@staren1991 4 сағат бұрын
current Evelynn simply doesn't feel like Evelynn, it's just wrong
@thenorthowl2033 5 сағат бұрын
This helped me alot thanks
@fishwasherr 6 сағат бұрын
the way you pronounced kha'zix as khaziques made me choke on my drink
@Panda_Whisperer 7 сағат бұрын
BTW they did it by design. So people spend money to get the new broken champs. Kinda like pay to win. They nerf then get a new OP guy out.
@allahvscovid19 9 сағат бұрын
red cerrd
@xidjazulix 10 сағат бұрын
"there are many people that are playing *normally* that are way better than me" bruh you were literally rank 1 sion. no they arent.
@NkenKenY 13 сағат бұрын
ah yes i miss season 1-3 best seasons for me as a top irelia main
@SomethingUnholy 15 сағат бұрын
Laughs in Old Ap Soraka mid 😂 half hp gone with target E silence for 2 sec, W heal on yourself for almost 90% of your HP and gaining a lot of mg ress and arrmor for 5 secounds and R heals for 2k 😂 and this Area Q that hit everyone and lower their mg ress (stackable) 😂 she was so fun, i remember all enemy Katarina's going instant AFK when played against Ap Sora ❤️‍🔥
@SomethingUnholy 15 сағат бұрын
Ohhh I forgot about giving mana to your teammates 😂 soraka and ezreal bot just spamming spells and getting a lot of gold they took her mana regenerate from her E because it was broken but now they gave it to Yuumi and apparently it's not broken anymore, and soraka still cannot give mana 😥 I miss old league.
@snowballeffect7812 19 сағат бұрын
You should talk about old league's horrifically buggy vision which Riot insisted was a feature. We would have invisible nunu ults simply because he had a toe in the grass.
@GabyyRose 19 сағат бұрын
IMO, the complicated thing about completely removing some champs from the game by reworking them, is that some were interesting champs with complete unique gameplay (Eve, Aatrox, Galio, Asol, Urgot) but some were just had completely degenerate playstyle and were toxic for the game (Yorick, Akali, First Ryze, Pre nerf urgot, pre nerf Evelynn, Poppy) while others were just... plain bad and boring (Mord, Sion) or had other champions who were basically "This champ but so much better" (Fiora, Aatrox). And trying to comb through which deserved to stay to some extent or simply be reajusted and others who were useless or toxic to the game is... a hard task and a half ! As much as I wish we still had old Urgot, Eve, Galio and Aatrox, I don't need old Irelia (not that I want the current one), old Fiora (same thing), First Ryze, old Yorick, old Sion, boring old Maokai... Some of those champs are missed because they were unique but other are missed by virtually no one but the one that are missed were deleted for a good reason. I guess a sandbox mode would definitely be super fun but outside of that, for the few cool concept that have been deleted, I'll take the ones that were remade and updated for the better !
@snowballeffect7812 19 сағат бұрын
Original Eve was actually completely overpowered. I had a 100% winrate with her with a buddy who went cho'gath bottom. As soon as he hit six, I would stun and he'd rupture an enemy laner and eat them with his ult. We would continue that combo for the rest of the game until they had lane-wide cho'gath walking up mid at the 18 minute mark. I would be serving up so many champs to my true-damage-chomping homie. It literally didn't matter what my build was, I was basically just and un-dodgeable stun and armor-shred for cho'gath so I would do stupid things like stacking sunfire capes so they did like 100 damage per tick and then just stand on a guy and watch him run around in confusion as he burned to death.
@JohnTaylor-ed4eb 23 сағат бұрын
I don't care about having multiple accounts in challenger... no one does. As long as you can play each role in challenger that should be enough. Now, having an account for each region, sure. If someone had a challenger account in each region, and could stay in challenger while playing each role. Then that's winning league.... and also being relevant in pro play
@CesarLopez-vd3zp Күн бұрын
AP máster yi was so broken, Q a minion and he travel across all of them to damage you by 70%, damage him? He W gaining around 100 armor and mr while healing to full in 2 sec. His ultimate, reset all ability so you can spam Q after killing someone. There was also an AP item that make you shoot like a ball, deal damage and increase all damage you deal to that champions it was so disgusting
@CesarLopez-vd3zp Күн бұрын
Also the jungle item I think it was called Flare or something that made you attack twice lol.. ad yi having fun
@biglittleboy9827 Күн бұрын
It WAS broken. And it's EVEN MORE broken now LETS GO!
