@lulunautigall9141 Күн бұрын
Realistically, the US could certainly seize all of Canada, northern Mexico and part of the Caribbean in a few weeks rapid war. The US would next sink into economic stagnation because of its pariah status (like Russia since its invasion of Ukraine) and the war would turn into an indefinite impasse (as the rest of the world cannot get a foothold in North America because of logistics). A likely outcome to this conflict would be a negotiated peace agreement where the US would be allowed to annex Canada but would have to evacuate occupied territories in Latin America and give up Hawaii and other American territories in the Pacific.
@Soupcup8993 3 күн бұрын
It would probably take at most 1 year
@heyrakorzlar 7 күн бұрын
That typewriting sound is getting annoying really fast
@FBW83 8 күн бұрын
Can we talk about the fact that Canada lost almost its entire population
@whassup7175 9 күн бұрын
Practically, Canada is now empty
@codylowe1683 9 күн бұрын
In all fairness the world world have a very hard time it's un unified and no has the logistical support that the us does in 2 days the us military can be anywhere in the world not to mention the continental us is literally a fortress we have 2 oceans as a mote and enough resources to supply all off Europe and ourselves for 20 years also the united states has the most heavily armed population in the world even if you got past are military which is the largest and most advanced in the world you would then have to deal with it's citizens which considers about 300 million people in the US own guns you better believe no one could easily beat us
@Anti-capitalistball1870 9 күн бұрын
!Viva cuba desde tierras cafeteras!
@thesebastanian567 10 күн бұрын
As unlikely as this scenario is, I am honestly fascinated by this, especially with the world war that’s about to ensue, a second part would be awesome!
@RaysofdoomWillSendYouToTheVoid 12 күн бұрын
This could only happen without what happened in 2014
@JonasDoherty603 14 күн бұрын
I think a nation with 46% of the world's guns and unmatched industrial capacity could hold out for a while before being overwhelmed by the global forces.
@AllLevi13 14 күн бұрын
How do you do these sims?
@red-gp9ohh 15 күн бұрын
I doubt that Soviets would take all of Korea as they had an agreement with the US to split Korea. The Soviets would stop once they reached the 38th parallel.
@dfmrcv862 15 күн бұрын
This wholly ignores overseas capabilities of the US, abd irl strategy. It iist has us invade Canada and Mexico and then get invaded ourselves.
@liamnixon4428 17 күн бұрын
Fun fact: Tennessee was split over the issue of session and slavery, with the west being fiercely pro-secession and anti-abolitionist, the east being ardently pro-union and anti-slavery, and middle Tennessee was caught in the middle. Tennessee initially held a referendum on secession in 1860, which was rejected by a 51% majority. However after the Battle of Fort Sumter, the Tennessee legislature, dominated by western plantation owners, held a second referendum, which was approved by around 80% of the electorate (mostly white men), making it the last state to secede and join the Confederacy. Despite this, East Tennessee was still pro-union, and attempted to split from the state to become its own (like West Virginia), but this was rejected and immediately crushed by the Confederacy (a bit ironic considering that they wanted to secede from the union), and the union was too far away to help them. Despite this, East Tennesseans engaged in guerrilla warfare against the confederates (notably a series of bridge burnings in 1861), even when East Tennessee was maintaind by the Confederacy throughout the war and the rest of the state was captured by the union. And when the war ended, Tennessee was actually the first state readmitted into the union (after abolishing slavery and ratifying the 13th amendment, likely due to more political influence by the east), in 1866, one year after the war ended. Because of this, Tennessee was the only confederate state that avoided military rule after the war.
@BrianLyons315 17 күн бұрын
How about you do France vs The World.
@user-dn3pi9zs3e 18 күн бұрын
Do decipher darkness? Map
@alicorn3924 19 күн бұрын
I hate that 40% of the comments and most of the replies on this video are some stupid af takes
@emersonbouillon 19 күн бұрын
Mexico is the spviet union of this war
@ItsRainy13 20 күн бұрын
Game name?
@APhilippinesCountryball 21 күн бұрын
You could’ve used Ages Of Conflict…… and made the rest of the world allies and fight the USA…
@lukasweiss4462 22 күн бұрын
Some of the plans of the Japanese for Downfall how depleted the Imperial Army was at that point. Suicide divers holding off the landing ships, one shot rifles and knives for civilians. After a few months best US tank columns would just roll over anything the Japanese had left to throw at them
@vistagreat9994 12 күн бұрын
@lukasweiss4462 12 күн бұрын
@@vistagreat9994 More than that, disgusting. The Emperor was willing to literally sacrifice millions of civilians just to not get tried for his war crimes. "At one point they will be sick of shooting the school girls I throw at them!"
