Hanin "Odgovor"
14 күн бұрын
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21 күн бұрын
Žurka rep veterana
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Emocije na prvom mestu ❤️
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Ай бұрын
Elektro bluz žurka 🎹🎸
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@kristinekimmel6441 4 күн бұрын
@cud1lic 9 күн бұрын
gde je nestala ova devojka? kakav glas ima...
@user-vm6xg3os7s 9 күн бұрын
Televizorius? Kartais isijungiu žini pažiurėt ar filma . Normalu .
@SkyEntertainmentGroup 9 күн бұрын
Svetska, a naša bluz i džez muzičarka Ana Popović nedavno je održala koncert za pamćenje u prestoničkom klubu Bitef Art cafe i tom prilikom ekskluzivno za SE TV otvorila dušu, priznajući da je najteže dane, kada je saznala da ima karcinom dojke, prebrodila zahvaljujući muzici, pripremajući njen aktuelni album "Power"
@nikolajaksa2910 12 күн бұрын
@borisbrankovan4029 13 күн бұрын
Nisam spavala proslu noc,ali kad sam se probudila videla sam milion poruka😂😂😂Glupa kao noc.
@user-np1lm4ij7o 13 күн бұрын
Part 2 English translation: T: Coleagues,hmm, I don’t know, they liked it, and that to me, for some reason obviously I need validation of other people for something I do, I mean. D: Well it’s always nice when you have support. T: Yeah. D: And do you think that there is a formula for the perfect song? T: Hmm, formula, yes definitely there is a formula for, for example hit. D: Okay. T: Now, is that the perfect song and will it last for longer than two months I don’t know, you know, if it’s only by formula, if there is no emotion behind that. I think that it’s very important that people believe… D: Well, we aren’t talking about a stupid song, we are literally talking about, a good song, a hit song. Is there a perfect formula? T: Well, okay, I understand. Well I think that, I don’t know what a perfect formula means, does that mean you want everybody to like that song, or do you want for that to be one good song basically, because there is a difference. D: Yeah. T: Because some can give his all, and all his emotion for that song to just be the alternative, you understand, that it’s not the top charting song. And then you can also have someone, I just think that it’s important if you’re already searching for something, I think that it’s important that it’s something yours, and that you don’t really go by what is hit and what you need to do, but rather what do you feel needs to be done, and not like oh I heard here form goes like this, if I don’t do that form that’s not it. A song can be without the chorus, I mean, and to be amazing. D: So the perfect formula is actually to feel your music with all your heart. T: Mhm, that’s right, true. D: Thank you a lot Teodora, see you next time, I want you to bring me demos so we can do demo sessions. T:Of course, to release the next song. D: And I can’t wait for us to hang out again. T: Thank you.
@user-np1lm4ij7o 13 күн бұрын
T- Teya Dora D- Dana (the girl asking questions) Part 1 English translation: D: Do you think you write music better when you are sad or when you’re happy? T:Hmm, well, I don’t know, honestly whenever I’m working I put myself in the work flow and it’s not important whether I’m sad or happy, i mean to me honestly. Hmm, it’s not that important to me and rather I work, now, it can happen that something can’t come out of me and then I’m sad, I mean, you know, but when I’m working and and when I get a hold of one theme, I don’t have to be sad for that to be sad text or sad melody. But mostly sadder melodies come out of me, if we’re talking about melodies I don’t even know if I have any melodies that are happy… D: From your projects no… T: I mean that can sound like… D: You did a song for Anastasia Raznjatovic “Gotovo”, that is maybe a song that is the happiest. T: Well it’s bouncy… D: Even though that text she wrote herself is not necessarily the happiest story, but maybe your most pop, happy song. T: Bouncy, well bouncy, pop song. Hmm, I also think that it’s not, maybe the arrangement brought that it sounds more like happy, but honestly next to the chorus I think those are again some melodies, some sad melodies. You know. D: Yeah. T: I don’t know. D: And for the end I would just like to ask you how much did your education in Berklee, how much do you think it learned you to be the singer-songwriter you are today? T: Hmm, well, honestly maybe not that much education on Berklee, literally from professors and classes, rather maybe more, actually yeah, so the first time it needed to happen that I present my song on some class, hmm, and then just that enthusiasm, I mean acceptance, positive acceptance of the thing that I made gave me the confidence to actually do that, and that I can do that, hmm, and, and I think that’s the most, I had some classes where I learned some cool things, but more like people, they can be professors too of course, but more like people, even the other like… D: Coleagues.Yeah.
