Victory! Alaje Tango Down!
12 жыл бұрын
Liars and Thieves
12 жыл бұрын
The Lightning Strike
12 жыл бұрын
Lies and more lies
12 жыл бұрын
They lie!
12 жыл бұрын
The lies of the Galactic Federation
@privateaccount8447 5 жыл бұрын
The Galactic Federation is in league with Luciferian beings. They have hijacked me into their network and are now trying to hybridize me. This is the transhumanism agenda! To turn us all into their hybrid hosts!! And maybe even shapeshifting hosts!!! This is what has people up in arms and ready to storm Area 51, because we know that these illuminated ones (Illuminati) through their CIA puppets controls this place, as well as the Dulce Base. Read the following from Energetic Synthesis... *Harmonic Convergence Begins Luciferian Task Force* Since the Harmonic Convergence in 1987, there has been a specific space task force assembled by Thothian Luciferians and the members of the Galactic Federation to fully control the information given to the awakening population, for the purpose of complete takeover of the New Age, Ascension and Disclosure movement. A comprehensive multiple pronged militarized approach was organized in order to gather and collect all of the technological and human resources that would be necessary to build an extensive artificial neurological network with silent sound technology. This would be used to target Starseeds and Indigos, as well as control all transmissions of channeled material that would be sent to the awakening population in the guise of friendly ET’s, Ascended Masters, and even deceased famous figures in human history. As the Ascension cycle intensified and humanity was being monitored, many friendly enemy deals were made to enlist the further support and resources of the Reptile Insectoid Collectives, to cull the public into submission with implantation of assorted mind control techniques and technological fences. Although these groups have their own separate agendas, these enemy deals made them allies, and were primarily headed by the most hostile Dragon Moths and Zeta Drakonians from Orion. Thus, many people on earth were and are contacted by human and nonhuman imposters, comprised from these operations that are in military alliance to gaslight and lie to the earth people about many ongoing themes of global concern, for the purpose of intelligence handling and controlled opposition. These operatives have infiltrated many areas of the New Age, Ascension and Disclosure community. They are on the ground and in space, hidden behind the many false front organizations in which their primary job is to attack, dismiss and debunk unapproved topics through mass propaganda and character assassination schemes. The purpose is to take over any truthful information about the planetary ascension or disclosure event that happens to seep through the multidimensional communication gateways, when awakening people start to more easily receive telepathic transmissions from a variety of sources that cannot be prevented.
@apoc7468 6 жыл бұрын
If "lightworkers" from another world exist. Most likely their main rule would be noninterference with other beings as the name suggests they manipulated one of the weakest interacting fields, that of the humble photon as we know it. However they understand photons differently than we do and they wouldn't even call them that. If they exist they would have non interference protocols until it became necessary to intervene in the smallest ways possible through minor photon manipulations to guide us along our natural evolutionary curve so we can still find our own way. How ever just as in all politics and situations they have to weigh losses against potential outcomes of our species and then decide on what level of guidance to provide to us. Too much guidance changes us from who our species is naturally and too little in the current state of affairs on earth is bad because right now scientists control everything based on flawed observations by way of perpetuating widely accepted facts. This condition has led us to unique creative problem solving skills. A quick question however, how do we know germs exist other than the fact that we creatively made some lenses and looked at them then assumed they were the cause of a disease. For all we know they were observed because we went looking for a cause we thought had to exist based on people touching the same objects becoming sick... normal response would be to just avoid touching the same objects and let it be what it is. However we examined the objects using lenses and found a nightmare that may have never been there. We literally magnified the issue by training a lens on it and now we have germs to worry about. A general rule should be. If you go looking for something eventually you are going to find some form of it. Being that we used a lens and magnified the object under the assumption something was wrong with the object we found these tiny structures and blamed them for why the object made people sick. In short what we think and look for and imagine becomes real to us and even more real over time the longer we question that.particular subject the question becomes reality. "You must ask the right questions" There's a reason all these quotes show up all over movies that allude to these very subjects and it's a hint that we do not really know anything because of the universe's infinity and our assumptions that we understand so much has led us to creating our own enemies. Evil only has the power you give it. Them on the other hand have been taught differently therefore they understand everything differently and ignore most of what we believe because it's actually detrimental to them to do so to some extent. Take a look at a schizophrenic mind. He believes in a different form of reality usually through the various connections one can make of the lies or truths we believe when really there is neither truth nor lie only good and bad questions and good and bad actions. No answers just more questions, but the answers you find or assign your questions add up to something more depending on how truly you believe it. Generally if you believe every so called fact we've been taught it leads to a generalized fear response to the world around us. Panic attacks paranoia anxiety depression ptsd... all these problems plaguing our population right now on some level in everyone all because of what we believe. If light workers exist and they are fighting it is most likely because there having trouble deciding what level of guidance we need right now to ensure the best survival rate of our species to maximize unique thought outcomes our population can generate. A good example of this relationship is animals. We don't know how they view the world or even how they communicate or what they believe but they certainly aren't using meassuring devices on everything the way we do... In short particles don't even exist nor do atoms. The universe just gave us something to look at when we went looking and let our minds do the rest.
