@rhevl3148 8 ай бұрын
You people need to get your ears checked. This cover is mediocre at best. His voice is nasally and he can't project it at all.
@johnbritt5252 8 ай бұрын
So I googled covers of this song, after recently hearing it with it being one of my favorite songs, and was hoping to find somebody singing the song with some soul. And this man delivered on every aspect and far exceeded my imagination. What a wonderful cover of an already amazing song!
@anttmarlomarl 10 ай бұрын
dude is a monster
@therealtequillagravley Жыл бұрын
I'm not your girlfriend Bryan Adams; you're to old for me. I'm only going to be 40 and you are lazy. @NewRiverValleyRegionalJail
@therealtequillagravley Жыл бұрын
Nick Carter is Freddy Kreuger is what they want you to know is true but it is true. So is the lead singer of Maroon 5 that all of you praise. They already died. Gwen Stefani and all of these people already died except for Barrett Baber. This is how they all really acted while people were performing the songs during even live tapings is what it is. @NewRiverValleyRegionalJail
@therealtequillagravley Жыл бұрын
Gods Not Dead; Lucifer is Gwen Stefani who was Bryan Adams in a past life... Showed up as a stupid female that goes by Gwen Stefani but well is really named Leah Taylor. Didn't even do a legal name change. Is what you need to know is true. Well Bryan Adams didn't get to come back; he may have made it to Heaven to the last time but he won't be coming back. We fall from Heaven fully ourselves. Lucifer is taking over everything and she's not Lucifer is what you think but well; she is actually. I already revealed this. But well he was Lucifer who made it to Heaven the last time but won't be joining anyone in Heaven again is what you need to know is true. Nope, not even your old stuff. You weren't the singer and well you weren't even the Figure Skater. But he died too. Oh well is what you are going to say. But well; he is waiting at the entrance and well; I'm still not going to be going with any of you. @NewRiverValleyRegionalJail
@therealtequillagravley Жыл бұрын
I was already standing in the classroom which was Mrs Lawsons class when she showed up and thought she was the first fallen Angel this whole time. She didn't know my name back then. But she also thought she had to let me know who that person was that just showed up in the classroom that she said was her cousin Sarah Taylor. I was 11 at the time. Nothing is changing except that the guilties are all really being picked up. They didn't realize video surveillance was in more than just the room they were doing those shows in. @NewRiverValleyRegionalJail
@therealtequillagravley Жыл бұрын
She's not Lucifer; Lucifer still believes in God. Satans don't. She has always been mixed up. She doesn't even know what anyone means by conjure anyone or things back up. VooDoo is how everything started anyway.... It's not always about medicine by prescription. But I'm not breaking any laws with it. It's a magical thing... Don't even start. I don't use a spell book or even candles. @NewRiverValleyRegionalJail
@therealtequillagravley Жыл бұрын
As a matter of fact; I do have neighbors. They just don't want to listen to any of your music either most of the time. We still watch movies. But we aren't forced to sit in a group room with people we secretly can't stand out here in the big ol world you all used to call your home... @NewRiverValleyRegionalJail
@therealtequillagravley Жыл бұрын
Noone sits around listening to any of your music all the time either. Most of the celebrity friends you thought you had; already got locked up because they were to stupid to even heal pneumonia symptoms. @NewRiverValleyRegionalJail
@therealtequillagravley Жыл бұрын
You might sing; Leah Taylor. But well noone liked "I'm not breaking my nails." anyway. @NewRiverValleyRegionalJail
@therealtequillagravley Жыл бұрын
I'm the one that actually conjures a different way. You don't matter to anyone who wants to keep getting reborn. The guilt trips won't help. You all made your beds. No more singing either. @NewRiverValleyRegionalJail
@therealtequillagravley Жыл бұрын
If I'm the only one that ends up being alive on Earth other than my sons; that'd be okay with me. @NewRiverValleyRegionalJail
@therealtequillagravley Жыл бұрын
John Cotter II and Aaron Holley think they'll get up here to get good on that hit. Not going to happen. How incredibly stupid of you. @NewRiverValleyRegionalJail
@therealtequillagravley Жыл бұрын
When you put a hit on someone that means you hired someone to kill them. Well that money then becomes mine after it is sequenced through the state. It doesn't matter if you were even one of my favorite teachers or not. I don't care about all of that. And well, Carolyn Rowe was one at one point. But well, that was a long time ago. You can't resurrect when you committed the Cardinal Sinns. I won't even bother posting about that here or on facebook. That's not how it works anyway. @NewRiverValleyRegionalJail
@therealtequillagravley Жыл бұрын
