The Way is Shut feat. Benjamin Studebaker
@Adam-ui3bl Күн бұрын
15:20 I think it's essentially wrong to say the Chinese Communists had greater success organizing peasants than industrial workers -- the Party was based and founded in Shanghai, and they had enough success there that they organized three worker uprisings in the 1920s. The third had over half a million workers fighting the government; they drove out the army, and then the Nationalist / KMT forces, which the communists were working within, were able to come take over. The reason it looks like they failed by the 1930s is that this early success was entirely, mercilessly routed by Chiang -- working with the local triads, he turned around a couple years later and massacred the communists and labor leaders. Zhou Enlai barely survived, and he made it out to the countryside, where Mao had been organizing peasants and gaining territory (ignoring Stalin's Comintern's orders) -- and then, of course, that becomes their base. (Although I think having a mass peasant base would've still turned out to be essential in China, given its economic conditions; and I like Tutt's point that students were also crucial, people ignore the fact that almost all "third / 2nd world" revolutionaries of those generations were relatively privileged students who studied abroad!)
@zainmudassir2964 2 күн бұрын
The way must be forced back open imo
@0MVR_0 3 күн бұрын
capital owes us the commons
@AnalyticPiracy 3 күн бұрын
Thanks so much for your work Daniel
@lucasparker1852 4 күн бұрын
Thank you for making this lecture publicly available. I came to this video at a moment of curiosity about why so much time and energy is devoted to self discovery and definition in our culture, wanting to understand where that comes from and how it takes form at an individual and societal level. This lecture has given me a framework to understand what is happening. I don’t think I would have been able to absorb the concepts in my university years, but they have an immediacy today and I am grateful that your lecture was here when I needed it.
@lucasparker1852 2 күн бұрын
Can I ask, is there anything you would recommend reading to better understand psychoanalysis, particular as it relates to learning how to live in a world without functioning ego ideals? You made a comment about that at the end of your lecture and I would love to dive explore that topic more.
@johnsammis1544 4 күн бұрын
I’m into the golden showers of Marx
@afs4185 7 күн бұрын
Excellent elucidation by Paris L here!
@julieannstout 8 күн бұрын
This book is a thoroughly enjoyable read. I read it about six months & I still am thinking about it while I’m at work during the day. It’s very quick and easy to read, but it leaves you thinking about it for months.
@CRManor 8 күн бұрын
In terms of a wager made in Capital, recall that in Chapter 6 Marx tells us "In every country in which the capitalist mode of production reigns, it is the custom not to pay for labour-power before it has been exercised for the period fixed by the contract, as for example, the end of each week. In all cases, therefore, the use-value of the labour-power is advanced to the capitalist: the labourer allows the buyer to consume it before he receives payment of the price; he everywhere gives credit to the capitalist. " I'm more interested in how the worker 'advances' labor-power as a 'credit' to the capital in terms of a wager. The worker already incurs the loss, but do they believe or merely follow the ritual?
@Barklord 4 күн бұрын
Have you ever read David P. Ellerman's critique of wage labour and the (liberal) labour theory of property? I think it's interesting in a legal sense, in that our current property laws should exclude renting humans for wages. He says that defacto responsibility for work is not rewarded with a corresponfing property right in the same way that defacto responsibility for illegal actions on the job are punished equally irrespective of whether one is or is not compensated with a wage.
@YepX 9 күн бұрын
Please invite on Alex from the Marx Engles Lenin Institute.
@gjb7966 9 күн бұрын
so great! thank you for this amazing episode!