@apoc7468 6 жыл бұрын
We've been doing the same thing to ourselves for forever so even if this is real.... we basically did it to ourselves. Uncreation can't even occur because creation is everything and everything is infinite. Sure you can thin energy out or concentrate it but you can't get rid of it. What does bother me are scientists who say this is the way things are and that's that and then we blindly believe every thing they told us and made us read about. Look into Tesla figure out how his research in transmitters and receivers lead to his technological developments of wireless energy transfer that were suppressed for national security reasons that now exist inside every wireless charge pad or system. Under stand how that works and what current really is then you will see the way out of the so called uncreation which is really just countless rules we assigned our reality from experiments we thought proved all of them. Go back and change the experiments based on your new understanding of what particles really are and what energy really is the aether or ether as Tesla called it then you will begin to see the truth but by now at a genetic DNA level everything we thought we know controls us and what we can do. Once you realize and truly believe we know nothing of infinity that is our universe or multiverse if you prefer. Anything you can think of suddenly becomes possible and none of the laws of physics apply anymore to anything... As for aliens existing... who knows...
@bagolyvili459 8 жыл бұрын
see you soon guy,hope u will be strong and brave in front of me... i mean ur soul,cause i m not gonna beat you but because ur bad intention and the unhumilitate of other human you will have sthing with me. prepare i swear you will run away from me and i would smile while u r on your knees bagging for mercy.i m more stronger than you! you will pay this act i promise u u will feel weak
@Horusinsun 8 жыл бұрын
Everyone would benefit by looking into these programs being run out of the Deep Underground Military Bases as well as places such as Norad. Buried Alive by Michael Prince also blows the lid on the entire criminal programs being run, which on Abundant, they have in the past proudly supported this, when many NSA, CIA good guys want this kind of thing shut down due to the nature of the atrocities committed. I am concerned that AHS and it's forums are indeed under these programs wether they willingly are taking part in these programs as I think many there would deny. BTW GLP is a part of the Tavistock Mind Control junta and they run this site to continue their programs. If Candace has friends there, then there seems to be some sort of connection with the power this lady is amassing.
@Horusinsun 8 жыл бұрын
I was once on their forums and had to leave because of all the bullshit. Candace openly attacked and abused me, refused me my free will rights as well as legal rights when I left and they kept my information to use against me. Lucky I never really gave them much about me. Candace is extremely nasty, manipulate and has a lot of her forum members under her sway. I have seen her openly abuse people, people who were led to believe that she was some sort of teacher. She has run many people off the forums for questioning her, or standing up to her bully mentality. I started to see through the lies straight away. Candace openly discusses issues like Mind Control, then proudly exclaims that Alpha and Omega etc are divine programming being run by Christ Michael, when anyone in the know who have listened to Super Soldiers and other forms of MK programme survivors, would know the true horrors of this program and who is really behind this.......
@pleiadianmary9415 11 жыл бұрын
You should have shame of your evilness Istenenergia.
@pleiadianmary9415 11 жыл бұрын
you are not welcome Istenenergia with these all your many channels to only spread evilness.
@pleiadianmary9415 11 жыл бұрын
You are a lier and irritating Istenergia with all these videos and channels so negative and evil,shame on you!
