A collection of my Twitch clips.
3 жыл бұрын
Epic Gamer Syndrome
4 жыл бұрын
Bowser gets cummed on
9 жыл бұрын
Dr. Willy gets pooped on.
9 жыл бұрын
@weezerhater153 8 күн бұрын
how about we disrupt this cycle
@DolphinPain 12 күн бұрын
This encapsulates everything from early youtube. The typing on notepad, the apple bottom jeans, pixilation. Poetic
@Zaylic 13 күн бұрын
i think your subscriber count is bugged. it should say 300K not 300 :P jokes aside i love your work and i hope you go far! :D
@URnightmares162 14 күн бұрын
Nah, I like the year I was born in (2007). Though I wasn't even alive for most of the 2000s, so I'm enjoying more the teen stuff I missed nowadays. Especially there's people more accepting of of identities nowadays (rather than bullying and calling other slurs).
@1marcelfilms 14 күн бұрын
Its simple, Every year just gets worse than the last.
@shrippie-4214 15 күн бұрын
Things were not that much better or worse all though you did get paid a livable wage and was able to save money at the entry level back then
@ivanj.conway9919 16 күн бұрын
Hmm, wow, never went back far with that one. Once again, another video to help me feel ancient. PS: You actually, could not go beyond the stage when rap and hip-hop utterly, ruined pop music?! Yep, thanks for making me feel even more ancient still. There WAS, ACTUAL MUSIC, before this crap you know.
@purefoldnz3070 16 күн бұрын
I grew up in the 80s and 90s and it really was that good.
@sandr6769 18 күн бұрын
There was a time when I really perceived the world in a following way: "People born after 2000 are NPC, they're not real". And suddenly they became real. But I digress. When I look at the world today, it's just like 90s, only much more depression driven. So there isnt that much to long for, because you're already living the 90s through the lenses of 2020s. The final thoughts at the end of the vid are gold. Live submerged in today, so you can recall the fun past in the future.
@AnAntiqueLady 19 күн бұрын
Bro I’m nostalgic for the 1890s
@jonsie7955 20 күн бұрын
nostalgia really is such a driving force in collecting, especially for me. luckily the things i collect (vhs tapes and wii games) i can normally find for relatively cheap at like goodwill, but scalpers still get their grubby little hands on things and its annoying as hell great vid, man!
@liran8799 21 күн бұрын
I miss the 2000s/early 2010s and I was born in 2006 lol It just feels like I missed out on what was happening back then, and I wasn't old enough to experience it
@URnightmares162 14 күн бұрын
Im the exact same situation, even if i was born in 2007, there's people who enjoying 2000s stuff nowadays who missed it (theres a site recreated of myspace and people being emo and scene).
@wolvenwonderland4924 22 күн бұрын
This video was great, loved the editing style!
@ethanclark85 23 күн бұрын
“You can always go back, but they won’t be there.”
@AriannaCorbo 24 күн бұрын
thank you, i needed this <3
@donkeypoo99 25 күн бұрын
It’s weird to me that I’m now old enough that grown ass adults wish they grew up in my era
@win_ini 25 күн бұрын
so this isn't just me
@alien7889 25 күн бұрын
As a 2009 kid, i staryed watching youtube in 2018, aged 8, so i never knew "old youtube", but i still seem to feel nostalgia for youtube before i watched it. I don't wish that i was born early enough to watch smosh, or any other early youtube, and i think youtube is overall better now, but it was definitly more fun in 2013, (based on the few videos ive watched from back then)
@kevinmc3252 25 күн бұрын
Youre just dying. Its a part of life. You've left the garden of Eden and are wandering the wastes like the rest of us.
@Lessuno 25 күн бұрын
@@kevinmc3252 When God sings with his creations, will a turtle not be part of the choir?
@RedoStone35 26 күн бұрын
We don't miss it, we just missed it.
