7 сағат бұрын
@DaveWisher 2 күн бұрын
I kept forgetting who the Tag Team champs were in this walkthrough, lol.
@aaronpullinteeth Күн бұрын
I think it's me and Eddie.... If I remember right.
@DaveWisher 2 күн бұрын
Anyway, I'm an Argentina fan, but I'm rooting for England in Euro 2024. Good luck! 🙏
@aaronpullinteeth Күн бұрын
We actually won tonight... shockingly. We so rarely make it this far in the Euros. I was actually shocked me won.
@DaveWisher Күн бұрын
@@aaronpullinteeth I watched the match. Congrats for advancing to the Semi Final and good luck against Netherlands! 🙏
@DaveWisher 2 күн бұрын
It was fun and annoying at the same time to see the AI break up the pin in a Battle Royal.
@aaronpullinteeth Күн бұрын
It was annoying as hell to be on the other end of. Made it more interesting thinking of a way round it though. Even if it made no sense.
@DaveWisher 2 күн бұрын
Seeing Mean Street Posse here reminds me of New Legacy Inc's Season Mode.
@aaronpullinteeth Күн бұрын
Same. Same with RTC too
@DaveWisher 2 күн бұрын
Sullivan Cassidy is gonna make an impact, hopefully.
@aaronpullinteeth Күн бұрын
An impact was made on him
@TV-Tony 3 күн бұрын
"Well screw you too" lol. Oh yeah did you see the A&E bio on The Steiner Bros. They said people didn't even recognize Scott at first with the blonde hair when he first dyed it. I never knew that.
@aaronpullinteeth 3 күн бұрын
I didn't know that but it makes sense. He looked so different.
@TV-Tony 3 күн бұрын
@@aaronpullinteeth Yeah he did. Oh yeah and now I remember how this story ends. I wonder what happens if you turn down the challenge. My guess is you still have to do the match with the Diva vs. male wrestler at the PPV. On the up side, your guy can interfere as much as he wants, so have Big Poppa Pump beat on Kane as much as possible, so Stacy can win. I think you might even be able to use weapons. Just check if DQ is turned on. I guess if it is, just beat on Kane because I know I've been able to attack the opponent when I've played this story. So if you do get a DQ with a weapon, you could always just redo the match if you want. I think there's also another decision after the match that's uh kinda fun let's say. I figured I won't spoil that one but would let you know about the match since it's one of the most difficult in this game.
@DaveWisher 5 күн бұрын
Coach tried to prove Vince that he got ruthless aggression as a boss. I feel bad for Shawn.
@aaronpullinteeth 5 күн бұрын
HBK always getting the short end of the stick.
@DaveWisher 5 күн бұрын
Yes! We can control our partner too in the tag match. 👍
@aaronpullinteeth 5 күн бұрын
That made this so much smoother.
@DaveWisher 5 күн бұрын
I wonder if we can team up with our tag team partner (Triple H) during 24/7 Mode. I couldn't have done it when I played this mode.
@aaronpullinteeth 5 күн бұрын
I hope so. Waiting for that DX reunion
@jeanlafayette7152 6 күн бұрын
10:36 I’ve seen players survive damage with so little health remaining that there’s barely a pixel’s worth of colour left in the bar. 18:14 Knowing what’s at the end of the passage, I can’t help but laugh at your optimism. 23:47 At least you’ve finally realised that you can go back and pull the other switch again. 24:19 Well, I’m pleased, even if you’re underwhelmed. 31:08 That’s the universe paying you back for all those flukey shots that Scuba Steve killed you with earlier in the video.
@aaronpullinteeth 5 күн бұрын
Lara turning into the Black Knight from Monty Python " 'Tis but a scratch!" Yeah.... I was so young and full of hope. The solution being so simple that I completely overthought it is kinda on brand though, let's be honest. I was still expecting to get caught in the fire, just for nowhere near as long. The Corre Design universe give and the Corre Design universe take away.
@TV-Tony 16 күн бұрын
I believe The Rock used to make pie jokes during the Attitude era. Good point about WWE vs. WCW. And Vince loved burying former WCW talent once they came in. I didn't know Stacy's theme music once I played this game. I read that she insured her legs.
@aaronpullinteeth 15 күн бұрын
I can't believe she insured her legs but in fairness, they did make her famous.
@TV-Tony 16 күн бұрын
How did the 2007 game end? I thought you were going to end it after Wrestlemania.
