Capitalism, Ecology and Health
5 жыл бұрын
@tombrady5628 7 ай бұрын
Sto ne kazes tvoje pravo poreklo : da si sledbenik sabataj Zevia jevrejskog samoproglasenog mesija i kabalista ! Vi ste svi cisto jevrejsko zlo !
@anicakrajnovic3658 7 ай бұрын
@niksatan 8 ай бұрын
Idealan je životopis i karijera kad prvo kreneš parazitirat na ljevici, i kasnije pređeš parazitirat na desnici.
@SkriptaTV 8 ай бұрын
I tad je bio na desnim pozicijama. Marama palestinka i chomskyjeva knjiga su pokušaj subverzije, možda i humora.
@chepinn1124 9 ай бұрын
nek je on zamjenio strane
@tolgarupture 10 ай бұрын
Please have English subtitles
@NoReprensentationWithoutTax 10 ай бұрын
@NoReprensentationWithoutTax 10 ай бұрын
@michaela8194 11 ай бұрын
Is there no one who knows how to edit this absolutely awful audio? It's barely listenable. What a shame. RIP comrade. I will attempt to start thinking in terms of post capitalism, rather than anti-capitalism. You were brilliant. I wish our community could have done something to help keep him around. I too suffer from severe depression. But I've done far less to push this kind of knowledge and thought than you did. I wonder if he knew how appreciated he would be. I doubt it.
@driesvanc8764 11 ай бұрын
If there is no tendency of profit to fall, is there any hope for revolution?
@DAVIDFERNANDEZ-jx4fb Жыл бұрын
this is painfully boring and uninteresting to watch, I m only watching this to complete an school assignment
@orangesurfboard2238 Жыл бұрын
It is quite fun watching the camera operator panning around to find who is asking the question..... small joys
@orangesurfboard2238 Жыл бұрын
He is completely wrong about violence, with this relative aspect of violence and 'good' violence. Jesus was COMPLETELY non-violent, all the way to not even opposing those who killed him. He was NON-violent to his death(not even antiviolent, but NON-violent). It is better to die in this world than resort to violence. THAT is love. Absolute refusal to resort to violence, EVER. All of this "means to an end" nonsense, justifying violence for the glorious end etc. is completely in error. Love it to death is the only way. Love is so disarming because it does not include ANY violence; that is why it is so puzzling, a feeling that would not resist ANYTHING.
@orangesurfboard2238 Жыл бұрын
The Malcolm X proposal is problematic I believe. X was a divisive, violent man who would have segregated the entire country based upon an abstraction that Muslim was somehow black, and Christianity was somehow white. This is of course, nonsense. Luther King Jnr could be said to reach a universalist position just as well as X. The big difference is that King was completely non-violent, as Jesus was. Whereas X justified his violence using the BIG OTHER of Islam being the true black religion (and so on and so on).
@Corrosive_Acid Жыл бұрын
Who the hell could ever dislike this amazing lecture?!
@Corrosive_Acid Жыл бұрын
"We have no money and that's why we beat our wives" - man moment...
@mariettestabel275 Жыл бұрын
Greeks-the Light of the World. 🌎
@mariettestabel275 Жыл бұрын
Greeks- the Light of the World. 🌎
@tapashyarasaily1373 Жыл бұрын
thank you for such a radically different perspective from our elite academic circles who do not want pc theories and realism to ever be questioned. bravo! he has mastered Marxist theory and its variants for real, unlike so many who talk about Marxism but havent read it properly even. im inspired to read it again now hearing Marxism articulated so brilliantly and comprehensively.
@Comrade_Zaz Жыл бұрын
17:31 where ?
@nabilabboud659 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for uploading the video. Can you please share a link to the english translation of the notes of the original text of Marx on the theory of Interest Rates that Dr. Heinrich alluded to in his talk when he mentioned that the actual chapters in Volume III, about that subject, were rewritten by Engels and they might have caused some confusion. Thank you.