The actual singer Janet Jackson, Ginger Montanelli and even Madonna Jesus Fuentes are the guilties. This is why I changed my facebook names. Don't even get me started. You ordered hits on Lucifer who is God.. Even Bryan Adams did. He's no God. I won't protect you. I proved I'm the innocent when I resurrected before your eyes. Don't even start thinking I'm protecting any of you who say wait no, I didn't actually do the hit I'm the innocent. No you aren't. And your daddy's money or mommy's prayers wouldn't save you even if they prayed. You did so many things to so many people. It doesn't matter who actually did it. You are all going to hell and aren't even allowed to use a cell phone in there. You aren't allowed to order people around. Your money was a waste too. Those already got locked up in prisons most of them tried to cross borders and got locked up even in Missouri. Don't even start. I'll just keep resurrecting even the other innocent people you did things too. Even if you ate them they'll resurrect a different way but you'll feel the inflictions once they show back up on Earth if they never committed a Cardinal Sinn. It isn't your rules on Earth; it's mine. It always has been. I did try to tell you all before you did any of this stupid sh... Don't even start. @NewRiverValleyRegionalJail
@therealtequillagravley Жыл бұрын
She should have been singing that song to him. I mean come on... really.. even the Grandma though. I mean he's not the Cardinal Sinnalist. The Grandma did alot of things but that was not one of them. He isn't at fault just because they did things. Those children deserve justice for everything that happened to them. @NewRiverValleyRegionalJail
@therealtequillagravley Жыл бұрын
See I'm at home, I can take a shower whenever I want to too. I don't have to have anyone offer me a shower or a towel or anything like that. I can go downstairs when I want. I'm not in a holding cell either. I don't have to make a video with pictures in it to prove this either. If you ever had stalking charges you would no longer be allowed to have access to the internet or use a chirp device either. I'm not in a jail, psychiatric facility, or any other place than at my place of actual residence. @NewRiverValleyRegionalJail
@therealtequillagravley Жыл бұрын
The female on the right that is holding the smaller child is the one doing the abuse. But she wants you to think that the Grandma that had just got out did it. DNA will prove who the birth mother is but well she have teeth marks in the pictures that would show you even who bit the child and whether it was the other child even. Don't even start. Because this means not only prison time. This means more charges and even no more visits with any child EVER. But that also warrants hell after life ends. Don't start trying to act like you believe in anything now that you got caught. You won't be allowed to even use a Chirp device. Complaining won't help. Those are the rules in there. @NewRiverValleyRegionalJail
@therealtequillagravley Жыл бұрын
I talk about all kinds of things because there are so many things those guilties will have to get used to not being able to do even at all in those actual prisons. But well we don't do them as often as some people might think others do them even when we are not locked up because well; we have better things to do sometimes. We don't just lay around but well some didn't get the chance the chance to learn how to use the washers or dryers in those facilities. They do work a little different but they do come with a manual and those are even rouged in from even Amazon in those places. But well; they are brand new. I'm making sure even laundry detergent or laundry liquid if that is what they choose to call it is ready available. Noone will make fun. Because alot of us had to learn on our own too. But well there are always people who are willing to help you learn how to use these things even me. But well if it makes you uncomfortable we understand that. You don't have to feel frustrated about it. Fallen Angels are not fallen from grace. We understand if you are still upset about it. But you don't have to sit in silence; you are allowed to talk. Noone will make fun if you freak out a little bit because you aren't told to just shut up. You can sing songs even if you just made them up. Noone is really watching you other than real video surveillance that are making sure things are safe in the homes you are in now and homes should be safe. But if you just wanted to stock up on even Little Cesars pizza; the hot and readys can be called in and you can even put some in zip lock bags and put some in the freezer for a later day. Of course you'll eventually have to eat even that. But well you could try the Chilli Beans and those are ready available all year long not just during winter. They also offer crackers and noone will hush you away as they have been saying in jails. Some of these people didn't get a chance to even try Big Macs at McDonalds. Dairy Queen is available. They don't usually open on Sundays. So those people didn't understand what was going on. Some are about to be locked up for things they did that they thought they would always get away with is what it is too. You can go inside some of these restaurants. But when Dairy Queens doors are locked; just walk away. Don't bother going through the drive thru. Those people were mostly guilties and the others well they didn't know this and they weren't on guard some of them. But well others switched to other restaurants. Everything isn't available on every menu. But well you have to