Envy in Dawah - Faris Al Hammadi
7 сағат бұрын
Trimming the beard - Faris Al Hammadi
Motherhood in Islam | Faris Al Hammadi
Calling a Muslim, a Kafir (apostate)
14 сағат бұрын
Is Islam strict?!
19 сағат бұрын
Hating Deviance & Innovation in Islam
21 сағат бұрын
Soundous on Instagram - Beware of her
@atiqumar9544 14 сағат бұрын
Sell out!
@QuestionAll121 16 сағат бұрын
@um_ayesha_ 16 сағат бұрын
جزاك الله خيرا
@user-zy7fs4ho7e 17 сағат бұрын
We should call out fake scholars like you rabbi
@user-ux5mj8qn2s 19 сағат бұрын
Ma sha Allah Sheikh ,many of the comments are emotional people with little knowledge of the religion. The damage those individuals you mentioned have caused is mind-boggling . May Allah bless you ya Sheikh Faris
@abumoh 20 сағат бұрын
Modern day murjiah
@Nicitor313 21 сағат бұрын
T This in itself disqualifies this man from any serious discussion about the humanity in general.
@user-ul6xs8tn7f 22 сағат бұрын
Why are you bald bro too much stress😂😂😂 allahuma barak❤
@aljaliah6868 Күн бұрын
I write his name like this......ALLAH !!!!!
@taibamalik_24 Күн бұрын
To all the people saying yes we can wear wedding rings first of all non mehram can't touch each others second it's a Christian custom and prophet Muhammed peace be upon him said whoever imitates kafir is like them only so before saying anything you must know the origin. It's not permissible for both men and women
@alimaxamed3660 Күн бұрын
Shame on you you work 4 AALA NAHYAAN
@umeharis09 Күн бұрын
Brother sometime I stopped my work because of talking to others,if I talk with someone,so how can I listen azaan.If I am not talking with others than I listen azaan during working.
@mattsprayberry0 Күн бұрын
Or just drink water because that's essentially what you're drinking with the leftover distillet
@asiffahmi6138 Күн бұрын
Assalamualaikum sheikh Faris ..im frm Malaysia..if u have a lecture the book of ibn Qayyim Madarisus Salikin..im very passionate into it...thank u very much
@dclegend7824 Күн бұрын
You are Big Munafiq
@user-fr1lq4ok7z Күн бұрын
Much needed this lesson barakhallahufeek shiekh
@Anticolonialist Күн бұрын
تنک یو، یا صهیونی
@user-te1ev9wl3c Күн бұрын
The fake sheikh who is a stooge of the UAE government who is now trying to build a following in order to get credibility when he says on behalf of his UAE masters to support Israel
@falsesectslikeshiaarejudeo6543 Күн бұрын
The halal carts and the : for you brother 10 dollars
@user-cf4zx1zs4r Күн бұрын
You are a wolf in sheep clothes don't try to justify your deceiving ideology.
@MagicThing05 Күн бұрын
4 wives = 4 rings hahahaha SubhanAllah. May Allah guide us
@edinnzen5216 Күн бұрын
But the fact is we have cowards as leaders so we have to put pressure where ever we can and putting pressure for ex if we would all boycott macdonalds and close in all muslim countries. That would put pressure on them and maybe there is a chance the owners go to their politicans and urge them to find a way to solve it, same goes for coca cola etc we all know that politicans are owned by corperations. It does not hurt to try, we most use every option we can . We are almost 2 billion muslims , we can make huge damage. Stop making excuses like this sheikh, same sheikh who said nothing when there was a huge billbord in Dubai with Israel flagg promoting to visit Israel. And even opening a holocost museum in Dubai instead off opening something to show Genocide in Palestine. If thwre are thousands non muslims who are boycotting companies then its emberrassimg that we as muslims dont do that. It says a lot about us today
@allahdittababu4802 Күн бұрын
Allahumabarik grey eyes with the grey beard
@edinnzen5216 Күн бұрын
Unfollow this clown
@edinnzen5216 Күн бұрын
If you cant say it i will Freeeee Palestine
@LinorMilan 10 сағат бұрын
Childish... Saying that slogan wont fix anything. He prays for Palestine & support Palestinian businesses, do the same.
@Abood.S720 Күн бұрын
What is he even implying, I don't get it ?
@MrZadeeh Күн бұрын
Awful farsi..
