@b0g_dyke 7 ай бұрын
Now 50% have "some kind of psychiatric disterbance"
@SuperWilbur77 Жыл бұрын
Just a question. Has the speaker ever had epilepsy? Basically, the patient can do nothing. No driving , no alcohol , no fun , no sun. Wonder why there is anxiety? Ever had a seizure? Anti depressants doesn’t help. Therapy doesn’t help. Nerve pills calm. Is that so awful. Epilepsy is hard enough. But patients have to deal with enough as it is. Basically life is taken away. Give me a break. Billions are on nerve pills. Stupid !
@moumitasantra9039 Жыл бұрын
Well therapy did help me and yes no driving n alcohol but no sun is not fr all kind of epilepsy and its not true they cant hv any fun.....but u need to hv a good support system....family, friends n doctors
@anamariafernandezpabon822 8 ай бұрын
I am Epileptic and most of the negative simptoms mentioned here are Side Effects from Anti Seizure meds. 🙏🙏🙏
@tiacbendi747 Жыл бұрын
I just trust God above all the best cure
@tylerjames2889 2 жыл бұрын
I stayed depressed for over a month after my last one nothing works to stop this atleast 1 sometimes 2 grand maul for 18 months focal and absent siezures multiple times a month my soon to be ex wife told me I'm a diffrent person I am agitated moody isolated get mad to easy and can barely get out of bed always tired can barely function.its so messed up
@417flop 2 жыл бұрын
in the Army at Fort McClellan Alabama in 1983.
@emilysanjose407 2 жыл бұрын
The person have epilepsy,can take medicines to control him seisures...
@emilysanjose407 2 жыл бұрын
Hi hve a good day..iam searcess about the epilepsy.iam so helpless to my son.he about 30yrs old....i dont known wht kind medicines to control him ..evry day he seiizured...i can not control..my fmily here inthe philippines,simple..pls help me what i do..GODblessed more
@chaseme9860 2 жыл бұрын
CBD oil
@moumitasantra9039 Жыл бұрын
Go to a neurologist or a epileptolgist
@chetagracious9556 2 жыл бұрын
You can get rid of infantile spasms by using Dr Omar special herbs and medication. You can subscribe to his youtube channel by searching Dr Omar meds
@elaineBolding6894 2 жыл бұрын
I'm Epileptic, & I'm on Antidepressants, and seizure meds. But I still need a Pyschiatric/Therapist to help me too. You have just described me all my life, & I'm 60 years old.
@almacuriel5771 2 жыл бұрын
Then eat eat dinner 🍲
@mkbuhain 2 жыл бұрын
Hi Elaine, i also have epilepsy and like you I am on antidepressants. Sometimes I am okay, but when depression and anxiety it hits you, it hits bad like I can think and cant do anything. My previous doctor when I was little even didn't believe so it affected me much when i was growing up feeling confused and most of the time, cant recall and have difficult concentrating.
@anamariafernandezpabon822 8 ай бұрын
​@@mkbuhain Hi! I am also epileptic and sometimes all those problems, that you describe are Side Effects from the anti seizure meds. 🙏🙏🙏
@phishinround420 2 жыл бұрын
I was wondering why this info seemed a bit, off. This video, while somewhat informative, is 7 years outdated. Shouldn’t matter though, right? Since 2014 my seizures have been re-classified. I do suffer from depression and anxiety as parallel issues to my epilepsy. Tbh though, I only this year started getting the psychological help I’ve needed for years if not longer. The psychological problems that can be caused by either the condition itself or by the ASM one takes are not to be made light of. But as patients we do not get the proper help in a timely manner. My last seizure that caused self injury was in 2019 and I had 2 compressive fractures in my spine that took over a year to get the proper doctor to look at it, by then it had fused, now I just have a bad back. Speaking from personal opinion and experience. Problems with epilepsy are often not taken with a degree of urgency. This is more likely to be the most detrimental in terms of psychological damage to an individual. Often times, an epileptic needs someone who will genuinely listen and help. But mostly just to listen.
@reginadionessaddi6961 2 жыл бұрын
How are you now? My son's situation is like yours..for 15 years of taking anti epileptic drugs without much success and behaviour and seizures progressing and so are combinations of drugs.we finally tried a psy chiatrist who listens and later on counsel and prescribed depakote for his seizures and valium to address his behavioral issues..hope this will work...
@talaya9741 3 жыл бұрын
I wonder how many of these co symptoms actually are from those horrible drugs.
@chris7987 3 жыл бұрын
I tried Keppra with absolutely zero results, then I tried Trileptal, which helped but I still had grand mal seizures and the side effects were horrible. After about 5 years my neurologist finally agreed to "recommend" marijuana, CBD. It changed my life. I’ve been seizure free for the longest period ever. My memory and abilities are coming back, it is an amazing feeling. If you have seizures please try CBD, it won't get you high. I buy a small bottle via the net, 30ml's (1 fl oz) with 2500mg total CBD, 83mg per serving and drip about half a dropper (half a serving) under my tongue twice a day, morning and night. The bottle cost me a little over $100 and lasts about a month. This is a lot more than the pharmaceutical drugs cost, but I would pay 10 times that, because it has had such a positive result for me. Please make sure you buy it from a reputable supplier, with consistent quality. I hope it will help you, like it has helped me.
@mkbuhain 2 жыл бұрын
I hope we have that in our country, CBD is considered illegal here. I have been on anti-seizure medication for over 30 years already, i still get them though not often, but the side effects are really nasty, right now i feel my memory is impaired, inability to focus and my cognitive thinking is slow, and plus depression and anxiety gets the best of me.