pay you can't just drive away. Some do have different windows. It can be ordered from the menu but if you walk up to some of those drive thru menu areas the weight distribution from a vehicle is detected; some of us already know this. Others may not. But well, Dairy Queen will always be a no go if you go there on a Sunday. Those people were just for working DOOR Dash and weren't even supposed to be there anyway. They weren't even the actual staff. Door dash team members broke in without a key is what it is. This means they broke even more laws. Their dna and not mine or anyone elses was found inside the Dairy Queen restaurant here in Bluffton, Indiana. I walk on foot to alot of places. but they didn't know that Dairy Queen actually does allow people to walk up to the window to place their order if the doors are locked on other days and place their orders. But it was past 7pm. They don't usually stay open past 6pm in all places not just Missouri. So well, these restaurants do have times that they are actually opened. Those people were from the restaurant scooters in Main, Missouri. We don't have a Scooters here in Bluffton, Indiana. There were other guilties at the other gas station across from where First Bank of Berne that had been messing with people too. My husband inlcuded. Because I walked down that way still knowing the names of all the businesses here in Bluffton, Indiana and purchases two packs of cigarettes. Oh we are out of LD Menthol flavored 100's but no they aren't. Those are the laziest scum bags I've ever met in my life. Even know some of the names they have been trying to use and say they are them. Then after I made my purchase and yes, this is why I even have that receipt. I purchases 2 packs of LD Menthol shorts. But I still had a pack of LD Menthol 100's at home. We don't always wait til we are out to purchase more. @NewRiverValleyRegionalJail
@therealtequillagravley Жыл бұрын
When I give my neighbors stuff I don't give them trash and call it food. IF I give them even pencils it isn't because I'm trying to pin anything on them. I save receipts for a reason and I always tried to. @NewRiverValleyRegionalJail
@therealtequillagravley Жыл бұрын
Okay so this is very necessary. Some people cause vertigo without meaning too. They were around some of these others to long and picked it up. They learned to move their legs and arms the right way. But would need more proteins more often even. This is why some people keep ending up in the area of Bluffton, Indiana. But I have putting the proteins from these capsules into the plants outside here. I'm the lady that was singing along with Molly Hatchet and just dancing around in the upstairs of my condo with the window open. I do it alot sometimes. But it was warm inside. I mention all kinds of names because I remember all kinds of people I was bringing back to Earth along time ago that was innocent and had died because of those people. Knab crackers with peanut butter are great. But well, I don't dance all the time. I'm not a stripper or anything. I was just putting more hot water on the plants outside here. Some people cause it on purpose and others don't. One of those people thought someone else was a girl and so she changed her name to David Mulgrew II but was still going by the name Ashlea while at the Jeffersonville, Indiana building. This is why I kept mentioning DNA needed to be checked. Because alot of people that had showed up on the school property back then because they had fallen from the Heavens even well I wasn't Mrs Gillespie either. But I'm not the person that changed my name to any of those names. But I was trying to make sure these people got out and knew what they needed to make sure their bodies were functioning the right way. Alot of the other classmates didn't even know some of these people got locked up and we didn't even know where they were or anything. But well, some of us knew the names. But in the school yearbooks they only put in there what you wanted to be called at the school. They didn't put the suffix in there. So I know this they don't put the middle names in there too if you don't put it there with that it doesn't go in the school yearbooks either. But it is really a shame. So many people get locked up everyday or were because of mistaken identity. I'm still the lady in 33 Meadow Lane, Bluffton, Indiana, 46714. I realize alot of your lives have been so hectic because you've even had to live in prisons like San Quintan in California. But well, I didn't forget any of these people. And well DNA is in urine and it is in blood too. It's also in fecal matter but well I needed to voice my opinion on the matter and I kept doing it. But well, the people didn't do what they were supposed to so some of them even lost their jobs. Angels in Heaven fall from the sky. I didn't ever develop vertigo. But those vertigo trends can pass from anyone that has it that bad. And well I know it sucks but even drinking warmer water as a beverage of choice when you have it more frequently will help. It might cause more frequent urination but this is fine. The right people aren't going to run their mouth about it. Even whine about the sound of a toilet flushing. In a home we don't fuss about things like that and noone pushes a button in a home to keep you from being