"Abortion is nothing to do with death"
2024 Trivia Night Speech
21 күн бұрын
"Yes, that's what I think."
Did Indiana make murder legal?
Abortion pills vs. Plan B
2 ай бұрын
"Anti-choicers want to ban IVF"
@picante28 Күн бұрын
some people really are against abortion?
@Nero-Caesar 2 күн бұрын
It really is just that simple ❤
@obsidiangraves5961 3 күн бұрын
Sometimes abortions save lives. Not your body not your choice
@paradiseegg2111 3 күн бұрын
You're right. "Ignorant" and "Evil" are much more accurate descriptors.
@wiscesq 3 күн бұрын
I've been pro-life my whole life, but I have gradually transitioned from liberal Christian to a "none". I find the religious right to be so repulsive that not only do I have no interest in affiliating myself with anything labelled "Christian" but I've even found myself moving to a more pro-choice way of thinking. It's become increasingly difficult to untangle my original pro-life views (based on a belief in the personhood of the fetus and compassion for the unborn and the mother) from the misogynistic, controlling and hateful attitudes of many religious pro-lifers. I look at what they've done in Texas, for example, and I say "these aren't the good guys". How can one hold a compassionate pro-life worldview when your bedfellows are these jackbooted thugs? If I'm on the same side as groups like the "Alliance Defending 'Freedom'" or the billionaires secretly dumping billions of dollars in dark money to buy off legislators to enact their right-wing world view, what the h*ll does that say about me? Don't even get me started on the current cause-celebre of "natalism". Opposing abortion for those guys isn't about concern for babies, it's about keeping the white population numbers up so we have enough workers/consumers/soldiers to maintain our economic system. I'm still pro-life, but too many people who call themselves that are horrible is so many other ways.
@SeekSomethingMore 3 күн бұрын
Atheists make the same mistake as religious people, so you're not so different. Also, how long have you been vegan?
@Sophia_at_MIA 3 күн бұрын
Beautifully said! 👏🏼 👏🏼
@tubenamel 4 күн бұрын
I am a Christian moderate and I am SO THANKFUL for non-Christian pro-life people, esp. those in more left-leaning spaces. So any non-traditional pro-life people, please accept this virtual hug from me. ((((hug)))) I wish I could give you some home-made cookies and sit and chat. xoxo
@SSStofu008 4 күн бұрын
Does alive mean sentient or conscious?
@samuel.andermatt 6 күн бұрын
As a christian (moderate politicaly) it is nice to see that pro-life has support in non-traditional environements. It seems to me not a directly religious cause, its just that with religious sexual ethics unplanned pregnancies are less likely and thus the consequences of accepting the personhood of an unborn child are less severe.
@PeriOdotGladiOlus 6 күн бұрын
I needed this today 🫶🏼
@IHaveaPinkBeard 6 күн бұрын
You rock, Monica. Please keep doing what you are doing.
@GavinLockard 6 күн бұрын
Thank you for this. I'm a Communist pro-lifer.
@emilywallace9043 6 күн бұрын
As a traditional pro lifer I am so grateful that Secular Pro life exists. Whenever I have spoken about abortion to atheist or agnostic, even though I never make religious arguments, I noticed there is always a distrust, as if I’m secretly trying to convert them to my faith rather than convince them of the humanity of the unborn. These conversations are usually friendly, but they inevitably bring up how uncomfortable my faith makes them or how they feel they would have to be religious to be pro life. That’s when I recommend your organization. I am so glad it exists, I am so happy to stand with anybody in the fight against abortion. Thank you for all you do, both to the organization and to those non traditional pro lifers out there. I love you.
@secularprolife 6 күн бұрын
Thank you for your kind words. I'm really glad to hear that you talk about this issue with other people.
@batman5224 6 күн бұрын
I honestly don’t think the pro-life movement can succeed until it is not seen as just a right-wing or religious issue. That’s why I think we need at least some Democrats who will speak out against abortion. I am a Christian, but a left-leaning one. Because of that, I often feel isolated by those around me because I live in a red state. However, as an author and artist, my online friends tend to be more liberal, which often means pro-choice. I’m often hesitant to express my views around them. Of course, what many of them don’t seem to realize is that my latest book has a pro-life message.
@mickellbrown3 3 күн бұрын
SO proud of you. This comment warmed my heart and I’d love to read your book.
@batman5224 3 күн бұрын
@@mickellbrown3 It’s called Silent Reckoning by Joseph Vance Logsdon.
@mickellbrown3 3 күн бұрын
@@batman5224 thank you❤️
@emeraldtier1750 8 күн бұрын
There is something so viceral about lefty misogyny, its like you lose your woman card for disagreeing with them.
