm wondering if anybody has ever heard of it or experienced it themselves, if so please let me know
@gingerrose3566 19 күн бұрын
So iv been looking around for someone how knows about this glitch, i use to have the dvd for spore and i had a glitch only once where it spawned an epic that was neutral and you could befriend it, for me it was a monkey like creature but with six legs
@gingerrose3566 19 күн бұрын
If anyone knows about this, pleas let me know
@lebianitadc7572 20 күн бұрын
That Calmite House footage tho. What a sh 😂
@lovepeople777 22 күн бұрын
that roblox in spore footage is not roblox. theres a cheat to turn all creature parts into cubes. thats what that footage is displaying
@cube_2430 24 күн бұрын
bro this sounds like fanfiction
@turtle4283 17 күн бұрын
It technically is lol
@Diablo_Himself Ай бұрын
Do NOT get the game on Steam. That version apparently has a lot of issues, and also stops you logging in. Also, do not get ANY games on Steam, as you don't actually BUY and OWN them. With Spode being the God of the religious Creatures, I always assumed Spode was the Galaxy itself. Much in the way that some Pagans worshipped our actual PLANET as a God, usually known as Gaia or "Mother Nature"... From the sound of it, DarkSpore is to Spore what C&C4 is to the C&C series... I always believed that "The God That Will Come" is the Player. Steve gives you a God-like power after you meet him. If anyone REALLY thinks Rogues are baby Epics, they are stupid. Rogues are simply bigger/better versions of Creatures. 22:00 That looks more like GOAD than GOOD to me... Also, all Spore language is gibberish, so translating would be hard. EA does seem to have a history of taking over good companies, destroying them, and then ruining the games.
@pretendpasta4796 Ай бұрын
Super based favorite undertale character
@Diablo_Himself Ай бұрын
How do you make your like/subscribe buttons FLASH when you say it...? 14:22 The idea that people think you could change your voice THAT MUCH is kinda ridiculous! 19:50 Hearing this tune makes me think: "Does it hurt to pee, is it hard to see, I am diagnosing you with HPV." 25:40 Once you cheat in Spore, you no longer get achievements in the game. You are a cheater for LIFE.
@alice20001 Ай бұрын
EA would launch any spin off except Spore 2 with all of the missing features that were pushed off from Spore.
@Swaggerpede Ай бұрын
ayo i didnt know u were friends with the watch mojo lady ;D
@Ratohnhaketongf2006 Ай бұрын
I have a bizarre story about the first time I played Spore on my laptop (Also sorry if there are some grammar errors english is not my first language) I remember installing the last version of Spore and when I passed the cell stage and I finally could play the creature stage as a herbivore I was confused bc the planet had no trees and no bushes and almost no creatures and I was softlocked. I played in other planets and it was the same thing I dont know if it was a bug or its because I installed a pirated version I just don't remember clearly
@doctorgrubious7725 Ай бұрын
My only guess with harvester vehicles would be the colony vehicles used by… well colonies that use vehicles to harvest spice using ballooons
@user-no4fq3dt7d Ай бұрын
20:15 mitochondria lore
@user-no4fq3dt7d Ай бұрын
19:58 this theory that rogues are the babies of rpics is wrong because if you make friends with rogues on creature stage , on tribal stage you will still have them , but as domesticated (it's also good strategy for defense as far as I'm aware)
@MinkSquared Ай бұрын
i remember the horridhenry spore discord. i used to be a moderator and man, let me tell you, most of the other moderators were younger (i was 16 at the time i think) and it was insane what kinda stuff was said on that server sometimes
@DogBat Ай бұрын
Man face dog is a yokai :3 Edit: HE SAID IT OMG
@DogBat Ай бұрын
@HallolaloLP Ай бұрын
What if the Grox are just out of control cyborgs, controlled by an AI to have man power and descimate the human race, because of their bad ecological behaviour, which the AI learned, because he learned about the history of mankind, to study the climate change. As the AI found out humans are the reason it just went rampage with the Grox and Steve is the last human remaining, bravely hiding in the center of the galaxy. If my english is bad, idc, Im a German POTATO
@Lbuvyxtd Ай бұрын
I always figured the cube planets were glitched and didn't get properly terraformed. Which is kinda annoying because my galaxies are always full of them, and I do not like them
@zionjuarez55 Ай бұрын
This didn't age well
@herec0mestheCh33f Ай бұрын
16:55 i had this happen in my second game! I decided to make a few creatures in the creator for giggles, as well as practice, and every single other tribe was a single one of my creatures, and most of my other creations were there too. Even saw an epic version of one (a spider with a rockne as a beanie) fighting a tribe. Fun stuff, really weird. Guess i gotta make more creatures then to diversify my tribal stage
@cyclommatus11 Ай бұрын
If you do ever make a third iceberg, I have two cell stage related suggestions: Poisoner: Poisoner was a cell from 2007 that was supposed to be the cell you get the poison part from. It ended up being replaced by the "Squirty" cell in the full release. Spazzing Cell Glitch: Weird glitch in the cell stage that involves the green "Nosey" cell. I'm too lazy to type the whole thing out so you could read the whole thing on the "List Of Cell Stage Glitches" page on the Spore Wiki.