able to flush those toilets in these Condos here at Capri Apartments that I now own either. But they never did. But well, the moving around is good. But noone should feel they have to be quiet all the time either. And well, 20/20 Custom Molded Plastics, LLC here in Bluffton, Indiana is another company I'm helping run although I don't go there to the building. I have been the one supplying information but most of the time I do it through facebook. I don't post all kinds of pictures on facebook, instagram or even twitter. But well, I love listening to joan Jett and the black hearts and other stuff too. But I don't steal and I don't break into the other apartments either. But well we do worry about the healt of our tenants. I wasn't causing a disturbance. I just tossed the bottles out of the window and went and poured the beverages for the plants on them myself. I love doing stuff like this. I'm always working but that doesn't mean I don't have time to talk even in person. I talk to other tenants out the windows if they step out and want to talk to me. But well, I do stay upstairs even at night sometimes. I do laundry in the bath tub and hang them up to dry in my home. My washer and dryer was never delivered. But I don't mind doing that either. Just have to make sure you are using hot water and don't scald yourselves with it either. If you have to use even the plunger handle to stir the water to make sure the soap is lathered up do that. But it doesn't take a bath tub full of water to do it. Then place the clothes in. The back scrubber brushes that are plastic will break. So this works. Even the toilet scrubber brush handle will work. But make sure it is clean too first. We don't want all that bacteria in there. This will pull even the chemicals out of the clothing while washing them. Dirt and grime and also help to release the stains that may be in there. But you will have to rinse them. So don't let the water run so much in the tub that it covers the drain stopper switch. This way you don't burn your hands when you are trying to let the water drain out. I'm still right here. I ate some pizza rolls. But well they weren't frozen when I ate them. I heated them up in the microwave and then let them cool off while I was taking care of the plants outside even. Then I ate some of them and continued on with what I was doing. @NewRiverValleyRegionalJail
@therealtequillagravley Жыл бұрын
I went outside and watered with added SPF and even Thrive Sculpt to the grounds again. The weeping willows out back needed more proper nourishment. They do have feelings too. I know alot about agriculture. I don't take this stuff myself. But well it has alot of proteins in it. The people who claimed to know what they were doing are stuck with it still in their systems for so long. They work out they build muscle but they are mad because they gained a few pounds... I'm not the stupid one. Those muscle cells weigh even more than any fat cells a body could accumulate. I eat but I move around alot and well the world is trying to heal everyone through the Plutonius. But some of you don't even move off the couches in your homes or who evers home your staying in while others move around way to much for even foods they do eat to settle. So we end up with even the occasional belly ache. But well, you still don't understand how life works. Guilties are still running to the facilities to turn themselves in and I'm still listening to whatever I want. I love listening to people talk and even sing when I know they aren't the abusers of even plants outside. You know like Barrett Baber, Gwen Stefani, Patrick Smith and yes even Pharrell Williams. You've been abusive to them in more ways than one also. So well, the world doesn't like those abusers. The Plutonius is filled with the Solar System and in the solar system we have the ozone which is the pollution of bacterias and yes even dead plants. So we are trying to heal this and well it doesn't mean the world dies out. But the world is still healing and I'm healing so much when I'm running around or dancing around. The dramatics of you guilties is not your favor either. We don't want to hear the whining anymore if people turned their backs on you because they got real finally and walked away. If they were innocent of Cardinal Sinns this doesn't mean they are goody 2 shoes and I've discussed before. The world as a whole revealed who I am a reincarnation on Earth of; the Fallen Angel.. The ArchAngel but well I don't go to hell I continue to conjur up more people who well they will be taught what a Cardinal Sinn is and well it may be a sinn to smoke a cigarette but not a Cardinal Sinn that gets you sent to hell. The world knows this and well I know about all cures. I'm still rebuilding muscle masses in myself but I do that when I move around. I don't even make as much noise as any of you guilties when I walk up and down the stairs here even. Yes, I still jog down the stairs for the most part. But well, I did that on school properties. I love agriculture. It's out plants, it's our pets on the farms and everything else. I know every cure but well I always did I just wanted to be able to be free to voice it as we say here online. But well that is not my dying wish. I don't have to make one of those; I'm not the one dying. I love talking when there is something good to talk about. There is always something good to talk about. @NewRiverValleyRegionalJail
