50 Reasons | Richard Auckland
IB Info Session December 2023
Conferences 101   Series 2   Jan  25
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Doctor of Education (EdD) | Webinar 2021
@kowcikaviya 3 ай бұрын
Can I attend the classes for the Edd program from outside Canada?
@marileekidd 6 ай бұрын
Since when did unions decide on curriculum? They have no business pushing their agenda on our children. Trustees and school boards who work for the citizens of their communities should be asking parent for their input .Transgender thinking and practice is harmful to children, increases suicide, causes sterility and pain and confusion.
@mizobvious3753 6 ай бұрын
Nobody wants men, gay men in women legislation, we're sick of them.
@jessstreet6825 6 ай бұрын
The entire toolkit should be thrown out. It's based on a survey that was only answered by 0.56% of teachers. The writers are activists who participate in defamatory meetings against stakeholders.
@ShannonBoschy 6 ай бұрын
looks like comments are immediately hidden and dislikes taken down. Typical of authoritarian cultists and those intolerant of diverse views. This is how you maintain control. Just censor and cancel. No authority in history who has acted this way has found themselves on the right side of history. Hang out with that cognitive dissonance for a while. It's ok, we'll just publish the comment anyway, along with the time-stamped video with a legal analysis by a human rights lawyer exposing the lies of this atrocious piece of propaganda aimed at children, and we'll distribute it through the million march networks.
@canadiangenderwarsreport 6 ай бұрын
you people have undertaken a war against families, children and reality itself. Human beings can't change sex. Where does one even begin with this? The only rise in so-called "Anti-Trans Hate" is an increasing awareness of the cult you are pushing on children and the righteous pushback you're getting. You are trying to optimize the tails of the bell-curve against the middle declaring your beliefs superior to those of the majority of people. This social-engineering project is doomed to fail because the majority are not going to tolerate it. Your ideology, a belief system that very few in our society share, is being understood as a cult because when it is compared to the scientific facts of biology, physiology, genetics and now medical efficacy (complete lack of it) by way of Systematic Reviews of Evidence conducted by sovereign governments around the world are revealing the truth. Transgenderism makes as much sense as the narrative of any other destructive cult and mass movement in history. Teaching this crap is NOT Settled law nor a human right. Your interpretations of this are upside down. It is a bald-faced and self-serving lie to make that claim, one that allows you to grift more money, more "status" in the woke hierarchy, and more power in the bureaucracy you bloat with your existence. Feelings do not change your sex or make a man a woman; or a woman a man, and to tell this to children is psychological and emotional abuse. Two-spirit is a debunked lie. It's Quack Anthropology. It was originally concocted by a Metis woman from Manitoba from a dream in the early 90s, the rest is the confirmation bias, motivated reasoning and fantasies of men who want the world to believe they are real women - consistent with pathological narcissism, where narcissists (like despots and tyrants) seek to impose their false reality on the rest of the world, and have the world play along with it. The only thing that's socially constructed here is the concept of trans that you're pushing and the deviant and pathetic interpretation of words like "Harm," and "Safety." UK, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Denmark, France, half the states in the US, most recently the Psychiatric Associations of Australia and New Zealand have reversed course and issued warnings. Your problem, your fatal flaw, to use the literary reference, is that you automatically respond to everything that questions your false reality as hate, phobia, bigotry, and supremacy... and you fall into false victim mode before going on the attack. This is the same psychological process a petulant three-year-old cycles when they're having a tantrum. That's your collective level of intelligence. Your brains shut off completely at the slightest cognitive dissonance. Perhaps, as Omercajic attests, (claiming it's good for children) you should explore that feeling a little bit and allow competing ideas to exist in your heads before attacking anyone and everyone who questions you. The inability to get outside of your confirmation bias, and queer circle-jerk, is characteristic of the worst mass movements in history. Maoists Cultural Revolution, thought-stopping, thought reform and struggle-sessions (60 million dead); Naziism and blind obedience to the Fuhrer (I was just following orders), how many dead? The Lysenkoism of Stalinist Russia, tens of millions dead because someone had a false map of reality and imposed it on an entire society. What you are doing is unfathomably dangerous. There are only a couple outcomes possible here based on the patterns of history: your days of sucking the government teat for money and ruining children's lives by deluding them are coming to an end; or you will awaken an actual far-right response, the kind none of us want, and the streets will run with rivers of blood. Give that a trigger warning
@sewasimboconteh1456 8 ай бұрын
Am in year three(3) studying international relations in Sierra Leone can I continue as a year 3
@theresebernier6604 Жыл бұрын
Thank you! Very helpful.