@HaraldQuake 26 күн бұрын
born in the 90ies and still love them... even though I love some 80ies, 2000s and some modern stuff aswell
@txwtw 28 күн бұрын
I think it would’ve been absolutely uncanny and just straight up absurd to just wake up one day in the 80s or 90s. Things would’ve WAY MORE different and it would’ve been hard to adjust into a new era you’ve never existed in before. To be a little more on topic I think the reason some people wish to live in past generations is because they dislike their current life or aren’t happy enough with it so they want to live in ones they’ve never experienced because they don’t know what it’s like at all and that’s what excites them.
@txwtw 28 күн бұрын
Would’ve been*
@kmanthecoolest9304 29 күн бұрын
insane bro only has 251 subs
@borntoclimb7116 29 күн бұрын
I dont know but i never understand peoples who miss times they dont live in, im grown up in the 90s in a healthy household and i miss this because i had a good times but never feel nostalgia for another times.
@Yurikon3 29 күн бұрын
I kinda wish folks could return to describe mental illnesses in bit more poetric way. The overclinical nature of mental health discussion about human psyche just feels so... fruitless to really describe or handle its woes.
@CameronKiesser 29 күн бұрын
I miss 2005.
@Darkchao_berserko22 26 күн бұрын
That was the peak year
@CameronKiesser 24 күн бұрын
Side note: I was a 6-7 year old kid in 2005. Still peak
@JTread2003 Ай бұрын
I have no doubt that in 10 to 20 years people will be saying that the time we live in now was great and people will want to go back. It's basically a never ending cycle on nostalgia
@purefoldnz3070 16 күн бұрын
nostalgia for what? The age of hate fueling misinformation and echo chambers? Oh yes....please take me back to this wonderful age lol
@Canukles 15 күн бұрын
​@@purefoldnz3070 Not like that's going to get any better... they'll just be nostalgic for how "less bad" things were. I already feel that way over the early 10s.
@SelectKiko 5 күн бұрын
​@@purefoldnz3070 the age of premium memes
@purefoldnz3070 5 күн бұрын
@@SelectKiko that part is true. The age of memes
@Lilleh__ Ай бұрын
I don't really feel nostalgia for times before I was born, but sometimes I do wonder what my life would've been like living through those times if I did exist back then. And when it comes to movies/music/tv shows from before someone was born, I think that just the memories of consuming that media earlier on in their life can help w/ being nostalgic for stuff that's older than they are.
@txwtw Ай бұрын
Bro same! I sometimes wonder how my life would be like living in the past too!! It’s so interesting to think about ngl
@KyuketsukiRei Ай бұрын
I for one just miss the time I grew up in. The 90s and early 20s were great. It's because society has become so damn boring. We've sterilized everything down to its simplest form. Everything is so grey and boring.... companies can only do bad remakes for the most part they don't even go all in on the nostalgia. Nostalgia products are overpriced to hell now. It's just sad. I think we'd be happier if they brought back some of the things from the past and made them affordable too.
@arielruh7773 Ай бұрын
This video is how i feel sometimes
@trstensvold Ай бұрын
The start of the internet. to experience the wild west it was.
@ShayTheValiant Ай бұрын
I was also born in 2001, yet somehow you almost look 30, no offense lol Anyways, I wish I could have been alive for the rise in popularity of Pokémon in the late 90s, or Pokémania as some people called it. Pokémon was the biggest part of my childhood, and it's still a big part of my life today. Seeing that it's the highest grossing media franchise of all time, I want to go back to when it all started. What I wouldn't give to experience trading and battling with friends using the link cable, hearing playground rumours of secret Pokémon, waking up early on Saturday mornings to watch the anime, and even the fanatic religious parents that believed Pokémon was evil. I wish I was there for all of it.
@noctarin1516 Ай бұрын
I was already ready to dislike your video when I saw the thumbnail because I thought it was just another zoomer making vast overgeneralisations about the past and endorsing escapism, but you really do have such a mature take about why these days we yearn for a past we did not live.