@Weissenschenkel Жыл бұрын
As Slavoj loves old jokes, he probably would giggle on this one: Žižek: What is love? Haddaway: Baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me, no more. This is a 10-year old lecture but it's as actual as ****. 💖
@wannacoffy4915 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for lecture
@tanjiasiang Жыл бұрын
1. What makes you think, politic as the primacy of knowledge, as the path of change, the Chinese futurism will immediately disadvantageous in front of philosophy, an eurocentric tradition which you conferred only has preparedness of an self-absorbed european reader and will not has scripted from a sinocentric playwright? 2. No, if a dominance can only expresses Indian's identity, then this implosion of anger is because such unforgivable coloniser wasn't Indian at the first place: Oh I know every -ism is bad, but a history hasn't written by ethnicity is even worse. 3. I don't know the son of God, Jesus had never beknownst of Saint Mary's wound until he sealed Mary Magdalene's womb.
@lepthymo Жыл бұрын
Christianity says the highest possible act is forsaking eternity for the worldy. Zen says a good thing is not as good as nothing. Neither of these are mutually exclusive.
@farrider3339 Жыл бұрын
47:53 "The wound can only be healed by the very speer that smoulded it." NO, I claim. If the spear stays inside the wound (we cannot go back to previous unhurt conditions) so true healing will never happen. Only if pulled out, again the 'body' attacked can begin the healing process and continue with a scar left as a reminder. The speer (different cultural ideolgy, in this case India using english language) fully has to be removed and a new mode of societal conduct, most unlikely as it appears, COULD begin to sprout. Where there is language inherited cultural habit's will never die. Sorry, we don't have time now to go into this ~ Zizek 4ev✊°
@mariocamoes401 Жыл бұрын
Does anyone know where one can find a Marx quote regarding the capitalism irrational restrain for the both the proletariat and bourgeoisie as Yanis mention on min 22:52 ?
@paraphilicanalysis1737 Жыл бұрын
I was just thinking about that line were he said the British didn’t want a colony of people like them. In reference to the the attempt by the British empire to support the caste system in India. Ireland I think represents the British fears. Because, that was a colony where the western values and concepts of the enlightenment were fully adopted. And, it is, of course, from the groups most connected to that, the liberals and leftists that the Citizen army and IRA were formed. Therefore, this much smaller country became profoundly difficult for the empire to maintain control over
@orangesurfboard2238 Жыл бұрын
Especially because the caste system essentially reflects the British class system as well?
@junesuprise Жыл бұрын
“Love is all and love is everyone” is a verse from the Beatles song, it gave me a new perspective on the meaning of word love - not a romantic love to a particular woman or man, your girlfriend, wife, boyfriend - that’s the most popular definition, but to humanity, a stranger, your surroundings and yourself. To everyone. It’s this great sense of fellowship and positivity and I think it’s very powerful. Seriously, there’s might in that. “How does it feel to be one of the beautiful people” - another one. We’re all beautiful and all together.
@duffdingelmeyer7101 Жыл бұрын
This is explicitly what Zizek argues against
@zacoolm Жыл бұрын
Zezek a clown among two giants
@xxxxxxxxxx10xx Жыл бұрын
Share this shit world needs to heat it
@MarcCastellsBallesta Жыл бұрын
Holy shit. This video has been on my "Watch later" playlist for 8 years. Finally I can check it as watched! I miss seeing Yannis in the headlines. He kept his principles instead of the power.
@guliveroel1575 Жыл бұрын
Read his article about climate populism from last year. One of the best things I’ve ever read
@DEWwords Жыл бұрын
There's a lot of good, pithy and artfully fruitful analysis here, especially for the literature department, and yet, as with most of the post-mod French 80s crowd like Baudrillard, I am not convinced. He's definitely a move forward from them--- but could we have alittle more a little more materialist, class reality next time, please? At every moment it seems like a psalm that's ready to fly away to heaven come the rapture, like holy poetry--- which is what it seems most to be... is it Genesis or Zizek--- or Baudrillard or Ayn Rand for cryin' out loud? (I mean, Owen Jones?... save us all from a future of yet more professional managerial class posing and posturing.--- Good Gog!) (see: Chomsky.)
@DEWwords Жыл бұрын
Great entertainment though.--- Sincerely, it is. One terrific performance after another without an ending, just like --- going round n round in beautiful, suffocating circles--- dear old Baudrillard who has also gone out into the very real darkness of the natural world that surrounds us all at every minute of our existence no matter what we think, or don't, about it.