@drewgabriel8446 3 жыл бұрын
Contact Doctor Patrick Elvis on his email [email protected] He can help your child from epilepsy seizure disorder..
@rjvowels 3 жыл бұрын
Im epileptic.... I consider suicide almost daily...
@suriantosurianto2195 3 жыл бұрын
No his say ia true...my wife have the symptoms...after sizure
@drewderick7817 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks to everyone who is taking their time to read this testimony on how my son was cured from Autism, he was diagnosed four years ago, and he is now 6, I have tried several treatments and medications on him, nothing is working out and I am so frustrated. I keep praying to God and finally God answered my prayers, someone from no where walk to me and told me he want to tell me about this doctor he gas knew for years now from his own country, after everything I took the contact of the doctor and called and I was so surprised it was a female and I explained my son condition to her, she asked for my home address and the next day I got a tracking number or a parcel sent to me through dhl from Doctor Stella, after four days I received the parcel, I opened and found a liquid herbal medicine and some herbal medicine grinded and I found a letter containing the instructions on how to use this medicine, I called her and thank her so much and she told me we should thank God for everything, the next morning I started giving my son the medicines and after one week I was seeing a great changes in him and I continue until the medicine finish and everything last for just one month and a week, now my son is free from Autism, he can now talk clearly, behave normal and no seizures anymore. Help me thank Doc Stella for this and you can also connect with her on [email protected] and [email protected] WhatsApp number is +2348157471852....
@reginadionessaddi6961 2 жыл бұрын
How much did it cost you..I want to try it too..my son is 30 yo,15 yrs under diff meds,but to no avail,pls help
@georgelincon8789 3 жыл бұрын
Dr. Nze has done it again for me and my family. My son who has Autism was cured totally after 14days after he finished taking the herbal cure medicines which Doctor Nze has prepared for him. I never believed there is cure for Autism and never believed herbs can cure it. Today am a living testimonies and witness and I can boldly stand anywhere and testify about the marvellous work of Doctor Nze. People are out there discriminating all the traditional doctors and saying there is no cure for Autism in life. Whatever [email protected] are doing you have to apply faith and focus on what you are getting in return. Write her on her email and wait for her response,Dr. [email protected] or Whatsapp 08116004247. Thanks for taking your time to read this .
@sissexton5051 3 жыл бұрын
I have a 21 year old grandson that has seizures every since he was 5 months old he has Asperger's he has the most multiple seizures five different seizure meds they do not we have been to neurologist nobody can seem to help him this is flustrated for him cuz he cannot do anyting is there anyone that can help
@stevenmurphy1751 2 жыл бұрын
Cannabis Indica strain. Start off on low dose. An increase the mg of cannabis strains that help with seizures is gone. Seen this work when pharmaceutical meds that was not much to help patience of all ages get relief from epilepsy and it helps with discomfort Parkinson's patience Dill with everyday.
@timjohnson1199 4 жыл бұрын
Don't forget the problems with medical so-called "professionals" that give diagnosis too casually, let their big ego get in the way of treatment and have over-reliance on pharmaceuticals along with not caring about the side effects of same.
@kibbles5724 4 жыл бұрын
I always thought that epilepsy just meant you get seizures sometimes. Thank you for this informative video so I can better understand and sympathize with my friends that have this.
@KODICEBIANCO 6 жыл бұрын
@1thinkboss 6 жыл бұрын
Wowww But the symptoms between the seizures i have been having before and after the seizures and i have a seizure every month adleast 3 a day when i have it. I actually have tears coming down now and i have anxiety and the teeth pain n headache. It feels like my fingers and teeth tongue and cheeks are very huge.
@wendybuldak3527 6 жыл бұрын
This nurse needs to go back to medical school. I've had epilepsy my whole life, worked in the medical field and have never had psychiatric issues. This whole lecture was hilarious to watch.
@nataniaantoine3359 6 жыл бұрын
her lecture related to my issue. it was quite helpful.. Just what my doctor explained
@1thinkboss 6 жыл бұрын
She explained my epilipsy. And my mom chose between her husband and i when i was 12 n i have been on my own since im 29 now n i started having the seizures last year n January.
@wolf_girlxoxo1887 6 жыл бұрын
Wendy Buldak many people have problems behaving and you can't judge people or anyone if you had epilepsy yourself u wouldn't judge people who experience more than others
@sprig6043 4 жыл бұрын
My sister displays string Psychiatric symptoms so I suggest you shouldn't be so quick to pass judgement and write the lecture off as rubbish.
@timjohnson1199 4 жыл бұрын
But, she's making money so everything's okay.
@RoyalSnowbird 7 жыл бұрын
The speech presentation in this video becomes slurred at about the half-way mark. Please FIX!
@kaylamcfarland784 9 жыл бұрын
Abuse ! I actually know for a fact ! Epileptics we can't swim especially climb I crushed my spine going up stairs !!!!! So hey camps great but how about a spa day relaxing around actual relaxing medical equipment ???? Sorry fellow epileptics y'all went through hell for fun .... I'm sick too guys so .... I know and tried camp !
@Coolscarykid 9 жыл бұрын
Ok so I'm 23 and I have epilepsy does that mean I could still attend a camp like camp nova or not? I'm just wondering
@epilepsyservicesnj353 11 жыл бұрын
Check out our latest video promoting Camp NOVA for young adults with epilepsy! (And also, our first Google+ post)