@user-np1lm4ij7o 15 күн бұрын
Part 2 English translation: T: Literally. Stress relief. D: So are you planning to stop or do you like it? Do you think that it’s maybe more… T: Yeah, I plan to… D: … sexy? T: No, no, especially me, I hold the cigarette very weird, and I think I look really weird. No, I want to stop, hmmm, it doesn’t suit me, I cough a lot and I think that’s not normal, I mean, generally it’s a bad thing. D: Yes. T: Nobody should smoke, so yeah. D: Easy. Okay, so what is happening with your personal songs? T: Mhm. D: What is now in plan? T: Hmm, now in plan is. So what happened, we had “Ulice” just so I say D: You had a duet with Nikolija. Is that right? T: Yes. D: It’s called “Ulice”. T: Again for “Juzni vetar”, from three of my songs two are for “Juzni vetar”. Hmm, now comes, mmm, so for soundtrack which is again for “Juzni vetar”, comes a song that I’m doing an music video for, and so the music video is currently in the making, that will actually be two songs in one, actually no, it will be two songs in one music video, one is a little faster, I mean both are somehow kind of ballads and subjects are a little, I don’t know, everything is kind of depressing. D: So are you in depression? T: Well, I’m not, I mean I can be, I don’t know, it’s not like I have a period of one month that I’m in depression or I’m extremely happy, it’s rather, you know, sometimes something happens and I can’t control myself and that just puts me down basically. D: Yes. T: But I’m never in depression, now I don’t know if I actually was ever depressed somehow like very seriously. I think it’s just a filing. D: So just low. When you are there. T: Yeah, yeah.
@user-np1lm4ij7o 15 күн бұрын
T- Teya Dora D-Dana (the girl asking questions) Part 1 English translation: D: I think we got to professional. So, what do you have in your bag? T: Hmm D: Tell me, show me what do you have in your bag.Let’s relax a little bit. We are all ours here. Let’s go, what do you have in your bag. T: What do I have in my bag, that, by the way you bought me in Stuttgard. D: Yes! Let’s go, let’s go! T: We have one setting spray for make up finish, we have a lip pencil, we have a lighter that is so cute. D: It goes with the bag. T: It goes with the bag. We have a wallet, we have cigarettes, we have a phone charger, we have lipgloss, and one banana that is slowly rotting. D: Top, you brought that to have it for a snack. T: That is like my energy snack, since I didn’t eat literally anything. So yeah. D: A little from everything. T: Thanks a lot. D: Wait, you have cigarettes. You are someone who is famous for your, I don’t want to be like an interviewer that suits up, but really by your beautiful voice. T: Hmm, okay. D: What do you think, do cigarettes make it worse or better or are you maybe thinking about quitting smoking? T: That’s why I smoke, so my voice sounds better. No, bro, I don’t know, I’m kidding. Honestly, yes, that was my trip at the beginning that, actually I smoke for like two years it’s not that I smoke since I was thirteen or fourteen years old, I mean, children, please don’t smoke, but I think that, I thought that it gives me some like murmur to my voice, I mean, you know, my voice really is a bit deeper now. D: Okay. T: Before I had a trip that my voice was somehow to bright and I don’t know why I wanted it to sound deeper and so I started smoking. And honestly here when I came everyone somehow smokes, and then you like sit for a coffee and everyone is like give a cigarette, and then, I don’t know, and also I had a lot of problems in my life so I started smoking.
@nemanjapesic4782 15 күн бұрын
Ko bi rekao da toliko dugo postoje,nikada ih nisam voleo. xD Beer fest se placa ulaz dobiju supalj nos do ociju
@JovanaDjoric-xm5sf 15 күн бұрын
🤩🥰🌺🌺🌺 bravo
@SkyEntertainmentGroup 16 күн бұрын
Srpska prestonica je prvi put u istoriji domaćin u evropskom prvenstvu u vodenim sportovima, koje će se održati od 10. do 23.juna na gradskim bazenima i Adi Ciganliji.Nastupiće više od 7.000 vrhunskih sportista i veterana iz 41 evropske zemlje, a među njima će biti i tridesetak srpskih reprezentativaca.
