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@DrTHasanJohnson Күн бұрын
@anony1596 2 күн бұрын
6:05 Did all that just to say Barak had BDE 🙄😂
@ReshonBryant 2 күн бұрын
👋🏽🐔 🛋️
@FishareFriendsNotFood972 3 күн бұрын
I sincerely wish you guys would interview a guest who works with DV aid institutions next, as what you guys said you would do for such women was ALL ALL the way off.
@Prince36300 3 күн бұрын
The piece that Eddie is missing is that it is generally not socially acceptable to invertvene in a relationships at any level without consent. The other examples are different. If I see a friend experimenting with hard drugs or self harm for the first time, most people would still encourage me to speak up and intervene. We all know of a toxic but not abusive relationship but most would still tell you to stay of it unless they ask for help/advice. I dont believe that it is because patriacrchy/sexism. I think its because relationships are incredibly complex and personal so the choice to intervene is never clear cut like the other exampes. You dont know their history of abuse, wether both are victims etc. It requires years of training to just understand the dynamics at play and reccomend a path forward.
@ednajames329 3 күн бұрын
The waiting of knowing Ali can keep you watching and listening to life journeys such a fine King
@LeckyBarnacles 3 күн бұрын
Jonathan Majors is gonna earn that perseverance award now...but in all seriousness they may not have seen each other since playing a married couple in 'The Intruder'
@vagabanda11 3 күн бұрын
It will still be a cultural moment for black America. But yeah, descrimination been coming back
@Prince_Jamal 3 күн бұрын
I find it ironic that Gambino points out a problem with his own community: people do not accept him as "black" even though he quite literally is black; the reason being that he went to a white high school and was taught to not express his "blackness" due to his parent's paranoia. Instead of y'all coming to an understanding of that and accepting him into the community no matter how he acts (especially given the fact that he does not even act particularly white), he is looked down upon and made fun of by his own people who exaggerate his "whiteness"? I have never been so impressed by stupidity.
@MaxPowers2.0 3 күн бұрын
...So its Patriarchal, misogynistic, and sexist to acknowledge that DV situations generally are not centered around the abuser, but have almost just as much to do with the person CHOOSING abusive situations? One of you even admitted that they have personal experience of a person being rescued from an abusive situation only to fall right back into another one 2 weeks later. The Type of person who seeks out abusive relationships will continue to do so until the underlying issues are addressed, no matter how many times you rescue them. Normal healthy people are generally not the ones who fall into patterns of abuse. Broken people do. The Irony here is that just a few minutes later one of the guys is interrogating a statement, another makes claiming that if a woman hits him he probably deserved it (which by the way most women would agree with). How is that not misandry? And how much of that type of misandry clouds our perception of DV the majority of the cases btw contain Bi-directional violence.
@pinkyapple333 3 күн бұрын
A woman hitting a man and feeling he deserved it is not misandry. It's still misogyny: SOCIETY views women as not being truly capable of harming men physically (or at least to the same extent that a woman can be harmed by a man) and we internalize that programming to different degrees. If a woman does hit a man, it's seen as next to harmless. At the very least something that he "can take". The whole idea is predicated on the idea of women being weaker therefore unable to truly hurt the man. However, that behavior is not excusable just because of how we view it as a culture: putting hands on anyone out of anger or frustration is an abusive behavior that can escalate. Also, when you say "bi-directional violence", are you trying to imply that the violence is equal, or at the very least that both parties are physical with each other? Because either way, it doesn't prove misandry: just more misogyny. Even if a man is being abused by a woman, he won't be taken seriously most times because as a man, SOCIETY deems him as capable enough to subjugate a woman to stop hurting him. Or at the very least does not take psychological/emotional/mental abuse into account. This idea is still predicated on the misogynistic idea that women cannot hurt men, and that men cannot be hurt unless he has a defect, i.e., he is not masculine enough to subjugate the woman.
@MaxPowers2.0 3 күн бұрын
@@pinkyapple333 funny how EVERYTHING proves misogyny and NOTHING demonstrates misandry. In your opinion what would misandry even look like IF you could even imagine such a thing?
