Review: DUKE #1 - Emotional Rage!
TOP 5 Comic Books Of 2023!
7 ай бұрын
@paulhorn7855 2 күн бұрын
Tim Sale is my personal favorite
@astonwinter 6 күн бұрын
Thank you for this, I came across this video while looking for interviews on Jeff Lemire as his comic Bone Orchard : Ten Thousand Black Feathers has inspired me to start the process of creating my own comic. You've just done a good job of recommending Tenement. Keep up the good work & maybe one day I'll be lucky enough for you to review a comic of mine some day
@TheControlBlue 13 күн бұрын
I should have been the target demographics, male, with disposable income, and nerdy. I wouldn't touch your comics even if they were offered to me, and my younger siblings are the same, I bought them Mangas though 😂 Enjoy not selling.
@TheControlBlue 13 күн бұрын
Enjoy losing to Mangas.
@komatoseshinobi2735 15 күн бұрын
Great book. Fantastic breakdown ✌🏾
@fredleejohnsonjrthe3846 22 күн бұрын
Indeed, indeed I'm just saying thank you for this evening true powerful video commentary in my opinion.
@markditko4363 26 күн бұрын
Thanks for this little tribute and for sharing your point of view. ... and for anyone else who might watch this video in the future, I want to post what I put on my Facebook page after the announcement was made public. ================ Okay, first … WOW!! Just WOW!! After posting about my Uncle Steve and the Disney Legends Honoree activity yesterday I’m overwhelmed with the level of activity surrounding this. I would hope to keep this message to Everyone short, but I doubt that I’ll be successful. And let me preface what’s about to follow as my personal response. Other family members can respond in their own way. So, after spending much time reading everyone’s posts on the Disney announcement yesterday, being up since 4am reading every single post and comment that I could find, and responding when I felt the need, I felt that I had to make another statement concerning this buzz. As soon as Disney informed me that they were going live with the announcement, I posted it on the FB Group that I run. Almost immediately, Rob Salkowitz contacted me for a statement regarding my thoughts on the Disney announcement. I know he wanted to post his commentary fast, so to accommodate him I quickly sent him this: “What would my uncle think about this award? Anyone that ‘really’ knew him would know the answer to that question without hesitation. Bluntly, it wouldn’t even ever-so-slightly break his stride or influence him in any way. He didn’t do what he did for awards, or status, or fame. He was motivated by his own passion to do what he loved, and he didn’t need anyone to tell him whether or not he accomplished it. He was an artist and creator like few others, driven by his own internal furnace. What do ‘I’ think of the award? And speaking for the family, what do ‘we’ think of it? We truly appreciate it, and see it as an appropriate acknowledgement regarding his role in the establishment of the foundations of the Marvel Universe. This honor aligns with our desire to let others around the world know who Steve Ditko was, and the contributions that he gave to the Comic Industry.” Here’s a bit more for anyone who cares. (And I’m not trying to please anyone here. I just felt the need to get this out of my system.) First, I have absolutely no ill will toward Disney or Marvel. I actually love most of their movies and streaming content. For me and my family, it’s good clean entertainment. Does it always harken back to what was done in the 60’s? No. But really, … whatever. It’s entertaining. Beyond the media giant, my personal relationship with individuals at Marvel and Disney have always been a respectful, pleasant and a mutually beneficial one. The individuals that I’m connected to there are good people, doing their jobs the best they can. Regarding this Legends announcement, the family was contacted by Marvel, and then Disney as soon as it was in the works. We’ve known about this from its start, and even as far as approving the Bio that was attached to the announcement. They stayed in touch with us throughout the entire process and even giving us a heads up prior to its release. After reading all of the related posts and comments, I understand that this flies squarely in the face of what Uncle Steve cared about. Believe me, please … the family gets that. To those of you who feel committed to Steve Ditko’s personal philosophy of privacy. Stick to your guns. We’re not asking anyone to change their point of view. All ‘I’ would ask, is for you to allow the family the leeway and latitude to pursue what we, as a family, feel is ‘right’ by him. Nothing we do is intended to upset anyone, or take away from the legacy of Steve Ditko. If you can’t forgive us regarding our actions, then so be it. Just don’t let it take anything away from Steve Ditko and his accomplishments. I want to personally thank Rob Salkowitz, Mark Waid , Bruce Wechtenhiser, Leonard Xavier Roberts Schwartz , Alex Grand, and so many others, even Shannon Wheeler ; ) (you know who the rest of you are) for either their positive or lively posts, and ultimately really showing and spreading the Ditko love. All of this continues to increase awareness of a man who didn’t care in the least, yet deserves every bit of it and more.