@stefanarbutina6315 17 күн бұрын
Da bravo
@user-np1lm4ij7o 17 күн бұрын
Part 2 English translation: T:And that they play it maybe when they’re sad, or when they want to be happy, or when they want to hype up. I mean, whatever, depends on whom. D:Yes. T:But what you said for the text, sorry please. D: No, no, no, say it. T: What you said for the text and what I said like, personal, it doesn’t matter if it’s my story, rather it’s very personal, sometimes it happens, why does it take me a bit more time to write the text, because it sometimes happens that, mmm, I can’t, I’m not sure in those words that I’m writing, and then when I hear that someone else writes something, that sounds great to me. For example someone writes some text and I’m like wow that’s so good, and then I write the text and I’m like this is a bit cringe, to use that phrase, I mean whatever, but somehow it really rarely happens that I nail the text, you know, that I wrote. D: Yeah. Tell me how do you decide, because you write both music for others and yourself, how do you decide which songs you are going to sell and which songs you are keeping for yourself? T: Hmm, well, mmm, what I think… D: Give me the short answer, please bro. T: Yes, mmm, well, mmm, the best, something I think is the best I keep for myself, mmm, honestly, or something that has, I mean that’s again best to me, but maybe it isn’t the biggest hit, you know. D: Yes. T: I maybe sometimes when I really know I’m making for someone else, I give my best to include in the song some melodies or ideas that were, mmm, already used, or maybe not used but for whom I know that will work, basically, you know. D: That are something that’s maybe more catchy T: Well yeah, yeah, yeah, I mean for myself I give my best to make it catchy of course too and I can sometimes make a mistake and release a good song. I mean I’m kidding of course, every song is a good song, to me, you know, when I make something I won’t make something bullshit. D: Do you think that every song you make is good? T: Well, to me they’re good, some do better, some do worse. I mean honestly, non of them really failed. I was really lucky that people mostly like everything I make, so I’m very happy for that, but, well, yeah. And if there’s something very specifically for me than I leave it to myself, if there’s a moment which is only mine or a personal stamp that I wouldn’t maybe like to give away that easily, yeah. D: Yes. T: I mean that’s usually something that I perform myself. I think it’s more about the voice and you know. D: Yes
@crislindaluzcardoso4129 17 күн бұрын
Linda demais ❤❤❤❤
@user-np1lm4ij7o 17 күн бұрын
T-Teya Dora D-Dana (the girl asking questions) Part 1 English translation: D: From “Juzni vetar” what is your favorite project that you did? T: Hmm, well, hmm, you know what, the newest one I think, that will be the soundtrack for second season of the series. And I won’t actually tell how the song is called, it has a very specific name,mmm, interesting to say, I wasn’t the one that recalled of that name, but rather it happened that Cobi was also in the studio when we were doing that, he just said that word and I like asked what does it even mean, I had no idea. But it’s one, like, movie song, very slow and it’s sad. D:Yes T: And it’s interesting that my voice is like very close to the microphone, it’s very, how do you say that, it’s very daring. D:Intimate. T:Yeah,yeah, right. You heard the song D: The song is, I think that Avramovic actually posted on his social media that you made really a timeless number, and I completely agree with him, and I really think that the public will get insured in that. It literally is a song that will in my opinion last forever bro. T:Thank you, I mean, we will see, I don’t know, too me it’s very dear and the text is very dear to me there because it’s like, i can’t say that it’s my personal story because that would be really sad, but it somehow went out of me very like pretty and easily, which rarely happens. D: Well, everyone was there at one time, and everyone felt like that at one time, it doesn’t have to be, like you said your personal story, it’s not your personal story always, but I think that everyone will find themselves, sometimes somebody felt like that surely. T:Yes D: And that is somewhat the main thing in your songs, that everyone can find themselves in them. Yes. T: I mean, really, I hope that that’s true, and that is like something prettiest you can hear for something you make, that someone can find themselves in it and that that means to them. D:Yes
@user-np1lm4ij7o 18 күн бұрын
Part 2 English translation: T: Yeah, that is actually the start of the story here in Serbia. Mmm,so, I was actually looking for someone to make me a music video for “Da na meni je” and I heard that the lights are the most expensive. And then we contacted, actually my mum called doesn’t matter who, not important for the story, but somehow we met with Tatiana who works with “Juzni vetar” D: That’s right T: And I went and met with Avramovic and played him some of my demos for Nikolija in that case and a couple of other songs, actually I think even “Oluja” was there even though that was like a year before it was released. D: Yeah, yeah, right. But “Oluja” was existing about a year before it was released. T: Yeah, one version of “Oluja” was existing. Mmm, and then he said why we don’t call Rexona now, from Bassivity and they can do your music video and then you can continue to release for them. And I was like that sounds great to me, because Bassivity generally is a really cool music house and I really like what they are releasing, it’s very urban music. D: Yes T: And it has a lot of talented people and producers who are working there and who are very talented even the most talented in Serbia, I mean for that like modern music , and yeah, then I called Rexona and we took care of everything for the music video and that’s how I somehow stayed with them. Later we did “Oluja” and “Pazi se”. D: “Oluja” is your song and “Pazi se” is a soundtrack for “Juzni vetar” you did with Cobi. Right? T:Yes.