@pleiadianmary9415 11 жыл бұрын
It sucks
@Eileenemm155 11 жыл бұрын
@redheadturkey 11 жыл бұрын
thank you so much! I started out as a FFVII fan, but Doctor Who caught my attention, and these two, just. ..these two. That's all that needs to be said. XD
@bloodythinandfast 12 жыл бұрын
Wow,this IS evidence,...that both sides are wacky...I grew up with some of these galactic light people...they all turned out to be potheads,molesters,crazy assholes.Join now...what's makes any of you think because YOU are here,it'll all change now?? People like you and your minds are why the human race is threatened.(like always)now,then and coming soon.
@alotus9 12 жыл бұрын
What song is this? It's beautiful.
@Danierusan18 12 жыл бұрын
lightworkers are here to help us to achieve progress. we are noticing we destroy ourselves with nuclear bombs, starvation in certain countries, this is due to negative things such as greed, obsession, hates, among other things. and light workers are trying to eliminate those aspects of us so we can evolve expiritualmente, but people like you will never understand that. there must be harmony among all, something that does not exist on this small planet.
@redheadturkey 12 жыл бұрын
Love energy is not going to solve the problems of this world. Only strong will and action can do that. I'm sorry you are too blind to see that, as blind as the other "lightworkers" are. Warriors *are* needed, warriors are those who are brave enough to take it on, they are the true agents for change.
@019208237 12 жыл бұрын
I agree but The "Galactic Federation OF Light" IS manevolent beings masking as light and are trying to trick us. they are not who some people think they are.they want us to go underground and into light chambers for our new light bodies which is just a trick. Alaje is a member of them and he is dark masking as light which is the reason he caved in when the Reptillian and draco's main base went down back in March. The Adromaden council and Galactic Federation are our allies here to help.
@019208237 12 жыл бұрын
Sadly most people who follow Alaje haven't had the experiance i and others had with him and only know him from his loving video's but you will all realise who he is soon. i wish he was of the light but he is dark masking as light. my guide told me everything. he caved in back in March when the reps/draco's base went down. you get the picture.i don't trust the GFOL they are NOT good. they want us underground in those light chambers, its a evil trick please don't fall for it. love and light to all
@Danierusan18 12 жыл бұрын
Part 2 if you like living in a climate of war and violence is your problem .. I now know very well that 90% of people prefer to live in a place where there is peace and harmony, where everyone has the same rights and where there is not anyone to try to control more .. lighworkers and those coming to our aid, has to be able to improve this world. but unfortunately people like you have destroyed the peace and harmony .. you guys want to put people on the path of darkness, the wrong way.
@redheadturkey 12 жыл бұрын
My friend can provide you transcripts and links that prove this guy tried to bilk her out of her money. There is a lot more to this than you realize.
@redheadturkey 12 жыл бұрын
I am fighting for the freedom of *all*, not just the ones of the Light, to live, that is a good work. Think what you want, it matters not to me.
@redheadturkey 12 жыл бұрын
We are not the ones determined to destroy the essential part of who a person is, that would be these so called "light workers." Think on it logically. What does light do? It consumes the darkness, changes it. What if it does not want to change? They should have that right as well.
@redheadturkey 12 жыл бұрын
We do not seek to destroy the Light, just to be allowed the same freedom to exist and determine our own path as they would seek. No matter the path a person chooses, they have just as much right to live as they would wish as anyone else.
@redheadturkey 12 жыл бұрын
But there is nothing *on* it, which was the point.
@Danierusan18 12 жыл бұрын
no your not, you are doing a very bad work, stupid.....
@Danierusan18 12 жыл бұрын
you and your alliance of Sh * t is not gonna nowhere ...this war has not ended, those seeking true love and the light will continue to demand it when you guys will be lost forever in the darkness, will be mere food for reptiles
@Danierusan18 12 жыл бұрын
Thinkest thou that they did is a victory, but are fully deceived, that you guys are pure reptiles, are simply those who want to undermine progress.leave the people alone, just because you are a skeptic and not believe it, does not mean that other people do not believe me, many have real experiences, learn the truth ...
@SParKLES5810 12 жыл бұрын
He is not down. Just under a diff name! Alaje777
@SParKLES5810 12 жыл бұрын
Thank you! For all the work u do!!! BLESSINGS!!!
@redheadturkey 12 жыл бұрын
Thumbs down me all you want, I don't *care.* I know I am doing a good work here, and that is what matters.