@noahbodhi8657 28 күн бұрын
I just picked up the first one. It's off to a good start. I love the psychedelic art. Which is what I was looking for.
@ChrisLovesComics Ай бұрын
The creators of this generation do suck..
@kalyanroy8712 Ай бұрын
Will definitely check it out.
@flintattridge6279 Ай бұрын
promo sm
@jfmallon75 2 ай бұрын
I'm hooked on Rook & Geiger... can't wait for the rest of the releases
@notmyname5591 2 ай бұрын
Batman does kill.
@notmyname5591 2 ай бұрын
Good one.
@notmyname5591 2 ай бұрын
Hope you're coming back soon.
@Mayorofsexytown1303 2 ай бұрын
Just picked this up today and wanted to see if anyone had thoughts. Was looking through my local shop and it caught my eye. I always love stories that depict hell, and the art is awesome.
@susiederkins6612 2 ай бұрын
Why doesnt anyone talk about monocyte?!
@barryblack5103 2 ай бұрын
I've been playing with the idea of lime a soundtrack or suggested listening Playlist for the comic I'm working on. Because I have certai. Stuff that plays in my head during certain scenes too. Maybe we are on to something.
@rbiznezz2 3 ай бұрын
How does no one mention Jim Aparo??
@i8allthepies2 3 ай бұрын
feminist marxists are trying to destroy everything people enjoy they have no interest in gaming or comic books they attack everything masculine
@chickenwarrior9991 3 ай бұрын
Refreshing to hear a big picture perspective.
@swissmarvin5917 3 ай бұрын
I've just finished the Buffy and Angel TV series and wanted to read the comics. but I can't find any good place to buy all of them and if I do, it would cost sooo much money. Does anyone know if there is a way to get them for a fair price? (I live in Switzerland by the way, so it's probably different to the USA)
@kjellbjrnasmo480 3 ай бұрын
Mark waid is the biggest piece of shit in the business... are you blind to all the cancel and life ruination going on in the business? Jeez....
@modelflyer2003 3 ай бұрын
Just picked up the Rook: Exodus, Geiger, and Redcoat comic books on the release date (yesterday). Excited the most for Rook: Exodus.
@portlandgoose4727 3 ай бұрын
How were the other two? I picked up Rook on a totally random whim after I picked it up and glanced at the art, and needless to say I was FAR from disappointed. Absolutely loved it. Haven’t read anything else Ghost Machine related though.
@modelflyer2003 3 ай бұрын
@@portlandgoose4727 I enjoyed Geiger. I want to see more. I have not read Red Coat. I will follow Geiger too.
@portlandgoose4727 3 ай бұрын
@@modelflyer2003 i went back to the comic store to grab Geiger and Redcoat. Geiger was sold out, but I enjoyed Redcoat a lot more than I expected to!
@modelflyer2003 3 ай бұрын
@@portlandgoose4727 my home is an hour away from my work. There is a comic book store I frequent which is quite busy. The one in my home town, not so much. Sometimes when I go to the small comic book shop I can still find stuff that is sold out in the busier shop. Yesterday I went to the smaller shop and picked up Rook: Exodus variant cover. They had 3 of the A cover Rook books and had Geiger A cover and the variant cover on the shelf (1 of each) 6 days after the release date. Even had the Ghost Machine book. I already had it so I passed. I purchased the Redcoat book but haven’t read it yet. I added Rook to my pull list.
@zbaksh101 4 ай бұрын
I liked Rook, Redcoat and the Rocketfellers.
@devinagonistes 4 ай бұрын
Ah, well! They can’t all be winners, I guess. 😂😅 I enjoy these Ollie’s videos, but completely understand how this one may have killed them.
@pleasedont3749 4 ай бұрын
Cover "A Look Back" by Bernie Wrightson.
@MonkeysFightingRobots 4 ай бұрын
@devinagonistes 4 ай бұрын
It is only March, probably still too early to hope this will be your last rant of the year. Lol Thanks for another great video! Well said!!
@JohnDCochise 4 ай бұрын
Great show and it was great talking to Ken and picking up some art from him. Really nice guy and easy to talk to.
@samjroyale 4 ай бұрын
It’s kind of a no-win situation because if they didn’t include Ditko as a Disney Legend, the same people might still be complaining about the snub. In any case, I strongly believe that Steve Ditko is the best character designer in American superhero comic history. (Mysterio and The Question are enough to earn him that distinction, but there are so many other great examples.)
@devinagonistes 4 ай бұрын
Thanks for another great video, I love these panel breakdowns! It’s pretty impressive how those two pages have so much text but don’t look cluttered. The letterer did an excellent job giving the artwork room to breathe and leading the eye through the story.