@vistagreat9994 10 күн бұрын
@@lukasweiss4462 ...
@vistagreat9994 10 күн бұрын
When i said "Delusional" i was referring to your "After a few months best US tank columns would just roll over anything the Japanese had left to throw at them". Now *THAT* is completely delusional beyond any sane person's belief. Okinawa lasted nearly 3 months. Naturally, Operation Downfall would NOT last "a few months". Completely delusional. Here is the reality: Operation Downfall would have likely lasted 2 to 3 years...so long as Emperor Hirohito and his family live, so that they can actually organize a surrender - if a delayed one. It only makes sense for the Japanese to only surrender when the Emperor surrenders. If one imagines the horrifying scenario in which the Americans, seeing the utter brutality of the IJA, are convinced that they need to assassinate and kill Emperor Hirohito (just like they did with assasinating Admiral Yamamoto)....then i can't see the Japanese surrendering any time soon....AT ALL. It very clearly wasn't the Emperor who was willing to sacrifice millions. The IJA was, ever since 1928 with their incidents in the Fengtian Clique. It is, by far, very clear that, whilst having an influence on military policy, he was pretty much goaded into it by the Military. There was even an attempt to assassinate him in 1945 just to not have the surrender be achieved. If that was successful, then it is likely that the Japanese would find out, and that it would be Yasuhito who would surrender, likely in the same year. Remember how the USA assasinated Admiral Isoroku no Yamamoto in Operation Vengeance? What if they explicitly assassinated Hirohito and his entire Imperial Family, in a understandable way to try to "lower Japanese morale"? In that scenario...surrender becomes impossible. Why would you even want to negotiate with an enemy when they are at your doorstep, are killing millions, and are destroying your traditions and wish to mold you into what they want you to be? In that scenario, the official war is extended to 4 to 6 years, until the Americans basically declare victory. "Mission accomplished!" except that its in the early 50s. Obviously not 1955, but likely 1949 to 1951. Of course, now they face a population that completely HATES them, and is going to push them out no matter the cost, and has mountain terrain completely covering it. This is NO LONGER a scenario in which the USA can even remotely win. They lost in Vietnam. They lost in Afghanistan. They lost in Iraq. They *WILL* lose in Japan. HORRIBLY. It will just take longer. In that scenario, i expect the USA to evacuate in the 70s to 80s if they wish to remain a capable nation. If they don't evacuate by then...then they will undeniably be pushed out in the 2000s...and collapse becomes inevitable. One also can't forget about the Soviets. They may be able to blitzkrieg into Northern Manchuria, but it will take a while for them to take Southern Manchuria. 2 years, likely. The US will likely liberate Korea by then. And if the Soviets get embroiled into a conflict with the KMT? Well, since Ichi-go failed, Japan would likely just focus on evacuating and destroying CCP remnants, so...forget about Hokkaido and Sakhalin. There is no scenario in which Operation Downfall lasts 3 months. This is simply a delusion. There is an unlikely - but still, terrifyingly likely outcome - in which it lasts 60 years.
@vistagreat9994 10 күн бұрын
Make sure to read my comment about why this video is quite farcical, by the way.
@goobot1 22 күн бұрын
How would any country be able to invade the us? Their navy’s are pathetic in comparison.
@Fusion_4000 17 күн бұрын
Yeah. Once the US takes North America the entire North American or maybe even both American continents becomes a literal fortress. No nation can cross the pacific or Atlantic to invade them. For one the American navy alone is enough to take on the world navy a few times over. The American airforce would dominate the western hemisphere. The land based military would make any enemy landings that make it past the navy and air force radar a complete failure
@matthewbarabas3052 22 күн бұрын
canada lost more than 50% of the population-
@matthewbarabas3052 22 күн бұрын
the soviets dont have enough landing ships to invade hokkaido. and the USA certaintly wont give them any. so, this video is factually wrong.
@TheBuckeyeHistoryGuy1776 8 күн бұрын
What’s makes you think they couldn’t just capture IJN ships in Korean ports and use them for troop transports? Also what about civilian craft? Dunkirk ring any bells? Plus in addition, the Soviet pacific fleet had two cruisers, ten destroyers (and their escorts, and several other smaller craft. Now given Soviet history at this time of using things like the backs of T34s for example for troop transports…….. crowding their destroyers with men doesn’t seem too crazy. It’s not like your asking them to invade Alaska from Vladivostok. It’s literally just them crossing the strait of Tsushima and that’s it. Tsushima could be used as a fueling and resupply station too
@matthewbarabas3052 8 күн бұрын
@@TheBuckeyeHistoryGuy1776 dunkirk was fine, they used civlian craft to *evacuate* troops. landing in a hostile beach is quite another level. also, the IJN will scuttle the ships if the soviets came even 100 kilometers from those troop transports. if they are even in korea. crusiers and destroyers, all six of them in total? no. even if they can operate with impunity (impossible with shore based batteries) they cant carry too many soliders, because they need to carry supplies and weapons, and they arent suitable to land any troops. they wouldnt be able to take even that piddly island, let alone anything else.