@therealtequillagravley Жыл бұрын
So people plant these weeping willow plants and what they don't know about these plants is when they are trying to grow they do drain life of other plants. I've found two that were planted directly beside each other. But they have been draining life of other plants because they do take more tender love and care to get them to grow. They are the guilty plant when not properly nourished from the start. Proper nourishment is not fertilizer of any of these plants. Fertilizer is not dirt/soil but these plants don't know what that is either. They don't actually defecate. This is the first time anyone has ever actually spoke of such things. I've had them letting other plants that had been planted in other areas sprout even in the Amazon rainforest on the other side of the world. I did apply SPF products to the hot water before it is still seeping through the plants. This is why so many guilties thought they could get away with anything. ArchAngels fall from the Heavens and I've been on Earth myself for a long time. But yes, I talk to the plants. They even know who was alive in the beginning and planted them and whether that person went to hell or not. But I've got beautiful even purple morning glories sprouting even around them. They are releasing good pharamones. But think of it as a young child. They don't know unless you teach them the right things. I will continue even documenting about this. They've been releasing all kinds of things that went away but well if a new property was built on a location it still stay there. The world is just growing as a whole still. I've been back on Earth for a long time. But I was innocent and got lied on. Yes, other ArchAngels fall but they even know I'm Lucifer but I'm not a plant that someone named Lucifer. God does exist and he's not dead either. But this plant well it has been so damaged and so mistreated. He even shows me who did what at times. There are others who did despicable things like defacate even behind the fence and even urinated back there beside a road at night and even during the day thinking that was okay. They don't like to hear their voices and this is why I play Barrett Baber, Gwen Stefani, Pharrell Williams and yes even Patrick Smith talking about the performance of Angel Eyes. It knows who did what to all of them too. ArchAngels show up all the time but if your guilty these plants know you go to hell when you do die. These plants were mistreated they don't go to hell just because others may and they have to be taught this too. They can't take care of themselves. They are always going to be the toddlers of the world. Yes, these plants even know who did what to me and well even in past lives. They all do. Since I've been working all of this agriculture up here in Bluffton, Indiana we've even got other trees sprouting beautifully in long distance areas. I do work outside when the weather is permitting. But well, they don't have eyes above ground. They aren't scared of the snakes. But this also kills out the bacteria that causes even lice in the grounds is what you need to know. That is a parasite and that is something this human being has always known. I've working agriculture and this is something I was going to try to teach my human sons Shannon Keith Gross Jr and Ronnie Jay Gross about even early on. But well these trees don't like you guilties as much as you think they do. I've finally got these two sprouting and they've never been able to sprout. I was the one getting things sprouting in a horrific area where nothing would grow and this area needed the right kind of love in it. I do out there and just pick up trash some of those guilties just threw down and even lied and said they didn't know maybe it had just blew out of someones car window or something but I throw it in the dumpster. I don't take a bag to throw it in most of the time. I'm continually working on things. I have the landscaper but I don't fly in a airplane to other states. I've been still doing it from Bluffton, Indiana. He and she even agreed to nutrient pass to other plants and yes even humans and pets that aren't the guilties. Hey, that's cool. They are my toddler plants; I'll accept them. They don't know what they are doing when they do it; they are plants. I call them my babies because if you were good parents of even plants you wouldn't have did what you did guilties that they know and have been telling even other people are locked up in New River Valley Regional Jail in Dublin, Virginia. They tell them all the time they don't like them. And well, they tell me the same if you start saying well remember the time when I used to sing.. But they know it was cold outside I didn't abandon them. I had been outside doing other things they didn't realize about the nutrient pass even from other areas when I was pouring it on the grounds. But I did actually just go to the area even with 3 different 2 liter bottles and pour hot water on them. They already had enough SPF from other areas. They are cold they don't grow the right way when they are cold. They love pretending to be Gwen Stefani. But they talk about all kinds of things. We are just hearing about alot of it. Because if you did something in even another area they know it and they are the ones that keep telling you even through the shows you watch no, I see, you stop it. I've been even taking pictures of them and posting them online as they grow. But I haven't taken any pictures recently. I wasn't deleting the pictures of all the beauty from the other cellphone. But they don't understand that either. I upload them but pictures don't take up as much room. I have plenty of devices to feel up with beautiful pictures. @NewRiverValleyRegionalJail