@thegasmaskguy613 Ай бұрын
I didnt wanted to know about the existence of sporn…
@Sucyhr_Official Ай бұрын
its a bit too late but i dont care so.. "GROB" - its one of the grox's name! it is a reference to something but idk "HARVESTER VEHICLES" - its a cut content from the cut city stage! in city stage were two exclusive objects: the farm and this harvester vehicles thing! "SUN EMPIRES" - i guess its something similar to the gas giant colony bug, but with sun "HIDDEN VEHICLE WEAPON" - its a cut content again i think? but its like can be accessible through console or smth like that "COCOON VIRUS" - i have no idea what this one is about. sounds like creepypasta thing
@ub-4630 Ай бұрын
[4:24] The powerhouse of the cell.
@EnderArlo Ай бұрын
The early cell creator actually saved my cell
@peteofthebread4197 Ай бұрын
I'm gonna make a Bean run and rule the galaxy as a Bean
@dc5285 2 ай бұрын
get to the f'in point bro
@cheepmovprod 19 күн бұрын
He gets to the point at 1:31.
@brydonthunder 2 ай бұрын
Good video! The first 2 minutes of the video is bad though, please do not introduce the game on a sequel video of the same content.
@Pacca64 2 ай бұрын
The harvester was a scrapped vehicle for the 'city' phase between tribal and civilization. It'd be used for farming of some kind. perhaps if it did make it to the final game, it'd possibly be the only way to harvest spice. It actually has a remnant in the final game; like the advanced cell editor, there's also a secret advanced vehicle editor, which gives access to all vehicle parts (besides the UFO parts) and allows the creation of any type of land/sea/air and military/religious/economic type. Included in the type drop down is the harvester; sadly creations saved as harvesters don't appear in the sporepedia, and crash the game when you attempt to load the png file the game creates for them (presumably because it requires a non-existant harvester editor) The secret vehicle editor can be launched the same way as the secret cell editor, but with 'state:VehicleEditor' instead of 'state:CellEditor' Apparently, that isn't the only leftover either! I've yet to test it, but 'state:BuildingEditor' looks like it loads a similar super building editor, and has another invalid creation type; farms!
@Pacca64 2 ай бұрын
You CAN use overcomplicated creations with the 'freedom' cheat in game! The only limit is that they can't be pollinated by game to npc creatures/tribes/space races/etc. The limit largely exists for performance reasons, so it tries to avoid spamming overcomplicated creations unless the player pushes them for their own species/empire manually.
@Pacca64 2 ай бұрын
my first ever saves' homeworld had a moon that was a cube world, always thought that was cool. When it inevitably came time to colonize it, I placed the colonies on the corners to avoid messing with the terrain too much.
@Jaska124 2 ай бұрын
i don't think you guys know how iceberg videos work
@spj8297 2 ай бұрын
There was also a bug where u could try to befriend the epics during the animal stage but it would just eat u as u danced and sang for it. Although I remember their relation status would change from agro to neutral while they would still attack u sometimes. I did it once and it would randomly attack me and leave me alone, unfortunately, when I wanted to find it on another day I couldn't. I also remember finding a hyper epic in the animal stage which was one of my own previous creatures from another run, it crashed my game because of how huge the model looked in that stage. I miss this game so much. So many good memories.
@MSMandstuffgaming 2 ай бұрын
The human faced dog looks like the sad megamind meme had a baby with Tomas the train
@MSMandstuffgaming 2 ай бұрын
Wait the become a bigger cell thing is a glitch I thought spore did their research but alas only the glitch did