@TheBuckeyeHistoryGuy1776 8 күн бұрын
@@matthewbarabas3052 never say never
@creationstation6035 22 күн бұрын
Time stamps: American Blitz Warfare 0:15 Fall of Greenland 🇬🇱 0:19 Attack on the canal of Panama 🇵🇦 0:20 Fall of The Caribbean Islands 0:22 Total Fall of Mèxico 🇲🇽 0:24 Invasion of Guatemala and the Central American Republics 0:26 Fall of Guatemala and Belize 🇧🇿 🇬🇹 0:28 Fall of Nicaragua and Honduras 🇭🇳 🇳🇮 0:30 The end of Central American Republic (C.A.R.) 0:32 Battle of San Jose and Costa Rica 0:32 The clearing of resistance 0:46 The 2nd Phony war 0:47 That’s all for now (:
@vileplumeesperantist 22 күн бұрын
If this was a library book, I'd put it in the DIY section
@andrewmckenzie292 23 күн бұрын
Still think it was the USSR entering the Pacific War and not the atomic bombs that actually made Japan finally realize this was all over.
@agentofchaos3015 23 күн бұрын
nah USA would win
@Reksimy 24 күн бұрын
And these should be done before its late, but with all the potences
@CrazeTheZilla 24 күн бұрын
I love how the music swells as the contiguous 48 are being invaded. No country has been able to touch the US in a significant manner like this in all our history, So seeing Texas, California, and the Northern States getting swept over is straight up surreal
@heitorframos 18 күн бұрын
Maybe it's the toll of almost 10 continuous years of war. America would be on tatters, short on personnel and materiel. You see the World forces even made a brief stop at the pre-war American border before invading. A last surrender offer?
@jacobhansen718 24 күн бұрын
American painter🎨👨‍🎨🖌️
@rustyshackleford234 24 күн бұрын
@brekafest 25 күн бұрын
Make this man a war general
@DotBell-o8y 25 күн бұрын
fake news The USA is the best
@pumpballzzz 25 күн бұрын
Se nota que no sabe geografia de México y canada parece que canada esta solo por estar ya que cae casi de inmediato y mexico igual a pesar de su terreno montañoso que si o si haria que america tuviera que esperar minimo 4 años para tomar mexico
@goobot1 22 күн бұрын
Almost all of Canada’s population is in Toronto and Quebec which is surrounded by the us in 3 directions. After that falls what’s left of Canada to fight back? Grizzly bears? Mexico I kinda agree with, the north would be a quick capture but after that it would be a bit of a fight
@pumpballzzz 22 күн бұрын
@@goobot1 bueno en lo de que después de que tomen el norte México estaría indefenso estoy de acuerdo pero si tardaría un buen rato
@daniv5843 26 күн бұрын
1:49 6/26/24 this is the day when i'm in that day
@Private_jin 28 күн бұрын
wtf happened to canada ☠️☠️☠️
@seanwalters1977 17 күн бұрын
Fought the US
@bocci103 Ай бұрын
“I was 12 years old, and that day was clear... Suddenly I saw a bolt of lightning, or what looked like tens of thousands of lightning bolts flashing in one moment, then a huge explosion rang out, and suddenly the place was completely dark. When I woke up, I found my hair withered, and my clothes were torn. My skin is falling off my body, my flesh is exposed and my bones are exposed. Everyone was suffering from severe burns, and they were crying, screaming and walking on their faces like a line of ghosts. Our city has been covered in complete darkness, after it had only recently been teeming with life. The fields have been burned and there is no longer anything to remind us of life.” hiroshima explosion survivor
@unitedstatesarmy2003 Ай бұрын
@imtemplar1940 Ай бұрын
Imagine surviving this bloody war
@discordgmail5307 Ай бұрын
Nice video
@justthatman7948 Ай бұрын
Exactly what Russian propagandists are trying to say is going on
@reddeserted13 Ай бұрын
It would not have taken 10 years. It would have taken three at the most. There's no way that MacArthur would not have tried what he would eventually do at Inchon.