@martinjanecek4950 Жыл бұрын
brilliant analysis
@organiccomposition Жыл бұрын
RIP Tamas
@Isoviaergatis Жыл бұрын
Regarding the last question, Anwar Shaikh though does convert national income accounts (NIA) into Marxian categories. He in fact has come up with a method to conduct such a process.
Jesus sounds like your typical cult leader getting his followers to turn against their families. But maybe there is the ultimate contradiction between love of family and love of the cause, that every disciple has to go through. Whether for good or for evil.
@farrider3339 Жыл бұрын
Why are we told and taught to love family ? Isn't precisely this space highly charged with devastating conflicts which you cannot escape unless you totally unclutch ? This bluff for the love of family, I claim, needs to be honestly addressed in order to generate a more truly adult and realistic look upon of what we are dealing here with. And YES ! Very well observed Jesus was nothing but an absolt fanatic jewish cult leader !
@chagoriver7159 Жыл бұрын
34:42 talk about running cover for liberalism. smh.
@jecaglig Жыл бұрын
Steta sto niste ostavili i debatu posle predavanja. Ja prva bih imala niz pitanja za postaviti.
@biswastathagata Жыл бұрын
Zizek's facts about india farmar suicide is wrong. It's West India, Maharashtra, Bidarbha where farmers are committing suicide most.
@HermesNautico Жыл бұрын
30:55 - Charity as false love: Feeling good of participating in the struggle against suffering. 32:17 - Objective victories of Capitalism. 'We live in a Golden Era' : the best of all possible worlds. 38:28 - Critiques of Eurocentrism - Every Universality can be a false Universality. Historicist Relativism - Beware how every universality can be a false universality. 59:11 - The whole problem of Hegel, [...] , is how in these conditions of failure, [...], how to save the legacy, how to remain faithful to it, how to do it again, how not to betray what was worth fighting in it. 59:42 - The use of the Fiasco of Communism by ruling ideology to put in question the entire Legacy of Modernity. 1:01:30 - "Modernization is a radically ambiguous process. Any return to pre-modern values, traditions, only serves to accelerate, to strengthen what is most dangerous of modernization." 1:02:16 - Definition of the Wound of Modernity: "[T]he wound of modernity, the wound itself, by wound I mean this cut of modernity: violent interruption of traditional order by modern universalism beginning with Christianity and so on." 1:56:24 - The legacy of Jewish Ethics: "I's a totally intersubjective ethics". 1:56:40 - About Israel: "I'm part of the boycott there". 1:04:50 - "There is no way back, we have to play to the end the game of Modernist Project"
@u.kw1461 11 ай бұрын
Thanks for these timestamps
@richyburnett Жыл бұрын
His objections to those Christian passages are infantile. The same christ told people that if your right eye causes you to sin you should pluck it out, or if your hand causes you to sin you should cut it off. Better for you to lose one of your members than to be cast into hellfire (that’s not word for word perfect but it will suffice for this argument you can look it up). He did not mean literally you should cut your hand off. Or pull your eyes out OBVIOUSLY. Apply the same principle of hyperbole and you will come closer to what the teaching is. This man’s ability to be indifferent or sarcastic and scathing does not make him a great thinker.
@brandonszpot8948 Жыл бұрын
“It’s not literal bro!”
@donny_doyle Жыл бұрын
@AnthropogenicInversion Жыл бұрын
love this guy
@bristolfashion4421 Жыл бұрын
poor Mark...
@tehehe4all Жыл бұрын
@51:00 Yanis confesses to his guilt for feeling entitled to travel on a 1st class ticket; currently possessing $50M+ in wealth, how guilty does Yanis feel in 2023?
@darodaras1418 Жыл бұрын
E pa nije bas tako
@girdharrathi6728 Жыл бұрын
Production for Exchange--not before 16th century? Yes, provided the International trades in older, pre-Christian eras are dismissed. Isn't it?
@ramseypietronasser2 Жыл бұрын
Good story
@MarvinRoman Жыл бұрын
Why intellectuals are attracted to ideology being the cause of capitalist stability 28:30 Why workers accept bourgeois ideology and their own exploitation 29:25 Reification explained 31:00