@user-np1lm4ij7o 18 күн бұрын
T- Teya Dora D-Dana ( the girl asking questions) Part 1 English translation: D- It takes you the longest to write texts for music but you are someone who released many hits, so could you tell the public or maybe remind them what are the songs that you did for other performers and than we will come back to your songs. T:Hmm, well first I did “Nema limita” for Nikolija, that is my first song, then I did “Yin i Yang” also for her, for the album called same as the song. Hmm, what else did i do? Yes, than I did with Cobi song called “Dodji Mami” for Natasa Bekvalac, then I did “Jasno mi je” for Zoi, then somewhere in the meantime mine first song “Da na meni je” was released. Hmm, then, wait, wait what else did I do? Yes, I did some more songs for Nikolija: “High Life”, “No Plaky”, “Sve Bih”, on some of those songs I didn’t do everything, I mean, generally there are always other people included, whether I make a demo and my own arrangement and then after that I give it to the producer for who I simply think is more skilled, that is more in the program than me, you understand, whether he will choose better drum sounds or some synth or I just can’t perform what I hear in my head, but sometimes of course a producer sees a totally different thing in that arrangement and it sounds better than what I imagined, it depends. Wait, what was I talking about? D: You were talking about what else did you do. T: Yes, I did “Pazi se” which is the soundtrack for “Juzni vetar”, that I did with Cobi D: “Juzni vetar” is like a project that you gave most of your self in, actually your biggest personal projects are for “Juzni vetar”.
@user-np1lm4ij7o 18 күн бұрын
Part 2 English translation: T: I am here since 2019 because that’s when my first song came out so I came here to promote it and started to be an artist of my own together with writing and composing other peoples songs. I plan on going back to America definitely, I mean I don’t know, it really suits me to be here too, I have you here bro, and I have everyone here, but somehow that life in America, I mean, actually I like work there, you can say it’s more productive there, you know, somehow more action and especially in New York people are always on the move. D:Yes. T:You know. D: And here, how much would you say for yourself that you are actively doing music and how much that you are stagnating? T:Well, it’s all up to me, and also this thing, I said that it’s more productive in America and it’s maybe because there are some people that are pushing me there more than here. Here I have you to push me I have my mum I have myself at the end and that usually overtakes the situation. But, I don’t know, I mean when I’m in the studio I really work, you know, I finish the song that day or in one hour or in two hours or when it’s needed, but when I’m home it happens that days pass and I’m not even aware, I mean, one month passed and I have a demo that is literally finished but then that just sits there and waits for the text for example. D:And how many songs do you have now as you would say in the drawer?How many songs do you have that have yet to be released?What is happening with your projects? T:How many songs do I have that have yet to be released? Well if I decide to record and release all of them really, i don’t know, maybe 20. D: Crazy. T:I have so many songs that are not finished completely yet, that are for example missing a text and then when it comes the time to release them and when I decide that I really want to publish them, then I stop and say “Hey, this isn’t good enough” because it passed like half a year or a whole year since that track just sits there, and I’m listening to it and listening to it and I find it great and then I don’t listen to it for a month and play it again and something is missing to it, I want to change something on it, ether beat or … D: Well that’s a classic, it’s like that with everyone.That’s because you get used to listening to to the same exact thing, especially you since you are a extreme perfectionist and you find something that can be better in everything T: Well yeah, I mean I don’t even know if it’s better to leave the demo to sounds as it is and just sing better, I don’t know. To me my demos sound better anyway, because they are in the nonexistent language, then the final song that is in Serbian because it just ruins the vibe somehow, the rhythm, the flow and melodie at the very end, because when you insert our language it’s very tough, I mean it’s not tough but you know those letters like: č,ž,š,lj,ć. D:Yeah T:Somehow it just fucks up my melody, I don’t know.