@Ytachi1000 Күн бұрын
still randog
@DrumCobra Күн бұрын
Riot, give me LoL Classic and Dominion FFS
@Trueduck981 Күн бұрын
My personal removed champion was Hydra Fiora. It was fun to see a team baiting you in the bushes, sitting on a ward, press R and get quadra.
@kodyVSwilly Күн бұрын
I very vividly remember Kassawin. And by vividly I mean I never played against him because he was permabanned literally forever. iirc he held the record for highest ban % till they added the ability for every player to have their own ban, allowing for a champion to get banned twice a game. If you ever watched the video for when Riot made Urf, they even joke about this themselves. "We notice player ban rates, and it seems like you just don't like Kassadin. So, we removed him... we also removed Ryze."
i just enjoy the fact that this kid is having fun
@ColdNavigator 2 күн бұрын
I look up to scientists and mathematicians, but I didn't think I would look up to a league player. Tyler 1 honestly has an incredible strategic intelligence when it comes to macro and tactical intelligence in individual fights. Not only this, but he achieved a pretty decent ranking at chess (though not at the genius, grandmaster level so far). He may not be working on particle physics or string theory, but his brain is clearly operating at a higher level than most people.
@ebossnz6838 2 күн бұрын
He wasnt even the first to do this. But he's the most popular
@ungabungagamer2402 2 күн бұрын
Tried this for three weeks. Eventually it helped cause I got bored of league xd. Let me explain : me being a casual gamer I can play games maximum 2/2.5 hour a day maybe a bit more in weekends. This strategy may work for climbing rank but it took away the fun by a lot 😐
@RussellitoMayne 2 күн бұрын
boots and 5 capes was sick
@starnetic7779 2 күн бұрын
I started to play league when Warwick got reworked and it was amazing but I have to say the first time I saw Evelyn was interesting
@Texansfan59 2 күн бұрын
T1 being an ivern stan is unexpected 😂
@arty2272 2 күн бұрын
@watercup5138 2 күн бұрын
felt my brain expand while watching this, 10/10
@Xurreal-wc9he 3 күн бұрын
It was true that playing Evelynn in ranked season 2 and 3 was a ban-able. I lost an account pre-rework.
@pfc_church 3 күн бұрын
I only need the screen shot @04:20 to show why this is bad to play like him. The difference in Jg gold tilts your own Jg out of the game. His bot lane won hard or this game gets way more difficult. honestly with that lead the bot lane had it didnt matter what Baus did here they going to win. You risked tilting your own team mates out of the game for 500g? You not even up cause you donated more then that to the JG top combined. Congratz. Baus get help you need it. You mental.
@pfc_church 3 күн бұрын
You get my Like cause of the warning at the start. You get it. Thank you for that. For real.
@teddykazandjiev 3 күн бұрын
Just imagine how useless and unimpactful top lane is if it took T1 almost 4k games to reach chall, when it only took him several hundred with jg. Absolute respect for T1 and all that he is able to do outside of his comfort zone but damn top is so shit man. At this point us tops just play it cuz we love the champs. It's not because it's good.
@TheRealXartaX 3 күн бұрын
She's hotter so it's ok
@xasnly 3 күн бұрын
i wish they had old champs. miss old taric, new taric isnt it
@XAllelujahXxx 3 күн бұрын
We do know that honor is used as an insult in Korea tho yeah?
@XAllelujahXxx 4 күн бұрын
Sorry bro, didn't know I was subbed.
@umutyldz8715 4 күн бұрын
give this man an iron account with bad mmr from turkey server he would kill himself. Respect tho
@samechep6289 4 күн бұрын
cool ppls get unbanned just cuz they famouse. Cool that he has more rights cuz no matter what he did or i did to get perma, i will never get unbanned just cuz im a nobody :D Still love Tyler
@PsychophantFR 4 күн бұрын
this is gonna sound unhinged but does anyone here remember a casting call when aphelios first came out where LS shouted "how many years" after a blue gun aph ult?
@maskouye9222 4 күн бұрын
I don’t even play League what am I doing
@fatalsturm 4 күн бұрын
I agree they should have a game mode where you can play all versions of each champion. Like Mord and using ult on Dragon, Xin crazy healing as ap. Jax with dodge passive, dodge boots, and the best version of Malzahar
@Chromaspell Күн бұрын
I think it would be fun for a day or 2 for nostalgia sake but after that no one would play it. A lot of people forget that these champions were just horrible and unfun to play against whenever they were decently viable.
@svodkosci 5 күн бұрын
I miss the AD assassin Eve...
@Meowman3000 5 күн бұрын
what a chad