@fangal12 3 күн бұрын
​@@MaxPowers2.0 think of it this way if the woman's behavior is rooted in misogynistic beliefs then it's not misandry. For example if a woman verbally abuses her boyfriend or husband for not making enough money because "a real man is supposed to provide for his woman" that's rooted in misogyny. If she physically abuses him because "only a weak man will let a woman hit him" that's misogyny We don't live in a mythical world where patriarchal beliefs are not deeply ingrained in both men and women but if I think there was an episode of The Outer Limits back in the 90s that was a pretty good example of a misandrist society in which men are inherently viewed as more violent and therefore dangerous because of their gender and were wiped out due to it. If male children were born they uh... you probably get it.
@MaxPowers2.0 3 күн бұрын
@@fangal12 The pervasive assumption that female violence directed at men is tolerable or can be ignored is not just based on a belief that women are weaker, as women ARE statistically less strong on average than men. It’s mostly based on the belief that men are not worthy of protection in the same way that women are. Which is misandry. You speak as if misandry can’t exist under a patriarchal system. I would imagine we greatly disagree on what a patriarchal system implies. I would argue that patriarchal systems (as a result of evolutionary necessity) include a healthy dose of male disposability, which DOES allow for culturally engrained misandry. Patriarchal systems also allow for in many ways the prioritization of female life over male life, admittedly to the detriment of some personal freedoms for everyone. We see this misandry in our impulse to excuse female violence, especially against men. Even when a woman wounds or kills a man the first thought is usually “well what did he do to make her do that to him” where if the genders were swapped that would obviously be victim blaming. We see that Misandry in the framing of DV using the Duluth Model which characterizes all abuse as a tool of mainly male domination, despite the fact that statistics contradict that assumption.
@fangal12 3 күн бұрын
@@MaxPowers2.0 yikes, that's a lot so I'll try to address your paragraphs one at a time. It's interesting that you immediately jumped to physical weakness because typically when a man is referred to as "weak" it's not in reference to his physical strength but to his personality characteristics. With the implication being he does not have "masculine" therefore good qualities and instead has qualities perceived as "feminine" and are therefore bad qualities. That's misogyny, that's patriarchy. You try to throw in the baseless evolutionary argument for a reason why society should be male centered which is patriarchal on its face. Men are only treated as disposable in service to other men because patriarchy is hierarchical. Women are also disposable and also on a hierarchy, being always lower in the hierarchy to men within their own socioeconomic level. First I'm going to say I don't agree that most people excuse female abusers. I think some people excuse female abusers for the same misogynistic reason I started in my first reply. I also see people immediately excusing male abusers/life enders using the same "but what did she do" ridiculous reasoning. Even in the Cassie video I saw countless people using that victim blaming nonsense. Honestly after reading your essay it's clear to me that you've fallen into the woman haters MRA rabbit hole. Your biggest concern isn't actually male issues but with the assertion that women are the cause of it. I hope you eventually get out of that one day and wish you all the best
@winevnova 3 күн бұрын
While I agree that yeah, there is a disconnect between how long people stay trying to help someone with a substance abuse issue vs a physical abuse issue... I think part of the reason is the *way* one has to navigate supporting someone through those issues. Like the solutions that Eddy has proposed are all very physical, direct, you doing it for them type of solutions.... And I think a lot of people tend towards thinking about those when it comes to "helping" in a physical abuse situation. But, that will fail. It will fail in the same way that just going in and forcing someone into rehab when they don't want to go fails. It fails in the same way that just removing the substance in a moment fails. Both of these scenarios requires the person on the receiving end to *want* it, and until they do the only support that is genuinely good and works is reminding them that this is not what love is, that you love them, that you will be there for them through it, and that when they are ready, you will help them to get away. The person has to know that you're there to help when they want it, and not just because you want it.
@lowlowseesee 3 күн бұрын
Been in this line of work for decades and the answer is no. Laws could but u.s laws are far behind and also steeped in misogyny
@beatrixxkiddo3572 4 күн бұрын
Alvin is 1000% correct. Marriage is not beneficial to most women and even if you are benefitting from a man in some way, STILL you shouldn’t propose. That’s it and that’s all. I’ll be damned.