@user-np1lm4ij7o 18 күн бұрын
T-Teya Dora D-Dana (the girl asking questions) Part 1 English translation: D: Hi, next to me is one of my best friends, young singer and producer of your favorite songs, Teodora Pavlovska, Teya Dora!! T: Hi Dana. D: While we are talking about your surname, Pavlovska, I mean I all ready now but let’s get the public to now, are you Macedonian. Where did that surname come from? T: Yes, let me think. I am, my dad is Macedonian and from his side of the family I’m actually Macedonian but I was born in Bor ( Serbian city) so half-half. D: You can try and get their documents? T: Mmm, yes, I can. D: Wait, when we are talking about documents , you are someone who lived in New York. How did you get those papers and the possibility to live there that long? T: So at first I got the documents because I went to college in Boston, America. I went to college when I was 17 because that’s when I went on audition for Berklee College of Music and that actually happened very randomly. I always wanted to go to college in America but one day I saw a paper informing about that audition in my music school, I went on audition, got the scholarship and went to Boston so I got the so called Artist Visa, which gives you the right to do Music or any other art types in America. And so I have the documents. D: Did you plan on ever going back to America since you are here for all ready 3-2 years. Right?
@user-np1lm4ij7o 18 күн бұрын
English translation: I am Teya Dora What I think would be good to do today or any other day is that if you wish to have any pet, whether that be a dog or a cat, doesn’t matter, it would be better to adopt the animal than to buy it. There are a lot of abandoned animals on the streets of Serbia, and by adopting a puppy you will get a friend for life. What you will spot is that a dog that you adopted will be grateful to you his whole life because you actually saved him
@SkyEntertainmentGroup 19 күн бұрын
Kao žena koja je preživela i dalje živi u svetu digitalnog nasilja novinarka Hana Adrović nedavno je u srcu prestonice promovisala svoju prvu knjigu pod nazivom "Odgovor" gde daje svoje mišljenje, definicije i rešenja o ovom sve prisutnijem problemu u društvu.
@johnybladex 20 күн бұрын
Kraljina. 😎
@stefanarbutina6315 20 күн бұрын
@DonjaPrevija 20 күн бұрын
Predivno pjevaš Ana❤❤❤
@kucnisavet8599 20 күн бұрын
Trebalo bi više ovakvih dogadjaja da se organizuje
@SkyEntertainmentGroup 22 күн бұрын
Ova prestižna manifestacija okuplja najbolje plivače Evrope u nekoliko kategorija. Na otvaranju su prisustvovali značajni gosti, uključujući Vanju Udovičića, koji je bio jedan od istaknutih ličnosti na ceremoniji! Beograd će takođe biti domaćin Evropskog prvenstva u vaterpolu 2026. godine, a planira se izgradnja novog centra za vodene sportove kako bi se omogućili najbolji mogući uslovi za sportiste! Vanja Udovičić, proslavljeni srpski vaterpolista, nedavno je postao član Biroa World Aquatics, što je novo ime za FINA, organizaciju koja je za porodicu vodenih sportova važila 114 godina! Takođe, Udovičić je izabran za potpredsednika Evropske federacije vodenih sportova, što dodatno potvrđuje njegovu ulogu i značaj u ovom području!
@SkyEntertainmentGroup 22 күн бұрын
Crveni krst u Beogradu održao je zanimljivo takmičenje u realističnom prikazu povreda. Reč je o najočiglednijoj i najdemonstrativnijoj metodi pri obuci prve medicinske pomoći. Omogućava sticanje trajnih i primenljivih veština privikavanja za efikasno reagovanje onoga ko pruža prvu pomoć u realnim životnim uslovima, bez straha i panike.
@sanjajovanovic1653 23 күн бұрын
Cestitam❤❤❤.Svirali ste na brucosijadi Medicinskog fakulteta Beograd u KST-U Nezaboravno❤❤❤
@mirjanacvjeticanin5308 24 күн бұрын
@algelivanov5531 26 күн бұрын
❤❤❤❤56 Г ❤63 Г
@algelivanov5531 26 күн бұрын
@algelivanov5531 26 күн бұрын
@algelivanov5531 26 күн бұрын
@algelivanov5531 26 күн бұрын
@algelivanov5531 26 күн бұрын
@LarisaGrujovic 27 күн бұрын
@user-qs3rv8zs3p 27 күн бұрын
Удачи тебе Hauser.