@therealtequillagravley Жыл бұрын
I'm not scared of them popping up around me. It's Angels that actually made it to Heaven even though you people who are the guilties on Earth did horrible things to them. I bring them back when they are ready to pop back up. Sometimes they might show up and talk to some people. I don't always get a chance to talk to them but well when I'm dancing around just minding my business I do notice things. I don't always talk to them though because they are in the middle of talking to someone else who is right there with them. I'm not one to interrupt conversation. But well, so what if I also sing along with other songs I conjured up myself before coming down like Pat Benatar, Joan Jett & The Blackhearts and quite a few others. I needed to make sure the rest of us were incredibly entertained the right kind of way without all the Cardinal SInnalists even present. We are the cool crowd and you guilties suck. Even Granny Hartle would have told you all the same. We blasted all kinds of good music. But well the Ed Sheeran mess; nope that's not me or the Michael child the first movie is about. They were trying to force alot of innocents to say all kinds of things because that's what they the guilties always do. I started talking about things they didn't want the public to know because well when you do this it gives you all the information. Ed Sheeran and Jason Allen Hoback aka Red are the same person. And well he is pregnant again and at New River Valley Regional Jail in Dublin, Virginia about to give birth finally. They killed every actual physician that went in there to help with any of you who took the wrong hormone replacement therapy to try to see if they could perform even a emergency csection. So he's on his own so is John Cotter II and so is Aaron Holley and all the others that are on killing sprees like they always did and lied about it. We don't eat human if we want to be resurrected is what we keep calling it but if we want to be a fallen Angel. I was the first, ever is what you think but no; you weren't thinking that. I keep making them drop from Heaven when the time is right. But not into any of those facilities even the psychiatric hospitals. But when they resurrect as I've also been calling it on Earth anywhere in the world it is far away from all of those things because that's what they have been calling all of us the ones who didn't want to commit the Cardinal Sinns and understood the different between a sinn and a Cardinal Sinn. Smoking a cigarette is not a Cardinal Sinn; making sure crops are growing properly is not a Cardinal Sinn. Smoking is a sin that alot of have did but it doesn't warrant aka issue a hell sentence. I don't lie this is also why I'm the ArchAngel Lucifer Ascension still. I did try to talk to some people about things like this after all of this started happening again years ago in Rural Retreat, Virginia. But some didn't want to hear about it and said it was just to much drama. But well not everyone some just said well I don't know what to believe. They do get to choose if they want to add more professions to their professional careers before coming back to Earth. I don't have to say everything backwards I'm not a backwards person. We mean what we say when we say we are not dropping the codes.. If you know what we mean. But well, I write songs and I do still dance. But I tried to tell you that some ArchAngels don't always make it. At first we are all ARCHAngels if we ever were born on Earth before and died and went to Heaven. But if you were a first timer then well; that's a little different and harder to understand for alot of people. They would resurrect and slowly go up in age to the age they were when they passed away though. That's what I did when I was the falling Angel apparition some of those guilties saw that were near Interstate 84 in Wytheville, Virginia a long time ago. But it was on the television and none of you knew what it meant. But well I slowly resurrected in front of Joe Dunn is what it was out in Aerohead apartments and he had ran off. But he was another one and didn't understand what it was at the time. I had wanted to resurrect right next to another. But see some people don't understand what is going on and get scared. When I finally grew in height to where I was supposed to be he wasn't stand there anymore. He was still talking to the Plutonius Layer which was set to destroy everything in the Solar System if we didn't get some of the ozone pollution cleared up by now. I'm doing it but it isn't people that is the pollution. It's actually bacteria in the dirt even. The sicknesses have been terrible on Earth for so long too. We don't heal the Plutonius by killing everyone who isn't exactly like us.