@aaronpullinteeth 15 күн бұрын
The game just decided to trade me back to Smackdown so I considered 1 full run of RAW & 1 full run of Smackdown as a full season mode.
@DaveWisher 17 күн бұрын
So Shawn got disrespectful voice messages and suddenly they wanted to show him respect on live show? Yeah, not gonna happen. Can't blame Shawn for ignoring them in the cutscene.
@aaronpullinteeth 16 күн бұрын
All these two faced guys putting it on for the camera.
@DaveWisher 17 күн бұрын
That glitch was annoying. That never happened when I played in PS2. King would probably say something like "I bet it's still far from over".
@aaronpullinteeth 16 күн бұрын
It is a joke that this game is as broken as it is.... oddly still fun but very very broken
@DaveWisher 17 күн бұрын
Shawn does daily activities in his ring gear. He sure is dedicated to pro wrestling.
@aaronpullinteeth 16 күн бұрын
I just got reminded of the Being The Elite skit "NOT EVERYONE HAS THE BODY FOR FULL GEAR, ADAM!"
@TV-Tony 18 күн бұрын
Well you can always add strength and speed if you want. Oh really? That's a fun fact about George Steele. Pretty cool he's a manager in 2K24 as a manager. I guess you can also add to submission stat if you wanna use Steiner Recliner submission finisher more often too. You can also auto train in SvR 2008 to increase attributes, almost forgot about that. Takes almost a full season to max out either if you buy the premium kit with created character or if you're playing as a superstar and using his original stats, like you have. If you auto train, then you gain 1 point every 1 or 2 times you train. Not sure if you need to that much though. But it might help wear down your opponent faster or do better reversals. Also fun to see that full 100 number near your character lol. Or all 10s by your character in this game. Wasn't it both brothers selling dodgy merch? Exploder: Evacuator Part 2, now playing in Vice City. Another Diva Butt Trophy contest. With Jerry Lawler and his Trump hands. Should actually get one of those trophies made for real lol. Call it the Golden Butt. Let the crowd decide. Or have one made for you after you beat Here Comes Pain. Oh yeah, I remember how this ends now. I hope Stacy can win her match at the next pay per view so we can see the ending.
@aaronpullinteeth 18 күн бұрын
I think Steiner's strength is at 10 by default and his submission is 9 by default so already pretty high. Speed might need some work though. I do remember the auto train function in SvR 08 from being a kid but I don't remember ever using it. It might have been both, I can't remember, I know at least one of them did. Which was funny because they were already on WWE pay. The Golden Butt trophies keep coming up in this run. Along with Jerry's tiny hands. I seem to have a memory of where this goes and if I remember right, you'll see why in the next episode that I am now worried.
@jeanlafayette7152 20 күн бұрын
9:01 I think one of the levers you pulled towards the start of the video opened the doors at the top of here - it’s definitely possible to climb up and find them shut if you explore this area too soon. 12:53 It’s an early version of The Weakest Link, before they decided to go with trivia questions and insults rather than gunfire and maulings.
@aaronpullinteeth 19 күн бұрын
That would make perfect sense. Too many levers. You are the Weakest Link.... Goodbye! *BANG*
@Amelior_ 20 күн бұрын
That centaur that looked frozen was so unfair 😂 'the black eyed peas were lying to you' made me cry with laughter! Great video, very entertaining! 😁
@aaronpullinteeth 20 күн бұрын
Thank you 😃 This game enjoys the unfair a little too much 🤣 Haha, I forgot I said that about the Black Eyed Peas.
@TV-Tony 21 күн бұрын
Still not letting you go for the IC, huh? Stupid game GMs. I remember this story. Was a pretty fun one. Surprised they didn't have Stacy in the Diva Beauty Contest. That's usually what happens when I get that story. It's usually whatever Diva is managing me lol. And yeah, those tiny Trump hands are funny. Yep, love that save icon when you check your memory card lol. And wow, it takes forever to unlock everything when you're playing this game legit. Or Steiner LIIIIIINE as the old song goes on that WCW soundtrack album. I was just reading on the Ring The Damn Bell website that Stacy Keibler has her legs insured for quite a hefty amount. I mean, why not. Kinda weird when they turn down your handshake early on in the game. I remember that happened to me and then there was the option to talk to that same wrestler backstage where you can have an angry encounter with him, saying if you try that again he'll break your arm off. In my case, it was Ted DiBiase. I like how they're all wide eyed after the punch on the nipple haha. Victoria, Trish and Lita were the only good female wrestlers they had back then. Speaking of Victoria, I remember when they just matter of fact mentioned when it was her last match in WWE on an episode of Smackdown and then just had her lose. Nice one there, Vince. Like, thanks for the loyal service, don't let the door hit you on the keester. Yes, as the band Chicago would say, "Look away, baby look away." Nice win you picked up there.
