@AW33COM 14 күн бұрын
You don't need that much light. It's insane how much you have. You don't even have corals. My fish tanks use only sun light from a side window so that I don't have to clean anything. And my coral tanks have way less light than you.
@kevinian4854 15 күн бұрын
algea grows on whites
@barbjudson1256 15 күн бұрын
Love to see a new tank progress! Thanks for the videos. Your tank looks like it’s progressing well. The brown diatoms will die off in time. Snails and hermits will help keep the algae down. If you want to add coraline algae get a piece of live rock with some on it and it should spread. If you’re an experienced reefer I’m sorry for the TMI I wasn’t sure.
@RaysReefsandReptiles 17 күн бұрын
I need coraline algea
@jacksonsparrow8865 27 күн бұрын
Are red velvet algae easy to care for?
@RaysReefsandReptiles 27 күн бұрын
most people don't like it in the tank I got the snails to get rid of it
@jacksonsparrow8865 27 күн бұрын
Why do you wear gloves when putting your hand in the tank?
@RaysReefsandReptiles 27 күн бұрын
check out my other video I got poinsened by zoahs captain jerks it was horrible almost went to the emergency room from then I just don't want my grease oil getting in my tank either
@RaysReefsandReptiles Ай бұрын
she was just a big gecko I was not overfeeding her
@UltraDoesYT Ай бұрын
sorry to sqy but i think ur gecko is to fat becouse they only have to get food 2 or 3 times a week and 2 times water per day
@brokendreamsgarage Ай бұрын
rose bubble tip anemone
@barbjudson1256 Ай бұрын
What type of anemone is it? I have some bubble tips and they move until they are happy with the flow and light. If I move anything around they will adjust after and move again.
@RaysReefsandReptiles Ай бұрын
not one idea?
@RaysReefsandReptiles Ай бұрын
doesn't seem to be growing:(
@leeandmandybattersby5958 3 ай бұрын
Thats a nice little tank … the light is great for soft and lps i had loads of growth using one of those lights
@leeandmandybattersby5958 3 ай бұрын
You need to get a rodi unit for your water changes especially if you are going to get corals
@RaysReefsandReptiles 3 ай бұрын
yeah its just brown stuff now
@RaysReefsandReptiles 3 ай бұрын
most of the algea is dying off
@leeandmandybattersby5958 3 ай бұрын
Tank is looking better on every video … a tomini tang would go great in that tank and would help with the algae
@leeandmandybattersby5958 3 ай бұрын
I dont clean my sand i have alot of nassarius snails certh snails,1 caunch and alot of crabs that takes care of my sand bed they do a great job and makes it alot easier .. your starry blenny and file fish are great to have in the tank
@RaysReefsandReptiles 3 ай бұрын
I agree love blenny and the file fish
@leeandmandybattersby5958 3 ай бұрын
You could do alot with that tank will be watching for updates . Also you need to add alot of crabs and snails to that size tank
@RaysReefsandReptiles 3 ай бұрын
for sure I am buying them any time I can get them