@UdruusJayyida Күн бұрын
جزاكم الله خيرا وبارك الله فيكم
@SeekerOfKnowledge613 Күн бұрын
Assalamu Alaikum brother Faris, I hope you can answer some of my questions. Jazakallah Khair. (Also, forgive my bad english) 1. How many Sahaba were there? 2. Were these following people muslim? [Umm Makthum (not her son), the father of Abu Bakr, the father of Umr, Waraqa bin Nawfal, 3. Who was Marwan, Umr ibn Abdul Aziz, Ubaidullah? 4. Correct me if I'm wrong, but, Why are the parents of Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihy Wasallam) in hell? Because, from what I know, no messenger came to the Quraysh Pagans (I might be wring), and from what I also know, Allah doesn't punish people, who didn't get the message of Islam. 5. What are some of the best ways to honor our parents, which will guarantee their pleasure? 6. Was Jafar ibn Abi Talib (Radiallahu Anhu) the brother of Ali ibn Abi Talib (Radiallahu Anhu)? 7. One of my cousin is studying philosophy, and I told him that Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem said philosophy is haram. He replied that, it depends on what it's used for (meaning, it's not haram if it's used for good thing), and he also said there were great muslim philosophers like Imam Gazali How should I advice him now? 8. I've read a hadith, if I remember correctly, it said that, 70,000 muslims of our prophets Ummah will enter Jannah without judgement. Is it possible to be among them at present, because, it has been many years, many muslims have come and gone (I'm not saying everyone was pious, but even if a small amount of them came, it would be huge for the huge numbers of muslims)
@potassium3550 Күн бұрын
Ghazali is controversial, and actually Islam strongly opposes the kind of philosophy they mean (the philosophy of Aristotle, plato, etc). In fact, there are entire groups who deviated in Aqeedah because they took from philosophical works. For example, there are those who reject some of the attributes of Allah because it opposes their philosophy even though Allah Himself affirmed these attributes. Such as affirming that Allah has a hand, they reject this because of their logic when Allah has affirmed it and affirmed that it is different from His creation. Also, many of these Muslim philosophers are primarily praised by the Non Muslims; they are not praised in religion by the ulema of Islam. And at the end of the day, all of these issues come from the foundation of philosophy. It is upon the foundation of the intellect of certain people, so they may be right in some things but are often dead wrong. However, Islam is based on revelation from Allah.
@SeekerOfKnowledge613 21 сағат бұрын
@@potassium3550 Jazakallah Khair brother, may Allah bless you
@QuestionAll121 16 сағат бұрын
Rob Christian has good content on KZfaq
@Dorothi1267 Күн бұрын
Guys, it depends on there biological gender. So if a biological female is there it doesnt matter, but if a biological man is there then wear it
@Mikeiscrazysingapore Күн бұрын
Thanks shaykh ❤🎉
@unwatcher7564 2 күн бұрын
This faris type people are working for rulers defending unjust rulers
@Teayanna12 2 күн бұрын
You explain very well thank you sheikh
@نوره-خ9ص 2 күн бұрын