@MonkeysFightingRobots 4 ай бұрын
Good point. A lot is being said.
@aluveano 4 ай бұрын
Can't wait to get my copy tomorrow
@davepraetorius 4 ай бұрын
Great conversation! Wish the audio was a bit better
@MonkeysFightingRobots 4 ай бұрын
Don’t we all.
@RockoJerome 4 ай бұрын
We did what we could
@davepraetorius 4 ай бұрын
@@RockoJerome @MonkeysFightingRobots You guys did great and I'm very grateful that you took the time to upload these videos for those of us unable to make the show.
@devinagonistes 4 ай бұрын
Thanks for another great video! DWJ is one of my favorite artists working today, I’ve been a fan of his since Extremity. Indie Comics Creator Con looked incredible!! I hope you’ve gotten some tea with a little honey and lemon. XD
@Bb186fo 4 ай бұрын
My personal list is: Frank Miller, Norm Breyfogle, Tim Sale, Jim Aparo, Neal Adams, Tom Mandrake, David Mazzuccelli, Darwyn Cooke, Mike Mignola. I loved Gotham By Gaslight, was honestly suprised and a little bummed really upon hearing Mike Mignola say in an interview that hes "never had any great love for Batman" lol i thought Batman was right in his wheel house! But what can ya do? Lol
@itrias6696 4 ай бұрын
"Drone" that actually interacts with people 😊. Beat that AI.
@devinagonistes 4 ай бұрын
Congratulations!!! 🎉 This looks like it was such an awesome show! ❤ I hope to attend eventually, I’m sure it’ll keep getting bigger and better.
@MonkeysFightingRobots 4 ай бұрын
Thank you!
@devinagonistes 4 ай бұрын
Woohoo!! Eight days! 🎉
@jdredd8152 5 ай бұрын
Looking forward to reading more Red Coat, Rook Exodus, Hornsby & Halo, The Rockefeller's and Hyde St. Also, if they make a Red Coat movie, Chris Hemsworth is THE guy to play the role. 😂
@theapexfighter8741 5 ай бұрын
To be fair, I don’t like it. It’s just a bunch of Green Arrow fan service, no actual storytelling. How the heck do they even try to fit things that happened from the previous continuity into this? Just lame fan service for Green Arrow fans.
@RockNRollSpock 5 ай бұрын
Favorite comic of 2023? Void Rivals, no question.
@PhilipAJones 5 ай бұрын
Just read the first two issues. It feels like a more adult and personal take on "GI Joe: Renegades". Great to read in tandem with COOOOOOOBRRAAAAA COMMANDER!
@robinstevenson1098 5 ай бұрын
Bunk’s back, shame about Omar : (
@sboinkthelegday3892 5 ай бұрын
If Ghost Machine is smart they should try to attract Japanese artists in the terms that is familiar to their culture, in the form of KOMPE or competitive pitch submissions. It's very natural for Japanese artists to respond to this format, and is also part of internal company work life and the traditional arts circuit. Sonic the Hedgehog and Mega Man bosses were both created like this. I'm not kidding, they might be able to poach Aka Akasaka and Tatsuki Fujimoto, maybe Kengo Hanazawa perhaps. Part of japanese copyright and "outdated" ways, is that participating in these events is not limited by working at a company that owns EVERYTHING you work on, they only own what you do IN that company. There's routes to do indie work and get it treaded like a club activity, because the cultural importance view on creativity isn't beholden to zero-hour contracts that affect your entire existence. West typically smears thiese practices for things like "not crediting artists" when companies simply protect the privacy OF their artists, while the company takes any heat from "offensive" content. That's how Japan avoided SJW culture.
@notmyname5591 5 ай бұрын
@borderlinecomics 5 ай бұрын
My equivalent of Ollies is 5 below. Never found any keys in my grab bags, but some fun issues non the less.
@MonkeysFightingRobots 4 ай бұрын
I need to check my 5 Below!
@KenDeemerVikingKen 5 ай бұрын
All of those gimmick covers Almost Killed Comics in the 90s due to all the speculators!! I'll fight you if you say otherwise!!
@MonkeysFightingRobots 4 ай бұрын
There are probably more variant covers today than the 90s!
@jimthar17 5 ай бұрын
Why are you backwards?
@MonkeysFightingRobots 5 ай бұрын
I forgot to flip the video during editing, sorry. The next video I’m going to change the camera angle so that after the intro the focus in on the comics.
@jimgillespie6109 5 ай бұрын
Love X-O #0! Great stuff.