@JFrusci Жыл бұрын
You can still be a tenure track professor with an Ed.D. I see it all the time here in NYC. It all depends on how you use the doctoral degree after, as well as contribute to your field of research.
@bromptonprimary5468 Жыл бұрын
Thank you. Do EDd's make less than Phd's when lecturing at the college level?
@JFrusci 11 ай бұрын
@@bromptonprimary5468 Not in my experience.
@kevinlau5940 2 жыл бұрын
Welcome to western b. Education. I finally got a call back from the program saying I passed everything
@prairiehorse6168 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this well organized presentation. I was not even aware of the program and stumbled across this video. Glad I did!
@nabinkishworkhadka3621 2 жыл бұрын
@westerneducation4855 2 жыл бұрын
0:00 Introduction 1:34 Application walk-through 16:09 FAQ 23:28 Tips and tricks 25:05 Questions
@westerneducation4855 2 жыл бұрын
0:00 Introduction 1:17 About the program 14:11 Program streams & subject areas 30:24 Application and admissions 45:11 Reports & resources 52:06 Questions
@westerneducation4855 2 жыл бұрын
0:00 Introduction 1:59 Program overview and structure 12:02 Application and admissions 23:46 Fees and funding 25:39 Questions
@westerneducation4855 2 жыл бұрын
0:00 Introduction 1:50 Program overview 7:51 Application and admissions 23:34 Fees and funding 28:42 Questions
@westerneducation4855 2 жыл бұрын
0:00 Introduction 1:42 Program overview 7:54 Application and admissions 19:44 Fees and funding 22:16 Questions
@westerneducation4855 2 жыл бұрын
0:00 Introduction 2:39 Program overview 5:57 Application and admissions 16:14 Fees and funding 20:00 Questions
@westerneducation4855 2 жыл бұрын
0:00 Introduction 1:57 Agenda 2:26 Program overview 10:03 Application and admissions 19:14 Fees and funding 22:43 Questions
@westerneducation4855 2 жыл бұрын
0:00 Introduction 2:12 Agenda 2:37 Program overview 5:44 Application and admissions 15:12 Fees and funding 20:39 Questions
@westerneducation4855 2 жыл бұрын
0:00 Introduction 0:17 Online education video 2:08 Questions for a past student 11:44 OWL LMS demonstration 16:17 Online learning tips 19:50 Questions
@westerneducation4855 2 жыл бұрын
0:00 Introduction 3:17 Current student answers questions 24:32 Tips for preparing 27:20 Why return as a professional? 29:05 Questions
@westerneducation4855 2 жыл бұрын
0:00 Introduction 1:31 Application elements 4:54 References 9:38 Resume 11:30 Statement of intent 12:58 Questions
@westerneducation4855 2 жыл бұрын
0:00 Introduction 3:10 Program timeline 4:49 Tuition cost 10:42 Payment schedule 13:16 Funding opportunities 20:21 Questions
@westerneducation4855 2 жыл бұрын
0:00 Introduction 1:29 Agenda 1:55 What is IB? 4:14 IB educator certificates 5:14 Program structure 8:52 program overview 12:18 Why IB? 30:29 Panel discussion 53:24 Questions
@westerneducation4855 2 жыл бұрын
0:00 Introduction 0:06 Today's Agenda 0:28 Introductions 1:59 Program Snapshot 4:40 MPEd Program Details 6:29 MPEd Timing/Delivery 9:21 MA Program Details 9:53 MA Timing/Delivery 10:57 Pop quiz 11:25 General program cost 12:10 MPEd Program Cost 13:20 MA program cost 13:50 MPEd funding 14:39 MA funding 15:38 MA Scholarships 16:20 Pop Quiz!
@westerneducation4855 2 жыл бұрын
0:00 Introduction 0:05 Today's Agenda 0:29 Introductions 2:57 Program Snapshot 5:21 EdD Program Details 7:16 EdD Timing/Delivery 9:04 PhD Program Details 9:59 PhD Timing/Delivery 12:10 Pop Quiz! 12:55 General program cost 13:29 EdD program cost 14:05 PhD program cost 15:01 EdD funding 16:18 PhD funding 17:18 PhD scholarships 17:34 Pop quiz 18:55 Where can I end up?