@therealtequillagravley Жыл бұрын
Come on! This was their favorite too and of all performances. He finally let go and just stood up the entire performance while still on Earth. It changed up on me while I was making something to eat. Way to go! They loved other performances so did others. But this was magnificent. And you all didn't even realize this person showed up going by David Mulgrew II after he was resurrecting in the high school hallway. He was resurrecting from being shorter in the hallway near some of you guilties even back then. But I was right there is what it was. Don't even start!
@therealtequillagravley Жыл бұрын
I knew about them all before I even let anyone know who I was or made an appearance in front of anyone on Earth. I was already pulling other fallen angels I conjured up out of the sky. Like Dennis Edward Smith Jr, Tony Wayne Gravley and even Shannon Keith Gross that I married. I said "Where is everybody" because I was causing them to drop down to Earth. I created everything and well I don't care if you think they look old or not. You got a problem with the way they look but you are the guilties going to Hell not Heaven. Don't start.. Even one Cardinal Sinn means you sentenced yourself. That's why they have always been there. I haven't committed any even in this lifetime. You guilties in this life weren't guilties in the past life. I conjured you all back up from ascending Angels that had passed into Heaven. Because that's what I do.
@therealtequillagravley Жыл бұрын
I didn't tell them it was you though. What of it? Patrick Smith don't even start. Because haha! Knew something else everyone else didn't know. SUCK ON THEM chestnuts Lori Swanson that thought she knew everything and Tynne Miller too. I didn't even talk to you all at the school for a reason... You were already guilty of to many Cardinals and thought you were "so the best".
@therealtequillagravley Жыл бұрын
No we aren't in school I tell people your real names outside of stage names if I want to Patrick Smith that taught study skills at Rural Retreat High School in Rural Retreat, Virginia but is the lead singer of Maroon 5. What? This love is the first song anyone heard by you on the radio. But I Lucifer already had the cd at the house where I lived. None of you even knew where I was regrowing up.
@therealtequillagravley Жыл бұрын
Mr Smith will you behave yourself too. I said everyone. I didn't go to hell because I knew all about Cardinal Sinns.. Why are you so obsessive?