@Lessuno Ай бұрын
This made my night, thank you :)
@hippojuice23 Ай бұрын
What. Was that clip a @ 2:40 of the crying woman as your bumper video for Chapter 1?
@Lessuno Ай бұрын
An old internet meme. Look up "You done goofed"
@HTV-2_Hypersonic_Glide_Vehicle Ай бұрын
I wish I was alive during the 1930s in the 1960s the 1970s '80s and '90s
@Johnmrobinson-vb5vd Ай бұрын
Im glad i grew up in the 2000s and 2010s
@krakentoast Ай бұрын
I adore this video
@kernsanders3973 Ай бұрын
Interesting theories and might be real in some cases, but it's certainly more nuanced than that. Unfortunately a lot of things have degraded in industries. Mainstream music is worst now because the music industry corporations only promote their corporate controlled puppets than actual artists and bands that they can control less as oppose to the 90s where any band or artist good enough was worth signing and promoting for profits. There are tons of great bands and artists still around, but those are more from the independent part of the music scene than the mainstream. Mainstream animation is worse now because the mantra for over the last decade has been to make it as fast and cheaply as possible, this is where the calarts criticism comes in. On your example of people forming communities and "influencing" each other's opinion falls short on this one. Go look at the ton of videos talking about or showing amazing anime movies and OVAs from the 90s, every single person that watch those become awe struck by the mind blowing gorgeous animation and wish modern day anime would look like the stuff from the 90s. There are still animation movies etc produced today that can stand head to head to productions from the 90s, but those are more from independent indie projects. Mainstream movies are worst now, because big studios have become too corporate in their creativity processes. Most big movies are practically directed by the executive board room and not really the directors themselves anymore. The directors just act as a extension of the board room's directions. And the real hot button topic, people are too over sensitive today, so much we got people freaking out on social media if something is remotely offensive to them on screen or in music. Restricting and censoring art will always produce inferior art compare to ones made in a more freedom of expression environment. a Load of movies, music and anime from 90s wouldn't be able to be made today due to that specific point and if they were, they would be so drastically changed as to try and not be as offensive that it hurts the project. Even though there were tight regulations for stuff in the 90s. It wouldn't restrict those mediums if they just slapped a higher age rating on the media. But today even R or mature rated stuff are heavily curated to not be "offensive". So due to over reaching corporate control and safety boards trying to restrict the medium at the conception point results in just that, inferior products. This is not even touching the state of the internet in the 90s/2000s which was more open and free back than, as opposed to the centralized social media sites we have now. I can understand when someone who wasnt born in the 90s yearn to experience it. It was great. But that level of culture can be achieved again if we walk back the centralized corporate control that is right now ever growing.
@Radical-Entertainment Ай бұрын
This is the best time to be alive honestly 2024 is probably the best calm year like 2019 was compared to 2020 and 2024 is the chilliest year besides a handful of world wide events also I'm pretty sure 2025 is going to be either better or more chaotic but the 2020s started crazy and seem to be going alright by 2023 hopefully tho things get better
@landonhagan450 Ай бұрын
I support the notion of finding a balance, but I feel like any honest discussion of nostalgia must come with the caveat that history isn't a perfectly progressive upward trend. The explosive improvement that formed the foundation of today's world is a recent and likely unsustainable phenomenon. On a smaller scale, many are set to live less prosperous and less fulfilling lives than their parents in a world full of issues that are demonstrably trending for the worse. Sometimes the past really was better, even when viewed without rose-tinted glasses. At least in some regards. Excess nostalgia can blind people to the flaws of the past and make them hopeless for the future, but I don't see many people actually engaging with nostalgia in that way. (I mean lots of people feel hopeless, but not because of nostalgia). In my experience, most critics of nostalgia end up unintentionally shaming people for one of two things: 1 - Casually appreciating the qualities of the past. 2 - Soberly drawing analytical comparisons between the past and the present. I don't think either of these are intrinsically or even commonly unhealthy behaviors. I see a lot of criticism of nostalgia, but most of that criticism seems divorced from how people are actually engaging with it. Like I said at the top, I agree with the message in abstract, but repeatedly offering the same lesson to people who've seemingly already learned can changed the effect of the lesson from what was intended.