@martina5814 28 күн бұрын
@mladenmilicevic117 28 күн бұрын
❤❤ predobrooooo
@mladenmilicevic117 28 күн бұрын
@sasastanimirovic2120 29 күн бұрын
Jelena letnja kišo.❤
@SkyEntertainmentGroup 29 күн бұрын
Dejan Vučetić Vuča je rođen 1970. godine u Beogradu. 1988. godine osniva muzičku grupu Darkwood Dub sa kojom objavljuje osam studijskih albuma, redovno nastupa na koncertima i značajnijim festivalima u Srbiji i na prostoru bivše Jugoslavije, ali i u Francuskoj, Engleskoj, Poljskoj, Austriji, Švajcarskoj, Holandiji, Slovačkoj, Mađarskoj... Paralelno sa radom u Darkwood Dubu, pokreće nekoliko različitih muzičkih projekata, sarađuje sa drugim muzičarima sa scene. Takođe se bavi komponovanjem muzike za film i pozorište. 2011. godine formira sastav Minilinija sa kojim je diskografski i koncertno aktivan na regionalnoj muzičkoj sceni. Vuča je takođe i dizajner, strip crtač i sveukupno likovni umetnik.
@SkyEntertainmentGroup 29 күн бұрын
Boško Mijušković je rođen 1987. godine u Beogradu. Maturirao u XV gimnaziji sa maturskim radom o Majlsu Dejvisu, a diplomirao na Fakultetu za kulturu i medije. Sa drugarima iz kraja osniva prve bendove u kojima svira gitaru. Vrlo brzo izlazi iz tih okvira i počinje da svira sa ozbiljnijim muzičarima i bendovima. Godine 2009. godine prihvata se bas gitare i postaje član benda Straight Mickey and the Boyz, a bio je i član supergrupe Škrtice. Sa bratom Nikolom 2016. godine osniva bend koji se zvao Turisti, koji je danas poznat kao Turbo Trans Turisti.
@MirjanaVujinovic-fx5zu Ай бұрын
Lijep je baš.
@SkyEntertainmentGroup Ай бұрын
Za posetioce manifestacije “Dani porodice” prvi put Beograđanima se pružila prilika da vide jednu od najtraženijih obuka Crvenog krsta Beograd. Prva pomoć za roditelje je po svom konceptu i formatu zamišljena kao dinamičan i proaktivan odnos instruktora prve pomoći i učesnika, koji koristeći savremena sredstva u vidu trenažera i lutki sklanjaju najveću brigu svakog roditelja, a to je šta kada se dete kroz igru povredi.
@SkyEntertainmentGroup Ай бұрын
Poznati hip hoperi Prti Bee Gee, koji su na muzičkoj sceni više od dve decenije, svojim dugogodišnjim, vernim fanovima priredili su žurku za pamćenje u godini obeležavanja sedam decenija postojanja KST-a.
@jovanapleskonjic5726 Ай бұрын
@SkyEntertainmentGroup Ай бұрын
Inspirisan modernom ženom koja zrači gracioznošću i samouverenošću u svakom koraku, modni brend Sassy La Femme, održao je modnu reviju za pamćenje. Sa vizijom da osnaži žene stilom i samopouzdanjem, Sassy La Femme vam predstavlja odabranu kolekciju za proleće/ leto 2024, pod nazivom GELATO, koja bez napora spaja eleganciju sa savremenom notom.
@SevenSky2023 Ай бұрын
Poznati modni kreator Bata Spasojević prikazao je novu kolekciju "Art must go on" kojom je obeležio 30 godina rada.Veliki broj poznatih zvanica uživalo je u njegovim eklektičnim modelima i svojom pojavom i podrškom upriličilo ovaj veliki modni događaj.
@user-go9xk9ub5c Ай бұрын
Soooo Cool ❤❤❤❤
@SkyEntertainmentGroup Ай бұрын
Veterinari, uzgajivačnice, pet šopovi,dreseri, fotografi i dizajneri ...svi na jednom mestu okupili su se u Zoni veterine, u okviru aktuelne manifestacije Beogradski dani porodice na Kalemegdanu, da životinjama ulepšaju dan i da najmlađe mališane edukuju o važnosti brige i negovanja kućnih ljubimaca.
@SkyEntertainmentGroup Ай бұрын
Policijski orkestar Srbije priredio je muzički program za pamćenje u okviru dečjeg karnevala pod nazivom "Ljubav i porodica" tokom manifestacije Beogradski dani porodice