@businessman7648 2 жыл бұрын
U have me interested just don't know if I can be consistent bout fee🤔
@westerneducation4855 2 жыл бұрын
0:00 Webinar agenda 0:41 Introductions 2:34 Program information 4:16 Tuition fees 6:22 MPEd funding 7:29 Pop quiz 8:23 Application deadline 10:44 Application fee 11:41 Admission requirements 14:26 Supplemental documentation 18:35 References 19:39 Supplemental questions 20:12 Pop quiz 20:56 Additional topics 26:10 Questions
@yuekunliu1735 2 жыл бұрын
@westerneducation4855 2 жыл бұрын
0:00 Webinar agenda 0:39 Introductions 2:23 Program information 7:24 Tuition fees 8:17 MA funding 9:04 MA scholarships 9:38 Pop quiz 10:16 Application deadline 12:17 Application fee 12:57 Admission requirements 17:50 Supplemental documentation 20:57 References 22:02 Supplemental questions 22:29 Pop quiz 23:15 Additional topics 27:36 Questions
@westerneducation4855 2 жыл бұрын
0:00 Introduction 0:22 What got you into international teaching? 1:10 Favourite thing about the IB curriculum? 1:43 How do skills and concepts meet in the IB? 2:38 Favourite thing about teaching internationally? 4:41 How do you get trained with IB? 6:26 How do you find out about jobs in IB schools? 9:09 How do international schools collaborate? 11:40 Challenges and benefits of international teaching? 17:36 Learn more
@westerneducation4855 2 жыл бұрын
0:00 Webinar agenda 0:47 Introductions 3:28 Program information 7:35 Tuition fees 9:23 PhD funding 10:23 PhD scholarships 11:22 Pop quiz 12:23 Application deadline 14:05 Application fee 14:54 Admission requirements 20:45 Supplemental documentation 25:00 References 25:46 Supplemental questions 26:14 Pop quiz 26:59 Additional topics of discussion 32:10 Questions
@westerneducation4855 2 жыл бұрын
0:00 Webinar agenda 0:31 Introductions 1:31 Program information 2:03 Tuition fees 3:00 Funding and scholarships 3:21 Pop quiz 4:12 Application deadline 4:50 Admission requirements 7:28 Supplemental documentation 10:47 Supplemental questions 11:25 References 13:47 Pop quiz 14:35 Additional topics of discussion 19:39 Questions
@westerneducation4855 2 жыл бұрын
0:00 Infosession agenda 0:58 Introductions 2:31 Program information 3:50 Tuition fees 5:42 MA funding 6:52 MA scholarships 7:34 Pop quiz 8:46 Application deadline 9:47 Admission requirements 14:48 Supplemental documentation 18:24 References 19:57 Pop quiz 20:45 Additional topics 23:50 Questions
@westerneducation4855 2 жыл бұрын
0:00 Infosession agenda 0:42 Introductions 1:53 Program information 4:31 Certification information 6:33 Tuition fees 7:35 MPEd funding 8:20 Pop quiz 9:13 Application deadline and fees 10:38 Admission requirements 13:03 Supplemental documentation 14:21 Supplemental questions 14:37 References 15:31 Pop quiz 16:28 Questions
@westerneducation4855 2 жыл бұрын
0:00 Why Western's BEd? 5:17 Program breakdown 6:40 Practicum & AFE 9:42 Program streams 10:00 Minimum admission requirements 13:20 Primary/Junior requirements 14:50 Primary/Junior French requirements 16:32 Junior/Intermediate requirements 17:36 Intermediate/Senior requirements 19:23 Application process 22:41 Experience profile 24:50 CASPer testing 27:28 Application evaluation 28:33 OCT annual market report 29:25 Resources 30:59 Contact information
@westerneducation4855 2 жыл бұрын
0:00 Welcome and introduction 2:04 Program information 4:26 Cohorts available 5:01 Year 1-3 schedules 6:12 Program cost 7:54 EdD funding 9:10 Pop quiz 1 9:53 Starting an application 10:59 Admission requirements 12:52 Application deadline and fees 14:09 Supplemental documentation 18:02 Supplemental questions 18:23 References 19:14 Pop quiz 2 19:51 Participant questions
@saadastylo 2 жыл бұрын
Congratulations! Your skillsets are much needed. I appreciate your point about work-life balance. Well said.
@priyankashaktawat7608 2 жыл бұрын
so what are the networking opportunities for an Ib teachers is?? that means as a workshop leader/ pyp coordinator/ myp coordinator .... right
@Eduardo-uc7uk 3 жыл бұрын
🙏 Loving the vid!! I recommend using promosm!! ! You could use it to grow your channel!!
@yuekunliu1735 3 жыл бұрын
This lady will actually be our school's headmaster starting from September 😂
@VrajeshP 3 жыл бұрын
thank you
@laeeqamulla675 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this video, it's super helpful!
@ceyonkote 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you so so much for sharing this lecture publicly. I am a parent who had struggled with math as a student and I am worried that I might not be sufficient to help my child's math learning.
@nialljohnson5998 5 жыл бұрын
Very helpful, cheers.
@robh.3124 5 жыл бұрын
She’s hot