@aaronpullinteeth 20 күн бұрын
One day they'll let me get the IC Title too. One day. That was weird, I was expecting Stacy to be in the contest too. Weird. The tiny hands get me every time in this game, King got screwed over on his game model.Oh, I heard about Stacy getting her legs insured. I mean, I think I kinda get it... I worked out that if you offer the handshake and your superstar points are higher than theirs they will always accept, but if they're lower, they always refuse. Works the same with the attack option. Trish, Lita, Victoria, were the best but they had Molly Holly, Jazz and Jacqueline who were all good too, weirdly, this era had some good in-ring talent, they just rarely used them in a way to show that off.
@TV-Tony 20 күн бұрын
@@aaronpullinteeth Oh yeah, Molly Holly I liked too, but she wasn't around anymore when I started watching WWE again.
@aaronpullinteeth 20 күн бұрын
@@TV-Tony I caught her run 01 until 05 (I think) her matches with Victoria were usually good. Ivory was decent too.
@TV-Tony 25 күн бұрын
I believe autograph signing and charity events are the only things that don't give you any fatigue. Oh yeah, I don't think it matters if you trade. Even if you do, you'll still take on the opponent you would have faced the week before. Oh and you can check the rules during the match when you pause. I think Maria did a run in AEW recently as well. Just flick the old right thumbstick for the quick grapples. Oh and just so you know, since Shawn has the Showman style here, when you store, you store the fighting style instead, so he'll steal the opponent's finisher, instead of doing his own. You can only do your own finisher in this game when your meter is full. Took me a while to get used to as well. I had the Submission style, so I was able to win by submission when my opponent's head or limbs were only orange, sometimes only yellow, especially a submission finisher. So I guess either way, you face the opposite opponent the following week.
@aaronpullinteeth 24 күн бұрын
Ahhh, so it steals the other guy's finish. That makes sense. Thank you. Autographs and Charity, got it. Was this the game with the weird "hold the stick in a direction to submit people" submission system?
@TV-Tony 25 күн бұрын
Stun Lock of Doom FTW. Nice KO win.
@aaronpullinteeth 24 күн бұрын
The Stun Lock Elbow is unbeatable
@TV-Tony 25 күн бұрын
So the season ends at Wrestlemania?
@aaronpullinteeth 24 күн бұрын
Possibly, it can just keep going forever really, the mode has no end in this game
@DaveWisher 25 күн бұрын
I didn't think of it until now but we could get an easy win if we played as our opponent and let Shawn beat him by doing nothing, lol. Of course I'm not asking you to do it.
@aaronpullinteeth 25 күн бұрын
Haha, could you imagine a whole playthrough where we just made a player two control the other side and have them do nothing? 🤣
@TV-Tony 25 күн бұрын
@@aaronpullinteeth Or if it's a normal match, you could just hit your character with a weapon to draw a DQ or have him stay outside the ring to get counted out as well.
@DaveWisher 25 күн бұрын
@@TV-Tony Exactly! Those are perfect examples. 👍
@TV-Tony 25 күн бұрын
@@DaveWisher Yeah when I played with my character, I would do that to manipulate the rankings when I was trying to get the "Beat the #1 Superstar" achievement and then later on when I didn't want that superstar to be #1 anymore. Would also draw a DQ to keep other wrestlers lower down so as not to get anymore 5 star matches than I wanted during Season 2.
@aaronpullinteeth 24 күн бұрын
@@TV-Tony Ultimate cheese
@DaveWisher 25 күн бұрын
Neat video! Anyway, push R1+Triangle at the same time to activate special skill if my memory serves correctly.
@aaronpullinteeth 25 күн бұрын
I remembered us mentioning it in one of the comments before but for the life of me I could not remember how you do it...and obviously I skipped all the training stuff because I clearly like the pain
@TV-Tony 25 күн бұрын
@@aaronpullinteeth Oh yeah hehe. In your case that special skill is "steal finisher" when you're in the right position.