@Mathilde3219 9 күн бұрын
1:24:06 the question posed here is fascinating. This program has been excellent. I would like to point to Lukacs’ criticism of Freud in the Schopenhauer section of the Destruction of Reason which alongside certain quotes by Freud seem to preclude the unconscious dimension of psychoanalytic concepts from at least Lukacs’ form of Marxism. Take for example this entry from Freuds late Findings, Ideas, Problems “Space may be the projection of the extension of the psychical apparatus. No other derivation is probable. Instead of Kant’s a priori determinants of our psychical apparatus. Psyche is extended; knows nothing about it.” This statement along with Freud’s investigations into mysticism clash quite strongly with the principles by which Lukacs criticizes Schopenhauer’s neo-Kantian subjective idealism. Lacan’s counter-criticism of class consciousness in this Seminar is intriguing because to me it comes from a dimension that I’m not sure Lukacs treated because Lacan’s criticism is strongly based on his definition of the signifier and the effect of the symbolic on the subject. Much to puzzle over here
@Driigun1 10 күн бұрын
@aladdinbinschamar2442 10 күн бұрын
Where are the other sessions?
@mitchell_fig 12 күн бұрын
The difference between communion and a bond formed by a loss of a past that was more "whole" is interesting, I think there has to be a difference between the two when it comes to speech (full and empty speech)
@koftu 12 күн бұрын
Lovely talk. I didn't quite know what I was signing up for when I began listening, but a lot of these ideas articulate what I've been feeling and thinking myself in my own practices. That said, I usually fall back onto a different Marx to describe my innate discomfort with cataphatic systems: "I don't want to belong to any club that would have me as a member." 🙂
@dethkon 13 күн бұрын
Peter Rollins is the greatest! THEORY UNDERGROUND IN THE BUILDING
@nikolademitri731 13 күн бұрын
This was great. I first discovered Peter via “Owls At Dawn” (which I miss) podcast, and while I absolutely DON’T understand all his work (nor Daniel’s), I do appreciate very much of it as a kind of Kierkegaardian Christian mystic of some sort.. I just appreciate struggling with all this, and I’ll have to listen to it again for sure. Thanks for this conversation! 🙏
@zw6201 13 күн бұрын
The Lacanian method has made it possible to calculate the radius of an orgasm
@Djordj69 13 күн бұрын
exellent !
@cameronsmith8775 13 күн бұрын
This is exactly the conversation I have been hoping to hear Peter Rollins have with somebody! Daniel asks great questions. I have been struggling with the intersection between Lacan and theology. This was enlightening.
@seifless 13 күн бұрын
Thank you for this extremely important conversation, been following Peter's work for years now, brillant mind ahead of his time. Cheers from Tunisia !
@brentblackburn976 13 күн бұрын
Halfway through, still no mention of the concept of inner alchemy and the huge portion of poets actively engaging with the medium as a process of psychoanalysis that both produces something of value and meaning and reflection growth and adaptation within the author.
@TheDangerousMaybe 13 күн бұрын
Thanks for this conversation, guys. It's a great introduction to Seminar XVI.
@chomotchomelian 13 күн бұрын
Refreshing.. and much needed relief. ❤️ Bianca's heart-out glimmers ✨ "Memory Palace" got me good. Thank you for sharing that!
@chomotchomelian 13 күн бұрын
Agree that poetry & therapy dance beautifully hand in hand. My current therapist is a lifesaver due to his playful, poetic, spiritual approach of encouraging flow through speech & spatial movement in our sessions. I do have to humbly suggest that psychoanalysis is not entirely new as I've always seen Analyst - Analysand work akin to a Syaykhah - Mureed dynamic in Sufism. Esp when one gets deep into working w desire, diving into metaphysics and the task of enjoying being a "householder" mystic in the world. Plenty of poetry, philosophical meditations & scientific endeavors spring from this work. It's progressively freeing, harmonising for the mortal subject and unseen, immortal subjects. Daniel's puzzled rship w his Daemon is thus relatable. Happened everytime I sit to design, paint or write in the past. Sometimes violently. It improved as I venture further in spiritual practice. In my experience, a good analyst have more in common & in respect to spiritual teachers. Otherwise, like Bianca said of poets, would be a sad handicap for analysts too. Amazing things happen when the two systems merge. Though I soberly don't think poetry need psychoanalysis much like I don't think Sufism need psychoanalysis but not every writer is Joyce, and not every faithful is Meister Eckhart or Ibn Arabi. Having a spiritually-oriented therapist compliments the work I do in my spiritual path, like an additional filtering system. It helps me show up better in Sohbet. Anyone who aren't tapped into spiritual work or esoteric path would benefit from accessing psychoanalysis. Depending on how one goes about it - a dogmatic, pathologising approach will just conjure new masters played by one puppeteering hand. Psychoanalysis is not exempt from misuse & abuse. If fruitfully bridged, we'll no longer be as silly as to assume a spiritual poet of being apolitical. One only need to sit with Arjuna to understand why a monk may raise his bow 🙏🏽✨
@emotube14 14 күн бұрын
Epic! thanks a bunch... In Response to Landon, forget plz about Human Nature which evolves historically... I care about my neighbour NOT because I'm my neighbour but because the very Logic that causes his oppression will eventually cause my extinction as a specie... So it is not about Human Nature or Human Good which is changeable along historically, but it is about Human interest in Surviving as humans... The measuring stick for success is HISTORY... Marx's 2nd Thesis on Feuerbach
@jerrypeters1157 15 күн бұрын
I absolutely loved this conversation. Thanks for sharing!