@alicia234 8 күн бұрын
Everyone around me refuses to believe that truth about abortion. They think abortion survivors are lying because of their religious beliefs, and that third trimester elective abortions don’t exist and are illegal. I especially hate that people seem to think having a child will ruin a woman’s life.
@ubiveritasetamor 8 күн бұрын
Christopher Hitchens: "In order to terminate a pregnancy, you have to still a heartbeat, switch off a developing brain, and whatever the method, break some bones and rupture some organs.”
@feylezofriza 8 күн бұрын
This was heavy, but it needed to be said and heard
@jokerfacebitch 9 күн бұрын
@ironman_546 10 күн бұрын
If you can put it in a freezer and it stays alive, that's not a baby!
@secularprolife 10 күн бұрын
It's not a newborn. It's a very early embryo. That doesn't mean it's not a human being or a valuable child.
@DeAndreaCummings-ry6je 10 күн бұрын
Cool cool cool. How many kids have you adopted? How much of your money and or time goes to kids in need in your communities? How many pregnant woman have you helped? Did you know that if you actually put as much energy into actually helping children and pregnant people, that you put into controlling others, you could actually make a difference?
@mapowey7214 10 күн бұрын
stupid argument. you’ve done nothing for whatever causes you support either. most people are busy working/providing for their family/having actual life commitments to make. by you calling out her lack of action you are simply exposing yourself for having an easy life. im betting you haven’t actually lived on your own, you wouldn’t even think to suggest what you did if you had.
@secularprolife 10 күн бұрын
Our founder and board president has adopted two children and fostered and continues to foster more. Our executive director has done volunteer tutoring with both the boys and girls club and California state prisons. Our board vice president has done extensive work in animal rights activism. These are examples, not comprehensive lists. What do you do? Either way, even if the lazy stereotype that people who oppose abortion never do anything to help born people were true, and it very transparently is not if you bother to look even a little bit, it wouldn't change the fact that abortion kills valuable human beings and is not morally justifiable.
@E2theBizzle 10 күн бұрын
Cool cool cool. Do you have any arguments that aren’t just tired whataboutisms?
@Swordatmidnight 7 күн бұрын
Yes, yes we have helped pregnant women and fostered and donated because we pro-life women don’t fit into the box your mind tries to put us in. What have you done other than advocate for the rampant killing of our children.
@scl97 13 күн бұрын
👏 👏 👏
@fare2muddlin 13 күн бұрын
@fare2muddlin 13 күн бұрын
BTW, God bless u❣❣🤩😎🙃
@E2theBizzle 14 күн бұрын
Rooted in white supremacy? I think Margaret Sanger would like to have a word.
@ubiveritasetamor 15 күн бұрын
"Poor people and people of color aren't having enough abortions" is certainly saying the quiet part out loud 😶
@Dominant_Pant 17 күн бұрын
Crazy that people would bond with their own children once their born instead of hating them their whole lives. Nobody's telling you that you can't have kids. Stop forcing other people too.
@rosezingleman5007 17 күн бұрын
You’re partially illiterate. Also your moral compass is broken.
@melonyrobinson9944 15 күн бұрын
The point is that many women who feel like they need abortions don't actually need them. And banning abortion doesn't force people to have kids. It makes people who have kids let them live
@secularprolife 13 күн бұрын
Abortion doesn't prevent lives from coming into existence. It ends lives that already exist. That's why we're not going to stop talking about it.
@michaelmerchant9870 18 күн бұрын
What I don't get is if they think abortion means less foster children, then what's their explanation for the US having "so many foster children" to begin with? If abortion is supposed to be a "solution" to foster care, and we've had legal abortion in the US for 50+ years, then shouldn't their parents have aborted those foster kids before they got into the system? Why hasn't the "abortion solution" "solved" the "foster care problem" yet in their minds???
@E2theBizzle 20 күн бұрын
The clinics that do perform third trimester abortions for purely elective reasons, they openly talk about how they perform abortions on perfectly healthy pregnancies in the third trimester. Are they a minority of all abortions? Sure. But ‘few’ is not ‘none.’ Not at all.
@mommalion7028 21 күн бұрын
Bravo! Preborn and unborn babies deserve a reasonable Quality of life, just like anyone else. There is no Magical moment where they go from ‘clump of cells’ to ‘person’.
@lauuura 21 күн бұрын
Imagine thinking having to give birth is more oppressive than being murdered. Also, half those murdered babies are female. Make it make sense.
@nadinehurley 21 күн бұрын
Lol. The math is mathing!
@hyzenthlay713 21 күн бұрын
Nah, women have told me that I hate women, despite me being one myself. I don't think it makes a difference. These people are insane. 😂
@crid21 21 күн бұрын
I love this so much!