@DaveWisher 25 күн бұрын
I forgot how to do opponent's taunt with Showman. Press L2+Taunt button at the same time, perhaps? Just Google it for more information (which I never did, lol).
@DaveWisher 24 күн бұрын
@@aaronpullinteeth Don't worry about it. Anyway, if you don't like Showman, you can always switch to Technical. It will allow you to dodge opponent's attacks for a while when activated.
@aaronpullinteeth 24 күн бұрын
@@TV-Tony I could have speared him.. damn
@jeanlafayette7152 26 күн бұрын
2:30 Based on what the monk said in the cutscene at the end of the previous level, Marco’s father was using this ship to transport the Seraph, an artefact that can be used to unlock a ‘malignant treasure’ in a Tibetan monastery, but the monk’s father used a bomb to sink the ship. Marco’s men have been trying to salvage the Seraph from the wreck, and now Lara’s trying to beat them to it. 4:18 I imagine the people were transported in small groups by the submarine on which Lara hitched a ride. Maybe divers set up an airlock that’s used to allow the sub to drop people off when it’s not crashing because Lara distracted the pilot. 18:30 There are more efficient ways of doing that challenge. 23:44 Indeed. Considering what awaits towards the end of the level, I would recommend going back to the previous save and figuring out how to avoid getting set on fire at all. The solution isn’t exactly the trickiest puzzle in the game.
@aaronpullinteeth 25 күн бұрын
That was it. I like how they've been looking for it for ages and we just stumble upon it with no plan. Ahhh, that would make sense. You'd think they'd be in some kind of diving gear though. I have no doubt in my mind I did that very wrong but it worked so I'll take it. Yeah, I bet I just have to run between the switches a little faster. I have no doubt I have made things way harder for myself here.
@jeanlafayette7152 Ай бұрын
21:15 If you were ever wondering what happened to the mutants that didn't meet the intelligence requirement for becoming part of Natla's main army, wonder no more. 23:40 Considering the décor, they could probably stand beside a particularly goopy wall and have near-perfect camouflage.
@aaronpullinteeth Ай бұрын
They keep the rejects underground. It all makes sense now. They are masters of stealth.... sometimes.
@DaveWisher Ай бұрын
Best SummerSlam main event ever. 😁👍
@aaronpullinteeth Ай бұрын
6 Stars, no flaws.
@DaveWisher Ай бұрын
The McMahons beat DX, lol. The game made Vince OP because he's the Boss, I guess?
@aaronpullinteeth Ай бұрын
It's scary how OP he is. He's not this overpowered in other games, I swear.
@DaveWisher Ай бұрын
Neat! When I saw the thumbnail, I thought you switched and played as Kurt, lol.
@aaronpullinteeth Ай бұрын
Always got to keep people guessing.... also the reason the episode doesn't have a proper title... not at all that I forgot to give it one before going to work.
@TV-Tony Ай бұрын
Oh yeah, you were right, I tried it the other day with this game and it is a Bra and Panties match where if you use the People's Elbow as a finish, use it twice and get beat up until your opponent tries to strip off clothes, the game does freeze. I got the game to glitch the other day so that was fun. And I'm guessing he'll climb faster when you add to the speed stat in the menu maybe.
@aaronpullinteeth Ай бұрын
Speed stat! I feel dumb forgetting Scott's speed stat isn't great
@TV-Tony Ай бұрын
Oh yeah, great timing here, since I was able to finally get my created character to the perfect 90% I was hoping for leading up to Wrestlemania the second time round. I did that because I like getting the messages from the GM at 50 and 90 percent that say "You're halfway to being a Legend" and then "You're ALMOST a Legend." This game is so glitched it seems difficult to get them to show up otherwise. Oh yeah, I would say definitely don't auto delete e-mails in this game. They all delete themselves anyway after each pay per view and there's a really bad glitch in this game leading up to No Way Out if you're champion there where you're given a choice to give up the title or stand up to the authority and keep fighting and if it deletes, the game automatically chooses the "give up the title" option for some reason. I had to restart once when I made that mistake from the beginning. Broken cutscene lol. The best part is at the end when your character tries to shake Vince's hand and he refuses. You can find it on youtube if you want. And nice, I'm use to Smackdown, so will be interesting to see how the stories look on Raw. I believe there's a voicemail from Cena where he forgets to stop recording and asks the producer if that was a good take or something. So I'll look forward to seeing if you trigger that one. Be careful about getting too much fatigue or you could get injured. I believe autograph signings and charity events never cause fatigue. Most of the rest are minimal and clear up after a regular match. You'll also get fatigue after a gimmick match like ladder or cage. Kinda works the same as in that AEW game. Yeah Triple H is usually portrayed as WWE champ in this game. I believe also you can turn off stamina in options.