@claborn79 15 күн бұрын
Aren't there two Nietzsches forever in tension, maybe in irreconcilable contradiction? There is the conservative, hierarchical, individualist political project. But there is also his aggressive anti-foundationalism and perspectivism - which has clearly appealed to anarchists, feminists, queer theorists, and more broadly deconstruction and psychoanalysis. Adorno, Butler, Foucault, Derrida, Wendy Brown - they all make it pretty explicit what they like in Nietzsche. P.S. Not a fan of Deleuze; his Nietzsche in Nietzsche & Philosophy is almost non-recognizable to me; I agree with your critique of Deleuze. I think Foucault and Derrida are pretty faithful to Nietzsche.
@adamaenosh6728 15 күн бұрын
Another bangin conversation from King Tutt <3
@shesh2265 15 күн бұрын
that beard is alienating to the working class and a co-opting of wizard-sorcerer aesthetics
@totonow6955 15 күн бұрын
12:30 it's oject petite a's das ding 14:35 Isn't whole for Hegel whole / not whole with embrace of lack as perhaps the emancipatory truth? Enjoy your symptom everyone and bear your ambiguities. Form is the limit and limit is emancipatory.
@shesh2265 16 күн бұрын
Catherines adversarial intellectualism on full display here
@jimyeomans5716 17 күн бұрын
Responding to Tutt (34:00 - 35:22), the emphasis here is on the quality of the communication performance of an egalitarian politics through the available mediums (i.e. podcasting). This is improbable to produce systemic results, because of the double bind between the politics of taste and algorithmic necessity's, one must always defraud one to satisfy the other... Those who claim to be able to do both are often in fact, actually capable of neither. All hope for an egalitarian politics resides in the mode of mediation, all hope for systemic change resides in introducing games -at the site of information production/transfer- with superseding logics to that capital. This is quite doable, its just about designing digital mediums within a different set of priorities. Which I have done! [Link Below] I do not fancy your chances in attempting an emancipatory politics, which does not involve the creation of hybrid machines, such as mine.
@weaselhack 18 күн бұрын
What does this have to do with Moria??
@wokeisweak 18 күн бұрын
Lasch would have rejected wokeness in all its forms.
@afs4185 18 күн бұрын
Excellent. Was there a part 2?
@ludviglidstrom6924 23 күн бұрын
Very interesting
@ludviglidstrom6924 23 күн бұрын
Very interesting
@Joe-dime-a 23 күн бұрын
Just graduated from a top business college first person from my family to attend, as each year passes it seems the the deliberate dismantling of Monarchy and Christianity in the West was one of most self destructive and retarded ideas ever. 100s of millions of people have been slaughtered in the names of ideologies to reconstruct natural humanity. Feudal Christendom seems like paradise compared to our ridiculous situation
@MrTittybutt 24 күн бұрын
Is being a vegan is the same as being a class traitor? What would it mean for us psychologically to remove ourselves from the role of cold exploiter?