نحن مسنا الضر وين الامه الاسلاميه بكيت متنا من القهر لمن اشكي يا ناس نحن نموت من الجوع والله ماتكلمت الا من جوع ومن ضيق الحال انا وكامل اسرتي تشردنا من بيوتنا بَسَبَبَ الَحَرَبَ نَحَنَ فَيَ حَالَهَ لَايَعَلَمَ بَهَا الَا الَلَهَ حَسَبَنَا الَلَهَ وًّنَعَمَ الَوكيَلَ فَيَ مَنَ اوًّصَلَنَا الَى هَاذا الَحَالَ والله تعبت من هذا الدنيا والله ياخوان تعبت اختك في حال ميعلم به الا الله وًّالَلَهَ الَعَظَيَمَ مَا كتَبَتَ هَذا الَمَنَاشَدَهَ غَيَرَ مَنَ الَضَيَقَ وّالَفَقَر يَاعَالَمَ حَسَوّا فَيَنَا ارَجَوّكمَ وّالَلَهَ الَعَظَيَمَ رَبَ الَعَرَشَ الَعَظَيَمَ انَه الَاكلَ مَا فَيَ عَنَدَيَ بَالَبَيَتَ وًّالَلَهَ يَا اخَوّانَيَ انَهَ اخَوًّنَيَ بَقَعَدَوًّ بَالَيَوًّمَيَنَ مَافَى اكلَ وًّالَلَهَ وًّضَعَنَا كثَيَرَ صَعَبَ نَحَنَ ٥نَفَرَ دَاخَلَ الَبَيَتَ وًّابَيَ مَتَوًّفَيَ وًّلَا يَوًّجَدَ مَنَ يَعَوًّلَ عَلَيَنَا وًّسَاكنَيَنَ فَيَ بَيَتَ اجَارَ لَانَسَتَطَيَعَ دَفَعَ الَاجَارَ الَلَيَ بَاقَيَ عَلَيَنَا انَيَ دخلة على الله ثمَّ عليكِ اني في وجه الله ثم في وجهك اني اترجاك اتوسل اليك تساعدني لوجه الله. الله يَأْخي منَ الصَبَاحُ حُتا الان يَحُرّم علينا الاكل غير الماء اني اقسم بالله العلي العظيم على كتاب الله اني بنت يتيمه من ومعي اخوان صغار اقسم بالله على كتاب الله ان اخوتي ماعاد يقدرو ينطقو بكلمة من شدت الجوع وبيتنا ايجار وصاحب البيت مقدر ضروفنا يريد الإجار او بيخرجنا إلى الشارع و اني اسالك بالله وانشدك بمحمد رسول الله يا اخي لوانت مسلم وتحب الخير انك تساعدني بقدر استطاعتك ان تتواصل معي او تراسلني وتساب على هذا الرقم +967711013075 وتطلب اسم بطاقتي وترسلي ولا تتاخر وايعوضك الله بكل خير اني بنت يمنيه نازحين منالحرب انا واسرتي بيتنا اجار الشهرب 20 الف يمني والان علينا 60 الف حق 3 شهور وصاحب البيت من الناس الي ماترحم والله يا اخي انه يجي كل يوم يبهدلنا ويتكلم علينا ويريد من البيت للشارع لانناماقدرنا ندفعله الأجار شافونا الجيران نبكي ورجعو تكلمو الجيران ومهلنالاخره الأسبوع معادفعنا له حلف يمين بالله هذا بيخرجنا إلى الشارع فيااخي انت رجال إذا شفت اسرتك جاوعين تعمل المستحيل من اجل تامن لهم الاكل ولكن انابنت عيني بصيره ويدي قصيره ليس لي اب مثلك يسمح دمعتى ويحمينى من الذل والاهانة .🥺واخواني سغار ساعدنا انقذنا قبل أن يطردونا في الشارع نتبهدل او نموت من الجوع انا اقسم بالله الذي رفع سبع سموات بلا عمد وبسط الارض ومهداني لااكذب عليك بحرف من هذا الرساله واني ماطلبتك إلى من ضيق وقسوت الضروف والحال الذي احنافيه واني وأسرتي نسالك بالله لولك مقدره على مساعدتنا انك لتاخر علينا احنا في اشد الحاجة والضروف القاسيه جزاك الله خير الجزا وحسبي الله ونعم الوكيل ولا حول ولا قوه الا بالله الذي يقدر يساعدنا ;-'-"!;'(')"\|\(/()\|¶:)'|\\>|😢😢🎉🎉🎉🎉&;;&&;&/;&;&|°|°°|🎉😮\≧@😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢
@QuestionAll121 16 сағат бұрын
Rob Christian has good content on islam
@SeekerOfKnowledge613 2 күн бұрын
To the person who said that, it's called a Beard, Mr comedian.
@swisstunisian 2 күн бұрын
Its borbidden haram to take from the beard
@idrizferatovic6392 2 күн бұрын
Did prophet Muhammad pbuh and his companions trim the beard
@SannaBS 2 күн бұрын
May Allah reward You
@faizmiah2363 2 күн бұрын
Hammadi is a agent dog
@muhammedshehnas4150 2 күн бұрын
Beautifully explained
@hassanalhammadi1990 2 күн бұрын
Sir what do u mean by not Halal?? Allah bless u brother
@LinorMilan 2 күн бұрын
جزاك الله خيرا وبارك الله فيك
@HussainFahmy 2 күн бұрын
@khamzatisrailov3428 2 күн бұрын
Allahu akbar
@chickenman9283 2 күн бұрын
What about irjah?🤔
@liwaoasis8020 2 күн бұрын
Allah the most merciful and forgive all sins if he wills but the sins will make you suffer in your life ,it will not be easy for you
@rathernot6660 3 күн бұрын
I hate whatever Daniel Haqiqatjou is upon. I hate it for the sake of Allah. He is an imposter to the Dawah scene. His followers are just as toxic who are heavily politicized and seldom reference Quran and Sunnah.
@OiledOttoman Күн бұрын
Siyasah is a part of Islam. Instead of hating, open your eyes to the truth.
@UdruusJayyida 3 күн бұрын
Subhan Allah.
@UdruusJayyida 3 күн бұрын
May Allah protect us all.
@ali-barati90 3 күн бұрын
S**u you rabbi! This’s fake Muslim.