@katiejackson5606 21 күн бұрын
"You think I'm effective?" Soooo funny!
@nicholasdookhram9211 21 күн бұрын
Have a good weekend 😊
@pickleballprincess 22 күн бұрын
@andreaabate4193 22 күн бұрын
Wow, nice speech.
@bob0bb465 23 күн бұрын
Using a BS baby voice, following a woman and trying to talk her out of a medical clinic. I hope that counselor gets what she deserves.
@romonarussum4032 24 күн бұрын
I'm a Christian. I never bring up my religious beliefs when discussing abortion. Pro Choicers bring it up first every single time. I've even had several tell me I'm not allowed to talk to men who aren't related to me and to go make my husband a sandwich. I've never been married,so I make myself a sandwich instead 😂
@Nulono 25 күн бұрын
It's weird how many pro-abortion arguments basically start with "if we assume abortion is morally okay, then".
@allstar4065 23 күн бұрын
They think they are defacto correct, and that they need no justification. It's odd.
@Nerukenshi1233 25 күн бұрын
Its just so much easier to pretend that our reasons are the ones that I prepared arguments against. Its crazy, its like my opposition has no good arguments!
@secularprolife 22 күн бұрын
I'm not sure who you consider your side vs opposition or what arguments you mean
@katiemcwrath 29 күн бұрын
Who is going to tell them secular pro life spaces (and feminist pro life spaces) are usually dominated by women?
@Koda_adok Ай бұрын
1.It’s not killing humans, during the time when you allowed to have a abortion (Yes there’s a time limit 🤯) it is just a clump of cells it’s not breathing it’s not having thoughts or feeling it’s not alive. 2.It’s not a human rights violation! You know what is? Not letting people chose what they want to do TO THEIR OWN BODY. So think about some better comebacks sweetheart
@Cheese4598 Ай бұрын
Couldn’t agree more. it’s against the constitution to take away our rights
@Koda_adok Ай бұрын
@@Cheese4598 Agreed.
@secularprolife Ай бұрын
Some places have time limits. Some places don't. For example in Colorado and Oregon in Washington DC there are no gestational limits on abortion and there haven't been for many years.
@Cheese4598 Ай бұрын
@@secularprolife cool. it’s not alive the entire time, so no difference.
@secularprolife Ай бұрын
@@Cheese4598 ^the things people have to believe to be comfortably pro-choice
@emeraldtier1750 Ай бұрын
love your work. ❤
@andianderson3017 Ай бұрын
I am for ANYTHING that decreases abortion and you all are what is so needed. Christians don’t do enough to think it through often, and how there is so much reason beyond a religious stance to be against abortion. Telling women they will be more valuable to society if they kill their children has never made sense. Killing babies we find less valuable is not good for society at all. Burying the parts of the abortion movement that were primarily about being rid of non white babies is and has always been horrifying. And edge cases like rape, and threat to the life of the mother are just that-edge cases. They also don’t change what it is. Anyway, thank you!!
@andyhight9441 Ай бұрын
Better arguments against abortion can actually be made from an Atheist perspective than a theist perspective. If you believe in a god and an afterlife then you may well believe that aborted children will go to heaven (as I've heard some Christians say, maybe others disagree), but if you don't believe in a god or afterlife, then abortion is robbing these children of the only life they'll ever get.
@gracebohler4380 Ай бұрын
From a conservative Catholic woman, THANK you for helping to save the babies and protecting the women who might regret their choice forever. Love to you, sister!
@juliachildress2943 Ай бұрын
I'm a conservative Christian, and I'm pro-choice for two reasons. First, being a volunteer in a home for profoundly disabled children led to my switch from being ardently anti-abortion to pro-choice. What I witnessed there opened my eyes to the reality that while abortion is never a good answer, in some cases it's the least bad answer. Witnessing innocent children, who in bygone days would have been allowed to die, suffer years of pain, suffering, and terror, made me realize that parents need to be able to terminate such pregnancies. Enforced suffering is not the moral high ground when painless death in the womb is an option. Second, the more insane the anti-choice voices become - children forced to bear children, monitoring women's movements, outlawing in vitro, outlawing contraception - makes it very difficult to support any government control over women's decisions. I would love to see the day when both sides of this issue could work together to lower the number of abortions, but it's difficult to see that ever happening.
@Oysters176 Ай бұрын
Very Good Answer.
@melonyrobinson9944 Ай бұрын
1. What do you mean by monitoring women's movements? 2. Are you OK with euthanizing children who are already born?
@izziemays Ай бұрын
i love this! great idea too, many people tend to associate pro life with being a christian which causes the message to get lost in translation. when you start bringing up God people get very angry and start to argue more about religion itself than the topic of what abortion is.