@skyinsession 25 күн бұрын
protest action is bad because the MSM is going to have a poor discussion of it, that's terrible ben, omg.
@bytheirdeeds150 25 күн бұрын
Feeling like Vivek Chibber would be a good follow up to this interview.
@simonlatendresse2229 26 күн бұрын
Great insight. The comment about Sufism, by the end however, is utterly wrong about the nature of mysticism (Islamic or other). There is absolutely nothing in that sort of religious obscurantism that’s amenable in the least to a progressive politics whatsoever
@Barklord 25 күн бұрын
I have to disagree. Apophaticism acknowledges the inability of any individual to have absolute political authority. This points to the necessity for collaboration and democratic respect for others.
@ancapistan 14 күн бұрын
this is islamophobia
@simonlatendresse2229 12 күн бұрын
@@Barklord On paper, may be. Very different in RL. They will rather actively discourage political participation. Also Sufi leaders in western countries have discourses in public that can be very PC, but on the whole they don't believe in notions of progress, or science, whatsoever, and still encourage strict traditionalism and can get very anti-science, very fast. In the ME and South Asia, sufis are even more conservative than wahhabis. The difference is they're QUIETISTS, for the most part, which ever since 9/11 has too often been confused (in Muslim believers) for being progressive.
@simonlatendresse2229 12 күн бұрын
@@ancapistan Sure. Exciting times.
@johnstewart7025 26 күн бұрын
Capital mobility is another way of thinking about protectionism. Or rather it is the opposite.
@dvepps6780 26 күн бұрын
Excellent conversation but I'm curious when this was recorded… the IDF is currently blowing a hole into the Sinai border of Zone C territory controlled by the Egyptian & US military & other MFO. The issue in Egypt will be related to its military seizing control of the state -- not popular upheaval. Also, the struggle got Palestinian liberation aside -- the US's complete destruction of deliberative multi-lateral institutions & courts like the UN & Hague ought to be of serious concern to every American. I'd prefer not to have WW3 thank you very much.
@MrTittybutt 26 күн бұрын
Individual moral struggle does not always fail. Being vegan is a moral issue for many, we do that alone in practice vs in theory, even if we are in a group that doesnt practice carnism. Too many "intellectuals" (not aimed at you) push aside veganism and are not themselves, marxist or otherwise when its actually the bedrock of morals and empathy. When you can see the value in something so unlike yourself, on its terms vs seeing it as something to commodity and generally abuse, you may just have a shred of empathy left in this narcissistic society of our western world. Our moral compasses are scrambled at birth intentionally and accidentally by the fact that we are all Dunning Krugers so eager to impart "our wisdom, our truth"" onto our offspring/others. We dont stop and think, maybe, we're idiots. Maybe the default heirarchy is a lie, it is we know it is. Aside from telling other how society works vs how it could/should work, we set our offsprings compass off by at least a few degrees, which sets them up for a lifetime of being immoral but reverse engineering what is moral. backwards from what we do to what is right. No wonder we all have a gnawing sense of guilt at our core. No wonder there are billion dollar companies with their self funded "science" constantly trying to convince us that we need to keep abusing and torturing these animals to be our best self when without this constant push, many more of us would have evolved past this to see that we can have no empathy if we give no empathy. Seeing what respect is is the first step. It is the absence of immoral dominion over anyone or anything that doesn't want to be. We can philosophize all we want, be learned and recall quotes and information but, if we cant look into the darkness of what we call normal and see HTF we got here, we will stay here and it will compound. Being vegan is not a diet, its not about nutrients, its not about the environment, its about self liberation, solidarity, and the the liberation of others. The first step in our liberation is the liberation of all others. Humility and self actualization, realizing we are not gods, even if we pretend to be.
@raymond7427 26 күн бұрын
Intellectual guff.
@mattgilbert7347 27 күн бұрын
C Derick Varn sent me here. I'm glad he did.
@Booer 29 күн бұрын
36:10 class reductionism & a definition or reframing & 58:49