@zainmudassir2964 Ай бұрын
The 90s were weird. The End of History nonsense was everywhere in media
@NightmareRex6 Ай бұрын
wait what 0;14 is "what nintendon't" and now i think was released in 2019 or 2018 "nintendont" for wii to play GC games in wii mode.
@NightmareRex6 Ай бұрын
wish could been born before deoderant took over the market as i naterlay stink and have to poision self with deoderant to not stink if shower 2x a day i still stink. and the nateral healthy formulas just nto as strong as the toxic formulas. wish could go back where stinky was sexy. would make it helluva lot easier on me!
@bricrowave Ай бұрын
Insanely underrated. This is an excellent video essay dude this NEEDS more attention (and bonus points for awesome bgm choices)
@Lessuno Ай бұрын
Thank you ao much! Honestly the longest part of the editing process is finding the appropriate music. One of the things I enjoy most! I have ideas for making a video solely preaching videogame music.
@ivyflow3r Ай бұрын
Can't believe this video only has 3000 views! This is quite good for such an unknown channel, really feels like KZfaq is doing **something** with their algorithm at this moment. I personally think that old shouldn't overshadow the new, and neither should the new overshadow the old. There were a lot of great things from the 2000s, 1990s, 1980s and etc, but there are a lot of things that wouldn't even have a chance to exist that long ago, and are still amazing. Another problem that people really don't understand is, not just is their vision of the old times quite rose-tinted, it's also cherry picked. Doing things such as comparing literal peaks of a specific medium to an average piece of that type of medium is not really that fair, and if you really look into something much more average back then, you'll easily notice that not much has changed, it's just that the medium of lower quality was forgotten, but ones of higher quality remained (and did so for quite a good reason too).
@Lessuno Ай бұрын
Thank you for the kind words. Couldn't agree more witj your points, very well stated!
@daltonmaes2899 Ай бұрын
My curious ass pausing at the 1:03 mark having to slow at 25% speed and frame pausing 😂
@kateb2643 Ай бұрын
I was born in 88. I feel nostalgic for the 90's, but realistically: most parents thought NOT spanking your kids would mess them up; alcoholic and/or repressed parents were also way more common; it was cool to be cruel, so bullying was pretty much like the movies; TV and movies were very "don't say gay" aside from Will and Grace and some very special episodes; being a teen in the 2000's felt like an assimilate or die situation. Honestly think I'd be a lot less messed up if I'd been born 7-10 years later, even with social media being the way it is now
@ashcoates3168 Ай бұрын
This is an EXCELLENT video and this channel has some HUGE potential, keep it up!!!
@blunter420 Ай бұрын
"I for one can't wait until jorts are back" he says in prime jort season
@CapnPassion95 Ай бұрын
is that frieza
@user-lh3uz1cp7y Ай бұрын
My Dell Latitude D630 from 2007 is older than a lot of the people watching this video yet it's what I'm still watching it on today. Especially since everything modern keeps sucking more and more with companies starting to literally steal devices if the customer installed a third party part then sent the device to the manufacturer for repair, your original content being owned by the company who created the software you used to make it and computers being forced into things that don't need them to dictate what rights you have with that appliance. More than anything, I miss the era where I would run through the woods with the goat god Pan and every animal lived the way they were meant to without people who call child abuse raised christian trying to take away all of life's meanings and turn everyone into slaves for the rich.
@NightmareRex6 Ай бұрын
if it continues computers and consoles will resemble eachother, consoles only run signed approved code.
@user-lh3uz1cp7y Ай бұрын
@@NightmareRex6 Not for Linux users unless they choose to. The computer I buy today will last me at least 20 years before I need an upgrade making it easy for enough people to just stop buying for long enough ton starve the beast if only more people knew what being humble meant.