r/AskOuija:  P  A  R  T       T  W  O  O  O  O
14 күн бұрын
Google AI's Insane Answers
14 күн бұрын
The noise that these things make
Depop Drama
Ай бұрын
Punctuation is important.
2 ай бұрын
Family Groupchat Accidents
2 ай бұрын
Terribly Translated Toys
3 ай бұрын
Will It Blend? - A Furby
3 ай бұрын
Abbreviation Fails
4 ай бұрын
Naughty Cats of the Week
4 ай бұрын
Customer Service Brainrot
5 ай бұрын
Memes made up in People's Dreams
Roses are red
6 ай бұрын
@TheCaptainAmelia Минут бұрын
Skublcherskib?! wot the blazes does that mean?
@naymeequillo Минут бұрын
"Get the f*ck out of bed b*tch GO!!"
@angelaurijas 5 минут бұрын
1:18 surprisingly truth behind this insanity. teflon pan fumes will kill your birds. stick to cast iron or stainless steel. also, probably dont put pans in your bird cage
@curgaming2933 6 минут бұрын
I was just watching this and ALSO had a brain fart. I randomly spit out my drink all over mky hand while thinking of the globglogabgalab-
@Pseudonym-of-a-ghost 8 минут бұрын
Knew a girl who told everyone that she had a pet unicorn but it was a secret so you couldn't see it.
@TedChickenNugget 9 минут бұрын
Maybe that is what he wanted. Ever think of that?
@Itslightz412 12 минут бұрын
7:28 real
@addisonwadison 17 минут бұрын
2:13 love to see that was tweeted on my birthday
@SolarrStars263-gc8rq 18 минут бұрын
My school blocked the word Wait for it, _”socks”_ Oh yeah and they also blocked the dino game as well, too bad they didn’t block the alternate websites lmao.
@Resser1999 20 минут бұрын
9:01 didn't age well
@GingerBreadGroyper 24 минут бұрын
Sleep walked all the way across town is the best one 😂
@ittybittygrizzly1198 24 минут бұрын
I work at a movie theater and one day I was taking tickets and one of the customers dropped a piece of popcorn onto the floor. With absolutely zero thought, I said "five second rule", and bent down and picked up said popcorn and put it right into my mouth, then continued on tearing their tickets as if nothing had happened. Only after they had walked off down the hall did I realize why they were looking at me like I was an alien, and I promptly burst out laughing, which I like to imagine they could hear from down the hall
@simonpugh3731 26 минут бұрын
I read the thumbnail to the tune of "I love rock n roll"
@michaelwave_101 28 минут бұрын
@theonecollias8164 33 минут бұрын
8:05 feel good
@oravlaful 35 минут бұрын
stop smoking matt!
@gamerlayerplayer 40 минут бұрын
@sarij3950 40 минут бұрын
Oo, is that egg meme in reference to the seal video with subtitles? L'egg?
@sneeznoodle 42 минут бұрын
I think I would start reading Spiderman comics if "The abnormal drug trafficker" was a recurring character
@ilamparithi. 43 минут бұрын
I hate matt rose videos They repeatedly interrupt a nice yawn by making you uncontrollably laugh
@saltynoodlez 43 минут бұрын
My mom said hold on to someone on the phone and then asked me to get her her phone…
@Leprosy1011 47 минут бұрын
Isn’t Aibohphobia the fear of phobias or is that something else
@2048player-cf8mm 48 минут бұрын
@2048player-cf8mm 48 минут бұрын
Cooga looga eooga hooga ooga
@2048player-cf8mm 49 минут бұрын
@tiletastic9265 49 минут бұрын
Booga kooga booga hooga hooga nooga wooga iooga rooga dooga wooga jooga
@tiletastic9265 51 минут бұрын
Aoooga vooga goooga
@tiletastic9265 52 минут бұрын
Fooga pooga
@2048player-cf8mm 53 минут бұрын
@2048player-cf8mm 53 минут бұрын
Dooga tooooga rooga
@2048player-cf8mm 54 минут бұрын
Moooga jooga eooga looga eooga rooga kooga cooga goooga
@saltynoodlez 54 минут бұрын
My mom once called a casino in Vegas asking if the “lazy Susan” was going to be open 💀 (she meant lazy river….)
@tiletastic9265 56 минут бұрын
@tiletastic9265 56 минут бұрын
Xooga mooga
@tiletastic9265 56 минут бұрын
Tooga vooga kooga
@Snapback26 58 минут бұрын
2:10 That person is a bird
@jonathancoleman9062 58 минут бұрын
About a year ago I was walking down a street with a few of my friends. We had just gotten dinner, and we were headed to a concert, so we were all dressed up in suits and ties. We were talking casually when one of my friends happened to mention that something was sad. One of the other friends asked why. A homeless man seated against a building nearby, unprompted, calls out and says, "It's sad because you're wearing a bow tie!" (since one of us was wearing a bow tie). So basically, always remember to watch out, because you never know when the fashion police will come after you.
@classicboi350 Сағат бұрын
i have the ability to vomit on command, dunno why i decided to say it here but i can say it here and i just vomited on command
@ShadowPlaysGames7 Сағат бұрын
I'll do the please one Please Might be hard but for my character I'd be happy if you would try to make it human to make it human and good for my character I'd be happy--Wait it started repeating-
@ur.fav.sophia13 Сағат бұрын
matt rose has been on a roll since he came out as gay?? WHAT
@VoxTek_official Сағат бұрын
Matt do asmr
@aleizdein1474 Сағат бұрын
My childhood friend once said he had a PS3 that could combine games when you put two discs inside. He combined fifa 06 and street fighter, and thus came BRUTAL FIFA. Players would play a game while also beating each other to death
@haskeymorrison Сағат бұрын
2:28 that wasn’t an error /s
@AmeilaRose_nu Сағат бұрын
why did I get this in my recommendations
@EditingNeverEnds Сағат бұрын
“The wrong Japan”
@flakky55 Сағат бұрын
One time for show and tell I had literally nothing else i wanted to show (thank you anxiety + class full of weird cliques excluding other kids) so I ended up having to show off my homework for digital art class. Wasn't that bad, it wasnt my ocs or fanart. *however*, classmates were encouraged to ask questions about what we showed off to promote conversation (and to avoid 2 second long show and tells lol). Which meant I had to VERY carefully ensure nobody asked about the subject in the center of my photo. the reason I had to dodge any potential questions about the subject? the topic was about a childhood classmate's suicide and I did not want to absolutely **RUIN** everybodies day + my grade for that project! D:
@RAVENSSRL Сағат бұрын
4. That one Kanye west song 18. I Bet On Losing Dogs, Mitski
@2shy2guy52 Сағат бұрын
I bought a code for the switch version of undertale at Walmart one time and I fist bumped the guy when he was giving me my change.