@therealtequillagravley Жыл бұрын
Barrett, where are you? Because I didn't do anything. I've been trying to conjure more people up but I don't want those people destroying everything in sight. Noone deserved all of what those people even in New River Valley Regional Jail and Wellstone Regional Hospital were putting them through? Where did you go? What did you say? Because I am the first Fallen Angel Lucifer that fell after everyone died and went to hell the last time because everyone had died already. I tried to get people to listen even then. I'm trying to make sure it's safe for people to come back down to Earth the same way. I know you kind of sort of understand what I'm talking about. But I did not mean to startle you or anyone else. I just know some people have aids on Earth and I was trying to talk about so many things at once because the remedies to cure those things have always been there. I have been doing agricultural work outside still. Don't relay information to those facilities. You have a right to decline to work for those facilities at any given time as do I and any real doctor who still has their license. We don't pill push this is why alot of us have been getting back lash but we won't be the ones losing any licenses we accomplished getting. Alot of things are back dating because of all of the deaths of the innocent people and even the guilties. Look at the amount of people that died. Even Blake Shelton wasn't deserving of the things that happened. Gweneth wasn't too and Pharrel Williams I know wasn't to guilty either. But there are Cardinal Sinns and we don't try to just drag everyone with us if we think that's where we are going to go. We are supposed to be the ones expressing the right kind of love everyday without the abuses. I just took a shower and well I have a husband but a real one and everything. I was singing along with alot of music but I was promoting Barrett Baber because well he sings some of our favorite songs from the old days. Angel Eyes is a good song. I did mention that he changed it up. But it wasn't a terrible version and neither was the Lay you down cover he sang. I listened to even Blake Shelton sing on the stage and yes even the Gweneth Stefani sing even her own versions of other peoples songs. But she also sang some of her own songs. Barrett should do that too. Pharrell does it. Hey I could help you write some I write songs; but I sometimes go Shakespearean with it. If you wanted to learn to dance a little better well I'm a great teacher on Earth. But when those Angels know it's safe to drop down to Earth; they do. But don't send them back yet; I don't want them to be in a unsafe place. Agriculture is good and well they can earn degrees while they are there in Heaven too. The Plutonis is like a crystal ball with solar system in it. The Ozone is not the solar system as a whole that is the pollution. The Pollution is the bad bacteria that is in the dirt/soil that we grow our grass in and well we grow other plants in it too on Earth. But insects of the pests I was talking about like Lice, Bed bugs and other things not the entire human population.
@andrepierrot89 Жыл бұрын
10yrs later: he picked Blake.
@janenjeri4888 Жыл бұрын
Barret and Jordan mmmmm this season had the best voices
@marksidebottom8608 Жыл бұрын
The best blind audition ever. He was my pick to win
@user-rw3ty6fm6d Жыл бұрын
Wow, best cover ever ! So touching ,soulful and powerful voice. Beautifully written romantic song l love.
@gap.genius8884 Жыл бұрын
@barryledford6284 Жыл бұрын
Dude can definitely sing, but this was a terrible version of this song.
@kevinwalsh4652 Жыл бұрын
Rick Flair "woo" still relavant in society
@t.rayhenry1186 Жыл бұрын
Man, he crushed that tune.
@501764727 2 жыл бұрын
103.7 Jingle King! The Bar Room SuperStar! AN ARKANSAN!
@johnchabot1106 2 жыл бұрын
Heard better karaoke
@usertatakae 2 жыл бұрын
@51623allissa 2 жыл бұрын
6 years later and I'm still loving this audition and him as an artist SO MUCH!!! And Adam Loves him Too that's a plus in my book! This is my favorite audition EVER!!!
@kevinwalsh4652 Жыл бұрын
If you know Adam's fondness for falsetto, notice exactly when he pressed his button, just that little falsetto tweak won him over
@angelasanders5520 2 жыл бұрын
Fantastic. Cant get enough!!@
@jessicabutler6497 3 жыл бұрын
Girl killed it!!!
@phoebiarum9427 3 жыл бұрын
Years later and i realise that he sounds like Brett Eldredge
@AnthonyWLeone 3 жыл бұрын
Holy crap, she killed this song and not in a good way. Why the hell would you make this sound like a slow death march? Poor Jermaine Stewart.
@bradsargent1907 3 жыл бұрын
Who did he pick??
@michaeldangelo6624 3 жыл бұрын
BLAKE. But wins in 3rd Place
@bradsargent1907 3 жыл бұрын
@@michaeldangelo6624 thx brother
@lifetimevents3726 3 жыл бұрын
this guy is an incredible incredible musician incredible man incredible educator just an incredible man and I had the pleasure of cleaning his classroom for two for two and a half years while working for the world's greatest School District the Fayetteville Community District at the Fayetteville high school I'll tell you what what an honor to clean and learn from this guy this guy was amazing I love cleaning his classroom it doesn't get any better than this hello Fayetteville Arkansas I sure do miss Fayetteville High School in Fairfield School District I'll tell you what I miss you guys the greatest job I ever had working for the Fayetteville Public School system
@aominhquang2622 3 жыл бұрын
Mitchell Lee of ss13 sounds like him but he was eliminated so early