@aaronpullinteeth Ай бұрын
Nice, perfect timing. I'll remember not to delete the emails, thank you. That glitch sounds rough. That opening cutscene just wasn't having it at all.... no idea why. Haha, I'll keep an ear out for that one from Cena. Thanks for the fatigue tip, I'll keep an eye on it. Yeah, Triple H or Orton are the only people I could imagine them having as champ at this point other than Cena.
@TV-Tony Ай бұрын
@@aaronpullinteeth I remember there being a couple of good Legend stories in this. I've done the one for the movie role and I believe there might be one with Foley if you're competing for a title. I don't think there's one if you're already champion though.
@aaronpullinteeth Ай бұрын
@@TV-Tony Awesome! I'll see what it throws at me
@TV-Tony Ай бұрын
Hope to see you get to the end, since 2008 is one of my favorites. Even wrote myself my own guide for it and kept track of when I gained percentage progress. Took a while to figure out how many points you get for each achievement on the Progress Report because I couldn't find an accurate guide online that said so and was trial and error to figure out. Just so you know, you might get some stories that repeat if you win the title right away or closer to the first half of the season here. So I don't know if you'll stop after Wrestlemania once or twice or keep going until you reach 100%, but I look forward to checking out this play through. I will say if you make it to 100%, it's pretty fun seeing your Superstar or Created character get inducted to the Hall of Fame. I've heard this also happens on later 2K games, so I look forward to giving those a try.
@aaronpullinteeth Ай бұрын
Thank you for the tips, I'll see where we end up with it, I don't really have a full plan, just winging it and see how it goes.
@TV-Tony Ай бұрын
@@aaronpullinteeth Okay, but just know that stories might repeat unless you either wait until the Royal Rumble or possibly lose the title after winning it at the final PPV before the Rumble. Titles shots might rely on popularity too, IIRC, so you might be getting one soon anyway.
@aaronpullinteeth Ай бұрын
@@TV-Tony No worries, I'll not automatically assume we've done everything if they repeat right away
@DaveWisher Ай бұрын
I forgot how to activate special skill in the PlayStation version. Was it R1+Triangle? Anyway, I forgot what Showman does. I think it allows you to copy your opponent's finishing move. My favorite special skills are Technical (reverses opponent's moves) and Hardcore.
@TV-Tony Ай бұрын
Yep R1+Triangle after you store your fighting style. And in this game only Showman as a skill lets you steal an opponent's finisher, as well as quickly gain momentum if you hit a top rope move after a taunt on the ropes. I liked after this game that you could use almost all of the skills and with created wrestlers could unlock almost any of them in 2009 and 2010. My favorite styles were Submission as a primary, so I could win a match by submission or with a submission finisher before an opponent had red limb damage, usually orange and Showman. Only slight downside in this game is the opponent reversing a little too often sometimes in this game, even on Easy mode.
@DaveWisher Ай бұрын
@@TV-Tony Neat, thanks!
@aaronpullinteeth Ай бұрын
I seem to remember that Showman lets up steal taunts too, but I might be wrong.
@DaveWisher Ай бұрын
@@aaronpullinteeth You might be right. And if we perform the opponent's taunt, I think their momentum meter will decrease.
@aaronpullinteeth Ай бұрын
@@DaveWisher YES! I'm sure it's something like that
@DaveWisher Ай бұрын
Cena called Shawn "kid". He is the Heartbreak Kid after all.
@aaronpullinteeth Ай бұрын
The Heartbreak Kid..... older than him but still counts.
@DaveWisher Ай бұрын
It's funny how Shawn and Edge were shown arguing in a cutscene, and suddenly they became good buddies in the next cutscene.
@aaronpullinteeth Ай бұрын
Here we have on camera and here we have behind the scenes 🤣
@DaveWisher Ай бұрын
@@aaronpullinteeth Exactly what I thought! Johnny Nitro seems to be the only one who doesn't like Shawn during live show and behind the scene. 😁
@aaronpullinteeth Ай бұрын
@@DaveWisher Nitro being a diva backstage makes sense.