@ReshonBryant 4 күн бұрын
Props to bro for making it clear that it's wrong for a women to put hands on a man just because he's man.
@syrukean 4 күн бұрын
Studies seem to be on the side that intervening during any type of abuse where the victim is not on board is not a sucessful idea.
@ReshonBryant 4 күн бұрын
Well, what are the paychecks looking like? Is that a determining factor in the forgiveness department?🌝🍿
@fangal12 3 күн бұрын
@@ReshonBryant People stay with abusive partners in which the victim is the breadwinner. No one is staying in abusive relationships for financial gain 🙄
@ReshonBryant 3 күн бұрын
@@fangal12 I know. It's why your Black ass ain't set foot in Africa yet🤣🤣🤣🤣
@ReshonBryant 4 күн бұрын
👋🏽🇺🇸 🛋️
@ARhysJensen-tq9cv 4 күн бұрын
Losing my shit at “arrhythmic” 😂😂
@OverthrowMedia 4 күн бұрын
Kidnaping carries up to a life sentence and will leave you a sex offender, and murder on average carries ten years depending on details. So dont listen to alvin.
@elijahclaude3413 4 күн бұрын
Yeah I think there's a difference between the justification and the explanation in terms of women proposing. I agree that there's a good (and not so good) reasons why women dont propose/pursue men, but I do think women *should* consider pursuing/proposing men that they actually find to be good (ie emotionally available, egalitarian, committed, etc). We def gotta let go of the pseudo-traditional ideology. Not only is it not Actually traditional (a lot of these norms were introduced relatively recently during colonialism), but its also harmful to all involved.
@beatrixxkiddo3572 4 күн бұрын
It’s one thing to pursue a guy, i.e. let someone know that you find them attractive vs. proposing to a man whether it be relationship or marriage. I’m of the mindset that if he wanted to be with you he’d undoubtedly ask to be exclusive with you. Like damn we have to chase and propose too? At least put in some effort!
@elijahclaude3413 4 күн бұрын
@@beatrixxkiddo3572 I can understand where you're coming from, but I do think this sort of thinking is backwards and endemic of patriarchy. If you feel the only 'effort' your partner, especially a socialized male, can show is by proposing to you, then that speaks more about the frailty of your relationship. Your partner should be putting in the effort throughout the entirety of the relationship. And that effort should be recognized as such by all involved. The point is not that you 'have' to do anything. It's that you are Both empowered, allowed, and welcome to chase/propose to each other. There's no reason why only one partner should be expected to show their commitment through proposal. And once again, the man, or whoever, should already be putting in the effort to show that he is committed to an exclusive relationship. But sometimes, the man (or whoever) just may not be ready to propose. Perhaps they want to get their finances straight, or do some more internal work, or are unsure if their partner is ready. If Allll the pressure is on him to propose, then that not only leaves the power with him, but also makes for a weak foundation. If both people know that they are welcome to propose, than both parties can signal when they are ready to move forward and empower each other to do so.
@elijahclaude3413 4 күн бұрын
Biweekly assbeating!!! OMFGGGGGGGG 🤣🤣🤣🤣
@ogskullomania3119 4 күн бұрын
If it’s my family we taking him Off the board permanently
@elijahclaude3413 4 күн бұрын
Holy shit yall got me bustin a gut over here smdh. So many great points and great jokes in the first 12 min alone. But yeah, I didn't care for the first Gladiator a whole lot. I watched Troy endlessly, but something about it just didnt grab me when I was young. But ngl... this trailer did something for me. Made me excited to actually go check this out! The set pieces, the action, the music, and the actors all seemed pretty cool.
@venuslove-i1v 4 күн бұрын
Women don't ask men out because a lot of them feel they will lose respect by the man they are interested in. There are men who get asked out sometimes and they treat the women they are with as beneath them or less valuable. A lot of women don't want to be talked to like Simone Biles husband. They want to feel valued because they are hoping to get a man who will take care of them and their children. Of course, this can work both ways. There are women who see their husbands as beneath them, like they did them a favor going out with them after he asked. This is just normalized, even if it is not necessarily right. Women do make a lot of sacrifices when in a relationship with men worldwide, tho. This is not to say men don't, but women lose jobs and the risk of pregnancy increases (pregnancy is no joke). Their societal reputation also changes. They even give up their family name in most cases. But the sacrifices they make usually doesn't influence whether they ask a guy out or not. In fact, I'd argue women have subtle ways of doing it.