@vistagreat9994 10 күн бұрын
Duh. Korea would fall to USA. Not the Soviets. The Soviets would take over Northern Manchuria, but not the South - at least, militarily, Peace-treaty wise, they will probably take all of Manchuria. Of course, it will take at least 2 to 3 years, so long as the Emperor isn't explicitly killed by the USA. If he is, against MacArthur's pleas...well...lets just say...the war won't just last a mere 3 years.
@patricklemire9278 Ай бұрын
What are the Japanese eating?
@vistagreat9994 12 күн бұрын
What were the Afghans eating? What were the Iraqis eating? What were the Vietnamese eating?
@DarthJarJar6 Ай бұрын
Well done But china, russia, india alone could beat them in around 5 years
@blueroblox4939 Ай бұрын
keep dreaming
@DarthJarJar6 Ай бұрын
@@blueroblox4939 without NOTO involved
@stephmod7434 2 ай бұрын
I think Ukraine would have double gains in Northern Luhansk even reaching Stepove as Russia wouldnt be as prepared in Luhansk as they were in Zaporizhzhia they would expect the attack to be there!
@stephmod7434 2 ай бұрын
We do not scare easily! We neved bow we never bend! We endor! We overcome! We are America! Second to none! AND WE, OWN THE FINISH LINE!
@anibalcesarnishizk2205 2 ай бұрын
Had the invasion happened, what would our world look like?.What would Japan be like?.
@vistagreat9994 14 күн бұрын
Well, it depends. If Japan's Emperor lives, then the surrender will probably be by 1947, and the populace will submit themselves to MacArthur, like in real life. If Japan's Emperor and his Family doesn't live (read: not assassinated by Japanese, but killed by Americans) , however - there will be no official surrender. Instead, the U.S declare victory by around 1949 to 1951...as they face tens of millions of what would now be considered "holdouts" and a population that absolutely *H A T E S* them, as they attempt to enforce a republic. In mountainous territory. Needless to say, this will NOT go well for America. MacArthur's chances of having a well-governed Japan are ZERO. His death is very likely. In the first scenario, The US wins, no doubt about that. In the second scenario...no one wins, in the end. Mainland Japan will become like Afghanistan, with its population reduced by half, and it will lose ALL of its overseas possessions, whilst the U.S will be forced to evacuate after millions of their soldiers dying - with collapse on the horizon being very likely, alongside a stagnating population.
@anibalcesarnishizk2205 14 күн бұрын
@@vistagreat9994 Very scary indeed.
@vistagreat9994 14 күн бұрын
One cannot forget to mention the Soviets in this scenario. If the Soviets make reasonable concessions against the KMT (Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia, Manchuria), then a Soviet victory against Japanese forces in Manchuria is likely. Korea will likely end up under full U.S liberation, supported by their guerrillas. As for if they didn't, well... First off, the CCP was only able to occupy so much land because of the withdrawal of Japanese forces. With Ichi-Go having failed operationally, and without a surrender, this would mean that their fate in the North China Plains will be one of destruction. Japan will launch a final offensive to destroy any Communist remnants, and then likely withdraw from most of China, as they begin to defend Southern Manchuria. Since the Soviets would have been launching attacks through Mengjiang and into Beijing, it is very likely that their forces may end up in a three-way battle - Soviets vs KMT vs Japan. In this scenario, it is very likely that the KMT wins this battle, and as a result, the Soviets are, inevitably, going to get into conflict with the KMT AND Manchukuo. If the Soviets decide to "bite more than they can chew" - in this case, to either revive the CCP Govt. or to annex China outright, then they are going to get embroiled into a war they can no longer truly win. The Americans will "bite more than they can chew" if they kill the Emperor. The Japanese people will make them chew through an unwinnable war, now that there is no negotiation to be made - now that their Emperor is dead, and likely the rest of the Imperial Family. The Soviets will "bite more than they can chew" if they try to restore the CCP Government entirely, instead of making fair concessions. The KMT and the Chinese will make them chew through an unwinnable war, now that all Communist support is gone, and now that a foreign type of Communism has arrived to murder millions of them. If the Soviets try to force a Communist Republic onto KMT, instead of supporting a local one, then it is very plausible that their collapse will happen much sooner - likely in the 70s to early 80s, than in the 90s. If the US tries to force a Liberal Republic onto Japan after killing their emperor, then it is very plausible that they will fail, and end up withdrawing in the 70s to 80s. If they continue after that, however...then it is very plausible that they collapse completely, by the late 90s to early 2000s - likely even in 2001.
@vistagreat9994 14 күн бұрын
In other words, KMT wins and dominates East and Southeast Asian politics after 2000s.
@lubuskimapper4414 2 ай бұрын
So basicaly what if nukes werent dropped + if japanese govcerment went insane
@kasuterakayo 2 ай бұрын