@DaveWisher Ай бұрын
I think you should play either Chavo or Mr. Kennedy for SmackDown. They both got hardcore as one of their special skills (one of my favorite skills), though I prefer Chavo.
@aaronpullinteeth Ай бұрын
That's why I wanted Sabu or Sandman, for the hardcore skill, but I guess we're here with Shawn for now.
@DaveWisher Ай бұрын
@@aaronpullinteeth Shawn is a perfect choice. If you buy Sabu, can you use him in Story Mode or not? I kinda forgot.
@aaronpullinteeth Ай бұрын
@@DaveWisher I have no idea 🤣
@DaveWisher Ай бұрын
Ohhh, so that's why you moved on to this game. Neat! 👍
@aaronpullinteeth Ай бұрын
Yeah, it just kinda ended on 07 with no warning. Very random
@jeanlafayette7152 Ай бұрын
1:31 Remember how the previous level included a door at the top of a ramp, which closed before you could get to it? This is the same door from the other side. 12:41 Flamethrower guys never drop anything, which is why nobody likes them. Well, that and the ‘setting you on fire’ thing, which is just rude. 13:30 The button you just pressed opened the hatch that covered this. 28:52 Yes, speedrunners use a trick known as the banana jump to get there from the spot where you can climb out of the water. Congratulations on making sense of the plot details revealed in the first of those cutscenes. I’ve seen some Let’s Players who still don’t really get what’s going on, even after having played the whole game.
@aaronpullinteeth Ай бұрын
Ahhhh, yes! I wondered if we'd find the mystery door again. Rude and set people on fire... just the worst. That makes sense. I did wonder if that was closed at one point, since it looked like it had a gate of some kind. I have heard people talk about banana jumps in these games before, makes sense that one would be here. Just hard as hell to pull off. The plot seems fairly simple but could be explained a little better in game, but there's enough there to make sense of it if you think about it. Enough in the world of Tomb Raider's lore anyway.
@TV-Tony Ай бұрын
Oh, I remember this story. It's the only other good tag team one in this game. The only one I haven't seen, but heard of in a youtube video is when you challenge for the world title and have to win some kind of #1 contender match within a certain amount of time. Usually the champ is Triple H and I believe you have to beat someone like Goldberg within 5 or 10 minutes, don't remember. But not sure how you trigger it if it's early on or if you have to play as someone specific.
@aaronpullinteeth Ай бұрын
I don't think I've seen that one. I remember similar in one of the Road To Wrestlemania modes where you can play as Triple H or Cena.
@DaveWisher Ай бұрын
Congrats for 200 subscribers! 👏
@aaronpullinteeth Ай бұрын
Thank you! :) Slowly but surely growing.
@TV-Tony Ай бұрын
@@aaronpullinteeth This channel should have at least 1000 with how fun it is.
@aaronpullinteeth Ай бұрын
@@TV-Tony Thank you :)
@DaveWisher Ай бұрын
6:58 That would be a perfect "referee" taunt.
@aaronpullinteeth Ай бұрын
Oh my god! YES!! I like it!
@DaveWisher Ай бұрын
Neat! Also, I liked it when JR called Big Show idiot, lol.
@aaronpullinteeth Ай бұрын
It's a common theme, announcers calling Big Show dumb, it's lore now.
@frenchabortion Ай бұрын
Wait 5 minutes for a pre rendered cut scene…. I remember playing this in 2000? And tried to get a match in before I had to leave for school.
@TV-Tony Ай бұрын
I guess Big Show got "retired", put on sunglasses and cue music by The Who lol. I believe the previous SvR also lets you get a KO win using JBL's limo.
@aaronpullinteeth Ай бұрын
Oh yeah! You can cause a crash, can't you?
@TV-Tony Ай бұрын
@@aaronpullinteeth Yeah, I found out when using some old guide that you can only find in the archives now.
@aaronpullinteeth Ай бұрын
@@TV-Tony There's a few hidden backstage KOs in these games and it's great
@DaveWisher Ай бұрын
I seriously thought the title of the news article would be "Big Show Goes Missing". Close enough, lol!
@aaronpullinteeth Ай бұрын
That would have been so cool.
@DaveWisher Ай бұрын
5:54 I totally forgot about him, what a neat surprise!
@aaronpullinteeth Ай бұрын
I was not prepared for the extreme close-up
@MightyNinjaa Ай бұрын
dude i love tekken games🤩🤩🤩🤩
@aaronpullinteeth Ай бұрын
They are great. Can be very hard, but great.