@venuslove-i1v 4 күн бұрын
I don't think Mike Ealy meant anything by it but he should have definitely read the room.
@ReshonBryant 4 күн бұрын
Agreed. Been there myself. It's awkward obviously. But, again be a man. Stand on your square and realize who she's leaving with. You can only control your actions.
@venuslove-i1v 4 күн бұрын
Abuse is a spiral. It starts with a slap when someone says you "f'ed up". Abusers eventually usually threaten and make themselves out to be dangerous. When you end up in a cycle of fear that's what makes it challenging. Even when you leave and break up with them, they can make your life a living nightmare. I grew up in an abusive household and even when I left the situation, my abusers stalked me. But I get it. Like, at some point you can keep trying to help someone, but if they don't want you around to help them there's only so much one can do. It has to be handled delicately.
@venuslove-i1v 4 күн бұрын
Denzel at times sounds like a New Yorker in the middle of Ancient Greece. He doesn't attempt to sound like someone from a foreign country at all. I was hoping for a movie that was an IMPROVEMENT from the last one. I didn't like it myself. The music I could care less about. And I think the whole (he's a Roman Emperor thing...and he's tyrannical over slaves. It feels disingenuous. He can definitely land the role as the villain. I'm going to have to pass on this movie. I'm black and usually I am super supportive of blk people in lead roles. But I feel like Denzel was a miscast. There are other blk people who could have done better in that role.
@Lailoken2 4 күн бұрын
I don't completely agree, but I could see other Black Men rocking the role and doing it as well or better. Laurence Fishburn, Don Cheedle come to mind. I think Don would be AMAZING if he really leaned into this one...
@karl_margs 4 күн бұрын
I wonder if the people complaining about hip hop in ancient Rome realize that any modern score would be anacronistic 🤔
@sheldonlamey7010 4 күн бұрын
"Life is like a box of vibranium" absolute masterpiece 😊
@IsYouStillaFan 4 күн бұрын
I think in general it’s more of an American thing to checklist your way into things. Things are just transactional by nature of capitalism.
@tuafraid 4 күн бұрын
I woulda never did that to her
@ReshonBryant 4 күн бұрын
That eye is looking all types of GYAT in the thumbnail🧐🎩
@phillipj1135 4 күн бұрын
"Women give up a lot more then men do in getting married" doesn't jive in the common era. All things being equal and no kids wanted or expected by both participants what are we talking about then?
@jennyanthonia7553 4 күн бұрын
I'm a bit confused by your comment. Could you please elaborate?
@louenatnine51 4 күн бұрын
Empirically, it is still likely in that scenario that the woman will do most of the housework, community building, and household “management” for both parties. Until we fix those issues, which admittedly are getting better as generations progress, I don’t think the one-way “egalitarianism” is useful.
@phillipj1135 4 күн бұрын
@@louenatnine51 no it stands to reason that in are modern society women don't have to do that. Why they choose to do that in any given relationship and why the men they are with let them do that could be conditioning. Equal pay equal amount of time equal skill set same goal which in general is to live a comfortable life with each other. All things being equal anything after that is a choice. A equal relationship is attainable if everybody does everything in the relationship and yall stop assigning roles which is a choice. Otherwise those involved don't actually want that.
@louenatnine51 4 күн бұрын
@@phillipj1135 There’s no gun to women’s collective heads, but the reality is that that work is still shouldered by women. Solutions that include phrases like “everyone should” or “everyone could” only serve to curtail the reality of what is actually happening, and don’t actually provide reasonable means for better solutions. Even so, ironically, your response would be an additional burden of emotional duty on the backs women, rather than an equitable solution to “solving” equal partnership. These lopsided relations don’t happen solely because people are outright assigning roles in their relationships - we are working against hundreds of years of compounded domestic inequality that expects mountains of women and less of men in the home.