@dylanbond9162 12 жыл бұрын
there's nothing to worry about. never fear my friend. everything will be fine. i'm a light worker, and am currently learning much about the coming shift. if someone or something is meant to instill fear, be assured it is false and not to be believed. we are of love and light. namaste
@redheadturkey 12 жыл бұрын
All beings possess both Light and Darkness, it is no crime to do so. Balance is the key, and it is as possible to swing too far into the Light as it is the Darkness, but shills like you tend to forget that.
@redheadturkey 12 жыл бұрын
You're irritating.
@redheadturkey 12 жыл бұрын
Ah, so a government run by the Chinese who eat dogs and abandon babies is an improvement? I'll take my current government, thanks.
@redheadturkey 12 жыл бұрын
You could stand to control your temper. Also not shouting and learning to spell might help you not look like a total idiot.
@dylanbond9162 12 жыл бұрын
the laws in your, and most, areas of those united states are in need of change. it's coming, and you're gonna love it. that is, if you're not into oppression, slavery, lies, and war.
@redheadturkey 12 жыл бұрын
You do realize caps lock makes you look like a screaming idiot? If you wish to debate a point, be polite, it works better.
@BarbedWireCondom 12 жыл бұрын
if you don't want the federations help that will be your choice and you will continue living in the 3rd dimension until you are spiritually ready to move forward. For those of us who are ready and prepared to move forward please do not interfere just watch from the side lines. Either way its been edict by the creator and will happen to those who wish it too.
@redheadturkey 12 жыл бұрын
The point being, we don't *want* your help, but are being forced to take it anyway. Whatever happened to non interference?
@redheadturkey 12 жыл бұрын
Mission of love my ass. A gilded cage is still a cage.
@redheadturkey 12 жыл бұрын
Truthfully, all beings are a mix of dark and light, that balance is at the heart of all even if you forget that. Without the dark, you have no will or drive to succeed.
@redheadturkey 12 жыл бұрын
And what about our will as a species? Non interference my ass.
@redheadturkey 12 жыл бұрын
And what about our will as a species? Non interference my ass.
@redheadturkey 12 жыл бұрын
No, the reason we are angry is that these people are in our skies, interfering with our lives, and they are not *wanted.* We no longer have any freedom to choose for ourselves.
@SParKLES5810 12 жыл бұрын
I hear what ur saying! Ill admit I got caught up in the bullshit myself!!! Scared ppl do crazy shit! Not no more! Im done!!!
@SParKLES5810 12 жыл бұрын
Where is the video u were promoting on Daniel's site? Something bout they have papers drawn up nd arrests r gonna be made? Hmmmm?
@ahmataevo 4 жыл бұрын
7 years later and this narrative of "arrests of bad guys in charge coming soon guys!" is still going and preventing people from taking the necessary action - arming themselves to exterminate these filthy negative entities with their own hands.
@skynumbered212121 12 жыл бұрын
@redheadturkey Of course 'its' out there on the net. Thanks to ones like yourself. You and the rest can post whatever 'dirt' you want, but the majority of us are no longer foolish enough to buy every false representation put in our faces.
@redheadturkey 12 жыл бұрын
Again, the point being, they talk about uncreation, and that is words, from their mouths. Google it, like I've said, it's out there. Hatonn+uncreation or Galactic Federation of Light+uncreation.
@trifeylo 12 жыл бұрын
So I went to the site,..Anything that has the word judgement in it, isn't divine, isn't true grace....think about it...they speak nothing of judging us, molding us, minipulating us, or changing us....this is where you need significant research on both ends....they only want to show us to the water...its up to us to drink...and I tell ya...I'm ready to drink the whole dam river....I'm sick of this matrix, lams-pen, box-of-confusion,,,I'm just ready to be free
@trifeylo 12 жыл бұрын
@ redheadturkey..the cabal are masters of trickery and has ben deceiving the people for as long as man forgot who we really are....but if you need something concrete....why are the gfl disabling weapons, rockets, why are they cleansing our air, clearing up chemtrails, and why is the mass arrest of the cabal iminent ???..ohh ushur in the new positive, free, divine way of this universe and manifest it on this beautiful earth of giya....with the assistance of our star brothers n sisters !!!