@phillipj1135 3 күн бұрын
@@louenatnine51 now and days marriage is mostly a legal contract and a gesture that people like you confuse with the domestic situations that happens on both sides of the event of signing and ceramoney. Realizing my error I got into a aside with you about domestic situations (which are still optional) people entertain while being in a relationship. I actually was just saying that Allen's statement as proposed was a nothing burger that generalized marriage as a absolute win for men and a absolute loss for women which is a fiction. The behavior of people in relations was not attached to that as that happens regardless if there married or not.
@masomamakes2004 4 күн бұрын
36:44 One Piece has 98 filler episodes out of 1112…. Let’s not act like it’s just loaded with filler. The problem with OP specifically is that they stretch scenes to pad the run time by making scenes longer than they need to be and adding pointless cuts and reaction shots
@synthiandrakon 4 күн бұрын
The issue with these kinds of situations, is that if you push too hard they're gonna shut you out, and now not only is you're loved one being abused, they have cut themsleves off from your support
@thomasaquinas399 4 күн бұрын
@ReshonBryant 4 күн бұрын
Yeah, I know what you mean. I've known of an interacial couple in which DV was going on and there was not much I could do. I was friends with both parties, dating the sister of the female being abused, and it just wasn't in my best interest to confront the guy on his territory. Plus, the sister I was dating had her own issues. To make a long story short I left.
@CarmellaWint 4 күн бұрын
In my personal opinion, I’d never have to ask a “good” man that values me to be my bf/husband. The type of man I would classify that way would (and have) asked me. But I also don’t have a problem making the initial approach but from there it’s on him
@b.c.9619 4 күн бұрын
There are *Good* partners out there that are worth asking. Some of them are shy or try not to assume based on hints or behavior. Them not asking does not always mean they don't value you.
@CarmellaWint 4 күн бұрын
@@b.c.9619 which is why I said I have no problem making the first move. Then he knows I’m interested. After that it’s on him
@beatrixxkiddo3572 4 күн бұрын
👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾 I’ll approach a guy but i for damn sure ain’t getting down on one knee for him. Whether it be relationship or marriage.
@Aaronovesfood 4 күн бұрын
No, the reason the marvels didn’t do good is because people don’t care about Captain Marvel she’s not that interesting of a character and it has nothing to do with the fact that she’s a woman
@b.c.9619 4 күн бұрын
I think the current version is dry, sure. Girl boss energy can be great but It doesn't resonate with guys when a character is an instant Mary Sue/Gary Stu. I do think comic book Carol Danvers can be very interesting and you might want to check out when she lost her mind and powers to Rogue and became Binary.
@Aaronovesfood 4 күн бұрын
@@b.c.9619 I get what you’re saying, but most of the people who watch that movie are men and women just don’t care about Captain Marvel
@ReshonBryant 4 күн бұрын
@patrickzebra9972 4 күн бұрын
I bet Kamala has a pretty one but yeah definitely doesn't know how to use it
@Garashima 4 күн бұрын
"Arythmic" fuckin... UNHINGED
@pbs216 4 күн бұрын
As if any of us know what Roman accents sounded like anyway… but I promise you they didn’t sound English lol
@SLATTERDAY 4 күн бұрын
The Forrest Gump in wakanda impression was golden.
@ariw9405 4 күн бұрын
Let’s be honest most men claim to be protectors but they are not. We’ve seen time and time again how many men will justify why they didn’t protect a woman they claimed to love. Men are more likely to be abusers than protectors.
@Corrine416 4 күн бұрын
@Cnichal 4 күн бұрын
You can't force somebody to leave an abusive situation, if they believe that they're worthless. Often, people don't even recognize that they were raised to fold themselves into a pretzel, to get other people to pay them any attention (like parents). Often, people are taught that attention equals love. So they will fold themselves in half (for someone else) just to get this "love". They will believe that this is normal. It's hard to untangle yourself from that belief. You _really_ have to believe, that you can do bad all by yourself. Also, some people absolutely believe that they're not a whole person, if they're not in a relationship. That's even if the abuser treats them worse than the dust under their feet.
@Lailoken2 4 күн бұрын
If I could give this comment an Award, I would. to quote the Mighty Mos Def, "This song NEEDS to be out. NEEDS to be a hit!" ( -
@TrillyThough 4 күн бұрын
My brother was in a physically, verbally, and emotionally abusive relationship with his ex-fiancèe. He knew it and acknowledged it was a fucked up situation. They had brought a home together and were raising their children (all with prior partners). There were a lot of layers of detachment and release he had to go through to leave that situation. He made attempts to leave in the past, even going as far as to hide at me and our other brothers' homes at times when his children weren't in their home. It wasnt easy to watch him go through that, but we helped how we could and I thank God he got free and is in a loving, supportive, safe relationship now with an incredible woman I can't wait to call my sister-in-law.
@GreatGospel97 4 күн бұрын
Most women say they wouldn’t do it because the belief that because most men are so hard up for attention (something that has been echoed by men), they’ll just say yes so they can have attention from a girl but half ass the relationship. I am more of the mind that most women are against it though because being asked implies a sort of “emotional investment.” That being said…hey. Hey.
@phoenixwilliams2040 4 күн бұрын
I love your guys’ takes on the topic about the abuse situation. I think it’s also brave of yall to cover it because it’s sensitive to talk about. As a 22 year old black male, I’ve had a situation where I was dating a woman who put her hands on me and that was the last time I willingly engaged. She tried to get me to come back for MONTHS! I had her blocked on everything and she figured out how to call me from an unknown number. I think when you try and leave it’s so hard to stay gone because the abuser can appeal to your emotions so much. Luckily I stayed strong and didn’t get back with her but it was really tough not to.
@GreatGospel97 4 күн бұрын
Sometimes Josh does genuinely fly very close to the red sun…like I hear what’s he’s saying but I really think he forgets the humanity of women sometimes but this is a reality for all of us-men have the privilege of seeing men as human, and women have the privilege of seeing women as human. Life goes on.
@amiraameera8302 4 күн бұрын
I been knew most shonen is problematic (except FMA and FMAB, which are perfect). I'm still waiting on a hood review of something like Revolutionary Girl Utena.
@Annonymight 4 күн бұрын
I worked with survivors of DV for a long time. They teach us that it takes an average of 7 attempts to leave before an abused partner finally leaves. That was more or less true even with children involved. The dynamics of DV relationships make it so that its not that partners won't leave, its that they can't leave. I hold a lot of compassion for people who think love is physically, emotionally, and mentally painful.
@TrillyThough 4 күн бұрын
This! Working in human services gives you a huge reality check on a lot of these topics podcasts talk about so glibly.
@squirrelsinmykoolaid 4 күн бұрын
​@TrillyThough I wonder why they didn't get someone who has worked with DV survivors for this episode if they were going to discuss it? I believe F.D Signifier has stated he worked with human trafficking survivors or something similar and he has been on this podcast before. I think this discussion could have used a bit more nuance.
@Annonymight 4 күн бұрын
@TrillyThough everyone should be required to do human services work at least once in their life. Understanding how complex humans are allows for compassion and empathy.
@Annonymight 4 күн бұрын
@squirrelsinmykoolaid Agreed about the nuance. I am always scared having these types of conversations without neance is harmful for survivors because they ultimately hold them responsible for "staying" and abusers because we'll never invite them to get help.
@lowlowseesee 3 күн бұрын
Same and spot on
@markstriker925 4 күн бұрын
I think the idea of women being these angels that can change the abusers is harmful towards women. And on top of that we take agency away from women. These two factors are harmful towards women.
@Itsgay2read 4 күн бұрын
Part of the problem with abuse survivors is that there is a lack of protections in place to help them, so many can see staying with their abuser as the only choice. When the Justice system can't and won't help, survivors can be too scared to leave the situation. Our societies judgement on survivors also plays a noticeable part in keeping them in these abusive relationships.
@JonathanYoungZ_Kaiser 5 күн бұрын
Thank god I’m a One Piece fan and immune to any of the criticisms in this video 👀